From 3e52b79020dd0bbd653169972f1cccaf63e0b631 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Timothy Pearson Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 15:42:41 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Initial import of kio-ftps 0.1a from sources --- AUTHORS | 2 + COPYING | 504 ++ Changelog | 3 + | 20 + Makefile.cvs | 11 + README | 5 + acinclude.m4 | 11715 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ aclocal.m4 | 863 +++ | 240 + configure.files | 3 + | 127 + | 4 + kio_ftps/ | 26 + kio_ftps/ | 5 + kio_ftps/ | 2685 +++++++++ kio_ftps/ftp.h | 626 ++ kio_ftps/ftps.protocol | 18 + | 0 subdirs | 1 + 19 files changed, 16858 insertions(+) create mode 100644 AUTHORS create mode 100644 COPYING create mode 100644 Changelog create mode 100644 create mode 100644 Makefile.cvs create mode 100644 README create mode 100644 acinclude.m4 create mode 100644 aclocal.m4 create mode 100644 create mode 100644 configure.files create mode 100644 create mode 100644 create mode 100644 kio_ftps/ create mode 100644 kio_ftps/ create mode 100644 kio_ftps/ create mode 100644 kio_ftps/ftp.h create mode 100644 kio_ftps/ftps.protocol create mode 100644 create mode 100644 subdirs diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da244a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +David Faure +Magnus Kulke diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ab7695 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2.1, February 1999 + + Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts + as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence + the version number 2.1.] + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change +free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. + + This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some +specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the +Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You +can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether +this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better +strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, +not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that +you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge +for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get +it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of +it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do +these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these +rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for +you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis +or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave +you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source +code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide +complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them +with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling +it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. + + We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the +library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal +permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. + + To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that +there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is +modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know +that what they have is not the original version, so that the original +author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be +introduced by others. + + Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of +any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot +effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a +restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that +any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be +consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. + + Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the +ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser +General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and +is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use +this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those +libraries into non-free programs. + + When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using +a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a +combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary +General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the +entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General +Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with +the library. + + We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it +does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General +Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less +of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages +are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many +libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain +special circumstances. + + For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to +encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes +a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be +allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free +library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this +case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free +software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. + + In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free +programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of +free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in +non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU +operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating +system. + + Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the +users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is +linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run +that program using a modified version of the Library. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a +"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The +former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must +be combined with the library in order to run. + + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other +program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or +other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of +this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). +Each licensee is addressed as "you". + + A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data +prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs +(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. + + The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work +which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the +Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under +copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a +portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated +straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is +included without limitation in the term "modification".) + + "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means +all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated +interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation +and installation of the library. + + Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from +such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based +on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for +writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does +and what the program that uses the Library does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's +complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that +you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an +appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact +all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any +warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the +Library. + + You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, +and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a +fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The modified work must itself be a software library. + + b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no + charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. + + d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a + table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses + the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility + is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, + in the event an application does not supply such function or + table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of + its purpose remains meaningful. + + (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has + a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the + application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any + application-supplied function or table used by this function must + be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square + root function must still compute square roots.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote +it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Library. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library +with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public +License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do +this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so +that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, +instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the +ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify +that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in +these notices. + + Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for +that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all +subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. + + This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of +the Library into a program that is not a library. + + 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or +derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form +under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany +it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which +must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a +medium customarily used for software interchange. + + If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy +from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the +source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to +distribute the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the +Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or +linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a +work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and +therefore falls outside the scope of this License. + + However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library +creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it +contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the +library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. +Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. + + When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file +that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a +derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. +Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be +linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The +threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. + + If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data +structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline +functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object +file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative +work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the +Library will still fall under Section 6.) + + Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may +distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. +Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, +whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. + + 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or +link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a +work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work +under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit +modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications. + + You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by +this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work +during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the +copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference +directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one +of these things: + + a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding + machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever + changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under + Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked + with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that + uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the + user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified + executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood + that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the + Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application + to use the modified definitions.) + + b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a + copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, + rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) + will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if + the user installs one, as long as the modified version is + interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. + + c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at + least three years, to give the same user the materials + specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more + than the cost of performing this distribution. + + d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy + from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above + specified materials from the same place. + + e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these + materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. + + For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the +Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for +reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, +the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is +normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major +components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on +which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies +the executable. + + It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license +restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally +accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot +use both them and the Library together in an executable that you +distribute. + + 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library +facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined +library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on +the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise +permitted, and provided that you do these two things: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work + based on the Library, uncombined with any other library + facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the + Sections above. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact + that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining + where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute +the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any +attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or +distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your +rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, +or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses +terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + + 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the +Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Library or works based on it. + + 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the +Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library +subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with +this License. + + 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any +particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, +and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add +an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, +so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus +excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if +written in the body of this License. + + 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new +versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. +Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, +but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and +"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that version or of any later version published by +the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a +license version number, you may choose any version ever published by +the Free Software Foundation. + + 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, +write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is +copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free +Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our +decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status +of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing +and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO +WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. +EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR +OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY +KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE +LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME +THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN +WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY +AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU +FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE +LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING +RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A +FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF +SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH +DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries + + If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that +everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting +redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the +ordinary General Public License). + + To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is +safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the +"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the + library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. + + , 1 April 1990 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +That's all there is to it! + + diff --git a/Changelog b/Changelog new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7640d5a --- /dev/null +++ b/Changelog @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +v0.1 (1.3.2006) + +- initial release \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0984ce --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.4 + +SUBDIRS = $(TOPSUBDIRS) + +$(top_srcdir)/ $(top_srcdir)/subdirs + cd $(top_srcdir) && $(MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common ; + +$(top_srcdir)/subdirs: + cd $(top_srcdir) && $(MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common subdirs + +$(top_srcdir)/acinclude.m4: $(top_srcdir)/admin/ $(top_srcdir)/admin/ + @cd $(top_srcdir) && cat admin/ admin/ > acinclude.m4 + +MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = subdirs acinclude.m4 configure.files + +EXTRA_DIST = admin + +dist-hook: + cd $(top_distdir) && perl admin/am_edit -padmin + cd $(top_distdir) && $(MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common subdirs diff --git a/Makefile.cvs b/Makefile.cvs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eb9aae8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Makefile.cvs @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + +all: + @echo "This Makefile is only for the CVS repository" + @echo "This will be deleted before making the distribution" + @echo "" + $(MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common cvs + +dist: + $(MAKE) -f admin/Makefile.common dist + +.SILENT: diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b863879 --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +ftps KIO-slave. + +written by Magnus Kulke , based on rfc4217 and build upon the ftp KIO-slave sources. it should work yet with most server implementations. it issues an "AUTH TLS" command after connecting and refuses to continue, when it's not supported. in prior to every data channel io command ("STOR", "RETR", etc) it tries to secure the data channel via "PBSZ" and "PROT" commands. if that fails it will transfer data unencrypted. there is currently no support for ssl-certificates. this might be added on demand. + +magnus kulke 1.3.2006 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/acinclude.m4 b/acinclude.m4 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..50bd53f --- /dev/null +++ b/acinclude.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,11715 @@ +## -*- autoconf -*- + +dnl This file is part of the KDE libraries/packages +dnl Copyright (C) 1997 Janos Farkas ( +dnl (C) 1997,98,99 Stephan Kulow ( + +dnl This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +dnl modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public +dnl License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either +dnl version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +dnl This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +dnl MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +dnl Library General Public License for more details. + +dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License +dnl along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to +dnl the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, +dnl Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + +dnl IMPORTANT NOTE: +dnl Please do not modify this file unless you expect your modifications to be +dnl carried into every other module in the repository. +dnl +dnl Single-module modifications are best placed in for kdelibs +dnl and kdebase or if present. + +# KDE_PATH_X_DIRECT +dnl Internal subroutine of AC_PATH_X. +dnl Set ac_x_includes and/or ac_x_libraries. +AC_DEFUN([KDE_PATH_X_DIRECT], +[ +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_LIB64]) + +if test "$ac_x_includes" = NO; then + # Guess where to find include files, by looking for this one X11 .h file. + test -z "$x_direct_test_include" && x_direct_test_include=X11/Intrinsic.h + + # First, try using that file with no special directory specified. +AC_TRY_CPP([#include <$x_direct_test_include>], +[# We can compile using X headers with no special include directory. +ac_x_includes=], +[# Look for the header file in a standard set of common directories. +# Check X11 before X11Rn because it is often a symlink to the current release. + for ac_dir in \ + /usr/X11/include \ + /usr/X11R6/include \ + /usr/X11R5/include \ + /usr/X11R4/include \ + \ + /usr/include/X11 \ + /usr/include/X11R6 \ + /usr/include/X11R5 \ + /usr/include/X11R4 \ + \ + /usr/local/X11/include \ + /usr/local/X11R6/include \ + /usr/local/X11R5/include \ + /usr/local/X11R4/include \ + \ + /usr/local/include/X11 \ + /usr/local/include/X11R6 \ + /usr/local/include/X11R5 \ + /usr/local/include/X11R4 \ + \ + /usr/X386/include \ + /usr/x386/include \ + /usr/XFree86/include/X11 \ + \ + /usr/include \ + /usr/local/include \ + /usr/unsupported/include \ + /usr/athena/include \ + /usr/local/x11r5/include \ + /usr/lpp/Xamples/include \ + \ + /usr/openwin/include \ + /usr/openwin/share/include \ + ; \ + do + if test -r "$ac_dir/$x_direct_test_include"; then + ac_x_includes=$ac_dir + break + fi + done]) +fi # $ac_x_includes = NO + +if test "$ac_x_libraries" = NO; then + # Check for the libraries. + + test -z "$x_direct_test_library" && x_direct_test_library=Xt + test -z "$x_direct_test_function" && x_direct_test_function=XtMalloc + + # See if we find them without any special options. + # Don't add to $LIBS permanently. + ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS" + LIBS="-l$x_direct_test_library $LIBS" +AC_TRY_LINK([#include ], [${x_direct_test_function}(1)], +[LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS" +# We can link X programs with no special library path. +ac_x_libraries=], +[LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS" +# First see if replacing the include by lib works. +# Check X11 before X11Rn because it is often a symlink to the current release. +for ac_dir in `echo "$ac_x_includes" | sed s/include/lib${kdelibsuff}/` \ + /usr/X11/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + /usr/X11R6/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + /usr/X11R5/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + /usr/X11R4/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + \ + /usr/lib${kdelibsuff}/X11 \ + /usr/lib${kdelibsuff}/X11R6 \ + /usr/lib${kdelibsuff}/X11R5 \ + /usr/lib${kdelibsuff}/X11R4 \ + \ + /usr/local/X11/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + /usr/local/X11R6/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + /usr/local/X11R5/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + /usr/local/X11R4/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + \ + /usr/local/lib${kdelibsuff}/X11 \ + /usr/local/lib${kdelibsuff}/X11R6 \ + /usr/local/lib${kdelibsuff}/X11R5 \ + /usr/local/lib${kdelibsuff}/X11R4 \ + \ + /usr/X386/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + /usr/x386/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + /usr/XFree86/lib${kdelibsuff}/X11 \ + \ + /usr/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + /usr/local/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + /usr/unsupported/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + /usr/athena/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + /usr/local/x11r5/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + /usr/lpp/Xamples/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + /lib/usr/lib${kdelibsuff}/X11 \ + \ + /usr/openwin/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + /usr/openwin/share/lib${kdelibsuff} \ + ; \ +do +dnl Don't even attempt the hair of trying to link an X program! + for ac_extension in a so sl; do + if test -r $ac_dir/lib${x_direct_test_library}.$ac_extension; then + ac_x_libraries=$ac_dir + break 2 + fi + done +done]) +fi # $ac_x_libraries = NO +]) + + +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl Find a file (or one of more files in a list of dirs) +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl +AC_DEFUN([AC_FIND_FILE], +[ +$3=NO +for i in $2; +do + for j in $1; + do + echo "configure: __oline__: $i/$j" >&AC_FD_CC + if test -r "$i/$j"; then + echo "taking that" >&AC_FD_CC + $3=$i + break 2 + fi + done +done +]) + +dnl KDE_FIND_PATH(program-name, variable-name, list-of-dirs, +dnl if-not-found, test-parameter, prepend-path) +dnl +dnl Look for program-name in list-of-dirs+$PATH. +dnl If prepend-path is set, look in $PATH+list-of-dirs instead. +dnl If found, $variable-name is set. If not, if-not-found is evaluated. +dnl test-parameter: if set, the program is executed with this arg, +dnl and only a successful exit code is required. +AC_DEFUN([KDE_FIND_PATH], +[ + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $1]) + if test -n "$$2"; then + kde_cv_path="$$2"; + else + kde_cache=`echo $1 | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'` + + AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_path_$kde_cache, + [ + kde_cv_path="NONE" + kde_save_IFS=$IFS + IFS=':' + dirs="" + for dir in $PATH; do + dirs="$dirs $dir" + done + if test -z "$6"; then dnl Append dirs in PATH (default) + dirs="$3 $dirs" + else dnl Prepend dirs in PATH (if 6th arg is set) + dirs="$dirs $3" + fi + IFS=$kde_save_IFS + + for dir in $dirs; do + if test -x "$dir/$1"; then + if test -n "$5" + then + evalstr="$dir/$1 $5 2>&1 " + if eval $evalstr; then + kde_cv_path="$dir/$1" + break + fi + else + kde_cv_path="$dir/$1" + break + fi + fi + done + + eval "kde_cv_path_$kde_cache=$kde_cv_path" + + ]) + + eval "kde_cv_path=\"`echo '$kde_cv_path_'$kde_cache`\"" + + fi + + if test -z "$kde_cv_path" || test "$kde_cv_path" = NONE; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(not found) + $4 + else + AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_cv_path) + $2=$kde_cv_path + + fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_MOC_ERROR_MESSAGE], +[ + AC_MSG_ERROR([No Qt meta object compiler (moc) found! +Please check whether you installed Qt correctly. +You need to have a running moc binary. +configure tried to run $ac_cv_path_moc and the test didn't +succeed. If configure shouldn't have tried this one, set +the environment variable MOC to the right one before running +configure. +]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_UIC_ERROR_MESSAGE], +[ + AC_MSG_WARN([No Qt ui compiler (uic) found! +Please check whether you installed Qt correctly. +You need to have a running uic binary. +configure tried to run $ac_cv_path_uic and the test didn't +succeed. If configure shouldn't have tried this one, set +the environment variable UIC to the right one before running +configure. +]) +]) + + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_UIC_FLAG], +[ + AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether uic supports -$1 ]) + kde_cache=`echo $1 | sed 'y% .