- 28.02.2001: Direct computer player for kpoker like games support needs to be improved. UPDATE (01/10/06): but what is needed there? - 05.03.2001: Documentation. I am thinking of an explaination of the class + methods and example code for the "key" methods. A sample implementation in a small game (like the current kdenonbeta/kgame but with a real sense - mabye use the QT tic-tac-toe example?) would be very great (this could be stuff of a tutorial instead of KGame documentation) MH: Even better idea - 03.06.2001: can KGameNetwork::sendSystemMessage be made protected (maybe using friends)? sendSystenMessage AND sendMessage is very confusing to the user... - 03.06.2001: can we translate the group of a KPlayer? Probably not as there are no international connections possible then... maybe a group id? - 05.06.2001: KGameDialog::saveConfig(KConfig*) might be useful (as well as KGameDialog::loadConfig(KConfig*). Should set an own group in the config file (setGroup("KGameDialog")). Problem: shalll network settings be saved? Could be used for startup configuration (i.e. load the config of the previous game) otherwise. - 21.06.2001: KPlayerPropertyArray does not yet support at() and operator[] assignments. Need to check whether the method from QBitArray can be applied - 02.04.2001: VERY DANGEROUS: property1=property2 does NOT assign the values, e.g. int but assignes the whole property, i.e. you have then two properties with the same id and everything is wrong 01/09/09: FIXED! (AB) TODO: check if this behavior also appears in KGamePropertyList and KGamePropertyArray. Althogh this should not be the case - 23.09.2001: does the virtual destructor make sense for KGamePropertyBase? - 29.09.2001: GGZ integration. I (Andi) already volunteered for this - it's just here so that I don't forget it - 06.10.2001: add KGamePropertyHandler::setDebug(false) to clear all debug names (and to not accept new names) of KGameProperty. Will save some memory - 06.10.2001: If one kicks a player (in KGameDialog) the client should be kicked as well. Perhaps always disconnect a client when all players from it have disappeared? - 07.10.2001: display (List) or (Array) for KGameProperty[List|Array] in KGameDebugDialog as value - 08.10.2001: KGamePropertyList|KGamePropertyArray must be ported to new QT3 API (e.g. erase instead of remove, ...)