You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

961 lines
27 KiB

write a kvtml document
begin : Thu Mar 11 20:50:53 MET 1999
copyright : (C) 1999-2001 Ewald Arnold
(C) 2001 The KDE-EDU team
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "kvoctraincore.h"
#include "QueryManager.h"
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <qtextcodec.h>
bool kvoctrainDoc::saveTypeNameKvtMl (XmlWriter &xml)
if (type_descr.size() == 0)
return true;
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.startTag (KV_TYPE_GRP, true, false, true);
for (int lfn = 0; lfn < (int) type_descr.size(); lfn++) {
if (!type_descr[lfn].isNull() ) {
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.startTag (KV_TYPE_DESC, false);
xml.addAttribute (KV_TYPE_NO, lfn+1 );
xml.writeText (type_descr[lfn]);
xml.endTag (KV_TYPE_DESC, true);
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.endTag (KV_TYPE_GRP, true);
return true;
bool kvoctrainDoc::saveTenseNameKvtMl (XmlWriter &xml)
if (tense_descr.size() == 0)
return true;
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.startTag (KV_TENSE_GRP, true, false, true);
for (int lfn = 0; lfn < (int) tense_descr.size(); lfn++) {
if (!tense_descr[lfn].isNull() ) {
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.startTag (KV_TENSE_DESC, false);
xml.addAttribute (KV_TENSE_NO, lfn+1 );
xml.writeText (tense_descr[lfn]);
xml.endTag (KV_TENSE_DESC, true);
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.endTag (KV_TENSE_GRP, true);
return true;
bool kvoctrainDoc::saveUsageNameKvtMl (XmlWriter &xml)
if (usage_descr.size() == 0)
return true;
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.startTag (KV_USAGE_GRP, true, false, true);
for (int lfn = 0; lfn < (int) usage_descr.size(); lfn++) {
if (!usage_descr[lfn].isNull() ) {
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.startTag (KV_USAGE_DESC, false);
xml.addAttribute (KV_USAGE_NO, lfn+1 );
xml.writeText (usage_descr[lfn]);
xml.endTag (KV_USAGE_DESC, true);
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.endTag (KV_USAGE_GRP, true);
return true;
bool kvoctrainDoc::saveLessonKvtMl (XmlWriter &xml)
if (lesson_descr.size() == 0)
return true;
xml.writeText(" "); // indent entry a bit
xml.startTag (KV_LESS_GRP, false);
xml.addAttribute (KV_SIZEHINT, getSizeHint (-1));
xml.closeTag(false, true);
for (int lfn = 0; lfn < (int) lesson_descr.size(); lfn++) {
if (!lesson_descr[lfn].isNull() ) {
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.startTag (KV_LESS_DESC, false);
xml.addAttribute (KV_LESS_NO, lfn+1 );
if (getCurrentLesson() == lfn+1)
xml.addAttribute (KV_LESS_CURR, (QString) "1" );
if (lfn < (int) lessons_in_query.size() && lessons_in_query[lfn])
xml.addAttribute (KV_LESS_QUERY, (QString) "1" );
xml.writeText (lesson_descr[lfn]);
xml.endTag (KV_LESS_DESC, true);
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.endTag (KV_LESS_GRP, true);
return true;
bool kvoctrainDoc::saveConjug (const Conjugation &curr_conjug, QString type,
XmlWriter &xml, QString identstr)
bool linefeed = type == CONJ_PREFIX;
if (linefeed)
identstr+" ";
identstr = "";
if (!curr_conjug.pers1Singular(type).isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_CON_P1S, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (curr_conjug.pers1Singular(type));
xml.endTag (KV_CON_P1S, linefeed);
if (!curr_conjug.pers2Singular(type).isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_CON_P2S, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (curr_conjug.pers2Singular(type));
xml.endTag (KV_CON_P2S, linefeed);
bool common = curr_conjug.pers3SingularCommon(type);
