ScriptBuilderUI ScriptBuilderUI 0 0 708 791 Script Builder unnamed tqlayout5 unnamed NewButton 1 0 0 0 32 32 32 32 New Script Discards current script and starts a new one. Will prompt to save any unsaved changes in the current script. OpenButton 1 0 0 0 32 32 32 32 Open Script Opens an existing script. Will prompt to save any unsaved changes in the current script. SaveButton 1 0 0 0 32 32 32 32 Save Script Save the current script. If the script has not been saved before, this is equivalent to "Save As..." SaveAsButton 1 0 0 0 32 32 32 32 Save Script As... Saves the script to a file, allowing you to first specify the filename and a name for the script. RunButton 32 32 32 32 Test Script Executes the script in the KStars main window. You may want to reposition the Script Builder tool so that the Sky map is visible. spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 490 20 splitter1 NoFrame Plain Horizontal groupBox2 GroupBoxPanel Sunken Current Script unnamed tqlayout6 unnamed ScriptListBox 7 7 0 1 -1 This shows the list of commands present in the current working script. Highlighting any command will present a widget where you can specify its arguments below. Use the action buttons at right to copy, remove, or change the position of the selected command. tqlayout5 unnamed AddButton 32 32 32 32 Add Function If a function is highlighted in the "Function Browser" box, this button will add it to the current working script. The new function is inserted directly after the highlighted function in the "Current Script" box. RemoveButton 32 32 32 32 Remove Function If a function is highlighted in the "Current Script" box, this button will remove it from the script. CopyButton 32 32 32 32 Copy Function If a function is highlighted in the "Current Script" box, this button will add a duplicate of the function. UpButton 32 32 32 32 Move Up If a function is highlighted in the "Current Script" box, this button will move it up one position in the script. DownButton 32 32 32 32 Move Down If a function is highlighted in the "Current Script" box, this button will move it down one position in the script. spacer1_2 Vertical Expanding 20 118 FuncArgBox 7 7 0 1 200 140 Function Arguments unnamed ArgStack 5 7 0 1 page 0 FunctionBrowser 5 5 0 0 GroupBoxPanel Sunken Function Browser unnamed splitter7 Vertical FunctionListView 7 7 0 2 true FuncDoc 7 7 0 0 true Function Help If a function is highlighted in the Function Browser, this area will show some brief documentation about the function. tqlayout11 unnamed tqlayout10 unnamed AppendINDIWait Append WaitForINDIAction after any INDI action false ReuseINDIDeviceName Reuse INDI device name true spacer7 Horizontal Expanding 91 20 slotAddFunction() slotMoveFunctionUp() slotMoveFunctionDown() slotShowDoc() slotArgWidget() slotNew() slotOpen() slotSave() slotSaveAs() slotCopyFunction() slotRemoveFunction() slotRunScript() kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h klistbox.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h klistview.h ktextedit.h