EvalDlg EvalDlg 0 0 350 388 Configure Evaluation unnamed 11 6 TabWidget2 moves Moves unnamed 11 6 Layout17 unnamed 0 6 Layout35 unnamed 0 4 moveEval1 0 0 0 0 30 32767 AlignLeft PixmapLabel3_2 image0 false moveEval2 0 0 0 0 30 32767 AlignLeft PixmapLabel1_2_5 image1 false moveEval3 0 0 0 0 30 32767 AlignLeft PixmapLabel3_3 image0 false unnamed image1 false PixmapLabel1_2_6 image1 false PixmapLabel1_2_4 image1 false PixmapLabel3 image0 false PixmapLabel1_2 image1 false PixmapLabel1_3 image1 false Spacer2 Horizontal Expanding TextLabel4_2_2 Push Out AlignTop|AlignLeft Spacer9_2 Horizontal Expanding TextLabel4_2 Push AlignTop|AlignLeft Layout37 unnamed 0 4 PixmapLabel1_2_5_2_3 image1 false PixmapLabel3_3_2_3 image0 false PixmapLabel3_3_2_2 image0 false moveEval4 0 0 0 0 30 32767 AlignLeft moveEval5 0 0 0 0 30 32767 AlignLeft PixmapLabel2_3 image2 false PixmapLabel1_2_5_2 image1 false PixmapLabel3_3_2 image0 false PixmapLabel2_2_2 image2 false PixmapLabel1_3_2 image1 false Spacer2_2 Horizontal Expanding moveEval6 0 0 0 0 30 32767 AlignLeft PixmapLabel1_4 image1 false PixmapLabel1_2_2 image1 false PixmapLabel2_2 image2 false PixmapLabel1_4_3 image1 false PixmapLabel1_2_5_2_2 image1 PixmapLabel2 image2 false PixmapLabel1_4_2 image1 false Spacer9 Horizontal Expanding Layout38 unnamed 0 4 PixmapLabel2_4 image2 false PixmapLabel1_3_2_2 image1 false PixmapLabel1_2_5_2_2_2 image1 Spacer2_2_2 Horizontal Expanding moveEval7 0 0 0 0 30 32767 AlignLeft PixmapLabel1_2_2_2 image1 false PixmapLabel2_2_2_3 image2 false moveEval9 0 0 0 0 30 32767 AlignLeft PixmapLabel1_4_2_2 image1 false PixmapLabel1_2_5_2_3_3 image1 false moveEval8 0 0 0 0 30 32767 AlignLeft PixmapLabel1_4_3_2 image1 false PixmapLabel1_4_4 image1 false PixmapLabel1_2_5_2_4 image1 false PixmapLabel2_3_3 image2 false PixmapLabel2_2_3 image2 false TextLabel4 Normal AlignTop|AlignLeft TextLabel5 0 20 For every move possible the given points are added to the Evaluation. WordBreak|AlignTop|AlignLeft Spacer5 Vertical Expanding position Position unnamed 11 6 Layout63 unnamed 0 0 Spacer12 Horizontal Expanding Layout62 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1_2_3_2 Inner ring 3: posEval3 30 32767 AlignLeft posEval5 30 32767 AlignLeft posEval2 30 32767 AlignLeft TextLabel1_2 Outermost ring: diffEval2 30 32767 AlignLeft diffEval3 30 32767 AlignLeft posEval4 30 32767 AlignLeft TextLabel1_2_2 Middle position: diffEval5 30 32767 AlignLeft posEval1 30 32767 AlignLeft TextLabel1_2_3 Inner ring 2: TextLabel3_4 +/- TextLabel3_3 +/- diffEval4 30 32767 AlignLeft TextLabel3_2 +/- TextLabel1_2_2_2 Innermost ring: TextLabel3 +/- Spacer11 Horizontal Expanding TextLabel6 For every ball, the given points are added to the evaluation depending on the balls position. The bonus for a given position is changed randomly in the +/- range. WordBreak|AlignTop|AlignLeft Spacer4 Vertical Expanding inarow In-A-Row unnamed 11 6 