/*************************************************************************** kwordquizview.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Wed Jul 24 20:12:30 PDT 2002 copyright : (C) 2002 by Peter Hedlund email : peter.hedlund@kdemail.net ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ // include files for Qt #include #include #include #include // include files for KDE #include //i18n #include // always useful #include #include #include // application specific includes #include "kwordquizview.h" #include "kwordquizdoc.h" #include "kwordquiz.h" #include "dlgsort.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "dlgrc.h" #include "dlgspecchar.h" QValueList *KWordQuizView::m_undoList = 0L; KWQTableItem::KWQTableItem(QTable* table, EditType et, const QString & text) : QTableItem(table, et, text) {} int KWQTableItem::alignment() const { bool num; bool ok1 = false; bool ok2 = false; (void)text().toInt(&ok1); if (!ok1) (void)text().toDouble(&ok2); num = ok1 || ok2; return (num ? Qt::AlignRight : Qt::AlignAuto) | Qt::AlignVCenter; } KWordQuizView::KWordQuizView(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QTable(parent, name) { if(!m_undoList) m_undoList = new QValueList(); setNumCols(2); setNumRows(50); setColumnWidth(1, 250); setColumnWidth(0, 250); setSelectionMode(QTable::Single); horizontalHeader()->setLabel(0, i18n("Column 1")); horizontalHeader()->setLabel(1, i18n("Column 2")); setMinimumSize(0, 0); //This seems to improve resizing of main window dlgSpecChar = 0; } KWordQuizView::~KWordQuizView() { } KWordQuizDoc *KWordQuizView::getDocument() const { KWordQuizApp *theApp=(KWordQuizApp *) parentWidget(); return theApp->getDocument(); } void KWordQuizView::print(KPrinter *pPrinter) { QPainter painter; //type 0 Vocabulary list //type 1 Vocabulary exam //type 2 Flashcards int type = pPrinter->option("kde-kwordquiz-type").toInt(); //I think working with screen resolution is enough for our purposes int res = pPrinter->resolution(); int pad = 2; int marg = res; int card_marg = res / 2; int card_width = 5 * res; int card_height = 3 * res; int card_text_marg = res /5; int card_line_top = 30; if (type == 2) pPrinter->setOrientation(KPrinter::Landscape); painter.begin(pPrinter); int pageNum = 1; int cw0 = verticalHeader()->width(); int cw1 = columnWidth(0); int cw2 = columnWidth(1); int cw3 = 0; if (type == 1) cw3 = 50; int gridWidth = cw0 + cw1 + cw2 + cw3; int lPos = marg; int tPos = marg + horizontalHeader()->height(); QRect w = painter.window(); doNewPage(painter, res, type); if (type == 2) { tPos = card_marg; for (int rc = 0; rc < numRows(); ++rc) { //draw rectangle 2 cards wide painter.drawRect(card_marg, tPos, 2 * card_width, card_height); //divide into 2 cards with line painter.drawLine(card_marg + card_width, tPos, card_marg + card_width, tPos + card_height); //draw line inside card painter.drawLine(card_marg + card_text_marg, tPos + card_line_top, card_marg + card_width - card_text_marg, tPos + card_line_top); painter.drawLine(card_marg + card_width + card_text_marg, tPos + card_line_top, card_marg + card_width + card_width - card_text_marg, tPos + card_line_top); //draw headers painter.setFont(KGlobalSettings::generalFont()); painter.drawText(card_marg + card_text_marg, tPos, card_width, card_line_top, AlignAuto | AlignVCenter, horizontalHeader()->label(0)); painter.drawText(card_marg + card_width + card_text_marg, tPos, card_width, card_line_top, AlignAuto | AlignVCenter, horizontalHeader()->label(1)); //draw text painter.setFont(font()); painter.drawText(card_marg + card_text_marg, tPos + card_line_top, card_width - (2 * card_text_marg), card_height - card_line_top, AlignHCenter | AlignVCenter | WordBreak, text(rc, 0)); painter.drawText(card_marg + card_width + card_text_marg, tPos + card_line_top, card_width - (2 * card_text_marg), card_height - card_line_top, AlignHCenter | AlignVCenter | WordBreak, text(rc, 1)); tPos = tPos + card_height + card_line_top; if (tPos + card_height + card_line_top > w.height() - card_marg) { doEndOfPage(painter, tPos, pageNum++, res, type); tPos = card_marg; pPrinter->newPage(); doNewPage(painter, res, type); } } } else { for (int rc = 0; rc < numRows(); ++rc) { painter.drawLine(lPos, tPos, lPos + gridWidth, tPos); painter.setFont(KGlobalSettings::generalFont()); painter.drawText(lPos, tPos, cw0 - pad, rowHeight(rc), AlignRight | AlignVCenter, QString::number(rc + 1)); painter.setFont(font()); painter.drawText(lPos + cw0 + pad, tPos, cw1, rowHeight(rc), AlignAuto | AlignVCenter | WordBreak, text(rc, 0)); if (type == 0) painter.drawText(lPos + cw0 + cw1 + pad, tPos, cw2, rowHeight(rc), AlignAuto | AlignVCenter | WordBreak, text(rc, 1)); tPos = tPos + rowHeight(rc); if (tPos + rowHeight(rc + 1) > w.height() - marg) { doEndOfPage(painter, tPos, pageNum++, res, type); tPos = marg + horizontalHeader()->height(); pPrinter->newPage(); doNewPage(painter, res, type); } } } doEndOfPage(painter, tPos, pageNum++, res, type); painter.end(); } void KWordQuizView::doNewPage( QPainter & painter, int res, int type ) { int cw0 = verticalHeader()->width(); int cw1 = columnWidth(0); int cw2 = columnWidth(1); int cw3 = 0; int marg = res; int card_marg = res / 2; int pad = 2; if (type == 1) cw3 = 50; QRect w = painter.window(); painter.setFont(KGlobalSettings::generalFont()); if (type == 2) { painter.drawText(card_marg, card_marg - 20, i18n("KWordQuiz - %1").arg(getDocument()->URL().fileName())); return; } painter.drawLine(marg, marg, marg + cw0 + cw1 + cw2 + cw3, marg); painter.drawText(marg, marg - 20, i18n("KWordQuiz - %1").arg(getDocument()->URL().fileName())); if (type == 1) { QString score = i18n("Name:_____________________________ Date:__________"); QRect r = painter.boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, AlignAuto, score); painter.drawText(w.width() - r.width() - marg, marg - 20, score); } painter.drawText(marg, marg, cw0, horizontalHeader()->height(), AlignRight | AlignVCenter, ""); painter.drawText(marg + cw0 + pad, marg, cw1, horizontalHeader()->height(), AlignAuto | AlignVCenter, horizontalHeader()->label(0)); painter.drawText(marg + cw0 + cw1 + pad, marg, cw2, horizontalHeader()->height(), AlignAuto | AlignVCenter, horizontalHeader()->label(1)); if (type == 1) painter.drawText(marg + cw0 + cw1 + cw2 + pad, marg, cw3, horizontalHeader()->height(), AlignAuto | AlignVCenter, i18n("Score")); } void KWordQuizView::doEndOfPage( QPainter & painter, int vPos, int pageNum, int res, int type ) { int marg = res; painter.setFont(KGlobalSettings::generalFont()); QRect w = painter.window(); QRect r = painter.boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, AlignAuto, QString::number(pageNum)); painter.drawText((w.width()/2) - (r.width()/2), w.height() - marg + 20, QString::number(pageNum)); if (type == 2) return; int cw0 = verticalHeader()->width(); int cw1 = columnWidth(0); int cw2 = columnWidth(1); int cw3 = 0; if (type == 1) cw3 = 50; //Last horizontal line painter.drawLine(marg, vPos, marg + cw0 + cw1 + cw2 + cw3, vPos); //Four vertical lines painter.drawLine(marg, marg, marg, vPos); painter.drawLine(marg + cw0, marg, marg + cw0, vPos); painter.drawLine(marg + cw0 + cw1, marg, marg + cw0 + cw1, vPos); painter.drawLine(marg + cw0 + cw1 + cw2, marg, marg + cw0 + cw1 + cw2, vPos); if (type == 1) painter.drawLine(marg + cw0 + cw1 + cw2 + cw3, marg, marg + cw0 + cw1 + cw2 + cw3, vPos); } /*! \fn KWordQuizView::gridIsEmpty() */ bool KWordQuizView::gridIsEmpty() { for(int i = 0; i < numRows(); i++){ for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++){ if(!text(i, j).isEmpty()){ return false; } } } return true; } QWidget * KWordQuizView::beginEdit( int row, int col, bool replace ) { m_currentText = text(row, col); cellEditor = QTable::beginEdit(row, col, replace); if (cellEditor) cellEditor->installEventFilter(this); return cellEditor; } void KWordQuizView::endEdit( int row, int col, bool accept, bool replace ) { // this code gets called after enter and arrow keys, now we // only process if editing really has been done if (cellWidget(row, col) != 0) //if edited the cellWidget still exists { if (((QLineEdit *) cellWidget(row, col))->text() != m_currentText) addUndo(i18n("&Undo Entry")); QTable::endEdit(row, col, accept, replace); //this will destroy the cellWidget if (!text(row, col).isEmpty()) { QTableItem* itm; itm = item(row, col); itm->setWordWrap(true); adjustRow(row); getDocument() -> setModified(true); if (Prefs::enableBlanks()) if (!checkForBlank(text(row, col), true)) KNotifyClient::event(winId(), "SyntaxError", i18n("There is an error with the Fill-in-the-blank brackets")); } } } void KWordQuizView::adjustRow( int row ) { // we want to make the row high enough to display content, but // if the user already made it even higher we keep that height int rh = rowHeight(row); QTable::adjustRow(row); if (rh > rowHeight(row)) setRowHeight(row, rh); } void KWordQuizView::saveCurrentSelection(bool clear = true) { m_currentRow = currentRow(); m_currentCol = currentColumn(); if (numSelections() > 0) { m_currentSel = selection(0); if (clear) clearSelection(); } else { QTableSelection* ts; ts = new QTableSelection(m_currentRow, m_currentCol, m_currentRow, m_currentCol); m_currentSel = *ts; } } void KWordQuizView::doEditUndo( ) { if (isEditing()) { if (((QLineEdit *) cellWidget(currentRow(), currentColumn()))->isUndoAvailable()) ((QLineEdit *) cellWidget(currentRow(), currentColumn()))->undo(); } else { WQUndo undo; if (m_undoList->count() > 0) { setUpdatesEnabled(false); undo = m_undoList->first(); setFont(undo.font()); verticalHeader()->setMinimumWidth(undo.colWidth0()); setColumnWidth(0, undo.colWidth1()); setColumnWidth(1, undo.colWidth2()); setNumRows(0); setNumRows(undo.numRows()); setCurrentCell(undo.currentRow(), undo.currentCol()); addSelection(undo.selection()); QString s; int i = 0; KWqlDataItemList dataList = undo.list(); KWqlDataItemList::ConstIterator end(dataList.end()); for(KWqlDataItemList::ConstIterator dataIt = dataList.begin(); dataIt != end; ++dataIt) { s = (*dataIt).frontText(); if (!s.isEmpty()) setText(i, 0, s); //calling setText only when there actually is text helps with sorting s = (*dataIt).backText(); if (!s.isEmpty()) setText(i, 1, s); setRowHeight(i, (*dataIt).rowHeight()); i++; } m_undoList->remove(m_undoList->begin()); setUpdatesEnabled(true); } if (m_undoList->count() > 0) { undo = m_undoList->first(); emit undoChange(undo.text(), true); } else emit undoChange(i18n("Cannot &Undo"), false); } } void KWordQuizView::doEditCut( ) { if (isEditing()) { ((QLineEdit *) cellWidget(currentRow(), currentColumn()))->cut(); } else { addUndo(i18n("&Undo