=/+-%____p_%'` + AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_prog_uic_$kde_cache, + [ + cat >conftest.ui < +EOT + ac_uic_testrun="$UIC_PATH -$1 $2 conftest.ui >/dev/null" + if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_uic_testrun); then + eval "kde_cv_prog_uic_$kde_cache=yes" + else + eval "kde_cv_prog_uic_$kde_cache=no" + fi + rm -f conftest* + ]) + + if eval "test \"`echo '$kde_cv_prog_uic_'$kde_cache`\" = yes"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) + : + $3 + else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) + : + $4 + fi +]) + + +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl Find the meta object compiler and the ui compiler in the PATH, +dnl in $QTDIR/bin, and some more usual places +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl +AC_DEFUN([AC_PATH_QT_MOC_UIC], +[ + AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_PERL]) + qt_bindirs="" + for dir in $kde_qt_dirs; do + qt_bindirs="$qt_bindirs $dir/bin $dir/src/moc" + done + qt_bindirs="$qt_bindirs /usr/bin /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/local/qt/bin" + if test ! "$ac_qt_bindir" = "NO"; then + qt_bindirs="$ac_qt_bindir $qt_bindirs" + fi + + KDE_FIND_PATH(moc, MOC, [$qt_bindirs], [KDE_MOC_ERROR_MESSAGE]) + if test -z "$UIC_NOT_NEEDED"; then + KDE_FIND_PATH(uic, UIC_PATH, [$qt_bindirs], [UIC_PATH=""]) + if test -z "$UIC_PATH" ; then + KDE_UIC_ERROR_MESSAGE + exit 1 + else + UIC=$UIC_PATH + + if test $kde_qtver = 3; then + KDE_CHECK_UIC_FLAG(L,[/nonexistent],ac_uic_supports_libpath=yes,ac_uic_supports_libpath=no) + KDE_CHECK_UIC_FLAG(nounload,,ac_uic_supports_nounload=yes,ac_uic_supports_nounload=no) + + if test x$ac_uic_supports_libpath = xyes; then + UIC="$UIC -L \$(kde_widgetdir)" + fi + if test x$ac_uic_supports_nounload = xyes; then + UIC="$UIC -nounload" + fi + fi + fi + else + UIC="echo uic not available: " + fi + + AC_SUBST(MOC) + AC_SUBST(UIC) + + UIC_TR="i18n" + if test $kde_qtver = 3; then + UIC_TR="tr2i18n" + fi + + AC_SUBST(UIC_TR) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_1_CHECK_PATHS], +[ + KDE_1_CHECK_PATH_HEADERS + + KDE_TEST_RPATH= + + if test -n "$USE_RPATH"; then + + if test -n "$kde_libraries"; then + KDE_TEST_RPATH="-R $kde_libraries" + fi + + if test -n "$qt_libraries"; then + KDE_TEST_RPATH="$KDE_TEST_RPATH -R $qt_libraries" + fi + + if test -n "$x_libraries"; then + KDE_TEST_RPATH="$KDE_TEST_RPATH -R $x_libraries" + fi + + KDE_TEST_RPATH="$KDE_TEST_RPATH $KDE_EXTRA_RPATH" + fi + +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for KDE libraries installed]) +ac_link='$LIBTOOL_SHELL --silent --mode=link ${CXX-g++} -o conftest $CXXFLAGS $all_includes $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS $all_libraries conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS -lkdecore $LIBQT $KDE_TEST_RPATH 1>&5' + +if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_link) && test -s conftest; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) +else + AC_MSG_ERROR([your system fails at linking a small KDE application! +Check, if your compiler is installed correctly and if you have used the +same compiler to compile Qt and kdelibs as you did use now. +For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.]) +fi + +if eval `KDEDIR= ./conftest 2>&5`; then + kde_result=done +else + kde_result=problems +fi + +KDEDIR= ./conftest 2> /dev/null >&5 # make an echo for config.log +kde_have_all_paths=yes + +KDE_SET_PATHS($kde_result) + +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_SET_PATHS], +[ + kde_cv_all_paths="kde_have_all_paths=\"yes\" \ + kde_htmldir=\"$kde_htmldir\" \ + kde_appsdir=\"$kde_appsdir\" \ + kde_icondir=\"$kde_icondir\" \ + kde_sounddir=\"$kde_sounddir\" \ + kde_datadir=\"$kde_datadir\" \ + kde_locale=\"$kde_locale\" \ + kde_cgidir=\"$kde_cgidir\" \ + kde_confdir=\"$kde_confdir\" \ + kde_kcfgdir=\"$kde_kcfgdir\" \ + kde_mimedir=\"$kde_mimedir\" \ + kde_toolbardir=\"$kde_toolbardir\" \ + kde_wallpaperdir=\"$kde_wallpaperdir\" \ + kde_templatesdir=\"$kde_templatesdir\" \ + kde_bindir=\"$kde_bindir\" \ + kde_servicesdir=\"$kde_servicesdir\" \ + kde_servicetypesdir=\"$kde_servicetypesdir\" \ + kde_moduledir=\"$kde_moduledir\" \ + kde_styledir=\"$kde_styledir\" \ + kde_widgetdir=\"$kde_widgetdir\" \ + xdg_appsdir=\"$xdg_appsdir\" \ + xdg_menudir=\"$xdg_menudir\" \ + xdg_directorydir=\"$xdg_directorydir\" \ + kde_result=$1" +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_SET_DEFAULT_PATHS], +[ +if test "$1" = "default"; then + + if test -z "$kde_htmldir"; then + kde_htmldir='\${datadir}/doc/HTML' + fi + if test -z "$kde_appsdir"; then + kde_appsdir='\${datadir}/applnk' + fi + if test -z "$kde_icondir"; then + kde_icondir='\${datadir}/icons' + fi + if test -z "$kde_sounddir"; then + kde_sounddir='\${datadir}/sounds' + fi + if test -z "$kde_datadir"; then + kde_datadir='\${datadir}/apps' + fi + if test -z "$kde_locale"; then + kde_locale='\${datadir}/locale' + fi + if test -z "$kde_cgidir"; then + kde_cgidir='\${exec_prefix}/cgi-bin' + fi + if test -z "$kde_confdir"; then + kde_confdir='\${datadir}/config' + fi + if test -z "$kde_kcfgdir"; then + kde_kcfgdir='\${datadir}/config.kcfg' + fi + if test -z "$kde_mimedir"; then + kde_mimedir='\${datadir}/mimelnk' + fi + if test -z "$kde_toolbardir"; then + kde_toolbardir='\${datadir}/toolbar' + fi + if test -z "$kde_wallpaperdir"; then + kde_wallpaperdir='\${datadir}/wallpapers' + fi + if test -z "$kde_templatesdir"; then + kde_templatesdir='\${datadir}/templates' + fi + if test -z "$kde_bindir"; then + kde_bindir='\${exec_prefix}/bin' + fi + if test -z "$kde_servicesdir"; then + kde_servicesdir='\${datadir}/services' + fi + if test -z "$kde_servicetypesdir"; then + kde_servicetypesdir='\${datadir}/servicetypes' + fi + if test -z "$kde_moduledir"; then + if test "$kde_qtver" = "2"; then + kde_moduledir='\${libdir}/kde2' + else + kde_moduledir='\${libdir}/kde3' + fi + fi + if test -z "$kde_styledir"; then + kde_styledir='\${libdir}/kde3/plugins/styles' + fi + if test -z "$kde_widgetdir"; then + kde_widgetdir='\${libdir}/kde3/plugins/designer' + fi + if test -z "$xdg_appsdir"; then + xdg_appsdir='\${datadir}/applications/kde' + fi + if test -z "$xdg_menudir"; then + xdg_menudir='\${sysconfdir}/xdg/menus' + fi + if test -z "$xdg_directorydir"; then + xdg_directorydir='\${datadir}/desktop-directories' + fi + + KDE_SET_PATHS(defaults) + +else + + if test $kde_qtver = 1; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([compiling]) + KDE_1_CHECK_PATHS + else + AC_MSG_ERROR([path checking not yet supported for KDE 2]) + fi + +fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_PATHS_FOR_COMPLETENESS], +[ if test -z "$kde_htmldir" || test -z "$kde_appsdir" || + test -z "$kde_icondir" || test -z "$kde_sounddir" || + test -z "$kde_datadir" || test -z "$kde_locale" || + test -z "$kde_cgidir" || test -z "$kde_confdir" || + test -z "$kde_kcfgdir" || + test -z "$kde_mimedir" || test -z "$kde_toolbardir" || + test -z "$kde_wallpaperdir" || test -z "$kde_templatesdir" || + test -z "$kde_bindir" || test -z "$kde_servicesdir" || + test -z "$kde_servicetypesdir" || test -z "$kde_moduledir" || + test -z "$kde_styledir" || test -z "kde_widgetdir" || + test -z "$xdg_appsdir" || test -z "$xdg_menudir" || test -z "$xdg_directorydir" || + test "x$kde_have_all_paths" != "xyes"; then + kde_have_all_paths=no + fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_MISSING_PROG_ERROR], +[ + AC_MSG_ERROR([The important program $1 was not found! +Please check whether you installed KDE correctly. +]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_MISSING_ARTS_ERROR], +[ + AC_MSG_ERROR([The important program $1 was not found! +Please check whether you installed aRts correctly or use +--without-arts to compile without aRts support (this will remove functionality). +]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_SET_DEFAULT_BINDIRS], +[ + kde_default_bindirs="/usr/bin /usr/local/bin /opt/local/bin /usr/X11R6/bin /opt/kde/bin /opt/kde3/bin /usr/kde/bin /usr/local/kde/bin" + test -n "$KDEDIR" && kde_default_bindirs="$KDEDIR/bin $kde_default_bindirs" + if test -n "$KDEDIRS"; then + kde_save_IFS=$IFS + IFS=: + for dir in $KDEDIRS; do + kde_default_bindirs="$dir/bin $kde_default_bindirs " + done + IFS=$kde_save_IFS + fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_SUBST_PROGRAMS], +[ + AC_ARG_WITH(arts, + AC_HELP_STRING([--without-arts],[build without aRts [default=no]]), + [build_arts=$withval], + [build_arts=yes] + ) + AM_CONDITIONAL(include_ARTS, test "$build_arts" '!=' "no") + if test "$build_arts" = "no"; then + AC_DEFINE(WITHOUT_ARTS, 1, [Defined if compiling without arts]) + fi + + KDE_SET_DEFAULT_BINDIRS + kde_default_bindirs="$exec_prefix/bin $prefix/bin $kde_libs_prefix/bin $kde_default_bindirs" + KDE_FIND_PATH(dcopidl, DCOPIDL, [$kde_default_bindirs], [KDE_MISSING_PROG_ERROR(dcopidl)]) + KDE_FIND_PATH(dcopidl2cpp, DCOPIDL2CPP, [$kde_default_bindirs], [KDE_MISSING_PROG_ERROR(dcopidl2cpp)]) + if test "$build_arts" '!=' "no"; then + KDE_FIND_PATH(mcopidl, MCOPIDL, [$kde_default_bindirs], [KDE_MISSING_ARTS_ERROR(mcopidl)]) + KDE_FIND_PATH(artsc-config, ARTSCCONFIG, [$kde_default_bindirs], [KDE_MISSING_ARTS_ERROR(artsc-config)]) + fi + KDE_FIND_PATH(meinproc, MEINPROC, [$kde_default_bindirs]) + + kde32ornewer=1 + kde33ornewer=1 + if test -n "$kde_qtver" && test "$kde_qtver" -lt 3; then + kde32ornewer= + kde33ornewer= + else + if test "$kde_qtver" = "3"; then + if test "$kde_qtsubver" -le 1; then + kde32ornewer= + fi + if test "$kde_qtsubver" -le 2 -o `$KDECONFIG --version | grep KDE | sed 's/KDE: \(...\).*/\1/'` = 3.2; then + kde33ornewer= + fi + fi + fi + + if test -n "$kde32ornewer"; then + KDE_FIND_PATH(kconfig_compiler, KCONFIG_COMPILER, [$kde_default_bindirs], [KDE_MISSING_PROG_ERROR(kconfig_compiler)]) + KDE_FIND_PATH(dcopidlng, DCOPIDLNG, [$kde_default_bindirs], [KDE_MISSING_PROG_ERROR(dcopidlng)]) + fi + if test -n "$kde33ornewer"; then + KDE_FIND_PATH(makekdewidgets, MAKEKDEWIDGETS, [$kde_default_bindirs], [KDE_MISSING_PROG_ERROR(makekdewidgets)]) + AC_SUBST(MAKEKDEWIDGETS) + fi + KDE_FIND_PATH(xmllint, XMLLINT, [${prefix}/bin ${exec_prefix}/bin], [XMLLINT=""]) + + if test -n "$MEINPROC" && test ! "$MEINPROC" = "compiled"; then + kde_sharedirs="/usr/share/kde /usr/local/share /usr/share /opt/kde3/share /opt/kde/share $prefix/share" + test -n "$KDEDIR" && kde_sharedirs="$KDEDIR/share $kde_sharedirs" + AC_FIND_FILE(apps/ksgmltools2/customization/kde-chunk.xsl, $kde_sharedirs, KDE_XSL_STYLESHEET) + if test "$KDE_XSL_STYLESHEET" = "NO"; then + KDE_XSL_STYLESHEET="" + else + KDE_XSL_STYLESHEET="$KDE_XSL_STYLESHEET/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/kde-chunk.xsl" + fi + fi + + DCOP_DEPENDENCIES='$(DCOPIDL)' + if test -n "$kde32ornewer"; then + KCFG_DEPENDENCIES='$(KCONFIG_COMPILER)' + DCOP_DEPENDENCIES='$(DCOPIDL) $(DCOPIDLNG)' + AC_SUBST(KCONFIG_COMPILER) + AC_SUBST(KCFG_DEPENDENCIES) + AC_SUBST(DCOPIDLNG) + fi + AC_SUBST(DCOPIDL) + AC_SUBST(DCOPIDL2CPP) + AC_SUBST(DCOP_DEPENDENCIES) + AC_SUBST(MCOPIDL) + AC_SUBST(ARTSCCONFIG) + AC_SUBST(MEINPROC) + AC_SUBST(KDE_XSL_STYLESHEET) + AC_SUBST(XMLLINT) +])dnl + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CREATE_KFSSTND], +[ +AC_REQUIRE([AC_CHECK_RPATH]) + +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for KDE paths]) +kde_result="" +kde_cached_paths=yes +AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_all_paths, +[ + KDE_SET_DEFAULT_PATHS($1) + kde_cached_paths=no +]) +eval "$kde_cv_all_paths" +KDE_CHECK_PATHS_FOR_COMPLETENESS +if test "$kde_have_all_paths" = "no" && test "$kde_cached_paths" = "yes"; then + # wrong values were cached, may be, we can set better ones + kde_result= + kde_htmldir= kde_appsdir= kde_icondir= kde_sounddir= + kde_datadir= kde_locale= kde_cgidir= kde_confdir= kde_kcfgdir= + kde_mimedir= kde_toolbardir= kde_wallpaperdir= kde_templatesdir= + kde_bindir= kde_servicesdir= kde_servicetypesdir= kde_moduledir= + kde_have_all_paths= + kde_styledir= + kde_widgetdir= + xdg_appsdir = xdg_menudir= xdg_directorydir= + KDE_SET_DEFAULT_PATHS($1) + eval "$kde_cv_all_paths" + KDE_CHECK_PATHS_FOR_COMPLETENESS + kde_result="$kde_result (cache overridden)" +fi +if test "$kde_have_all_paths" = "no"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([configure could not run a little KDE program to test the environment. +Since it had compiled and linked before, it must be a strange problem on your system. +Look at config.log for details. If you are not able to fix this, look at + or any mirror. +(If you're using an egcs version on Linux, you may update binutils!) +]) +else + rm -f conftest* + AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_result) +fi + +bindir=$kde_bindir + +KDE_SUBST_PROGRAMS + +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_SUBST_KFSSTND], +[ +AC_SUBST(kde_htmldir) +AC_SUBST(kde_appsdir) +AC_SUBST(kde_icondir) +AC_SUBST(kde_sounddir) +AC_SUBST(kde_datadir) +AC_SUBST(kde_locale) +AC_SUBST(kde_confdir) +AC_SUBST(kde_kcfgdir) +AC_SUBST(kde_mimedir) +AC_SUBST(kde_wallpaperdir) +AC_SUBST(kde_bindir) +dnl X Desktop Group standards +AC_SUBST(xdg_appsdir) +AC_SUBST(xdg_menudir) +AC_SUBST(xdg_directorydir) +dnl for KDE 2 +AC_SUBST(kde_templatesdir) +AC_SUBST(kde_servicesdir) +AC_SUBST(kde_servicetypesdir) +AC_SUBST(kde_moduledir) +AC_SUBST(kdeinitdir, '$(kde_moduledir)') +AC_SUBST(kde_styledir) +AC_SUBST(kde_widgetdir) +if test "$kde_qtver" = 1; then + kde_minidir="$kde_icondir/mini" +else +# for KDE 1 - this breaks KDE2 apps using minidir, but +# that's the plan ;-/ + kde_minidir="/dev/null" +fi +dnl AC_SUBST(kde_minidir) +dnl AC_SUBST(kde_cgidir) +dnl AC_SUBST(kde_toolbardir) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_MISC_TESTS], +[ + dnl Checks for libraries. + AC_CHECK_LIB(util, main, [LIBUTIL="-lutil"]) dnl for *BSD + AC_SUBST(LIBUTIL) + AC_CHECK_LIB(compat, main, [LIBCOMPAT="-lcompat"]) dnl for *BSD + AC_SUBST(LIBCOMPAT) + kde_have_crypt= + AC_CHECK_LIB(crypt, crypt, [LIBCRYPT="-lcrypt"; kde_have_crypt=yes], + AC_CHECK_LIB(c, crypt, [kde_have_crypt=yes], [ + AC_MSG_WARN([you have no crypt in either libcrypt or libc. +You should install libcrypt from another source or configure with PAM +support]) + kde_have_crypt=no + ])) + AC_SUBST(LIBCRYPT) + if test $kde_have_crypt = yes; then + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_CRYPT, 1, [Defines if your system has the crypt function]) + fi + AC_CHECK_SOCKLEN_T + AC_CHECK_LIB(dnet, dnet_ntoa, [X_EXTRA_LIBS="$X_EXTRA_LIBS -ldnet"]) + if test $ac_cv_lib_dnet_dnet_ntoa = no; then + AC_CHECK_LIB(dnet_stub, dnet_ntoa, + [X_EXTRA_LIBS="$X_EXTRA_LIBS -ldnet_stub"]) + fi + AC_CHECK_FUNC(inet_ntoa) + if test $ac_cv_func_inet_ntoa = no; then + AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl, inet_ntoa, X_EXTRA_LIBS="$X_EXTRA_LIBS -lnsl") + fi + AC_CHECK_FUNC(connect) + if test $ac_cv_func_connect = no; then + AC_CHECK_LIB(socket, connect, X_EXTRA_LIBS="-lsocket $X_EXTRA_LIBS", , + $X_EXTRA_LIBS) + fi + + AC_CHECK_FUNC(remove) + if test $ac_cv_func_remove = no; then + AC_CHECK_LIB(posix, remove, X_EXTRA_LIBS="$X_EXTRA_LIBS -lposix") + fi + + # BSDI BSD/OS 2.1 needs -lipc for XOpenDisplay. + AC_CHECK_FUNC(shmat, , + AC_CHECK_LIB(ipc, shmat, X_EXTRA_LIBS="$X_EXTRA_LIBS -lipc")) + + # more headers that need to be explicitly included on darwin + AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/types.h stdint.h) + + # sys/bitypes.h is needed for uint32_t and friends on Tru64 + AC_CHECK_HEADERS(sys/bitypes.h) + + # darwin requires a poll emulation library + AC_CHECK_LIB(poll, poll, LIB_POLL="-lpoll") + + # for some image handling on Mac OS X + AC_CHECK_HEADERS(Carbon/Carbon.h) + + # CoreAudio framework + AC_CHECK_HEADER(CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h, [ + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_COREAUDIO, 1, [Define if you have the CoreAudio API]) + FRAMEWORK_COREAUDIO="-Xlinker -framework -Xlinker CoreAudio" + ]) + + AC_CHECK_RES_INIT + AC_SUBST(LIB_POLL) + AC_SUBST(FRAMEWORK_COREAUDIO) + LIBSOCKET="$X_EXTRA_LIBS" + AC_SUBST(LIBSOCKET) + AC_SUBST(X_EXTRA_LIBS) + AC_CHECK_LIB(ucb, killpg, [LIBUCB="-lucb"]) dnl for Solaris2.4 + AC_SUBST(LIBUCB) + + case $host in dnl this *is* LynxOS specific + *-*-lynxos* ) + AC_MSG_CHECKING([LynxOS header file wrappers]) + [CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -D__NO_INCLUDE_WARN__"] + AC_MSG_RESULT(disabled) + AC_CHECK_LIB(bsd, gethostbyname, [LIBSOCKET="-lbsd"]) dnl for LynxOS + ;; + esac + + KDE_CHECK_TYPES + KDE_CHECK_LIBDL + KDE_CHECK_STRLCPY + KDE_CHECK_PIE_SUPPORT + +# darwin needs this to initialize the environment +AC_CHECK_HEADERS(crt_externs.h) +AC_CHECK_FUNC(_NSGetEnviron, [AC_DEFINE(HAVE_NSGETENVIRON, 1, [Define if your system needs _NSGetEnviron to set up the environment])]) + +AH_VERBATIM(_DARWIN_ENVIRON, +[ +#if defined(HAVE_NSGETENVIRON) && defined(HAVE_CRT_EXTERNS_H) +# include +# include +# define environ (*_NSGetEnviron()) +#endif +]) + +AH_VERBATIM(_AIX_STRINGS_H_BZERO, +[ +/* + * AIX defines FD_SET in terms of bzero, but fails to include + * that defines bzero. + */ + +#if defined(_AIX) +#include +#endif +]) + +AC_CHECK_FUNCS([vsnprintf snprintf]) + +AH_VERBATIM(_TRU64,[ +/* + * On HP-UX, the declaration of vsnprintf() is needed every time ! + */ + +#if !defined(HAVE_VSNPRINTF) || defined(hpux) +#if __STDC__ +#include +#include +#else +#include +#endif +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" +#endif +int vsnprintf(char *str, size_t n, char const *fmt, va_list ap); +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" +#endif +int snprintf(char *str, size_t n, char const *fmt, ...); +#endif +]) + +]) + +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl Find the header files and libraries for X-Windows. Extended the +dnl macro AC_PATH_X +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl +AC_DEFUN([K_PATH_X], +[ +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_MISC_TESTS])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_LIB64]) + +AC_ARG_ENABLE( + embedded, + AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-embedded],[link to Qt-embedded, don't use X]), + kde_use_qt_emb=$enableval, + kde_use_qt_emb=no +) + +AC_ARG_ENABLE( + qtopia, + AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-qtopia],[link to Qt-embedded, link to the Qtopia Environment]), + kde_use_qt_emb_palm=$enableval, + kde_use_qt_emb_palm=no +) + +AC_ARG_ENABLE( + mac, + AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-mac],[link to Qt/Mac (don't use X)]), + kde_use_qt_mac=$enableval, + kde_use_qt_mac=no +) + +# used to disable x11-specific stuff on special platforms +AM_CONDITIONAL(include_x11, test "$kde_use_qt_emb" = "no" && test "$kde_use_qt_mac" = "no") + +if test "$kde_use_qt_emb" = "no" && test "$kde_use_qt_mac" = "no"; then + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for X) + +AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_have_x, +[# One or both of the vars are not set, and there is no cached value. +if test "{$x_includes+set}" = set || test "$x_includes" = NONE; then + kde_x_includes=NO +else + kde_x_includes=$x_includes +fi +if test "{$x_libraries+set}" = set || test "$x_libraries" = NONE; then + kde_x_libraries=NO +else + kde_x_libraries=$x_libraries +fi + +# below we use the standard autoconf calls +ac_x_libraries=$kde_x_libraries +ac_x_includes=$kde_x_includes + +KDE_PATH_X_DIRECT +dnl AC_PATH_X_XMKMF picks /usr/lib as the path for the X libraries. +dnl Unfortunately, if compiling with the N32 ABI, this is not the correct +dnl location. The correct location is /usr/lib32 or an undefined value +dnl (the linker is smart enough to pick the correct default library). +dnl Things work just fine if you use just AC_PATH_X_DIRECT. +dnl Solaris has a similar problem. AC_PATH_X_XMKMF forces x_includes to +dnl /usr/openwin/include, which doesn't work. /usr/include does work, so +dnl x_includes should be left alone. +case "$host" in +mips-sgi-irix6*) + ;; +*-*-solaris*) + ;; +*) + _AC_PATH_X_XMKMF + if test -z "$ac_x_includes"; then + ac_x_includes="." + fi + if test -z "$ac_x_libraries"; then + ac_x_libraries="/usr/lib${kdelibsuff}" + fi +esac +#from now on we use our own again + +# when the user already gave --x-includes, we ignore +# what the standard autoconf macros told us. +if test "$kde_x_includes" = NO; then + kde_x_includes=$ac_x_includes +fi + +# for --x-libraries too +if test "$kde_x_libraries" = NO; then + kde_x_libraries=$ac_x_libraries +fi + +if test "$kde_x_includes" = NO; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!]) +fi + +if test "$kde_x_libraries" = NO; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!]) +fi + +# Record where we found X for the cache. +kde_cv_have_x="have_x=yes \ + kde_x_includes=$kde_x_includes kde_x_libraries=$kde_x_libraries" +])dnl + +eval "$kde_cv_have_x" + +if test "$have_x" != yes; then + AC_MSG_RESULT($have_x) + no_x=yes +else + AC_MSG_RESULT([libraries $kde_x_libraries, headers $kde_x_includes]) +fi + +if test -z "$kde_x_includes" || test "x$kde_x_includes" = xNONE; then + X_INCLUDES="" + x_includes="."; dnl better than nothing :- + else + x_includes=$kde_x_includes + X_INCLUDES="-I$x_includes" +fi + +if test -z "$kde_x_libraries" || test "x$kde_x_libraries" = xNONE; then + X_LDFLAGS="" + x_libraries="/usr/lib"; dnl better than nothing :- + else + x_libraries=$kde_x_libraries + X_LDFLAGS="-L$x_libraries" +fi +all_includes="$X_INCLUDES" +all_libraries="$X_LDFLAGS $LDFLAGS_AS_NEEDED $LDFLAGS_NEW_DTAGS" + +# Check for libraries that X11R6 Xt/Xaw programs need. +ac_save_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" +LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $X_LDFLAGS" +# SM needs ICE to (dynamically) link under SunOS 4.x (so we have to +# check for ICE first), but we must link in the order -lSM -lICE or +# we get undefined symbols. So assume we have SM if we have ICE. +# These have to be linked with before -lX11, unlike the other +# libraries we check for below, so use a different variable. +# --interran@uluru.Stanford.EDU, +AC_CHECK_LIB(ICE, IceConnectionNumber, + [LIBSM="-lSM -lICE"], , $X_EXTRA_LIBS) +LDFLAGS="$ac_save_LDFLAGS" + +LIB_X11='-lX11 $(LIBSOCKET)' + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for libXext) +AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_have_libXext, +[ +kde_ldflags_safe="$LDFLAGS" +kde_libs_safe="$LIBS" + +LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $X_LDFLAGS $USER_LDFLAGS" +LIBS="-lXext -lX11 $LIBSOCKET" + +AC_TRY_LINK([ +#include +#ifdef STDC_HEADERS +# include +#endif +], +[ +printf("hello Xext\n"); +], +kde_cv_have_libXext=yes, +kde_cv_have_libXext=no +) + +LDFLAGS=$kde_ldflags_safe +LIBS=$kde_libs_safe +]) + +AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_cv_have_libXext) + +if test "$kde_cv_have_libXext" = "no"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([We need a working libXext to proceed. Since configure +can't find it itself, we stop here assuming that make wouldn't find +them either.]) +fi + +LIB_XEXT="-lXext" +QTE_NORTTI="" + +elif test "$kde_use_qt_emb" = "yes"; then + dnl We're using QT Embedded + CPPFLAGS=-DQWS + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fno-rtti" + QTE_NORTTI="-fno-rtti -DQWS" + X_PRE_LIBS="" + LIB_X11="" + LIB_XEXT="" + LIB_XRENDER="" + LIBSM="" + X_INCLUDES="" + X_LDFLAGS="" + x_includes="" + x_libraries="" +elif test "$kde_use_qt_mac" = "yes"; then + dnl We're using QT/Mac (I use QT_MAC so that qglobal.h doesn't *have* to + dnl be included to get the information) --Sam + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -DQT_MAC -no-cpp-precomp" + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DQT_MAC -no-cpp-precomp" + X_PRE_LIBS="" + LIB_X11="" + LIB_XEXT="" + LIB_XRENDER="" + LIBSM="" + X_INCLUDES="" + X_LDFLAGS="" + x_includes="" + x_libraries="" +fi +AC_SUBST(X_PRE_LIBS) +AC_SUBST(LIB_X11) +AC_SUBST(LIB_XRENDER) +AC_SUBST(LIBSM) +AC_SUBST(X_INCLUDES) +AC_SUBST(X_LDFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(x_includes) +AC_SUBST(x_libraries) +AC_SUBST(QTE_NORTTI) +AC_SUBST(LIB_XEXT) + +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_PRINT_QT_PROGRAM], +[ +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_USE_QT]) +cat > conftest.$ac_ext < +#include +EOF +if test "$kde_qtver" = "2"; then +cat >> conftest.$ac_ext < +#include +#include +EOF + +if test $kde_qtsubver -gt 0; then +cat >> conftest.$ac_ext <> conftest.$ac_ext < +#include +#include +EOF +fi + +echo "#if ! ($kde_qt_verstring)" >> conftest.$ac_ext +cat >> conftest.$ac_ext <> conftest.$ac_ext <> conftest.$ac_ext <> conftest.$ac_ext <> conftest.$ac_ext <&AC_FD_CC + cat conftest.$ac_ext >&AC_FD_CC +fi + +rm -f conftest* +CXXFLAGS="$ac_cxxflags_safe" +LDFLAGS="$ac_ldflags_safe" +LIBS="$ac_libs_safe" + +LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$ac_LD_LIBRARY_PATH_safe" +export LD_LIBRARY_PATH +LIBRARY_PATH="$ac_LIBRARY_PATH" +export LIBRARY_PATH +AC_LANG_RESTORE +]) + +if test "$kde_cv_qt_direct" = "yes"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + $1 +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + $2 +fi +]) + +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl Try to find the Qt headers and libraries. +dnl $(QT_LDFLAGS) will be -Lqtliblocation (if needed) +dnl and $(QT_INCLUDES) will be -Iqthdrlocation (if needed) +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl +AC_DEFUN([AC_PATH_QT_1_3], +[ +AC_REQUIRE([K_PATH_X]) +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_USE_QT]) +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_LIB64]) + +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl Add configure flag to enable linking to MT version of Qt library. +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +AC_ARG_ENABLE( + mt, + AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-mt],[link to non-threaded Qt (deprecated)]), + kde_use_qt_mt=$enableval, + [ + if test $kde_qtver = 3; then + kde_use_qt_mt=yes + else + kde_use_qt_mt=no + fi + ] +) + +USING_QT_MT="" + +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl If we not get --disable-qt-mt then adjust some vars for the host. +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +KDE_MT_LDFLAGS= +KDE_MT_LIBS= +if test "x$kde_use_qt_mt" = "xyes"; then + KDE_CHECK_THREADING + if test "x$kde_use_threading" = "xyes"; then + CPPFLAGS="$USE_THREADS -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT $CPPFLAGS" + KDE_MT_LDFLAGS="$USE_THREADS" + KDE_MT_LIBS="$LIBPTHREAD" + else + kde_use_qt_mt=no + fi +fi +AC_SUBST(KDE_MT_LDFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(KDE_MT_LIBS) + +kde_qt_was_given=yes + +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl If we haven't been told how to link to Qt, we work it out for ourselves. +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +if test -z "$LIBQT_GLOB"; then + if test "x$kde_use_qt_emb" = "xyes"; then + LIBQT_GLOB="libqte.*" + else + LIBQT_GLOB="libqt.*" + fi +fi + +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl If we got --enable-embedded then adjust the Qt library name. +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------ +if test "x$kde_use_qt_emb" = "xyes"; then + qtlib="qte" +else + qtlib="qt" +fi + +kde_int_qt="-l$qtlib" + +if test -z "$LIBQPE"; then +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl If we got --enable-palmtop then add -lqpe to the link line +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------ + if test "x$kde_use_qt_emb" = "xyes"; then + if test "x$kde_use_qt_emb_palm" = "xyes"; then + LIB_QPE="-lqpe" + else + LIB_QPE="" + fi + else + LIB_QPE="" + fi +fi + +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl If we got --enable-qt-mt then adjust the Qt library name for the host. +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ + +if test "x$kde_use_qt_mt" = "xyes"; then + LIBQT="-l$qtlib-mt" + kde_int_qt="-l$qtlib-mt" + LIBQT_GLOB="lib$qtlib-mt.*" + USING_QT_MT="using -mt" +else + LIBQT="-l$qtlib" +fi + +if test $kde_qtver != 1; then + + AC_REQUIRE([AC_FIND_PNG]) + AC_REQUIRE([AC_FIND_JPEG]) + LIBQT="$LIBQT $LIBPNG $LIBJPEG" +fi + +if test $kde_qtver = 3; then + AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_LIBDL]) + LIBQT="$LIBQT $LIBDL" +fi + +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Qt]) + +if test "x$kde_use_qt_emb" != "xyes" && test "x$kde_use_qt_mac" != "xyes"; then +LIBQT="$LIBQT $X_PRE_LIBS -lXext -lX11 $LIBSM $LIBSOCKET" +fi +ac_qt_includes=NO ac_qt_libraries=NO ac_qt_bindir=NO +qt_libraries="" +qt_includes="" +AC_ARG_WITH(qt-dir, + AC_HELP_STRING([--with-qt-dir=DIR],[where the root of Qt is installed ]), + [ ac_qt_includes="$withval"/include + ac_qt_libraries="$withval"/lib${kdelibsuff} + ac_qt_bindir="$withval"/bin + ]) + +AC_ARG_WITH(qt-includes, + AC_HELP_STRING([--with-qt-includes=DIR],[where the Qt includes are. ]), + [ + ac_qt_includes="$withval" + ]) + +kde_qt_libs_given=no + +AC_ARG_WITH(qt-libraries, + AC_HELP_STRING([--with-qt-libraries=DIR],[where the Qt library is installed.]), + [ ac_qt_libraries="$withval" + kde_qt_libs_given=yes + ]) + +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_have_qt, +[#try to guess Qt locations + +qt_incdirs="" +for dir in $kde_qt_dirs; do + qt_incdirs="$qt_incdirs $dir/include $dir" +done +qt_incdirs="$QTINC $qt_incdirs /usr/local/qt/include /usr/include/qt /usr/include /usr/X11R6/include/X11/qt /usr/X11R6/include/qt /usr/X11R6/include/qt2 /usr/include/qt3 $x_includes" +if test ! "$ac_qt_includes" = "NO"; then + qt_incdirs="$ac_qt_includes $qt_incdirs" +fi + +if test "$kde_qtver" != "1"; then + kde_qt_header=qstyle.h +else + kde_qt_header=qglobal.h +fi + +AC_FIND_FILE($kde_qt_header, $qt_incdirs, qt_incdir) +ac_qt_includes="$qt_incdir" + +qt_libdirs="" +for dir in $kde_qt_dirs; do + qt_libdirs="$qt_libdirs $dir/lib${kdelibsuff} $dir" +done +qt_libdirs="$QTLIB $qt_libdirs /usr/X11R6/lib /usr/lib /usr/local/qt/lib $x_libraries" +if test ! "$ac_qt_libraries" = "NO"; then + qt_libdir=$ac_qt_libraries +else + qt_libdirs="$ac_qt_libraries $qt_libdirs" + # if the Qt was given, the chance is too big that libqt.* doesn't exist + qt_libdir=NONE + for dir in $qt_libdirs; do + try="ls -1 $dir/${LIBQT_GLOB}" + if test -n "`$try 2> /dev/null`"; then qt_libdir=$dir; break; else echo "tried $dir" >&AC_FD_CC ; fi + done +fi +for a in $qt_libdir/lib`echo ${kde_int_qt} | sed 's,^-l,,'`_incremental.*; do + if test -e "$a"; then + LIBQT="$LIBQT ${kde_int_qt}_incremental" + break + fi +done + +ac_qt_libraries="$qt_libdir" + +AC_LANG_SAVE +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + +ac_cxxflags_safe="$CXXFLAGS" +ac_ldflags_safe="$LDFLAGS" +ac_libs_safe="$LIBS" + +CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$qt_incdir $all_includes" +LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$qt_libdir $all_libraries $USER_LDFLAGS $KDE_MT_LDFLAGS" +LIBS="$LIBS $LIBQT $KDE_MT_LIBS" + +KDE_PRINT_QT_PROGRAM + +if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_link) && test -s conftest; then + rm -f conftest* +else + echo "configure: failed program was:" >&AC_FD_CC + cat conftest.$ac_ext >&AC_FD_CC + ac_qt_libraries="NO" +fi +rm -f conftest* +CXXFLAGS="$ac_cxxflags_safe" +LDFLAGS="$ac_ldflags_safe" +LIBS="$ac_libs_safe" + +AC_LANG_RESTORE +if test "$ac_qt_includes" = NO || test "$ac_qt_libraries" = NO; then + ac_cv_have_qt="have_qt=no" + ac_qt_notfound="" + missing_qt_mt="" + if test "$ac_qt_includes" = NO; then + if test "$ac_qt_libraries" = NO; then + ac_qt_notfound="(headers and libraries)"; + else + ac_qt_notfound="(headers)"; + fi + else + if test "x$kde_use_qt_mt" = "xyes"; then + missing_qt_mt=" +Make sure that you have compiled Qt with thread support!" + ac_qt_notfound="(library $qtlib-mt)"; + else + ac_qt_notfound="(library $qtlib)"; + fi + fi + + AC_MSG_ERROR([Qt ($kde_qt_minversion) $ac_qt_notfound not found. Please check your installation! +For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.$missing_qt_mt]) +else + have_qt="yes" +fi +]) + +eval "$ac_cv_have_qt" + +if test "$have_qt" != yes; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$have_qt]); +else + ac_cv_have_qt="have_qt=yes \ + ac_qt_includes=$ac_qt_includes ac_qt_libraries=$ac_qt_libraries" + AC_MSG_RESULT([libraries $ac_qt_libraries, headers $ac_qt_includes $USING_QT_MT]) + + qt_libraries="$ac_qt_libraries" + qt_includes="$ac_qt_includes" +fi + +if test ! "$kde_qt_libs_given" = "yes" && test ! "$kde_qtver" = 3; then + KDE_CHECK_QT_DIRECT(qt_libraries= ,[]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(qt_libraries) +AC_SUBST(qt_includes) + +if test "$qt_includes" = "$x_includes" || test -z "$qt_includes"; then + QT_INCLUDES="" +else + QT_INCLUDES="-I$qt_includes" + all_includes="$QT_INCLUDES $all_includes" +fi + +if test "$qt_libraries" = "$x_libraries" || test -z "$qt_libraries"; then + QT_LDFLAGS="" +else + QT_LDFLAGS="-L$qt_libraries" + all_libraries="$QT_LDFLAGS $all_libraries" +fi +test -z "$KDE_MT_LDFLAGS" || all_libraries="$all_libraries $KDE_MT_LDFLAGS" + +AC_SUBST(QT_INCLUDES) +AC_SUBST(QT_LDFLAGS) +AC_PATH_QT_MOC_UIC + +KDE_CHECK_QT_JPEG + +if test "x$kde_use_qt_emb" != "xyes" && test "x$kde_use_qt_mac" != "xyes"; then +LIB_QT="$kde_int_qt $LIBJPEG_QT "'$(LIBZ) $(LIBPNG) -lXext $(LIB_X11) $(LIBSM)' +else +LIB_QT="$kde_int_qt $LIBJPEG_QT "'$(LIBZ) $(LIBPNG)' +fi +test -z "$KDE_MT_LIBS" || LIB_QT="$LIB_QT $KDE_MT_LIBS" +for a in $qt_libdir/lib`echo ${kde_int_qt} | sed 's,^-l,,'`_incremental.