// Copyright (C) 2002 Dominique Devriese // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA // 02110-1301, USA. #include "label.h" #include "normal.h" #include "textlabelwizard.h" #include "linkslabel.h" #include "../kig/kig_commands.h" #include "../kig/kig_document.h" #include "../kig/kig_part.h" #include "../kig/kig_view.h" #include "../misc/common.h" #include "../misc/kigpainter.h" #include "../objects/bogus_imp.h" #include "../objects/curve_imp.h" #include "../objects/object_factory.h" #include "../objects/point_imp.h" #include "../objects/text_imp.h" #include "../objects/text_type.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class TextLabelModeBase::Private { public: // point last clicked.. TQPoint plc; // the currently selected coordinate Coordinate mcoord; // the possible tqparent object that defines the location of the label.. ObjectCalcer* locationtqparent; // the text is only kept in the text input widget, not here // TQString mtext; // the property objects we'll be using as args, we keep a reference // to them in the args object, and keep a pointer to them ( or 0 ) // in the correct order in args ( separately, because we can't use // the order of the tqparents of a ReferenceObject, and certainly // can't give 0 as a tqparent.. argvect args; // if we're ReallySelectingArgs, then this var points to the arg // we're currently selecting... int mwaaws; // last percent count... uint lpc; TextLabelWizard* wiz; // What Are We Doing wawdtype mwawd; }; TextLabelModeBase::~TextLabelModeBase() { delete d->wiz; delete d; } TextLabelModeBase::TextLabelModeBase( KigPart& doc ) : KigMode( doc ), d( new Private ) { d->locationtqparent = 0; d->lpc = 0; d->mwawd = SelectingLocation; d->wiz = new TextLabelWizard( doc.widget(), this ); } void TextLabelModeBase::leftClicked( TQMouseEvent* e, KigWidget* ) { d->plc = e->pos(); switch( d->mwawd ) { case RequestingText: case SelectingArgs: d->wiz->raise(); d->wiz->setActiveWindow(); break; default: break; }; } void TextLabelModeBase::leftReleased( TQMouseEvent* e, KigWidget* v ) { switch( d->mwawd ) { case SelectingLocation: { if ( ( d->plc - e->pos() ).manhattanLength() > 4 ) return; setCoordinate( v->fromScreen( d->plc ) ); break; } case RequestingText: case SelectingArgs: d->wiz->raise(); d->wiz->setActiveWindow(); break; case ReallySelectingArgs: { if ( ( d->plc - e->pos() ).manhattanLength() > 4 ) break; std::vector os = mdoc.document().whatAmIOn( v->fromScreen( d->plc ), *v ); if ( os.empty() ) break; ObjectHolder* o = os[0]; TQPopupMenu* p = new TQPopupMenu( v, "text_label_select_arg_popup" ); p->insertItem( i18n( "Name" ), 0 ); QCStringList l = o->imp()->properties(); assert( l.size() == o->imp()->numberOfProperties() ); for ( int i = 0; static_cast( i ) < l.size(); ++i ) { TQString s = i18n( l[i] ); const char* iconfile = o->imp()->iconForProperty( i ); int t; if ( iconfile && *iconfile ) { TQPixmap pix = mdoc.instance()->iconLoader()->loadIcon( iconfile, KIcon::User ); t = p->insertItem( TQIconSet( pix ), s, i + 1 ); } else { t = p->insertItem( s, i + 1 ); }; assert( t == i + 1 ); }; int result = p->exec( v->mapToGlobal( d->plc ) ); ObjectCalcer::shared_ptr argcalcer; if ( result == -1 ) break; else if ( result == 0 ) { argcalcer = o->nameCalcer(); if ( !argcalcer ) { ObjectConstCalcer* c = new ObjectConstCalcer( new StringImp( i18n( "" ) ) ); o->setNameCalcer( c ); argcalcer = c; } } else { assert( static_cast( result ) < l.size() + 1 ); argcalcer = new ObjectPropertyCalcer( o->calcer(), result - 1 ); } d->args[d->mwaaws] = argcalcer.get(); argcalcer->calc( mdoc.document() ); updateLinksLabel(); updateWiz(); break; } default: assert( false ); break; }; } void TextLabelModeBase::killMode() { mdoc.doneMode( this ); } void TextLabelModeBase::cancelConstruction() { killMode(); } void TextLabelModeBase::enableActions() { KigMode::enableActions(); mdoc.aCancelConstruction->setEnabled( true ); } void TextLabelModeBase::mouseMoved( TQMouseEvent* e, KigWidget* w ) { if ( d->mwawd == ReallySelectingArgs ) { std::vector os = mdoc.document().whatAmIOn( w->fromScreen( e->pos() ), *w ); if ( !os.empty() ) w->setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() ); else w->setCursor( KCursor::arrowCursor() ); } else if ( d->mwawd == SelectingLocation ) { std::vector os = mdoc.document().whatAmIOn( w->fromScreen( e->pos() ), *w ); bool attachable = false; d->locationtqparent = 0; for ( std::vector::iterator i = os.begin(); i != os.end(); ++i ) { if( (*i)->imp()->attachPoint().valid() || (*i)->imp()->inherits( PointImp::stype() ) || (*i)->imp()->inherits( CurveImp::stype() ) ) { attachable = true; d->locationtqparent = (*i)->calcer(); break; }; }; w->updateCurPix(); if ( attachable ) { w->setCursor( KCursor::handCursor() ); TQString s = d->locationtqparent->imp()->type()->attachToThisStatement(); mdoc.emitStatusBarText( s ); KigPainter p( w->screenInfo(), TQT_TQPAINTDEVICE(&w->curPix), mdoc.document() ); // set the text next to the arrow cursor TQPoint point = e->pos(); point.setX(point.x()+15); p.drawTextStd( point, s ); w->updateWidget( p.overlay() ); } else { w->setCursor( KCursor::crossCursor() ); mdoc.emitStatusBarText( 0 ); w->updateWidget(); }; } } void TextLabelModeBase::enterTextPageEntered() { } void TextLabelModeBase::selectArgumentsPageEntered() { updateLinksLabel(); } void TextLabelModeBase::cancelPressed() { cancelConstruction(); } static uint percentCount( const TQString& s ) { // TQRegExp re( TQString::fromUtf8( "%[0-9]" ) ); TQRegExp re( TQString::fromUtf8( "%[\\d]+" ) ); int offset = 0; uint percentcount = 0; while ( ( offset = re.search( s, offset ) ) != -1 ) { ++percentcount; offset += re.matchedLength(); }; return percentcount; } void TextLabelModeBase::finishPressed() { bool needframe = d->wiz->needFrameCheckBox->isChecked(); TQString s = d->wiz->labelTextInput->text(); assert( percentCount( s ) == d->args.size() ); if ( d->wiz->currentPage() == d->wiz->enter_text_page ) assert( d->args.size() == 0 ); bool finished = true; for ( argvect::iterator i = d->args.begin(); i != d->args.end(); ++i ) finished &= ( *i != 0 ); if ( ! finished ) KMessageBox::sorry( mdoc.widget(), i18n( "There are '%n' parts in the text that you have not selected a " "value for. Please remove them or select enough arguments." ) ); else { finish( d->mcoord, s, d->args, needframe, d->locationtqparent ); killMode(); }; } void TextLabelModeBase::updateWiz() { TQString s = d->wiz->labelTextInput->text(); uint percentcount = percentCount( s ); if ( d->lpc > percentcount ) { d->args = argvect( d->args.begin(), d->args.begin() + percentcount ); } else if ( d->lpc < percentcount ) { d->args.resize( percentcount, 0 ); }; if ( percentcount == 0 && ! s.isEmpty() ) { d->wiz->setNextEnabled( d->wiz->enter_text_page, false ); d->wiz->setFinishEnabled( d->wiz->enter_text_page, true ); d->wiz->setAppropriate( d->wiz->select_arguments_page, false ); } else { d->wiz->setAppropriate( d->wiz->select_arguments_page, !s.isEmpty() ); d->wiz->setNextEnabled( d->wiz->enter_text_page, ! s.isEmpty() ); d->wiz->setFinishEnabled( d->wiz->enter_text_page, false ); bool finished = true; for ( argvect::iterator i = d->args.begin(); i != d->args.end(); ++i ) finished &= ( *i != 0 ); assert( percentCount( s ) == d->args.size() ); d->wiz->setFinishEnabled( d->wiz->select_arguments_page, finished ); }; d->lpc = percentcount; } void TextLabelModeBase::labelTextChanged() { updateWiz(); } void TextLabelModeBase::updateLinksLabel() { LinksLabel::LinksLabelEditBuf buf = d->wiz->myCustomWidget1->startEdit(); TQString s = d->wiz->labelTextInput->text(); // TQRegExp re( "%[0-9]" ); TQRegExp re( "%[\\d]+" ); int prevpos = 0; int pos = 0; uint count = 0; // we split up the string into text and "links" while ( ( pos = re.search( s, pos ) ) != -1 ) { // prevpos is the first character after the last match, pos is the // first char of the current match.. if ( prevpos != pos ) { // there is a text part between the previous and the current // "link"... assert( prevpos < pos ); // fetch the text part... TQString subs = s.mid( prevpos, pos - prevpos ); // and add it... d->wiz->myCustomWidget1->addText( subs, buf ); }; // we always need a link part... TQString linktext( "%1" ); assert( count < d->args.size() ); if ( d->args[count] ) { // if the user has already selected a property, then we show its // value... d->args[count]->imp()->fillInNextEscape( linktext, mdoc.document() ); } else // otherwise, we show a stub... linktext = i18n( "argument %1" ).tqarg( count + 1 ); d->wiz->myCustomWidget1->addLink( linktext, buf ); // set pos and prevpos to the next char after the last match, so // we don't enter infinite loops... // pos += 2; pos += re.matchedLength(); prevpos = pos; ++count; }; if ( static_cast( prevpos ) != s.length() ) d->wiz->myCustomWidget1->addText( s.mid( prevpos ), buf ); d->wiz->myCustomWidget1->applyEdit( buf ); d->wiz->retqlayoutArgsPage(); d->wiz->resize( d->wiz->size() ); } void TextLabelModeBase::linkClicked( int i ) { mdoc.widget()->setActiveWindow(); mdoc.widget()->raise(); assert( d->args.size() >= static_cast( i + 1 ) ); d->mwawd = ReallySelectingArgs; d->mwaaws = i; mdoc.emitStatusBarText( i18n( "Selecting argument %1" ).tqarg( i + 1 ) ); } void TextLabelModeBase::redrawScreen( KigWidget* w ) { w->redrawScreen( std::vector() ); w->updateScrollBars(); } void TextLabelModeBase::setCoordinate( const Coordinate& coord ) { d->mcoord = coord; if ( d->mwawd == SelectingLocation ) { d->mwawd = RequestingText; updateWiz(); d->wiz->show(); // shouldn't be necessary, but seems to be anyway.. :( updateWiz(); }; } void TextLabelModeBase::setText( const TQString& s ) { d->wiz->labelTextInput->setText( s ); } void TextLabelModeBase::setPropertyObjects( const argvect& props ) { d->args = props; for ( argvect::iterator i = d->args.begin(); i != d->args.end(); ++i ) (*i)->calc( mdoc.document() ); } TextLabelConstructionMode::TextLabelConstructionMode( KigPart& d ) : TextLabelModeBase( d ) { } TextLabelConstructionMode::~TextLabelConstructionMode() { } void TextLabelConstructionMode::finish( const Coordinate& coord, const TQString& s, const argvect& props, bool needframe, ObjectCalcer* locationtqparent ) { std::vector args; for ( argvect::const_iterator i = props.begin(); i != props.end(); ++i ) args.push_back( i->get() ); ObjectHolder* label = 0; if ( locationtqparent ) label = ObjectFactory::instance()->attachedLabel( s, locationtqparent, coord, needframe, args, mdoc.document() ); else label = ObjectFactory::instance()->label( s, coord, needframe, args, mdoc.document() ); mdoc.addObject( label ); } TextLabelRedefineMode::TextLabelRedefineMode( KigPart& d, ObjectTypeCalcer* label ) : TextLabelModeBase( d ), mlabel( label ) { assert( label->imp()->inherits( TextImp::stype() ) ); std::vector tqparents = label->tqparents(); assert( tqparents.size() >= 