Cut")); doEditCopy(); saveCurrentSelection(); for (int r = m_currentSel.topRow(); r <= m_currentSel.bottomRow(); ++r) for(int c = m_currentSel.leftCol(); c <= m_currentSel.rightCol(); ++c) clearCell(r, c); } getDocument()->setModified(true); } void KWordQuizView::doEditCopy( ) { bool mod = getDocument()->isModified(); if (isEditing()) { ((QLineEdit *) cellWidget(currentRow(), currentColumn()))->copy(); } else { saveCurrentSelection(false); QString s; for (int r = m_currentSel.topRow(); r <= m_currentSel.bottomRow(); ++r) { for (int c = m_currentSel.leftCol(); c <= m_currentSel.rightCol(); ++c) s = s + text(r, c) + "\t"; s = s + "\n"; } kapp->clipboard()->setText(s); } getDocument()->setModified(mod); } void KWordQuizView::doEditPaste( ) { if (isEditing()) { ((QLineEdit *) cellWidget(currentRow(), currentColumn()))->paste(); } else { addUndo(i18n("&Undo Paste")); saveCurrentSelection(); int tr = m_currentSel.topRow(); int br = m_currentSel.bottomRow(); int lc = m_currentSel.leftCol(); int rc = m_currentSel.rightCol(); if (lc == rc && tr == br) //one cell selected { QString s = kapp->clipboard()->text(); QStringList sl; sl = QStringList::split("\n", s); uint r = numRows() - tr; if (sl.count() > r) //do we need to add rows? { setNumRows(numRows() + (sl.count() - r)); br = numRows(); } else br= br + sl.count() - 1; if (lc == 0) //left col? if (sl[0].find("\t") < ((int) sl[0].length() - 1)) rc = 1; //expand to second column; uint i = 0; int ar = tr; QStringList sr; while(i < sl.count() && br <= numRows() ) { int ac = lc; sr = QStringList::split("\t", sl[i]); int c = 0; while (ac <= rc) { setText(ar, ac, sr[c]); ac++; c++; } ar++; i++; } } else { QString s = kapp->clipboard()->text(); QStringList sl; sl = QStringList::split("\n", s); uint i = 0; int ar = tr; QStringList sr; while(i < sl.count() && ar <= br ) { int ac = lc; sr = QStringList::split("\t", sl[i]); int c = 0; while (ac <= rc) { setText(ar, ac, sr[c]); ac++; c++; } ar++; i++; } } //restore selection addSelection(QTableSelection(tr, lc, br, rc)); setCurrentCell(m_currentRow, m_currentCol); } getDocument()->setModified(true); } void KWordQuizView::doEditClear( ) { if (isEditing()) { ((QLineEdit *) cellWidget(currentRow(), currentColumn()))->clear(); } else { addUndo(i18n("&Undo Clear")); saveCurrentSelection(false); for (int r = m_currentSel.topRow(); r <= m_currentSel.bottomRow(); ++r) for(int c = m_currentSel.leftCol(); c <= m_currentSel.rightCol(); ++c) clearCell(r, c); } getDocument()->setModified(true); } void KWordQuizView::doEditInsert( ) { addUndo(i18n("&Undo Insert")); setUpdatesEnabled(false); saveCurrentSelection(); insertRows(m_currentSel.topRow(), m_currentSel.bottomRow() - m_currentSel.topRow() + 1); addSelection(QTableSelection(m_currentSel.topRow(), m_currentSel.leftCol(), m_currentSel.bottomRow(), m_currentSel.rightCol())); setCurrentCell(m_currentRow, m_currentCol); setUpdatesEnabled(true); repaintContents(); getDocument()->setModified(true); } void KWordQuizView::doEditDelete( ) { addUndo(i18n("&Undo Delete")); //retrieve current selection saveCurrentSelection(); int tr = m_currentSel.topRow(); int br = m_currentSel.bottomRow(); if (tr == 0 && br == numRows() - 1) br--; //leave one row if all rows are selected for (int r = br; r >= tr; --r) removeRow(r); if (br > numRows()) br = numRows(); //adjust for new numRows //restore selection as much as possible addSelection(QTableSelection(tr, m_currentSel.leftCol(), br, m_currentSel.rightCol())); setCurrentCell(m_currentRow, m_currentCol); getDocument()->setModified(true); } const