*; do + if test -e "$a"; then + LIB_QT="$LIB_QT ${kde_int_qt}_incremental" + break + fi +done + +AC_SUBST(LIB_QT) +AC_SUBST(LIB_QPE) + +AC_SUBST(kde_qtver) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_PATH_QT], +[ +AC_PATH_QT_1_3 +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_UIC_PLUGINS], +[ +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PATH_QT_MOC_UIC]) + +if test x$ac_uic_supports_libpath = xyes; then + +AC_MSG_CHECKING([if UIC has KDE plugins available]) +AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_uic_plugins, +[ +cat > actest.ui << EOF + +NewConnectionDialog + + + + testInput + + + + +EOF + + + +kde_cv_uic_plugins=no +kde_line="$UIC_PATH -L $kde_widgetdir" +if test x$ac_uic_supports_nounload = xyes; then + kde_line="$kde_line -nounload" +fi +kde_line="$kde_line -impl actest.h actest.ui > actest.cpp" +if AC_TRY_EVAL(kde_line); then + # if you're trying to debug this check and think it's incorrect, + # better check your installation. The check _is_ correct - your + # installation is not. + if test -f actest.cpp && grep klineedit actest.cpp > /dev/null; then + kde_cv_uic_plugins=yes + fi +fi +rm -f actest.ui actest.cpp +]) + +AC_MSG_RESULT([$kde_cv_uic_plugins]) +if test "$kde_cv_uic_plugins" != yes; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([ +you need to install kdelibs first. + +If you did install kdelibs, then the Qt version that is picked up by +this configure is not the same version you used to compile kdelibs. +The Qt Plugin installed by kdelibs is *ONLY* loadable if it is the +_same Qt version_, compiled with the _same compiler_ and the same Qt +configuration settings. +]) +fi +fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_FINAL], +[ + AC_ARG_ENABLE(final, + AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-final], + [build size optimized apps (experimental - needs lots of memory)]), + kde_use_final=$enableval, kde_use_final=no) + + if test "x$kde_use_final" = "xyes"; then + KDE_USE_FINAL_TRUE="" + KDE_USE_FINAL_FALSE="#" + else + KDE_USE_FINAL_TRUE="#" + KDE_USE_FINAL_FALSE="" + fi + AC_SUBST(KDE_USE_FINAL_TRUE) + AC_SUBST(KDE_USE_FINAL_FALSE) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_CLOSURE], +[ + AC_ARG_ENABLE(closure, + AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-closure],[delay template instantiation]), + kde_use_closure=$enableval, kde_use_closure=no) + + KDE_NO_UNDEFINED="" + if test "x$kde_use_closure" = "xyes"; then + KDE_USE_CLOSURE_TRUE="" + KDE_USE_CLOSURE_FALSE="#" +# CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $REPO" + else + KDE_USE_CLOSURE_TRUE="#" + KDE_USE_CLOSURE_FALSE="" + KDE_NO_UNDEFINED="" + case $host in + *-*-linux-gnu) + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG([Wl,--no-undefined], + [KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG([Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined], + [KDE_NO_UNDEFINED="-Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined"], + [KDE_NO_UNDEFINED=""])], + [KDE_NO_UNDEFINED=""]) + ;; + esac + fi + AC_SUBST(KDE_USE_CLOSURE_TRUE) + AC_SUBST(KDE_USE_CLOSURE_FALSE) + AC_SUBST(KDE_NO_UNDEFINED) +]) + +dnl Check if the linker supports --enable-new-dtags and --as-needed +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_NEW_LDFLAGS], +[ + AC_ARG_ENABLE(new_ldflags, + AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-new-ldflags], + [enable the new linker flags]), + kde_use_new_ldflags=$enableval, + kde_use_new_ldflags=no) + + LDFLAGS_AS_NEEDED="" + LDFLAGS_NEW_DTAGS="" + if test "x$kde_use_new_ldflags" = "xyes"; then + LDFLAGS_NEW_DTAGS="" + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG([Wl,--enable-new-dtags], + [LDFLAGS_NEW_DTAGS="-Wl,--enable-new-dtags"],) + + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG([Wl,--as-needed], + [LDFLAGS_AS_NEEDED="-Wl,--as-needed"],) + fi + AC_SUBST(LDFLAGS_AS_NEEDED) + AC_SUBST(LDFLAGS_NEW_DTAGS) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_NMCHECK], +[ + AC_ARG_ENABLE(nmcheck,AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-nmcheck],[enable automatic namespace cleanness check]), + kde_use_nmcheck=$enableval, kde_use_nmcheck=no) + + if test "$kde_use_nmcheck" = "yes"; then + KDE_USE_NMCHECK_TRUE="" + KDE_USE_NMCHECK_FALSE="#" + else + KDE_USE_NMCHECK_TRUE="#" + KDE_USE_NMCHECK_FALSE="" + fi + AC_SUBST(KDE_USE_NMCHECK_TRUE) + AC_SUBST(KDE_USE_NMCHECK_FALSE) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_EXPAND_MAKEVAR], [ +savex=$exec_prefix +test "x$exec_prefix" = xNONE && exec_prefix=$prefix +tmp=$$2 +while $1=`eval echo "$tmp"`; test "x$$1" != "x$tmp"; do tmp=$$1; done +exec_prefix=$savex +]) + +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl Now, the same with KDE +dnl $(KDE_LDFLAGS) will be the kdeliblocation (if needed) +dnl and $(kde_includes) will be the kdehdrlocation (if needed) +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl +AC_DEFUN([AC_BASE_PATH_KDE], +[ +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_STL]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PATH_QT])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_LIB64]) + +AC_CHECK_RPATH +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for KDE]) + +if test "${prefix}" != NONE; then + kde_includes=${includedir} + KDE_EXPAND_MAKEVAR(ac_kde_includes, includedir) + + kde_libraries=${libdir} + KDE_EXPAND_MAKEVAR(ac_kde_libraries, libdir) + +else + ac_kde_includes= + ac_kde_libraries= + kde_libraries="" + kde_includes="" +fi + +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_have_kde, +[#try to guess kde locations + +if test "$kde_qtver" = 1; then + kde_check_header="ksock.h" + kde_check_lib="" +else + kde_check_header="ksharedptr.h" + kde_check_lib="" +fi + +if test -z "$1"; then + +kde_incdirs="$kde_libs_prefix/include /usr/lib/kde/include /usr/local/kde/include /usr/local/include /usr/kde/include /usr/include/kde /usr/include /opt/kde3/include /opt/kde/include $x_includes $qt_includes" +test -n "$KDEDIR" && kde_incdirs="$KDEDIR/include $KDEDIR/include/kde $KDEDIR $kde_incdirs" +kde_incdirs="$ac_kde_includes $kde_incdirs" +AC_FIND_FILE($kde_check_header, $kde_incdirs, kde_incdir) +ac_kde_includes="$kde_incdir" + +if test -n "$ac_kde_includes" && test ! -r "$ac_kde_includes/$kde_check_header"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([ +in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. +So, check this please and use another prefix!]) +fi + +kde_libdirs="$kde_libs_prefix/lib${kdelibsuff} /usr/lib/kde/lib${kdelibsuff} /usr/local/kde/lib${kdelibsuff} /usr/kde/lib${kdelibsuff} /usr/lib${kdelibsuff}/kde /usr/lib${kdelibsuff}/kde3 /usr/lib${kdelibsuff} /usr/X11R6/lib${kdelibsuff} /usr/local/lib${kdelibsuff} /opt/kde3/lib${kdelibsuff} /opt/kde/lib${kdelibsuff} /usr/X11R6/kde/lib${kdelibsuff}" +test -n "$KDEDIR" && kde_libdirs="$KDEDIR/lib${kdelibsuff} $KDEDIR $kde_libdirs" +kde_libdirs="$ac_kde_libraries $libdir $kde_libdirs" +AC_FIND_FILE($kde_check_lib, $kde_libdirs, kde_libdir) +ac_kde_libraries="$kde_libdir" + +kde_widgetdir=NO +dnl this might be somewhere else +AC_FIND_FILE("kde3/plugins/designer/", $kde_libdirs, kde_widgetdir) + +if test -n "$ac_kde_libraries" && test ! -r "$ac_kde_libraries/$kde_check_lib"; then +AC_MSG_ERROR([ +in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE libraries installed. This will fail. +So, check this please and use another prefix!]) +fi + +if test -n "$kde_widgetdir" && test ! -r "$kde_widgetdir/kde3/plugins/designer/"; then +AC_MSG_ERROR([ +I can't find the designer plugins. These are required and should have been installed +by kdelibs]) +fi + +if test -n "$kde_widgetdir"; then + kde_widgetdir="$kde_widgetdir/kde3/plugins/designer" +fi + + +if test "$ac_kde_includes" = NO || test "$ac_kde_libraries" = NO || test "$kde_widgetdir" = NO; then + ac_cv_have_kde="have_kde=no" +else + ac_cv_have_kde="have_kde=yes \ + ac_kde_includes=$ac_kde_includes ac_kde_libraries=$ac_kde_libraries" +fi + +else dnl test -z $1, e.g. from kdelibs + + ac_cv_have_kde="have_kde=no" + +fi +])dnl + +eval "$ac_cv_have_kde" + +if test "$have_kde" != "yes"; then + if test "${prefix}" = NONE; then + ac_kde_prefix="$ac_default_prefix" + else + ac_kde_prefix="$prefix" + fi + if test "$exec_prefix" = NONE; then + ac_kde_exec_prefix="$ac_kde_prefix" + AC_MSG_RESULT([will be installed in $ac_kde_prefix]) + else + ac_kde_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" + AC_MSG_RESULT([will be installed in $ac_kde_prefix and $ac_kde_exec_prefix]) + fi + + kde_libraries="${libdir}" + kde_includes="${includedir}" + +else + ac_cv_have_kde="have_kde=yes \ + ac_kde_includes=$ac_kde_includes ac_kde_libraries=$ac_kde_libraries" + AC_MSG_RESULT([libraries $ac_kde_libraries, headers $ac_kde_includes]) + + kde_libraries="$ac_kde_libraries" + kde_includes="$ac_kde_includes" +fi +AC_SUBST(kde_libraries) +AC_SUBST(kde_includes) + +if test "$kde_includes" = "$x_includes" || test "$kde_includes" = "$qt_includes" || test "$kde_includes" = "/usr/include"; then + KDE_INCLUDES="" +else + KDE_INCLUDES="-I$kde_includes" + all_includes="$KDE_INCLUDES $all_includes" +fi + +KDE_DEFAULT_CXXFLAGS="-DQT_CLEAN_NAMESPACE -DQT_NO_ASCII_CAST -DQT_NO_STL -DQT_NO_COMPAT -DQT_NO_TRANSLATION" + +KDE_LDFLAGS="-L$kde_libraries" +if test ! "$kde_libraries" = "$x_libraries" && test ! "$kde_libraries" = "$qt_libraries" ; then + all_libraries="$KDE_LDFLAGS $all_libraries" +fi + +AC_SUBST(KDE_LDFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(KDE_INCLUDES) + +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_EXTRA_LIBS]) + +all_libraries="$all_libraries $USER_LDFLAGS" +all_includes="$all_includes $USER_INCLUDES" +AC_SUBST(all_includes) +AC_SUBST(all_libraries) + +if test -z "$1"; then +KDE_CHECK_UIC_PLUGINS +fi + +ac_kde_libraries="$kde_libdir" + +AC_SUBST(AUTODIRS) + + +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_EXTRA_LIBS], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for extra includes) +AC_ARG_WITH(extra-includes,AC_HELP_STRING([--with-extra-includes=DIR],[adds non standard include paths]), + kde_use_extra_includes="$withval", + kde_use_extra_includes=NONE +) +kde_extra_includes= +if test -n "$kde_use_extra_includes" && \ + test "$kde_use_extra_includes" != "NONE"; then + + ac_save_ifs=$IFS + IFS=':' + for dir in $kde_use_extra_includes; do + kde_extra_includes="$kde_extra_includes $dir" + USER_INCLUDES="$USER_INCLUDES -I$dir" + done + IFS=$ac_save_ifs + kde_use_extra_includes="added" +else + kde_use_extra_includes="no" +fi +AC_SUBST(USER_INCLUDES) + +AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_use_extra_includes) + +kde_extra_libs= +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for extra libs) +AC_ARG_WITH(extra-libs,AC_HELP_STRING([--with-extra-libs=DIR],[adds non standard library paths]), + kde_use_extra_libs=$withval, + kde_use_extra_libs=NONE +) +if test -n "$kde_use_extra_libs" && \ + test "$kde_use_extra_libs" != "NONE"; then + + ac_save_ifs=$IFS + IFS=':' + for dir in $kde_use_extra_libs; do + kde_extra_libs="$kde_extra_libs $dir" + KDE_EXTRA_RPATH="$KDE_EXTRA_RPATH -R $dir" + USER_LDFLAGS="$USER_LDFLAGS -L$dir" + done + IFS=$ac_save_ifs + kde_use_extra_libs="added" +else + kde_use_extra_libs="no" +fi + +AC_SUBST(USER_LDFLAGS) + +AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_use_extra_libs) + +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_1_CHECK_PATH_HEADERS], +[ + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for KDE headers installed]) + AC_LANG_SAVE + AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS +cat > conftest.$ac_ext < +#endif +#include +#include "confdefs.h" +#include + +int main() { + printf("kde_htmldir=\\"%s\\"\n", KApplication::kde_htmldir().data()); + printf("kde_appsdir=\\"%s\\"\n", KApplication::kde_appsdir().data()); + printf("kde_icondir=\\"%s\\"\n", KApplication::kde_icondir().data()); + printf("kde_sounddir=\\"%s\\"\n", KApplication::kde_sounddir().data()); + printf("kde_datadir=\\"%s\\"\n", KApplication::kde_datadir().data()); + printf("kde_locale=\\"%s\\"\n", KApplication::kde_localedir().data()); + printf("kde_cgidir=\\"%s\\"\n", KApplication::kde_cgidir().data()); + printf("kde_confdir=\\"%s\\"\n", KApplication::kde_configdir().data()); + printf("kde_mimedir=\\"%s\\"\n", KApplication::kde_mimedir().data()); + printf("kde_toolbardir=\\"%s\\"\n", KApplication::kde_toolbardir().data()); + printf("kde_wallpaperdir=\\"%s\\"\n", + KApplication::kde_wallpaperdir().data()); + printf("kde_bindir=\\"%s\\"\n", KApplication::kde_bindir().data()); + printf("kde_partsdir=\\"%s\\"\n", KApplication::kde_partsdir().data()); + printf("kde_servicesdir=\\"/tmp/dummy\\"\n"); + printf("kde_servicetypesdir=\\"/tmp/dummy\\"\n"); + printf("kde_moduledir=\\"/tmp/dummy\\"\n"); + printf("kde_styledir=\\"/tmp/dummy\\"\n"); + printf("kde_widgetdir=\\"/tmp/dummy\\"\n"); + printf("xdg_appsdir=\\"/tmp/dummy\\"\n"); + printf("xdg_menudir=\\"/tmp/dummy\\"\n"); + printf("xdg_directorydir=\\"/tmp/dummy\\"\n"); + printf("kde_kcfgdir=\\"/tmp/dummy\\"\n"); + return 0; + } +EOF + + ac_save_CPPFLAGS=$CPPFLAGS + CPPFLAGS="$all_includes $CPPFLAGS" + if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_compile); then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + else + AC_MSG_ERROR([your system is not able to compile a small KDE application! +Check, if you installed the KDE header files correctly. +For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.]) + fi + CPPFLAGS=$ac_save_CPPFLAGS + + AC_LANG_RESTORE +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_KDEQTADDON], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for kde-qt-addon) +AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_have_kdeqtaddon, +[ + kde_ldflags_safe="$LDFLAGS" + kde_libs_safe="$LIBS" + kde_cxxflags_safe="$CXXFLAGS" + + LIBS="-lkde-qt-addon $LIBQT $LIBS" + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$prefix/include -I$prefix/include/kde $all_includes" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $all_libraries $USER_LDFLAGS" + + AC_TRY_LINK([ + #include + ], + [ + QDomDocument doc; + ], + kde_cv_have_kdeqtaddon=yes, + kde_cv_have_kdeqtaddon=no + ) + + LDFLAGS=$kde_ldflags_safe + LIBS=$kde_libs_safe + CXXFLAGS=$kde_cxxflags_safe +]) + +AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_cv_have_kdeqtaddon) + +if test "$kde_cv_have_kdeqtaddon" = "no"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't find libkde-qt-addon. You need to install it first. +It is a separate package (and CVS module) named kde-qt-addon.]) +fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CREATE_LIBS_ALIASES], +[ + AC_REQUIRE([KDE_MISC_TESTS]) + AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_LIBDL]) + AC_REQUIRE([K_PATH_X]) + +if test $kde_qtver = 3; then + case $host in + *cygwin*) lib_kded="-lkdeinit_kded" ;; + *) lib_kded="" ;; + esac + AC_SUBST(LIB_KDED, $lib_kded) + AC_SUBST(LIB_KDECORE, "-lkdecore") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KDEUI, "-lkdeui") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KIO, "-lkio") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KJS, "-lkjs") + AC_SUBST(LIB_SMB, "-lsmb") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KAB, "-lkab") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KABC, "-lkabc") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KHTML, "-lkhtml") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KSPELL, "-lkspell") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KPARTS, "-lkparts") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KDEPRINT, "-lkdeprint") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KUTILS, "-lkutils") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KDEPIM, "-lkdepim") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KIMPROXY, "-lkimproxy") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KNEWSTUFF, "-lknewstuff") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KDNSSD, "-lkdnssd") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KUNITTEST, "-lkunittest") +# these are for backward compatibility + AC_SUBST(LIB_KSYCOCA, "-lkio") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KFILE, "-lkio") +elif test $kde_qtver = 2; then + AC_SUBST(LIB_KDECORE, "-lkdecore") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KDEUI, "-lkdeui") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KIO, "-lkio") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KSYCOCA, "-lksycoca") + AC_SUBST(LIB_SMB, "-lsmb") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KFILE, "-lkfile") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KAB, "-lkab") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KHTML, "-lkhtml") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KSPELL, "-lkspell") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KPARTS, "-lkparts") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KDEPRINT, "-lkdeprint") +else + AC_SUBST(LIB_KDECORE, "-lkdecore -lXext $(LIB_QT)") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KDEUI, "-lkdeui $(LIB_KDECORE)") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KFM, "-lkfm $(LIB_KDECORE)") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KFILE, "-lkfile $(LIB_KFM) $(LIB_KDEUI)") + AC_SUBST(LIB_KAB, "-lkab $(LIB_KIMGIO) $(LIB_KDECORE)") +fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_PATH_KDE], +[ + AC_BASE_PATH_KDE + AC_ARG_ENABLE(path-check,AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-path-check],[don't try to find out, where to install]), + [ + if test "$enableval" = "no"; + then ac_use_path_checking="default" + else ac_use_path_checking="" + fi + ], + [ + if test "$kde_qtver" = 1; + then ac_use_path_checking="" + else ac_use_path_checking="default" + fi + ] + ) + + AC_CREATE_KFSSTND($ac_use_path_checking) + + AC_SUBST_KFSSTND + KDE_CREATE_LIBS_ALIASES +]) + +dnl KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(, [headers], [sample-use], [C prototype], [autoheader define], [call if found]) +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for $1) +AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_func_$1, +[ +AC_LANG_SAVE +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS +save_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" +kde_safe_LIBS="$LIBS" +LIBS="$LIBS $X_EXTRA_LIBS" +if test "$GXX" = "yes"; then +CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -pedantic-errors" +fi +AC_TRY_COMPILE([ +$2 +], +[ +$3 +], +kde_cv_func_$1=yes, +kde_cv_func_$1=no) +CXXFLAGS="$save_CXXFLAGS" +LIBS="$kde_safe_LIBS" +AC_LANG_RESTORE +]) + +AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_cv_func_$1) + +AC_MSG_CHECKING([if $1 needs custom prototype]) +AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_proto_$1, +[ +if test "x$kde_cv_func_$1" = xyes; then + kde_cv_proto_$1=no +else + case "$1" in + setenv|unsetenv|usleep|random|srandom|seteuid|mkstemps|mkstemp|revoke|vsnprintf|strlcpy|strlcat) + kde_cv_proto_$1="yes - in libkdefakes" + ;; + *) + kde_cv_proto_$1=unknown + ;; + esac +fi + +if test "x$kde_cv_proto_$1" = xunknown; then + +AC_LANG_SAVE +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + kde_safe_libs=$LIBS + LIBS="$LIBS $X_EXTRA_LIBS" + AC_TRY_LINK([ +$2 + +extern "C" $4; +], +[ +$3 +], +[ kde_cv_func_$1=yes + kde_cv_proto_$1=yes ], + [kde_cv_proto_$1="$1 unavailable"] +) +LIBS=$kde_safe_libs +AC_LANG_RESTORE +fi +]) +AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_cv_proto_$1) + +if test "x$kde_cv_func_$1" = xyes; then + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_$5, 1, [Define if you have $1]) + $6 +fi +if test "x$kde_cv_proto_$1" = xno; then + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_$5_PROTO, 1, + [Define if you have the $1 prototype]) +fi + +AH_VERBATIM([_HAVE_$5_PROTO], +[ +#if !defined(HAVE_$5_PROTO) +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +$4; +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif +]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_SETENV], +[ + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(setenv, [ +#include +], + [setenv("VAR", "VALUE", 1);], + [int setenv (const char *, const char *, int)], + [SETENV]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_UNSETENV], +[ + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(unsetenv, [ +#include +], + [unsetenv("VAR");], + [void unsetenv (const char *)], + [UNSETENV]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_GETDOMAINNAME], +[ + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(getdomainname, [ +#include +#include +#include +], + [ +char buffer[200]; +getdomainname(buffer, 200); +], + [#include + int getdomainname (char *, size_t)], + [GETDOMAINNAME]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_GETHOSTNAME], +[ + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(gethostname, [ +#include +#include +], + [ +char buffer[200]; +gethostname(buffer, 200); +], + [int gethostname (char *, unsigned int)], + [GETHOSTNAME]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_USLEEP], +[ + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(usleep, [ +#include +], + [ +usleep(200); +], + [int usleep (unsigned int)], + [USLEEP]) +]) + + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_RANDOM], +[ + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(random, [ +#include +], + [ +random(); +], + [long int random(void)], + [RANDOM]) + + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(srandom, [ +#include +], + [ +srandom(27); +], + [void srandom(unsigned int)], + [SRANDOM]) + +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_INITGROUPS], +[ + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(initgroups, [ +#include +#include +#include +], + [ +char buffer[200]; +initgroups(buffer, 27); +], + [int initgroups(const char *, gid_t)], + [INITGROUPS]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_MKSTEMPS], +[ + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(mkstemps, [ +#include +#include +], + [ +mkstemps("/tmp/aaaXXXXXX", 6); +], + [int mkstemps(char *, int)], + [MKSTEMPS]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_MKSTEMP], +[ + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(mkstemp, [ +#include +#include +], + [ +mkstemp("/tmp/aaaXXXXXX"); +], + [int mkstemp(char *)], + [MKSTEMP]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_MKDTEMP], +[ + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(mkdtemp, [ +#include +#include +], + [ +mkdtemp("/tmp/aaaXXXXXX"); +], + [char *mkdtemp(char *)], + [MKDTEMP]) +]) + + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_RES_INIT], +[ + AC_MSG_CHECKING([if res_init needs -lresolv]) + kde_libs_safe="$LIBS" + LIBS="$LIBS $X_EXTRA_LIBS -lresolv" + AC_TRY_LINK( + [ +#include +#include +#include +#include + ], + [ + res_init(); + ], + [ + LIBRESOLV="-lresolv" + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_RES_INIT, 1, [Define if you have the res_init function]) + ], + [ AC_MSG_RESULT(no) ] + ) + LIBS=$kde_libs_safe + AC_SUBST(LIBRESOLV) + + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(res_init, + [ +#include +#include +#include +#include + ], + [res_init()], + [int res_init(void)], + [RES_INIT]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_STRLCPY], +[ + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(strlcpy, [ +#include +], +[ char buf[20]; + strlcpy(buf, "KDE function test", sizeof(buf)); +], + [unsigned long strlcpy(char*, const char*, unsigned long)], + [STRLCPY]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_STRLCAT], +[ + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(strlcat, [ +#include +], +[ char buf[20]; + buf[0]='\0'; + strlcat(buf, "KDE function test", sizeof(buf)); +], + [unsigned long strlcat(char*, const char*, unsigned long)], + [STRLCAT]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_RES_QUERY], +[ + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(res_query, [ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +], +[ +res_query(NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0); +], + [int res_query(const char *, int, int, unsigned char *, int)], + [RES_QUERY]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_DN_SKIPNAME], +[ + KDE_CHECK_FUNC_EXT(dn_skipname, [ +#include +#include +#include +#include +], +[ +dn_skipname (NULL, NULL); +], + [int dn_skipname (unsigned char *, unsigned char *)], + [DN_SKIPNAME]) +]) + + +AC_DEFUN([AC_FIND_GIF], + [AC_MSG_CHECKING([for giflib]) +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_lib_gif, +[ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS" +if test "x$kde_use_qt_emb" != "xyes" && test "x$kde_use_qt_mac" != "xyes"; then +LIBS="$all_libraries -lgif -lX11 $LIBSOCKET" +else +LIBS="$all_libraries -lgif" +fi +AC_TRY_LINK(dnl +[ +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +int GifLastError(void); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 + builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ +], + [return GifLastError();], + eval "ac_cv_lib_gif=yes", + eval "ac_cv_lib_gif=no") +LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS" +])dnl +if eval "test \"`echo $ac_cv_lib_gif`\" = yes"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_LIBGIF, 1, [Define if you have libgif]) +else + AC_MSG_ERROR(You need giflib30. Please install the kdesupport package) +fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_FIND_JPEG_HELPER], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for libjpeg$2]) +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_lib_jpeg_$1, +[ +ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS" +LIBS="$all_libraries $USER_LDFLAGS -ljpeg$2 -lm" +ac_save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" +CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $all_includes $USER_INCLUDES" +AC_TRY_LINK( +[/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error. */ +struct jpeg_decompress_struct; +typedef struct jpeg_decompress_struct * j_decompress_ptr; +typedef int size_t; +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + void jpeg_CreateDecompress(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, + int version, size_t structsize); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2 + builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply. */ +], + [jpeg_CreateDecompress(0L, 0, 0);], + eval "ac_cv_lib_jpeg_$1=-ljpeg$2", + eval "ac_cv_lib_jpeg_$1=no") +LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS" +CFLAGS="$ac_save_CFLAGS" +]) + +if eval "test ! \"`echo $ac_cv_lib_jpeg_$1`\" = no"; then + LIBJPEG="$ac_cv_lib_jpeg_$1" + AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_cv_lib_jpeg_$1) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + $3 +fi + +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_FIND_JPEG], +[ +dnl first look for libraries +KDE_FIND_JPEG_HELPER(6b, 6b, + KDE_FIND_JPEG_HELPER(normal, [], + [ + LIBJPEG= + ] + ) +) + +dnl then search the headers (can't use simply AC_TRY_xxx, as jpeglib.h +dnl requires system dependent includes loaded before it) +jpeg_incdirs="$includedir /usr/include /usr/local/include $kde_extra_includes" +AC_FIND_FILE(jpeglib.h, $jpeg_incdirs, jpeg_incdir) +test "x$jpeg_incdir" = xNO && jpeg_incdir= + +dnl if headers _and_ libraries are missing, this is no error, and we +dnl continue with a warning (the user will get no jpeg support in khtml) +dnl if only one is missing, it means a configuration error, but we still +dnl only warn +if test -n "$jpeg_incdir" && test -n "$LIBJPEG" ; then + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_LIBJPEG, 1, [Define if you have libjpeg]) +else + if test -n "$jpeg_incdir" || test -n "$LIBJPEG" ; then + AC_MSG_WARN([ +There is an installation error in jpeg support. You seem to have only one +of either the headers _or_ the libraries installed. You may need to either +provide correct --with-extra-... options, or the development package of +libjpeg6b. You can get a source package of libjpeg from +Disabling JPEG support. +]) + else + AC_MSG_WARN([libjpeg not found. disable JPEG support.]) + fi + jpeg_incdir= + LIBJPEG= +fi + +AC_SUBST(LIBJPEG) +AH_VERBATIM(_AC_CHECK_JPEG, +[/* + * jpeg.h needs HAVE_BOOLEAN, when the system uses boolean in system + * headers and I'm too lazy to write a configure test as long as only + * unixware is related + */ +#ifdef _UNIXWARE +#define HAVE_BOOLEAN +#endif +]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_QT_JPEG], +[ +if test -n "$LIBJPEG"; then +AC_MSG_CHECKING([if Qt needs $LIBJPEG]) +AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_qt_jpeg, +[ +AC_LANG_SAVE +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS +ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS" +LIBS="$all_libraries $USER_LDFLAGS $LIBQT" +LIBS=`echo $LIBS | sed "s/$LIBJPEG//"` +ac_save_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" +CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $all_includes $USER_INCLUDES" +AC_TRY_LINK( +[#include ], + [ + int argc; + char** argv; + QApplication app(argc, argv);], + eval "kde_cv_qt_jpeg=no", + eval "kde_cv_qt_jpeg=yes") +LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS" +CXXFLAGS="$ac_save_CXXFLAGS" +AC_LANG_RESTORE +fi +]) + +if eval "test ! \"`echo $kde_cv_qt_jpeg`\" = no"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + LIBJPEG_QT='$(LIBJPEG)' +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + LIBJPEG_QT= +fi + +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_FIND_ZLIB], +[ +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_EXTRA_LIBS]) +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for libz]) +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_lib_z, +[ +kde_save_LIBS="$LIBS" +LIBS="$all_libraries $USER_LDFLAGS -lz $LIBSOCKET" +kde_save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" +CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $all_includes $USER_INCLUDES" +AC_TRY_LINK(dnl +[ +#include +], +[ + char buf[42]; + gzFile f = (gzFile) 0; + /* this would segfault.. but we only link, don't run */ + (void) gzgets(f, buf, sizeof(buf)); + + return (zlibVersion() == ZLIB_VERSION); +], + eval "ac_cv_lib_z='-lz'", + eval "ac_cv_lib_z=no") +LIBS="$kde_save_LIBS" +CFLAGS="$kde_save_CFLAGS" +])dnl +if test ! "$ac_cv_lib_z" = no; then + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_LIBZ, 1, [Define if you have libz]) + LIBZ="$ac_cv_lib_z" + AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_cv_lib_z) +else + AC_MSG_ERROR(not found. + Possibly configure picks up an outdated version + installed by XFree86. Remove it from your system. + + Check your installation and look into config.log) + LIBZ="" +fi +AC_SUBST(LIBZ) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_TRY_TIFFLIB], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for libtiff $1]) + +AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_libtiff_$1, +[ +AC_LANG_SAVE +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS +kde_save_LIBS="$LIBS" +if test "x$kde_use_qt_emb" != "xyes" && test "x$kde_use_qt_mac" != "xyes"; then +LIBS="$all_libraries $USER_LDFLAGS -l$1 $LIBJPEG $LIBZ -lX11 $LIBSOCKET -lm" +else +LIBS="$all_libraries $USER_LDFLAGS -l$1 $LIBJPEG $LIBZ -lm" +fi +kde_save_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" +CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $all_includes $USER_INCLUDES" + +AC_TRY_LINK(dnl +[ +#include +], + [return (TIFFOpen( "", "r") == 0); ], +[ + kde_cv_libtiff_$1="-l$1 $LIBJPEG $LIBZ" +], [ + kde_cv_libtiff_$1=no +]) + +LIBS="$kde_save_LIBS" +CXXFLAGS="$kde_save_CXXFLAGS" +AC_LANG_RESTORE +]) + +if test "$kde_cv_libtiff_$1" = "no"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + LIBTIFF="" + $3 +else + LIBTIFF="$kde_cv_libtiff_$1" + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_LIBTIFF, 1, [Define if you have libtiff]) + $2 +fi + +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_FIND_TIFF], +[ +AC_REQUIRE([K_PATH_X]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_FIND_ZLIB]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_FIND_JPEG]) +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_EXTRA_LIBS]) + +KDE_TRY_TIFFLIB(tiff, [], + KDE_TRY_TIFFLIB(tiff34)) + +AC_SUBST(LIBTIFF) +]) + + +AC_DEFUN([AC_FIND_PNG], +[ +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_EXTRA_LIBS]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_FIND_ZLIB]) +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for libpng]) +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_lib_png, +[ +kde_save_LIBS="$LIBS" +if test "x$kde_use_qt_emb" != "xyes" && test "x$kde_use_qt_mac" != "xyes"; then +LIBS="$LIBS $all_libraries $USER_LDFLAGS -lpng $LIBZ -lm -lX11 $LIBSOCKET" +else +LIBS="$LIBS $all_libraries $USER_LDFLAGS -lpng $LIBZ -lm" +fi +kde_save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" +CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $all_includes $USER_INCLUDES" + +AC_TRY_LINK(dnl + [ + #include + ], + [ + png_structp png_ptr = png_create_read_struct( /* image ptr */ + PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0, 0 ); + return( png_ptr != 0 ); + ], + eval "ac_cv_lib_png='-lpng $LIBZ -lm'", + eval "ac_cv_lib_png=no" +) +LIBS="$kde_save_LIBS" +CFLAGS="$kde_save_CFLAGS" +])dnl +if eval "test ! \"`echo $ac_cv_lib_png`\" = no"; then + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_LIBPNG, 1, [Define if you have libpng]) + LIBPNG="$ac_cv_lib_png" + AC_SUBST(LIBPNG) + AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_cv_lib_png) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + LIBPNG="" + AC_SUBST(LIBPNG) +fi +]) + + +AC_DEFUN([AC_FIND_JASPER], +[ +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_EXTRA_LIBS]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_FIND_JPEG]) +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for jasper]) +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_jasper, +[ +kde_save_LIBS="$LIBS" +LIBS="$LIBS $all_libraries $USER_LDFLAGS -ljasper $LIBJPEG -lm" +kde_save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" +CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $all_includes $USER_INCLUDES" + +AC_TRY_LINK(dnl + [ + #include + ], + [ + return( jas_init() ); + ], + eval "ac_cv_jasper='-ljasper $LIBJPEG -lm'", + eval "ac_cv_jasper=no" +) +LIBS="$kde_save_LIBS" +CFLAGS="$kde_save_CFLAGS" +])dnl +if eval "test ! \"`echo $ac_cv_jasper`\" = no"; then + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_JASPER, 1, [Define if you have jasper]) + LIB_JASPER="$ac_cv_jasper" + AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_cv_jasper) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + LIB_JASPER="" +fi +AC_SUBST(LIB_JASPER) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_BOOL], +[ + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_BOOL, 1, [You _must_ have bool]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_GNU_EXTENSIONS], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING(if you need GNU extensions) +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_gnu_extensions, +[ +cat > conftest.c << EOF +#include + +#ifdef __GNU_LIBRARY__ +yes +#endif +EOF + +if (eval "$ac_cpp conftest.c") 2>&5 | + egrep "yes" >/dev/null 2>&1; then + rm -rf conftest* + ac_cv_gnu_extensions=yes +else + ac_cv_gnu_extensions=no +fi +]) + +AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_cv_gnu_extensions) +if test "$ac_cv_gnu_extensions" = "yes"; then + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(_GNU_SOURCE, 1, [Define if you need to use the GNU extensions]) +fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $CXX supports -$1]) +kde_cache=`echo $1 | sed 'y% .