VocabPage VocabPage 0 0 182 203 Configure Vocabulary unnamed ButtonGroup Testing Style unnamed tqlayout24 unnamed tqlayout10 unnamed kcfg_LatinToLang To Latin true Question in your language and answers in Latin Choose to be tested from your language to Latin, which means the word will be displayed in your language and you will have to choose from 4 Latin translations. kcfg_LangToLatin From Latin Question in Latin and answers in your language Choose to be tested from Latin to your language, which means the word will be displayed in Latin and you will have to choose from 4 translations in your language. MiscGroup Miscellaneous unnamed tqlayout6 unnamed kcfg_DefaultFile The file you are tested on in vocabulary You can change the file you are tested on for the vocabulary section tqlayout6 unnamed QuestionsLabel Number of questions: WordBreak|AlignVCenter Set the number of questions you want to be tested on Here you can set the number of questions you want to be tested on. When this number is reached, a result dialog appears. kcfg_NumOfQuestions 0 0 0 0 50 10 Number of questions to be asked before ending Numbers of questions to ask at a time kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h knuminput.h