<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kcfg xmlns="http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0"
http://www.kde.org/standards/kcfg/1.0/kcfg.xsd" >
<kcfgfile name="ktouchrc"/>
<group name="Colors" >
<entry type="Int" name="CurrentColorScheme" >
<label >The number of the current color scheme.</label>
<default >1</default>
<entry type="Bool" name="CommonTypingLineColors" >
<label >Use the same typing line colors independent of color scheme.</label>
<default code="true" >false</default>
<entry type="Color" name="TeacherBackgroundColor" >
<label >The background color for the teacher's line.</label>
<default >#bebeff</default>
<entry type="Color" name="TeacherTextColor" >
<label >The text color for the teacher's line</label>
<default >#000032</default>
<entry type="Color" name="StudentBackgroundColor" >
<label >The background color for the student's line.</label>
<default >#aoffao</default>
<entry type="Color" name="StudentTextColor" >
<label >The text color for the student's line</label>
<default >#003200</default>
<entry type="Bool" name="ColorOnError" >
<label >Whether to use a different background for wrong text or not.</label>
<default code="true" >true</default>
<entry type="Color" name="ErrorBackgroundColor" >
<label >The background color for wrong text (students line).</label>
<default >#ac0000</default>
<entry type="Color" name="ErrorTextColor" >
<label >The text color for wrong text (students line).</label>
<default >#ffffff</default>
<group name="General" >
<entry type="Bool" name="BeepOnError" >
<label >Emit a beep on each typing error</label>
<default code="true" >true</default>
<entry type="Bool" name="SoundOnLevel" >
<label >Play a sound on automatic level change</label>
<default code="true" >true</default>
<entry type="Int" name="SlidingSpeed" >
<label >The sliding speed</label>
<default code="true" >5</default>
<entry type="Int" name="MaxSlidingWidgetHeight" >
<label >The maximum height of the sliding widget</label>
<default code="true" >200</default>
<entry type="Bool" name="OverrideLectureFont" >
<label >Override the default/predefined lecture fonts.</label>
<default code="true" >false</default>
<entry type="Font" name="Font" >
<label >The font for the student and teacher lines</label>
<default code="true">TQFont("Monospace")</default>
<entry type="Path" name="CurrentLectureFile" >
<label >The currently loaded lecture file</label>
<default code="true">"default"</default>
<entry type="Bool" name="Right2LeftTyping" >
<label >Whether we use right-to-left typing.</label>
<default code="true">false</default>
<group name="Keyboard" >
<entry type="Bool" name="ShowAnimation" >
<label >Whether to use colors on the keys or not.</label>
<default code="true" >true</default>
<entry type="Bool" name="HideKeyboard" >
<label >Whether to hide the keyboard display.</label>
<default code="true" >false</default>
<entry type="Bool" name="OverrideKeyboardFont" >
<label >Whether to override the default/predefined keyboard fonts.</label>
<default code="true" >false</default>
<entry type="Font" name="KeyboardFont" >
<label >The font for the keys on the keyboard</label>
<default >KGlobalSettings::generalFont()</default>
<entry type="Path" name="CurrentKeyboardFile" >
<label >The currently loaded keyboard file</label>
<default >"number.keyboard"</default>
<group name="Training" >
<entry type="Bool" name="AutoLevelChange" >
<label >Allow automatic level adjustments</label>
<default code="true" >true</default>
<entry type="Bool" name="DisableManualLevelChange" >
<label >Disable manual level adjustments when auto-level change is enabled</label>
<default code="true" >false</default>
<entry type="Bool" name="RememberLevel" >
<label >Remember the current level for the next KTouch start</label>
<default code="true" >true</default>
<entry type="Int" name="CurrentTrainingLevel" >
<label >The current training level</label>
<default >0</default>
<entry type="Int" name="UpSpeedLimit" >
<label >Number of chars per minute to increase a level</label>
<default >120</default>
<entry type="Int" name="UpCorrectLimit" >
<label >Percentage of correctness to increase a level</label>
<default >85</default>
<entry type="Int" name="DownSpeedLimit" >
<label >Number of chars per minute to decrease a level</label>
<default >60</default>
<entry type="Int" name="DownCorrectLimit" >
<label >Percentage of correctness to decrease a level</label>
<default >60</default>