=/+-,%____p__%'` +AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_prog_cxx_$kde_cache, +[ + AC_LANG_SAVE + AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + save_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -$1" + AC_TRY_LINK([],[ return 0; ], [eval "kde_cv_prog_cxx_$kde_cache=yes"], []) + CXXFLAGS="$save_CXXFLAGS" + AC_LANG_RESTORE +]) +if eval "test \"`echo '$kde_cv_prog_cxx_'$kde_cache`\" = yes"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + : + $2 +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + : + $3 +fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_C_COMPILER_FLAG], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $CC supports -$1]) +kde_cache=`echo $1 | sed 'y% .=/+-,%____p__%'` +AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_prog_cc_$kde_cache, +[ + AC_LANG_SAVE + AC_LANG_C + save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -$1" + AC_TRY_LINK([],[ return 0; ], [eval "kde_cv_prog_cc_$kde_cache=yes"], []) + CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS" + AC_LANG_RESTORE +]) +if eval "test \"`echo '$kde_cv_prog_cc_'$kde_cache`\" = yes"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + : + $2 +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + : + $3 +fi +]) + + +dnl AC_REMOVE_FORBIDDEN removes forbidden arguments from variables +dnl use: AC_REMOVE_FORBIDDEN(CC, [-forbid -bad-option whatever]) +dnl it's all white-space separated +AC_DEFUN([AC_REMOVE_FORBIDDEN], +[ __val=$$1 + __forbid=" $2 " + if test -n "$__val"; then + __new="" + ac_save_IFS=$IFS + IFS=" " + for i in $__val; do + case "$__forbid" in + *" $i "*) AC_MSG_WARN([found forbidden $i in $1, removing it]) ;; + *) # Careful to not add spaces, where there were none, because otherwise + # libtool gets confused, if we change e.g. CXX + if test -z "$__new" ; then __new=$i ; else __new="$__new $i" ; fi ;; + esac + done + IFS=$ac_save_IFS + $1=$__new + fi +]) + + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_FOR_BAD_COMPILER], +[ + AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether $CC is blacklisted]) + + dnl In theory we have tu run this test against $CC and $CXX + dnl in C and in C++ mode, because its perfectly legal for + dnl the user to mix compiler versions, since C has a defined + dnl ABI. + dnl + dnl For now, we assume the user is not on crack. + + AC_TRY_COMPILE([ +#ifdef __GNUC__ +#if __GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ == 0 && __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ == 0 +choke me +#endif +#endif +], , + kde_bad_compiler=no, + kde_bad_compiler=yes +) + + AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_bad_compiler) + +if test "$kde_bad_compiler" = "yes"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([ + +This particular compiler version is blacklisted because it +is known to miscompile KDE. Please use a newer version, or +if that is not yet available, choose an older version. + +Please do not report a bug or bother us reporting this +configure error. We know about it, and we introduced +it by intention to avoid untraceable bugs or crashes in KDE. + +]) +fi + +]) + +dnl AC_VALIDIFY_CXXFLAGS checks for forbidden flags the user may have given +AC_DEFUN([AC_VALIDIFY_CXXFLAGS], +[dnl +if test "x$kde_use_qt_emb" != "xyes"; then + AC_REMOVE_FORBIDDEN(CXX, [-fno-rtti -rpath]) + AC_REMOVE_FORBIDDEN(CXXFLAGS, [-fno-rtti -rpath]) +else + AC_REMOVE_FORBIDDEN(CXX, [-rpath]) + AC_REMOVE_FORBIDDEN(CXXFLAGS, [-rpath]) +fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_COMPILERS], +[ + AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, + AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug=ARG],[enables debug symbols (yes|no|full) [default=no]]), + [ + case $enableval in + yes) + kde_use_debug_code="yes" + kde_use_debug_define=no + ;; + full) + kde_use_debug_code="full" + kde_use_debug_define=no + ;; + *) + kde_use_debug_code="no" + kde_use_debug_define=yes + ;; + esac + ], + [kde_use_debug_code="no" + kde_use_debug_define=no + ]) + + dnl Just for configure --help + AC_ARG_ENABLE(dummyoption, + AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-debug], + [disables debug output and debug symbols [default=no]]), + [],[]) + + AC_ARG_ENABLE(strict, + AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-strict], + [compiles with strict compiler options (may not work!)]), + [ + if test $enableval = "no"; then + kde_use_strict_options="no" + else + kde_use_strict_options="yes" + fi + ], [kde_use_strict_options="no"]) + + AC_ARG_ENABLE(warnings,AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-warnings],[disables compilation with -Wall and similar]), + [ + if test $enableval = "no"; then + kde_use_warnings="no" + else + kde_use_warnings="yes" + fi + ], [kde_use_warnings="yes"]) + + dnl enable warnings for debug build + if test "$kde_use_debug_code" != "no"; then + kde_use_warnings=yes + fi + + AC_ARG_ENABLE(profile,AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-profile],[creates profiling infos [default=no]]), + [kde_use_profiling=$enableval], + [kde_use_profiling="no"] + ) + + dnl this prevents stupid AC_PROG_CC to add "-g" to the default CFLAGS + CFLAGS=" $CFLAGS" + + AC_PROG_CC + + AC_PROG_CPP + + if test "$GCC" = "yes"; then + if test "$kde_use_debug_code" != "no"; then + if test $kde_use_debug_code = "full"; then + CFLAGS="-g3 -fno-inline $CFLAGS" + else + CFLAGS="-g -O2 $CFLAGS" + fi + else + CFLAGS="-O2 $CFLAGS" + fi + fi + + if test "$kde_use_debug_define" = "yes"; then + CFLAGS="-DNDEBUG $CFLAGS" + fi + + + case "$host" in + *-*-sysv4.2uw*) CFLAGS="-D_UNIXWARE $CFLAGS";; + *-*-sysv5uw7*) CFLAGS="-D_UNIXWARE7 $CFLAGS";; + esac + + if test -z "$LDFLAGS" && test "$kde_use_debug_code" = "no" && test "$GCC" = "yes"; then + LDFLAGS="" + fi + + CXXFLAGS=" $CXXFLAGS" + + AC_PROG_CXX + + KDE_CHECK_FOR_BAD_COMPILER + + if test "$GXX" = "yes" || test "$CXX" = "KCC"; then + if test "$kde_use_debug_code" != "no"; then + if test "$CXX" = "KCC"; then + CXXFLAGS="+K0 -Wall -pedantic -W -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings $CXXFLAGS" + else + if test "$kde_use_debug_code" = "full"; then + CXXFLAGS="-g3 -fno-inline $CXXFLAGS" + else + CXXFLAGS="-g -O2 $CXXFLAGS" + fi + fi + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(fno-builtin,[CXXFLAGS="-fno-builtin $CXXFLAGS"]) + + dnl convenience compiler flags + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(Woverloaded-virtual, [WOVERLOADED_VIRTUAL="-Woverloaded-virtual"], [WOVERLOADED_VRITUAL=""]) + AC_SUBST(WOVERLOADED_VIRTUAL) + else + if test "$CXX" = "KCC"; then + CXXFLAGS="+K3 $CXXFLAGS" + else + CXXFLAGS="-O2 $CXXFLAGS" + fi + fi + fi + + if test "$kde_use_debug_define" = "yes"; then + CXXFLAGS="-DNDEBUG -DNO_DEBUG $CXXFLAGS" + fi + + if test "$kde_use_profiling" = "yes"; then + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(pg, + [ + CFLAGS="-pg $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="-pg $CXXFLAGS" + ]) + fi + + if test "$kde_use_warnings" = "yes"; then + if test "$GCC" = "yes"; then + dnl ### FIXME: remove -Wno-non-virtual-dtor for KDE 4 + CXXFLAGS="-Wall -W -Wpointer-arith -Wno-non-virtual-dtor $CXXFLAGS" + case $host in + *-*-linux-gnu) + CFLAGS="-std=iso9899:1990 -W -Wall -Wchar-subscripts -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wmissing-prototypes -Wwrite-strings -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500 -D_BSD_SOURCE $CFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="-ansi -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500 -D_BSD_SOURCE -Wcast-align -Wconversion -Wchar-subscripts $CXXFLAGS" + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(Wmissing-format-attribute, [CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -Wformat-security -Wmissing-format-attribute"]) + KDE_CHECK_C_COMPILER_FLAG(Wmissing-format-attribute, [CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wformat-security -Wmissing-format-attribute"]) + ;; + esac + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(Wundef,[CXXFLAGS="-Wundef $CXXFLAGS"]) + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(Wno-long-long,[CXXFLAGS="-Wno-long-long $CXXFLAGS"]) + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(Wnon-virtual-dtor,[CXXFLAGS="-Wnon-virtual-dtor $CXXFLAGS"]) + fi + fi + + if test "$GXX" = "yes" && test "$kde_use_strict_options" = "yes"; then + CXXFLAGS="-Wcast-qual -Wshadow -Wcast-align $CXXFLAGS" + fi + + AC_ARG_ENABLE(pch, + AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-pch], + [enables precompiled header support (currently only KCC or gcc >=3.4+unsermake) [default=no]]), + [ kde_use_pch=$enableval ],[ kde_use_pch=no ]) + + HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY=0 + AC_SUBST([HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY]) + + if test "$GXX" = "yes"; then + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(fno-exceptions,[CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fno-exceptions"]) + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(fno-check-new, [CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fno-check-new"]) + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(fno-common, [CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fno-common"]) + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(fexceptions, [USE_EXCEPTIONS="-fexceptions"], USE_EXCEPTIONS= ) + ENABLE_PERMISSIVE_FLAG="-fpermissive" + + if test "$kde_use_pch" = "yes"; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether gcc supports precompiling c header files) + echo >conftest.h + if $CC -x c-header conftest.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then + kde_gcc_supports_pch=yes + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + else + kde_gcc_supports_pch=no + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + if test "$kde_gcc_supports_pch" = "yes"; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether gcc supports precompiling c++ header files) + if $CXX -x c++-header conftest.h >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then + kde_gcc_supports_pch=yes + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + else + kde_gcc_supports_pch=no + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + fi + fi + rm -f conftest.h conftest.h.gch + fi + fi + AM_CONDITIONAL(unsermake_enable_pch, test "$kde_use_pch" = "yes" && test "$kde_gcc_supports_pch" = "yes") + if test "$CXX" = "KCC"; then + dnl unfortunately we currently cannot disable exception support in KCC + dnl because doing so is binary incompatible and Qt by default links with exceptions :-( + dnl KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(-no_exceptions,[CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS --no_exceptions"]) + dnl KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(-exceptions, [USE_EXCEPTIONS="--exceptions"], USE_EXCEPTIONS= ) + + if test "$kde_use_pch" = "yes"; then + dnl TODO: support --pch-dir! + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(-pch,[CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS --pch"]) + dnl the below works (but the dir must exist), but it's + dnl useless for a whole package. + dnl The are precompiled headers for each source file, so when compiling + dnl from scratch, it doesn't make a difference, and they take up + dnl around ~5Mb _per_ sourcefile. + dnl KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(-pch_dir /tmp, + dnl [CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS --pch_dir `pwd`/pcheaders"]) + fi + dnl this flag controls inlining. by default KCC inlines in optimisation mode + dnl all implementations that are defined inside the class {} declaration. + dnl because of templates-compatibility with broken gcc compilers, this + dnl can cause excessive inlining. This flag limits it to a sane level + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(-inline_keyword_space_time=6,[CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS --inline_keyword_space_time=6"]) + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(-inline_auto_space_time=2,[CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS --inline_auto_space_time=2"]) + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(-inline_implicit_space_time=2.0,[CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS --inline_implicit_space_time=2.0"]) + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(-inline_generated_space_time=2.0,[CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS --inline_generated_space_time=2.0"]) + dnl Some source files are shared between multiple executables + dnl (or libraries) and some of those need template instantiations. + dnl In that case KCC needs to compile those sources with + dnl --one_instantiation_per_object. To make it easy for us we compile + dnl _all_ objects with that flag (--one_per is a shorthand). + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(-one_per, [CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS --one_per"]) + fi + AC_SUBST(USE_EXCEPTIONS) + dnl obsolete macro - provided to keep things going + USE_RTTI= + AC_SUBST(USE_RTTI) + + case "$host" in + *-*-irix*) test "$GXX" = yes && CXXFLAGS="-D_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS -D__LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS $CXXFLAGS" ;; + *-*-sysv4.2uw*) CXXFLAGS="-D_UNIXWARE $CXXFLAGS";; + *-*-sysv5uw7*) CXXFLAGS="-D_UNIXWARE7 $CXXFLAGS";; + *-*-solaris*) + if test "$GXX" = yes; then + libstdcpp=`$CXX` + if test ! -f $libstdcpp; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([You've compiled gcc without --enable-shared. This doesn't work with KDE. Please recompile gcc with --enable-shared to receive a]) + fi + fi + ;; + esac + + AC_VALIDIFY_CXXFLAGS + + AC_PROG_CXXCPP + + if test "$GCC" = yes; then + NOOPT_CFLAGS=-O0 + fi + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(O0,[NOOPT_CXXFLAGS=-O0]) + + AC_ARG_ENABLE(coverage, + AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-coverage],[use gcc coverage testing]), [ + if test "$am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type" = "gcc3"; then + ac_coverage_compiler="-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" + ac_coverage_linker="-lgcc" + elif test "$am_cv_CC_dependencies_compiler_type" = "gcc"; then + ac_coverage_compiler="-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage" + ac_coverage_linker="" + else + AC_MSG_ERROR([coverage with your compiler is not supported]) + fi + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $ac_coverage_compiler" + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $ac_coverage_compiler" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $ac_coverage_linker" + ]) + + AC_SUBST(NOOPT_CXXFLAGS) + AC_SUBST(NOOPT_CFLAGS) + AC_SUBST(ENABLE_PERMISSIVE_FLAG) + + KDE_CHECK_NEW_LDFLAGS + KDE_CHECK_FINAL + KDE_CHECK_CLOSURE + KDE_CHECK_NMCHECK + + ifdef([AM_DEPENDENCIES], AC_REQUIRE([KDE_ADD_DEPENDENCIES]), []) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_VISIBILITY_GCC_BUG], + [ + AC_CACHE_CHECK([for gcc -fvisibility-inlines-hidden bug], kde_cv_val_gcc_visibility_bug, + [ + AC_LANG_SAVE + AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + + safe_CXXFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS + safe_LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fPIC -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -O0" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -shared -fPIC" + + AC_TRY_LINK( + [ + /* */ + #include + int some_function( void ) __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))); + int some_function( void ) + { + std::string s("blafasel"); + return 0; + } + ], [/* elvis is alive */], + kde_cv_val_gcc_visibility_bug=no, kde_cv_val_gcc_visibility_bug=yes) + + CXXFLAGS=$safe_CXXFLAGS + LDFLAGS=$safe_LDFLAGS + AC_LANG_RESTORE + ] + ) + + if test x$kde_cv_val_gcc_visibility_bug = xno; then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fvisibility-inlines-hidden" + fi + ] +) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_ENABLE_HIDDEN_VISIBILITY], +[ + AC_BEFORE([AC_PATH_QT_1_3], [KDE_ENABLE_HIDDEN_VISIBILITY]) + + if test "x$GXX" = "xyes"; then + kde_have_gcc_visibility=no + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(fvisibility=hidden, + [ + kde_have_gcc_visibility=yes + AC_CACHE_CHECK([if Qt is patched for -fvisibility], kde_cv_val_qt_gcc_visibility_patched, + [ + AC_LANG_SAVE + AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + + safe_CXXFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $all_includes" + + AC_TRY_COMPILE( + [ +#include +#if Q_EXPORT - 0 != 0 +/* if this compiles, then Q_EXPORT is undefined */ +/* if Q_EXPORT is nonempty, this will break compilation */ +#endif + ], [/* elvis is alive */], + kde_cv_val_qt_gcc_visibility_patched=no, kde_cv_val_qt_gcc_visibility_patched=yes) + + CXXFLAGS=$safe_CXXFLAGS + AC_LANG_RESTORE + ] + ) + + if test x$kde_cv_val_qt_gcc_visibility_patched = "xyes"; then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fvisibility=hidden" + KDE_CHECK_VISIBILITY_GCC_BUG + HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY=1 + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(__KDE_HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY, "$HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY", [define to 1 if -fvisibility is supported]) + fi + ]) + fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_ADD_DEPENDENCIES], +[ + [A]M_DEPENDENCIES(CC) + [A]M_DEPENDENCIES(CXX) +]) + +dnl just a wrapper to clean up +AC_DEFUN([KDE_PROG_LIBTOOL], +[ +AC_REQUIRE([AC_CHECK_COMPILERS]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_ENABLE_SHARED]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_ENABLE_STATIC]) + +AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN]) +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_LIB64]) + +AC_OBJEXT +AC_EXEEXT + +AM_PROG_LIBTOOL +AC_LIBTOOL_CXX + +LIBTOOL_SHELL="/bin/sh ./libtool" +# LIBTOOL="$LIBTOOL --silent" +KDE_PLUGIN="-avoid-version -module -no-undefined \$(KDE_NO_UNDEFINED) \$(KDE_RPATH) \$(KDE_MT_LDFLAGS)" +AC_SUBST(KDE_PLUGIN) + +# This hack ensures that libtool creates shared libs for kunittest plugins. By default check_LTLIBRARIES makes static libs. +KDE_CHECK_PLUGIN="\$(KDE_PLUGIN) -rpath \$(libdir)" +AC_SUBST(KDE_CHECK_PLUGIN) + +# we patch configure quite some so we better keep that consistent for incremental runs +AC_SUBST(AUTOCONF,'$(SHELL) $(top_srcdir)/admin/ configure || touch configure') +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_LIB64], +[ + kdelibsuff="$kde_libs_suffix" + if test -z "$kdelibsuff"; then + kdelibsuff=no + fi + AC_ARG_ENABLE(libsuffix, + AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-libsuffix], + [/lib directory suffix (64,32,none[=default])]), + kdelibsuff=$enableval) + # TODO: add an auto case that compiles a little C app to check + # where the glibc is + if test "$kdelibsuff" = "no"; then + kdelibsuff= + fi + if test -z "$kdelibsuff"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([not using lib directory suffix]) + AC_DEFINE(KDELIBSUFF, [""], Suffix for lib directories) + else + if test "$libdir" = '${exec_prefix}/lib'; then + libdir="$libdir${kdelibsuff}" + AC_SUBST([libdir], ["$libdir"]) dnl ugly hack for lib64 platforms + fi + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(KDELIBSUFF, ["${kdelibsuff}"], Suffix for lib directories) + AC_MSG_RESULT([using lib directory suffix $kdelibsuff]) + fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_TYPES], +[ AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(int, 4)dnl + AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(short)dnl + AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long, 4)dnl + AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(char *, 4)dnl +])dnl + +dnl Not used - kept for compat only? +AC_DEFUN([KDE_DO_IT_ALL], +[ +AC_CANONICAL_SYSTEM +AC_ARG_PROGRAM +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE($1, $2) +AM_DISABLE_LIBRARIES +AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT(${KDEDIR:-/usr/local/kde}) +AC_CHECK_COMPILERS +KDE_PROG_LIBTOOL +AM_KDE_WITH_NLS +AC_PATH_KDE +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_RPATH], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for rpath) +AC_ARG_ENABLE(rpath, + AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-rpath],[do not use the rpath feature of ld]), + USE_RPATH=$enableval, USE_RPATH=yes) + +if test -z "$KDE_RPATH" && test "$USE_RPATH" = "yes"; then + + KDE_RPATH="-R \$(libdir)" + + if test "$kde_libraries" != "$libdir"; then + KDE_RPATH="$KDE_RPATH -R \$(kde_libraries)" + fi + + if test -n "$qt_libraries"; then + KDE_RPATH="$KDE_RPATH -R \$(qt_libraries)" + fi + dnl $x_libraries is set to /usr/lib in case + if test -n "$X_LDFLAGS"; then + X_RPATH="-R \$(x_libraries)" + KDE_RPATH="$KDE_RPATH $X_RPATH" + fi + if test -n "$KDE_EXTRA_RPATH"; then + KDE_RPATH="$KDE_RPATH \$(KDE_EXTRA_RPATH)" + fi +fi +AC_SUBST(KDE_EXTRA_RPATH) +AC_SUBST(KDE_RPATH) +AC_SUBST(X_RPATH) +AC_MSG_RESULT($USE_RPATH) +]) + +dnl Check for the type of the third argument of getsockname +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_SOCKLEN_T], +[ + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for socklen_t) + AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_socklen_t, + [ + AC_LANG_PUSH(C++) + kde_cv_socklen_t=no + AC_TRY_COMPILE([ + #include + #include + ], + [ + socklen_t len; + getpeername(0,0,&len); + ], + [ + kde_cv_socklen_t=yes + kde_cv_socklen_t_equiv=socklen_t + ]) + AC_LANG_POP(C++) + ]) + AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_cv_socklen_t) + if test $kde_cv_socklen_t = no; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for socklen_t equivalent for socket functions]) + AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_socklen_t_equiv, + [ + kde_cv_socklen_t_equiv=int + AC_LANG_PUSH(C++) + for t in int size_t unsigned long "unsigned long"; do + AC_TRY_COMPILE([ + #include + #include + ], + [ + $t len; + getpeername(0,0,&len); + ], + [ + kde_cv_socklen_t_equiv="$t" + break + ]) + done + AC_LANG_POP(C++) + ]) + AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_cv_socklen_t_equiv) + fi + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(kde_socklen_t, $kde_cv_socklen_t_equiv, + [type to use in place of socklen_t if not defined]) + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(ksize_t, $kde_cv_socklen_t_equiv, + [type to use in place of socklen_t if not defined (deprecated, use kde_socklen_t)]) +]) + +dnl This is a merge of some macros out of the gettext aclocal.m4 +dnl since we don't need anything, I took the things we need +dnl the copyright for them is: +dnl > +dnl Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +dnl This is free software; the Free Software Foundation +dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +dnl This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +dnl even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +dnl PARTICULAR PURPOSE. +dnl > +dnl for this file it is relicensed under LGPL + +AC_DEFUN([AM_KDE_WITH_NLS], + [ + dnl If we use NLS figure out what method + + AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST_KDE(MSGFMT, msgfmt, + [test -n "`$ac_dir/$ac_word --version 2>&1 | grep 'GNU gettext'`"], msgfmt) + AC_PATH_PROG(GMSGFMT, gmsgfmt, $MSGFMT) + + if test -z "`$GMSGFMT --version 2>&1 | grep 'GNU gettext'`"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([found msgfmt program is not GNU msgfmt; ignore it]) + GMSGFMT=":" + fi + MSGFMT=$GMSGFMT + AC_SUBST(GMSGFMT) + AC_SUBST(MSGFMT) + + AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST_KDE(XGETTEXT, xgettext, + [test -z "`$ac_dir/$ac_word -h 2>&1 | grep '(HELP)'`"], :) + + dnl Test whether we really found GNU xgettext. + if test "$XGETTEXT" != ":"; then + dnl If it is no GNU xgettext we define it as : so that the + dnl Makefiles still can work. + if $XGETTEXT --omit-header /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then + : ; + else + AC_MSG_RESULT( + [found xgettext programs is not GNU xgettext; ignore it]) + XGETTEXT=":" + fi + fi + AC_SUBST(XGETTEXT) + + ]) + +# Search path for a program which passes the given test. +# Ulrich Drepper , 1996. + +# serial 1 +# Stephan Kulow: I appended a _KDE against name conflicts + +dnl AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST_KDE(VARIABLE, PROG-TO-CHECK-FOR, +dnl TEST-PERFORMED-ON-FOUND_PROGRAM [, VALUE-IF-NOT-FOUND [, PATH]]) +AC_DEFUN([AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST_KDE], +[# Extract the first word of "$2", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy $2; ac_word=[$]2 +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $ac_word]) +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_path_$1, +[case "[$]$1" in + /*) + ac_cv_path_$1="[$]$1" # Let the user override the test with a path. + ;; + *) + IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:" + for ac_dir in ifelse([$5], , $PATH, [$5]); do + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then + if [$3]; then + ac_cv_path_$1="$ac_dir/$ac_word" + break + fi + fi + done + IFS="$ac_save_ifs" +dnl If no 4th arg is given, leave the cache variable unset, +dnl so AC_PATH_PROGS will keep looking. +ifelse([$4], , , [ test -z "[$]ac_cv_path_$1" && ac_cv_path_$1="$4" +])dnl + ;; +esac])dnl +$1="$ac_cv_path_$1" +if test -n "[$]$1"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([$]$1) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi +AC_SUBST($1)dnl +]) + + +# Check whether LC_MESSAGES is available in . +# Ulrich Drepper , 1995. + +# serial 1 + +AC_DEFUN([AM_LC_MESSAGES], + [if test $ac_cv_header_locale_h = yes; then + AC_CACHE_CHECK([for LC_MESSAGES], am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES, + [AC_TRY_LINK([#include ], [return LC_MESSAGES], + am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES=yes, am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES=no)]) + if test $am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES = yes; then + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LC_MESSAGES, 1, [Define if your locale.h file contains LC_MESSAGES]) + fi + fi]) + +dnl From Jim Meyering. +dnl FIXME: migrate into libit. + +AC_DEFUN([AM_FUNC_OBSTACK], +[AC_CACHE_CHECK([for obstacks], am_cv_func_obstack, + [AC_TRY_LINK([#include "obstack.h"], + [struct obstack *mem;obstack_free(mem,(char *) 0)], + am_cv_func_obstack=yes, + am_cv_func_obstack=no)]) + if test $am_cv_func_obstack = yes; then + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_OBSTACK) + else + LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS obstack.o" + fi +]) + +dnl From Jim Meyering. Use this if you use the GNU error.