You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

324 lines
10 KiB

kwordquiz.h - description
begin : Wed Jul 24 20:12:30 PDT 2002
copyright : (C) 2002-2005 by Peter Hedlund
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <config.h>
// include files for TQt
#include <tqsignalmapper.h>
// include files for KDE
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kmainwindow.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kdirwatch.h>
#include <kurl.h>
// forward declaration of the KWordQuiz classes
#include "wqquiz.h"
class KWordQuizDoc;
class KWordQuizView;
class KWordQuizPrefs;
class QAView;
class MultipleView;
class FlashView;
class KWQNewStuff;
* The base class for KWordQuiz application windows. It sets up the main
* window and reads the config file as well as providing a menubar, toolbar
* and statusbar. An instance of KWordQuizView creates your center view, which is connected
* to the window's Doc object.
* KWordQuizApp reimplements the methods that KMainWindow provides for main window handling and supports
* full session management as well as using KActions.
* @see KMainWindow
* @see KApplication
* @see KConfig
* @author Source Framework Automatically Generated by KDevelop, (c) The KDevelop Team.
* @version KDevelop version 1.2 code generation
class KWordQuizApp : public KMainWindow
friend class KWordQuizView;
/** construtor of KWordQuizApp, calls all init functions to create the application.
KWordQuizApp(TQWidget* tqparent=0, const char* name=0);
/** opens a file specified by commandline option
void openDocumentFile(const KURL& url=0);
/** returns a pointer to the current document connected to the KTMainWindow instance and is used by
* the View class to access the document object's methods
KWordQuizDoc *getDocument() const;
bool saveAsFileName();
/** save general Options like all bar positions and status as well as the tqgeometry and the recent file list to the configuration
* file
void saveOptions();
/** read general Options again and initialize all variables like the recent file list
void readOptions();
/** initializes the KActions of the application */
void initActions();
/** sets up the statusbar for the main window by initialzing a statuslabel.
void initStatusBar();
/** initializes the document object of the main window that is connected to the view in initView().
* @see initView();
void initDocument();
/** creates the centerwidget of the KTMainWindow instance and sets it as the view
void initView();
/** queryClose is called by KTMainWindow on each closeEvent of a window. Against the
* default implementation (only returns true), this calles saveModified() on the document object to ask if the document shall
* be saved if Modified; on cancel the closeEvent is rejected.
* @see KTMainWindow#queryClose
* @see KTMainWindow#closeEvent
virtual bool queryClose();
/** queryExit is called by KTMainWindow when the last window of the application is going to be closed during the closeEvent().
* Against the default implementation that just returns true, this calls saveOptions() to save the settings of the last window's
* properties.
* @see KTMainWindow#queryExit
* @see KTMainWindow#closeEvent
virtual bool queryExit();
/** saves the window properties for each open window during session end to the session config file, including saving the currently
* opened file by a temporary filename provided by KApplication.
* @see KTMainWindow#saveProperties
virtual void saveProperties(KConfig *_cfg);
/** reads the session config file and restores the application's state including the last opened files and documents by reading the
* temporary files saved by saveProperties()
* @see KTMainWindow#readProperties
virtual void readProperties(KConfig *_cfg);
void settingsChanged();
public slots:
/** open a new application window by creating a new instance of KWordQuizApp */
void slotFileNew();
/** open a file and load it into the document*/
void slotFileOpen();
/** opens a file from the recent files menu */
void slotFileOpenRecent(const KURL& url);
/** download vocabularies from the Internet */
void slotFileGHNS();
/** save a document */
void slotFileSave();
/** save a document by a new filename*/
void slotFileSaveAs();
/** asks for saving if the file is modified, then closes the actual file and window*/
void slotFileClose();
/** print the actual file */
void slotFilePrint();
/** closes all open windows by calling close() on each memberList item until the list is empty, then quits the application.
