OpsGuidesUI OpsGuidesUI 0 0 420 555 OpsGuides unnamed kcfg_ShowCLines &Constellation lines Show constellation lines? If checked, constellation lines will be drawn on the sky map. kcfg_ShowCBounds Constellation &boundaries kcfg_ShowCNames Constellation &names Draw constellation names? If checked, constellation names will be drawn on the sky map. ConstellOptions Constellation Name Options unnamed kcfg_UseLatinConstellNames L&atin Use Latin constellation names Select this to use Latin constellation names on the sky map kcfg_UseLocalConstellNames Localized Use Localized constellation names Select this to use constellation names from your locality (if available) kcfg_UseAbbrevConstellNames Abbre&viated Use IAU abbreviations Select this to use abbreviations from the International Astronomical Union as constellation labels spacer12_2 Vertical Fixed 20 16 kcfg_ShowMilkyWay Mil&ky Way Draw the Milky Way contour? If checked, a contour representing the Milky Way will be drawn on the sky map kcfg_FillMilkyWay Fill Milk&y Way Use filled Milky Way contour? If checked, the Milky Way contour will be shown filled. Otherwise, only the outline will be drawn. spacer12 Vertical Fixed 20 16 kcfg_ShowGrid Coor&dinate grid Draw coordinate grid? If checked, a grid of lines will be drawn every 2 hours in Right Ascension and every 20 degrees in Declination. kcfg_ShowEquator Celestial e&quator Draw Celestial equator? If checked, the celestial equator will be drawn in the sky map. kcfg_ShowEcliptic Ecliptic Draw Ecliptic? If checked, the ecliptic will be drawn on the sky map. The ecliptic is a great circle on the sky that the Sun appears to follow over the course of one year. All other solar system bodies roughly follow the ecliptic as well. kcfg_ShowHorizon Hori&zon (line) Draw horizon? If checked, a line representing the local horizon will be drawn on the map. kcfg_ShowGround Opaque &ground Draw opaque ground? If checked, the area below the horizon will be filled in, to simulate the ground beneath you. Note that the ground is never drawn when using the Equatorial coordinate system. spacer13 Vertical Expanding 20 60