/*************************************************************************** begin : Thu Jul 17 copyright : (C) 2001-2004 by George Wright email : gwright@kde.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "klatinvocab.h" #include "settings.h" KLatinVocab::KLatinVocab(TQWidget* parent, const char *name) : KLatinVocabWidget(parent, name) { BackButton->setIconSet(TDEGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIconSet("back", TDEIcon::Small)); m_vocabFile = TQString(); // Goes back to the last dialog connect(BackButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(goBack())); // Set default settings m_numberOfQuestions = Settings::numOfQuestions(); m_total = 0; m_totalCorrect = 0; m_questionNumber = 0; m_dialogShown = true; // Parse the kvtml vocab file parseVocab(); // Connect the multiple choice buttons to the various slots connect(Answer1, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(checkAnswerOne())); connect(Answer2, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(checkAnswerTwo())); connect(Answer3, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(checkAnswerThree())); connect(Answer4, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(checkAnswerFour())); } KLatinVocab::~KLatinVocab() { } void KLatinVocab::parseVocab(TQString customFile) { m_vocabFile = customFile; m_texts.clear(); TQString fileName; // Load all the config variables if (Settings::numOfQuestions() != 0) { m_numberOfQuestions = Settings::numOfQuestions(); } // Load default file as defined in settings fileName = Settings::defaultFile(); kdDebug() << fileName << endl; if (!customFile.isNull()) fileName = customFile; // Check whether file exists or not // If not then regenerate working default if (TQFile::exists(fileName) == FALSE) { TDEConfigBase *globalConf = TDEGlobal::config(); globalConf->setGroup("Locale"); TQString language = globalConf->readEntry("Language", "en"); language = language.left(2); TQString fileNameLang = locate("data", "klatin/data/vocabs/"); fileNameLang += language; TQDir checkLang(fileNameLang); if (checkLang.exists() == FALSE) { language = "en"; } TQDir vocabDirectory(fileNameLang, "*.kvtml"); TQString defaultFile = (fileNameLang + "/" + vocabDirectory[0]); if (TQFile::exists(defaultFile) == FALSE) { KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Could not load vocabulary file; there is a problem with your KLatin installation."), i18n("Error with KLatin")); kapp->quit(); } else { fileName = defaultFile; Settings::setDefaultFile(defaultFile); } } // Load XML file into memory KEduVocDataItemList vocabulary = KEduVocData::parse(fileName); int it = 0; // Start parsing file and allocating words to the TQValueList for(KEduVocDataItemList::Iterator dataIt = vocabulary.begin(); dataIt != vocabulary.end(); ++dataIt) { if (Settings::langToLatin()) { m_texts.append(qMakePair(vocabulary[it].originalText(), vocabulary[it].translatedText())); } else { m_texts.append(qMakePair(vocabulary[it].translatedText(), vocabulary[it].originalText())); } it++; } // Number of words in the list m_numberOfWords = it - 1; // Create a random sequence to follow in the test createRandomSequence(); // Ask a question newQuestion(); } void KLatinVocab::createRandomSequence() { // Seed the random number generator srandom(time(NULL)); // This works by assigning an array with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc // and then shuffling them into m_sequence. // This sequence is then followed for testing purposes // TODO Change implementation to use KRandomSequence int i; int randomSequence[256]; m_numberOfQuestions++; for (i = 0; i < m_numberOfWords; i++) { randomSequence[i] = i; } // Courtesy of Neil Stevens for (i = 0; i < m_numberOfQuestions * 2; i++) { const int x = i % m_numberOfWords; const int y = x + (rand() % (m_numberOfWords - x)); const int swap = randomSequence[x]; randomSequence[x] = randomSequence[y]; randomSequence[y] = swap; } if (m_numberOfQuestions <= m_numberOfWords) { for (i = 0; i < m_numberOfQuestions; i++) { m_sequence[i] = randomSequence[i]; } } if (m_numberOfQuestions > m_numberOfWords) { int j = 0; for (i = 0; i < m_numberOfQuestions; i++) { if (j < m_numberOfWords) { m_sequence[i] = randomSequence[j]; j++; } if (j >= m_numberOfWords) { j = 0; } } } } void KLatinVocab::newQuestion() { int randNum = 0; // If we have already asked the number of questions required // then show the results dialogue