Enter the width of the axis lines. 5 Check this box if the labels at the tics should be shown. true Check this box if axes should be shown. true Check this box if axes should have arrows. true Enter the width of the grid lines. 1 Choose a suitable grid style. 1 Check this box if a frame should be drawn around the plot area. false Check this box if an extra frame should be drawn around the plot area. true Enter the length of the tic lines 10 Enter the width of the tic lines. 1 Enter the width of the plot line. 5 Predefined plot area widths. 0 Predefined plot area heights. 0 Enter the left boundary of the plotting area. -2*pi Enter the right boundary of the plotting area. 2*pi Enter the lower boundary of the plotting area. -2*pi Enter the upper boundary of the plotting area. 2*pi Enter the width of a unit from tic to tic. 8 Enter the height of a unit from tic to tic. 8 Enter the width of a unit in cm. 3 Enter the height of a unit in cm. 3 Choose a font name for the axis labels. KGlobalSettings::generalFont().family() Choose a font size for the axis labels. 40 Choose a font name for the table printed at the top of the page. KGlobalSettings::generalFont().family() Enter the color of the axis lines. Choose a color for the grid lines. #C0C0C0 Choose a color for function 1. #FF0000 Choose a color for function 2. #00FF00 Choose a color for function 3. #0000FF Choose a color for function 4. #FF00FF Choose a color for function 5. #FFFF00 Choose a color for function 6. #00FFFF Choose a color for function 7. #008000 Choose a color for function 8. #000080 Choose a color for function 9. #000000 Choose a color for function 10. #000000 The greater the step width the faster but the less precise the plot is done. 1.0 If relative step width is set to true, the step width will be adapted to the size of the window. true Check the box if you want to use radians 0 The background color for the graph #FFFFFF The value the zoom-in tool should use 20 The value the zoom-out tool should use 25