//C- ------------------------------------------------------------------- //C- DjVuLibre-3.5 //C- Copyright (c) 2002 Leon Bottou and Yann Le Cun. //C- Copyright (c) 2001 AT&T //C- //C- This software is subject to, and may be distributed under, the //C- GNU General Public License, Version 2. The license should have //C- accompanied the software or you may obtain a copy of the license //C- from the Free Software Foundation at http://www.fsf.org . //C- //C- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //C- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //C- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //C- GNU General Public License for more details. //C- //C- DjVuLibre-3.5 is derived from the DjVu(r) Reference Library //C- distributed by Lizardtech Software. On July 19th 2002, Lizardtech //C- Software authorized us to replace the original DjVu(r) Reference //C- Library notice by the following text (see doc/lizard2002.djvu): //C- //C- ------------------------------------------------------------------ //C- | DjVu (r) Reference Library (v. 3.5) //C- | Copyright (c) 1999-2001 LizardTech, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //C- | The DjVu Reference Library is protected by U.S. Pat. No. //C- | 6,058,214 and patents pending. //C- | //C- | This software is subject to, and may be distributed under, the //C- | GNU General Public License, Version 2. The license should have //C- | accompanied the software or you may obtain a copy of the license //C- | from the Free Software Foundation at http://www.fsf.org . //C- | //C- | The computer code originally released by LizardTech under this //C- | license and unmodified by other parties is deemed "the LIZARDTECH //C- | ORIGINAL CODE." Subject to any third party intellectual property //C- | claims, LizardTech grants recipient a worldwide, royalty-free, //C- | non-exclusive license to make, use, sell, or otherwise dispose of //C- | the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE or of programs derived from the //C- | LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE in compliance with the terms of the GNU //C- | General Public License. This grant only confers the right to //C- | infringe patent claims underlying the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE to //C- | the extent such infringement is reasonably necessary to enable //C- | recipient to make, have made, practice, sell, or otherwise dispose //C- | of the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE (or portions thereof) and not to //C- | any greater extent that may be necessary to utilize further //C- | modifications or combinations. //C- | //C- | The LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY //C- | OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED //C- | TO ANY WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF //C- | MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. //C- +------------------------------------------------------------------ // // $Id: GPixmap.h,v 1.8 2003/11/07 22:08:21 leonb Exp $ // $Name: release_3_5_15 $ #ifndef _GPIXMAP_H_ #define _GPIXMAP_H_ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #if NEED_GNUG_PRAGMAS # pragma interface #endif /** @name GPixmap.h Files #"GPixmap.h"# and #"GPixmap.cpp"# implement class \Ref{GPixmap}. Instances of this class represent color images. Each RGB pixel is represented by structure \Ref{GPixel}. The ``bottom left'' coordinate system is used consistently in the DjVu library. Line zero of a GPixmap is the bottom line in the color image. Pixels are organized from left to right within each line. {\bf ToDo} --- More sophisticated color correction schemes. @memo Generic support for color images. @author L\'eon Bottou @version #$Id: GPixmap.h,v 1.8 2003/11/07 22:08:21 leonb Exp $# */ //@{ #include "GSmartPointer.h" #ifdef HAVE_NAMESPACES namespace DJVU { # ifdef NOT_DEFINED // Just to fool emacs c++ mode } #endif #endif class GBitmap; class GRect; class ByteStream; /** Color pixel as a RGB triple. The colors are represented using three bytes named #r#, #g# and #b#. The value of these bytes represent additive amounts of light. Color white is represented by setting all three bytes to #255#. Color black is represented by setting all three bytes to #0#. This convention should not be confused with the convention adopted for class \Ref{GBitmap} where the pixel values represent an ink level. */ struct GPixel { /** Blue component. */ unsigned char b; /** Green component. */ unsigned char g; /** Red component. */ unsigned char r; /** Returns true iff colors are identical. */ friend int operator==(const GPixel & p1, const GPixel & p2); /** Returns true iff colors are different. */ friend int operator!