if (!curr_conjug.pers3FemaleSingular(type).isEmpty()
|| common) {
xml.startTag (KV_CON_P3SF, false, false, false);
if (common)
xml.addAttribute (KV_CONJ_COMMON, common);
xml.closeTag(false, false);
xml.writeText (curr_conjug.pers3FemaleSingular(type));
xml.endTag (KV_CON_P3SF, linefeed);
if (!curr_conjug.pers3MaleSingular(type).isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_CON_P3SM, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (curr_conjug.pers3MaleSingular(type));
xml.endTag (KV_CON_P3SM, linefeed);
if (!curr_conjug.pers3NaturalSingular(type).isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_CON_P3SN, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (curr_conjug.pers3NaturalSingular(type));
xml.endTag (KV_CON_P3SN, linefeed);
if (!curr_conjug.pers1Plural(type).isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_CON_P1P, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (curr_conjug.pers1Plural(type));
xml.endTag (KV_CON_P1P, linefeed);
if (!curr_conjug.pers2Plural(type).isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_CON_P2P, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (curr_conjug.pers2Plural(type));
xml.endTag (KV_CON_P2P, linefeed);
common = curr_conjug.pers3PluralCommon(type);
if (!curr_conjug.pers3FemalePlural(type).isEmpty()
|| common) {
xml.startTag (KV_CON_P3PF, false, false, false);
if (common)
xml.addAttribute (KV_CONJ_COMMON, common);
xml.closeTag(false, false);
xml.writeText (curr_conjug.pers3FemalePlural(type));
xml.endTag (KV_CON_P3PF, linefeed);
if (!curr_conjug.pers3MalePlural(type).isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_CON_P3PM, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (curr_conjug.pers3MalePlural(type));
xml.endTag (KV_CON_P3PM, linefeed);
if (!curr_conjug.pers3NaturalPlural(type).isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_CON_P3PN, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (curr_conjug.pers3NaturalPlural(type));
xml.endTag (KV_CON_P3PN, linefeed);
return true;
bool kvoctrainDoc::saveConjugHeader(vector<Conjugation> &curr_conjug,
XmlWriter &xml)
<conjugation> used in header for definiton of "prefix"
<e l="de"> lang determines also lang order in entries !!
<s1>I</s1> which must NOT differ
<s3f common="0">he</s3f>
<p3f common="1">they</p3f>
if (curr_conjug.size() == 0)
return true;
xml.writeText(" "); // indent entry a bit
xml.startTag (KV_CONJUG_GRP, false);
xml.closeTag(false, true);
QString def, indef, s;
for (int ent = 0; ent < QMIN((int) curr_conjug.size(), numLangs()); ent++) {
xml.writeText(" "); // indent entry a bit
xml.startTag (KV_CON_ENTRY, false);
if (ent == 0) {
s = getOriginalIdent().stripWhiteSpace();
if (s.isEmpty() )
s = "original";
else {
s = getIdent(ent).stripWhiteSpace();
if (s.isEmpty() ) {
s.setNum (ent);
s.insert (0, "translation ");
xml.addAttribute (KV_LANG, s);
xml.closeTag(false, true);
if (!saveConjug (curr_conjug[ent], CONJ_PREFIX, xml, " ") )
return false;
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.endTag (KV_CON_ENTRY, true);
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.endTag (KV_CONJUG_GRP, true);
return true;
bool kvoctrainDoc::saveComparison (const Comparison &comp,
XmlWriter &xml, int ident)
if (comp.isEmpty())
return true;
QString identstr;
identstr.fill (' ', ident+1);
xml.startTag (KV_COMPARISON_GRP, false);
xml.closeTag(false, true);
xml.writeText(identstr+" ");
if (!comp.l1().isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_COMP_L1, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (comp.l1());
xml.endTag (KV_COMP_L1, false);
