/* Copyright (C) 2001-2003 KSVG Team This file is part of the KDE project This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License aint with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "SVGPaint.h" #include "SVGRectImpl.h" #include "SVGAngleImpl.h" #include "SVGPaintImpl.h" #include "SVGUnitTypes.h" #include "SVGHelperImpl.h" #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h" #include "SVGPointListImpl.h" #include "SVGMarkerElement.h" #include "SVGMarkerElementImpl.h" #include "SVGSVGElementImpl.h" #include "SVGPathSegListImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimatedRectImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimatedStringImpl.h" #include "SVGImageElementImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimatedAngleImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimatedLengthImpl.h" #include "SVGPolygonElementImpl.h" #include "SVGClipPathElementImpl.h" #include "SVGPolylineElementImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimatedLengthListImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimatedNumberImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimatedEnumerationImpl.h" #include "SVGPreserveAspectRatioImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatioImpl.h" #include "SVGGradientElementImpl.h" #include "SVGGradientElement.h" #include "SVGLinearGradientElementImpl.h" #include "SVGRadialGradientElementImpl.h" #include "SVGPatternElementImpl.h" #include "SVGPatternElement.h" #include "SVGStopElementImpl.h" #include "SVGStylableImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimatedTransformListImpl.h" #include "SVGTransformListImpl.h" #include "SVGUnitConverter.h" #include "SVGTextPathElementImpl.h" #include "SVGMaskElementImpl.h" #include "KSVGHelper.h" #include "LibartCanvasItems.h" #include "KSVGTextChunk.h" #include "art_misc.h" #include "art_render_misc.h" #include "BezierPathLibart.h" #include "Point.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace KSVG; LibartShape::LibartShape(LibartCanvas *c, SVGStylableImpl *style) : m_canvas(c), m_style(style) { m_fillSVP = 0; m_strokeSVP = 0; m_fillPainter = 0; m_strokePainter = 0; } LibartShape::~LibartShape() { freeSVPs(); delete m_fillPainter; delete m_strokePainter; } TQRect LibartShape::bbox() const { TQRect rect; if(m_strokeSVP || m_fillSVP) { ArtIRect *irect = new ArtIRect(); ArtVpath *vpath = art_vpath_from_svp(m_strokeSVP ? m_strokeSVP : m_fillSVP); art_vpath_bbox_irect(vpath, irect); art_free(vpath); rect.setX(irect->x0); rect.setY(irect->y0); rect.setWidth(irect->x1 - irect->x0); rect.setHeight(irect->y1 - irect->y0); delete irect; } return rect; } bool LibartShape::isVisible(SVGShapeImpl *tqshape) { return m_referenced || (m_style->getVisible() && m_style->getDisplay() && tqshape->directRender()); } bool LibartShape::fillContains(const TQPoint &p) { if(m_fillSVP) return art_svp_point_wind(m_fillSVP, p.x(), p.y()) != 0; else return false; } bool LibartShape::strokeContains(const TQPoint &p) { if(m_strokeSVP) return art_svp_point_wind(m_strokeSVP, p.x(), p.y()) != 0; else return false; } void LibartShape::update(CanvasItemUpdate reason, int param1, int param2) { if(reason == UPDATE_STYLE) { if(!m_fillPainter || !m_strokePainter) LibartShape::init(); if(m_fillPainter) m_fillPainter->update(m_style); if(m_strokePainter) m_strokePainter->update(m_style); m_canvas->tqinvalidate(this, false); } else if(reason == UPDATE_TRANSFORM) { reset(); m_canvas->tqinvalidate(this, true); } else if(reason == UPDATE_ZOOM) reset(); else if(reason == UPDATE_PAN) { if(m_fillSVP) ksvg_art_svp_move(m_fillSVP, param1, param2); if(m_strokeSVP) ksvg_art_svp_move(m_strokeSVP, param1, param2); } else if(reason == UPDATE_LINEWIDTH) { if(m_strokeSVP) { art_svp_free(m_strokeSVP); m_strokeSVP = 0; } init(); m_canvas->tqinvalidate(this, true); } } void LibartShape::draw(SVGShapeImpl *tqshape) { if(!m_referenced && (!m_style->getVisible() || !m_style->getDisplay() || !tqshape->directRender())) return; bool fillOk = m_fillSVP && m_style->isFilled(); bool strokeOk = m_strokeSVP && m_style->isStroked() && m_style->getStrokeWidth()->baseVal()->value() > 0; // Spec: A zero value causes no stroke to be painted. if(fillOk || strokeOk) { if(m_fillPainter && m_fillSVP) m_fillPainter->draw(m_canvas, m_fillSVP, m_style, tqshape); if(m_strokePainter && m_strokeSVP) m_strokePainter->draw(m_canvas, m_strokeSVP, m_style, tqshape); } } void LibartShape::init(const SVGMatrixImpl *) { } void LibartPainter::update(SVGStylableImpl *style) { if(paintType(style) != SVG_PAINTTYPE_URI) { TQColor qcolor; if(paintType(style) == SVG_PAINTTYPE_CURRENTCOLOR) qcolor = style->getColor()->rgbColor().color(); else qcolor = color(style); short _opacity = static_cast(opacity(style) * 255 + 0.5); // Spec: clamping _opacity = _opacity < 0 ? 0 : _opacity; _opacity = _opacity > 255 ? 255 : _opacity; m_color = KSVGHelper::toArtColor(qcolor, _opacity); } } void LibartPainter::draw(LibartCanvas *canvas, _ArtSVP *svp, SVGStylableImpl *style, SVGShapeImpl *tqshape) { ArtSVP *clippedSvp = canvas->clipSingleSVP(svp, tqshape); // Clipping ArtDRect bbox; art_drect_svp(&bbox, clippedSvp); // clamp to viewport int x0 = int(bbox.x0); int y0 = int(bbox.y0); // Use inclusive coords for x1/y1 for clipToBuffer int x1 = int(ceil(bbox.x1)) - 1; int y1 = int(ceil(bbox.y1)) - 1; if(x0 < int(canvas->width()) && y0 < int(canvas->height()) && x1 > -1 && y1 > -1) { canvas->clipToBuffer(x0, y0, x1, y1); TQRect screenBBox(x0, y0, x1 - x0 + 1, y1 - y0 + 1); TQByteArray tqmask = SVGMaskElementImpl::maskRectangle(tqshape, screenBBox); if(paintType(style) == SVG_PAINTTYPE_URI) { LibartPaintServer *pserver = static_cast(SVGPaintServerImpl::paintServer(tqshape->ownerDoc(), paintUri(style))); if(pserver) { pserver->setBBoxTarget(tqshape); if(!pserver->finalized()) pserver->finalizePaintServer(); pserver->render(canvas, clippedSvp, opacity(style), tqmask, screenBBox); } } else canvas->drawSVP(clippedSvp, m_color, tqmask, screenBBox); } art_svp_free(clippedSvp); } LibartStrokePainter::LibartStrokePainter(SVGStylableImpl *style) { update(style); } LibartFillPainter::LibartFillPainter(SVGStylableImpl *style) { update(style); } void LibartShape::init() { if(m_style->isFilled()) { if(m_fillPainter == 0) m_fillPainter = new LibartFillPainter(m_style); } else { delete m_fillPainter; m_fillPainter = 0; } // Spec: A zero value causes no stroke to be