=(const GPixel & p1, const GPixel & p2); /** Returns a hash code for the color. */ friend unsigned int hash(const GPixel &p); /** @name Predefined colors. */ //@{ /// GPixel::WHITE is initialized to #rgb:255/255/255#. static const GPixel WHITE; /// GPixel::BLACK is initialized to #rgb:0/0/0#. static const GPixel BLACK; /// GPixel::BLUE is initialized to #rgb:0/0/255#. static const GPixel BLUE; /// GPixel::GREEN is initialized to #rgb:0/255/0#. static const GPixel GREEN; /// GPixel::RED is initialized to #rgb:255/0/0#. static const GPixel RED; //@} }; /** RGB Color images. Instances of class #GPixmap# represent color images as a two dimensional array of pixels \Ref{GPixel}. The bracket operator returns a pointer to the pixels composing one line of the image. This pointer can be used as an array to read or write the pixels of this particular line. Following the general convention of the DjVu Reference Library, line zero is always the bottom line of the image. */ class GPixmap : public GPEnabled { protected: GPixmap(void); GPixmap(int nrows, int ncolumns, const GPixel *filler=0); GPixmap(const GBitmap &ref); GPixmap(const GBitmap &ref, const GRect &rect); GPixmap(const GPixmap &ref); GPixmap(const GPixmap &ref, const GRect &rect); GPixmap(ByteStream &ref); public: /// Virtual destructor. virtual ~GPixmap(); void destroy(void); /** @name Construction. */ //@{ /** Creates an empty GBitmap object. The returned GPixmap has zero rows and zero columns. Use function \Ref{init} to change the size of the image. */ static GP create(void) {return new GPixmap();} /** Creates a GPixmap with #nrows# rows and #ncolumns# columns. When the optional argument #filler# is specified, all pixels are initialized with the corresponding color. */ static GP create( const int nrows, const int ncolumns, const GPixel *filler=0) { return new GPixmap(nrows,ncolumns,filler); } /** Creates a GPixmap by copying the gray level image #ref#. The constructed GPixmap has the same size as #ref#. The pixels are initialized with shades of grays copied from #ref#. */ static GP create(const GBitmap &ref) { return new GPixmap(ref); } /** Creates a GPixmap by copying the rectangle #rect# of the gray level image #ref#. The constructed GPixmap has the same size as rectangle #rect#. The pixels are initialized with shades of grays converted from the ink levels represented in #ref#. This conversion depends on the number of gray levels in #ref#. */ static GP create(const GBitmap &ref, const GRect &rect) { return new GPixmap(ref,rect); } /** Copy constructors. Creates a GPixmap by replicating the size and the contents of GPixmap #ref#. */ static GP create(const GPixmap &ref) { return new GPixmap(ref); } /** Creates a GPixmap by copying the rectangle #rect# of the color image #ref#. The constructed GPixmap has the same size as rectangle #rect#. The pixels are initialized with colors copied from #ref#. */ static GP create(const GPixmap &ref, const GRect &rect) { return new GPixmap(ref,rect); } /** Creates a GPixmap by reading PPM data from ByteStream #ref#. See \Ref{PNM and RLE file formats} for more information. */ static GP create(ByteStream &ref) { return new GPixmap(ref); } //@} /** @name Initialization. */ //@{ /** Resets the GPixmap to #nrows# rows and #ncolumns# columns. When the optional argument #filler# is specified, all pixels are initialized with the corresponding color. The previous content of the GPixmap is discarded. */ void init(int nrows, int ncolumns, const GPixel *filler=0); /** Resets the GPixmap by copying the size and the contents of the color image #ref#. The previous content of the GPixmap is discarded. */ void init(const GPixmap &ref); /** Resets the GPixmap by copying the rectangle #rect# of the color image #ref#. The previous content of the GPixmap is discarded. */ void init(const GPixmap &ref, const GRect &rect); /** Resets the GPixmap by copying the size and the contents of the gray level image #ref#. The optional argument #ramp# is an array of 256 pixel values used for mapping the gray levels to color values. Setting #ramp# to zero selects a linear ramp of shades of gray. */ void init(const GBitmap &ref, const GPixel *ramp=0); /** Resets the GPixmap by copying the rectangle #rect# of the gray level image #ref#. The optional argument #ramp# is an array of 256 pixel values used for mapping the gray levels to color values. Setting #ramp# to zero selects a linear ramp computed according to the maximal number of gray levels in #ref#. */ void init(const GBitmap &ref, const GRect &rect, const GPixel *ramp=0); /** Resets the GPixmap by reading PPM data from ByteStream #ref#. See \Ref{PNM and RLE file formats} for more information. */ void init(ByteStream &ref); /** Resets the GPixmap by copying the gray level image #ref#. The pixels are initialized with shades of grays copied from #ref#. */ GPixmap& operator=(const GBitmap &ref); /** Copy operator. Resets the GPixmap by copying the size and the contents of the color image #ref#. The previous content of the GPixmap is discarded. */ GPixmap& operator=(const GPixmap &ref); //@} /** @name Accessing pixels. */ //@{ /** Returns the number of rows (the image height). */ unsigned int rows() const; /** Returns the number of columns (the image width). */ unsigned int columns() const; /** Returns a constant pointer to the first GPixel in row #row#. This pointer can be used as an array to read the row elements. */ const GPixel * operator[] (int row) const; /** Returns a pointer to the first GPixel in row #row#. This pointer can be used as an array to read or write the row elements. */ GPixel * operator[] (int row); /** Returns the length (in pixels) of a row in memory. This number is equal to the difference between pointers to pixels located in the same column in consecutive rows. This difference may be larger than the number of columns in the image. */ unsigned int rowsize() const; //@} /** @name Resampling images. */ //@{ /** Resets this GPixmap with a subsampled segment of color image #src#. This function conceptually rescales image #src# by a factor #1:factor#, and copies rectangle #rect# of the subsampled image into the current GPixmap. The full subsampled image is copied if #rect# is a null pointer. Both operations are however performed together for efficiency reasons. Subsampling works by averaging the colors of the source pixels located in small squares of size #factor# times #factor#. */ void downsample(const GPixmap *src, int factor, const GRect *rect=0); /** Resets this GPixmap with a oversampled segment of color image #src#. This function conceptually rescales image #src# by a factor #factor:1#, and copies rectangle #rect# of the oversampled image into the current GPixmap. The full oversampled image is copied if #rect# is a null pointer. Both operations are however performed together for efficiency reasons. Oversampling works by replicating the color of the source pixels into squares of size #factor# times #factor#. */ void upsample(const GPixmap *src, int factor, const GRect *rect=0); /** Resets this GPixmap with a rescaled segment of #src# (zoom 75%). This function conceptually rescales image #src# by a factor #3:4#, and copies rectangle #rect# of the rescaled image into the current GPixmap. The full rescaled image is copied if #rect# is a null pointer. Both operations are however performed together for efficiency reasons. This function has been superseded by class \Ref{GPixmapScaler}. */ void downsample43(const GPixmap *src, const GRect *rect=0); /** Resets this GPixmap with a rescaled segment of #src# (zoom 150%). This function conceptually rescales image #src# by a factor #3:2# and copies rectangle #rect# of the rescaled image into the current GPixmap. The full rescaled image is copied if #rect# is a null pointer. Both operations are however