This library provides KPlotWidget and KPlotObject classes. KPlotWidget is a QWidget-derived class that provides a virtual baseclass for easy data-plotting. The idea behind KPlotWidget is that you only have to specify information in "data units"; i.e., the natural units of the data being plotted. KPlotWidget automatically converts everything to screen pixel units. KPlotWidget draws X and Y axes with tickmarks and tick labels. It automatically determines how many tickmarks to use and where they should be, based on the data limits specified for the plot. You change the limits by calling setLimits( double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2 ), and then calling updateTickmarks() to recompute the positions of tickmarks and ticklabels. Data to be plotted are stored using the KPlotObject class. KPlotObject consists of a QPtrList of DPoints, each specifying the X,Y coordinates of a data point (DPoint is like QPoint, but the X and Y values are doubles instead of ints). KPlotObject also specifies the "type" of data to be plotted (POINTS or CURVE or POLYGON or LABEL). Jason Harris