[ch]. +dnl FIXME: Migrate into libit + +AC_DEFUN([AM_FUNC_ERROR_AT_LINE], +[AC_CACHE_CHECK([for error_at_line], am_cv_lib_error_at_line, + [AC_TRY_LINK([],[error_at_line(0, 0, "", 0, "");], + am_cv_lib_error_at_line=yes, + am_cv_lib_error_at_line=no)]) + if test $am_cv_lib_error_at_line = no; then + LIBOBJS="$LIBOBJS error.o" + fi + AC_SUBST(LIBOBJS)dnl +]) + +# Macro to add for using GNU gettext. +# Ulrich Drepper , 1995. + +# serial 1 +# Stephan Kulow: I put a KDE in it to avoid name conflicts + +AC_DEFUN([AM_KDE_GNU_GETTEXT], + [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_MAKE_SET])dnl + AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_RANLIB])dnl + AC_REQUIRE([AC_HEADER_STDC])dnl + AC_REQUIRE([AC_TYPE_OFF_T])dnl + AC_REQUIRE([AC_TYPE_SIZE_T])dnl + AC_REQUIRE([AC_FUNC_ALLOCA])dnl + AC_REQUIRE([AC_FUNC_MMAP])dnl + AC_REQUIRE([AM_KDE_WITH_NLS])dnl + AC_CHECK_HEADERS([limits.h locale.h nl_types.h string.h values.h alloca.h]) + AC_CHECK_FUNCS([getcwd munmap putenv setlocale strchr strcasecmp \ +__argz_count __argz_stringify __argz_next]) + + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for stpcpy) + AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_func_stpcpy, + [ + kde_safe_cxxflags=$CXXFLAGS + CXXFLAGS="-Werror" + AC_LANG_SAVE + AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + AC_TRY_COMPILE([ + #include + ], + [ + char buffer[200]; + stpcpy(buffer, buffer); + ], + kde_cv_func_stpcpy=yes, + kde_cv_func_stpcpy=no) + AC_LANG_RESTORE + CXXFLAGS=$kde_safe_cxxflags + ]) + AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_cv_func_stpcpy) + if eval "test \"`echo $kde_cv_func_stpcpy`\" = yes"; then + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_STPCPY, 1, [Define if you have stpcpy]) + fi + + AM_LC_MESSAGES + + if test "x$CATOBJEXT" != "x"; then + if test "x$ALL_LINGUAS" = "x"; then + LINGUAS= + else + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for catalogs to be installed) + NEW_LINGUAS= + for lang in ${LINGUAS=$ALL_LINGUAS}; do + case "$ALL_LINGUAS" in + *$lang*) NEW_LINGUAS="$NEW_LINGUAS $lang" ;; + esac + done + LINGUAS=$NEW_LINGUAS + AC_MSG_RESULT($LINGUAS) + fi + + dnl Construct list of names of catalog files to be constructed. + if test -n "$LINGUAS"; then + for lang in $LINGUAS; do CATALOGS="$CATALOGS $lang$CATOBJEXT"; done + fi + fi + + ]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_HAVE_XPM], + [AC_REQUIRE_CPP()dnl + AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_EXTRA_LIBS]) + + test -z "$XPM_LDFLAGS" && XPM_LDFLAGS= + test -z "$XPM_INCLUDE" && XPM_INCLUDE= + + AC_ARG_WITH(xpm,AC_HELP_STRING([--without-xpm],[disable color pixmap XPM tests]), + xpm_test=$withval, xpm_test="yes") + if test "x$xpm_test" = xno; then + ac_cv_have_xpm=no + else + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for XPM) + AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_have_xpm, + [ + ac_save_ldflags="$LDFLAGS" + ac_save_cflags="$CFLAGS" + if test "x$kde_use_qt_emb" != "xyes" && test "x$kde_use_qt_mac" != "xyes"; then + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $X_LDFLAGS $USER_LDFLAGS $LDFLAGS $XPM_LDFLAGS $all_libraries -lXpm -lX11 -lXext $LIBZ $LIBSOCKET" + else + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $X_LDFLAGS $USER_LDFLAGS $LDFLAGS $XPM_LDFLAGS $all_libraries -lXpm $LIBZ $LIBSOCKET" + fi + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $X_INCLUDES $USER_INCLUDES" + test -n "$XPM_INCLUDE" && CFLAGS="-I$XPM_INCLUDE $CFLAGS" + AC_TRY_LINK([#include ],[], + ac_cv_have_xpm="yes",ac_cv_have_xpm="no") + LDFLAGS="$ac_save_ldflags" + CFLAGS="$ac_save_cflags" + ])dnl + + if test "$ac_cv_have_xpm" = no; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + XPM_LDFLAGS="" + XPMINC="" + $2 + else + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_XPM, 1, [Define if you have XPM support]) + if test "$XPM_LDFLAGS" = ""; then + XPMLIB='-lXpm $(LIB_X11)' + else + XPMLIB="-L$XPM_LDFLAGS -lXpm "'$(LIB_X11)' + fi + if test "$XPM_INCLUDE" = ""; then + XPMINC="" + else + XPMINC="-I$XPM_INCLUDE" + fi + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + $1 + fi + fi + AC_SUBST(XPMINC) + AC_SUBST(XPMLIB) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_HAVE_DPMS], + [AC_REQUIRE_CPP()dnl + AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_EXTRA_LIBS]) + + test -z "$DPMS_LDFLAGS" && DPMS_LDFLAGS= + test -z "$DPMS_INCLUDE" && DPMS_INCLUDE= + DPMS_LIB= + + AC_ARG_WITH(dpms,AC_HELP_STRING([--without-dpms],[disable DPMS power saving]), + dpms_test=$withval, dpms_test="yes") + if test "x$dpms_test" = xno; then + ac_cv_have_dpms=no + else + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for DPMS) + dnl Note: ac_cv_have_dpms can be no, yes, or -lXdpms. + dnl 'yes' means DPMS_LIB="", '-lXdpms' means DPMS_LIB="-lXdpms". + AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_have_dpms, + [ + if test "x$kde_use_qt_emb" = "xyes" || test "x$kde_use_qt_mac" = "xyes"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + ac_cv_have_dpms="no" + else + ac_save_ldflags="$LDFLAGS" + ac_save_cflags="$CFLAGS" + ac_save_libs="$LIBS" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $DPMS_LDFLAGS $all_libraries -lX11 -lXext $LIBSOCKET" + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $X_INCLUDES" + test -n "$DPMS_INCLUDE" && CFLAGS="-I$DPMS_INCLUDE $CFLAGS" + AC_TRY_LINK([ + #include + #include + #include + #include + int foo_test_dpms() + { return DPMSSetTimeouts( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); }],[], + ac_cv_have_dpms="yes", [ + LDFLAGS="$ac_save_ldflags" + CFLAGS="$ac_save_cflags" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $DPMS_LDFLAGS $all_libraries -lX11 -lXext $LIBSOCKET" + LIBS="$LIBS -lXdpms" + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $X_INCLUDES" + test -n "$DPMS_INCLUDE" && CFLAGS="-I$DPMS_INCLUDE $CFLAGS" + AC_TRY_LINK([ + #include + #include + #include + #include + int foo_test_dpms() + { return DPMSSetTimeouts( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); }],[], + [ + ac_cv_have_dpms="-lXdpms" + ],ac_cv_have_dpms="no") + ]) + LDFLAGS="$ac_save_ldflags" + CFLAGS="$ac_save_cflags" + LIBS="$ac_save_libs" + fi + ])dnl + + if test "$ac_cv_have_dpms" = no; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + DPMS_LDFLAGS="" + DPMSINC="" + $2 + else + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DPMS, 1, [Define if you have DPMS support]) + if test "$ac_cv_have_dpms" = "-lXdpms"; then + DPMS_LIB="-lXdpms" + fi + if test "$DPMS_LDFLAGS" = ""; then + DPMSLIB="$DPMS_LIB "'$(LIB_X11)' + else + DPMSLIB="$DPMS_LDFLAGS $DPMS_LIB "'$(LIB_X11)' + fi + if test "$DPMS_INCLUDE" = ""; then + DPMSINC="" + else + DPMSINC="-I$DPMS_INCLUDE" + fi + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + $1 + fi + fi + ac_save_cflags="$CFLAGS" + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $X_INCLUDES" + test -n "$DPMS_INCLUDE" && CFLAGS="-I$DPMS_INCLUDE $CFLAGS" + AH_TEMPLATE(HAVE_DPMSCAPABLE_PROTO, + [Define if you have the DPMSCapable prototype in ]) + AC_CHECK_DECL(DPMSCapable, + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DPMSCAPABLE_PROTO),, + [#include ]) + AH_TEMPLATE(HAVE_DPMSINFO_PROTO, + [Define if you have the DPMSInfo prototype in ]) + AC_CHECK_DECL(DPMSInfo, + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DPMSINFO_PROTO),, + [#include ]) + CFLAGS="$ac_save_cflags" + AC_SUBST(DPMSINC) + AC_SUBST(DPMSLIB) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_HAVE_GL], + [AC_REQUIRE_CPP()dnl + AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_EXTRA_LIBS]) + + test -z "$GL_LDFLAGS" && GL_LDFLAGS= + test -z "$GL_INCLUDE" && GL_INCLUDE= + + AC_ARG_WITH(gl,AC_HELP_STRING([--without-gl],[disable 3D GL modes]), + gl_test=$withval, gl_test="yes") + if test "x$kde_use_qt_emb" = "xyes"; then + # GL and Qt Embedded is a no-go for now. + ac_cv_have_gl=no + elif test "x$gl_test" = xno; then + ac_cv_have_gl=no + else + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for GL) + AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_have_gl, + [ + AC_LANG_SAVE + AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + ac_save_ldflags=$LDFLAGS + ac_save_cxxflags=$CXXFLAGS + ac_save_libs=$LIBS + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $GL_LDFLAGS $X_LDFLAGS $all_libraries" + LIBS="$LIBS -lGL -lGLU" + test "x$kde_use_qt_mac" != xyes && test "x$kde_use_qt_emb" != xyes && LIBS="$LIBS -lX11" + LIBS="$LIBS $LIB_XEXT -lm $LIBSOCKET" + CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS $X_INCLUDES" + test -n "$GL_INCLUDE" && CFLAGS="-I$GL_INCLUDE $CFLAGS" + AC_TRY_LINK([#include +#include +], [], + ac_cv_have_gl="yes", ac_cv_have_gl="no") + AC_LANG_RESTORE + LDFLAGS=$ac_save_ldflags + CXXFLAGS=$ac_save_cxxflags + LIBS=$ac_save_libs + ])dnl + + if test "$ac_cv_have_gl" = "no"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + GL_LDFLAGS="" + GLINC="" + $2 + else + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GL, 1, [Defines if you have GL (Mesa, OpenGL, ...)]) + if test "$GL_LDFLAGS" = ""; then + GLLIB='-lGLU -lGL $(LIB_X11)' + else + GLLIB="$GL_LDFLAGS -lGLU -lGL "'$(LIB_X11)' + fi + if test "$GL_INCLUDE" = ""; then + GLINC="" + else + GLINC="-I$GL_INCLUDE" + fi + AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_cv_have_gl) + $1 + fi + fi + AC_SUBST(GLINC) + AC_SUBST(GLLIB) +]) + + + dnl shadow password and PAM magic - maintained by + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_PAM], [ + AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_LIBDL]) + + want_pam= + AC_ARG_WITH(pam, + AC_HELP_STRING([--with-pam[=ARG]],[enable support for PAM: ARG=[yes|no|service name]]), + [ if test "x$withval" = "xyes"; then + want_pam=yes + pam_service=kde + elif test "x$withval" = "xno"; then + want_pam=no + else + want_pam=yes + pam_service=$withval + fi + ], [ pam_service=kde ]) + + use_pam= + PAMLIBS= + if test "x$want_pam" != xno; then + AC_CHECK_LIB(pam, pam_start, [ + AC_CHECK_HEADER(security/pam_appl.h, + [ pam_header=security/pam_appl.h ], + [ AC_CHECK_HEADER(pam/pam_appl.h, + [ pam_header=pam/pam_appl.h ], + [ + AC_MSG_WARN([PAM detected, but no headers found! +Make sure you have the necessary development packages installed.]) + ] + ) + ] + ) + ], , $LIBDL) + if test -z "$pam_header"; then + if test "x$want_pam" = xyes; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-pam was specified, but cannot compile with PAM!]) + fi + else + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_PAM, 1, [Defines if you have PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)]) + PAMLIBS="$PAM_MISC_LIB -lpam $LIBDL" + use_pam=yes + + dnl darwin claims to be something special + if test "$pam_header" = "pam/pam_appl.h"; then + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_PAM_PAM_APPL_H, 1, [Define if your PAM headers are in pam/ instead of security/]) + fi + + dnl test whether struct pam_message is const (Linux) or not (Sun) + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for const pam_message) + AC_EGREP_HEADER([struct pam_message], $pam_header, + [ AC_EGREP_HEADER([const struct pam_message], $pam_header, + [AC_MSG_RESULT([const: Linux-type PAM])], + [AC_MSG_RESULT([nonconst: Sun-type PAM]) + AC_DEFINE(PAM_MESSAGE_NONCONST, 1, [Define if your PAM support takes non-const arguments (Solaris)])] + )], + [AC_MSG_RESULT([not found - assume const, Linux-type PAM])]) + fi + fi + + AC_SUBST(PAMLIBS) +]) + +dnl DEF_PAM_SERVICE(arg name, full name, define name) +AC_DEFUN([DEF_PAM_SERVICE], [ + AC_ARG_WITH($1-pam, + AC_HELP_STRING([--with-$1-pam=[val]],[override PAM service from --with-pam for $2]), + [ if test "x$use_pam" = xyes; then + $3_PAM_SERVICE=$withval + else + AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot use use --with-$1-pam, as no PAM was detected. +You may want to enforce it by using --with-pam.]) + fi + ], + [ if test "x$use_pam" = xyes; then + $3_PAM_SERVICE="$pam_service" + fi + ]) + if test -n "$$3_PAM_SERVICE"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([The PAM service used by $2 will be $$3_PAM_SERVICE]) + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED($3_PAM_SERVICE, "$$3_PAM_SERVICE", [The PAM service to be used by $2]) + fi + AC_SUBST($3_PAM_SERVICE) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_SHADOWPASSWD], [ + AC_REQUIRE([KDE_PAM]) + + AC_CHECK_LIB(shadow, getspent, + [ LIBSHADOW="-lshadow" + ac_use_shadow=yes + ], + [ dnl for UnixWare + AC_CHECK_LIB(gen, getspent, + [ LIBGEN="-lgen" + ac_use_shadow=yes + ], + [ AC_CHECK_FUNC(getspent, + [ ac_use_shadow=yes ], + [ ac_use_shadow=no ]) + ]) + ]) + AC_SUBST(LIBSHADOW) + AC_SUBST(LIBGEN) + + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for shadow passwords]) + + AC_ARG_WITH(shadow, + AC_HELP_STRING([--with-shadow],[If you want shadow password support]), + [ if test "x$withval" != "xno"; then + use_shadow=yes + else + use_shadow=no + fi + ], [ + use_shadow="$ac_use_shadow" + ]) + + if test "x$use_shadow" = xyes; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SHADOW, 1, [Define if you use shadow passwords]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + LIBSHADOW= + LIBGEN= + fi + + dnl finally make the relevant binaries setuid root, if we have shadow passwds. + dnl this still applies, if we could use it indirectly through pam. + if test "x$use_shadow" = xyes || + ( test "x$use_pam" = xyes && test "x$ac_use_shadow" = xyes ); then + case $host in + *-*-freebsd* | *-*-netbsd* | *-*-openbsd*) + SETUIDFLAGS="-m 4755 -o root";; + *) + SETUIDFLAGS="-m 4755";; + esac + fi + AC_SUBST(SETUIDFLAGS) + +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_PASSWDLIBS], [ + AC_REQUIRE([KDE_MISC_TESTS]) dnl for LIBCRYPT + AC_REQUIRE([KDE_PAM]) + AC_REQUIRE([KDE_SHADOWPASSWD]) + + if test "x$use_pam" = "xyes"; then + PASSWDLIBS="$PAMLIBS" + else + PASSWDLIBS="$LIBCRYPT $LIBSHADOW $LIBGEN" + fi + + dnl FreeBSD uses a shadow-like setup, where /etc/passwd holds the users, but + dnl /etc/master.passwd holds the actual passwords. /etc/master.passwd requires + dnl root to read, so kcheckpass needs to be root (even when using pam, since pam + dnl may need to read /etc/master.passwd). + case $host in + *-*-freebsd*) + SETUIDFLAGS="-m 4755 -o root" + ;; + *) + ;; + esac + + AC_SUBST(PASSWDLIBS) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_LIBDL], +[ +AC_CHECK_LIB(dl, dlopen, [ +LIBDL="-ldl" +ac_cv_have_dlfcn=yes +]) + +AC_CHECK_LIB(dld, shl_unload, [ +LIBDL="-ldld" +ac_cv_have_shload=yes +]) + +AC_SUBST(LIBDL) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_DLOPEN], +[ +KDE_CHECK_LIBDL +AC_CHECK_HEADERS(dlfcn.h dl.h) +if test "$ac_cv_header_dlfcn_h" = "no"; then + ac_cv_have_dlfcn=no +fi + +if test "$ac_cv_header_dl_h" = "no"; then + ac_cv_have_shload=no +fi + +dnl XXX why change enable_dlopen? its already set by autoconf's AC_ARG_ENABLE +dnl (MM) +AC_ARG_ENABLE(dlopen, +AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-dlopen],[link statically [default=no]]), +enable_dlopen=$enableval, +enable_dlopen=yes) + +# override the user's opinion, if we know it better ;) +if test "$ac_cv_have_dlfcn" = "no" && test "$ac_cv_have_shload" = "no"; then + enable_dlopen=no +fi + +if test "$ac_cv_have_dlfcn" = "yes"; then + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_DLFCN, 1, [Define if you have dlfcn]) +fi + +if test "$ac_cv_have_shload" = "yes"; then + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_SHLOAD, 1, [Define if you have shload]) +fi + +if test "$enable_dlopen" = no ; then + test -n "$1" && eval $1 +else + test -n "$2" && eval $2 +fi + +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_DYNAMIC_LOADING], +[ +KDE_CHECK_DLOPEN(libtool_enable_shared=yes, libtool_enable_static=no) +KDE_PROG_LIBTOOL +AC_MSG_CHECKING([dynamic loading]) +eval "`egrep '^build_libtool_libs=' libtool`" +if test "$build_libtool_libs" = "yes" && test "$enable_dlopen" = "yes"; then + dynamic_loading=yes + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_DYNAMIC_LOADING) +else + dynamic_loading=no +fi +AC_MSG_RESULT($dynamic_loading) +if test "$dynamic_loading" = "yes"; then + $1 +else + $2 +fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_ADD_INCLUDES], +[ +if test -z "$1"; then + test_include="Pix.h" +else + test_include="$1" +fi + +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for libg++ ($test_include)]) + +AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_libgpp_includes, +[ +kde_cv_libgpp_includes=no + + for ac_dir in \ + \ + /usr/include/g++ \ + /usr/include \ + /usr/unsupported/include \ + /opt/include \ + $extra_include \ + ; \ + do + if test -r "$ac_dir/$test_include"; then + kde_cv_libgpp_includes=$ac_dir + break + fi + done +]) + +AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_cv_libgpp_includes) +if test "$kde_cv_libgpp_includes" != "no"; then + all_includes="-I$kde_cv_libgpp_includes $all_includes $USER_INCLUDES" +fi +]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_LIBPTHREAD], +[ + dnl This code is here specifically to handle the + dnl various flavors of threading library on FreeBSD + dnl 4-, 5-, and 6-, and the (weird) rules around it. + dnl There may be an environment PTHREAD_LIBS that + dnl specifies what to use; otherwise, search for it. + dnl -pthread is special cased and unsets LIBPTHREAD + dnl below if found. + LIBPTHREAD="" + + if test -n "$PTHREAD_LIBS"; then + if test "x$PTHREAD_LIBS" = "x-pthread" ; then + LIBPTHREAD="PTHREAD" + else + PTHREAD_LIBS_save="$PTHREAD_LIBS" + PTHREAD_LIBS=`echo "$PTHREAD_LIBS_save" | sed -e 's,^-l,,g'` + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for pthread_create in $PTHREAD_LIBS]) + KDE_CHECK_LIB($PTHREAD_LIBS, pthread_create, [ + LIBPTHREAD="$PTHREAD_LIBS_save"]) + PTHREAD_LIBS="$PTHREAD_LIBS_save" + fi + fi + + dnl Is this test really needed, in the face of the Tru64 test below? + if test -z "$LIBPTHREAD"; then + AC_CHECK_LIB(pthread, pthread_create, [LIBPTHREAD="-lpthread"]) + fi + + dnl This is a special Tru64 check, see BR 76171 issue #18. + if test -z "$LIBPTHREAD" ; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for pthread_create in -lpthread]) + kde_safe_libs=$LIBS + LIBS="$LIBS -lpthread" + AC_TRY_LINK([#include ],[(void)pthread_create(0,0,0,0);],[ + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + LIBPTHREAD="-lpthread"],[ + AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]) + LIBS=$kde_safe_libs + fi + + dnl Un-special-case for FreeBSD. + if test "x$LIBPTHREAD" = "xPTHREAD" ; then + LIBPTHREAD="" + fi + + AC_SUBST(LIBPTHREAD) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_PTHREAD_OPTION], +[ + USE_THREADS="" + if test -z "$LIBPTHREAD"; then + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(pthread, [USE_THREADS="-D_THREAD_SAFE -pthread"]) + fi + + AH_VERBATIM(__svr_define, [ +#if defined(__SVR4) && !defined(__svr4__) +#define __svr4__ 1 +#endif +]) + case $host_os in + solaris*) + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(mt, [USE_THREADS="-mt"]) + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -D_REENTRANT -D_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS -DUSE_SOLARIS -DSVR4" + ;; + freebsd*) + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -D_THREAD_SAFE $PTHREAD_CFLAGS" + ;; + aix*) + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -D_THREAD_SAFE" + LIBPTHREAD="$LIBPTHREAD -lc_r" + ;; + linux*) CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -D_REENTRANT" + if test "$CXX" = "KCC"; then + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS --thread_safe" + NOOPT_CXXFLAGS="$NOOPT_CXXFLAGS --thread_safe" + fi + ;; + *) + ;; + esac + AC_SUBST(USE_THREADS) + AC_SUBST(LIBPTHREAD) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_THREADING], +[ + AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_LIBPTHREAD]) + AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_PTHREAD_OPTION]) + dnl default is yes if libpthread is found and no if no libpthread is available + if test -z "$LIBPTHREAD"; then + if test -z "$USE_THREADS"; then + kde_check_threading_default=no + else + kde_check_threading_default=yes + fi + else + kde_check_threading_default=yes + fi + AC_ARG_ENABLE(threading,AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-threading],[disables threading even if libpthread found]), + kde_use_threading=$enableval, kde_use_threading=$kde_check_threading_default) + if test "x$kde_use_threading" = "xyes"; then + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LIBPTHREAD, 1, [Define if you have a working libpthread (will enable threaded code)]) + fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_TRY_LINK_PYTHON], +[ +if test "$kde_python_link_found" = no; then + +if test "$1" = normal; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING(if a Python application links) +else + AC_MSG_CHECKING(if Python depends on $2) +fi + +AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_try_link_python_$1, +[ +kde_save_cflags="$CFLAGS" +CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $PYTHONINC" +kde_save_libs="$LIBS" +LIBS="$LIBS $LIBPYTHON $2 $LIBDL $LIBSOCKET" +kde_save_ldflags="$LDFLAGS" +LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $PYTHONLIB" + +AC_TRY_LINK( +[ +#include +],[ + PySys_SetArgv(1, 0); +], + [kde_cv_try_link_python_$1=yes], + [kde_cv_try_link_python_$1=no] +) +CFLAGS="$kde_save_cflags" +LIBS="$kde_save_libs" +LDFLAGS="$kde_save_ldflags" +]) + +if test "$kde_cv_try_link_python_$1" = "yes"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + kde_python_link_found=yes + if test ! "$1" = normal; then + LIBPYTHON="$LIBPYTHON $2" + fi + $3 +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + $4 +fi + +fi + +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_PYTHON_DIR], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Python directory]) + +AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_pythondir, +[ + if test -z "$PYTHONDIR"; then + kde_cv_pythondir=/usr/local + else + kde_cv_pythondir="$PYTHONDIR" + fi +]) + +AC_ARG_WITH(pythondir, +AC_HELP_STRING([--with-pythondir=pythondir],[use python installed in pythondir]), +[ + ac_python_dir=$withval +], ac_python_dir=$kde_cv_pythondir +) + +AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_python_dir) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_PYTHON_INTERN], +[ +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_LIBDL]) +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_LIBPTHREAD]) +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_PYTHON_DIR]) + +if test -z "$1"; then + version="1.5" +else + version="$1" +fi + +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Python$version]) + +python_incdirs="$ac_python_dir/include /usr/include /usr/local/include/ $kde_extra_includes" +AC_FIND_FILE(Python.h, $python_incdirs, python_incdir) +if test ! -r $python_incdir/Python.h; then + AC_FIND_FILE(python$version/Python.h, $python_incdirs, python_incdir) + python_incdir=$python_incdir/python$version + if test ! -r $python_incdir/Python.h; then + python_incdir=no + fi +fi + +PYTHONINC=-I$python_incdir + +python_libdirs="$ac_python_dir/lib$kdelibsuff /usr/lib$kdelibsuff /usr/local /usr/lib$kdelibsuff $kde_extra_libs" +AC_FIND_FILE(libpython$, $python_libdirs, python_libdir) +if test ! -r $python_libdir/libpython$; then + AC_FIND_FILE(libpython$version.a, $python_libdirs, python_libdir) + if test ! -r $python_libdir/libpython$version.a; then + AC_FIND_FILE(python$version/config/libpython$version.a, $python_libdirs, python_libdir) + python_libdir=$python_libdir/python$version/config + if test ! -r $python_libdir/libpython$version.a; then + python_libdir=no + fi + fi +fi + +PYTHONLIB=-L$python_libdir +kde_orig_LIBPYTHON=$LIBPYTHON +if test -z "$LIBPYTHON"; then + LIBPYTHON=-lpython$version +fi + +AC_FIND_FILE(python$version/, $python_libdirs, python_moddir) +python_moddir=$python_moddir/python$version +if test ! -r $python_moddir/; then + python_moddir=no +fi + +PYTHONMODDIR=$python_moddir + +AC_MSG_RESULT(header $python_incdir library $python_libdir modules $python_moddir) + +if test x$python_incdir = xno || test x$python_libdir = xno || test x$python_moddir = xno; then + LIBPYTHON=$kde_orig_LIBPYTHON + test "x$PYTHONLIB" = "x-Lno" && PYTHONLIB="" + test "x$PYTHONINC" = "x-Ino" && PYTHONINC="" + $2 +else + dnl Note: this test is very weak + kde_python_link_found=no + KDE_TRY_LINK_PYTHON(normal) + KDE_TRY_LINK_PYTHON(m, -lm) + KDE_TRY_LINK_PYTHON(pthread, $LIBPTHREAD) + KDE_TRY_LINK_PYTHON(tcl, -ltcl) + KDE_TRY_LINK_PYTHON(db2, -ldb2) + KDE_TRY_LINK_PYTHON(m_and_thread, [$LIBPTHREAD -lm]) + KDE_TRY_LINK_PYTHON(m_and_thread_and_util, [$LIBPTHREAD -lm -lutil]) + KDE_TRY_LINK_PYTHON(m_and_thread_and_db3, [$LIBPTHREAD -lm -ldb-3 -lutil]) + KDE_TRY_LINK_PYTHON(pthread_and_db3, [$LIBPTHREAD -ldb-3]) + KDE_TRY_LINK_PYTHON(m_and_thread_and_db, [$LIBPTHREAD -lm -ldb -ltermcap -lutil]) + KDE_TRY_LINK_PYTHON(pthread_and_dl, [$LIBPTHREAD $LIBDL -lutil -lreadline -lncurses -lm]) + KDE_TRY_LINK_PYTHON(pthread_and_panel_curses, [$LIBPTHREAD $LIBDL -lm -lpanel -lcurses]) + KDE_TRY_LINK_PYTHON(m_and_thread_and_db_special, [$LIBPTHREAD -lm -ldb -lutil], [], + [AC_MSG_WARN([it seems, Python depends on another library. + Please set LIBPYTHON to '-lpython$version -lotherlib' before calling configure to fix this + and contact the authors to let them know about this problem]) + ]) + + LIBPYTHON="$LIBPYTHON $LIBDL $LIBSOCKET" + AC_SUBST(PYTHONINC) + AC_SUBST(PYTHONLIB) + AC_SUBST(LIBPYTHON) + AC_SUBST(PYTHONMODDIR) + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_PYTHON, 1, [Define if you have the development files for python]) +fi + +]) + + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_PYTHON], +[ + KDE_CHECK_PYTHON_INTERN("2.4", + [KDE_CHECK_PYTHON_INTERN("2.3", + [KDE_CHECK_PYTHON_INTERN("2.2", + [KDE_CHECK_PYTHON_INTERN("2.1", + [KDE_CHECK_PYTHON_INTERN("2.0", + [KDE_CHECK_PYTHON_INTERN($1, $2) ]) + ]) + ]) + ]) + ]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_STL], +[ + AC_LANG_SAVE + AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + ac_save_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="`echo $CXXFLAGS | sed s/-fno-exceptions//`" + + AC_MSG_CHECKING([if C++ programs can be compiled]) + AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_stl_works, + [ + AC_TRY_COMPILE([ +#include +using namespace std; +],[ + string astring="Hallo Welt."; + astring.erase(0, 6); // now astring is "Welt" + return 0; +], kde_cv_stl_works=yes, + kde_cv_stl_works=no) +]) + + AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_cv_stl_works) + + if test "$kde_cv_stl_works" = "yes"; then + # back compatible + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_SGI_STL, 1, [Define if you have a STL implementation by SGI]) + else + AC_MSG_ERROR([Your Installation isn't able to compile simple C++ programs. +Check config.log for details - if you're using a Linux distribution you might miss +a package named similar to libstdc++-dev.]) + fi + + CXXFLAGS="$ac_save_CXXFLAGS" + AC_LANG_RESTORE +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_FIND_QIMGIO], + [AC_REQUIRE([AC_FIND_JPEG]) +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_EXTRA_LIBS]) +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for qimgio]) +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_lib_qimgio, +[ +AC_LANG_SAVE +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS +ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS" +ac_save_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" +LIBS="$all_libraries -lqimgio -lpng -lz $LIBJPEG $LIBQT" +CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$qt_incdir $all_includes" +AC_TRY_RUN(dnl +[ +#include +#include +int main() { + QString t = "hallo"; + t.fill('t'); + qInitImageIO(); +} +], + ac_cv_lib_qimgio=yes, + ac_cv_lib_qimgio=no, + ac_cv_lib_qimgio=no) +LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS" +CXXFLAGS="$ac_save_CXXFLAGS" +AC_LANG_RESTORE +])dnl +if eval "test \"`echo $ac_cv_lib_qimgio`\" = yes"; then + LIBQIMGIO="-lqimgio -lpng -lz $LIBJPEG" + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_QIMGIO, 1, [Define if you have the Qt extension qimgio available]) + AC_SUBST(LIBQIMGIO) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(not found) +fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AM_DISABLE_LIBRARIES], +[ + AC_PROVIDE([AM_ENABLE_STATIC]) + AC_PROVIDE([AM_ENABLE_SHARED]) + enable_static=no + enable_shared=yes +]) + + +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_UTMP_FILE], +[ + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for utmp file]) + + AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_utmp_file, + [ + kde_cv_utmp_file=no + + for ac_file in \ + \ + /var/run/utmp \ + /var/adm/utmp \ + /etc/utmp \ + ; \ + do + if test -r "$ac_file"; then + kde_cv_utmp_file=$ac_file + break + fi + done + ]) + + if test "$kde_cv_utmp_file" != "no"; then + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(UTMP, "$kde_cv_utmp_file", [Define the file for utmp entries]) + $1 + AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_cv_utmp_file) + else + $2 + AC_MSG_RESULT([non found]) + fi +]) + + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CREATE_SUBDIRSLIST], +[ + +DO_NOT_COMPILE="$DO_NOT_COMPILE CVS debian bsd-port admin" +TOPSUBDIRS="" + +if test ! -s $srcdir/subdirs; then + dnl Note: Makefile.common creates subdirs, so this is just a fallback + files=`cd $srcdir && ls -1` + dirs=`for i in $files; do if test -d $i; then echo $i; fi; done` + for i in $dirs; do + echo $i >> $srcdir/subdirs + done +fi + +ac_topsubdirs= +if test -s $srcdir/inst-apps; then + ac_topsubdirs="`cat $srcdir/inst-apps`" +elif test -s $srcdir/subdirs; then + ac_topsubdirs="`cat $srcdir/subdirs`" +fi + +for i in $ac_topsubdirs; do + AC_MSG_CHECKING([if $i should be compiled]) + if test -d $srcdir/$i; then + install_it="yes" + for j in $DO_NOT_COMPILE; do + if test $i = $j; then + install_it="no" + fi + done + else + install_it="no" + fi + AC_MSG_RESULT($install_it) + vari=`echo $i | sed -e 's,[[-+.@]],_,g'` + if test $install_it = "yes"; then + TOPSUBDIRS="$TOPSUBDIRS $i" + eval "$vari""_SUBDIR_included=yes" + else + eval "$vari""_SUBDIR_included=no" + fi +done + +AC_SUBST(TOPSUBDIRS) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_NAMESPACES], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING(whether C++ compiler supports namespaces) +AC_LANG_SAVE +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS +AC_TRY_COMPILE([ +], +[ +namespace Foo { + extern int i; + namespace Bar { + extern int i; + } +} + +int Foo::i = 0; +int Foo::Bar::i = 1; +],[ + AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_NAMESPACES) +], [ +AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +]) +AC_LANG_RESTORE +]) + +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl Check for S_ISSOCK macro. Doesn't exist on Unix SCO. +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_S_ISSOCK], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for S_ISSOCK) +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_have_s_issock, +[ +AC_TRY_LINK( +[ +#include +], +[ +struct stat buff; +int b = S_ISSOCK( buff.st_mode ); +], +ac_cv_have_s_issock=yes, +ac_cv_have_s_issock=no) +]) +AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_cv_have_s_issock) +if test "$ac_cv_have_s_issock" = "yes"; then + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_S_ISSOCK, 1, [Define if sys/stat.h declares S_ISSOCK.]) +fi + +AH_VERBATIM(_ISSOCK, +[ +#ifndef HAVE_S_ISSOCK +#define HAVE_S_ISSOCK +#define S_ISSOCK(mode) (1==0) +#endif +]) + +]) + +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl Check for MAXPATHLEN macro, defines KDEMAXPATHLEN. +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_KDEMAXPATHLEN], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for MAXPATHLEN) +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_maxpathlen, +[ +cat > conftest.$ac_ext < +#endif +#include +#include +#ifndef MAXPATHLEN +#define MAXPATHLEN 1024 +#endif + +KDE_HELLO MAXPATHLEN + +EOF + +ac_try="$ac_cpp conftest.$ac_ext 2>/dev/null | grep '^KDE_HELLO' >conftest.out" + +if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_try) && test -s conftest.out; then + ac_cv_maxpathlen=`sed 's#KDE_HELLO ##' conftest.out` +else + ac_cv_maxpathlen=1024 +fi + +rm conftest.