if (m_questionNumber == (m_numberOfQuestions - 1)) { resultsDialog(); return; } // Seed the random number generator srandom(time(NULL)); // Grab number from random sequence randNum = m_sequence[m_questionNumber]; QuestionLabel->setText(m_texts[randNum].first); m_previousQuestion += QuestionLabel->text(); // Initialise a couple of temporary variables int i = 0, j = 0, tempRand[4]; bool override = FALSE; // Assign m_choiceWords with the 4 words // to go into the multiple choice. Make sure // none of them are the same. while (i < 4) { tempRand[i] = (random() % (m_numberOfWords - 1)) + 1; if (i > 0) { j = 0; while (j < i) { if (tempRand[j] == tempRand[i]) { tempRand[i] = (random() % (m_numberOfWords - 1)) + 1; } else j++; } } i++; } // Assign the four words to m_choiceWords. if (m_choiceWords.count() == 0) { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) m_choiceWords += m_texts[tempRand[i]].second; m_choiceWords += m_texts[randNum].second; } else { for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) m_choiceWords[i] = m_texts[tempRand[i]].second; m_choiceWords[4] = m_texts[randNum].second; } // Make sure the actual answer isn't already in m_choiceWords // If it is, set override to be TRUE for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (m_choiceWords[4] == m_choiceWords[i]) { m_lastAnswerNumber = i; override = TRUE; } } bool exitLoop = FALSE; // Override a random variable with the correct // answer if (!override) { int answerNumber = (random() % 3); while (!exitLoop) { if (answerNumber != m_lastAnswerNumber) { m_choiceWords[answerNumber] = m_texts[randNum].second; m_lastAnswerNumber = answerNumber; exitLoop = TRUE; } else { answerNumber = (random() % 3); } } } // Add the correct answer to the list (for use // when the results dialogue is called) m_correctAnswer += m_choiceWords[4]; // The four values that will go into the four // Option boxes. Answer1->setText(m_choiceWords[0]); Answer2->setText(m_choiceWords[1]); Answer3->setText(m_choiceWords[2]); Answer4->setText(m_choiceWords[3]); // We have now asked another question so iterate this int. m_questionNumber++; } // Slots void KLatinVocab::goBack() { // If the dialogue isn't already shown then show it if (!m_dialogShown) resultsDialog(); emit exited(); close(); } // Slots for each of the multiple choice buttons void KLatinVocab::checkAnswer(int button) { m_dialogShown = false; if (m_choiceWords[button] == m_choiceWords[4]) { // Update the total answered correctly m_totalCorrect++; } // Update the total questions faced m_total++; m_previousAnswer += m_choiceWords[button]; updateScores(); // Setup a new question newQuestion(); } // TODO Use one slot and check the sender() instead void KLatinVocab::checkAnswerOne() { checkAnswer(0); } void KLatinVocab::checkAnswerTwo() { checkAnswer(1); } void KLatinVocab::checkAnswerThree() { checkAnswer(2); } void KLatinVocab::checkAnswerFour() { checkAnswer(3); } void KLatinVocab::updateScores() { // Update the score labels Score1Label->setNum(m_totalCorrect); Score2Label->setNum(m_total); // Set percentage PercentageLabel->setText(TQString::number(int(double(m_totalCorrect) / m_total * 100))+TQString("%")); } void KLatinVocab::resultsDialog() { // Show the results dialog results = new KLatinResultsDialog(this, 0, TRUE); results->CloseButton->setGuiItem(KStdGuiItem::close()); int temp = Score2Label->text().toInt(); // Set the lists for (int i = 0 ; i < temp; i++) { if (m_previousAnswer[i] != 0) new TQListViewItem(results->ResultsView, m_previousQuestion[i], m_previousAnswer[i], m_correctAnswer[i]); } // Set the scores results->PercentageValue->setText(PercentageLabel->text()); results->AttemptedValue->setText(Score2Label->text()); results->show(); results->resize(TQSize(420, 280)); // Set some variables. m_dialogShown = true; changeVocab(Settings::defaultFile()); } void KLatinVocab::changeVocab(const TQString &filename) { // Reset to defaults m_total = 0; m_totalCorrect = 0; m_questionNumber = 0; m_numberOfQuestions = Settings::numOfQuestions(); // Reset the StringLists as we are now on a new testing session m_correctAnswer.clear(); m_previousAnswer.clear(); m_previousQuestion.clear(); // Reset score labels Score1Label->setNum(m_totalCorrect); Score2Label->setNum(m_total); PercentageLabel->setText(0); // Load the vocabulary file again (and thus create a new random sequence) parseVocab(filename); } #include "klatinvocab.moc"