You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

645 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2003 Cies Breijs <cies # kde ! nl>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// Note on this file:
// It tqcontains 200 lines of code just to make sure very long line are drawn correctly
// till a certain extent... Beyond that extent the code just cuts the crap, since use user
// it then probably not doing anything usefull anymore; so he she will not notice the code
// is cheating a bit in order to prevent CPU hogging.
// If anyone has a good fix for this problem, than please test it with these logo scripts:
// # bastard script 1
// reset
// canvassize 350,348
// center
// for x = 1 to 255 [
// fw x
// tr x / 65
// ]
// # bastard script 2
// reset
// canvassize 350,350
// center
// for x = 1 to 255 [
// fw x*x
// tr x
// ]
// Thanks for looking at the code of KTurtle!
// Updated 21.10.2004 by Kiril Jovchev
// -- Changed that position is kept in double values.
// This makes accuracy higher.
// BEGIN includes, defines and constants
#include <cmath>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include "settings.h"
#include "canvas.h"
// this function is used in executer and canvas:
#define ROUND2INT(x) ( (x) >= 0 ? (int)( (x) + .5 ) : (int)( (x) - .5 ) )
const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
const double DEG2RAD = 3.14159265358979323846/180;
// END
// BEGIN public methods
Canvas::Canvas(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : TQCanvasView(0, parent, name)
// Create a new canvas for this view
canvas = new TQCanvas(parent);
canvas->setAdvancePeriod(250); // refresh-rate in [ms]
// set initial values
// at last we assign the canvas to the view
delete sprite;
delete spriteFrames;
TQPixmap* Canvas::canvas2Pixmap()
pixmap = TQPixmap( canvas->width(), canvas->height() );
TQPainter painter(&pixmap);
canvas->drawArea(canvas->rect(), &painter);
return &pixmap;
// END
// BEGIN public slots
void Canvas::slotClear()
TQCanvasItemList list = canvas->allItems();
TQCanvasItemList::Iterator it = list.begin();
for (; it != list.end(); ++it)
// kill everything but the turtle (who lives on a seperate layer)
if ( *it && !( (*it)->z() == 250 ) ) delete *it;
void Canvas::slotClearSpriteToo()
TQCanvasItemList list = canvas->allItems();
TQCanvasItemList::Iterator it = list.begin();
for (; it != list.end(); ++it)
if (*it) delete *it;
void Canvas::slotGo(double x, double y)
int intX = ROUND2INT(x);
int intY = ROUND2INT(y);
if ( wrap && !canvas->onCanvas(intX, intY) )
TQPoint offsetPoint = offset(intX, intY);
posX = x - ( offsetPoint.x() * canvasWidth );
posY = y - ( offsetPoint.y() * canvasHeight );
posX = x;
posY = y;
void Canvas::slotGoX(double x)
int intX = ROUND2INT(x);
int intPosY = ROUND2INT(posY);
if ( wrap && !canvas->onCanvas(intX, intPosY) )
TQPoint offsetPoint = offset(intX, intPosY);
posX = x - ( offsetPoint.x() * canvasWidth );
else posX = x;
void Canvas::slotGoY(double y)
int intY = ROUND2INT(y);
int intPosX = ROUND2INT(posX);
if ( wrap && !canvas->onCanvas(intPosX, intY) )
TQPoint offsetPoint = offset(intPosX, intY);
posY = y - ( offsetPoint.y() * canvasHeight );
else posY = y;
void Canvas::slotForward(double x)
double posXnew = posX + ( x * sin(direction * DEG2RAD) );
double posYnew = posY - ( x * cos(direction * DEG2RAD) );
if (pen) lineShell(posX, posY, posXnew, posYnew);
slotGo(posXnew, posYnew);
void Canvas::slotBackward(double x)
double posXnew = posX - ( x * sin(direction * DEG2RAD) );
double posYnew = posY + ( x * cos(direction * DEG2RAD) );
if (pen) lineShell(posX, posY, posXnew, posYnew);
slotGo(posXnew, posYnew);
void Canvas::slotDirection(double deg)
direction = deg;
void Canvas::slotTurnLeft(double deg)
direction = direction - deg;
void Canvas::slotTurnRight(double deg)
direction = direction + deg;
void Canvas::slotCenter()
posX = canvasWidth / 2;
posY = canvasHeight / 2;
void Canvas::slotSetPenWidth(int w)
if (w == 1) penWidth = 0; // 0 gives 1 pixel lines using fast algorithem
else penWidth = w;
void Canvas::slotPenUp()
pen = false;
void Canvas::slotPenDown()
pen = true;
void Canvas::slotSetFgColor(int r, int g, int b)
// shouldn't it be checked if: ( 0 =< r, g, b =< 255) ?