if (!comp.l2().isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_COMP_L2, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (comp.l2());
xml.endTag (KV_COMP_L2, false);
if (!comp.l3().isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_COMP_L3, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (comp.l3());
xml.endTag (KV_COMP_L3, false);
xml.endTag (KV_COMPARISON_GRP, true);
xml.writeText(identstr); // indent next element
return true;
bool kvoctrainDoc::saveMultipleChoice (const MultipleChoice &mc,
XmlWriter &xml, int ident)
<mc4>best 2</mc4>
<mc5>best 3</mc5>
if (mc.isEmpty())
return true;
QString identstr;
identstr.fill (' ', ident+1);
xml.startTag (KV_MULTIPLECHOICE_GRP, false);
xml.closeTag(false, true);
xml.writeText(identstr+" ");
if (!mc.mc1().isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_MC_1, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (mc.mc1());
xml.endTag (KV_MC_1, false);
if (!mc.mc2().isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_MC_2, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (mc.mc2());
xml.endTag (KV_MC_2, false);
if (!mc.mc3().isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_MC_3, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (mc.mc3());
xml.endTag (KV_MC_3, false);
if (!mc.mc4().isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_MC_4, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (mc.mc4());
xml.endTag (KV_MC_4, false);
if (!mc.mc5().isEmpty() ) {
xml.startTag (KV_MC_5, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (mc.mc5());
xml.endTag (KV_MC_5, false);
xml.endTag (KV_MULTIPLECHOICE_GRP, true);
xml.writeText(identstr); // indent next element
return true;
bool kvoctrainDoc::saveConjugEntry (Conjugation &curr_conjug,
XmlWriter &xml,
int ident)
<conjugation> in entry for definition of tenses of (irreg.) verbs
<t n="sipa">
if (curr_conjug.numEntries() == 0 )
return true;
QString identstr;
identstr.fill (' ', ident+1);
xml.writeText(identstr); // indent entry a bit
xml.startTag (KV_CONJUG_GRP, false);
xml.closeTag(false, true);
QString def, indef, s;
QString type;
for (int lfn = 0; lfn < (int) curr_conjug.numEntries(); lfn++) {
xml.writeText(identstr+" "); // indent entry a bit
xml.startTag (KV_CON_TYPE, false);
type = curr_conjug.getType(lfn);
xml.addAttribute (KV_CON_NAME, type);
xml.closeTag(false, false);
if (!saveConjug (curr_conjug, curr_conjug.getType(lfn), xml, identstr) )
return false;
xml.endTag (KV_CON_TYPE, true);
xml.endTag (KV_CONJUG_GRP, true);
xml.writeText(identstr); // indent next element
return true;
bool kvoctrainDoc::saveArticleKvtMl (XmlWriter &xml)
<e l="de"> lang determines also lang order in entries !!
<fi>eine</fi> which must NOT differ
if (articles.size() == 0)
return true;
xml.writeText(" "); // indent entry a bit
xml.startTag (KV_ARTICLE_GRP, false);
xml.closeTag(false, true);
QString def, indef, s;
for (int lfn = 0; lfn < QMIN((int) articles.size(), numLangs()); lfn++) {
xml.writeText(" "); // indent entry a bit
xml.startTag (KV_ART_ENTRY, false);
if (lfn == 0) {
s = getOriginalIdent().stripWhiteSpace();
if (s.isEmpty() )
s = "original";
else {
s = getIdent(lfn).stripWhiteSpace();
if (s.isEmpty() ) {
s.setNum (lfn);
s.insert (0, "translation ");
xml.addAttribute (KV_LANG, s);
xml.closeTag(false, true);
articles[lfn].female(def, indef);
if (!def.isEmpty() ) {
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.startTag (KV_ART_FD, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (def);
xml.endTag (KV_ART_FD, true);
if (!indef.isEmpty() ) {
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.startTag (KV_ART_FI, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (indef);