Layout64 unnamed 0 6 Spacer14 Horizontal Expanding Layout42 unnamed 0 6 rowEval3 30 32767 AlignLeft rowEval2 30 32767 AlignLeft rowEval5 30 32767 AlignLeft rowEval4 30 32767 AlignLeft TextLabel1_2_2_3_2 Three in-a-row: TextLabel1_2_2_3 Two in-a-row: TextLabel1_2_2_3_3 Four in-a-row: TextLabel1_2_2_3_4 Five in-a-row: Spacer13 Horizontal Expanding TextLabel6_2 For a number of balls In-a-Row, the given points are added to the evaluation WordBreak|AlignTop|AlignLeft Spacer6 Vertical Expanding count Count unnamed 11 6 Layout66 unnamed 0 6 Spacer16 Horizontal Expanding Layout65 unnamed 0 6 countEval2 40 32767 AlignLeft TextLabel1_2_2_3_4_2 4 Balls more: countEval5 40 32767 AlignLeft countEval4 40 32767 AlignLeft TextLabel1_2_2_3_3_2 3 Balls more: TextLabel1_2_2_3_4_2_2 5 Balls more: countEval1 40 32767 AlignLeft TextLabel1_2_2_3_2_2 2 Balls more: countEval3 40 32767 AlignLeft TextLabel1_2_2_3_5 1 Ball more: Spacer15 Horizontal Expanding TextLabel6_2_2 For a difference in the number of balls, the given points are added to the evaluation. A difference of 6 only can be a lost/won game. WordBreak|AlignTop|AlignLeft Spacer6_2 Vertical Expanding tab Evaluation Schemes unnamed 11 6 evalList Layout13 unnamed 0 6 evalSaveAs Save As... evalDelete Delete TextLabel1 Your evaluation scheme, defined in all other tabs of this dialog, can be stored here. WordBreak|AlignTop|AlignLeft Layout13 unnamed 0 6 Spacer2_3 Horizontal Expanding TextLabel9 Evaluation of actual position: actualEval Flat Spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 789cd3d7528808f055d0d2e72a2e492cc94c5648ce482c52d04a29cdcdad8c8eb5ade6523234530022630543251d2e253d856405bffcbc54105b19c856b630b630b43006711341dc343000ab0401651000b3f4a062ca30801003721241002208160309817525825950318810d8108818921058901662d8ecd583fb4a0fe13eb820c4f1e8fe4d448401d8ab204f23850b483431116a9352ad351700a1cd4f38 789c6dd0410ac2301005d07d4e3124bb20ad4511413c82e2521017e9c4a28b56d0ba10f1ee66664cda6a3fa1cc7f9436496e61bfdb80cdd5bd75ed0501cfee06d63feafa7938ae5f4a170b082b3cf444e90c10b6d7e644b309b39972a83aaaf322d692ea72162b52adaa58bd540a7f9662283c655f33c65144c5884a0a235b2241b14401c5fa44d83744fc3544c6bea1e4cf7c32f92f91f76806fbe3f7d2fe3aecce317aded17b1944bf57ea03b18f6cb9 789c6dd04d0ac2301005e07d4e3124bb20ad452c05f1088a4b415c24138b2e5a41eb42c4bb9bc9246a208f52e67d94fcb4d6b0df6d40d7e23e99e98280677303ed1ec3f03c1cd72f219b16fce35f7226640508dbeb78a259f959cd43a81aaadda26bb85aaab8c4962b52ed7db8ba54fb3e2c4b51943055d194321456b648118331596b19d9220564fb1163329b921bfa940cffcd047398d68bfb7a72cea8fc7cf4ddf77ca57b14ef5bfc2f59e47b253ec60c6d67 TabWidget2 moveEval1 moveEval2 moveEval3 moveEval4 moveEval5 moveEval6 moveEval7 moveEval8 moveEval9 posEval1 posEval2 diffEval2 posEval3 diffEval3 posEval4 diffEval4 posEval5 diffEval5 rowEval2 rowEval3 rowEval4 rowEval5 countEval1 countEval2 countEval3 countEval4 countEval5 evalList evalDelete evalSaveAs kseparator.h