TaskViewerOptionsBase TaskViewerOptionsBase 0 0 414 550 unnamed tqlayout2 unnamed kcfg_taskFont 1 3 0 0 Change the font of the numbers colorGroupBox 5 0 0 0 Colors tqlayout7 10 20 230 110 unnamed kcfg_operationColor 1 0 0 0 0 0 255 Change the color of the operation signs kcfg_fractionBarColor 255 0 0 Change the color of the fraction bar fractionBarLabel 1 5 0 0 Fraction bar: operationLabel 1 5 0 0 Operation sign: kcfg_numberColor 0 255 0 Change the color of the numbers numberLabel 1 5 0 0 Number: groupBox2 General unnamed kcfg_showSpecialRatioNotation Show result also as a mixed number, like 1 2/3. Here you can enable/disable showing the result in mixed-number notation. kfontdialog.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h kcolorbutton.h