xml.endTag (KV_ART_FI, true);
articles[lfn].male(def, indef);
if (!def.isEmpty() ) {
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.startTag (KV_ART_MD, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (def);
xml.endTag (KV_ART_MD, true);
if (!indef.isEmpty() ) {
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.startTag (KV_ART_MI, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (indef);
xml.endTag (KV_ART_MI, true);
articles[lfn].natural(def, indef);
if (!def.isEmpty() ) {
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.startTag (KV_ART_ND, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (def);
xml.endTag (KV_ART_ND, true);
if (!indef.isEmpty() ) {
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.startTag (KV_ART_NI, true, false, false);
xml.writeText (indef);
xml.endTag (KV_ART_NI, true);
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.endTag (KV_ART_ENTRY, true);
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.endTag (KV_ARTICLE_GRP, true);
return true;
bool kvoctrainDoc::saveOptionsKvtMl (XmlWriter &xml)
xml.writeText(" "); // indent entry a bit
xml.startTag (KV_OPTION_GRP, false);
xml.closeTag(false, true);
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.startTag (KV_OPT_SORT, false);
xml.addAttribute (KV_BOOL_FLAG, sort_allowed );
xml.closeTag (true, true);
xml.writeText(" ");
xml.endTag (KV_OPTION_GRP, true);
return true;
bool kvoctrainDoc::saveToKvtMl (QTextStream& os, QString &title) {
bool first_expr = true;
XmlWriter xml (os);
xml.setAutoEndl (false);
xml.startTag ("!DOCTYPE", false);
xml.writeText (" kvtml SYSTEM \"kvoctrain.dtd\"");
xml.closeTag (false, true);
xml.startTag ("!--", false, true, true);
xml.writeText ("\nThis is a machine generated file.\n"
"Be careful when editing here.\n"
"Short definition:\n"
"lesson lesson group\n"
" desc name\n"
" %no its index\n"
" %query is in query selection\n"
" %current is current lesson\n"
"type type group\n"
" desc name\n"
" %no its index\n"
"e entry of dictionary\n"
" %s is selected\n"
" %m lesson member\n"
" %t common expression type\n"
" o original\n"
" %q in query (\"o\" is given, \"t\" is wanted)\n"
" %l language code\n"
" %r remark\n"
" %p pronunciation\n"
" %width column width\n"
" %t expression type (see QueryManager.h)\n"
" %tf false friend from\n"
" %ff false friend to\n"
" %a antonym\n"
" %y synonym\n"
" %x example\n"
" %u usage label\n"
" %h paraphrase\n"
" t translation ..\n"
" %q in query (\"t\" is given, \"o\" is wanted)\n"
" %l language code\n"
" %r remark\n"
" %p pronunciation\n"
" %width column width\n"
" %t expression type\n"
" %tf false friend from\n"
" %ff false friend to\n"
" %a antonym\n"
" %y synonym\n"
" %x example\n"
" %u usage label\n"
" %h paraphrase\n"
" %d last query date (from;to)\n"
" %w dito, compressed and deprecated\n"
" %g grade (from;to)\n"
" %c count (from;to)\n"
" %b bad count (from;to)\n"
"\nValid xml means:\n"
" - Close all tags\n"
" - Keep proper hierarchy\n"
" - All attributes are quoted\n"
xml.closeTag (false, true);
xml.writeText ("\n ");
xml.startTag (KV_DOCTYPE, false);
xml.writeText ("\n ");
xml.addAttribute (KV_ENCODING, (QString)"UTF-8");
xml.writeText ("\n ");
xml.writeText ("\n ");
xml.addAttribute (KV_COLS, numLangs() );
xml.writeText ("\n ");
xml.addAttribute (KV_LINES, numEntries() );
if (!title.isEmpty()) {
xml.writeText ("\n ");
xml.addAttribute (KV_TITLE, getTitle() );
doctitle = title;
else if (!doctitle.isEmpty()) {
xml.writeText ("\n ");
xml.addAttribute (KV_TITLE, doctitle);
if (!author.isEmpty()) {
xml.writeText ("\n ");
xml.addAttribute (KV_AUTHOR, getAuthor() );
