// ApnUsbSys.h // // Copyright (c) 2003, 2004 Apogee Instruments, Inc. // // Defines common data structure(s) for sharing between application // layer and the ApUSB.sys device driver. // #if !defined(_APNUSBSYS_H__INCLUDED_) #define _APNUSBSYS_H__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #define VND_ANCHOR_LOAD_INTERNAL 0xA0 #define VND_APOGEE_CMD_BASE 0xC0 #define VND_APOGEE_STATUS ( VND_APOGEE_CMD_BASE + 0x0 ) #define VND_APOGEE_CAMCON_REG ( VND_APOGEE_CMD_BASE + 0x2 ) #define VND_APOGEE_BUFCON_REG ( VND_APOGEE_CMD_BASE + 0x3 ) #define VND_APOGEE_SET_SERIAL ( VND_APOGEE_CMD_BASE + 0x4 ) #define VND_APOGEE_SERIAL ( VND_APOGEE_CMD_BASE + 0x5 ) #define VND_APOGEE_EEPROM ( VND_APOGEE_CMD_BASE + 0x6 ) #define VND_APOGEE_SOFT_RESET ( VND_APOGEE_CMD_BASE + 0x8 ) #define VND_APOGEE_GET_IMAGE ( VND_APOGEE_CMD_BASE + 0x9 ) #define VND_APOGEE_STOP_IMAGE ( VND_APOGEE_CMD_BASE + 0xA ) #define REQUEST_IN 0x1 #define REQUEST_OUT 0x0 typedef struct _APN_USB_REQUEST { unsigned char Request; unsigned char Direction; unsigned short Value; unsigned short Index; } APN_USB_REQUEST, *PAPN_USB_REQUEST; #endif // !defined(_APNUSBSYS_H__INCLUDED_)