* If queryClose() returns false because the user canceled the saveModified() dialog, the closing breaks.*/
void slotFileQuit();
/** undo the last command */
void slotEditUndo();
/** put the marked text/object into the clipboard and remove it from the document */
void slotEditCut();
/** put the marked text/object into the clipboard */
void slotEditCopy();
/** paste the clipboard into the document */
void slotEditPaste();
/** clear the grid selection */
void slotEditClear();
/** insert a new row */
void slotEditInsert();
/** delete selected row(s) */
void slotEditDelete();
/** mark word as blank */
void slotEditMarkBlank();
/** unmark word as blank */
void slotEditUnmarkBlank();
/** find and replace text */
void slotEditFind();
/** define vocabulary languages */
void slotVocabLanguages();
/** define vocabulary fonts */
void slotVocabFont();
/** define keyboard layouts */
void slotVocabKeyboard();
/** define special characters */
void slotVocabChar();
/** define row and column properties */
void slotVocabRC();
/** sort vocabulary */
void slotVocabSort();
/** shuffle the vocabulary */
void slotVocabShuffle();
void slotMode0();
/** mode 1 */
void slotMode1();
/** mode 2 */
void slotMode2();
/** mode 3 */
void slotMode3();
/** mode 4 */
void slotMode4();
/** mode 5 */
void slotMode5();
/** editor session */
void slotQuizEditor();
/** flashcard session */
void slotQuizFlash();
/** multiple choice session */
void slotQuizMultiple();
/** question and answer session */
void slotQuizQA();
/** configure notifications */
void slotConfigureNotifications();
/** configure kwordquiz */
void slotConfigure();
/** changes the statusbar contents for the standard label permanently, used to indicate current actions.
* @param text the text that is displayed in the statusbar */
void slotStatusMsg(const TQString &text);
/** applies changes from the preferences dialog */
void slotApplyPreferences();
void slotUndoChange(const TQString & text, bool enabled);
void slotInsertChar(int i);
void slotActionHighlighted(KAction *, bool);
void slotContextMenuRequested(int, int, const TQPoint &);
WQQuiz::QuizType m_quizType;
WQQuiz *m_quiz;
/** view is the main widget which represents your working area. The View
* class should handle all events of the view widget. It is kept empty so
* you can create your view according to your application's needs by
* changing the view class.
KWordQuizView *m_editView;
FlashView *m_flashView;
MultipleView *m_multipleView;
QAView *m_qaView;
KWordQuizPrefs *m_prefDialog;
/** doc represents your actual document and is created only once. It keeps
* information such as filename and does the serialization of your files.
KWordQuizDoc *doc;
// KAction pointers to enable/disable actions
KAction* fileNew;
KAction* fileOpen;
KRecentFilesAction* fileOpenRecent;
KAction* fileGHNS;
KAction* fileSave;
KAction* fileSaveAs;
KAction* fileClose;
KAction* filePrint;
KAction* fileQuit;
KAction* editUndo;
KAction* editCut;
KAction* editCopy;
KAction* editPaste;
KAction* editClear;
KAction* editInsert;
KAction* editDelete;
KAction* editMarkBlank;
KAction* editUnmarkBlank;
//KAction* editFind;
KAction* vocabLanguages;
KAction* vocabFont;
//KAction* vocabKeyboard;
KAction* vocabRC;
KAction* vocabSort;
KAction* vocabShuffle;
KToolBarPopupAction* mode;
KToggleAction* mode1;
KToggleAction* mode2;
KToggleAction* mode3;
KToggleAction* mode4;
KToggleAction* mode5;
KAction* quizEditor;
KAction* quizFlash;
KAction* quizMultiple;
KAction* quizQA;
KAction* quizCheck;
KAction* quizRestart;
KAction* quizRepeatErrors;
KAction* flashKnow;
KAction* flashDontKnow;
KAction* qaHint;
TQSignalMapper* charMapper;
KAction* specialChar1;
KAction* specialChar2;
KAction* specialChar3;
KAction* specialChar4;
KAction* specialChar5;
KAction* specialChar6;
KAction* specialChar7;
KAction* specialChar8;
KAction* specialChar9;
KDirWatch * m_dirWatch;
KWQNewStuff * m_newStuff;
void updateMode(int m);
void updateSession(WQQuiz::QuizType qt);
void updateActions(WQQuiz::QuizType qt);
void updateSpecialCharIcons();
TQString charIcon(const TQChar &);
void openURL(const KURL& url);
#endif // KWORDTQUIZ_H