app executable man pages known/found config files (eg kde rc files, /etc/, /usr/local/etc) folders in home dir? later: if app is running, known network connections? files referenced in man pages use desktop files where possible create and cache desktop files? for kde apps: apps - Applications menu (.desktop files). config - Configuration files. data - Where applications store data. exe - Executables in $prefix/bin. findExe() for a function that takes $PATH into account. mime - Mime types. tmp - Temporary files (specific for both current host and current user) socket - UNIX Sockets (specific for both current host and current user) use #include #include KService::Ptr service = KService::serviceByDesktopName( url.fileName() ); if (service && service->isValid()) { // KURL newUrl; // newUrl.setPath(locate("apps", service->desktopEntryPath())); // createFileEntry(entry, service->name(), newUrl, "application/x-desktop", service->icon()); createFileEntry(entry, service->name(), url.url(1)+service->desktopEntryName(), "application/x-desktop", service->icon(), locate("apps", service->desktopEntryPath()) );