if (!license.isEmpty()) {
xml.writeText ("\n ");
xml.addAttribute (KV_LICENSE, getLicense() );
if (!doc_remark.isEmpty()) {
xml.writeText ("\n ");
xml.addAttribute (KV_DOC_REM, getDocRemark() );
xml.closeTag (false, true);
xml.writeText ("\n");
if (!saveLessonKvtMl(xml))
return false;
if (!saveArticleKvtMl(xml))
return false;
if (!saveConjugHeader(conjugations, xml))
return false;
if (!saveOptionsKvtMl(xml))
return false;
if (!saveTypeNameKvtMl(xml))
return false;
if (!saveTenseNameKvtMl(xml))
return false;
if (!saveUsageNameKvtMl(xml))
return false;
QString q_org, q_trans;
vector<kvoctrainExpr>::const_iterator first = vocabulary.begin ();
getQueryLang (q_org, q_trans);
int ent_no = 0;
int ent_percent = (int) vocabulary.size () / 100;
float f_ent_percent = (int) vocabulary.size () / 100.0;
emit progressChanged(this, 0);
while (first != vocabulary.end ()) {
xml.writeText(" "); // indent entry a bit
xml.startTag (KV_EXPR, false);
if (ent_percent != 0 && (ent_no % ent_percent) == 0 )
emit progressChanged(this, ent_no / (int) f_ent_percent);
if ((*first).getLesson() != 0) { // entry belongs to lesson x
QString ls;
int lm = (*first).getLesson();
if (lm > (int) lesson_descr.size() ) { // should not be
kdError() << "index of lesson member too high: " << lm << endl;
lm = 0;
ls.setNum (lm);
xml.addAttribute (KV_LESS_MEMBER, ls);
if ((*first).isInQuery()) { // entry was selected for query
xml.addAttribute (KV_SELECTED, (QString) "1");
if (!(*first).isActive()) { // entry was inactive
xml.addAttribute (KV_INACTIVE, (QString) "1");
if ((*first).uniqueType() && !(*first).getType(0).isEmpty()) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_EXPRTYPE, (*first).getType(0));
xml.closeTag ();
xml.startTag (KV_ORG, false);
if (first_expr) { // save space, only tell language in first entry
QString s;
s.setNum (getSizeHint (0));
xml.addAttribute (KV_SIZEHINT, s);
s = getOriginalIdent().stripWhiteSpace();
if (s.isEmpty() )
s = "original";
xml.addAttribute (KV_LANG, s);
if (s == q_org)
xml.addAttribute (KV_QUERY, (QString) KV_O);
else if (s == q_trans)
xml.addAttribute (KV_QUERY, (QString) KV_T);
if (!(*first).getRemark(0).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_REMARK, (*first).getRemark(0));
if (!(*first).getSynonym(0).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_SYNONYM, (*first).getSynonym(0));
if (!(*first).getExample(0).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_EXAMPLE, (*first).getExample(0));
if (!(*first).getUsageLabel(0).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_USAGE, (*first).getUsageLabel(0));
if (!(*first).getParaphrase(0).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_PARAPHRASE, (*first).getParaphrase(0));
if (!(*first).getAntonym(0).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_ANTONYM, (*first).getAntonym(0));
if (!(*first).getPronunce(0).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_PRONUNCE, (*first).getPronunce(0));
if (!(*first).uniqueType() && !(*first).getType(0).isEmpty()) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_EXPRTYPE, (*first).getType(0));
xml.closeTag ();
if (!saveMultipleChoice ((*first).getMultipleChoice(0), xml, 1))
return false;
QString s;
QString entype = s = (*first).getType(0);
int pos = s.find (QM_TYPE_DIV);
if (pos >= 0)
entype = s.left (pos);
entype = s;
if ( entype == QM_VERB
&& (*first).getConjugation(0).numEntries() > 0) {
Conjugation conj = (*first).getConjugation(0);
if (!saveConjugEntry(conj, xml, 1))
return false;
else if (entype == QM_ADJ
&& !(*first).getComparison(0).isEmpty()) {
Comparison comp = (*first).getComparison(0);