3 ); std::vector firstthree( tqparents.begin(), tqparents.begin() + 3 ); std::vector rest( tqparents.begin() + 3, tqparents.end() ); firstthree = TextType::instance()->argParser().parse( firstthree ); assert( firstthree[0]->imp()->inherits( IntImp::stype() ) ); assert( firstthree[1]->imp()->inherits( PointImp::stype() ) ); assert( firstthree[2]->imp()->inherits( StringImp::stype() ) ); bool frame = static_cast( firstthree[0]->imp() )->data() != 0; Coordinate coord = static_cast( firstthree[1]->imp() )->coordinate(); TQString text = static_cast( firstthree[2]->imp() )->data(); // don't set it, let the user redefine it.. // setCoordinate( coord ); setText( text ); setFrame( frame ); argvect v; for ( uint i = 0; i < rest.size(); ++i ) { v.push_back( rest[i] ); }; assert( v.size() == rest.size() ); setPropertyObjects( v ); } TextLabelRedefineMode::~TextLabelRedefineMode() { } void TextLabelRedefineMode::finish( const Coordinate& coord, const TQString& s, const argvect& props, bool needframe, ObjectCalcer* locationtqparent ) { std::vector tqparents = mlabel->tqparents(); assert( tqparents.size() >= 3 ); std::vector firstthree( tqparents.begin(), tqparents.begin() + 3 ); std::vector rest( tqparents.begin() + 3, tqparents.end() ); firstthree = TextType::instance()->argParser().parse( firstthree ); KigCommand* kc = new KigCommand( mdoc, i18n( "Change Label" ) ); MonitorDataObjects mon( firstthree ); assert( firstthree[0]->imp()->inherits( IntImp::stype() ) ); assert( firstthree[1]->imp()->inherits( PointImp::stype() ) ); assert( firstthree[2]->imp()->inherits( StringImp::stype() ) ); assert( dynamic_cast( firstthree[0] ) ); assert( dynamic_cast( firstthree[2] ) ); static_cast( firstthree[0] )->setImp( new IntImp( needframe ? 1 : 0 ) ); // we don't do this, because // 1 this isn't necessarily a DataObject, we also support it to be a // user-known point, or an internal constrained point.. // 2 we don't know that we don't want it to become a user-known // point or an internal constrained point, instead of a // DataObject.. // static_cast( firstthree[1] )->setImp( new PointImp( // coord ) ); static_cast( firstthree[2] )->setImp( new StringImp( s ) ); mon.finish( kc ); std::vector oldtqparents = mlabel->tqparents(); std::vector p; for ( argvect::const_iterator i = props.begin(); i != props.end(); ++i ) p.push_back( i->get() ); for ( std::vector::iterator i = p.begin(); i != p.end(); ++i ) ( *i )->calc( mdoc.document() ); std::vector np = firstthree; /* * take advantage of the method "getAttachPoint" that should * do all the work; it is also used when creating a new label */ np[1] = ObjectFactory::instance()->getAttachPoint( locationtqparent, coord, mdoc.document() ); /* this is the old code, just in case... */ // if ( locationtqparent && locationtqparent->imp()->inherits( CurveImp::stype() ) ) // { // double param = static_cast( locationtqparent->imp() )->getParam( coord, mdoc.document() ); // np[1] = ObjectFactory::instance()->constrainedPointCalcer( locationtqparent, param ); // np[1]->calc( mdoc.document() ); // } // else if ( locationtqparent ) // { // assert( locationtqparent->imp()->inherits( PointImp::stype() ) ); // np[1] = locationtqparent; // } // else // np[1] = new ObjectConstCalcer( new PointImp( coord ) ); copy( p.begin(), p.end(), back_inserter( np ) ); kc->addTask( new ChangeParentsAndTypeTask( mlabel, np, TextType::instance() ) ); mdoc.history()->addCommand( kc ); } void TextLabelModeBase::setFrame( bool f ) { d->wiz->needFrameCheckBox->setChecked( f ); } void TextLabelModeBase::setLocationParent( ObjectCalcer* o ) { d->locationtqparent = o; }