char delim_start = '['; const char delim_end = ']'; bool KWordQuizView::checkForBlank( const QString & s, bool blank ) { if (!blank) return true; bool result = false; int openCount = 0; int closeCount = 0; QMemArray openPos(0); QMemArray closePos(0); for (uint i = 0; i<= s.length(); ++i) { if (s[i] == delim_start) { openCount++; openPos.resize(openCount); openPos[openCount] = i; } if (s[i] == delim_end) { closeCount++; closePos.resize(closeCount); closePos[closeCount] = i; } } if (openCount == 0 && closeCount == 0) return true; if (openCount > 0 && closeCount > 0) if (openPos.size() == closePos.size()) for (uint i = 0; i <= openPos.size(); ++i) result = (openPos[i] < closePos[i]); return result; } void KWordQuizView::doEditMarkBlank( ) { if (isEditing()) { addUndo(i18n("&Undo Mark Blank")); QLineEdit * l = (QLineEdit *) cellWidget(currentRow(), currentColumn()); if (l->text().length() > 0) { QString s = l->text(); int cp = l->cursorPosition(); if (!l->hasSelectedText()) { if (!s[cp].isSpace() && !s[cp - 1].isSpace()) { l->cursorWordBackward(false); int cp1 = l->cursorPosition(); l->cursorWordForward(false); if (l->cursorPosition() != (int) s.length()) { while(l->text()[l->cursorPosition()].isSpace()) l->cursorBackward(false, 1); } int cp2 = l->cursorPosition(); if (cp2 == (int) s.length()) l->setSelection(cp1, cp2 - cp1); else l->setSelection(cp1, cp2 - cp1 - 1); } else return; } if (l->hasSelectedText()) { QString st = l->selectedText(); int len = st.length(); st = st.prepend(delim_start); st = st.append(delim_end); int ss = l->selectionStart(); s = s.replace(ss, len, st); l->setText(s); l->setSelection(ss, st.length()); } } } } void KWordQuizView::doEditUnmarkBlank( ) { addUndo(i18n("&Undo Unmark Blank")); QString s; if (isEditing()) { QLineEdit * l = (QLineEdit *) cellWidget(currentRow(), currentColumn()); if (l->hasSelectedText()) { QString ls = l->text(); s = l->selectedText(); int len = s.length(); s.remove(delim_start); s.remove(delim_end); int ss = l->selectionStart(); ls = ls.replace(ss, len, s); l->setText(ls); l->setSelection(ss, s.length()); } else { if (l->text().length() > 0) { s = l->text(); int cs = l->cursorPosition(); int fr = s.findRev(delim_start, cs); if (fr > 0) { s = s.replace(fr, 1, ""); cs--; } int ff = s.find(delim_end, cs); if (ff > 0) s = s.replace(ff, 1, ""); l->setText(s); l->setCursorPosition(cs); } } } else { saveCurrentSelection(false); for (int r = m_currentSel.topRow(); r <= m_currentSel.bottomRow(); ++r) for(int c = m_currentSel.leftCol(); c <= m_currentSel.rightCol(); ++c) { s = text(r, c); s = s.remove(delim_start); s = s.remove(delim_end); setText(r, c, s); } } } bool KWordQuizView::checkSyntax(bool all, bool blanks) { int errorCount = 0; int r1, r2, c1 ,c2; if (all) { r1 = 0; r2 = numRows() - 1; c1 = 0; c2 = 1; } else { saveCurrentSelection(false); r1 = m_currentSel.topRow(); r2 = m_currentSel.bottomRow(); c1 = m_currentSel.leftCol(); c2 = m_currentSel.rightCol(); } for (int r = r1; r <= r2; ++r) for(int c = c1 ; c <= c2 ; ++c ) { QString s = text(r, c); if (s.length() > 0) for (uint i = 0; i <= s.length(); ++i) if (s[i] == delim_start || s[i] == delim_end) if (!checkForBlank(s, blanks)) errorCount++; } return (errorCount == 0); } void KWordQuizView::doVocabSort( ) { saveCurrentSelection(); DlgSort* dlg; dlg = new DlgSort(this, "dlg_sort", true); dlg->setLanguage(1, horizontalHeader()->label(0)); dlg->setLanguage(2, horizontalHeader()->label(1)); dlg->disableResize(); if (dlg->exec() == KDialogBase::Accepted) { addUndo(i18n("&Undo