fgR = r;
fgG = g;
fgB = b;
void Canvas::slotSetBgColor(int r, int g, int b)
canvas->setBackgroundColor( TQColor(r, g, b) );
void Canvas::slotResizeCanvas(int x, int y)
if (x <= 0 || y <= 0)
// TODO put error message
x = 100;
y = 100;
canvasWidth = x;
canvasHeight = y;
canvas->resize(x, y);
emit CanvasResized();
// I'm having major problems with the canvas and qt-3.2
// qt-3.3 will fix it and the supposed fix is allready in qt-copy
// i'll not work any further on sprites, while i dont have qt-3.3 or a fresh qt-copy
void Canvas::slotSpriteShow()
void Canvas::slotSpriteHide()
void Canvas::slotSpritePress()
void Canvas::slotSpriteChange(int x)
sprite->move(ROUND2INT(posX - sprite->width()/2), ROUND2INT(posY - sprite->height()/2));
void Canvas::slotPrint(TQString text)
TQCanvasText* t = new TQCanvasText(text, font, canvas);
// text does not do the wrapping, never... sorry
t->setColor( TQColor(fgR, fgG, fgB) );
t->move(ROUND2INT(posX), ROUND2INT(posY));
void Canvas::slotFontType(TQString family, TQString extra)
font.setBold( extra.tqcontains("bold") > 0 );
font.setItalic( extra.tqcontains("italic") > 0 );
font.setUnderline( extra.tqcontains("underline") > 0 );
font.setOverline( extra.tqcontains("overline") > 0 );
font.setStrikeOut( extra.tqcontains("strikeout") > 0 );
void Canvas::slotFontSize(int px)
void Canvas::slotWrapOn()
wrap = true;
void Canvas::slotWrapOff()
wrap = false;
void Canvas::slotReset()
// END
// BEGIN private methods
void Canvas::initValues()
// canvas size
slotResizeCanvas( Settings::canvasWidth(), Settings::canvasHeight() );
canvasWidth = Settings::canvasWidth();
canvasHeight = Settings::canvasHeight();
// colors
canvas->setBackgroundColor( TQColor(255, 255, 255) ); // background
fgR = 0; // pencolor (forground)
fgG = 0;
fgB = 0;
// pen, wrap, direction and font
penWidth = 0;
pen = true;
wrap = true;
direction = 0;
font = TQFont("serif", 18);
// the position
posX = canvasWidth / 2;
posY = canvasHeight / 2;
// construct the default sprite
void Canvas::lineShell(double xa, double ya, double xb, double yb)
// line can fallback into this function in case of cutLoop == true
cutLoop = false;
// Reset the loop detection memory
prevStartPos3 = prevStartPos2 = prevStartPos1 = prevEndPos3 = prevEndPos2 = prevEndPos1 = TQPoint(0, 0);
// and go!