painted. if(m_style->isStroked() && m_style->getStrokeWidth()->baseVal()->value() > 0) { if(m_strokePainter == 0) m_strokePainter = new LibartStrokePainter(m_style); } else { delete m_strokePainter; m_strokePainter = 0; } } void LibartShape::initClipItem() { init(); } ArtSVP *LibartShape::clipSVP() { return m_fillSVP; } void LibartShape::freeSVPs() { if(m_fillSVP) art_svp_free(m_fillSVP); if(m_strokeSVP) art_svp_free(m_strokeSVP); m_fillSVP = 0; m_strokeSVP = 0; } void LibartShape::calcClipSVP(ArtVpath *vec, SVGStylableImpl *style, const SVGMatrixImpl *matrix, _ArtSVP **clipSVP) { double affine[6]; KSVGHelper::matrixToAffine(matrix, affine); if(!style) { art_free(vec); return; } ArtVpath *vtemp = art_vpath_affine_transform(vec, affine); art_free(vec); vec = vtemp; ArtSVP *temp; ArtSvpWriter *swr; temp = art_svp_from_vpath(vec); if(style->getClipRule() == RULE_EVENODD) swr = art_svp_writer_rewind_new(ART_WIND_RULE_ODDEVEN); else swr = art_svp_writer_rewind_new(ART_WIND_RULE_NONZERO); art_svp_intersector(temp, swr); *clipSVP = art_svp_writer_rewind_reap(swr); art_svp_free(temp); art_free(vec); } void LibartShape::calcSVPs(ArtVpath *vec, SVGStylableImpl *style, const SVGMatrixImpl *matrix, ArtSVP **strokeSVP, ArtSVP **fillSVP) { if(style) { double affine[6]; KSVGHelper::matrixToAffine(matrix, affine); ArtVpath *temp = art_vpath_affine_transform(vec, affine); art_free(vec); vec = temp; calcSVPInternal(vec, style, affine, strokeSVP, fillSVP); } else art_free(vec); } void LibartShape::calcSVPs(ArtBpath *bpath, SVGStylableImpl *style, const SVGMatrixImpl *matrix, ArtSVP **strokeSVP, ArtSVP **fillSVP) { if(style) { double affine[6]; KSVGHelper::matrixToAffine(matrix, affine); ArtBpath *temp = art_bpath_affine_transform(bpath, affine); ArtVpath *vec = ksvg_art_bez_path_to_vec(temp, 0.25); art_free(temp); calcSVPInternal(vec, style, affine, strokeSVP, fillSVP); } } void LibartShape::calcSVPInternal(ArtVpath *vec, SVGStylableImpl *style, double *affine, ArtSVP **strokeSVP, ArtSVP **fillSVP) { ArtSVP *svp; // Filling { ArtSvpWriter *swr; ArtSVP *temp; temp = art_svp_from_vpath(vec); if(style->getFillRule() == RULE_EVENODD) swr = art_svp_writer_rewind_new(ART_WIND_RULE_ODDEVEN); else swr = art_svp_writer_rewind_new(ART_WIND_RULE_NONZERO); art_svp_intersector(temp, swr); svp = art_svp_writer_rewind_reap(swr); *fillSVP = svp; art_svp_free(temp); } // Stroking if(style->isStroked() || style->getStrokeColor()->paintType() == SVG_PAINTTYPE_URI) { double ratio = art_affine_expansion(affine); unsigned int dashLength; if(style->getDashArray() && (dashLength = style->getDashArray()->baseVal()->numberOfItems()) > 0) { // HACK: libart will hang in art_vpath_dash() if passed an array with only zeroes. bool allZeroes = true; // there are dashes to be rendered ArtVpathDash dash; dash.offset = int(style->getDashOffset()->baseVal()->value()) * ratio; dash.n_dash = dashLength; double *dashes = new double[dashLength]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < dashLength; i++) { dashes[i] = style->getDashArray()->baseVal()->getItem(i)->value() * ratio; if(dashes[i] != 0.0) allZeroes = false; } dash.dash = dashes; if(!allZeroes) { // get the dashed VPath and use that for the stroke render operation ArtVpath *vec2 = art_vpath_dash(vec, &dash); art_free(vec); vec = vec2; } // reset the dashes delete [] dashes; } double penWidth = style->getStrokeWidth()->baseVal()->value() * ratio; svp = art_svp_vpath_stroke(vec, (ArtPathStrokeJoinType)style->getJoinStyle(), (ArtPathStrokeCapType)style->getCapStyle(), penWidth, style->getStrokeMiterlimit(), 0.25); *strokeSVP = svp; } art_free(vec); } // ##### LibartRectangle::LibartRectangle(LibartCanvas *c, SVGRectElementImpl *rect) : LibartShape(c, rect), m_rect(rect) { init(); } void LibartRectangle::draw() { if(isVisible()) LibartShape::draw(m_rect); } bool LibartRectangle::isVisible() { // Spec: a value of zero disables rendering return LibartShape::isVisible(m_rect) && m_rect->width()->baseVal()->value() > 0 && m_rect->height()->baseVal()->value() > 0; } void LibartRectangle::init() { init(m_rect->screenCTM()); } void LibartRectangle::init(const SVGMatrixImpl *screenCTM) { LibartShape::init(); double x = m_rect->x()->baseVal()->value(); double y = m_rect->y()->baseVal()->value(); double width = m_rect->width()->baseVal()->value(); double height = m_rect->height()->baseVal()->value(); double rx = m_rect->rx()->baseVal()->value(); double ry = m_rect->ry()->baseVal()->value(); // Spec: If there is no rx or ry specified, draw a normal rect if(rx == -1 && ry == -1) { ArtVpath *vec = allocVPath(6); vec[0].code = ART_MOVETO; vec[0].x = x; vec[0].y = y; vec[1].code = ART_LINETO; vec[1].x = x; vec[1].y = y + height; vec[2].code = ART_LINETO; vec[2].x = x + width; vec[2].y = y + height; vec[3].code = ART_LINETO; vec[3].x = x + width; vec[3].y = y; vec[4].code = ART_LINETO; vec[4].x = x; vec[4].y = y; vec[5].code = ART_END; if(m_context == NORMAL) calcSVPs(vec, m_rect, screenCTM, &m_strokeSVP, &m_fillSVP); else calcClipSVP(vec, m_rect, screenCTM, &m_fillSVP); } else { ArtVpath *res; ArtBpath *vec = allocBPath(10); int i = 0; // Spec: If rx isn't specified, but ry, set rx to ry if(rx == -1) rx = ry; // Spec: If ry isn't specified, but rx, set ry to rx if(ry == -1) ry = rx; // Spec: If rx is greater than half of the width of the rectangle // then set rx to half of the width if(rx > width / 2) rx = width / 2; // Spec: If ry is greater than half of the height of the rectangle // then set ry to half of the height if(ry > height / 2) ry = height / 2; vec[i].code = ART_MOVETO_OPEN; vec[i].x3 = x + rx; vec[i].y3 = y; i++; vec[i].code = ART_CURVETO; vec[i].x1 = x + rx * (1 - 0.552); vec[i].y1 = y; vec[i].x2 = x; vec[i].y2 = y + ry * (1 - 0.552); vec[i].x3 = x; vec[i].y3 = y + ry; i++; if(ry < height / 2) { vec[i].code = ART_LINETO; vec[i].x3 = x; vec[i].y3 = y + height - ry; i++; } vec[i].code = ART_CURVETO; vec[i].x1 = x; vec[i].y1 = y + height - ry * (1 - 0.552); vec[i].x2 = x + rx * (1 - 0.552); vec[i].y2 = y + height; vec[i].x3 = x + rx; vec[i].y3 = y + height; i++; if(rx < width / 2) { vec[i].code = ART_LINETO; vec[i].x3 = x + width - rx; vec[i].y3 = y + height; i++; } vec[i].code = ART_CURVETO; vec[i].x1 = x + width - rx * (1 - 0.552); vec[i].y1 = y + height; vec[i].x2 = x + width; vec[i].y2 = y + height - ry * (1 - 0.552); vec[i].x3 = x + width; vec[i].y3 = y + height - ry; i++; if(ry < height / 2) { vec[i].code = ART_LINETO; vec[i].x3 = x + width; vec[i].y3 = y + ry; i++; } vec[i].code = ART_CURVETO; vec[i].x1 = x + width; vec[i].y1 = y + ry * (1 - 0.552); vec[i].x2 = x + width - rx * (1 - 0.552); vec[i].y2 = y; vec[i].x3 = x + width - rx; vec[i].y3 = y; i++; if(rx < width / 2) { vec[i].code = ART_LINETO; vec[i].x3 = x + rx; vec[i].y3 = y; i++; } vec[i].code = ART_END; res = ksvg_art_bez_path_to_vec(vec, 0.25); if(m_context == NORMAL) calcSVPs(res, m_rect, screenCTM, &m_strokeSVP, &m_fillSVP); else calcClipSVP(res, m_rect, screenCTM, &m_fillSVP); art_free(vec); } } // ##### LibartEllipse::LibartEllipse(LibartCanvas *c, SVGEllipseElementImpl *ellipse) : LibartShape(c, ellipse), m_ellipse(ellipse) { init(); } void LibartEllipse::draw() { if(isVisible()) LibartShape::draw(m_ellipse); } bool LibartEllipse::isVisible() { // Spec: dont render when rx and/or ry is zero return LibartShape::isVisible(m_ellipse) && m_ellipse->rx()->baseVal()->value() > 0 && m_ellipse->ry()->baseVal()->value() > 0; } void LibartEllipse::init() { init(m_ellipse->screenCTM()); } void LibartEllipse::init(const SVGMatrixImpl *screenCTM) { LibartShape::init(); ArtBpath *temp = allocBPath(6); double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3; double len = 0.55228474983079356; double rx = m_ellipse->rx()->baseVal()->value(); double ry = m_ellipse->ry()->baseVal()->value(); double cx = m_ellipse->cx()->baseVal()->value(); double cy = m_ellipse->cy()->baseVal()->value(); double cos4[] = {1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0}; double sin4[] = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0}; int i = 0; temp[i].code = ART_MOVETO; temp[i].x3 = cx + rx; temp[i].y3 = cy; i++; while(i < 5) { x1 = cos4[i-1] + len * cos4[i]; y1 = sin4[i-1] + len * sin4[i]; x2 = cos4[i] + len * cos4[i-1]; y2 = sin4[i] + len * sin4[i-1]; x3 = cos4[i]; y3 = sin4[i]; temp[i].code = ART_CURVETO; temp[i].x1 = cx + x1 * rx; temp[i].y1 = cy + y1 * ry; temp[i].x2 = cx + x2 * rx; temp[i].y2 = cy + y2 * ry; temp[i].x3 = cx + x3 * rx; temp[i].y3 = cy + y3 * ry; i++; } temp[i].code = ART_END; if(m_context == NORMAL) calcSVPs(temp, m_ellipse, screenCTM, &m_strokeSVP, &m_fillSVP); else calcClipSVP(ksvg_art_bez_path_to_vec(temp, 0.25), m_ellipse, screenCTM, &m_fillSVP); art_free(temp); } // ##### LibartCircle::LibartCircle(LibartCanvas *c, SVGCircleElementImpl *circle) : LibartShape(c, circle), m_circle(circle) { init(); } void LibartCircle::draw() { // Spec: a value of zero disables rendering if(isVisible()) LibartShape::draw(m_circle); } bool LibartCircle::isVisible() { // Spec: dont render when rx and/or ry is zero return LibartShape::isVisible(m_circle) && m_circle->r()->baseVal()->value() > 0; } void LibartCircle::init() { init(m_circle->screenCTM()); } void LibartCircle::init(const SVGMatrixImpl *screenCTM) { LibartShape::init(); ArtBpath *temp = allocBPath(6); double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3; double len = 0.55228474983079356; double r = m_circle->r()->baseVal()->value(); double cx = m_circle->cx()->baseVal()->value(); double cy = m_circle->cy()->baseVal()->value(); double cos4[] = {1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0}; double sin4[] = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0}; int i = 0; temp[i].code = ART_MOVETO; temp[i].x3 = cx + r; temp[i].y3 = cy; i++; while(i < 5) { x1 = cos4[i-1] + len * cos4[i]; y1 = sin4[i-1] + len * sin4[i]; x2 = cos4[i] + len * cos4[i-1]; y2 = sin4[i] + len * sin4[i-1]; x3 = cos4[i]; y3 = sin4[i]; temp[i].code = ART_CURVETO; temp[i].x1 = cx + x1 * r; temp[i].y1 = cy + y1 * r; temp[i].x2 = cx + x2 * r; temp[i].y2 = cy + y2 * r; temp[i].x3 = cx + x3 * r; temp[i].y3 = cy + y3 * r; i++; } temp[i].code = ART_END; if(m_context == NORMAL) calcSVPs(temp, m_circle, screenCTM, &m_strokeSVP, &m_fillSVP); else calcClipSVP(ksvg_art_bez_path_to_vec(temp, 0.25), m_circle, screenCTM, &m_fillSVP); art_free(temp); } // ##### LibartLine::LibartLine(LibartCanvas *c, SVGLineElementImpl *line) : LibartShape(c, line), MarkerHelper(), m_line(line) { init(); } LibartLine::~LibartLine() { } void LibartLine::draw() { LibartShape::draw(m_line); if(m_line->hasMarkers()) { double x1 = m_line->x1()->baseVal()->value(); double y1 = m_line->y1()->baseVal()->value(); double x2 = m_line->x2()->baseVal()->value(); double y2 = m_line->y2()->baseVal()->value(); double slope = SVGAngleImpl::todeg(atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)); if(m_line->hasStartMarker()) doStartMarker(m_line, m_line, x1, y1, slope); if(m_line->hasEndMarker()) doEndMarker(m_line, m_line, x2, y2, slope); } } bool LibartLine::isVisible() { return LibartShape::isVisible(m_line); } void LibartLine::init() { init(m_line->screenCTM()); } void LibartLine::init(const SVGMatrixImpl *screenCTM) { LibartShape::init(); ArtVpath *vec; vec = allocVPath(3); vec[0].code = ART_MOVETO_OPEN; vec[0].x = m_line->x1()->baseVal()->value(); vec[0].y = m_line->y1()->baseVal()->value(); vec[1].code = ART_LINETO; vec[1].x = m_line->x2()->baseVal()->value(); vec[1].y = m_line->y2()->baseVal()->value(); // A subpath consisting of a moveto and lineto to the same exact location or a subpath consisting of a moveto // and a closepath will be stroked only if the 'stroke-linecap' property is set to "round", producing a circle // centered at the given point. if(vec[1].x == vec[0].x && vec[1].y == vec[0].y && m_line->getCapStyle() == PATH_STROKE_CAP_ROUND) vec[1].x += .5; vec[2].code = ART_END; if(m_context == NORMAL) { calcSVPs(vec, m_line, screenCTM, &m_strokeSVP, &m_fillSVP); art_svp_free(m_fillSVP); m_fillSVP = 0; } else calcClipSVP(vec, m_line, screenCTM, &m_fillSVP); } // ##### LibartPoly::LibartPoly(LibartCanvas *c, SVGPolyElementImpl *poly) : LibartShape(c, poly), MarkerHelper(), m_poly(poly) { } LibartPoly::~LibartPoly() { } void LibartPoly::init() { init(m_poly->screenCTM()); } void LibartPoly::draw() { LibartShape::draw(m_poly); if(m_poly->hasMarkers()) m_poly->drawMarkers(); } bool LibartPoly::isVisible() { return LibartShape::isVisible(m_poly); } // ##### LibartPolyline::LibartPolyline(LibartCanvas *c, SVGPolylineElementImpl *poly) : LibartPoly(c, poly) { LibartPoly::init(); } LibartPolyline::~LibartPolyline() { } void LibartPolyline::init(const SVGMatrixImpl *screenCTM) { LibartShape::init(); unsigned int numberOfPoints = m_poly->points()->numberOfItems(); if(numberOfPoints < 1) return; ArtVpath *polyline = allocVPath(2 + numberOfPoints); polyline[0].code = ART_MOVETO_OPEN; polyline[0].x = m_poly->points()->getItem(0)->x(); polyline[0].y = m_poly->points()->getItem(0)->y(); unsigned int index; for(index = 1; index < numberOfPoints; index++) { polyline[index].code = ART_LINETO; polyline[index].x = m_poly->points()->getItem(index)->x(); polyline[index].y = m_poly->points()->getItem(index)->y(); } // A subpath consisting of a moveto and lineto to the same exact location or a subpath consisting of a moveto // and a closepath will be stroked only if the 'stroke-linecap' property is set to "round", producing a circle // centered at the given point. if(numberOfPoints == 2 && polyline[1].x == polyline[0].x && polyline[1].y == polyline[0].y && m_poly->getCapStyle() == PATH_STROKE_CAP_ROUND) polyline[1].x += .5; if(m_poly->isFilled()) // if the polyline must be filled, inform libart that it should not be closed. { polyline[index].code = (ArtPathcode) ART_END2; polyline[index].x = m_poly->points()->getItem(0)->x(); polyline[index++].y = m_poly->points()->getItem(0)->y(); } polyline[index].code = ART_END; if(m_context == NORMAL) calcSVPs(polyline, m_poly, screenCTM, &m_strokeSVP, &m_fillSVP); else calcClipSVP(polyline, m_poly, screenCTM, &m_fillSVP); } // ##### LibartPolygon::LibartPolygon(LibartCanvas *c, SVGPolygonElementImpl *poly) : LibartPoly(c, poly) { LibartPoly::init(); } LibartPolygon::~LibartPolygon() { } void LibartPolygon::init(const SVGMatrixImpl *screenCTM) { LibartShape::init(); unsigned int numberOfPoints = m_poly->points()->numberOfItems(); if(numberOfPoints < 1) return; ArtVpath *polygon = allocVPath(2 + numberOfPoints); polygon[0].code = ART_MOVETO; polygon[0].x = m_poly->points()->getItem(0)->x(); polygon[0].y = m_poly->points()->getItem(0)->y(); unsigned int index; for(index = 1; index < numberOfPoints; index++) { polygon[index].code = ART_LINETO; polygon[index].x = m_poly->points()->getItem(index)->x(); polygon[index].y = m_poly->points()->getItem(index)->y(); } polygon[index].code = ART_LINETO; polygon[index].x = m_poly->points()->getItem(0)->x(); polygon[index].y = m_poly->points()->getItem(0)->y(); index++; polygon[index].code = ART_END; if(m_context == NORMAL) calcSVPs(polygon, m_poly, screenCTM, &m_strokeSVP, &m_fillSVP); else calcClipSVP(polygon, m_poly, screenCTM, &m_fillSVP); } // ##### LibartPath::LibartPath(LibartCanvas *c, SVGPathElementImpl *path) : LibartShape(c, path), MarkerHelper(), T2P::BezierPathLibart(), ::SVGPathParser(), m_path(path) { reset(); } LibartPath::~LibartPath() { } void LibartPath::reset() { m_array.resize(0); LibartShape::reset(); } void LibartPath::draw() { LibartShape::draw(m_path); if(m_path->hasMarkers()) { SVGPathElementImpl::MarkerData markers = m_path->markerData(); int numMarkers = markers.numMarkers(); if(m_path->hasStartMarker()) doStartMarker(m_path, m_path, markers.marker(0).x, markers.marker(0).y, markers.marker(0).angle); for(int i = 1; i < numMarkers - 1; i++) { if(m_path->hasMidMarker()) doMidMarker(m_path, m_path, markers.marker(i).x, markers.marker(i).y, markers.marker(i).angle); } if(m_path->hasEndMarker()) doEndMarker(m_path, m_path, markers.marker(numMarkers - 1).x, markers.marker(numMarkers - 1).y, markers.marker(numMarkers - 1).angle); } } bool LibartPath::isVisible() { return LibartShape::isVisible(m_path); } void LibartPath::init() { init(m_path->screenCTM()); } void LibartPath::init(const SVGMatrixImpl *screenCTM) { LibartShape::init(); if(m_array.count() > 0) { if(m_context == NORMAL) calcSVPs(m_array.data(), m_path, screenCTM, &m_strokeSVP, &m_fillSVP); else calcClipSVP(ksvg_art_bez_path_to_vec(m_array.data(), 0.25), m_path, screenCTM, &m_fillSVP); } else if(!m_path->getAttribute("d").string().isEmpty()) { parseSVG(m_path->getAttribute("d").string(), true); int index = m_array.count(); double curx = m_array[index - 1].x3; double cury = m_array[index - 1].y3; // Find last subpath int tqfind = -1; for(int i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(m_array[i].code == ART_MOVETO_OPEN || m_array[i].code == ART_MOVETO) { tqfind = i; break; } } // Fix a problem where the .svg file used floats as values... (sofico.svg) if(curx != m_array[tqfind].x3 && cury != m_array[tqfind].y3) { if((int) curx == (int) m_array[tqfind].x3 && (int) cury == (int) m_array[tqfind].y3) { ensureSpace(m_array, index) m_array[index].code = ART_LINETO; m_array[index].x3 = m_array[tqfind].x3; m_array[index].y3 = m_array[tqfind].y3; curx = m_array[tqfind].x3; cury = m_array[tqfind].y3; index++; } } // handle filled paths that are not closed explicitly if(m_path->getFillColor()->paintType() != SVG_PAINTTYPE_NONE) { if((int) curx != (int) m_array[tqfind].x3 || (int) cury != (int) m_array[tqfind].y3) { ensureSpace(m_array, index) m_array[index].code = (ArtPathcode)ART_END2; m_array[index].x3 = m_array[tqfind].x3; m_array[index].y3 = m_array[tqfind].y3; curx = m_array[tqfind].x3; cury = m_array[tqfind].y3; index++; } } // close ensureSpace(m_array, index) m_array[index].code = ART_END; // A subpath consisting of a moveto and lineto to the same exact location or a subpath consisting of a moveto // and a closepath will be stroked only if the 'stroke-linecap' property is set to "round", producing a circle // centered at the given point. if(index == 2 && m_array[1].code == ART_LINETO && m_array[1].x3 == m_array[0].x3 && m_array[1].y3 == m_array[0].y3 && m_path->getCapStyle() == PATH_STROKE_CAP_ROUND) m_array[1].x3 += .5; // There are pure-moveto paths which reference paint servers *bah* // Do NOT render them bool render = false; for(int i = index; i >= 0; i--) { if(m_array[i].code != ART_MOVETO_OPEN && m_array[i].code != ART_MOVETO && !