Ecliptic Coordinates module Tools Astrocalculator Ecliptic Coordinates module The Ecliptic Coordinates calculator module Ecliptic Coordinates This module converts between Equatorial coordinates and Ecliptic coordinates. First, select which coordinates should be taken as input values in the Choose Input Coordinates section. Then, fill in the corresponding coordinate values in either the Ecliptic coordinates or Equatorial coordinates section. Finally, press the Compute button, and the complementary coordinates will be filled in. The module contains a batch mode for converting several coordinate pairs at once. You must construct an input file in which each line contains two values: the input coordinate pairs (either Equatorial or Ecliptic). Then specify which coordinates you are using as input, and identify the input and output filenames. Finally, press the Run button to generate the output file, which will contain the converted coordinates (Equatorial or Ecliptic; the complement of what you chose as the input values).