/* Copyright (C) 2003 by Walter Schreppers Copyright (C) 2004 by Cies Breijs This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "settings.h" #include "lexer.h" Lexer::Lexer(TQTextIStream& iStream) { inputStream = &iStream; row = 1; col = 1; prevCol = 1; translate = new Translate(); } Token Lexer::lex() { skipSpaces(); // skips the white space that it quite likely (indentation) infront of the Token Token currentToken; currentToken.type = tokNotSet; // not really needed currentToken.look = ""; currentToken.value = 0; currentToken.start.row = row; currentToken.start.col = col; TQChar currentChar = getChar(); if ( inputStream->atEnd() ) { kdDebug(0)<<"Lexer::lex(), got EOF."<atEnd() && !(currentChar == '\x0a' || currentChar == '\n') ) currentChar = getChar(); } // if (currentChar.category() == TQChar::Separator_Line) somehow doesnt work if (currentChar == '\x0a' || currentChar == '\n') { currentToken.type = tokEOL; currentToken.look = "EOL"; } else if (currentChar.isLetter() || currentChar == '[' || currentChar == ']') { ungetChar(currentChar); // sets currentToken.look by reference, and set the currentToken.type to tokUnknown currentToken.type = getWord(currentToken.look); setTokenType(currentToken); // gets the actual tokenType } else if ( currentChar.isNumber() ) { ungetChar(currentChar); // set currentToken.value/look by reference, and set the currentToken.type to tokNumber currentToken.type = getNumber(currentToken.value, currentToken.look); } else if (currentChar == '>') { currentChar = getChar(); if (currentChar == '=') { currentToken.type = tokGe; currentToken.look = ">="; } else { ungetChar(currentChar); currentToken.type = tokGt; currentToken.look = ">"; } } else if (currentChar == '<') { currentChar = getChar(); if ( currentChar == '=' ) { currentToken.type = tokLe; currentToken.look = "<="; } else { ungetChar(currentChar); currentToken.type = tokLt; currentToken.look = ">"; } } else if (currentChar == '!') { currentChar = getChar(); if (currentChar == '=') { currentToken.type = tokNe; currentToken.look = "!="; } else { ungetChar(currentChar); currentToken.type = tokNot; currentToken.look = "!"; } } else if (currentChar == '=') { currentChar = getChar(); if (currentChar == '=') { currentToken.type = tokEq; currentToken.look = "=="; } else { ungetChar(currentChar); currentToken.type = tokAssign; currentToken.look = "="; } } else if (currentChar == '(') { currentToken.type = tokBraceOpen; currentToken.look = "("; } else if (currentChar == ')') { currentToken.type = tokBraceClose; currentToken.look = ")"; } else if (currentChar == '+') { currentToken.type = tokPlus; currentToken.look = "+"; } else if (currentChar == '-') { currentToken.type = tokMinus; currentToken.look = "-"; } else if (currentChar == '*') { currentToken.type = tokMul; currentToken.look = "*"; } else if (currentChar == '/') { currentToken.type = tokDev; currentToken.look = "/"; } else if (currentChar == ',') { currentToken.type = tokComma; currentToken.look = ","; } else if (currentChar == '"') { getString(currentToken); } else { currentToken.type = tokUnknown; currentToken.look = currentChar; } currentToken.end.row = row; currentToken.end.col = col; return currentToken; } // PRIVATEs TQChar Lexer::getChar() { TQChar c; if ( !putBackChar.isNull() ) { c = putBackChar; // use the char that is stored to be put back // kdDebug(0)<<"Lexer::getChar(), restored: '"<> c; // take a TQChar of the inputStream // kdDebug(0)<<"Lexer::getChar(): '"<atEnd() ) { word += currentChar; currentChar = getChar(); } kdDebug(0)<<"Lexer::getWord(), got NAME: '"<alias2key(k).isEmpty() ) k = translate->alias2key(k); if (k == translate->name2key("begin") ) currentToken.type = tokBegin; else if (k == translate->name2key("end") ) currentToken.type = tokEnd; else if (k == translate->name2key("while") ) currentToken.type = tokWhile; else if (k == translate->name2key("if") ) currentToken.type = tokIf; else if (k == translate->name2key("else") ) currentToken.type = tokElse; else if (k == translate->name2key("for") ) currentToken.type = tokFor; else if (k == translate->name2key("to") ) currentToken.type = tokTo; else if (k == translate->name2key("step") ) currentToken.type = tokStep; else if (k == translate->name2key("and") ) currentToken.type = tokAnd; else if (k == translate->name2key("or") ) currentToken.type = tokOr; else if (k == translate->name2key("not") ) currentToken.type = tokNot; else if (k == translate->name2key("return") ) currentToken.type = tokReturn; else if (k == translate->name2key("break") ) currentToken.type = tokBreak; else if (k == translate->name2key("run") ) currentToken.type = tokRun; else if (k == translate->name2key("foreach") ) currentToken.type = tokForEach; else if (k == translate->name2key("in") ) currentToken.type = tokIn; else if (k == translate->name2key("learn") ) currentToken.type = tokLearn; else if (k == translate->name2key("clear") ) currentToken.type = tokClear; else if (k == translate->name2key("go") ) currentToken.type = tokGo; else if (k == translate->name2key("gox") ) currentToken.type = tokGoX; else if (k == translate->name2key("goy") ) currentToken.type = tokGoY; else if (k == translate->name2key("forward") ) currentToken.type = tokForward; else if (k == translate->name2key("backward") ) currentToken.type = tokBackward; else if (k == translate->name2key("direction") ) currentToken.type = tokDirection; else if (k == translate->name2key("turnleft") ) currentToken.type = tokTurnLeft; else if (k == translate->name2key("turnright") ) currentToken.type = tokTurnRight; else if (k == translate->name2key("center") ) currentToken.type = tokCenter; else if (k == translate->name2key("setpenwidth") ) currentToken.type = tokSetPenWidth; else if (k == translate->name2key("penup") ) currentToken.type = tokPenUp; else if (k == translate->name2key("pendown") ) currentToken.type = tokPenDown; else if (k == translate->name2key("setfgcolor") ) currentToken.type = tokSetFgColor; else if (k == translate->name2key("setbgcolor") ) currentToken.type = tokSetBgColor; else if (k == translate->name2key("resizecanvas") ) currentToken.type = tokResizeCanvas; else if (k == translate->name2key("spriteshow") ) currentToken.type = tokSpriteShow; else if (k == translate->name2key("spritehide") ) currentToken.type = tokSpriteHide; else if (k == translate->name2key("spritepress") ) currentToken.type = tokSpritePress; else if (k == translate->name2key("spritechange") ) currentToken.type = tokSpriteChange; else if (k == translate->name2key("do") ) currentToken.type = tokDo; // dummy commands else if (k == translate->name2key("message") ) currentToken.type = tokMessage; else if (k == translate->name2key("inputwindow") ) currentToken.type = tokInputWindow; else if (k == translate->name2key("print") ) currentToken.type = tokPrint; else if (k == translate->name2key("fonttype") ) currentToken.type = tokFontType; else if (k == translate->name2key("fontsize") ) currentToken.type = tokFontSize; else if (k == translate->name2key("repeat") ) currentToken.type = tokRepeat; else if (k == translate->name2key("random") ) currentToken.type = tokRandom; else if (k == translate->name2key("wait") ) currentToken.type = tokWait; else if (k == translate->name2key("wrapon") ) currentToken.type = tokWrapOn; else if (k == translate->name2key("wrapoff") ) currentToken.type = tokWrapOff; else if (k == translate->name2key("reset") ) currentToken.type = tokReset; else { kdDebug(0)<<"Lexer::setTokenType, found UNKNOWN word @ ("<atEnd() && ( currentChar.isSpace() && !(currentChar == '\x0a' || currentChar == '\n') ) ) { currentChar = getChar(); } ungetChar(currentChar); // unget the tokEOL we likely just found } int Lexer::getNumber(Value& num, TQString& look) { // by reference the value (Value) and look part are set // kdDebug(0)<<"Lexer::getNumber()"<atEnd() ) { if (currentChar == '.') { hasPoint = true; } look += currentChar; currentChar = getChar(); } ungetChar(currentChar); //read one too much num.setNumber( look.toDouble() ); kdDebug(0)<<"Lexer::getNumber(), got NUMBER: '"<atEnd() ) { currentChar = getChar(); if (currentChar == '\\') // escape sequence { currentChar = getChar(); switch (currentChar) { case 'n': str += '\n'; break; case 't': str += '\t'; break; case 'f': str += '\f'; break; case '"': str += '"'; break; } } else if (currentChar == '\x0a' || currentChar == '\n') // if the user forgot to delimit the string { ungetChar(currentChar); break; } else str += currentChar; } currentToken.type = tokString; currentToken.look = str; kdDebug(0)<<"Lexer::getStringConstant, got STRINGCONSTANT: "<