(m_array[i].code >= ART_END)) { render = true; break; } } if(render && m_context == NORMAL) calcSVPs(m_array.data(), m_path, screenCTM, &m_strokeSVP, &m_fillSVP); else calcClipSVP(ksvg_art_bez_path_to_vec(m_array.data(), 0.25), m_path, screenCTM, &m_fillSVP); } } void LibartPath::svgMoveTo(double x1, double y1, bool closed, bool) { int index = m_array.count(); if(index > 0 && !closed) { // Find last subpath int tqfind = -1; for(int i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(m_array[i].code == ART_MOVETO_OPEN || m_array[i].code == ART_MOVETO) { tqfind = i; break; } } ensureSpace(m_array, index) m_array[index].code = (ArtPathcode) ART_END2; m_array[index].x3 = m_array[tqfind].x3; m_array[index].y3 = m_array[tqfind].y3; index++; } ensureSpace(m_array, index) m_array[index].code = (index == 0) ? ART_MOVETO : ART_MOVETO_OPEN; m_array[index].x3 = x1; m_array[index].y3 = y1; } void LibartPath::svgLineTo(double x1, double y1, bool) { int index = m_array.count(); ensureSpace(m_array, index) m_array[index].code = ART_LINETO; m_array[index].x3 = x1; m_array[index].y3 = y1; } void LibartPath::svgCurveToCubic(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, bool) { int index = m_array.count(); ensureSpace(m_array, index) m_array[index].code = ART_CURVETO; m_array[index].x1 = x1; m_array[index].y1 = y1; m_array[index].x2 = x2; m_array[index].y2 = y2; m_array[index].x3 = x3; m_array[index].y3 = y3; } void LibartPath::svgClosePath() { int index = m_array.count(); double curx = m_array[index - 1].x3; double cury = m_array[index - 1].y3; int tqfind = -1; for(int i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(m_array[i].code == ART_MOVETO_OPEN || m_array[i].code == ART_MOVETO) { tqfind = i; break; } } if(tqfind != -1) { if(m_array[tqfind].x3 != curx || m_array[tqfind].y3 != cury) { ensureSpace(m_array, index) m_array[index].code = ART_LINETO; m_array[index].x3 = m_array[tqfind].x3; m_array[index].y3 = m_array[tqfind].y3; } } } // ##### LibartClipPath::LibartClipPath(LibartCanvas *c, SVGClipPathElementImpl *clipPath) : CanvasClipPath(clipPath), m_canvas(c) { m_clipSVP = 0; m_clipItems.setAutoDelete(true); } LibartClipPath::~LibartClipPath() { if(m_clipSVP) art_svp_free(m_clipSVP); } void LibartClipPath::update(CanvasItemUpdate, int, int) { if(m_clipSVP) art_svp_free(m_clipSVP); m_clipSVP = 0; } void LibartClipPath::init() { SVGMatrixImpl *clipMatrix = 0; // Start with referencing element's coordinate system SVGLocatableImpl *locatableReferrer = dynamic_cast(m_clipPath->getBBoxTarget()); if(locatableReferrer) clipMatrix = locatableReferrer->getScreenCTM(); else clipMatrix = SVGSVGElementImpl::createSVGMatrix(); if(m_clipPath->clipPathUnits()->baseVal() == SVGUnitTypes::SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX && m_clipPath->getBBoxTarget()) { SVGRectImpl *rect = m_clipPath->getBBoxTarget()->getBBox(); clipMatrix->translate(rect->qrect().x(), rect->qrect().y()); clipMatrix->scaleNonUniform(rect->qrect().width(), rect->qrect().height()); rect->deref(); } // Add transformations on the clipPath element itself if(m_clipPath->localMatrix()) clipMatrix->multiply(m_clipPath->localMatrix()); if(m_clipSVP) { art_svp_free(m_clipSVP); m_clipSVP = 0; } DOM::Node node = m_clipPath->firstChild(); for(; !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) { SVGElementImpl *element = m_clipPath->ownerDoc()->getElementFromHandle(node.handle()); SVGShapeImpl *tqshape = dynamic_cast(element); SVGTestsImpl *tests = dynamic_cast(element); bool ok = tests ? tests->ok() : true; if(element && tqshape && ok && !tqshape->isContainer()) { LibartClipItem *clipElement = dynamic_cast(tqshape->item()); if(dynamic_cast(tqshape->item())) { // The cast to a clipElement above is failing when it is valid. But only // in the plugin - svgdisplay works fine. What's going on? (Adrian) clipElement = dynamic_cast(tqshape->item()); } if(clipElement) { clipElement->setRenderContext(CLIPPING); // Push coordinate system down to tqchildren. SVGLocatableImpl *locatable = dynamic_cast(tqshape); if(locatable) locatable->updateCachedScreenCTM(clipMatrix); clipElement->initClipItem(); ArtSVP *one = clipElement->clipSVP(); if(!one) break; if(m_clipSVP == 0) m_clipSVP = LibartCanvas::copy_svp(one); else { ArtSVP *svp_union = art_svp_union(m_clipSVP, one); art_svp_free(m_clipSVP); m_clipSVP = svp_union; } } } } clipMatrix->deref(); } void LibartClipPath::draw() { } ArtSVP *LibartClipPath::clipSVP() { return m_clipSVP; } // ##### LibartImage::LibartImage(LibartCanvas *c, SVGImageElementImpl *image) : m_canvas(c), m_image(image) { } LibartImage::~LibartImage() { } void LibartImage::draw() { if(isVisible()) { SVGMatrixImpl *ctm = m_image->scaledImageMatrix(); TQImage image = m_image->scaledImage(); KSVGPolygon clippingPolygon = m_image->clippingShape(); m_canvas->drawImage(image, m_image, ctm, clippingPolygon); ctm->deref(); } } bool LibartImage::isVisible() { return (m_referenced || (m_image->getVisible() && m_image->getDisplay() && m_image->directRender())) && m_image->image(); } void LibartImage::init() { } TQRect LibartImage::bbox() const { TQRect bbox(static_cast(m_image->x()->baseVal()->value()), static_cast(m_image->y()->baseVal()->value()), static_cast(m_image->width()->baseVal()->value()), static_cast(m_image->height()->baseVal()->value())); return SVGHelperImpl::fromUserspace(m_image, bbox); } // ##### LibartMarker::LibartMarker(LibartCanvas *c, SVGMarkerElementImpl *marker) : CanvasMarker(marker), m_canvas(c) { } LibartMarker::~LibartMarker() { } void LibartMarker::init() { } void LibartMarker::draw() { } // ##### LibartText::LibartText(LibartCanvas *c, SVGTextElementImpl *text) : CanvasText(text), m_canvas(c) { m_drawFillItems.setAutoDelete(true); m_drawStrokeItems.setAutoDelete(true); m_fillPainters.setAutoDelete(true); m_strokePainters.setAutoDelete(true); init(); } LibartText::~LibartText() { clearSVPs(); } LibartText::SVPElement::~SVPElement() { if(svp) art_svp_free(svp); } TQRect LibartText::bbox() const { TQRect result, rect; TQPtrListIterator it1(m_drawFillItems); TQPtrListIterator it2(m_drawStrokeItems); SVPElement *fill = it1.current(), *stroke = it2.current(); while(fill != 0 || stroke != 0) { ArtIRect *irect = new ArtIRect(); ArtVpath *vpath = art_vpath_from_svp((stroke && stroke->svp) ? stroke->svp : fill->svp); art_vpath_bbox_irect(vpath, irect); art_free(vpath); rect.setX(irect->x0); rect.setY(irect->y0); rect.setWidth(irect->x1 - irect->x0); rect.setHeight(irect->y1 - irect->y0); delete irect; result = result.unite(rect); fill = ++it1; stroke = ++it2; } return result; } bool LibartText::fillContains(const TQPoint &p) { TQPtrListIterator it(m_drawFillItems); SVPElement *fill = it.current(); while(fill && fill->svp) { if(fill->svp && art_svp_point_wind(fill->svp, p.x(), p.y()) != 0) return true; fill = ++it; } return false; } bool LibartText::strokeContains(const TQPoint &p) { TQPtrListIterator it(m_drawStrokeItems); SVPElement *stroke = it.current(); while(stroke && stroke->svp) { if(stroke->svp && art_svp_point_wind(stroke->svp, p.x(), p.y()) != 0) return true; stroke = ++it; } return false; } void LibartText::update(CanvasItemUpdate reason, int param1, int param2) { if(reason == UPDATE_STYLE) { TQPtrListIterator