You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

215 lines
9.5 KiB

* ktouchstatisticsdata.h *
* ---------------------- *
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Andreas Nicolai *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
#include <config.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqvaluevector.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <set> // I'm using std::set here because QT is missing this container type
class TQWidget;
// This file contains all class declarations dealing with the statistics obtained in KTouch.
// *** KTouchCharStats ***
/// Contains the stats for a single character.
/// Basically in this class the number of times the character has been pressed is counted. Both
/// the number of times it was correctly pressed and the number of times it was missed are stored
/// which allows to calculate a relative "hit-miss-ratio".
/// Character statistics are created for every character that has been missed at some time in the
/// training session.
class KTouchCharStats {
/// Default constructor.
KTouchCharStats() : m_char(0), m_correctCount(0), m_wrongCount(0) {}
/// Constructor with parameters.
KTouchCharStats(TQChar ch, unsigned int correct, unsigned int wrong)
: m_char(ch), m_correctCount(correct), m_wrongCount(wrong) {}
/// Reads the character statistics from a XML Dom Node.
/// @return Returns 'true', when reading was successful or 'false' otherwise.
bool read(TQDomNode in);
/// Writes the character statistics to the XML document.
void write(TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomElement& root) const;
/// Returns the miss-hit ratio (a value between 0-all correct and 100-all wrong).
int missHitRatio() const;
TQChar m_char; ///< The character for which statistics are kept.
unsigned int m_correctCount; ///< How often the character has been typed correctly.
unsigned int m_wrongCount; ///< How often the character has been missed (not typed when it ought to be typed).
/// Sort criterion: Returns 'true' when the hit-miss ratio of 'lhs' is worse then the one of 'rhs'.
inline bool higher_miss_hit_ratio(const KTouchCharStats & lhs, const KTouchCharStats & rhs) {
return lhs.missHitRatio() > rhs.missHitRatio();
/// Comparison operator "less", returns 'true' when the char-code of 'lhs' is less then the one of 'rhs'
inline bool operator<(const KTouchCharStats &lhs, const KTouchCharStats &rhs) { return lhs.m_char<rhs.m_char; }
/// Comparison operator "greater", returns 'true' when the char-code of 'lhs' is greater then the one of 'rhs'
inline bool operator>(const KTouchCharStats &lhs, const KTouchCharStats &rhs) { return lhs.m_char>rhs.m_char; }
/// Comparison operator == : returns 'true' when the char-code of 'lhs' is equal to then the one of 'rhs'
inline bool operator==(const KTouchCharStats &lhs, const KTouchCharStats &rhs) { return lhs.m_char==rhs.m_char; }
/// Writes the content of a KTouchCharStats object into the text stream.
TQTextStream& operator<<(TQTextStream &out, const KTouchCharStats &ch);
// *** KTouchLevelStats ***
/// Contains the complete statistics obtained for a single level.
/// This class contains the statistics for a single run through a single level. It contains the
/// statistics for all characters that have been mistyped in this level, the typing time, the word count,
/// correct and total character count etc.
class KTouchLevelStats {
/// Default constructor
KTouchLevelStats() { clear(); }
/// Clears the data
void clear();
/// Reads the level statistics from a XML Dom Node.
/// @return Returns 'true', when reading was successful or 'false' otherwise.
bool read(TQDomNode in);
/// Writes the level statistics to the XML document.
void write(TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomElement& root) const;
/// Adds a correct character count to the current statistics
void addCorrectChar(TQChar key);
/// Removes correct character count
void removeCorrectChar();
/// Adds a wrong character count to the current statistics
void addWrongChar(TQChar key);
/// Returns the typing accuracy or "correctness" as value between 0 and 1.
double correctness() const;
/// Returns the average typing speed in chars per minute.
double charSpeed() const;
/// Returns the average typing speed in words per minute.
double wordSpeed() const;
std::set<KTouchCharStats> m_charStats; ///< Holds the statistics for mistyped characters.
int m_levelNum; ///< Number of the level in the lecture.
double m_elapsedTime; ///< Typing time in this level in seconds.
unsigned int m_words; ///< The number of typed words.
unsigned int m_totalChars; ///< The total number of chars typed this level.
unsigned int m_correctChars; ///< The total number of correctly typed chars.
TQDateTime m_timeRecorded; ///< The time at which the level stats were recorded.
// *** KTouchSessionStats ***
/// Contains the complete statistics obtained for a single training session (spanning several levels).
/// This class contains the statistics for a complete training session of a single lecture but may include several levels.
class KTouchSessionStats {
/// Default constructor
KTouchSessionStats() { clear(); }
/// Clears the data
void clear();
/// Reads the session statistics from a XML Dom Node.
/// @return Returns 'true', when reading was successful or 'false' otherwise.
bool read(TQDomNode in);
/// Writes the session statistics to the XML document.
void write(TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomElement& root) const;
/// Adds a correct character count to the current statistics
void addCorrectChar(TQChar key);
/// Removes a correct character count
void removeCorrectChar();
/// Adds a wrong character count to the current statistics
void addWrongChar(TQChar key);
std::set<unsigned int> m_levelNums; ///< Numbers of the levels in this session.
std::set<KTouchCharStats> m_charStats; ///< Holds the statistics for mistyped characters.
double m_elapsedTime; ///< Typing time in this session in seconds.
unsigned int m_words; ///< The number of typed words.
unsigned int m_totalChars; ///< The total number of chars typed this session.
unsigned int m_correctChars; ///< The total number of correctly typed chars.
TQDateTime m_timeRecorded; ///< The time at which the session stats were recorded.
// *** KTouchLectureStats ***
/// Contains the complete statistics obtained over time for a certain training lecture.
/// This class contains the statistics for a complete training lecture including separate level statistics as well
/// as session statistics.
class KTouchLectureStats {
/// Default constructor
KTouchLectureStats() {}
/// Clears the data
void clear();
/// Reads a lecture statistics from a XML Dom Node.
/// @return Returns 'true', when reading was successful or 'false' otherwise.
bool read(TQDomNode in);
/// Writes the lecture statistics to the XML document.
void write(TQDomDocument& doc, TQDomElement& root) const;
TQString m_lectureTitle; ///< The descriptive title of the lecture.
KURL m_lectureURL; ///< The descriptive title of the lecture.
TQValueVector<KTouchLevelStats> m_levelStats; ///< The statistics for all levels in this lecture.
TQValueVector<KTouchSessionStats> m_sessionStats; ///< The statistics for all session for in this lecture.
// *** KTouchStatisticsData ***
/// Contains the complete statistics for a certain user of KTouch.
/// All user statistics is kept in this class. The statistics data is read when KTouch is started. New
/// statistics data is added when the lecture is changed or when the programm is closed. During
/// normal training sessions the statistics remains unchanged. During training the current level and
/// session statistics is obtained by and stored in the KTouchTrainer object.
class KTouchStatisticsData {
typedef TQMap<KURL, KTouchLectureStats> LectureStatsMap;
/// Default constructor
KTouchStatisticsData() {}
/// Clears the data
void clear();
/// Reads the complete statistics from a XML file
/// @return Returns 'true', when reading was successful or 'false' otherwise.
bool read(TQWidget * window, const KURL& url);
/// Writes the statistics data to the XML document.
bool write(TQWidget * window, const KURL& url) const;
LectureStatsMap m_lectureStats; ///< All statistics of all lectures, stored based on their URLs.
/// Reads the statistics data from file into an XML document
bool readStats(TQDomDocument& doc);
/// Saves the statistics data in the XML document
void writeStats(TQDomDocument& doc) const;