You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

348 lines
9.9 KiB

convert spotlight list to kvtml
begin : Thu Sep 30 20:00:00 MET 1999
copyright : (C) 1999-2001 Ewald Arnold
(C) 2001 The KDE-EDU team
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#define KVD_VERS_PREFIX " v" //#include "kvoctraindoc.h"
#define TQM_VERB "v" //#include "QueryManager.h"
#include "kvoctraincore.h"
#define SPOT_VERSION "v0.2.1"
vector<TQString> lesson_names;
struct spotty {
TQString type;
int lesson;
TQString en_rem, // possibly remarks
TQString en,
vector<spotty> spottys;
void writeSpotty (TQTextStream &os, spotty& spot_line, bool first) {
os << " <e";
if (spot_line.lesson != 0 )
os << " m=\"" << spot_line.lesson << "\"";
if (!spot_line.type.isEmpty() )
os << " t=\"" << spot_line.type << "\"";
os << "><o";
if (first)
os << " l=\"en\"";
if (!spot_line.en_rem.isEmpty() )
os << " r=\"" << spot_line.en_rem.stripWhiteSpace() << "\"";
os << ">" << spot_line.en.stripWhiteSpace() << "</o><t";
if (first)
os << " l=\"de\"";
if (!spot_line.de_rem.isEmpty() )
os << " r=\"" << spot_line.de_rem.stripWhiteSpace() << "\"";
os << ">" << << "</t></e>\n";
void readToMem (TQTextStream &is, TQString month, TQString year)
TQString line;
bool lesson_pending = false;
TQString lesson_str;
spotty spot;
bool first_line = true;
while (!is.eof() && is.device()->status() == IO_Ok) {
line = is.readLine();
int pos;
while ((pos = line.find(" ")) >= 0)
line.remove (pos, 1);
bool head_line = (!line.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() && line == line.upper() );
if (first_line && !head_line) {
line = is.readLine();
head_line = (!line.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() && line == line.upper() );
first_line = false;
if ( line.find ("see p.") >= 0
|| line.find ("see pp.") >= 0
|| line.find ("see also p") >= 0) {
line = "";
int c = 0x92;
while ((pos = line.find (c)) >= 0)
line[pos] = '\'';
c = 0x94;
while ((pos = line.find (c)) >= 0)
line[pos] = ' ';
pos = 0;
while ((pos = line.find ('&', pos)) >= 0) {
line.insert (pos+1, "amp;");
pos += 5; // skip &amp;
while ((pos = line.find ('<')) >= 0) {
line.remove(pos, 1);
line.insert (pos, "&lt;");
while ((pos = line.find ('>')) >= 0) {
line.remove(pos, 1);
line.insert (pos, "&gt;");
if (!line.isEmpty()) {
if (head_line) {
lesson_pending = true;
lesson_str = line + ", "+month+" "+year;
else {
pos = line.find ('\t');
if (pos < 0)
pos = line.find ('|');
if (pos >= 0) {
if (lesson_pending) {
lesson_pending = false;
spot.lesson = lesson_names.size();
spot.type = "";
spot.en_rem = "";
spot.de_rem = "";
if (line.left (3) == "to ") {
spot.type = TQM_VERB;
line.remove (0, 3);
pos -= 3;
spot.en = line.mid(0, pos); = line.mid(pos+1, line.length()-pos-1);
if ((pos = spot.en.find(" UK") ) >= 0) {
spot.en_rem+= i18n("UK ").local8Bit();
spot.en.remove (pos, 3);
if ((pos = spot.en.find("(UK)") ) >= 0) {
spot.en_rem+= i18n("UK ").local8Bit();
spot.en.remove (pos, 4);
if ((pos = spot.en.find(" N. Am.") ) >= 0) {
spot.en_rem+= i18n("N. Am. ").local8Bit();
spot.en.remove (pos, 7);
if ((pos = spot.en.find("(N. Am.)") ) >= 0) {
spot.en_rem+= i18n("N. Am. ").local8Bit();
spot.en.remove (pos, 8);
if ((pos = spot.en.find(" US") ) >= 0) {
spot.en_rem+= i18n("US ").local8Bit();
spot.en.remove (pos, 3);
if ((pos = spot.en.find("(US)") ) >= 0) {
spot.en_rem+= i18n("US ").local8Bit();
spot.en.remove (pos, 4);
if ((pos = spot.en.find("ifml.") ) >= 0) {
spot.en_rem+= i18n("ifml. ").local8Bit();
spot.en.remove (pos, 5);
if ((pos = spot.en.find("(ifml.)") ) >= 0) {
spot.en_rem+= i18n("ifml. ").local8Bit();
spot.en.remove (pos, 7);
if ((pos = spot.en.find("vulg.") ) >= 0) {
spot.en_rem+= i18n("vulg. ").local8Bit();
spot.en.remove (pos, 5);
if ((pos = spot.en.find("(vulg.)") ) >= 0) {
spot.en_rem+= i18n("vulg. ").local8Bit();
spot.en.remove (pos, 7);
if (!spot.en.isEmpty() && !
