/*************************************************************************** jmoontool.cpp - Display overhead view of the solar system ------------------- begin : Sun May 25 2003 copyright : (C) 2003 by Jason Harris email : jharris@30doradus.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "jmoontool.h" #include "jupitermoons.h" #include "kstars.h" #include "kstarsdata.h" #include "ksplanet.h" #include "simclock.h" #include "planetcatalog.h" #include "dms.h" #include "ksnumbers.h" JMoonTool::JMoonTool(TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name) : KDialogBase( KDialogBase::Plain, i18n("Jupiter Moons Tool"), Close, Close, tqparent, name ) { ksw = (KStars*)tqparent; TQFrame *page = plainPage(); TQVBoxLayout *vlay = new TQVBoxLayout( page, 0, 0 ); colJp = "White"; colIo = "Red"; colEu = "Yellow"; colGn = "Orange"; colCa = "YellowGreen"; TQLabel *labIo = new TQLabel( "Io", page ); TQLabel *labEu = new TQLabel( "Europa", page ); TQLabel *labGn = new TQLabel( "Ganymede", page ); TQLabel *labCa = new TQLabel( "Callisto", page ); labIo->tqsetSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ); labEu->tqsetSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ); labGn->tqsetSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ); labCa->tqsetSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed ); labIo->tqsetAlignment( AlignHCenter ); labEu->tqsetAlignment( AlignHCenter ); labGn->tqsetAlignment( AlignHCenter ); labCa->tqsetAlignment( AlignHCenter ); labIo->setPaletteForegroundColor( colIo ); labEu->setPaletteForegroundColor( colEu ); labGn->setPaletteForegroundColor( colGn ); labCa->setPaletteForegroundColor( colCa ); labIo->setPaletteBackgroundColor( "Black" ); labEu->setPaletteBackgroundColor( "Black" ); labGn->setPaletteBackgroundColor( "Black" ); labCa->setPaletteBackgroundColor( "Black" ); TQGridLayout *glay = new TQGridLayout( 2, 2, 0 ); glay->addWidget( labIo, 0, 0 ); glay->addWidget( labEu, 1, 0 ); glay->addWidget( labGn, 0, 1 ); glay->addWidget( labCa, 1, 1 ); pw = new KStarsPlotWidget( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, page ); pw->setShowGrid( false ); pw->setYAxisType0( KStarsPlotWidget::TIME ); pw->setLimits( -12.0, 12.0, -240.0, 240.0 ); pw->setXAxisLabel( i18n( "offset from Jupiter (arcmin)" ) ); pw->setYAxisLabel( i18n( "time since now (days)" ) ); vlay->addLayout( glay ); vlay->addWidget( pw ); resize( 250, 500 ); initPlotObjects(); update(); } JMoonTool::~JMoonTool() { } void JMoonTool::initPlotObjects() { KPlotObject *orbit[4]; KPlotObject *jpath; long double jd0 = ksw->data()->ut().djd(); KSSun *ksun = (KSSun*)ksw->data()->PCat->findByName( "Sun" ); KSPlanet *jup = (KSPlanet*)ksw->data()->PCat->findByName( "Jupiter" ); JupiterMoons jm; if ( pw->objectCount() ) pw->clearObjectList(); orbit[0] = new KPlotObject( "io", colIo, KPlotObject::CURVE, 1, KPlotObject::SOLID ); orbit[1] = new KPlotObject( "europa", colEu, KPlotObject::CURVE, 1, KPlotObject::SOLID ); orbit[2] = new KPlotObject( "ganymede", colGn, KPlotObject::CURVE, 1, KPlotObject::SOLID ); orbit[3] = new KPlotObject( "callisto", colCa, KPlotObject::CURVE, 1, KPlotObject::SOLID ); jpath = new KPlotObject( "jupiter", colJp, KPlotObject::CURVE, 1, KPlotObject::SOLID ); double dy = 0.01*pw->dataHeight(); //t is the offset from jd0, in hours. for ( double t=pw->y(); t<=pw->y2(); t+=dy ) { KSNumbers num( jd0 + t/24.0 ); jm.findPosition( &num, jup, ksun ); //jm.x(i) tells the offset from Jupiter, in units of Jupiter's angular radius. //multiply by 0.5*jup->angSize() to get arcminutes for ( unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i ) orbit[i]->addPoint( new DPoint( 0.5*jup->angSize()*jm.x(i), t ) ); jpath->addPoint( new DPoint( 0.0, t ) ); } for ( unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i ) pw->addObject( orbit[i] ); pw->addObject( jpath ); } void JMoonTool::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent *e ) { switch ( e->key() ) { case Key_BracketRight: { double dy = 0.02*pw->dataHeight(); pw->setLimits( pw->x(), pw->x2(), pw->y()+dy, pw->y2()+dy ); initPlotObjects(); pw->update(); break; } case Key_BracketLeft: { double dy = 0.02*pw->dataHeight(); pw->setLimits( pw->x(), pw->x2(), pw->y()-dy, pw->y2()-dy ); initPlotObjects(); pw->update(); break; } case Key_Plus: case Key_Equal: { if ( pw->dataHeight() > 48.0 ) { double dy = 0.45*pw->dataHeight(); double y0 = pw->y() + 0.5*pw->dataHeight(); pw->setLimits( pw->x(), pw->x2(), y0-dy, y0+dy ); initPlotObjects(); pw->update(); } break; } case Key_Minus: case Key_Underscore: { if ( pw->dataHeight() < 960.0 ) { double dy = 0.55*pw->dataHeight(); double y0 = pw->y() + 0.5*pw->dataHeight(); pw->setLimits( pw->x(), pw->x2(), y0-dy, y0+dy ); initPlotObjects(); pw->update(); } break; } case Key_Escape: { close(); break; } default: { e->ignore(); break; } } } #include "jmoontool.moc"