if (!saveComparison (comp, xml, 1))
return false;
xml.writeText( (*first).getOriginal());
xml.endTag (KV_ORG);
int trans = 1;
while (trans < (int)langs.size()) {
xml.startTag (KV_TRANS, false);
if (first_expr) { // save space, only tell language in first entry
QString s;
s.setNum (getSizeHint (trans));
xml.addAttribute (KV_SIZEHINT, s);
s = getIdent(trans).stripWhiteSpace();
if (s.isEmpty() ) {
s.setNum (trans);
s.insert (0, "translation ");
xml.addAttribute (KV_LANG, s);
if (s == q_org)
xml.addAttribute (KV_QUERY, (QString) KV_O);
else if (s == q_trans)
xml.addAttribute (KV_QUERY, (QString) KV_T);
QString s1, s2;
if ((*first).getGrade(trans, false) != 0
||(*first).getGrade(trans, true) != 0) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_GRADE, (*first).gradeStr(trans, false)
+(*first).gradeStr(trans, true));
if ((*first).getQueryCount(trans, false) != 0
||(*first).getQueryCount(trans, true) != 0) {
s1.setNum((*first).getQueryCount(trans, false));
s2.setNum((*first).getQueryCount(trans, true));
xml.addAttribute (KV_COUNT, s1 +';' +s2);
if ((*first).getBadCount(trans, false) != 0
||(*first).getBadCount(trans, true) != 0) {
s1.setNum((*first).getBadCount(trans, false));
s2.setNum((*first).getBadCount(trans, true));
xml.addAttribute (KV_BAD, s1 +';' +s2);
if ((*first).getQueryDate(trans, false) != 0
||(*first).getQueryDate(trans, true) != 0) {
s1.setNum((*first).getQueryDate(trans, false));
s2.setNum((*first).getQueryDate(trans, true));
xml.addAttribute (KV_DATE, s1 +';' +s2);
if (!(*first).getRemark(trans).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_REMARK, (*first).getRemark(trans));
if (!(*first).getFauxAmi(trans, false).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_FAUX_AMI_F, (*first).getFauxAmi(trans, false));
if (!(*first).getFauxAmi(trans, true).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_FAUX_AMI_T, (*first).getFauxAmi(trans, true));
if (!(*first).getSynonym(trans).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_SYNONYM, (*first).getSynonym(trans));
if (!(*first).getExample(trans).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_EXAMPLE, (*first).getExample(trans));
if (!(*first).getUsageLabel(trans).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_USAGE, (*first).getUsageLabel(trans));
if (!(*first).getParaphrase(trans).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_PARAPHRASE, (*first).getParaphrase(trans));
if (!(*first).getAntonym(trans).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_ANTONYM, (*first).getAntonym(trans));
if (!(*first).getPronunce(trans).isEmpty() ) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_PRONUNCE, (*first).getPronunce(trans));
if (!(*first).uniqueType() && !(*first).getType(trans).isEmpty()) {
xml.addAttribute (KV_EXPRTYPE, (*first).getType(trans));
xml.closeTag ();
// only save conjugations when type == verb
if (!saveMultipleChoice ((*first).getMultipleChoice(trans), xml, 1))
return false;
QString s;
QString entype = s = (*first).getType(0);
int pos = s.find (QM_TYPE_DIV);
if (pos >= 0)
entype = s.left (pos);
entype = s;
if ( entype == QM_VERB
&& (*first).getConjugation(trans).numEntries() > 0) {
Conjugation conj = (*first).getConjugation(trans);
if (!saveConjugEntry(conj, xml, 1+trans))
return false;
if ( entype == QM_ADJ
&& !(*first).getComparison(trans).isEmpty()) {
Comparison comp = (*first).getComparison(trans);
if (!saveComparison (comp, xml, 1+trans))
return false;
xml.endTag (KV_TRANS);
xml.endTag (KV_EXPR, true);
first_expr = false;
xml.endTag (KV_DOCTYPE, true);
setModified (false);
return os.device()->status() == IO_Ok;