You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

103 lines
4.0 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kcfg xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation="" >
<kcfgfile name="khangmanrc"/>
<group name="Language">
<entry name="CurrentLevel" type="Int">
<default code="true">0</default>
<entry name="LevelFile" type="String">
<default code="true">"animals.kvtml"</default>
<entry name="ShowCharToolbar" type="Bool">
<label>Show the characters toolbar</label>
<default code="true">false</default>
<entry name="SelectedLanguage" type="String">
<label>The language selected by the user</label>
TDEConfigBase *globalConf = TDEGlobal::config();
QString userLanguage = globalConf->readEntry("Language", "en");
if (userLanguage.isEmpty())
userLanguage = "en";
//keep only the first 2 characters
userLanguage = userLanguage.left(2);
<default code="true">userLanguage</default>
<group name="Look">
<entry name="Mode" type="Enum">
<label>Background theme</label>
<choice name="sea"/>
<choice name="desert"/>
<group name="General">
<entry name="OneLetter" type="Bool">
<label>Allow Only One Instance of Each Letter to be replaced in the word</label>
<default code="true">false</default>
<entry name="WonDialog" type="Bool">
<label>Do not display the 'Congratulations You won!' dialog</label>
<default code="true">false</default>
<entry name="Sound" type="Bool">
<label>Enable Sounds on New Game and Win Game</label>
<default code="true">false</default>
<entry name="HintTimer" type="Int">
<label>the time to display the Hint KPassiveTooltip, in seconds</label>
<default code="true">4</default>
<entry name="MissedTimer" type="Int">
<label>the time to display the Missed KPassivePopup, in seconds</label>
<default code="true">1</default>
<group name="Advanced">
<entry name="Hint" type="Bool">
<label>Enable Hint mode if available i.e. only if hintBool == true</label>
<default code="true">false</default>
<entry name="AccentedLetters" type="Bool">
<label>Type accented letters separately from normal letters</label>
<default code="true">false</default>
<entry name="UpperCase" type="Bool">
<label>Write the word in upper case letters if checked</label>
<default code="true">false</default>
<group name="Fonts">
<entry name="GuessFontFamily" type="String">
<label>Default font family for the Guess button</label>
<default code="true">"Dustismo Roman"</default>
<entry name="MissesFontFamily" type="String">
<label>Default font family for the MIsses button</label>
<default code="true">"Domestic Manners"</default>
<group name="TDENewStuff">
<entry name="ProvidersUrl" type="Path">
<label>The Providers path for KHangMan</label>
<default code="true">""</default>