performed together for efficiency reasons. This function has been superseded by class \Ref{GPixmapScaler}. */ void upsample23(const GPixmap *src, const GRect *rect=0); //@} /** @name Blitting and applying stencils. These function is essential for rendering DjVu images. The elementary functions are \Ref{attenuate} and \Ref{blit}. The combined functions \Ref{blend} and \Ref{stencil} should be viewed as optimizations. */ //@{ /** Attenuates the color image in preparation for a blit. Bitmap #bm# is positionned at location #x#,#y# over this color image. The matching color image pixels are then multiplied by #1.0-Alpha# where #Alpha# denotes the gray value, in range #[0,1]#, represented by the corresponding pixel of bitmap #bm#. */ void attenuate(const GBitmap *bm, int x, int y); /** Blits solid color #color# through transparency mask #bm#. Bitmap #bm# is positionned at location #x#,#y# over this color image. The matching color image pixels are then modified by adding color #color# multiplied by #Alpha#, where #Alpha# denotes the gray value, in range #[0,1]#, represented by the corresponding pixel of bitmap #bm#. */ void blit(const GBitmap *bm, int x, int y, const GPixel *color); /** Blits pixmap #color# through transparency mask #bm#. Bitmap #bm# is positionned at location #x#,#y# over this color image. The matching color image pixels are then modified by adding the corresponding pixel color in pixmap #color#, multiplied by #Alpha#, where #Alpha# denotes the gray value, in range #[0,1]#, represented by the corresponding pixel of bitmap #bm#. */ void blit(const GBitmap *bm, int x, int y, const GPixmap *color); /** Performs alpha blending. This function is similar to first calling \Ref{attenuate} with alpha map #bm# and then calling \Ref{blit} with alpha map #bm# and color map #color#. Both operations are performed together for efficiency reasons. */ void blend(const GBitmap *bm, int x, int y, const GPixmap *color); /** Resample color pixmap and performs color corrected alpha blending. This function conceptually computes an intermediate color image by first upsampling the GPixmap #pm# by a factor #pms:1# (see \Ref{upsample}), extracting the sub-image designated by rectangle #pmr# and applying color correction #corr# (see \Ref{color_correct}). This intermediate color image is then blended into this pixel map according to the alpha map #bm# (see \Ref{blend}). */ void stencil(const GBitmap *bm, const GPixmap *pm, int pms, const GRect *pmr, double corr=1.0); //@} /** @name Manipulating colors. */ //@{ /** Dithers the image to 216 colors. This function applies an ordered dithering algorithm to reduce the image to 216 predefined colors. These predefined colors are located on a color cube of 6x6x6 colors: the color RGB coordinates can only take the following values: #0#, #51#, #102#, #163#, #214# or #255#. This is useful for displaying images on a device supporting a maximum of 256 colors. Arguments #xmin# and #ymin# control the position of the dithering grids. This is useful for dithering tiled images. Arguments #xmin# and #ymin# must be the position of the bottom left corner of the tile contained in this GPixmap. Properly setting these arguments eliminates dithering artifacts on the tile boundaries. */ void ordered_666_dither(int xmin=0, int ymin=0); /** Dithers the image to 32768 colors. This function applies an ordered dithering algorithm to reduce the image to 32768 predefined colors. These predefined colors are located on a color cube of 32x32x32 colors: the color RGB coordinates can only take values in which the three least significant bits are set to #1#. This is useful for displaying images with less than 24 bits per pixel. Arguments #xmin# and #ymin# control the position of the dithering grids. This is useful for dithering tiled images. Arguments #xmin# and #ymin# must be the position of the bottom left corner of the tile contained in this GPixmap. Properly setting these arguments eliminates dithering artifacts on the tile boundaries. */ void ordered_32k_dither(int xmin=0, int ymin=0); /** Applies a luminance gamma correction factor of #corr#. Values greater than #1.0# make the image brighter. Values