* + +]) +AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_cv_maxpathlen) +AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(KDEMAXPATHLEN,$ac_cv_maxpathlen, [Define a safe value for MAXPATHLEN] ) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_HEADER], +[ + kde_safe_cppflags=$CPPFLAGS + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $all_includes" + AC_LANG_SAVE + AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + AC_CHECK_HEADER([$1], [$2], [$3], [$4]) + AC_LANG_RESTORE + CPPFLAGS=$kde_safe_cppflags +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_HEADERS], +[ + AH_CHECK_HEADERS([$1]) + AC_LANG_SAVE + kde_safe_cppflags=$CPPFLAGS + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $all_includes" + AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + AC_CHECK_HEADERS([$1], [$2], [$3], [$4]) + CPPFLAGS=$kde_safe_cppflags + AC_LANG_RESTORE +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_FAST_CONFIGURE], +[ + dnl makes configure fast (needs perl) + AC_ARG_ENABLE(fast-perl, AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-fast-perl],[disable fast Makefile generation (needs perl)]), + with_fast_perl=$enableval, with_fast_perl=yes) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CONF_FILES], +[ + val= + if test -f $srcdir/configure.files ; then + val=`sed -e 's%^%\$(top_srcdir)/%' $srcdir/configure.files` + fi + CONF_FILES= + if test -n "$val" ; then + for i in $val ; do + CONF_FILES="$CONF_FILES $i" + done + fi + AC_SUBST(CONF_FILES) +])dnl + +dnl This sets the prefix, for arts and kdelibs +dnl Do NOT use in any other module. +dnl It only looks at --prefix, KDEDIR and falls back to /usr/local/kde +AC_DEFUN([KDE_SET_PREFIX_CORE], +[ + unset CDPATH + dnl make $KDEDIR the default for the installation + AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT(${KDEDIR:-/usr/local/kde}) + + if test "x$prefix" = "xNONE"; then + prefix=$ac_default_prefix + ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args --prefix=$prefix" + fi + # And delete superfluous '/' to make compares easier + prefix=`echo "$prefix" | sed 's,//*,/,g' | sed -e 's,/$,,'` + exec_prefix=`echo "$exec_prefix" | sed 's,//*,/,g' | sed -e 's,/$,,'` + + kde_libs_prefix='$(prefix)' + kde_libs_htmldir='$(kde_htmldir)' + AC_SUBST(kde_libs_prefix) + AC_SUBST(kde_libs_htmldir) + KDE_FAST_CONFIGURE + KDE_CONF_FILES +]) + + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_SET_PREFIX], +[ + unset CDPATH + dnl We can't give real code to that macro, only a value. + dnl It only matters for --help, since we set the prefix in this function anyway. + AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT(${KDEDIR:-the kde prefix}) + + KDE_SET_DEFAULT_BINDIRS + if test "x$prefix" = "xNONE"; then + dnl no prefix given: look for kde-config in the PATH and deduce the prefix from it + KDE_FIND_PATH(kde-config, KDECONFIG, [$kde_default_bindirs], [KDE_MISSING_PROG_ERROR(kde-config)], [], prepend) + else + dnl prefix given: look for kde-config, preferrably in prefix, otherwise in PATH + kde_save_PATH="$PATH" + PATH="$exec_prefix/bin:$prefix/bin:$PATH" + KDE_FIND_PATH(kde-config, KDECONFIG, [$kde_default_bindirs], [KDE_MISSING_PROG_ERROR(kde-config)], [], prepend) + PATH="$kde_save_PATH" + fi + + kde_libs_prefix=`$KDECONFIG --prefix` + if test -z "$kde_libs_prefix" || test ! -x "$kde_libs_prefix"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([$KDECONFIG --prefix outputed the non existant prefix '$kde_libs_prefix' for kdelibs. + This means it has been moved since you installed it. + This won't work. Please recompile kdelibs for the new prefix. + ]) + fi + kde_libs_htmldir=`$KDECONFIG --install html --expandvars` + kde_libs_suffix=`$KDECONFIG --libsuffix` + + AC_MSG_CHECKING([where to install]) + if test "x$prefix" = "xNONE"; then + prefix=$kde_libs_prefix + AC_MSG_RESULT([$prefix (as returned by kde-config)]) + else + dnl --prefix was given. Compare prefixes and warn (in if different + given_prefix=$prefix + AC_MSG_RESULT([$prefix (as requested)]) + fi + + # And delete superfluous '/' to make compares easier + prefix=`echo "$prefix" | sed 's,//*,/,g' | sed -e 's,/$,,'` + exec_prefix=`echo "$exec_prefix" | sed 's,//*,/,g' | sed -e 's,/$,,'` + given_prefix=`echo "$given_prefix" | sed 's,//*,/,g' | sed -e 's,/$,,'` + + AC_SUBST(KDECONFIG) + AC_SUBST(kde_libs_prefix) + AC_SUBST(kde_libs_htmldir) + + KDE_FAST_CONFIGURE + KDE_CONF_FILES +]) + +pushdef([AC_PROG_INSTALL], +[ + dnl our own version, testing for a -p flag + popdef([AC_PROG_INSTALL]) + dnl as AC_PROG_INSTALL works as it works we first have + dnl to save if the user didn't specify INSTALL, as the + dnl autoconf one overwrites INSTALL and we have no chance to find + dnl out afterwards + test -n "$INSTALL" && kde_save_INSTALL_given=$INSTALL + test -n "$INSTALL_PROGRAM" && kde_save_INSTALL_PROGRAM_given=$INSTALL_PROGRAM + test -n "$INSTALL_SCRIPT" && kde_save_INSTALL_SCRIPT_given=$INSTALL_SCRIPT + AC_PROG_INSTALL + + if test -z "$kde_save_INSTALL_given" ; then + # OK, user hasn't given any INSTALL, autoconf found one for us + # now we test, if it supports the -p flag + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for -p flag to install) + rm -f confinst.$$.* > /dev/null 2>&1 + echo "Testtest" > confinst.$$.orig + ac_res=no + if ${INSTALL} -p confinst.$$.orig confinst.$$.new > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then + if test -f confinst.$$.new ; then + # OK, -p seems to do no harm to install + INSTALL="${INSTALL} -p" + ac_res=yes + fi + fi + rm -f confinst.$$.* + AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_res) + fi + dnl the following tries to resolve some signs and wonders coming up + dnl with different autoconf/automake versions + dnl e.g.: + dnl *automake 1.4 install-strip sets A_M_INSTALL_PROGRAM_FLAGS to -s + dnl and has INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ $(A_M_INSTALL_PROGRAM_FLAGS) + dnl it, so there the actual INSTALL_PROGRAM gets the -s + dnl *automake 1.4a (and above) use INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG and only has + dnl INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ there, but changes the + dnl install-@DIR@PROGRAMS targets to explicitly use that flag + dnl *autoconf 2.13 is dumb, and thinks it can use INSTALL_PROGRAM as + dnl INSTALL_SCRIPT, which breaks with automake <= 1.4 + dnl *autoconf >2.13 (since 10.Apr 1999) has not that failure + dnl *sometimes KDE does not use the install-@DIR@PROGRAM targets from + dnl automake (due to broken or whatever) to install programs, + dnl and so does not see the -s flag in automake > 1.4 + dnl to clean up that mess we: + dnl +set INSTALL_PROGRAM to use INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG + dnl which cleans KDE's program with automake > 1.4; + dnl +set INSTALL_SCRIPT to only use INSTALL, to clean up autoconf's problems + dnl with automake<=1.4 + dnl note that dues to this sometimes two '-s' flags are used (if KDE + dnl properly uses install-@DIR@PROGRAMS, but I don't care + dnl + dnl And to all this comes, that I even can't write in comments variable + dnl names used by automake, because it is so stupid to think I wanted to + dnl _use_ them, therefor I have written A_M_... instead of AM_ + dnl hmm, I wanted to say something ... ahh yes: Arghhh. + + if test -z "$kde_save_INSTALL_PROGRAM_given" ; then + INSTALL_PROGRAM='${INSTALL} $(INSTALL_STRIP_FLAG)' + fi + if test -z "$kde_save_INSTALL_SCRIPT_given" ; then + INSTALL_SCRIPT='${INSTALL}' + fi +])dnl + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_LANG_CPLUSPLUS], +[AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS +ac_link='rm -rf SunWS_cache; ${CXX-g++} -o conftest${ac_exeext} $CXXFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.$ac_ext $LIBS 1>&AC_FD_CC' +pushdef([AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS], [popdef([AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS]) KDE_LANG_CPLUSPLUS]) +]) + +pushdef([AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS], +[popdef([AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS]) +KDE_LANG_CPLUSPLUS +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_LONG_LONG], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for long long) +AC_CACHE_VAL(kde_cv_c_long_long, +[ + AC_LANG_SAVE + AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + AC_TRY_LINK([], [ + long long foo = 0; + foo = foo+1; + ], + kde_cv_c_long_long=yes, kde_cv_c_long_long=no) + AC_LANG_RESTORE +]) +AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_cv_c_long_long) +if test "$kde_cv_c_long_long" = yes; then + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LONG_LONG, 1, [Define if you have long long as datatype]) +fi +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_LIB], +[ + kde_save_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" + dnl AC_CHECK_LIB modifies LIBS, so save it here + kde_save_LIBS="$LIBS" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $all_libraries" + case $host_os in + aix*) LDFLAGS="-brtl $LDFLAGS" + test "$GCC" = yes && LDFLAGS="-Wl,$LDFLAGS" + ;; + esac + AC_CHECK_LIB($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) + LDFLAGS="$kde_save_LDFLAGS" + LIBS="$kde_save_LIBS" +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_JAVA_PREFIX], +[ + dir=`dirname "$1"` + base=`basename "$1"` + list=`ls -1 $dir 2> /dev/null` + for entry in $list; do + if test -d $dir/$entry/bin; then + case $entry in + $base) + javadirs="$javadirs $dir/$entry/bin" + ;; + esac + elif test -d $dir/$entry/jre/bin; then + case $entry in + $base) + javadirs="$javadirs $dir/$entry/jre/bin" + ;; + esac + fi + done +]) + +dnl KDE_CHEC_JAVA_DIR(onlyjre) +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_JAVA_DIR], +[ + +AC_ARG_WITH(java, +AC_HELP_STRING([--with-java=javadir],[use java installed in javadir, --without-java disables]), +[ ac_java_dir=$withval +], ac_java_dir="" +) + +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Java]) + +dnl at this point ac_java_dir is either a dir, 'no' to disable, or '' to say look in $PATH +if test "x$ac_java_dir" = "xno"; then + kde_java_bindir=no + kde_java_includedir=no + kde_java_libjvmdir=no + kde_java_libgcjdir=no + kde_java_libhpidir=no +else + if test "x$ac_java_dir" = "x"; then + + + dnl No option set -> collect list of candidate paths + if test -n "$JAVA_HOME"; then + KDE_JAVA_PREFIX($JAVA_HOME) + fi + KDE_JAVA_PREFIX(/usr/j2se) + KDE_JAVA_PREFIX(/usr/lib/j2se) + KDE_JAVA_PREFIX(/usr/j*dk*) + KDE_JAVA_PREFIX(/usr/lib/j*dk*) + KDE_JAVA_PREFIX(/opt/j*sdk*) + KDE_JAVA_PREFIX(/usr/lib/java*) + KDE_JAVA_PREFIX(/usr/java*) + KDE_JAVA_PREFIX(/usr/java/j*dk*) + KDE_JAVA_PREFIX(/usr/java/j*re*) + KDE_JAVA_PREFIX(/usr/lib/SunJava2*) + KDE_JAVA_PREFIX(/usr/lib/SunJava*) + KDE_JAVA_PREFIX(/usr/lib/IBMJava2*) + KDE_JAVA_PREFIX(/usr/lib/IBMJava*) + KDE_JAVA_PREFIX(/opt/java*) + + kde_cv_path="NONE" + kde_save_IFS=$IFS + IFS=':' + for dir in $PATH; do + if test -d "$dir"; then + javadirs="$javadirs $dir" + fi + done + IFS=$kde_save_IFS + jredirs= + + dnl Now javadirs contains a list of paths that exist, all ending with bin/ + for dir in $javadirs; do + dnl Check for the java executable + if test -x "$dir/java"; then + dnl And also check for a somewhere under there + dnl Since we have to go to the parent dir, /usr/bin is excluded, /usr is too big. + if test "$dir" != "/usr/bin"; then + libjvmdir=`find $dir/.. -name | sed 's,,,'|head -n 1` + if test ! -f $libjvmdir/; then continue; fi + jredirs="$jredirs $dir" + fi + fi + done + + dnl Now jredirs contains a reduced list, of paths where both java and ../**/ was found + JAVAC= + JAVA= + kde_java_bindir=no + for dir in $jredirs; do + JAVA="$dir/java" + kde_java_bindir=$dir + if test -x "$dir/javac"; then + JAVAC="$dir/javac" + break + fi + done + + if test -n "$JAVAC"; then + dnl this substitution might not work - well, we test for jni.h below + kde_java_includedir=`echo $JAVAC | sed -e 's,bin/javac$,include/,'` + else + kde_java_includedir=no + fi + else + dnl config option set + kde_java_bindir=$ac_java_dir/bin + if test -x $ac_java_dir/bin/java && test ! -x $ac_java_dir/bin/javac; then + kde_java_includedir=no + else + kde_java_includedir=$ac_java_dir/include + fi + fi +fi + +dnl At this point kde_java_bindir and kde_java_includedir are either set or "no" +if test "x$kde_java_bindir" != "xno"; then + + dnl Look for + kde_java_libjvmdir=`find $kde_java_bindir/.. -name | sed 's,,,'|head -n 1` + dnl Look for + kde_java_libgcjdir=`find $kde_java_bindir/.. -name | sed 's,,,'|head -n 1` + dnl Look for and avoid green threads + kde_java_libhpidir=`find $kde_java_bindir/.. -name | grep -v green | sed 's,,,' | head -n 1` + + dnl Now check everything's fine under there + dnl the include dir is our flag for having the JDK + if test -d "$kde_java_includedir"; then + if test ! -x "$kde_java_bindir/javac"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([javac not found under $kde_java_bindir - it seems you passed a wrong --with-java.]) + fi + if test ! -x "$kde_java_bindir/javah"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([javah not found under $kde_java_bindir. javac was found though! Use --with-java or --without-java.]) + fi + if test ! -x "$kde_java_bindir/jar"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([jar not found under $kde_java_bindir. javac was found though! Use --with-java or --without-java.]) + fi + if test ! -r "$kde_java_includedir/jni.h"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([jni.h not found under $kde_java_includedir. Use --with-java or --without-java.]) + fi + + jni_includes="-I$kde_java_includedir" + dnl Strange thing, jni.h requires jni_md.h which is under genunix here.. + dnl and under linux here.. + + dnl not needed for gcj + + if test "x$kde_java_libgcjdir" = "x"; then + test -d "$kde_java_includedir/linux" && jni_includes="$jni_includes -I$kde_java_includedir/linux" + test -d "$kde_java_includedir/solaris" && jni_includes="$jni_includes -I$kde_java_includedir/solaris" + test -d "$kde_java_includedir/genunix" && jni_includes="$jni_includes -I$kde_java_includedir/genunix" + fi + + else + JAVAC= + jni_includes= + fi + + if test "x$kde_java_libgcjdir" = "x"; then + if test ! -r "$kde_java_libjvmdir/"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([ not found under $kde_java_libjvmdir. Use --without-java.]) + fi + else + if test ! -r "$kde_java_libgcjdir/"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([ not found under $kde_java_libgcjdir. Use --without-java.]) + fi + fi + + if test ! -x "$kde_java_bindir/java"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([java not found under $kde_java_bindir. javac was found though! Use --with-java or --without-java.]) + fi + + dnl not needed for gcj compile + + if test "x$kde_java_libgcjdir" = "x"; then + if test ! -r "$kde_java_libhpidir/"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([ not found under $kde_java_libhpidir. Use --without-java.]) + fi + fi + + if test -n "$jni_includes"; then + dnl Check for JNI version + AC_LANG_SAVE + AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + ac_cxxflags_safe="$CXXFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $all_includes $jni_includes" + + AC_TRY_COMPILE([ + #include + ], + [ + #ifndef JNI_VERSION_1_2 + Syntax Error + #endif + ],[ kde_jni_works=yes ], + [ kde_jni_works=no ]) + + if test $kde_jni_works = no; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Incorrect version of $kde_java_includedir/jni.h. + You need to have Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.2. + + Use --with-java to specify another location. + Use --without-java to configure without java support. + Or download a newer JDK and try again. + See e.g. ]) + fi + + CXXFLAGS="$ac_cxxflags_safe" + AC_LANG_RESTORE + + dnl All tests ok, inform and subst the variables + + JAVAC=$kde_java_bindir/javac + JAVAH=$kde_java_bindir/javah + JAR=$kde_java_bindir/jar + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_JAVA, "$kde_java_bindir/java", [Define where your java executable is]) + if test "x$kde_java_libgcjdir" = "x"; then + JVMLIBS="-L$kde_java_libjvmdir -ljvm -L$kde_java_libhpidir -lhpi" + else + JVMLIBS="-L$kde_java_libgcjdir -lgcj" + fi + AC_MSG_RESULT([java JDK in $kde_java_bindir]) + + else + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_JAVA, "$kde_java_bindir/java", [Define where your java executable is]) + AC_MSG_RESULT([java JRE in $kde_java_bindir]) + fi +elif test -d "/Library/Java/Home"; then + kde_java_bindir="/Library/Java/Home/bin" + jni_includes="-I/Library/Java/Home/include" + + JAVAC=$kde_java_bindir/javac + JAVAH=$kde_java_bindir/javah + JAR=$kde_java_bindir/jar + JVMLIBS="-Xlinker -framework -Xlinker JavaVM" + + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_JAVA, "$kde_java_bindir/java", [Define where your java executable is]) + AC_MSG_RESULT([Apple Java Framework]) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT([none found]) +fi + +AC_SUBST(JAVAC) +AC_SUBST(JAVAH) +AC_SUBST(JAR) +AC_SUBST(JVMLIBS) +AC_SUBST(jni_includes) + +# for backward compat +kde_cv_java_includedir=$kde_java_includedir +kde_cv_java_bindir=$kde_java_bindir +]) + +dnl this is a redefinition of autoconf 2.5x's AC_FOREACH. +dnl When the argument list becomes big, as in KDE for AC_OUTPUT in +dnl big packages, m4_foreach is dog-slow. So use our own version of +dnl it. ( +m4_define([mm_foreach], +[m4_pushdef([$1])_mm_foreach($@)m4_popdef([$1])]) +m4_define([mm_car], [[$1]]) +m4_define([mm_car2], [[$@]]) +m4_define([_mm_foreach], +[m4_if(m4_quote($2), [], [], + [m4_define([$1], mm_car($2))$3[]_mm_foreach([$1], + mm_car2(m4_shift($2)), + [$3])])]) +m4_define([AC_FOREACH], +[mm_foreach([$1], m4_split(m4_normalize([$2])), [$3])]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_NEED_FLEX], +[ +kde_libs_safe=$LIBS +LIBS="$LIBS $USER_LDFLAGS" +AM_PROG_LEX +LIBS=$kde_libs_safe +if test -z "$LEXLIB"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([You need to have flex installed.]) +fi +AC_SUBST(LEXLIB) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AC_PATH_QTOPIA], +[ + dnl TODO: use AC_CACHE_VAL + + if test -z "$1"; then + qtopia_minver_maj=1 + qtopia_minver_min=5 + qtopia_minver_pat=0 + else + qtopia_minver_maj=`echo "$1" | sed -e "s/^\(.*\)\..*\..*$/\1/"` + qtopia_minver_min=`echo "$1" | sed -e "s/^.*\.\(.*\)\..*$/\1/"` + qtopia_minver_pat=`echo "$1" | sed -e "s/^.*\..*\.\(.*\)$/\1/"` + fi + + qtopia_minver="$qtopia_minver_maj$qtopia_minver_min$qtopia_minver_pat" + qtopia_minverstr="$qtopia_minver_maj.$qtopia_minver_min.$qtopia_minver_pat" + + AC_REQUIRE([AC_PATH_QT]) + + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Qtopia]) + + LIB_QTOPIA="-lqpe" + AC_SUBST(LIB_QTOPIA) + + kde_qtopia_dirs="$QPEDIR /opt/Qtopia" + + ac_qtopia_incdir=NO + + AC_ARG_WITH(qtopia-dir, + AC_HELP_STRING([--with-qtopia-dir=DIR],[where the root of Qtopia is installed]), + [ ac_qtopia_incdir="$withval"/include] ) + + qtopia_incdirs="" + for dir in $kde_qtopia_dirs; do + qtopia_incdirs="$qtopia_incdirs $dir/include" + done + + if test ! "$ac_qtopia_incdir" = "NO"; then + qtopia_incdirs="$ac_qtopia_incdir $qtopia_incdirs" + fi + + qtopia_incdir="" + AC_FIND_FILE(qpe/qpeapplication.h, $qtopia_incdirs, qtopia_incdir) + ac_qtopia_incdir="$qtopia_incdir" + + if test -z "$qtopia_incdir"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot find Qtopia headers. Please check your installation.]) + fi + + qtopia_ver_maj=`cat $qtopia_incdir/qpe/version.h | sed -n -e 's,.*QPE_VERSION "\(.*\)\..*\..*".*,\1,p'`; + qtopia_ver_min=`cat $qtopia_incdir/qpe/version.h | sed -n -e 's,.*QPE_VERSION ".*\.\(.*\)\..*".*,\1,p'`; + qtopia_ver_pat=`cat $qtopia_incdir/qpe/version.h | sed -n -e 's,.*QPE_VERSION ".*\..*\.\(.*\)".*,\1,p'`; + + qtopia_ver="$qtopia_ver_maj$qtopia_ver_min$qtopia_ver_pat" + qtopia_verstr="$qtopia_ver_maj.$qtopia_ver_min.$qtopia_ver_pat" + if test "$qtopia_ver" -lt "$qtopia_minver"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([found Qtopia version $qtopia_verstr but version $qtopia_minverstr +is required.]) + fi + + AC_LANG_SAVE + AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + + ac_cxxflags_safe="$CXXFLAGS" + ac_ldflags_safe="$LDFLAGS" + ac_libs_safe="$LIBS" + + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -I$qtopia_incdir $all_includes" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $QT_LDFLAGS $all_libraries $USER_LDFLAGS $KDE_MT_LDFLAGS" + LIBS="$LIBS $LIB_QTOPIA $LIBQT" + + cat > conftest.$ac_ext < +#include + +int main( int argc, char **argv ) +{ + QPEApplication app( argc, argv ); + return 0; +} +EOF + + if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_link) && test -s conftest; then + rm -f conftest* + else + rm -f conftest* + AC_MSG_ERROR([Cannot link small Qtopia Application. For more details look at +the end of config.log]) + fi + + CXXFLAGS="$ac_cxxflags_safe" + LDFLAGS="$ac_ldflags_safe" + LIBS="$ac_libs_safe" + + AC_LANG_RESTORE + + QTOPIA_INCLUDES="-I$qtopia_incdir" + AC_SUBST(QTOPIA_INCLUDES) + + AC_MSG_RESULT([found version $qtopia_verstr with headers at $qtopia_incdir]) +]) + + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_INIT_DOXYGEN], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for Qt docs]) +kde_qtdir= +if test "${with_qt_dir+set}" = set; then + kde_qtdir="$with_qt_dir" +fi + +AC_FIND_FILE(qsql.html, [ $kde_qtdir/doc/html $QTDIR/doc/html /usr/share/doc/packages/qt3/html /usr/lib/qt/doc /usr/lib/qt3/doc /usr/lib/qt3/doc/html /usr/doc/qt3/html /usr/doc/qt3 /usr/share/doc/qt3-doc /usr/share/qt3/doc/html /usr/X11R6/share/doc/qt/html ], QTDOCDIR) +AC_MSG_RESULT($QTDOCDIR) + +AC_SUBST(QTDOCDIR) + +KDE_FIND_PATH(dot, DOT, [], []) +if test -n "$DOT"; then + KDE_HAVE_DOT="YES" +else + KDE_HAVE_DOT="NO" +fi +AC_SUBST(KDE_HAVE_DOT) +KDE_FIND_PATH(doxygen, DOXYGEN, [], []) +AC_SUBST(DOXYGEN) + +DOXYGEN_PROJECT_NAME="$1" +DOXYGEN_PROJECT_NUMBER="$2" +AC_SUBST(DOXYGEN_PROJECT_NAME) +AC_SUBST(DOXYGEN_PROJECT_NUMBER) + +KDE_HAS_DOXYGEN=no +if test -n "$DOXYGEN" && test -x "$DOXYGEN" && test -f $QTDOCDIR/qsql.html; then + KDE_HAS_DOXYGEN=yes +fi +AC_SUBST(KDE_HAS_DOXYGEN) + +]) + + +AC_DEFUN([AC_FIND_BZIP2], +[ +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for bzDecompress in libbz2]) +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_lib_bzip2, +[ +AC_LANG_SAVE +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS +kde_save_LIBS="$LIBS" +LIBS="$all_libraries $USER_LDFLAGS -lbz2 $LIBSOCKET" +kde_save_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" +CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS $all_includes $USER_INCLUDES" +AC_TRY_LINK(dnl +[ +#define BZ_NO_STDIO +#include +], + [ bz_stream s; (void) bzDecompress(&s); ], + eval "ac_cv_lib_bzip2='-lbz2'", + eval "ac_cv_lib_bzip2=no") +LIBS="$kde_save_LIBS" +CXXFLAGS="$kde_save_CXXFLAGS" +AC_LANG_RESTORE +])dnl +AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_cv_lib_bzip2) + +if test ! "$ac_cv_lib_bzip2" = no; then + BZIP2DIR=bzip2 + + LIBBZ2="$ac_cv_lib_bzip2" + AC_SUBST(LIBBZ2) + +else + + cxx_shared_flag= + ld_shared_flag= + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(shared, [ + ld_shared_flag="-shared" + ]) + KDE_CHECK_COMPILER_FLAG(fPIC, [ + cxx_shared_flag="-fPIC" + ]) + + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for BZ2_bzDecompress in (shared) libbz2]) + AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_lib_bzip2_prefix, + [ + AC_LANG_SAVE + AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + kde_save_LIBS="$LIBS" + LIBS="$all_libraries $USER_LDFLAGS $ld_shared_flag -lbz2 $LIBSOCKET" + kde_save_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" + CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS $cxx_shared_flag $all_includes $USER_INCLUDES" + + AC_TRY_LINK(dnl + [ + #define BZ_NO_STDIO + #include + ], + [ bz_stream s; (void) BZ2_bzDecompress(&s); ], + eval "ac_cv_lib_bzip2_prefix='-lbz2'", + eval "ac_cv_lib_bzip2_prefix=no") + LIBS="$kde_save_LIBS" + CXXFLAGS="$kde_save_CXXFLAGS" + AC_LANG_RESTORE + ])dnl + + AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_cv_lib_bzip2_prefix) + + if test ! "$ac_cv_lib_bzip2_prefix" = no; then + BZIP2DIR=bzip2 + + LIBBZ2="$ac_cv_lib_bzip2_prefix" + AC_SUBST(LIBBZ2) + + AC_DEFINE(NEED_BZ2_PREFIX, 1, [Define if the libbz2 functions need the BZ2_ prefix]) + dnl else, we just ignore this + fi + +fi +AM_CONDITIONAL(include_BZIP2, test -n "$BZIP2DIR") +]) + +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl Try to find the SSL headers and libraries. +dnl $(SSL_LDFLAGS) will be -Lsslliblocation (if needed) +dnl and $(SSL_INCLUDES) will be -Isslhdrlocation (if needed) +dnl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ +dnl +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_SSL], +[ +LIBSSL="-lssl -lcrypto" +AC_REQUIRE([KDE_CHECK_LIB64]) + +ac_ssl_includes=NO ac_ssl_libraries=NO +ssl_libraries="" +ssl_includes="" +AC_ARG_WITH(ssl-dir, + AC_HELP_STRING([--with-ssl-dir=DIR],[where the root of OpenSSL is installed]), + [ ac_ssl_includes="$withval"/include + ac_ssl_libraries="$withval"/lib$kdelibsuff + ]) + +want_ssl=yes +AC_ARG_WITH(ssl, + AC_HELP_STRING([--without-ssl],[disable SSL checks]), + [want_ssl=$withval]) + +if test $want_ssl = yes; then + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenSSL) + +AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_have_ssl, +[#try to guess OpenSSL locations + + ssl_incdirs="/usr/include /usr/local/include /usr/ssl/include /usr/local/ssl/include $prefix/include $kde_extra_includes" + ssl_incdirs="$ac_ssl_includes $ssl_incdirs" + AC_FIND_FILE(openssl/ssl.h, $ssl_incdirs, ssl_incdir) + ac_ssl_includes="$ssl_incdir" + + ssl_libdirs="/usr/lib$kdelibsuff /usr/local/lib$kdelibsuff /usr/ssl/lib$kdelibsuff /usr/local/ssl/lib$kdelibsuff $libdir $prefix/lib$kdelibsuff $exec_prefix/lib$kdelibsuff $kde_extra_libs" + if test ! "$ac_ssl_libraries" = "NO"; then + ssl_libdirs="$ac_ssl_libraries $ssl_libdirs" + fi + + test=NONE + ssl_libdir=NONE + for dir in $ssl_libdirs; do + try="ls -1 $dir/libssl*" + if test=`eval $try 2> /dev/null`; then ssl_libdir=$dir; break; else echo "tried $dir" >&AC_FD_CC ; fi + done + + ac_ssl_libraries="$ssl_libdir" + + ac_ldflags_safe="$LDFLAGS" + ac_libs_safe="$LIBS" + + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$ssl_libdir $all_libraries" + LIBS="$LIBS $LIBSSL -lRSAglue -lrsaref" + + AC_TRY_LINK(,void RSAPrivateEncrypt(void);RSAPrivateEncrypt();, + ac_ssl_rsaref="yes" + , + ac_ssl_rsaref="no" + ) + + LDFLAGS="$ac_ldflags_safe" + LIBS="$ac_libs_safe" + + if test "$ac_ssl_includes" = NO || test "$ac_ssl_libraries" = NO; then + have_ssl=no + else + have_ssl=yes; + fi + + ]) + + eval "$ac_cv_have_ssl" + + AC_MSG_RESULT([libraries $ac_ssl_libraries, headers $ac_ssl_includes]) + + AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether OpenSSL uses rsaref]) + AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_ssl_rsaref) + + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for easter eggs]) + AC_MSG_RESULT([none found]) + +else + have_ssl=no +fi + +if test "$have_ssl" = yes; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING(for OpenSSL version) + dnl Check for SSL version + AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_ssl_version, + [ + + cat >conftest.$ac_ext < +#include + int main() { + +#ifndef OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER + printf("ssl_version=\\"error\\"\n"); +#else + if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x00906000) + printf("ssl_version=\\"old\\"\n"); + else + printf("ssl_version=\\"ok\\"\n"); +#endif + return (0); + } +EOF + + ac_save_CPPFLAGS=$CPPFLAGS + if test "$ac_ssl_includes" != "/usr/include"; then + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$ac_ssl_includes" + fi + + if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_link); then + + if eval `./conftest 2>&5`; then + if test $ssl_version = error; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([$ssl_incdir/openssl/opensslv.h doesn't define OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER !]) + else + if test $ssl_version = old; then + AC_MSG_WARN([OpenSSL version too old. Upgrade to 0.9.6 at least, see SSL support disabled.]) + have_ssl=no + fi + fi + ac_cv_ssl_version="ssl_version=$ssl_version" + else + AC_MSG_ERROR([Your system couldn't run a small SSL test program. + Check config.log, and if you can't figure it out, send a mail to + David Faure , attaching your config.log]) + fi + + else + AC_MSG_ERROR([Your system couldn't link a small SSL test program. + Check config.log, and if you can't figure it out, send a mail to + David Faure , attaching your config.log]) + fi + CPPFLAGS=$ac_save_CPPFLAGS + + ]) + + eval "$ac_cv_ssl_version" + AC_MSG_RESULT($ssl_version) +fi + +if test "$have_ssl" != yes; then + LIBSSL=""; +else + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SSL, 1, [If we are going to use OpenSSL]) + ac_cv_have_ssl="have_ssl=yes \ + ac_ssl_includes=$ac_ssl_includes ac_ssl_libraries=$ac_ssl_libraries ac_ssl_rsaref=$ac_ssl_rsaref" + + + ssl_libraries="$ac_ssl_libraries" + ssl_includes="$ac_ssl_includes" + + if test "$ac_ssl_rsaref" = yes; then + LIBSSL="-lssl -lcrypto -lRSAglue -lrsaref" + fi + + if test $ssl_version = "old"; then + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_OLD_SSL_API, 1, [Define if you have OpenSSL < 0.9.6]) + fi +fi + +SSL_INCLUDES= + +if test "$ssl_includes" = "/usr/include"; then + if test -f /usr/kerberos/include/krb5.h; then + SSL_INCLUDES="-I/usr/kerberos/include" + fi +elif test "$ssl_includes" != "/usr/local/include" && test -n "$ssl_includes"; then + SSL_INCLUDES="-I$ssl_includes" +fi + +if test "$ssl_libraries" = "/usr/lib" || test "$ssl_libraries" = "/usr/local/lib" || test -z "$ssl_libraries" || test "$ssl_libraries" = "NONE"; then + SSL_LDFLAGS="" +else + SSL_LDFLAGS="-L$ssl_libraries -R$ssl_libraries" +fi + +AC_SUBST(SSL_INCLUDES) +AC_SUBST(SSL_LDFLAGS) +AC_SUBST(LIBSSL) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_STRLCPY], +[ + AC_REQUIRE([AC_CHECK_STRLCAT]) + AC_REQUIRE([AC_CHECK_STRLCPY]) + AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(size_t) + AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(unsigned long) + + AC_MSG_CHECKING([sizeof size_t == sizeof unsigned long]) + AC_TRY_COMPILE(,[ + #if SIZEOF_SIZE_T != SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG + choke me + #endif + ],AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]),[ + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) + AC_MSG_ERROR([ + Apparently on your system our assumption sizeof size_t == sizeof unsigned long + does not apply. Please mail with a description of your system! + ]) + ]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_BINUTILS], +[ + AC_MSG_CHECKING([if ld supports unversioned version maps]) + + kde_save_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl," + echo "{ local: extern \"C++\" { foo }; };" > + AC_TRY_LINK([int foo;], +[ +#ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER +icc apparently does not support libtools version-info and version-script +at the same time. Dunno where the bug is, but until somebody figured out, +better disable the optional version scripts. +#endif + + foo = 42; +], kde_supports_versionmaps=yes, kde_supports_versionmaps=no) + LDFLAGS="$kde_save_LDFLAGS" + rm -f + AM_CONDITIONAL(include_VERSION_SCRIPT, + [test "$kde_supports_versionmaps" = "yes" && test "$kde_use_debug_code" = "no"]) + + AC_MSG_RESULT($kde_supports_versionmaps) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_OBJC],[ +AC_CHECK_PROGS(OBJC, gcc, gcc) +test -z "$OBJC" && AC_MSG_ERROR([no acceptable objective-c gcc found in \$PATH]) +if test "x${OBJCFLAGS-unset}" = xunset; then + OBJCFLAGS="-g -O2" +fi +AC_SUBST(OBJCFLAGS) +_AM_IF_OPTION([no-dependencies],, [_AM_DEPENDENCIES(OBJC)]) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_PERL], +[ + KDE_FIND_PATH(perl, PERL, [$bindir $exec_prefix/bin $prefix/bin], [ + AC_MSG_ERROR([No Perl found in your $PATH. +We need perl to generate some code.]) + ]) + AC_SUBST(PERL) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_LARGEFILE], +[ +AC_SYS_LARGEFILE +if test "$ac_cv_sys_file_offset_bits" != no; then + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=$ac_cv_sys_file_offset_bits" +fi + +if test "x$ac_cv_sys_large_files" != "xno"; then + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -D_LARGE_FILES=1" +fi + +]) + +dnl A small extension to PKG_CHECK_MODULES (defined in +dnl which allows to search for libs that get installed into the KDE prefix. +dnl +dnl Syntax: KDE_PKG_CHECK_MODULES(KSTUFF, libkexif >= 0.2 glib = 1.3.4, action-if, action-not) +dnl defines KSTUFF_LIBS, KSTUFF_CFLAGS, see pkg-config man page +dnl also defines KSTUFF_PKG_ERRORS on error +AC_DEFUN([KDE_PKG_CHECK_MODULES], [ + + PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$prefix/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" + if