/* * KmPlot - a math. function plotter for the KDE-Desktop * * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Klaus-Dieter Möller * 2000, 2002 kd.moeller@t-online.de * * This file is part of the KDE Project. * KmPlot is part of the KDE-EDU Project. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ // Qt includes #include // KDE includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // local includes #include "keditpolar.h" #include "keditpolar.moc" #include "xparser.h" #include "View.h" KEditPolar::KEditPolar( XParser* parser, QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : QEditPolar( parent, name ),m_parser(parser) { connect( customMinRange, SIGNAL ( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( customMinRange_toggled(bool) ) ); connect( customMaxRange, SIGNAL ( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( customMaxRange_toggled(bool) ) ); m_updatedfunction = 0; } void KEditPolar::initDialog( int id ) { m_id = id; if( m_id == -1 ) clearWidgets(); else setWidgets(); } void KEditPolar::clearWidgets() { kLineEditYFunction->clear(); checkBoxHide->setChecked( false ); customMinRange->setChecked( false ); customMaxRange->setChecked(false); min->clear(); max->clear(); kIntNumInputLineWidth->setValue( m_parser->linewidth0 ); kColorButtonColor->setColor( m_parser->defaultColor(m_parser->getNextIndex() ) ); } void KEditPolar::setWidgets() { Ufkt *ufkt = &m_parser->ufkt[ m_parser->ixValue(m_id) ]; QString function = ufkt->fstr; function = function.right( function.length()-1 ); kLineEditYFunction->setText( function ); checkBoxHide->setChecked( !ufkt->f_mode); if (ufkt->usecustomxmin) { customMinRange->setChecked(true); min->setText( ufkt->str_dmin ); } else customMinRange->setChecked(false); if (ufkt->usecustomxmin) { customMaxRange->setChecked(true); max->setText( ufkt->str_dmax ); } else customMaxRange->setChecked(false); kIntNumInputLineWidth->setValue( ufkt->linewidth ); kColorButtonColor->setColor( ufkt->color ); } void KEditPolar::accept() { QString f_str = /*"r" + */kLineEditYFunction->text(); if ( m_id!=-1 ) m_parser->fixFunctionName(f_str, XParser::Polar, m_id); else m_parser->fixFunctionName(f_str, XParser::Polar); Ufkt tmp_ufkt; //all settings are saved here until we know that no errors have appeared tmp_ufkt.f_mode = !checkBoxHide->isChecked(); if( customMinRange->isChecked() ) { tmp_ufkt.usecustomxmin = true; tmp_ufkt.str_dmin = min->text(); tmp_ufkt.dmin = m_parser->eval( min->text() ); if ( m_parser->parserError() ) { min->setFocus(); min->selectAll(); return; } } else tmp_ufkt.usecustomxmin = false; if( customMaxRange->isChecked() ) { tmp_ufkt.usecustomxmax = true; tmp_ufkt.str_dmax = max->text(); tmp_ufkt.dmax = m_parser->eval( max->text() ); if ( m_parser->parserError()) { max->setFocus(); max->selectAll(); return; } if ( tmp_ufkt.usecustomxmin && tmp_ufkt.dmin >= tmp_ufkt.dmax) { KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("The minimum range value must be lower than the maximum range value")); min->setFocus(); min->selectAll(); return; } } else tmp_ufkt.usecustomxmax = false; tmp_ufkt.f1_mode = 0; tmp_ufkt.f2_mode = 0; tmp_ufkt.integral_mode = 0; tmp_ufkt.linewidth = kIntNumInputLineWidth->value(); tmp_ufkt.color = kColorButtonColor->color().rgb(); tmp_ufkt.use_slider = -1; Ufkt *added_ufkt; if( m_id != -1 ) //when editing a function: { int const ix = m_parser->ixValue(m_id); if ( ix == -1) //The function could have been deleted { KMessageBox::error(this,i18n("Function could not be found")); return; } added_ufkt = &m_parser->ufkt[ix]; QString const old_fstr = added_ufkt->fstr; added_ufkt->fstr = f_str; m_parser->reparse(added_ufkt); //reparse the funcion if ( m_parser->parserError() != 0) { added_ufkt->fstr = old_fstr; m_parser->reparse(added_ufkt); raise(); kLineEditYFunction->setFocus(); kLineEditYFunction->selectAll(); return; } } else { int const id = m_parser->addfkt(f_str ); kdDebug() << "id: " << id << endl; if( id == -1 ) { m_parser->parserError(); raise(); kLineEditYFunction->setFocus(); kLineEditYFunction->selectAll(); return; } added_ufkt = &m_parser->ufkt.last(); } //save all settings in the function now when we know no errors have appeared added_ufkt->f_mode = tmp_ufkt.f_mode; added_ufkt->f1_mode = tmp_ufkt.f1_mode; added_ufkt->f2_mode = tmp_ufkt.f2_mode; added_ufkt->integral_mode = tmp_ufkt.integral_mode; added_ufkt->integral_use_precision = tmp_ufkt.integral_use_precision; added_ufkt->linewidth = tmp_ufkt.linewidth; added_ufkt->f1_linewidth = tmp_ufkt.f1_linewidth; added_ufkt->f2_linewidth = tmp_ufkt.f2_linewidth; added_ufkt->integral_linewidth = tmp_ufkt.integral_linewidth; added_ufkt->str_dmin = tmp_ufkt.str_dmin; added_ufkt->str_dmax = tmp_ufkt.str_dmax; added_ufkt->dmin = tmp_ufkt.dmin; added_ufkt->dmax = tmp_ufkt.dmax; added_ufkt->str_startx = tmp_ufkt.str_startx; added_ufkt->str_starty = tmp_ufkt.str_starty; added_ufkt->oldx = tmp_ufkt.oldx; added_ufkt->starty = tmp_ufkt.starty; added_ufkt->startx = tmp_ufkt.startx; added_ufkt->integral_precision = tmp_ufkt.integral_precision; added_ufkt->color = tmp_ufkt.color; added_ufkt->f1_color = tmp_ufkt.f1_color; added_ufkt->f2_color = tmp_ufkt.f2_color; added_ufkt->integral_color = tmp_ufkt.integral_color; added_ufkt->parameters = tmp_ufkt.parameters; added_ufkt->use_slider = tmp_ufkt.use_slider; added_ufkt->usecustomxmin = tmp_ufkt.usecustomxmin; added_ufkt->usecustomxmax = tmp_ufkt.usecustomxmax; m_updatedfunction = added_ufkt; // call inherited method QEditPolar::accept(); } Ufkt *KEditPolar::functionItem() { return m_updatedfunction; } void KEditPolar::slotHelp() { kapp->invokeHelp( "", "kmplot" ); } void KEditPolar::customMinRange_toggled(bool status) { if (status) min->setEnabled(true); else min->setEnabled(false); } void KEditPolar::customMaxRange_toggled(bool status) { if (status) max->setEnabled(true); else max->setEnabled(false); }