Sort")); if (dlg->base()) sortColumn(0, dlg->ascending(), true); else sortColumn(1, dlg->ascending(), true); getDocument()->setModified(true); } //restore selection addSelection(QTableSelection(m_currentSel.topRow(), m_currentSel.leftCol(), m_currentSel.bottomRow(), m_currentSel.rightCol())); setCurrentCell(m_currentRow, m_currentCol); } void KWordQuizView::doVocabShuffle( ) { //@todo handle empty rows addUndo(i18n("&Undo Shuffle")); saveCurrentSelection(); KRandomSequence* rs; rs = new KRandomSequence(); int count = numRows(); setUpdatesEnabled(false); while (count > 0) { swapRows(count-1, rs->getLong(count)); count--; } //restore selection addSelection(QTableSelection(m_currentSel.topRow(), m_currentSel.leftCol(), m_currentSel.bottomRow(), m_currentSel.rightCol())); setCurrentCell(m_currentRow, m_currentCol); setUpdatesEnabled(true); repaintContents(); getDocument()->setModified(true); } void KWordQuizView::doVocabRC( ) { saveCurrentSelection(); DlgRC* dlg; dlg = new DlgRC(this, "dlg_rc", true); //dlg->setInitialSize(QSize(225, 230), true); dlg->setNumRows(numRows()); dlg->setRowHeight(rowHeight(m_currentRow)); dlg->setColWidth(columnWidth(m_currentCol)); dlg->disableResize(); if (dlg->exec() == KDialogBase::Accepted) { if (dlg->numRows() < 1) setNumRows(1); else setNumRows(dlg->numRows()); for (int i = m_currentSel.topRow(); i <= m_currentSel.bottomRow(); ++i) setRowHeight(i, dlg->rowHeight()); for (int i = m_currentSel.leftCol(); i <= m_currentSel.rightCol(); ++i) setColumnWidth(i, dlg->colWidth()); getDocument()->setModified(true); } addSelection(QTableSelection(m_currentSel.topRow(), m_currentSel.leftCol(), m_currentSel.bottomRow(), m_currentSel.rightCol())); setCurrentCell(m_currentRow, m_currentCol); } void KWordQuizView::doVocabSpecChar( ) { QString f = font().family(); QChar c=' '; if (dlgSpecChar==0) { dlgSpecChar = new DlgSpecChar( this, "insert special char", f, c, false ); connect( dlgSpecChar, SIGNAL(insertChar(QChar)), this, SLOT(slotSpecChar(QChar))); connect( dlgSpecChar, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( slotDlgSpecCharClosed() ) ); } dlgSpecChar->show(); } void KWordQuizView::slotDlgSpecCharClosed( ) { if ( dlgSpecChar ) { disconnect( dlgSpecChar, SIGNAL(insertChar(QChar)), this, SLOT(slotSpecChar(QChar))); disconnect( dlgSpecChar, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( slotDlgSpecCharClosed() ) ); dlgSpecChar->deleteLater(); dlgSpecChar = 0L; } } void KWordQuizView::slotSpecChar(const QChar & c) { if (isEditing()) { QLineEdit * l = (QLineEdit *) cellWidget(currentRow(), currentColumn()); if (l->hasSelectedText()) { QString ls = l->text(); QString s = l->selectedText(); int len = s.length(); int ss = l->selectionStart(); ls = ls.replace(ss, len, c); l->setText(ls); l->setSelection(ss, 1); } else { QString s = l->text(); int i = l->cursorPosition(); s.insert(i, c); l->setText(s); l->setCursorPosition(i + 1); } } else { editCell(currentRow(), currentColumn(), true); ((QLineEdit *) cellWidget(currentRow(), currentColumn()))->setText(c); ((QLineEdit *) cellWidget(currentRow(), currentColumn()))->setCursorPosition(1); } } void KWordQuizView::activateNextCell( ) { saveCurrentSelection(false); int tr = m_currentSel.topRow(); int br = m_currentSel.bottomRow(); int lc = m_currentSel.leftCol(); int rc = m_currentSel.rightCol(); if (lc == rc && tr == br) //one cell selected { clearSelection(); switch(Prefs::enterMove()) { case 0: if (m_currentRow == (numRows() - 1)) setNumRows(numRows() + 1); setCurrentCell(m_currentRow + 