line(xa, ya, xb, yb);
void Canvas::line(double xa, double ya, double xb, double yb)
TQCanvasLine* l = new TQCanvasLine(canvas);
int intXa = ROUND2INT(xa);
int intYa = ROUND2INT(ya);
int intXb = ROUND2INT(xb);
int intYb = ROUND2INT(yb);
l->setPoints(intXa, intYa, intXb, intYb);
l->setPen( TQPen(TQColor(fgR, fgG, fgB), penWidth, SolidLine) );
// kdDebug(0)<<"Canvas::line(); xa:"<<xa<<", ya:"<<ya<<", xb:"<<xb<<", yb:"<<yb<<endl;
if ( wrap && !canvas->onCanvas( ROUND2INT(xb), ROUND2INT(yb) ) )
if (endlessLoop( TQPoint(intXa, intYa), TQPoint(intXb, intYb) ) == true) // detect for endless loop
kdDebug(0)<<"Canvas::line(): ENDLESS LOOP DETECTED, BROKE THE LOOP"<<endl;
cutLoop = true;
TQPoint translation = translationFactor(xa, ya, xb, yb);
if (translation == TQPoint(0, 0) )
// this could never happen in theory
kdDebug(0)<<"Canvas::line(): ***********ERRORRR***********"<<endl;
// kdDebug(0)<<"Canvas::line(); translate by: <<tranlation<<endl;
line (xa + translation.x() * canvasWidth, ya + translation.y() * canvasHeight,
xb + translation.x() * canvasWidth, yb + translation.y() * canvasHeight);
if (cutLoop == true)
// kdDebug(0)<<"Canvas::line(): cutLoop is set to TRUE! ABORT LINE MISSION"<<endl;
bool Canvas::endlessLoop(TQPoint begin, TQPoint end)
// kdDebug(0)<<"prevStartPos3: "<<prevStartPos3<<", prevStartPos2: "<<prevStartPos2<<", prevStartPos1: "<<prevStartPos1<<", prevStartPos0: "<<begin<<", prevEndPos3: "<<prevEndPos3<<", prevEndPos2: "<<prevEndPos2<<", prevEndPos1: "<<prevEndPos1<<", prevEndPos0: "<<end<<endl;
if ( prevStartPos2 == begin && prevStartPos3 == prevStartPos1 &&
prevEndPos2 == end && prevEndPos3 == prevEndPos1 )
// this is to break the horrible endless loop bug that i cannot fix...
// i need more simple reproductions of this bug to really find it
// for now i say it is something with TQCanvas but i'm likely wrong on thisone
// kdDebug(0)<<"Canvas::endlessLoop TRUE!!"<<endl;
return true;
// kdDebug(0)<<"Canvas::endlessLoop FASLE!!"<<endl;
prevStartPos3 = prevStartPos2;
prevStartPos2 = prevStartPos1;
prevStartPos1 = begin;
prevEndPos3 = prevEndPos2;
prevEndPos2 = prevEndPos1;
prevEndPos1 = end;
return false;
return false; // fallback will not be used
bool Canvas::pointInRange(double px, double py, double xa, double ya, double xb, double yb)
if ( ( ( px >= xa && px <= xb ) || ( px <= xa && px >= xb ) ) &&
( ( py >= ya && py <= yb ) || ( py <= ya && py >= yb ) ) ) return true;
return false;
TQPoint Canvas::offset(int x, int y)
// This funktion makes is easy to read since deviding int's is a weird thing:
// int x = 5 / 2, outputs: x = 2, with: 5 % 2 = 1 (the rest value)
if (x < 0) x = x - canvasWidth;
if (y < 0) y = y - canvasHeight;
TQPoint offsetPoint( x / canvasWidth, y / canvasHeight);
return offsetPoint;
TQPoint Canvas::translationFactor(double xa, double ya, double xb, double yb)
// this class returns a TQPoint which can be used to properly 'wrap' a line
TQPoint crossPoint[4]; // under wicked circumstances we can need this
// namely when crossing both corners, we have 4 bordercrossings
TQPoint translate[4];
int i = 0;