smaller than #1.0# make the image darker. The documentation of program \Ref{ppmcoco} explains how to properly use this function. */ void color_correct(double corr); /** Applies a luminance gamma correction to an array of pixels. This function is {\em static} and does not modify this pixmap. */ static void color_correct(double corr, GPixel *pixels, int npixels); //@} /** @name Miscellaneous. */ //@{ /** Returns the number of bytes allocated for this image. */ inline unsigned int get_memory_usage() const; /** Saves the image into ByteStream #bs# using the PPM format. Argument #raw# selects the ``Raw PPM'' (1) or the ``Ascii PPM'' (0) format. See \Ref{PNM and RLE file formats} for more information. */ void save_ppm(ByteStream &bs, int raw=1) const; //@} /** @name Stealing or borrowing the memory buffer (advanced). */ //@{ /** Steals the memory buffer of a GPixmap. This function returns the address of the memory buffer allocated by this GPixmap object. The offset of the first pixel in the bottom line is written into variable #offset#. Other lines can be accessed using pointer arithmetic (see \Ref{rowsize}). The GPixmap object no longer ``owns'' the buffer: you must explicitly de-allocate the buffer using #operator delete []#. This de-allocation should take place after the destruction or the re-initialization of the GPixmap object. This function will return a null pointer if the GPixmap object does not ``own'' the buffer in the first place. */ GPixel *take_data(size_t &offset); /** Initializes this GPixmap by borrowing a memory segment. The GPixmap then directly addresses the memory buffer #data# provided by the user. This buffer must be large enough to hold #w*h# GPixels. The GPixmap object does not ``own'' the buffer: you must explicitly de-allocate the buffer using #operator delete []#. This de-allocation should take place after the destruction or the re-initialization of the GPixmap object. */ inline void borrow_data(GPixel &data, int w, int h); /// Identical to the above, but GPixmap will do the delete []. void donate_data(GPixel *data, int w, int h); /** Rotates pixmap by 90, 180 or 270 degrees anticlockwise and returns a new pixmap, input pixmap is not changed. count can be 1, 2, or 3 for 90, 180, 270 degree rotation. It returns the same pixmap if not rotated. */ GP rotate(int count=0); //@} // Please ignore these two functions. Their only purpose is to allow // DjVu viewer compile w/o errors. eaf. // Is this still useful ?. lyb. int get_grays(void) const { return 256; }; void set_grays(int) {};\ protected: // data unsigned short nrows; unsigned short ncolumns; unsigned short nrowsize; GPixel *pixels; GPixel *pixels_data; friend class DjVu_PixImage; }; //@} // INLINE -------------------------- inline int operator==(const GPixel & p1, const GPixel & p2) { return p1.r==p2.r && p1.g==p2.g && p1.b==p2.b; } inline int operator!=(const GPixel & p1, const GPixel & p2) { return p1.r!=p2.r || p1.g!=p2.g || p1.b!=p2.b; } inline unsigned int hash(const GPixel &p) { unsigned int x = (p.b<<16)|(p.g<<8)|(p.r); return x ^ (p.b<<4) ^ (p.r<<12); } inline unsigned int GPixmap::rows() const { return nrows; } inline unsigned int GPixmap::columns() const { return ncolumns; } inline unsigned int GPixmap::rowsize() const { return nrowsize; } inline GPixel * GPixmap::operator[](int row) { if (row<0 || row>=nrows || !pixels) return 0; return &pixels[row * nrowsize]; } inline const GPixel * GPixmap::operator[](int row) const { if (row<0 || row>=nrows) return 0; return &pixels[row * nrowsize]; } inline GPixmap & GPixmap::operator=(const GBitmap &ref) { init(ref); return *this; } inline GPixmap & GPixmap::operator=(const GPixmap &ref) { init(ref); return *this; } inline void GPixmap::borrow_data(GPixel &data, int w, int h) { donate_data(&data,w,h); pixels_data=0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Memory usage ////////////////////////////////////////////////// inline unsigned int GPixmap::get_memory_usage() const { return sizeof(GPixmap)+(nrows * ncolumns * sizeof(GPixel)); } // --------------------------------- #ifdef HAVE_NAMESPACES } # ifndef NOT_USING_DJVU_NAMESPACE using namespace DJVU; # endif #endif #endif