You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

119 lines
5.5 KiB

* ktouchlectureeditor.h *
* --------------------- *
* Copyright (C) 2000 by Håvard Frøiland, 2003 by Andreas Nicolai *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include <config.h>
#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqfont.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include "ktouchlectureeditor_dlg.h"
#include "ktouchlecture.h"
/// This is the KTouch lecture editor dialog.
/// The lecture edit dialog works like a standalone edit tool for editing lectures.
/// Upon opening of the dialog the 'open lecture' dialog box is shown where
/// the user can either select a local training lecture or load a lecture file.
/// Then the user can edit the lecture and save it (if desired under a different
/// file name).
/// The use of the editor is simple, just include ktouchlectureeditor.h and do
/// @code
/// KTouchLectureEditor dlg;
/// bool ok = dlg.startEditor(current_lecture);
/// // current_lecture should be the URL pointing to the current/default
/// // lecture or an empty URL
/// @endcode
/// @see startEditor() for details on the return value.
class KTouchLectureEditor : public KTouchLectureEditorDlg {
/// Constructor
KTouchLectureEditor(TQWidget *parent, const char* name = 0, bool modal = FALSE, WFlags fl = 0);
/// Destructor
~KTouchLectureEditor() {}
/// Shows and executes the dialog (argument is the url to the default or
/// current lecture file).
/// @return Returns 'true' if the dialog was properly executed (thus reloading
/// of the lecture in KTouch is necessary) or 'false' if user canceled
/// the "Open request" dialog.
bool startEditor(const KURL& url);
private slots:
/// Called when the Font button was clicked.
void fontBtnClicked();
/// Called when the Open button was clicked.
void openBtnClicked();
/// Called when the Save button was clicked.
void saveBtnClicked();
/// Called when the Save As button was clicked.
void saveAsBtnClicked();
/// Called when the editor is closed.
void closeQuery() { if (saveModified()) accept(); }
/// Called when the editor is rejected (x clicked).
void reject() { closeQuery(); }
/// Will be called whenever some changes are made.
void setModified() { setModified(true); }
/// Will be called whenever another level has been selected.
void newSelection(TQListViewItem* item);
/// Will be called whenever the new chars description is changed.
void newCharsChanged(const TQString& text);
/// Will be called when the "New Level" button has been clicked.
void newLevel();
/// Will be called when the "Delete Level" button has been clicked.
void deleteLevel();
/// Will be called when the "Move Level Up" button has been clicked.
void moveUp();
/// Will be called when the "Move Level Down" button has been clicked.
void moveDown();
/// Transfers data from the lecture object to the dialog.
void transfer_to_dialog();
/// Transfers data from the dialog to the lecture object.
void transfer_from_dialog();
/// Fills the level user interface with data from the current level (stored in m_level).
void showCurrentLevel();
/// Copies the content of the user interface into the vector with the level data.
void storeCurrentLevel();
/// Creates a default level and appends it to the already existing levels.
void createNewLevel();
/// Setups and opens the 'Open request dialog'. The url 'url' is used in the
/// open request dialog for the 'current' url selection. When the open request
/// dialog is closed the function attempts to load the lecture or if that failes
/// creates a new lecture.
/// @return The function returns the return code from the open request dialog, so
/// that one can react on a "cancel" choice.
int openLectureFile(const KURL& url);
/// Changes the state of the lecture file (flag==true means modified).
void setModified(bool flag);
/// If the lecture is modified the user is prompted to save it or throw away the changes.
/// If the user accepts the dialog the file is saved.
/// @return The function returns 'false' if the user aborted the save request, otherwise true.
bool saveModified();
KTouchLecture m_lecture; ///< The currently used lecture.
unsigned int m_level; ///< The current level number.
TQListViewItem *m_currentItem; ///< The currently selected item in the list view.
bool m_selecting; ///< Flag to prevent the selection slot from selecting twice.
bool m_modified; ///< Flag indicating whether the lecture has been modified.
KURL m_currentURL; ///< URL of the current lecture.