test "$prefix" != "$kde_libs_prefix"; then + PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$kde_libs_prefix/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" + fi + export PKG_CONFIG_PATH + PKG_CHECK_MODULES($1,$2,$3,$4) +]) + + +dnl Check for PIE support in the compiler and linker +AC_DEFUN([KDE_CHECK_PIE_SUPPORT], +[ + AC_CACHE_CHECK([for PIE support], kde_cv_val_pie_support, + [ + AC_LANG_SAVE + AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS + safe_CXXFLAGS=$CXXFLAGS + safe_LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS + CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -fpie" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -pie" + + AC_TRY_LINK([int foo;], [], [kde_cv_val_pie_support=yes], [kde_cv_val_pie_support=no]) + + CXXFLAGS=$safe_CXXFLAGS + LDFLAGS=$safe_LDFLAGS + ]) + + AC_MSG_CHECKING(if enabling -pie/fpie support) + + AC_ARG_ENABLE(pie, + AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-pie],[platform supports PIE linking [default=detect]]), + [kde_has_pie_support=$enableval], + [kde_has_pie_support=detect]) + + if test "$kde_has_pie_support" = "detect"; then + kde_has_pie_support=$kde_cv_val_pie_support + fi + + AC_MSG_RESULT([$kde_has_pie_support]) + + KDE_USE_FPIE="" + KDE_USE_PIE="" + + AC_SUBST([KDE_USE_FPIE]) + AC_SUBST([KDE_USE_PIE]) + + if test "$kde_has_pie_support" = "yes"; then + KDE_USE_FPIE="-fpie" + KDE_USE_PIE="-pie" + fi +]) +# libtool.m4 - Configure libtool for the host system. -*-Autoconf-*- +## Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 +## Free Software Foundation, Inc. +## Originally by Gordon Matzigkeit , 1996 +## +## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +## (at your option) any later version. +## +## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +## General Public License for more details. +## +## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. +## +## As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +## distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +## configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +## the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. + +# serial 47 AC_PROG_LIBTOOL + + +# AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE(MACRO-NAME, IF-PROVIDED, IF-NOT-PROVIDED) +# ----------------------------------------------------------- +# If this macro is not defined by Autoconf, define it here. +m4_ifdef([AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE], + [], + [m4_define([AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE], + [m4_ifdef([AC_PROVIDE_$1], + [$2], [$3])])]) + + +# AC_PROG_LIBTOOL +# --------------- +AC_DEFUN([AC_PROG_LIBTOOL], +[AC_REQUIRE([_AC_PROG_LIBTOOL])dnl +dnl If AC_PROG_CXX has already been expanded, run AC_LIBTOOL_CXX +dnl immediately, otherwise, hook it in at the end of AC_PROG_CXX. + AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_CXX], + [AC_LIBTOOL_CXX], + [define([AC_PROG_CXX], defn([AC_PROG_CXX])[AC_LIBTOOL_CXX + ])]) +dnl And a similar setup for Fortran 77 support + AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_F77], + [AC_LIBTOOL_F77], + [define([AC_PROG_F77], defn([AC_PROG_F77])[AC_LIBTOOL_F77 +])]) + +dnl Quote A][M_PROG_GCJ so that aclocal doesn't bring it in needlessly. +dnl If either AC_PROG_GCJ or A][M_PROG_GCJ have already been expanded, run +dnl AC_LIBTOOL_GCJ immediately, otherwise, hook it in at the end of both. + AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_GCJ], + [AC_LIBTOOL_GCJ], + [AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([A][M_PROG_GCJ], + [AC_LIBTOOL_GCJ], + [AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([LT_AC_PROG_GCJ], + [AC_LIBTOOL_GCJ], + [ifdef([AC_PROG_GCJ], + [define([AC_PROG_GCJ], defn([AC_PROG_GCJ])[AC_LIBTOOL_GCJ])]) + ifdef([A][M_PROG_GCJ], + [define([A][M_PROG_GCJ], defn([A][M_PROG_GCJ])[AC_LIBTOOL_GCJ])]) + ifdef([LT_AC_PROG_GCJ], + [define([LT_AC_PROG_GCJ], + defn([LT_AC_PROG_GCJ])[AC_LIBTOOL_GCJ])])])]) +])])# AC_PROG_LIBTOOL + + +# _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL +# ---------------- +AC_DEFUN([_AC_PROG_LIBTOOL], +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP])dnl +AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_CXX])dnl +AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_F77])dnl +AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_GCJ])dnl + +# This can be used to rebuild libtool when needed +LIBTOOL_DEPS="$ac_aux_dir/" + +# Always use our own libtool. +LIBTOOL='$(SHELL) $(top_builddir)/libtool --silent' +AC_SUBST(LIBTOOL)dnl + +# Prevent multiple expansion +define([AC_PROG_LIBTOOL], []) +])# _AC_PROG_LIBTOOL + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP +# ---------------- +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP], +[AC_PREREQ(2.50)dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_ENABLE_SHARED])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_ENABLE_STATIC])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_BUILD])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_LD])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_LD_RELOAD_FLAG])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_NM])dnl + +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_LN_S])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_DEPLIBS_CHECK_METHOD])dnl +# Autoconf 2.13's AC_OBJEXT and AC_EXEEXT macros only works for C compilers! +AC_REQUIRE([AC_OBJEXT])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_EXEEXT])dnl +dnl + +AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_MAX_CMD_LEN +AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_GLOBAL_SYMBOL_PIPE +AC_LIBTOOL_OBJDIR + +AC_REQUIRE([_LT_AC_SYS_COMPILER])dnl +_LT_AC_PROG_ECHO_BACKSLASH + +case $host_os in +aix3*) + # AIX sometimes has problems with the GCC collect2 program. For some + # reason, if we set the COLLECT_NAMES environment variable, the problems + # vanish in a puff of smoke. + if test "X${COLLECT_NAMES+set}" != Xset; then + COLLECT_NAMES= + export COLLECT_NAMES + fi + ;; +esac + +# Sed substitution that helps us do robust quoting. It backslashifies +# metacharacters that are still active within double-quoted strings. +Xsed='sed -e s/^X//' +[sed_quote_subst='s/\([\\"\\`$\\\\]\)/\\\1/g'] + +# Same as above, but do not quote variable references. +[double_quote_subst='s/\([\\"\\`\\\\]\)/\\\1/g'] + +# Sed substitution to delay expansion of an escaped shell variable in a +# double_quote_subst'ed string. +delay_variable_subst='s/\\\\\\\\\\\$/\\\\\\$/g' + +# Sed substitution to avoid accidental globbing in evaled expressions +no_glob_subst='s/\*/\\\*/g' + +# Constants: +rm="rm -f" + +# Global variables: +default_ofile=libtool +can_build_shared=yes + +# All known linkers require a `.a' archive for static linking (except M$VC, +# which needs '.lib'). +libext=a +ltmain="$ac_aux_dir/" +ofile="$default_ofile" +with_gnu_ld="$lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld" + +AC_CHECK_TOOL(AR, ar, false) +AC_CHECK_TOOL(RANLIB, ranlib, :) +AC_CHECK_TOOL(STRIP, strip, :) + +old_CC="$CC" +old_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + +# Set sane defaults for various variables +test -z "$AR" && AR=ar +test -z "$AR_FLAGS" && AR_FLAGS=cru +test -z "$AS" && AS=as +test -z "$CC" && CC=cc +test -z "$LTCC" && LTCC=$CC +test -z "$DLLTOOL" && DLLTOOL=dlltool +test -z "$LD" && LD=ld +test -z "$LN_S" && LN_S="ln -s" +test -z "$MAGIC_CMD" && MAGIC_CMD=file +test -z "$NM" && NM=nm +test -z "$SED" && SED=sed +test -z "$OBJDUMP" && OBJDUMP=objdump +test -z "$RANLIB" && RANLIB=: +test -z "$STRIP" && STRIP=: +test -z "$ac_objext" && ac_objext=o + +# Determine commands to create old-style static archives. +old_archive_cmds='$AR $AR_FLAGS $oldlib$oldobjs$old_deplibs' +old_postinstall_cmds='chmod 644 $oldlib' +old_postuninstall_cmds= + +if test -n "$RANLIB"; then + case $host_os in + openbsd*) + old_postinstall_cmds="\$RANLIB -t \$oldlib~$old_postinstall_cmds" + ;; + *) + old_postinstall_cmds="\$RANLIB \$oldlib~$old_postinstall_cmds" + ;; + esac + old_archive_cmds="$old_archive_cmds~\$RANLIB \$oldlib" +fi + +# Only perform the check for file, if the check method requires it +case $deplibs_check_method in +file_magic*) + if test "$file_magic_cmd" = '$MAGIC_CMD'; then + AC_PATH_MAGIC + fi + ;; +esac + +AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN], enable_dlopen=yes, enable_dlopen=no) +AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL], +enable_win32_dll=yes, enable_win32_dll=no) + +AC_ARG_ENABLE([libtool-lock], + [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-libtool-lock], + [avoid locking (might break parallel builds)])]) +test "x$enable_libtool_lock" != xno && enable_libtool_lock=yes + +AC_ARG_WITH([pic], + [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-pic], + [try to use only PIC/non-PIC objects @<:@default=use both@:>@])], + [pic_mode="$withval"], + [pic_mode=default]) +test -z "$pic_mode" && pic_mode=default + +# Use C for the default configuration in the libtool script +tagname= +AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_C_CONFIG +_LT_AC_TAGCONFIG +])# AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP + + +# _LT_AC_SYS_COMPILER +# ------------------- +AC_DEFUN([_LT_AC_SYS_COMPILER], +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC])dnl + +# If no C compiler was specified, use CC. +LTCC=${LTCC-"$CC"} + +# Allow CC to be a program name with arguments. +compiler=$CC +])# _LT_AC_SYS_COMPILER + + +# _LT_AC_SYS_LIBPATH_AIX +# ---------------------- +# Links a minimal program and checks the executable +# for the system default hardcoded library path. In most cases, +# this is /usr/lib:/lib, but when the MPI compilers are used +# the location of the communication and MPI libs are included too. +# If we don't find anything, use the default library path according +# to the aix ld manual. +AC_DEFUN([_LT_AC_SYS_LIBPATH_AIX], +[AC_LINK_IFELSE(AC_LANG_PROGRAM,[ +aix_libpath=`dump -H conftest$ac_exeext 2>/dev/null | $SED -n -e '/Import File Strings/,/^$/ { /^0/ { s/^0 *\(.*\)$/\1/; p; } +}'` +# Check for a 64-bit object if we didn't find anything. +if test -z "$aix_libpath"; then aix_libpath=`dump -HX64 conftest$ac_exeext 2>/dev/null | $SED -n -e '/Import File Strings/,/^$/ { /^0/ { s/^0 *\(.*\)$/\1/; p; } +}'`; fi],[]) +if test -z "$aix_libpath"; then aix_libpath="/usr/lib:/lib"; fi +])# _LT_AC_SYS_LIBPATH_AIX + + +# _LT_AC_SHELL_INIT(ARG) +# ---------------------- +AC_DEFUN([_LT_AC_SHELL_INIT], +[ifdef([AC_DIVERSION_NOTICE], + [AC_DIVERT_PUSH(AC_DIVERSION_NOTICE)], + [AC_DIVERT_PUSH(NOTICE)]) +$1 +AC_DIVERT_POP +])# _LT_AC_SHELL_INIT + + +# _LT_AC_PROG_ECHO_BACKSLASH +# -------------------------- +# Add some code to the start of the generated configure script which +# will find an echo command which doesn't interpret backslashes. +AC_DEFUN([_LT_AC_PROG_ECHO_BACKSLASH], +[_LT_AC_SHELL_INIT([ +# Check that we are running under the correct shell. +SHELL=${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} + +case X$ECHO in +X*--fallback-echo) + # Remove one level of quotation (which was required for Make). + ECHO=`echo "$ECHO" | sed 's,\\\\\[$]\\[$]0,'[$]0','` + ;; +esac + +echo=${ECHO-echo} +if test "X[$]1" = X--no-reexec; then + # Discard the --no-reexec flag, and continue. + shift +elif test "X[$]1" = X--fallback-echo; then + # Avoid inline document here, it may be left over + : +elif test "X`($echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t' ; then + # Yippee, $echo works! + : +else + # Restart under the correct shell. + exec $SHELL "[$]0" --no-reexec ${1+"[$]@"} +fi + +if test "X[$]1" = X--fallback-echo; then + # used as fallback echo + shift + cat </dev/null && + echo_test_string="`eval $cmd`" && + (test "X$echo_test_string" = "X$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null + then + break + fi + done +fi + +if test "X`($echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t' && + echo_testing_string=`($echo "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null` && + test "X$echo_testing_string" = "X$echo_test_string"; then + : +else + # The Solaris, AIX, and Digital Unix default echo programs unquote + # backslashes. This makes it impossible to quote backslashes using + # echo "$something" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g' + # + # So, first we look for a working echo in the user's PATH. + + lt_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR + for dir in $PATH /usr/ucb; do + IFS="$lt_save_ifs" + if (test -f $dir/echo || test -f $dir/echo$ac_exeext) && + test "X`($dir/echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t' && + echo_testing_string=`($dir/echo "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null` && + test "X$echo_testing_string" = "X$echo_test_string"; then + echo="$dir/echo" + break + fi + done + IFS="$lt_save_ifs" + + if test "X$echo" = Xecho; then + # We didn't find a better echo, so look for alternatives. + if test "X`(print -r '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t' && + echo_testing_string=`(print -r "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null` && + test "X$echo_testing_string" = "X$echo_test_string"; then + # This shell has a builtin print -r that does the trick. + echo='print -r' + elif (test -f /bin/ksh || test -f /bin/ksh$ac_exeext) && + test "X$CONFIG_SHELL" != X/bin/ksh; then + # If we have ksh, try running configure again with it. + ORIGINAL_CONFIG_SHELL=${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} + export ORIGINAL_CONFIG_SHELL + CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/ksh + export CONFIG_SHELL + exec $CONFIG_SHELL "[$]0" --no-reexec ${1+"[$]@"} + else + # Try using printf. + echo='printf %s\n' + if test "X`($echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t' && + echo_testing_string=`($echo "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null` && + test "X$echo_testing_string" = "X$echo_test_string"; then + # Cool, printf works + : + elif echo_testing_string=`($ORIGINAL_CONFIG_SHELL "[$]0" --fallback-echo '\t') 2>/dev/null` && + test "X$echo_testing_string" = 'X\t' && + echo_testing_string=`($ORIGINAL_CONFIG_SHELL "[$]0" --fallback-echo "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null` && + test "X$echo_testing_string" = "X$echo_test_string"; then + CONFIG_SHELL=$ORIGINAL_CONFIG_SHELL + export CONFIG_SHELL + SHELL="$CONFIG_SHELL" + export SHELL + echo="$CONFIG_SHELL [$]0 --fallback-echo" + elif echo_testing_string=`($CONFIG_SHELL "[$]0" --fallback-echo '\t') 2>/dev/null` && + test "X$echo_testing_string" = 'X\t' && + echo_testing_string=`($CONFIG_SHELL "[$]0" --fallback-echo "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null` && + test "X$echo_testing_string" = "X$echo_test_string"; then + echo="$CONFIG_SHELL [$]0 --fallback-echo" + else + # maybe with a smaller string... + prev=: + + for cmd in 'echo test' 'sed 2q "[$]0"' 'sed 10q "[$]0"' 'sed 20q "[$]0"' 'sed 50q "[$]0"'; do + if (test "X$echo_test_string" = "X`eval $cmd`") 2>/dev/null + then + break + fi + prev="$cmd" + done + + if test "$prev" != 'sed 50q "[$]0"'; then + echo_test_string=`eval $prev` + export echo_test_string + exec ${ORIGINAL_CONFIG_SHELL-${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh}} "[$]0" ${1+"[$]@"} + else + # Oops. We lost completely, so just stick with echo. + echo=echo + fi + fi + fi + fi +fi +fi + +# Copy echo and quote the copy suitably for passing to libtool from +# the Makefile, instead of quoting the original, which is used later. +ECHO=$echo +if test "X$ECHO" = "X$CONFIG_SHELL [$]0 --fallback-echo"; then + ECHO="$CONFIG_SHELL \\\$\[$]0 --fallback-echo" +fi + +AC_SUBST(ECHO) +])])# _LT_AC_PROG_ECHO_BACKSLASH + + +# _LT_AC_LOCK +# ----------- +AC_DEFUN([_LT_AC_LOCK], +[AC_ARG_ENABLE([libtool-lock], + [AC_HELP_STRING([--disable-libtool-lock], + [avoid locking (might break parallel builds)])]) +test "x$enable_libtool_lock" != xno && enable_libtool_lock=yes + +# Some flags need to be propagated to the compiler or linker for good +# libtool support. +case $host in +ia64-*-hpux*) + # Find out which ABI we are using. + echo 'int i;' > conftest.$ac_ext + if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_compile); then + case `/usr/bin/file conftest.$ac_objext` in + *ELF-32*) + HPUX_IA64_MODE="32" + ;; + *ELF-64*) + HPUX_IA64_MODE="64" + ;; + esac + fi + rm -rf conftest* + ;; +*-*-irix6*) + # Find out which ABI we are using. + echo '[#]line __oline__ "configure"' > conftest.$ac_ext + if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_compile); then + if test "$lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld" = yes; then + case `/usr/bin/file conftest.$ac_objext` in + *32-bit*) + LD="${LD-ld} -melf32bsmip" + ;; + *N32*) + LD="${LD-ld} -melf32bmipn32" + ;; + *64-bit*) + LD="${LD-ld} -melf64bmip" + ;; + esac + else + case `/usr/bin/file conftest.$ac_objext` in + *32-bit*) + LD="${LD-ld} -32" + ;; + *N32*) + LD="${LD-ld} -n32" + ;; + *64-bit*) + LD="${LD-ld} -64" + ;; + esac + fi + fi + rm -rf conftest* + ;; + +x86_64-*linux*|ppc*-*linux*|powerpc*-*linux*|s390*-*linux*|sparc*-*linux*) + # Find out which ABI we are using. + echo 'int i;' > conftest.$ac_ext + if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_compile); then + case "`/usr/bin/file conftest.o`" in + *32-bit*) + LINUX_64_MODE="32" + case $host in + x86_64-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf_i386" + ;; + ppc64-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf32ppclinux" + ;; + s390x-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf_s390" + ;; + sparc64-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf32_sparc" + ;; + esac + ;; + *64-bit*) + LINUX_64_MODE="64" + case $host in + x86_64-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf_x86_64" + ;; + ppc*-*linux*|powerpc*-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf64ppc" + ;; + s390*-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf64_s390" + ;; + sparc*-*linux*) + LD="${LD-ld} -m elf64_sparc" + ;; + esac + ;; + esac + fi + rm -rf conftest* + ;; + +*-*-sco3.2v5*) + # On SCO OpenServer 5, we need -belf to get full-featured binaries. + SAVE_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -belf" + AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether the C compiler needs -belf], lt_cv_cc_needs_belf, + [AC_LANG_PUSH(C) + AC_TRY_LINK([],[],[lt_cv_cc_needs_belf=yes],[lt_cv_cc_needs_belf=no]) + AC_LANG_POP]) + if test x"$lt_cv_cc_needs_belf" != x"yes"; then + # this is probably gcc 2.8.0, egcs 1.0 or newer; no need for -belf + CFLAGS="$SAVE_CFLAGS" + fi + ;; +AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL], +[*-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-pw32*) + AC_CHECK_TOOL(DLLTOOL, dlltool, false) + AC_CHECK_TOOL(AS, as, false) + AC_CHECK_TOOL(OBJDUMP, objdump, false) + ;; + ]) +esac + +need_locks="$enable_libtool_lock" + +])# _LT_AC_LOCK + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_COMPILER_OPTION(MESSAGE, VARIABLE-NAME, FLAGS, +# [OUTPUT-FILE], [ACTION-SUCCESS], [ACTION-FAILURE]) +# ---------------------------------------------------------------- +# Check whether the given compiler option works +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_COMPILER_OPTION], +[AC_REQUIRE([LT_AC_PROG_SED]) +AC_CACHE_CHECK([$1], [$2], + [$2=no + ifelse([$4], , [ac_outfile=conftest.$ac_objext], [ac_outfile=$4]) + printf "$lt_simple_compile_test_code" > conftest.$ac_ext + lt_compiler_flag="$3" + # Insert the option either (1) after the last *FLAGS variable, or + # (2) before a word containing "conftest.", or (3) at the end. + # Note that $ac_compile itself does not contain backslashes and begins + # with a dollar sign (not a hyphen), so the echo should work correctly. + # The option is referenced via a variable to avoid confusing sed. + lt_compile=`echo "$ac_compile" | $SED \ + -e 's:.*FLAGS}? :&$lt_compiler_flag :; t' \ + -e 's: [[^ ]]*conftest\.: $lt_compiler_flag&:; t' \ + -e 's:$: $lt_compiler_flag:'` + (eval echo "\"\$as_me:__oline__: $lt_compile\"" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD) + (eval "$lt_compile" 2>conftest.err) + ac_status=$? + cat conftest.err >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + echo "$as_me:__oline__: \$? = $ac_status" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + if (exit $ac_status) && test -s "$ac_outfile"; then + # The compiler can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized + # So say no if there are warnings + if test ! -s conftest.err; then + $2=yes + fi + fi + $rm conftest* +]) + +if test x"[$]$2" = xyes; then + ifelse([$5], , :, [$5]) +else + ifelse([$6], , :, [$6]) +fi +])# AC_LIBTOOL_COMPILER_OPTION + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_LINKER_OPTION(MESSAGE, VARIABLE-NAME, FLAGS, +# [ACTION-SUCCESS], [ACTION-FAILURE]) +# ------------------------------------------------------------ +# Check whether the given compiler option works +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_LINKER_OPTION], +[AC_CACHE_CHECK([$1], [$2], + [$2=no + save_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $3" + printf "$lt_simple_link_test_code" > conftest.$ac_ext + if (eval $ac_link 2>conftest.err) && test -s conftest$ac_exeext; then + # The compiler can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized + # So say no if there are warnings + if test -s conftest.err; then + # Append any errors to the config.log. + cat conftest.err 1>&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + else + $2=yes + fi + fi + $rm conftest* + LDFLAGS="$save_LDFLAGS" +]) + +if test x"[$]$2" = xyes; then + ifelse([$4], , :, [$4]) +else + ifelse([$5], , :, [$5]) +fi +])# AC_LIBTOOL_LINKER_OPTION + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_MAX_CMD_LEN +# -------------------------- +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_MAX_CMD_LEN], +[# find the maximum length of command line arguments +AC_MSG_CHECKING([the maximum length of command line arguments]) +AC_CACHE_VAL([lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len], [dnl + i=0 + testring="ABCD" + + case $build_os in + msdosdjgpp*) + # On DJGPP, this test can blow up pretty badly due to problems in libc + # (any single argument exceeding 2000 bytes causes a buffer overrun + # during glob expansion). Even if it were fixed, the result of this + # check would be larger than it should be. + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=12288; # 12K is about right + ;; + + gnu*) + # Under GNU Hurd, this test is not required because there is + # no limit to the length of command line arguments. + # Libtool will interpret -1 as no limit whatsoever + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=-1; + ;; + + cygwin* | mingw*) + # On Win9x/ME, this test blows up -- it succeeds, but takes + # about 5 minutes as the teststring grows exponentially. + # Worse, since 9x/ME are not pre-emptively multitasking, + # you end up with a "frozen" computer, even though with patience + # the test eventually succeeds (with a max line length of 256k). + # Instead, let's just punt: use the minimum linelength reported by + # all of the supported platforms: 8192 (on NT/2K/XP). + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=8192; + ;; + + *) + # If test is not a shell built-in, we'll probably end up computing a + # maximum length that is only half of the actual maximum length, but + # we can't tell. + while (test "X"`$CONFIG_SHELL [$]0 --fallback-echo "X$testring" 2>/dev/null` \ + = "XX$testring") >/dev/null 2>&1 && + new_result=`expr "X$testring" : ".*" 2>&1` && + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=$new_result && + test $i != 17 # 1/2 MB should be enough + do + i=`expr $i + 1` + testring=$testring$testring + done + testring= + # Add a significant safety factor because C++ compilers can tack on massive + # amounts of additional arguments before passing them to the linker. + # It appears as though 1/2 is a usable value. + lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`expr $lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len \/ 2` + ;; + esac +]) +if test -n $lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len ; then + AC_MSG_RESULT($lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(none) +fi +])# AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_MAX_CMD_LEN + + +# _LT_AC_CHECK_DLFCN +# -------------------- +AC_DEFUN([_LT_AC_CHECK_DLFCN], +[AC_CHECK_HEADERS(dlfcn.h)dnl +])# _LT_AC_CHECK_DLFCN + + +# _LT_AC_TRY_DLOPEN_SELF (ACTION-IF-TRUE, ACTION-IF-TRUE-W-USCORE, +# ACTION-IF-FALSE, ACTION-IF-CROSS-COMPILING) +# ------------------------------------------------------------------ +AC_DEFUN([_LT_AC_TRY_DLOPEN_SELF], +[AC_REQUIRE([_LT_AC_CHECK_DLFCN])dnl +if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : + [$4] +else + lt_dlunknown=0; lt_dlno_uscore=1; lt_dlneed_uscore=2 + lt_status=$lt_dlunknown + cat > conftest.$ac_ext < +#endif + +#include + +#ifdef RTLD_GLOBAL +# define LT_DLGLOBAL RTLD_GLOBAL +#else +# ifdef DL_GLOBAL +# define LT_DLGLOBAL DL_GLOBAL +# else +# define LT_DLGLOBAL 0 +# endif +#endif + +/* We may have to define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW in the command line if we + find out it does not work in some platform. */ +#ifndef LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW +# ifdef RTLD_LAZY +# define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW RTLD_LAZY +# else +# ifdef DL_LAZY +# define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW DL_LAZY +# else +# ifdef RTLD_NOW +# define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW RTLD_NOW +# else +# ifdef DL_NOW +# define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW DL_NOW +# else +# define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW 0 +# endif +# endif +# endif +# endif +#endif + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" void exit (int); +#endif + +void fnord() { int i=42;} +int main () +{ + void *self = dlopen (0, LT_DLGLOBAL|LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW); + int status = $lt_dlunknown; + + if (self) + { + if (dlsym (self,"fnord")) status = $lt_dlno_uscore; + else if (dlsym( self,"_fnord")) status = $lt_dlneed_uscore; + /* dlclose (self); */ + } + + exit (status); +}] +EOF + if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_link) && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} 2>/dev/null; then + (./conftest; exit; ) 2>/dev/null + lt_status=$? + case x$lt_status in + x$lt_dlno_uscore) $1 ;; + x$lt_dlneed_uscore) $2 ;; + x$lt_unknown|x*) $3 ;; + esac + else : + # compilation failed + $3 + fi +fi +rm -fr conftest* +])# _LT_AC_TRY_DLOPEN_SELF + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN_SELF +# ------------------- +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN_SELF], +[AC_REQUIRE([_LT_AC_CHECK_DLFCN])dnl +if test "x$enable_dlopen" != xyes; then + enable_dlopen=unknown + enable_dlopen_self=unknown + enable_dlopen_self_static=unknown +else + lt_cv_dlopen=no + lt_cv_dlopen_libs= + + case $host_os in + beos*) + lt_cv_dlopen="load_add_on" + lt_cv_dlopen_libs= + lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes + ;; + + mingw* | pw32*) + lt_cv_dlopen="LoadLibrary" + lt_cv_dlopen_libs= + ;; + + cygwin*) + lt_cv_dlopen="dlopen" + lt_cv_dlopen_libs= + ;; + + darwin*) + # if libdl is installed we need to link against it + AC_CHECK_LIB([dl], [dlopen], + [lt_cv_dlopen="dlopen" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-ldl"],[ + lt_cv_dlopen="dyld" + lt_cv_dlopen_libs= + lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes + ]) + ;; + + *) + AC_CHECK_FUNC([shl_load], + [lt_cv_dlopen="shl_load"], + [AC_CHECK_LIB([dld], [shl_load], + [lt_cv_dlopen="shl_load" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-dld"], + [AC_CHECK_FUNC([dlopen], + [lt_cv_dlopen="dlopen"], + [AC_CHECK_LIB([dl], [dlopen], + [lt_cv_dlopen="dlopen" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-ldl"], + [AC_CHECK_LIB([svld], [dlopen], + [lt_cv_dlopen="dlopen" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-lsvld"], + [AC_CHECK_LIB([dld], [dld_link], + [lt_cv_dlopen="dld_link" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-dld"]) + ]) + ]) + ]) + ]) + ]) + ;; + esac + + if test "x$lt_cv_dlopen" != xno; then + enable_dlopen=yes + else + enable_dlopen=no + fi + + case $lt_cv_dlopen in + dlopen) + save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + test "x$ac_cv_header_dlfcn_h" = xyes && CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -DHAVE_DLFCN_H" + + save_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" + eval LDFLAGS=\"\$LDFLAGS $export_dynamic_flag_spec\" + + save_LIBS="$LIBS" + LIBS="$lt_cv_dlopen_libs $LIBS" + + AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether a program can dlopen itself], + lt_cv_dlopen_self, [dnl + _LT_AC_TRY_DLOPEN_SELF( + lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes, lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes, + lt_cv_dlopen_self=no, lt_cv_dlopen_self=cross) + ]) + + if test "x$lt_cv_dlopen_self" = xyes; then + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $link_static_flag" + AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether a statically linked program can dlopen itself], + lt_cv_dlopen_self_static, [dnl + _LT_AC_TRY_DLOPEN_SELF( + lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=yes, lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=yes, + lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=no, lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=cross) + ]) + fi + + CPPFLAGS="$save_CPPFLAGS" + LDFLAGS="$save_LDFLAGS" + LIBS="$save_LIBS" + ;; + esac + + case $lt_cv_dlopen_self in + yes|no) enable_dlopen_self=$lt_cv_dlopen_self ;; + *) enable_dlopen_self=unknown ;; + esac + + case $lt_cv_dlopen_self_static in + yes|no) enable_dlopen_self_static=$lt_cv_dlopen_self_static ;; + *) enable_dlopen_self_static=unknown ;; + esac +fi +])# AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN_SELF + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_CC_C_O([TAGNAME]) +# --------------------------------- +# Check to see if options -c and -o are simultaneously supported by compiler +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_CC_C_O], +[AC_REQUIRE([_LT_AC_SYS_COMPILER])dnl +AC_CACHE_CHECK([if $compiler supports -c -o file.$ac_objext], + [_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o, $1)], + [_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o, $1)=no + $rm -r conftest 2>/dev/null + mkdir conftest + cd conftest + mkdir out + printf "$lt_simple_compile_test_code" > conftest.$ac_ext + + # According to Tom Tromey, Ian Lance Taylor reported there are C compilers + # that will create temporary files in the current directory regardless of + # the output directory. Thus, making CWD read-only will cause this test + # to fail, enabling locking or at least warning the user not to do parallel + # builds. + chmod -w . + + lt_compiler_flag="-o out/conftest2.$ac_objext" + # Insert the option either (1) after the last *FLAGS variable, or + # (2) before a word containing "conftest.", or (3) at the end. + # Note that $ac_compile itself does not contain backslashes and begins + # with a dollar sign (not a hyphen), so the echo should work correctly. + lt_compile=`echo "$ac_compile" | $SED \ + -e 's:.*FLAGS}? :&$lt_compiler_flag :; t' \ + -e 's: [[^ ]]*conftest\.: $lt_compiler_flag&:; t' \ + -e 's:$: $lt_compiler_flag:'` + (eval echo "\"\$as_me:__oline__: $lt_compile\"" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD) + (eval "$lt_compile" 2>out/conftest.err) + ac_status=$? + cat out/conftest.err >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + echo "$as_me:__oline__: \$? = $ac_status" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + if (exit $ac_status) && test -s out/conftest2.