void writeToKvtml(TQTextStream &os, TQString month, TQString year)
os <<
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
"<!doctype kvtml system \"kvoctrain.dtd\">\n"
"This is a machine generated file.\n"
"Be careful when editing here.\n"
"Short definition:\n"
"lesson lesson group\n"
" desc name\n"
" %no its index\n"
" %current is current lesson\n"
"type type group\n"
" desc name\n"
" %no its index\n"
"e entry of dictionary\n"
" %s is selected\n"
" %m lesson member\n"
" %t common expression type\n"
" o original\n"
" %q in query (\"o\" is given, \"t\" is wanted)\n"
" %l language code\n"
" %r remark\n"
" %p pronunciation\n"
" %width column width\n"
" %t expression type\n"
" t translation ..\n"
" %q in query (\"t\" is given, \"o\" is wanted)\n"
" %l language code\n"
" %r remark\n"
" %p pronunciation\n"
" %width column width\n"
" %t expression type\n"
" %d last query date (from;to)\n"
" %w dito, compressed\n"
" %g grade (from;to)\n"
" %c count (from;to)\n"
" %b bad count (from;to)\n"
"Valid xml means:\n"
" - Close all tags\n"
" - Keep proper hierarchy\n"
" - All options are quoted\n"
" generator=\"spotlight2kvtml " SPOT_VERSION " kvoctrain" KVD_VERS_PREFIX "0.5.0\"\n"
" cols=\"2\"\n"
" lines=\"" << spottys.size() << "\"\n" <<
" title=\"" << i18n("Spotlight Online, issue ").local8Bit() << month << " " << "\'" << year << "\"\n"
<< " author=" << i18n("\"Spotlight Online, (converted by spotlight2kvtml)").local8Bit()
<< "\">\n\n"
<< " <lesson>\n";
for (int i = 0; i < (int) lesson_names.size(); i++) {
os << " <desc no=\"" << i+1 << "\">"
<< lesson_names[i] << "</desc>\n";
os << " </lesson>\n\n";
if (spottys.size() != 0)
writeSpotty (os, spottys[0], true);
int l = 1;
while (os.device()->status() == IO_Ok && l < (int) spottys.size() ) {
writeSpotty (os, spottys[l], false);
os << "</kvtml>\n";
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// use i18n-strings from kvoctrain
TDEApplication app(&argc, argv, "kvoctrain");
if (argc != 4) {
cerr << i18n("usage: spotlight2kvtml spotfile month year\n\n").local8Bit().data();
exit (1);
TQString spot (argv[1]);
TQString kvtml;
int dot = spot.findRev('.');
if (dot < 0) {
kvtml = spot + "." KVTML_EXT;
else {
kvtml = spot;
kvtml.remove (dot, kvtml.length()-dot);
kvtml += "." KVTML_EXT;
TQFile fs(spot); IO_ReadOnly );
TQTextStream is( &fs );
readToMem (is, argv[2], argv[3]);
if (is.device()->status() != IO_Ok ) {
cerr << i18n("Could not read ").local8Bit().data() << spot.local8Bit().data() << endl;
exit (1);
TQFile fk(kvtml); IO_WriteOnly );
TQTextStream os( &fk );
writeToKvtml(os, argv[2], argv[3]);
if (os.device()->status() != IO_Ok ) {
cerr << i18n("Could not write ").local8Bit().data() << kvtml.local8Bit().data() << endl;
exit (1);
exit (0);