/*************************************************************************** kbattleshipview.cpp ------------------- Developers: (c) 2000-2001 Nikolas Zimmermann (c) 2000-2001 Daniel Molkentin ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include "kbattleship.h" #include "kbattleshipview.moc" KBattleshipView::KBattleshipView(QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool draw) : QWidget(parent, name, WResizeNoErase), m_drawGrid(draw) { setFixedSize(20 * 32 + 30, 10 * 32 + 20); setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); setMouseTracking(true); installEventFilter(this); m_decide = false; m_lastX = 0; m_lastY = 0; m_battlefield = 0; } KBattleshipView::~KBattleshipView() { delete m_battlefield; } void KBattleshipView::startDrawing() { m_battlefield = new KBattleField(this, m_drawGrid); } void KBattleshipView::clearField() { m_battlefield->clearOwnField(); m_battlefield->clearEnemyField(); } int KBattleshipView::ownFieldState(int fieldx, int fieldy) { return m_battlefield->ownState(fieldx, fieldy); } int KBattleshipView::enemyFieldState(int &fieldx, int &fieldy) { return m_battlefield->enemyState(fieldx, fieldy); } void KBattleshipView::previewShip(int fieldx, int fieldy, int type, bool rotate) { m_battlefield->setPreviewState(fieldx, fieldy, type, rotate); } void KBattleshipView::changeOwnFieldData(int fieldx, int fieldy, int type) { m_battlefield->setOwnState(fieldx, fieldy, type); m_battlefield->drawField(); } void KBattleshipView::changeEnemyFieldData(int fieldx, int fieldy, int type) { m_battlefield->setEnemyState(fieldx, fieldy, type); m_battlefield->drawField(); } void KBattleshipView::drawEnemyShipsAI(KShipList *list) { KShip *ship; int state; int grid = m_battlefield->gridSize(); int width = m_battlefield->enemyRect().width() / grid; int height = m_battlefield->enemyRect().height() / grid; for(int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < height; j++) { ship = list->shipAt(i, j); state = enemyFieldState(i, j); if (ship && state != KBattleField::HIT && state != KBattleField::DEATH) { changeEnemyFieldData(i, j, ship->shipTypeEnum(i, j)); } } } } void KBattleshipView::drawEnemyShipsHuman(KMessage *msg, KShipList *list) { int posx, posy, placedLeft; bool left; int i = 3; while (!msg->field(QString("ship%1").arg(i)).isNull()) { posx = msg->field(QString("ship%1").arg(i)).section(" ", 0, 0).toInt(); posy = msg->field(QString("ship%1").arg(i)).section(" ", 1, 1).toInt(); placedLeft = msg->field(QString("ship%1").arg(i)).section(" ", 2, 2).toInt(); if (placedLeft == 0) left = false; else left = true; list->addNewShip(!left, posx, posy); i--; } drawEnemyShipsAI(list); } KMessage *KBattleshipView::getAliveShips(KShipList *list) { KShip *ship; QString shipPos, shipNum; int shipType; int grid = m_battlefield->gridSize(); int width = m_battlefield->enemyRect().width() / grid; int height = m_battlefield->enemyRect().height() / grid; KMessage *msg = new KMessage(KMessage::WON); bool shipsFound[4] = {false, false, false, false}; for(int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < height; j++) { ship = list->shipAt(i, j); shipType = list->shipTypeAt(i, j); if (ship && !shipsFound[shipType]) { shipPos.sprintf("%d %d %d", i, j, ship->placedLeft()); shipsFound[shipType] = true; shipNum.sprintf("ship%d",shipType); msg->addField(shipNum, shipPos); } } } return msg; } bool KBattleshipView::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) { if(event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress && m_decide) { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); if(keyEvent->key() == Key_Shift){ emit sigMouseOverField(m_lastX, m_lastY); emit changeShipPlacementDirection(); } } else if(event->type() == QEvent::KeyRelease && m_decide) { QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); if(keyEvent->key() == Key_Shift){ emit sigMouseOverField(m_lastX, m_lastY); emit changeShipPlacementDirection(); } } else if(event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) { m_decide = false; QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast(event); if(mouseEvent->button() == RightButton){ emit sigMouseOverField(m_lastX, m_lastY); emit changeShipPlacementDirection(); return true; } if(mouseEvent->button() != LeftButton) return false; QPoint point(mouseEvent->x(), mouseEvent->y()); QRect ownRect = m_battlefield->ownRect(); QRect enemyRect = m_battlefield->enemyRect(); QRect newRect; int fieldx = 0; int fieldy = 0; if(ownRect.contains(point)) newRect = ownRect; else if(enemyRect.contains(point)) newRect = enemyRect; else return false; int j = -1; for(int i = newRect.left(); i <= newRect.right(); i += m_battlefield->gridSize()) { j++; QRect tempRect(i, newRect.top(), m_battlefield->gridSize(), newRect.bottom() - newRect.top()); if(tempRect.contains(point)) { fieldx = j; break; } } j = -1; for(int i = newRect.top(); i <= newRect.bottom(); i += m_battlefield->gridSize()) { j++; QRect tempRect(newRect.left(), i, newRect.right() - newRect.left(), m_battlefield->gridSize()); if(tempRect.contains(point)) { fieldy = j; break; } } if( newRect == ownRect) emit sigOwnFieldClicked(fieldx, fieldy); else if(newRect == enemyRect) emit sigEnemyFieldClicked(fieldx, fieldy); return true; } else if(event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove) { setFocus(); m_decide = true; QMouseEvent *mouseEvent = static_cast(event); QPoint point(mouseEvent->x(), mouseEvent->y()); QRect ownRect = m_battlefield->ownRect(); int fieldx = 0; int fieldy = 0; if(ownRect.contains(point)) { int j = -1; for(int i = ownRect.left(); i <= ownRect.right(); i += m_battlefield->gridSize()) { j++; QRect tempRect(i, ownRect.top(), m_battlefield->gridSize(), ownRect.bottom() - ownRect.top()); if(tempRect.contains(point)) { fieldx = j; break; } } j = -1; for(int i = ownRect.top(); i <= ownRect.bottom(); i += m_battlefield->gridSize()) { j++; QRect tempRect(ownRect.left(), i, ownRect.right() - ownRect.left(), m_battlefield->gridSize()); if(tempRect.contains(point)) { fieldy = j; break; } } m_lastX = fieldx; m_lastY = fieldy; emit sigMouseOverField(fieldx, fieldy); } else m_battlefield->drawField(); return true; } else if(event->type() == QEvent::Paint) { m_battlefield->drawField(); return true; } return QWidget::eventFilter(object, event); }