ObsListWizardUI ObsListWizardUI 0 0 763 403 Observing List Wizard unnamed layout79 unnamed layout55 unnamed textLabel1 Selection filters: Filter true true 1. Object type(s) 2. Region a. In constellation(s) b. Rectangular c. Circular 3. Magnitude limit FilterList true false layout12 unnamed textLabel1_2 5 0 0 0 Filter arguments: FilterStack ObjTypePage 0 unnamed textLabel2 Select object types: layout13 unnamed Stars Sun, Moon, Planets Comets Asteroids Open Clusters Globular Clusters Gaseous Nebulae Planetary Nebulae Galaxies TypeList Multi layout12 unnamed AllButton All NoneButton &None DeepSkyButton Deep-Sk&y SolarSystemButton Sol&ar System spacer2 Vertical Expanding 20 90 ConstellationPage 1 unnamed SelectByConstellation Select objects in constell&ation(s): ConstellationList false Multi RectRegionPage 2 unnamed SelectByRect Select objects in region: layout48 unnamed textLabel4_2_2 to RAMin false 7 5 0 0 0 20 RAMax false 7 5 0 0 0 20 textLabel4 5 0 0 0 RA: textLabel4_3 5 0 0 0 Dec: textLabel4_2 to DecMin false 7 5 0 0 0 20 DecMax false 7 5 0 0 0 20 spacer1 Vertical Expanding 20 215 CircRegionPage 3 unnamed SelectByCirc Select objects within circle: layout9 unnamed textLabel1_4 Center RA: textLabel2_3 Center Dec: textLabel3_3 Radius (degrees): RA false 7 5 0 0 0 20 Dec false 7 5 0 0 0 20 Radius false 1 180 spacer9 Vertical Expanding 20 170 ObsDatePage 4 unnamed SelectByDate Select objects observ&able on: layout6 unnamed Date 160 0 spacer6 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 layout4 unnamed textLabel2_2 0 5 0 0 from LocationLabel 1 Tucson, Arizona, USA layout5_2 unnamed spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 LocationButton false Cha&nge Location spacer4 Horizontal Expanding 40 20 spacer5 Vertical Expanding 20 176 MagLimitPage 5 unnamed SelectByMag Select objects &brighter than: layout36 unnamed Mag false textLabel4_4 mag spacer8 Horizontal Expanding 295 20 ExcludeNoMag false Exclude objects which have &no magnitude true spacer7 Vertical Expanding 20 179 RegionPage 6 unnamed textLabel3 There are three ways to select objects from a specific region on the sky: a. select objects in a constellation b. select objects in a rectangular region c. select objects in a circular region Choose one of these sub-items to select from a region on the sky. AlignTop CountLabel Box Sunken Current selection: 100 objects ExtDateEdit
70 20 0 5 5 0 0 image0
-1 20 0 5 0 0 0 image0
60 18 0 5 5 0 0 image0
789c534e494dcbcc4b554829cdcdad8c2fcf4c29c95030e0524611cd48cd4ccf28010a1797249664262b2467241641a592324b8aa363156c15aab914146aadb90067111b1f klistview.h klistbox.h kpushbutton.h klistbox.h dmsbox.h knuminput.h magnitudespinbox.h