1, m_currentCol); break; case 1: if (m_currentCol == 0) setCurrentCell(m_currentRow, m_currentCol + 1); else { if (m_currentRow == (numRows() - 1)) setNumRows(numRows() + 1); setCurrentCell(m_currentRow + 1, m_currentCol - 1); } break; case 2: setCurrentCell(m_currentRow, m_currentCol); break; } } else //a larger selection, move within it { //addSelection(QTableSelection(m_currentSel.topRow(), m_currentSel.leftCol(), m_currentSel.bottomRow(), m_currentSel.rightCol())); switch(Prefs::enterMove()) { case 0: if (m_currentRow == br) { if (m_currentCol < rc) setCurrentCell(tr, rc); else setCurrentCell(tr, lc); } else if (m_currentRow < br) setCurrentCell(m_currentRow + 1, m_currentCol); break; case 1: if (m_currentCol == rc) { if (m_currentRow < br) setCurrentCell(m_currentRow + 1, lc); else setCurrentCell(tr, lc); } else setCurrentCell(m_currentRow, m_currentCol + 1); break; case 2: setCurrentCell(m_currentRow, m_currentCol); break; } } } void KWordQuizView::addUndo( const QString & caption ) { while (m_undoList->count() > 10) { m_undoList->remove(m_undoList->begin()); } WQUndo* undo = new WQUndo(); undo->setText(caption); undo->setFont(font()); undo->setColWidth0(verticalHeader()->width()); undo->setColWidth1(columnWidth(0)); undo->setColWidth2(columnWidth(1)); undo->setNumRows(numRows()); undo->setCurrentRow(currentRow()); undo->setCurrentCol(currentColumn()); undo->setSelection(selection(0)); KWqlDataItemList list; for(int i = 0; i < numRows(); i++) { KWqlDataItem item(text(i, 0), text(i, 1), rowHeight(i)); list.append(item); } undo->setList(list); m_undoList->prepend(*undo); getDocument()->setModified(true); emit undoChange(caption, true); } void KWordQuizView::setFont( const QFont & font) { QTable::setFont(font); horizontalHeader()->setFont(KGlobalSettings::generalFont()); verticalHeader()->setFont(KGlobalSettings::generalFont()); for (int i = 0; i < numRows(); ++i) adjustRow(i); //setRowHeight(i, fontMetrics().lineSpacing() ); } void KWordQuizView::paintCell( QPainter * p, int row, int col, const QRect & cr, bool selected, const QColorGroup & cg ) { QColorGroup g (cg); if (Prefs::enableBlanks()) if (!checkForBlank(text(row, col), true)) g.setColor(QColorGroup::Text, Qt::red); QTable::paintCell (p, row, col, cr, selected, g ); } void KWordQuizView::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * e) { /*if (isEditing()) if (e->key() == Key_Tab) { endEdit(currentRow(), currentColumn(), true, true); activateNextCell(); return; } else return; */ if (e->key() == Key_Tab) { activateNextCell(); return; } QTable::keyPressEvent(e); } void KWordQuizView::slotCheckedAnswer( int i ) { if (i == -1) { clearSelection(); addSelection(QTableSelection(m_currentSel.topRow(), m_currentSel.leftCol(), m_currentSel.bottomRow(), m_currentSel.rightCol())); setCurrentCell(m_currentRow, m_currentCol); } else { clearSelection(); setCurrentCell(i, 0); selectRow(i); } } bool KWordQuizView::eventFilter( QObject * o, QEvent * e ) { if (o == cellEditor) { if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) { QKeyEvent *k = (QKeyEvent *)e; if (k->key() == Key_Tab) { endEdit(currentRow(), currentColumn(), true, true); activateNextCell(); return true; } } } return QTable::eventFilter(o, e); } void KWordQuizView::setText(int row, int col, const QString & text) { QTableItem *itm = item(row, col); if (itm) { itm->setText(text); itm->updateEditor(row, col); updateCell(row, col); } else { KWQTableItem *i = new KWQTableItem(this, QTableItem::OnTyping, text); setItem(row, col, i); } } #include "kwordquizview.moc"