if ( (xb - xa) > -0.00001 && (xb - xa) < 0.00001 ) // check for an infinite tangent (direction coefficient)
translate[i] = TQPoint( 0, 1 );
crossPoint[i] = TQPoint( ROUND2INT(xa), 0 );
translate[i] = TQPoint(0,-1 );
crossPoint[i] = TQPoint( ROUND2INT(xa), canvasHeight );
// Here we find out what crossing points the line has with canvas border lines (lines are ENDLESS here)
// f(t) == (yb - ya) / (xb - xa) * t + ya - (A * xa) == A*t + B
double A = (yb - ya) / (xb - xa);
double B = ya - (A * xa);
double x_sT = -B / A; // A * x_sT + B == 0 => x_sT == -B / A
double x_sB = ( (double)(canvasHeight) - B ) / A; // A * x_sB + B == CH => x_sB == (CH - B) / A
double y_sL = B; // A * 0 + B == y_sL => y_sL == B
double y_sR = ( A * (double)(canvasWidth) ) + B; // A * CW + B == y_sR
// kdDebug(0)<<"Canvas::translationFactor; rc:"<<A<<", xTop:"<<x_sT<<", xBot:"<<x_sB<<", yLft:"<<y_sL<<", yRft:"<<y_sR<<". "<<endl;
// Here we find out what crossing points are on the borders AND on the linePIECES
// pointInRange only checks wether the crossing point of the ENDLESS line is on the line PIECE.
if ( 0 <= x_sT && x_sT <= canvasWidth && pointInRange(x_sT, 0, xa, ya, xb, yb) )
translate[i] = TQPoint( 0, 1 );
crossPoint[i] = TQPoint( ROUND2INT(x_sT), 0 );
if ( 0 <= x_sB && x_sB <= canvasWidth && pointInRange(x_sB, canvasHeight, xa, ya, xb, yb) )
translate[i] = TQPoint( 0,-1 );
crossPoint[i] = TQPoint( ROUND2INT(x_sB), ROUND2INT(canvasHeight) );
if ( 0 <= y_sL && y_sL <= canvasHeight && pointInRange(0, y_sL, xa, ya, xb, yb) )
translate[i] = TQPoint( 1, 0 );
crossPoint[i] = TQPoint( 0, ROUND2INT(y_sL) );
if ( 0 <= y_sR && y_sR <= canvasHeight && pointInRange(canvasWidth, y_sR, xa, ya, xb, yb) )
translate[i] = TQPoint(-1, 0 );
crossPoint[i] = TQPoint( ROUND2INT(canvasWidth), ROUND2INT(y_sR) );
if ( i == 0 )
// kdDebug(0)<<"Canvas::translationFactor: FIRST NO BORDER CROSSINGS DETECTED"<<endl;
TQPoint returnValue = TQPoint(0, 0); // initiate the returnValue
// Here a fallback if the line has no crossings points with any borders.
// This mostly happens because of unlucky rounding, when this happens the line is nearly
// crossing a corner of the canvas.
// This code make sure the line is tranlated back onto the canvas.
// The -2 and +2 was just something i learnt from examples... I HAVE NO PROOF FOR THIS!
// This, luckily, allmost never happens.
if ( -2 <= x_sT && x_sT <= (canvasWidth + 2) && pointInRange(x_sT, 0, xa, ya, xb, yb) )
returnValue = returnValue + TQPoint(0, 1);
if ( -2 <= x_sB && x_sB <= (canvasWidth + 2) && pointInRange(x_sB, canvasHeight, xa, ya, xb, yb) )
returnValue = returnValue + TQPoint(0,-1);
if ( -2 <= y_sL && y_sL <= (canvasHeight + 2) && pointInRange(0, y_sL, xa, ya, xb, yb) )
returnValue = returnValue + TQPoint(1, 0);
if ( -2 <= y_sR && y_sR <= (canvasHeight + 2) && pointInRange(canvasWidth, y_sR, xa, ya, xb, yb) )
returnValue = returnValue + TQPoint(-1, 0);
if ( returnValue == TQPoint(0, 0) )
// kdDebug(0)<<"Canvas::translationFactor: *****This shouldn't happen (1) *****"<<endl;
// and this doesnt happen, that why +3 and -3 are ok values and the code above works.