it1(m_drawFillItems); TQPtrListIterator it2(m_drawStrokeItems); SVPElement *fill = it1.current(), *stroke = it2.current(); while(fill != 0 || stroke != 0) { SVGTextContentElementImpl *text = fill ? fill->element : stroke->element; bool fillOk = fill && fill->svp && text->isFilled(); bool strokeOk = stroke && stroke->svp && text->isStroked() && text->getStrokeWidth()->baseVal()->value() > 0; // Spec: A zero value causes no stroke to be painted. if(fillOk || strokeOk) { if(m_fillPainters.tqfind(text)) m_fillPainters[text]->update(text); if(m_strokePainters.tqfind(text)) m_strokePainters[text]->update(text); } fill = ++it1; stroke = ++it2; } m_canvas->tqinvalidate(this, false); } else if(reason == UPDATE_TRANSFORM) { clearSVPs(); init(); m_canvas->tqinvalidate(this, true); } else if(reason == UPDATE_ZOOM) { clearSVPs(); init(); } else if(reason == UPDATE_PAN) { TQPtrListIterator it1(m_drawFillItems); TQPtrListIterator it2(m_drawStrokeItems); double affine[6]; KSVGHelper::matrixToAffine(m_text->screenCTM(), affine); SVPElement *fill = it1.current(), *stroke = it2.current(); while(fill != 0 || stroke != 0) { SVGTextContentElementImpl *text = fill ? fill->element : stroke->element; bool fillOk = fill && fill->svp && text->isFilled(); bool strokeOk = stroke && stroke->svp && text->isStroked() && text->getStrokeWidth()->baseVal()->value() > 0; // Spec: A zero value causes no stroke to be painted. if(fillOk) ksvg_art_svp_move(fill->svp, param1, param2); if(strokeOk) ksvg_art_svp_move(stroke->svp, param1, param2); fill = ++it1; stroke = ++it2; } } /* else if(reason == UPDATE_LINEWIDTH) { }*/ } void LibartText::draw() { TQPtrListIterator it1(m_drawFillItems); TQPtrListIterator it2(m_drawStrokeItems); SVPElement *fill = it1.current(), *stroke = it2.current(); while(fill != 0 || stroke != 0) { SVGTextContentElementImpl *text = fill ? fill->element : stroke->element; if(!text || !text->getVisible() || !text->getDisplay() || !text->directRender()) return; bool fillOk = fill && fill->svp && text->isFilled(); bool strokeOk = stroke && stroke->svp && text->isStroked() && text->getStrokeWidth()->baseVal()->value() > 0; // Spec: A zero value causes no stroke to be painted. if(fillOk || strokeOk) { if(fillOk && m_fillPainters.tqfind(text)) m_fillPainters[text]->draw(m_canvas, fill->svp, text, text); if(strokeOk && m_strokePainters.tqfind(text)) m_strokePainters[text]->draw(m_canvas, stroke->svp, text, text); } fill = ++it1; stroke = ++it2; } } bool LibartText::isVisible() { bool foundVisible = false; TQPtrListIterator it1(m_drawFillItems); TQPtrListIterator it2(m_drawStrokeItems); SVPElement *fill = it1.current(), *stroke = it2.current(); while(fill != 0 || stroke != 0) { SVGTextContentElementImpl *text = fill ? fill->element : stroke->element; if(text && text->getVisible() && text->getDisplay() && text->directRender()) { foundVisible = true; break; } fill = ++it1; stroke = ++it2; } return foundVisible; } void LibartText::init() { init(m_text->screenCTM()); } void LibartText::renderCallback(SVGTextContentElementImpl *element, const SVGMatrixImpl *screenCTM, T2P::GlyphSet *glyph, T2P::GlyphLayoutParams *params, double anchor) const { unsigned int glyphCount = glyph->glyphCount(); // Don't call it n times in the for loop for(unsigned int i = 0; i < glyphCount; i++) { T2P::GlyphAffinePair *glyphAffine = glyph->set()[i]; ArtBpath *bezier = static_cast(glyphAffine->transformatedPath())->m_array.data(); ArtBpath *result = bezier; // text-anchor support if(anchor != 0) { double correct[6]; if(!params->tb()) art_affine_translate(correct, -anchor, 0); else art_affine_translate(correct, 0, -anchor); ArtBpath *temp = art_bpath_affine_transform(result, correct); //art_free(result); result = temp; } ArtSVP *fillSVP = 0, *strokeSVP = 0; if(m_context == NORMAL) LibartShape::calcSVPs(result, m_text, screenCTM, &strokeSVP, &fillSVP); else LibartShape::calcClipSVP(ksvg_art_bez_path_to_vec(result, 0.25), m_text, screenCTM, &fillSVP); SVPElement *fillElement = new SVPElement(); fillElement->svp = fillSVP; fillElement->element = element; SVPElement *strokeElement = new SVPElement(); strokeElement->svp = strokeSVP; strokeElement->element = element; m_drawFillItems.append(fillElement); m_drawStrokeItems.append(strokeElement); if(!m_fillPainters.tqfind(element) && element->isFilled()) m_fillPainters.insert(element, new LibartFillPainter(element)); // Spec: A zero value causes no stroke to be painted. if(!m_strokePainters.tqfind(element) && element->isStroked() && element->getStrokeWidth()->baseVal()->value() > 0) m_strokePainters.insert(element, new LibartStrokePainter(element)); } } void LibartText::init(const SVGMatrixImpl *screenCTM) { int curx = 0, cury = 0, endx = 0, endy = 0; KSVGTextChunk *textChunk = CanvasText::createTextChunk(m_canvas, screenCTM, curx, cury, endx, endy); if(textChunk->count() > 0) CanvasText::createGlyphs(textChunk, m_canvas, screenCTM, curx, cury, endx, endy); delete textChunk; } void LibartText::clearSVPs() { m_drawFillItems.clear(); m_drawStrokeItems.clear(); m_fillPainters.clear(); m_strokePainters.clear(); } void LibartText::addTextDecoration(SVGTextContentElementImpl *element, double x, double y, double width, double height) const { if(m_text->isFilled() || m_text->isStroked()) { // compute rect svp ArtVpath *vec = allocVPath(6); vec[0].code = ART_MOVETO; vec[0].x = x; vec[0].y = y; vec[1].code = ART_LINETO; vec[1].x = x; vec[1].y = y + height; vec[2].code = ART_LINETO; vec[2].x = x + width; vec[2].y = y + height; vec[3].code = ART_LINETO; vec[3].x = x + width; vec[3].y = y; vec[4].code = ART_LINETO; vec[4].x = x; vec[4].y = y; vec[5].code = ART_END; double affine[6]; KSVGHelper::matrixToAffine(m_text->screenCTM(), affine); ArtVpath *temp = art_vpath_affine_transform(vec, affine); art_free(vec); vec = temp; if(m_text->isFilled()) { ArtSvpWriter *swr; ArtSVP *temp = art_svp_from_vpath(vec); swr = art_svp_writer_rewind_new(ART_WIND_RULE_ODDEVEN); art_svp_intersector(temp, swr); ArtSVP *fillSVP = art_svp_writer_rewind_reap(swr); SVPElement *fillElement = new SVPElement(); fillElement->svp = fillSVP; fillElement->element = element; m_drawFillItems.append(fillElement); if(!m_fillPainters.tqfind(element) && element->isFilled()) m_fillPainters.insert(element, new LibartFillPainter(element)); art_svp_free(temp); } // Stroking if(m_text->isStroked() || m_text->getStrokeColor()->paintType() == SVG_PAINTTYPE_URI) { double