PrefCardAppearanceBase PrefCardAppearanceBase 0 0 606 181 Card Appearance unnamed 0 cardFrame 5 5 0 0 175 100 175 100 255 255 255 Box Plain The flashcard textLabel 11 42 153 47 7 7 0 0 255 255 255 This is the question AutoText false WordBreak|AlignCenter The flashcard The flashcard. Select Quiz -> Check to see the other side. line 11 33 153 16 1 0 0 0 255 0 0 255 255 255 HLine Plain Horizontal The flashcard titleLabel 11 11 153 16 7 0 0 0 255 255 255 1 Front AlignTop The flashcard Language or other identifier for this card flipButton &Flip Flip card Use to show the other side of the card textColorLabel 1 5 0 0 Text color: textColorButton frameColorLabel 1 5 0 0 Frame color: fontLabel 1 5 0 0 Font: cardColorLabel 1 5 0 0 Card color: widgetStack 7 5 0 0 backStackPage 0 unnamed 0 kcfg_BackFont 7 0 0 0 TabFocus Font: Font for back of card Use to select the font for displaying text on the back of the card kcfg_BackTextColor Select text color Use to select the color for text shown on the card kcfg_BackFrameColor Select card frame color Use to select the color for drawing the frame of the card kcfg_BackCardColor Select card color Select color used to draw the card frontStackPage 0 unnamed 0 kcfg_FrontFont 7 0 0 0 TabFocus Font: Font for front of card Use to select the font for displaying text on the front of the card kcfg_FrontTextColor Select text color Use to select the color for text shown on the card kcfg_FrontFrameColor Select card frame color Use to select the color for drawing the frame of the card kcfg_FrontCardColor Select card color Select color used to draw the card spacer Vertical Expanding 400 20 flipButton clicked() PrefCardAppearanceBase slotFlipButtonClicked() kcfg_FrontFont fontSelected(const TQFont&) PrefCardAppearanceBase slotFontChanged(const TQFont&) kcfg_FrontTextColor changed(const TQColor&) PrefCardAppearanceBase slotTextColorChanged(const TQColor&) kcfg_FrontCardColor changed(const TQColor&) PrefCardAppearanceBase slotCardColorChanged(const TQColor&) kcfg_FrontFrameColor changed(const TQColor&) PrefCardAppearanceBase slotFrameColorChanged(const TQColor&) widgetStack aboutToShow(TQWidget*) PrefCardAppearanceBase slotAboutToShowWidget(TQWidget*) flipButton kcfg_FrontFont kcfg_FrontTextColor kcfg_FrontCardColor kcfg_FrontFrameColor slotFlipButtonClicked() slotFontChanged(const TQFont &) slotTextColorChanged(const TQColor &) slotAboutToShowWidget(TQWidget *) slotFrameColorChanged(const TQColor &) slotCardColorChanged(const TQColor &) kpushbutton.h tdefontrequester.h kcolorbutton.h