return returnValue;
TQPoint returnValue = TQPoint(0, 0); // a new returnValue TQPoint gets inited
if (i == 1)
// only one border crossing, this is normal when the start point
// is within the canvas and no corners are crossed
// kdDebug(0)<<"***only one border crossing!"<<endl;
return translate[1];
if (i > 1)
// more than one border crossing starting point if of the canvas
// we now have to find out which crossing occurs 'first' to know how to translate the line
// NOTE2SELF: the line does NOT have to start on the canvas!!
TQPoint endPos( ROUND2INT(xb), ROUND2INT(yb));
int smallestSize = ( TQPoint( ROUND2INT(xa), ROUND2INT(ya) ) - endPos ).manhattanLength();
// smallestSize is initiated to the total size of the line
for (int ii = 1; ii <= i; ii++)
int testSize = ( crossPoint[ii] - endPos ).manhattanLength(); // size till the crosspoint
if (testSize < smallestSize) // if testSize is smaller then...
smallestSize = testSize; // becomes smallestSize
returnValue = translate[ii];
// and the returnValue is updated to the corresponing translaton factors
// kdDebug(0)<<"Canvas::translationFactor: UPDATED"<<endl;
else if (testSize == smallestSize) // this only happens on corners
// kdDebug(0)<<"Canvas::translationFactor: CORNER EXCEPTION"<<endl;
returnValue = TQPoint(0, 0);
if (xb < 0) returnValue = returnValue + TQPoint( 1, 0);
else if (xb > canvasWidth) returnValue = returnValue + TQPoint(-1, 0);
if (yb < 0) returnValue = returnValue + TQPoint( 0, 1);
else if (yb > canvasHeight) returnValue = returnValue + TQPoint( 0,-1);
return returnValue;
// kdDebug(0)<<"Canvas::translationFactor: NOT RETURNED YET SO DOING IT NOW"<<endl;
return returnValue;
// kdDebug(0)<<"Canvas::translationFactor: *****This shouldn't happen (3) *****"<<endl;
return returnValue;
// Sprite related methods:
void Canvas::loadSpriteFrames(TQString name)
// read the pixmaps name.0001.png, name.0002.png, ..., name.0035.png: the different rotations
// #0000 for 0 or 360, #0001 for 10, #0002 for 20, ..., #0018 for 180, etc.
// WARNING if the dir doesnt exists the app will crash!!!
// This will be fixed in qt3.3 and in the current qt-copy
TQPixmap turtlePix = TQPixmap(locate("data","kturtle/pics/turtle.0000.png") );
if ( turtlePix.isNull() )
KMessageBox::sorry( this,
i18n("The turtle picture could not be found. "
"Please check your installation."), i18n("Error") );
TQString spritePath = locate("data","kturtle/pics/"+name+".0000.png");
spriteFrames = new TQCanvasPixmapArray(spritePath+".%1.png", 36);
sprite = new TQCanvasSprite(spriteFrames, canvas);
void Canvas::updateSpritePos()
sprite->move( posX - ( sprite->width() / 2 ), posY - ( sprite->height() / 2 ), -1 );
void Canvas::updateSpriteAngle()
// get the direction back on the 1st circle
while (direction < 0 || direction >= 360)
if (direction >= 360) direction = direction - 360;
if (direction < 0) direction = direction + 360;
// convert to degrees, fix the direction, divide by 10 (for picnr), and round
int i = (int) ( direction / 10 );
// kdDebug(0)<<"########## direction = "<<direction<<"; int i = "<< i << endl;
// int i = (int) ( ( ( (-direction * 180) / PI ) / 10) + 0.000000001 );
updateSpritePos(); // pixmaps of different rotations have different sizes, so refresh
// END
#include "canvas.moc"