ratio = art_affine_expansion(affine); ArtSVP *strokeSVP = art_svp_vpath_stroke(vec, (ArtPathStrokeJoinType)m_text->getJoinStyle(), (ArtPathStrokeCapType)m_text->getCapStyle(), m_text->getStrokeWidth()->baseVal()->value() * ratio, m_text->getStrokeMiterlimit(), 0.25); SVPElement *strokeElement = new SVPElement(); strokeElement->svp = strokeSVP; strokeElement->element = element; m_drawStrokeItems.append(strokeElement); // Spec: A zero value causes no stroke to be painted. if(!m_strokePainters.tqfind(element) && element->isStroked() && element->getStrokeWidth()->baseVal()->value() > 0) m_strokePainters.insert(element, new LibartStrokePainter(element)); } art_free(vec); } } void LibartText::initClipItem() { init(); } ArtSVP *LibartText::clipSVP() { ArtSVP *svp = 0; TQPtrListIterator it(m_drawFillItems); SVPElement *fill = it.current(); while(fill && fill->svp) { if(svp == 0) svp = LibartCanvas::copy_svp(fill->svp); else { ArtSVP *svp_union = art_svp_union(svp, fill->svp); art_svp_free(svp); svp = svp_union; } fill = ++it; } return svp; } ArtRender *LibartPaintServer::createRenderer(TQRect bbox, KSVGCanvas *c) { int x0 = bbox.x(); int y0 = bbox.y(); int x1 = bbox.right(); int y1 = bbox.bottom(); c->clipToBuffer(x0, y0, x1, y1); // Note: We always pass 3 for the number of channels since the ART_ALPHA parameter // adds the alpha channel when present. ArtRender *render = 0; render = art_render_new(TQMIN(x0, x1), TQMIN(y0, y1), TQMAX(x0, x1) + 1, TQMAX(y0, y1) + 1, c->renderingBuffer() + x0 * c->nrChannels() + y0 * c->rowStride(), c->rowStride(), 3, 8, c->nrChannels() == 3 ? ART_ALPHA_NONE : ART_ALPHA_PREMUL, 0); return render; } void LibartGradient::parseGradientStops(SVGGradientElementImpl *gradient) { const double epsilon = DBL_EPSILON; for(DOM::Node node = gradient->firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) { SVGStopElementImpl *elem = dynamic_cast(m_gradient->ownerDoc()->getElementFromHandle(node.handle())); if(elem) { m_stops.resize(m_stops.size() + 1); ArtGradientStop *stop = &(m_stops[m_stops.size() - 1]); stop->offset = elem->offset()->baseVal(); // Spec: clamp range to 0 to 1 if(stop->offset < epsilon) stop->offset = 0; else if(stop->offset > 1 - epsilon) stop->offset = 1; // Spec: if offset is less than previous offset, set it to the previous offset if(m_stops.size() > 1 && stop->offset < (stop - 1)->offset + epsilon) stop->offset = (stop - 1)->offset; // Get color TQColor qStopColor; if(elem->getStopColor()->colorType() == SVG_COLORTYPE_CURRENTCOLOR) qStopColor = elem->getColor()->rgbColor().color(); else qStopColor = elem->getStopColor()->rgbColor().color(); // Convert in a libart suitable form TQString tempName = qStopColor.name(); const char *str = tempName.latin1(); int stopColor = 0; for(int i = 1; str[i]; i++) { int hexval; if(str[i] >= '0' && str[i] <= '9') hexval = str[i] - '0'; else if (str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'F') hexval = str[i] - 'A' + 10; else if (str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'f') hexval = str[i] - 'a' + 10; else break; stopColor = (stopColor << 4) + hexval; } // Apply stop-opacity float opacity = elem->stopOpacity(); // Get rgba color including stop-opacity TQ_UINT32 rgba = (stopColor << 8) | int(opacity * 255.0 + 0.5); TQ_UINT32 r, g, b, a; a = rgba & 0xff; r = (rgba >> 24) & 0xff; g = (rgba >> 16) & 0xff; b = (rgba >> 8) & 0xff; stop->color[0] = ART_PIX_MAX_FROM_8(r); stop->color[1] = ART_PIX_MAX_FROM_8(g); stop->color[2] = ART_PIX_MAX_FROM_8(b); stop->color[3] = ART_PIX_MAX_FROM_8(a); } } } void LibartGradient::finalizePaintServer() { parseGradientStops(m_gradient->stopsSource()); TQString _href = SVGURIReferenceImpl::getTarget(m_gradient->href()->baseVal().string()); if(!_href.isEmpty()) reference(_href); setFinalized(); } void LibartGradient::reference(const TQString &) { } void LibartLinearGradient::render(KSVGCanvas *c, ArtSVP *svp, float opacity, TQByteArray tqmask, TQRect screenBBox) { if(!m_stops.isEmpty()) { m_linear->converter()->finalize(getBBoxTarget(), m_linear->ownerSVGElement(), m_linear->gradientUnits()->baseVal()); ArtKSVGGradientLinear *linear = art_new(ArtKSVGGradientLinear, 1); if(m_linear->spreadMethod()->baseVal() == SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REPEAT) linear->spread = ART_GRADIENT_REPEAT; else if(m_linear->spreadMethod()->baseVal() == SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REFLECT) linear->spread = ART_GRADIENT_REFLECT; else linear->spread = ART_GRADIENT_PAD; linear->interpolation = m_linear->getColorInterpolation() == CI_SRGB ? ART_KSVG_SRGB_INTERPOLATION : ART_KSVG_LINEARRGB_INTERPOLATION; ArtRender *render = createRenderer(screenBBox, c); double _x1 = m_linear->x1()->baseVal()->value(); double _y1 = m_linear->y1()->baseVal()->value(); double _x2 = m_linear->x2()->baseVal()->value(); double _y2 = m_linear->y2()->baseVal()->value(); // Respect current transformation matrix (so gradients zoom with...) SVGTransformableImpl *transformable = dynamic_cast(getBBoxTarget()); SVGMatrixImpl *matrix = 0; if(transformable) matrix = transformable->getScreenCTM(); else matrix = SVGSVGElementImpl::createSVGMatrix(); const double epsilon = DBL_EPSILON; if(m_linear->gradientUnits()->baseVal() == SVGUnitTypes::SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX) { // Here we're undoing the unit-converter's work because putting the // bounding box transform into the matrix here lets the gradient transform // sit at the right point in the chain to work with bounding box coordinates. It // also removes the need for code to generate the 'not perpendicular to gradient vector' effect. SVGRectImpl *userBbox = getBBoxTarget()->getBBox(); double width = userBbox->width(); double height = userBbox->height(); // Catch case of width or height of zero, which can be the case for lines. if(width < epsilon) width = 1; if(height < epsilon) height = 1; _x1 /= width; _y1 /= height; _x2 /= width; _y2 /= height; matrix->translate(userBbox->x(), userBbox->y()); matrix->scaleNonUniform(width, height); userBbox->deref(); } // Adjust to gradient transform SVGMatrixImpl *gradTrans = m_linear->gradientTransform()->baseVal()->concatenate(); if(gradTrans) { matrix->multiply(gradTrans); gradTrans->deref(); } double dx = _x2 - _x1; double dy = _y2 - _y1; if(fabs(dx) < epsilon && fabs(dy) < epsilon) { // Lines can generate (0, 0) with bbox coords. dx = 1; dy = 0; } double angle = atan2(dy, dx); double length = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846; matrix->translate(_x1, _y1); matrix->scale(length); matrix->rotate(angle * 180.0 / pi); double affine[6]; KSVGHelper::matrixToAffine(matrix, affine); art_affine_invert(linear->affine, affine); matrix->deref(); TQMemArray stops = m_stops; stops.detach(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < stops.size(); i++) stops[i].color[3] = ArtPixMaxDepth(stops[i].color[3] * opacity + 0.5); if(m_linear->x1()->baseVal()->valueInSpecifiedUnits() == m_linear->x2()->baseVal()->valueInSpecifiedUnits() && m_linear->y1()->baseVal()->valueInSpecifiedUnits() == m_linear->y2()->baseVal()->valueInSpecifiedUnits()) { // Spec: If x1 == x2 and y1 == y2, paint the area in a single colour, using the colour // of the last stop. // // Using valueInSpecifiedUnits() so that we are comparing the values before possible // conversion to bounding box units by the converter. if(stops.size() > 1) { stops[0] = stops[stops.size() - 1]; stops.resize(1); } } linear->stops = &(stops[0]); linear->n_stops = stops.size(); art_render_svp(render, svp); art_ksvg_render_gradient_linear(render, linear, ART_FILTER_HYPER); if(tqmask.data()) art_render_mask(render, screenBBox.left(), screenBBox.top(), screenBBox.right() + 1, screenBBox.bottom() + 1, (const art_u8 *)tqmask.data(), screenBBox.width()); art_render_invoke(render); art_free(linear); } } void LibartRadialGradient::render(KSVGCanvas *c, ArtSVP *svp, float opacity, TQByteArray tqmask, TQRect screenBBox) { if(!m_stops.isEmpty()) { m_radial->converter()->finalize(getBBoxTarget(), m_radial->ownerSVGElement(), m_radial->gradientUnits()->baseVal()); ArtKSVGGradientRadial *radial = art_new(ArtKSVGGradientRadial, 1); if(m_radial->spreadMethod()->baseVal() == SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REPEAT) radial->spread = ART_GRADIENT_REPEAT; else if(m_radial->spreadMethod()->baseVal() == SVG_SPREADMETHOD_REFLECT) radial->spread = ART_GRADIENT_REFLECT; else radial->spread = ART_GRADIENT_PAD; radial->interpolation = m_radial->getColorInterpolation() == CI_SRGB ? ART_KSVG_SRGB_INTERPOLATION : ART_KSVG_LINEARRGB_INTERPOLATION; ArtRender *render = createRenderer(screenBBox, c); // Respect current transformation matrix (so gradients zoom with...) SVGTransformableImpl *transformable = dynamic_cast(getBBoxTarget()); SVGMatrixImpl *matrix = 0; if(transformable) matrix = transformable->getScreenCTM(); else matrix = SVGSVGElementImpl::createSVGMatrix(); double _cx = m_radial->cx()->baseVal()->value(); double _cy = m_radial->cy()->baseVal()->value(); double _r = m_radial->r()->baseVal()->value(); double _fx; double _fy; // Spec: If attribute fx is not specified, fx will coincide with cx. if(m_radial->getAttribute("fx").isEmpty()) _fx = _cx; else _fx = m_radial->fx()->baseVal()->value(); // Spec: If attribute fy is not specified, fy will coincide with cy. if(m_radial->getAttribute("fy").isEmpty()) _fy = _cy; else _fy = m_radial->fy()->baseVal()->value(); const double epsilon = DBL_EPSILON; if(m_radial->gradientUnits()->baseVal() == SVGUnitTypes::SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX) { // Here we're undoing the unit-converter's work because putting the // bounding box transform into the matrix here lets the gradient transform // sit at the right point in the chain to work with bounding box coordinates. // It also produces the elliptical tqshape due to the non-uniform scaling. SVGRectImpl *userBBox = getBBoxTarget()->getBBox(); double width = userBBox->width(); double height = userBBox->height(); // Catch case of width or height of zero, which can be the case for lines. if(width < epsilon) width = 1; if(height < epsilon) height = 1; _cx /= width; _cy /= height; _fx /= width; _fy /= height; _r /= (sqrt(width * width + height * height) / 1.4142135623731); matrix->translate(userBBox->x(), userBBox->y()); matrix->scaleNonUniform(width, height); userBBox->deref(); } // Adjust to gradient transforms SVGMatrixImpl *transform = m_radial->gradientTransform()->baseVal()->concatenate(); if(transform) { matrix->multiply(transform); transform->deref(); } double fx = (_fx - _cx) / _r; double fy = (_fy - _cy) / _r; if(fx * fx + fy * fy > 0.99) { // Spec: If (fx, fy) lies outside the circle defined by (cx, cy) and r, set (fx, fy) // to the point of intersection of the line through (fx, fy) and the circle. // // Note: We need to keep (fx, fy) inside the unit circle in order for // libart to render the gradient correctly. double angle = atan2(fy, fx); fx = cos(angle) * 0.99; fy = sin(angle) * 0.99; } radial->fx = fx; radial->fy = fy; matrix->translate(_cx, _cy); matrix->scale(_r); double affine[6]; KSVGHelper::matrixToAffine(matrix, affine); art_affine_invert(radial->affine, affine); matrix->deref(); TQMemArray stops = m_stops; stops.detach(); for(unsigned int i = 0; i < stops.size(); i++) stops[i].color[3] = ArtPixMaxDepth(stops[i].color[3] * opacity + 0.5); radial->stops = &(stops[0]); radial->n_stops = stops.size(); art_render_svp(render, svp); art_ksvg_render_gradient_radial(render, radial, ART_FILTER_HYPER); if(tqmask.data()) art_render_mask(render, screenBBox.left(), screenBBox.top(), screenBBox.right() + 1, screenBBox.bottom() + 1, (const art_u8 *)tqmask.data(), screenBBox.width()); art_render_invoke(render); art_free(radial); } } LibartPattern::LibartPattern(SVGPatternElementImpl *pattern) : m_pattern(pattern) { } void LibartPattern::finalizePaintServer() { m_pattern->finalizePaintServer(); setFinalized(); } void LibartPattern::reference(const TQString &href) { m_pattern->reference(href); } void LibartPattern::render(KSVGCanvas *c, ArtSVP *svp, float opacity, TQByteArray tqmask, TQRect screenBBox) { SVGPatternElementImpl::Tile tile = m_pattern->createTile(getBBoxTarget()); if(!tile.image().isNull()) { TQWMatrix m = tile.screenToTile(); double affine[6]; affine[0] = m.m11(); affine[1] = m.m12(); affine[2] = m.m21(); affine[3] = m.m22(); affine[4] = m.dx(); affine[5] = m.dy(); int alpha = int(opacity * 255 + 0.5); ksvg_art_rgb_texture(svp, c->renderingBuffer() + screenBBox.x() * c->nrChannels() + screenBBox.y() * c->rowStride(), screenBBox.left(), screenBBox.top(), screenBBox.right() + 1, screenBBox.bottom() + 1, c->rowStride(), c->nrChannels(), tile.image().bits(), tile.image().width(), tile.image().height(), tile.image().width() * 4, affine, ART_FILTER_NEAREST, 0L, alpha, (art_u8 *)tqmask.data()); } } // vim:ts=4:noet