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ksasteroid.cpp - K Desktop Planetarium
begin : Wed 19 Feb 2003
copyright : (C) 2001 by Jason Harris
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "ksasteroid.h"
#include "dms.h"
#include "ksnumbers.h"
#include "ksutils.h"
#include "kstarsdata.h"
KSAsteroid::KSAsteroid( KStarsData *_kd, QString s, QString imfile,
long double _JD, double _a, double _e, dms _i, dms _w, dms _Node, dms _M, double _H )
: KSPlanetBase(_kd, s, imfile), kd(_kd), JD(_JD), a(_a), e(_e), H(_H), i(_i), w(_w), M(_M), N(_Node) {
setType( 10 ); //Asteroid
setMag( H );
//Compute the orbital Period from Kepler's 3rd law:
P = 365.2568984 * pow(a, 1.5); //period in days
bool KSAsteroid::findGeocentricPosition( const KSNumbers *num, const KSPlanetBase *Earth ) {
//Precess the longitude of the Ascending Node to the desired epoch:
dms n = dms( double( N.Degrees() - 3.82394E-5 * ( num->julianDay() - J2000 )) ).reduce();
//determine the mean anomaly for the desired date. This is the mean anomaly for the
//ephemeis epoch, plus the number of days between the desired date and ephemeris epoch,
//times the asteroid's mean daily motion (360/P):
dms m = dms( double( M.Degrees() + ( num->julianDay() - JD ) * 360.0/P ) ).reduce();
double sinm, cosm;
m.SinCos( sinm, cosm );
//compute eccentric anomaly:
double E = m.Degrees() + e*180.0/dms::PI * sinm * ( 1.0 + e*cosm );
if ( e > 0.05 ) { //need more accurate approximation, iterate...
double E0;
int iter(0);
do {
E0 = E;
E = E0 - ( E0 - e*180.0/dms::PI *sin( E0*dms::DegToRad ) - m.Degrees() )/(1 - e*cos( E0*dms::DegToRad ) );
} while ( fabs( E - E0 ) > 0.001 && iter < 1000 );
double sinE, cosE;
dms E1( E );
E1.SinCos( sinE, cosE );
double xv = a * ( cosE - e );
double yv = a * sqrt( 1.0 - e*e ) * sinE;
//v is the true anomaly; r is the distance from the Sun
double v = atan( yv/xv ) / dms::DegToRad;
//resolve atan ambiguity
if ( xv < 0.0 ) v += 180.0;
double r = sqrt( xv*xv + yv*yv );
//vw is the sum of the true anomaly and the argument of perihelion
dms vw( v + w.Degrees() );
double sinN, cosN, sinvw, cosvw, sini, cosi;
N.SinCos( sinN, cosN );
vw.SinCos( sinvw, cosvw );
i.SinCos( sini, cosi );
//xh, yh, zh are the heliocentric cartesian coords with the ecliptic plane congruent with zh=0.
double xh = r * ( cosN * cosvw - sinN * sinvw * cosi );
double yh = r * ( sinN * cosvw + cosN * sinvw * cosi );
double zh = r * ( sinvw * sini );
//the spherical ecliptic coordinates:
double ELongRad = atan( yh/xh );
//resolve atan ambiguity
if ( xh < 0.0 ) ELongRad += dms::PI;
double ELatRad = atan( zh/r ); //(r can't possibly be negative, so no atan ambiguity)
helEcPos.longitude.setRadians( ELongRad );
helEcPos.latitude.setRadians( ELatRad );
setRsun( r );
if ( Earth ) {
//xe, ye, ze are the Earth's heliocentric cartesian coords
double cosBe, sinBe, cosLe, sinLe;
Earth->ecLong()->SinCos( sinLe, cosLe );
Earth->ecLat()->SinCos( sinBe, cosBe );
double xe = Earth->rsun() * cosBe * cosLe;
double ye = Earth->rsun() * cosBe * sinLe;
double ze = Earth->rsun() * sinBe;
//convert to geocentric ecliptic coordinates by subtracting Earth's coords:
xh -= xe;
yh -= ye;
zh -= ze;
//the spherical geocentricecliptic coordinates:
ELongRad = atan( yh/xh );
//resolve atan ambiguity
if ( xh < 0.0 ) ELongRad += dms::PI;
double rr = sqrt( xh*xh + yh*yh + zh*zh );
ELatRad = atan( zh/rr ); //(rr can't possibly be negative, so no atan ambiguity)
ep.longitude.setRadians( ELongRad );
ep.latitude.setRadians( ELatRad );
if ( Earth ) setRearth( Earth );
EclipticToEquatorial( num->obliquity() );
nutate( num );
aberrate( num );
return true;
//Unused virtual function from KSPlanetBase
bool KSAsteroid::loadData() { return false; }