Scripting &kmplot; A new feature in &kde; 3.4 is that you can write scrips for &kmplot; with &DCOP;. For example, if you want to define a new function f(x)=2sin x+3cos x, set its line width to 20 and then draw it, you type in a console: dcop kmplot-PID Parser addFunction "f(x)=2sin x+3cos x" As a result, the new function's id number will be returned, or -1 if the function could not be defined. >dcop kmplot-PID Parser setFunctionFLineWidth 20 ID This command sets the function with the id number ID the line width to 20. >dcop kmplot-PID View drawPlot This command repaints the window so that the function get visible. A list over the available functions: KmPlotShell fileOpen &url Load the file url. MainDlg isModified Returns true if any changes are done. MainDlg editColors Opens the color edit dialog. MainDlg editAxes Opens the coordinate system edit dialog. MainDlg editScaling Opens the scaling edit dialog. MainDlg editFonts Opens the fonts edit dialog. MainDlg editConstants Opens the constants edit dialog. MainDlg newFunction Opens the new function plot dialog. MainDlg newParametric Opens the new parametric plot dialog. MainDlg newPolar Opens the new polar plot dialog. MainDlg toggleShowSlider0 Shows/hides parameter slider window number 1. MainDlg toggleShowSlider1 Shows/hides parameter slider window number 2. MainDlg toggleShowSlider2 Shows/hides parameter slider window number 3. MainDlg toggleShowSlider3 Shows/hides parameter slider window number 4. MainDlg slotSave Saves the functions (opens the save dialog if it is a new file). MainDlg slotSaveas The same as choosing FileSave As in the menu. MainDlg slotEditPlots Opens the edit plots dialog. MainDlg slotPrint Opens the print dialog. MainDlg slotExport Opens the export dialog. MainDlg slotSettings Opens the settings dialog. MainDlg slotNames Shows a list of predefined math functions. MainDlg slotCoord1 Coordinate System I. MainDlg slotCoord2 Coordinate System II. MainDlg slotCoord3 Coordinate System III. MainDlg getYValue The same as choosing ToolsGet y-Value... in the menu. MainDlg findMinimumValue The same as choosing ToolsSearch for Minimum Value... in the menu. MainDlg findMaximumValue The same as choosing ToolsSearch for Maximum Value... in the menu. MainDlg graphArea The same as choosing ToolsCalculate Integral in the menu. Parser addFunction f_str Adds a new function with the expression f_str. If the expression does not contain a function name, it will be auto-generated. The id number of the new function is returned, or -1 if the function couln't be defined. Parser delfkt id Removes the function with the id number id. If the function could not be deleted, false is returned, otherwise true. Parser setFunctionExpression f_str id Sets the expression for the function with the id number id to f_str. Returns true if it succeed, otherwise false. Parser countFunctions Returns the number of functions (parametric functions are calculated as two). Parser listFunctionNames Returns a list with all functions. Parser fnameToId f_str Returns the id number of f_str or -1 if the function name f_str was not found. Parser id x Calculates the value x for the function with the ID id or returns 0.0 if id does not exist. Parser functionFVisible id Returns true if the function with the ID id is visible, otherwise false. Parser functionF1Visible id Returns true if the first derivative of the function with the ID id is visible, otherwise false. Parser functionF2Visible id Returns true if the second derivative of the function with the ID id is visible, otherwise false. Parser functionIntVisible id Returns true if the integral of the function with the ID id is visible, otherwise false. Parser setFunctionFVisible visible id Shows the function with the ID id if visible is true. If visible is false, the function will be hidden. True is returned if the function exists, otherwise false Parser setFunctionF1Visible visible id Shows the first derivative of the function with the ID id if visible is true. If visible is false, the function will be hidden. True is returned if the function exists, otherwise false. Parser setFunctionF2Visible visible id Shows the second derivative of the function with the ID id if visible is true. If visible is false, the function will be hidden. True is returned if the function exists, otherwise false. Parser setFunctionIntVisible visible id Shows the integral of the function with the ID id if visible is true. If visible is false, the function will be hidden. True is returned if the function exists, otherwise false. Parser functionStr id Returns the function expression of the function with the ID id. If the function not exists, an empty string is returned instead. Parser functionFColor id Returns the color of the function with the ID id. Parser functionF1Color id Returns the color of the first derivative of the function with the ID id. Parser functionF2Color id Returns the color of the second derivative of the function with the ID id. Parser functionIntColor id Returns the color of the integral of the function with the ID id. Parser setFunctionFColor color id Sets the color of the function with the ID id to color. True is returned if the function exists, otherwise false. Parser setFunctionF1Color color id Sets the color of the first derivative of the function with the ID id to color. True is returned if the function exists, otherwise false. Parser setFunctionF2Color color id Sets the color of the second derivative of the function with the ID id to color. True is returned if the function exists, otherwise false. Parser setFunctionIntColor color id Sets the color of the integral of the function with the ID id to color. True is returned if the function exists, otherwise false. Parser functionFLineWidth id Returns the line width of the function with the ID id. If the function not exists, 0 is returned. Parser functionF1LineWidth id Returns the line width of the first derivative of the function with the ID id. If the function not exists, 0 is returned. Parser functionF2LineWidth id Returns the line width of the first derivative of the function with the ID id. If the function not exists, 0 is returned. Parser functionIntLineWidth id Returns the line width of the integral of the function with the ID id. If the function not exists, 0 is returned. Parser setFunctionFLineWidth linewidth id Sets the line width of the function with the ID id to linewidth. True is returned if the function exists, otherwise false. Parser setFunctionF1LineWidth linewidth id Sets the line width of the first derivative of the function with the ID id to linewidth. True is returned if the function exists, otherwise false. Parser setFunctionF2LineWidth linewidth id Sets the line width of the second derivative of the function with the ID id to linewidth. True is returned if the function exists, otherwise false. Parser setFunctionIntLineWidth linewidth id Sets the line width of the integral of the function with the ID id to linewidth. True is returned if the function exists, otherwise false. Parser functionParameterList id Returns a list with all the parameter values for the function with the ID id. Parser functionAddParameter new_parameter id Adds the parameter value new_parameter to the function with the ID id. True is returned if the operation succeed, otherwise false. Parser functionRemoveParameter remove_parameter id Removes the parameter value remove_parameter from the function with the ID id. True is returned if the operation succeed, otherwise false. Parser functionMinValue id Returns the minimum plot range value of the function with the ID id. If the function not exists or if the minimum value is not definied, an empty string is returned. Parser functionMaxValue id Returns the maximum plot range value of the function with the ID id. If the function not exists or if the maximum value is not definied, an empty string is returned. Parser setFunctionMinValue min id Sets the minimum plot range value of the function with the ID id to min. True is returned if the function exists and the expression is valid, otherwise false. Parser setFunctionMaxValue max id Sets the maximum plot range value of the function with the ID id to max. True is returned if the function exists and the expression is valid, otherwise false. Parser functionStartXValue id Returns the initial x point for the integral of the function with the ID id. If the function not exists or if the x-point-expression is not definied, an empty string is returned. Parser functionStartYValue id Returns the initial y point for the integral of the function with the ID id. If the function not exists or if the y-point-expression is not definied, an empty string is returned. Parser setFunctionStartXValue min id Sets the initial x point for the integral of the function with the ID id to x. True is returned if the function exists and the expression is valid, otherwise false. Parser setFunctionStartYValue max id Sets the initial y point for the integral of the function with the ID id to y. True is returned if the function exists and the expression is valid, otherwise false. View stopDrawing If &kmplot; currently is drawing a function, the procedure will stop. View drawPlot Redraws all functions.