imgSequenceDlg imgSequenceDlg 0 0 421 335 Capture Image Sequence true false unnamed progressGroup Progress unnamed tqlayout25 unnamed tqlayout24 unnamed progressLabel Progress: currentImgCountOUT 50 0 Box textLabel1_4_2_2 of fullImgCountOUT 50 0 Box completedLabel completed imgProgress false 0 true false spacer7 Horizontal Expanding 51 20 tqlayout9 unnamed Horizontal Spacing2 Horizontal Expanding 270 20 startB &Start true true stopB false S&top true true closeB &Close true tqlayout10 unnamed setupGroup Camera/CCD unnamed tqlayout30 unnamed tqlayout29 unnamed textLabel1_5 Device: textLabel1 Prefix: Prefix to append to the beginning of file names exposureLabel Exposure: Set the exposure time in seconds for individual images, if applicable textLabel1_2 Count: Number of images to capture textLabel1_3 Delay: Delay in seconds between consecutive images tqlayout28 unnamed CCDCombo prefixIN image 128 exposureIN countIN 1 delayIN 0 ISOCheck Add ISO 8601 time stamp true Add time stamp to the file name setupGroup_2 Filter unnamed tqlayout29_2 unnamed textLabel1_5_2 Device: textLabel1_2_2 Filter: Number of images to capture filterPosCombo filterCombo spacer3 Vertical Expanding 21 81 CCDCombo prefixIN countIN delayIN ISOCheck startB stopB closeB kprogress.h klineedit.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h knuminput.h