$ac_objext + then + # The compiler can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized + # So say no if there are warnings + if test ! -s out/conftest.err; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o, $1)=yes + fi + fi + chmod u+w . + $rm conftest* out/* + rmdir out + cd .. + rmdir conftest + $rm conftest* +]) +])# AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_CC_C_O + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS([TAGNAME]) +# ----------------------------------------- +# Check to see if we can do hard links to lock some files if needed +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS], +[AC_REQUIRE([_LT_AC_LOCK])dnl + +hard_links="nottested" +if test "$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o, $1)" = no && test "$need_locks" != no; then + # do not overwrite the value of need_locks provided by the user + AC_MSG_CHECKING([if we can lock with hard links]) + hard_links=yes + $rm conftest* + ln conftest.a conftest.b 2>/dev/null && hard_links=no + touch conftest.a + ln conftest.a conftest.b 2>&5 || hard_links=no + ln conftest.a conftest.b 2>/dev/null && hard_links=no + AC_MSG_RESULT([$hard_links]) + if test "$hard_links" = no; then + AC_MSG_WARN([`$CC' does not support `-c -o', so `make -j' may be unsafe]) + need_locks=warn + fi +else + need_locks=no +fi +])# AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_OBJDIR +# ----------------- +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_OBJDIR], +[AC_CACHE_CHECK([for objdir], [lt_cv_objdir], +[rm -f .libs 2>/dev/null +mkdir .libs 2>/dev/null +if test -d .libs; then + lt_cv_objdir=.libs +else + # MS-DOS does not allow filenames that begin with a dot. + lt_cv_objdir=_libs +fi +rmdir .libs 2>/dev/null]) +objdir=$lt_cv_objdir +])# AC_LIBTOOL_OBJDIR + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_LD_HARDCODE_LIBPATH([TAGNAME]) +# ---------------------------------------------- +# Check hardcoding attributes. +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_LD_HARDCODE_LIBPATH], +[AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to hardcode library paths into programs]) +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_action, $1)= +if test -n "$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)" || \ + test -n "$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(runpath_var $1)" || \ + test "X$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_automatic, $1)"="Xyes" ; then + + # We can hardcode non-existant directories. + if test "$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)" != no && + # If the only mechanism to avoid hardcoding is shlibpath_var, we + # have to relink, otherwise we might link with an installed library + # when we should be linking with a yet-to-be-installed one + ## test "$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)" != no && + test "$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)" != no; then + # Linking always hardcodes the temporary library directory. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_action, $1)=relink + else + # We can link without hardcoding, and we can hardcode nonexisting dirs. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_action, $1)=immediate + fi +else + # We cannot hardcode anything, or else we can only hardcode existing + # directories. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_action, $1)=unsupported +fi +AC_MSG_RESULT([$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_action, $1)]) + +if test "$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_action, $1)" = relink; then + # Fast installation is not supported + enable_fast_install=no +elif test "$shlibpath_overrides_runpath" = yes || + test "$enable_shared" = no; then + # Fast installation is not necessary + enable_fast_install=needless +fi +])# AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_LD_HARDCODE_LIBPATH + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_LIB_STRIP +# ------------------------ +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_LIB_STRIP], +[striplib= +old_striplib= +AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether stripping libraries is possible]) +if test -n "$STRIP" && $STRIP -V 2>&1 | grep "GNU strip" >/dev/null; then + test -z "$old_striplib" && old_striplib="$STRIP --strip-debug" + test -z "$striplib" && striplib="$STRIP --strip-unneeded" + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) +else +# FIXME - insert some real tests, host_os isn't really good enough + case $host_os in + darwin*) + if test -n "$STRIP" ; then + striplib="$STRIP -x" + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) +fi + ;; + *) + AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) + ;; + esac +fi +])# AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_LIB_STRIP + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_DYNAMIC_LINKER +# ----------------------------- +# PORTME Fill in your characteristics +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_DYNAMIC_LINKER], +[AC_MSG_CHECKING([dynamic linker characteristics]) +library_names_spec= +libname_spec='lib$name' +soname_spec= +shrext=".so" +postinstall_cmds= +postuninstall_cmds= +finish_cmds= +finish_eval= +shlibpath_var= +shlibpath_overrides_runpath=unknown +version_type=none +dynamic_linker="$host_os" +sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/lib /usr/lib" +sys_lib_search_path_spec="/lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib" +need_lib_prefix=unknown +hardcode_into_libs=no + +# when you set need_version to no, make sure it does not cause -set_version +# flags to be left without arguments +need_version=unknown + +case $host_os in +aix3*) + version_type=linux + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix $libname.a' + shlibpath_var=LIBPATH + + # AIX 3 has no versioning support, so we append a major version to the name. + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + ;; + +aix4* | aix5*) + version_type=linux + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + hardcode_into_libs=yes + if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then + # AIX 5 supports IA64 + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix $libname${shared_ext}' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + else + # With GCC up to 2.95.x, collect2 would create an import file + # for dependence libraries. The import file would start with + # the line `#! .'. This would cause the generated library to + # depend on `.', always an invalid library. This was fixed in + # development snapshots of GCC prior to 3.0. + case $host_os in + aix4 | aix4.[[01]] | aix4.[[01]].*) + if { echo '#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 97)' + echo ' yes ' + echo '#endif'; } | ${CC} -E - | grep yes > /dev/null; then + : + else + can_build_shared=no + fi + ;; + esac + # AIX (on Power*) has no versioning support, so currently we can not hardcode correct + # soname into executable. Probably we can add versioning support to + # collect2, so additional links can be useful in future. + if test "$aix_use_runtimelinking" = yes; then + # If using run time linking (on AIX 4.2 or later) use + # instead of lib.a to let people know that these are not + # typical AIX shared libraries. + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}' + else + # We preserve .a as extension for shared libraries through AIX4.2 + # and later when we are not doing run time linking. + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.a $libname.a' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + fi + shlibpath_var=LIBPATH + fi + ;; + +amigaos*) + library_names_spec='$libname.ixlibrary $libname.a' + # Create ${libname}_ixlibrary.a entries in /sys/libs. + finish_eval='for lib in `ls $libdir/*.ixlibrary 2>/dev/null`; do libname=`$echo "X$lib" | $Xsed -e '\''s%^.*/\([[^/]]*\)\.ixlibrary$%\1%'\''`; test $rm /sys/libs/${libname}_ixlibrary.a; $show "(cd /sys/libs && $LN_S $lib ${libname}_ixlibrary.a)"; (cd /sys/libs && $LN_S $lib ${libname}_ixlibrary.a) || exit 1; done' + ;; + +beos*) + library_names_spec='${libname}${shared_ext}' + dynamic_linker="$host_os" + shlibpath_var=LIBRARY_PATH + ;; + +bsdi4*) + version_type=linux + need_version=no + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig $libdir' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/shlib /usr/lib /usr/X11/lib /usr/contrib/lib /lib /usr/local/lib" + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/shlib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib" + # the default also contains /usr/contrib/lib and + # /usr/X11R6/lib (/usr/X11 is a link to /usr/X11R6), but let us allow + # libtool to hard-code these into programs + ;; + +cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*) + version_type=windows + shrext=".dll" + need_version=no + need_lib_prefix=no + + case $GCC,$host_os in + yes,cygwin* | yes,mingw* | yes,pw32*) + library_names_spec='$libname.dll.a' + # DLL is installed to $(libdir)/../bin by postinstall_cmds + postinstall_cmds='base_file=`basename \${file}`~ + dlpath=`$SHELL 2>&1 -c '\''. $dir/'\''\${base_file}'\''i;echo \$dlname'\''`~ + dldir=$destdir/`dirname \$dlpath`~ + test -d \$dldir || mkdir -p \$dldir~ + $install_prog $dir/$dlname \$dldir/$dlname' + postuninstall_cmds='dldll=`$SHELL 2>&1 -c '\''. $file; echo \$dlname'\''`~ + dlpath=$dir/\$dldll~ + $rm \$dlpath' + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + + case $host_os in + cygwin*) + # Cygwin DLLs use 'cyg' prefix rather than 'lib' + soname_spec='`echo ${libname} | sed -e 's/^lib/cyg/'``echo ${release} | $SED -e 's/[[.]]/-/g'`${versuffix}${shared_ext}' + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/lib /lib/w32api /lib /usr/local/lib" + ;; + mingw*) + # MinGW DLLs use traditional 'lib' prefix + soname_spec='${libname}`echo ${release} | $SED -e 's/[[.]]/-/g'`${versuffix}${shared_ext}' + sys_lib_search_path_spec=`$CC -print-search-dirs | grep "^libraries:" | $SED -e "s/^libraries://" -e "s,=/,/,g"` + if echo "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" | [grep ';[c-zC-Z]:/' >/dev/null]; then + # It is most probably a Windows format PATH printed by + # mingw gcc, but we are running on Cygwin. Gcc prints its search + # path with ; separators, and with drive letters. We can handle the + # drive letters (cygwin fileutils understands them), so leave them, + # especially as we might pass files found there to a mingw objdump, + # which wouldn't understand a cygwinified path. Ahh. + sys_lib_search_path_spec=`echo "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" | $SED -e 's/;/ /g'` + else + sys_lib_search_path_spec=`echo "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" | $SED -e "s/$PATH_SEPARATOR/ /g"` + fi + ;; + pw32*) + # pw32 DLLs use 'pw' prefix rather than 'lib' + library_names_spec='`echo ${libname} | sed -e 's/^lib/pw/'``echo ${release} | $SED -e 's/[.]/-/g'`${versuffix}${shared_ext}' + ;; + esac + ;; + + *) + library_names_spec='${libname}`echo ${release} | $SED -e 's/[[.]]/-/g'`${versuffix}${shared_ext} $libname.lib' + ;; + esac + dynamic_linker='Win32 ld.exe' + # FIXME: first we should search . and the directory the executable is in + shlibpath_var=PATH + ;; + +darwin* | rhapsody*) + dynamic_linker="$host_os dyld" + version_type=darwin + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${versuffix}$shared_ext ${libname}${release}${major}$shared_ext ${libname}$shared_ext' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${major}$shared_ext' + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + shlibpath_var=DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH + shrext='$(test .$module = .yes && echo .so || echo .dylib)' + # Apple's gcc prints 'gcc -print-search-dirs' doesn't operate the same. + if test "$GCC" = yes; then + sys_lib_search_path_spec=`$CC -print-search-dirs | tr "\n" "$PATH_SEPARATOR" | sed -e 's/libraries:/@libraries:/' | tr "@" "\n" | grep "^libraries:" | sed -e "s/^libraries://" -e "s,=/,/,g" -e "s,$PATH_SEPARATOR, ,g" -e "s,.*,& /lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib,g"` + else + sys_lib_search_path_spec='/lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib' + fi + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec='/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib' + ;; + +dgux*) + version_type=linux + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname$shared_ext' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + ;; + +freebsd1*) + dynamic_linker=no + ;; + +freebsd*-gnu*) + version_type=linux + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major ${libname}${shared_ext}' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + hardcode_into_libs=yes + dynamic_linker='GNU' + ;; + +freebsd*) + objformat=`test -x /usr/bin/objformat && /usr/bin/objformat || echo aout` + version_type=freebsd-$objformat + case $version_type in + freebsd-elf*) + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext} $libname${shared_ext}' + need_version=no + need_lib_prefix=no + ;; + freebsd-*) + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix $libname${shared_ext}$versuffix' + need_version=yes + ;; + esac + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + case $host_os in + freebsd2*) + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + ;; + freebsd3.[01]* | freebsdelf3.[01]*) + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + hardcode_into_libs=yes + ;; + *) # from 3.2 on + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + hardcode_into_libs=yes + ;; + esac + ;; + +gnu*) + version_type=linux + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}${major} ${libname}${shared_ext}' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + hardcode_into_libs=yes + ;; + +hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) + # Give a soname corresponding to the major version so that refuses to + # link against other versions. + version_type=sunos + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + case "$host_cpu" in + ia64*) + shrext='.so' + hardcode_into_libs=yes + dynamic_linker="$host_os" + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes # Unless +noenvvar is specified. + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + if test "X$HPUX_IA64_MODE" = X32; then + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/lib/hpux32 /usr/local/lib/hpux32 /usr/local/lib" + else + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/lib/hpux64 /usr/local/lib/hpux64" + fi + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec=$sys_lib_search_path_spec + ;; + hppa*64*) + shrext='.sl' + hardcode_into_libs=yes + dynamic_linker="$host_os" + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH # How should we handle SHLIB_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes # Unless +noenvvar is specified. + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/lib/pa20_64 /usr/ccs/lib/pa20_64" + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec=$sys_lib_search_path_spec + ;; + *) + shrext='.sl' + dynamic_linker="$host_os" + shlibpath_var=SHLIB_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no # +s is required to enable SHLIB_PATH + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + ;; + esac + # HP-UX runs *really* slowly unless shared libraries are mode 555. + postinstall_cmds='chmod 555 $lib' + ;; + +irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) + case $host_os in + nonstopux*) version_type=nonstopux ;; + *) + if test "$lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld" = yes; then + version_type=linux + else + version_type=irix + fi ;; + esac + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major ${libname}${release}${shared_ext} $libname${shared_ext}' + case $host_os in + irix5* | nonstopux*) + libsuff= shlibsuff= + ;; + *) + case $LD in # libtool.m4 will add one of these switches to LD + *-32|*"-32 "|*-melf32bsmip|*"-melf32bsmip ") + libsuff= shlibsuff= libmagic=32-bit;; + *-n32|*"-n32 "|*-melf32bmipn32|*"-melf32bmipn32 ") + libsuff=32 shlibsuff=N32 libmagic=N32;; + *-64|*"-64 "|*-melf64bmip|*"-melf64bmip ") + libsuff=64 shlibsuff=64 libmagic=64-bit;; + *) libsuff= shlibsuff= libmagic=never-match;; + esac + ;; + esac + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY${shlibsuff}_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/lib${libsuff} /lib${libsuff} /usr/local/lib${libsuff}" + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/usr/lib${libsuff} /lib${libsuff}" + hardcode_into_libs=yes + ;; + +# No shared lib support for Linux oldld, aout, or coff. +linux*oldld* | linux*aout* | linux*coff*) + dynamic_linker=no + ;; + +# This must be Linux ELF. +linux*) + version_type=linux + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -n $libdir' + libsuff= + if test "x$LINUX_64_MODE" = x64; then + # Some platforms are per default 64-bit, so there's no /lib64 + if test -d /lib64; then + libsuff=64 + fi + fi + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/lib${libsuff} /usr/lib${libsuff}" + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/lib${libsuff} /usr/lib${libsuff} /usr/local/lib${libsuff}" + # This implies no fast_install, which is unacceptable. + # Some rework will be needed to allow for fast_install + # before this can be enabled. + hardcode_into_libs=yes + + # We used to test for /lib/ and disable shared libraries on + # powerpc, because MkLinux only supported shared libraries with the + # GNU dynamic linker. Since this was broken with cross compilers, + # most powerpc-linux boxes support dynamic linking these days and + # people can always --disable-shared, the test was removed, and we + # assume the GNU/Linux dynamic linker is in use. + dynamic_linker='GNU/Linux' + ;; + +netbsd*) + version_type=sunos + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__ >/dev/null; then + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${shared_ext}$versuffix' + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -m $libdir' + dynamic_linker='NetBSD (a.out)' + else + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major ${libname}${release}${shared_ext} ${libname}${shared_ext}' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + dynamic_linker='NetBSD ld.elf_so' + fi + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + hardcode_into_libs=yes + ;; + +newsos6) + version_type=linux + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + ;; + +nto-qnx*) + version_type=linux + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + ;; + +openbsd*) + version_type=sunos + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${shared_ext}$versuffix' + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -m $libdir' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + if test -z "`echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__`" || test "$host_os-$host_cpu" = "openbsd2.8-powerpc"; then + case $host_os in + openbsd2.[[89]] | openbsd2.[[89]].*) + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + ;; + *) + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + ;; + esac + else + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + fi + ;; + +os2*) + libname_spec='$name' + shrext=".dll" + need_lib_prefix=no + library_names_spec='$libname${shared_ext} $libname.a' + dynamic_linker='OS/2 ld.exe' + shlibpath_var=LIBPATH + ;; + +osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) + version_type=osf + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/shlib /usr/ccs/lib /usr/lib/cmplrs/cc /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /var/shlib" + sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="$sys_lib_search_path_spec" + ;; + +sco3.2v5*) + version_type=osf + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + ;; + +solaris*) + version_type=linux + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + hardcode_into_libs=yes + # ldd complains unless libraries are executable + postinstall_cmds='chmod +x $lib' + ;; + +sunos4*) + version_type=sunos + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${shared_ext}$versuffix' + finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/usr/etc" ldconfig $libdir' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes + if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then + need_lib_prefix=no + fi + need_version=yes + ;; + +sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3* | sysv5*) + version_type=linux + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + case $host_vendor in + sni) + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + need_lib_prefix=no + export_dynamic_flag_spec='${wl}-Blargedynsym' + runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH + ;; + siemens) + need_lib_prefix=no + ;; + motorola) + need_lib_prefix=no + need_version=no + shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no + sys_lib_search_path_spec='/lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib' + ;; + esac + ;; + +sysv4*MP*) + if test -d /usr/nec ;then + version_type=linux + library_names_spec='$libname${shared_ext}.$versuffix $libname${shared_ext}.$major $libname${shared_ext}' + soname_spec='$libname${shared_ext}.$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + fi + ;; + +uts4*) + version_type=linux + library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}' + soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major' + shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH + ;; + +*) + dynamic_linker=no + ;; +esac +AC_MSG_RESULT([$dynamic_linker]) +test "$dynamic_linker" = no && can_build_shared=no +])# AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_DYNAMIC_LINKER + + +# _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG +# ---------------- +AC_DEFUN([_LT_AC_TAGCONFIG], +[AC_ARG_WITH([tags], + [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-tags@<:@=TAGS@:>@], + [include additional configurations @<:@automatic@:>@])], + [tagnames="$withval"]) + +if test -f "$ltmain" && test -n "$tagnames"; then + if test ! -f "${ofile}"; then + AC_MSG_WARN([output file `$ofile' does not exist]) + fi + + if test -z "$LTCC"; then + eval "`$SHELL ${ofile} --config | grep '^LTCC='`" + if test -z "$LTCC"; then + AC_MSG_WARN([output file `$ofile' does not look like a libtool script]) + else + AC_MSG_WARN([using `LTCC=$LTCC', extracted from `$ofile']) + fi + fi + + # Extract list of available tagged configurations in $ofile. + # Note that this assumes the entire list is on one line. + available_tags=`grep "^available_tags=" "${ofile}" | $SED -e 's/available_tags=\(.*$\)/\1/' -e 's/\"//g'` + + lt_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}$PATH_SEPARATOR," + for tagname in $tagnames; do + IFS="$lt_save_ifs" + # Check whether tagname contains only valid characters + case `$echo "X$tagname" | $Xsed -e 's:[[-_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890,/]]::g'` in + "") ;; + *) AC_MSG_ERROR([invalid tag name: $tagname]) + ;; + esac + + if grep "^# ### BEGIN LIBTOOL TAG CONFIG: $tagname$" < "${ofile}" > /dev/null + then + AC_MSG_ERROR([tag name \"$tagname\" already exists]) + fi + + # Update the list of available tags. + if test -n "$tagname"; then + echo appending configuration tag \"$tagname\" to $ofile + + case $tagname in + CXX) + if test -n "$CXX" && test "X$CXX" != "Xno"; then + AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_CXX_CONFIG + else + tagname="" + fi + ;; + + F77) + if test -n "$F77" && test "X$F77" != "Xno"; then + AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_F77_CONFIG + else + tagname="" + fi + ;; + + GCJ) + if test -n "$GCJ" && test "X$GCJ" != "Xno"; then + AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_GCJ_CONFIG + else + tagname="" + fi + ;; + + RC) + AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_RC_CONFIG + ;; + + *) + AC_MSG_ERROR([Unsupported tag name: $tagname]) + ;; + esac + + # Append the new tag name to the list of available tags. + if test -n "$tagname" ; then + available_tags="$available_tags $tagname" + fi + fi + done + IFS="$lt_save_ifs" + + # Now substitute the updated list of available tags. + if eval "sed -e 's/^available_tags=.*\$/available_tags=\"$available_tags\"/' \"$ofile\" > \"${ofile}T\""; then + mv "${ofile}T" "$ofile" + chmod +x "$ofile" + else + rm -f "${ofile}T" + AC_MSG_ERROR([unable to update list of available tagged configurations.]) + fi +fi +])# _LT_AC_TAGCONFIG + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN +# ----------------- +# enable checks for dlopen support +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN], + [AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP]) +])# AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL +# -------------------- +# declare package support for building win32 dll's +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL], +[AC_BEFORE([$0], [AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP]) +])# AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL + + +# AC_ENABLE_SHARED([DEFAULT]) +# --------------------------- +# implement the --enable-shared flag +# DEFAULT is either `yes' or `no'. If omitted, it defaults to `yes'. +AC_DEFUN([AC_ENABLE_SHARED], +[define([AC_ENABLE_SHARED_DEFAULT], ifelse($1, no, no, yes))dnl +AC_ARG_ENABLE([shared], + [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-shared@<:@=PKGS@:>@], + [build shared libraries @<:@default=]AC_ENABLE_SHARED_DEFAULT[@:>@])], + [p=${PACKAGE-default} + case $enableval in + yes) enable_shared=yes ;; + no) enable_shared=no ;; + *) + enable_shared=no + # Look at the argument we got. We use all the common list separators. + lt_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}$PATH_SEPARATOR," + for pkg in $enableval; do + IFS="$lt_save_ifs" + if test "X$pkg" = "X$p"; then + enable_shared=yes + fi + done + IFS="$lt_save_ifs" + ;; + esac], + [enable_shared=]AC_ENABLE_SHARED_DEFAULT) +])# AC_ENABLE_SHARED + + +# AC_DISABLE_SHARED +# ----------------- +#- set the default shared flag to --disable-shared +AC_DEFUN([AC_DISABLE_SHARED], +[AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP])dnl +AC_ENABLE_SHARED(no) +])# AC_DISABLE_SHARED + + +# AC_ENABLE_STATIC([DEFAULT]) +# --------------------------- +# implement the --enable-static flag +# DEFAULT is either `yes' or `no'. If omitted, it defaults to `yes'. +AC_DEFUN([AC_ENABLE_STATIC], +[define([AC_ENABLE_STATIC_DEFAULT], ifelse($1, no, no, yes))dnl +AC_ARG_ENABLE([static], + [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-static@<:@=PKGS@:>@], + [build static libraries @<:@default=]AC_ENABLE_STATIC_DEFAULT[@:>@])], + [p=${PACKAGE-default} + case $enableval in + yes) enable_static=yes ;; + no) enable_static=no ;; + *) + enable_static=no + # Look at the argument we got. We use all the common list separators. + lt_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}$PATH_SEPARATOR," + for pkg in $enableval; do + IFS="$lt_save_ifs" + if test "X$pkg" = "X$p"; then + enable_static=yes + fi + done + IFS="$lt_save_ifs" + ;; + esac], + [enable_static=]AC_ENABLE_STATIC_DEFAULT) +])# AC_ENABLE_STATIC + + +# AC_DISABLE_STATIC +# ----------------- +# set the default static flag to --disable-static +AC_DEFUN([AC_DISABLE_STATIC], +[AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP])dnl +AC_ENABLE_STATIC(no) +])# AC_DISABLE_STATIC + + +# AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL([DEFAULT]) +# --------------------------------- +# implement the --enable-fast-install flag +# DEFAULT is either `yes' or `no'. If omitted, it defaults to `yes'. +AC_DEFUN([AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL], +[define([AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL_DEFAULT], ifelse($1, no, no, yes))dnl +AC_ARG_ENABLE([fast-install], + [AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-fast-install@<:@=PKGS@:>@], + [optimize for fast installation @<:@default=]AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL_DEFAULT[@:>@])], + [p=${PACKAGE-default} + case $enableval in + yes) enable_fast_install=yes ;; + no) enable_fast_install=no ;; + *) + enable_fast_install=no + # Look at the argument we got. We use all the common list separators. + lt_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}$PATH_SEPARATOR," + for pkg in $enableval; do + IFS="$lt_save_ifs" + if test "X$pkg" = "X$p"; then + enable_fast_install=yes + fi + done + IFS="$lt_save_ifs" + ;; + esac], + [enable_fast_install=]AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL_DEFAULT) +])# AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL + + +# AC_DISABLE_FAST_INSTALL +# ----------------------- +# set the default to --disable-fast-install +AC_DEFUN([AC_DISABLE_FAST_INSTALL], +[AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP])dnl +AC_ENABLE_FAST_INSTALL(no) +])# AC_DISABLE_FAST_INSTALL + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_PICMODE([MODE]) +# -------------------------- +# implement the --with-pic flag +# MODE is either `yes' or `no'. If omitted, it defaults to `both'. +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_PICMODE], +[AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP])dnl +pic_mode=ifelse($#,1,$1,default) +])# AC_LIBTOOL_PICMODE + + +# AC_PROG_EGREP +# ------------- +# This is predefined starting with Autoconf 2.54, so this conditional +# definition can be removed once we require Autoconf 2.54 or later. +m4_ifndef([AC_PROG_EGREP], [AC_DEFUN([AC_PROG_EGREP], +[AC_CACHE_CHECK([for egrep], [ac_cv_prog_egrep], + [if echo a | (grep -E '(a|b)') >/dev/null 2>&1 + then ac_cv_prog_egrep='grep -E' + else ac_cv_prog_egrep='egrep' + fi]) + EGREP=$ac_cv_prog_egrep + AC_SUBST([EGREP]) +])]) + + +# AC_PATH_TOOL_PREFIX +# ------------------- +# find a file program which can recognise shared library +AC_DEFUN([AC_PATH_TOOL_PREFIX], +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_EGREP])dnl +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $1]) +AC_CACHE_VAL(lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD, +[case $MAGIC_CMD in +[[\\/*] | ?:[\\/]*]) + lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD="$MAGIC_CMD" # Let the user override the test with a path. + ;; +*) + lt_save_MAGIC_CMD="$MAGIC_CMD" + lt_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +dnl $ac_dummy forces splitting on constant user-supplied paths. +dnl POSIX.2 word splitting is done only on the output of word expansions, +dnl not every word. This closes a longstanding sh security hole. + ac_dummy="ifelse([$2], , $PATH, [$2])" + for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do + IFS="$lt_save_ifs" + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + if test -f $ac_dir/$1; then + lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD="$ac_dir/$1" + if test -n "$file_magic_test_file"; then + case $deplibs_check_method in + "file_magic "*) + file_magic_regex="`expr \"$deplibs_check_method\" : \"file_magic \(.*\)\"`" + MAGIC_CMD="$lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD" + if eval $file_magic_cmd \$file_magic_test_file 2> /dev/null | + $EGREP "$file_magic_regex" > /dev/null; then + : + else + cat <&2 + +*** Warning: the command libtool uses to detect shared libraries, +*** $file_magic_cmd, produces output that libtool cannot recognize. +*** The result is that libtool may fail to recognize shared libraries +*** as such. This will affect the creation of libtool libraries that +*** depend on shared libraries, but programs linked with such libtool +*** libraries will work regardless of this problem. Nevertheless, you +*** may want to report the problem to your system manager and/or to +*** + +EOF + fi ;; + esac + fi + break + fi + done + IFS="$lt_save_ifs" + MAGIC_CMD="$lt_save_MAGIC_CMD" + ;; +esac]) +MAGIC_CMD="$lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD" +if test -n "$MAGIC_CMD"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT($MAGIC_CMD) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(no) +fi +])# AC_PATH_TOOL_PREFIX + + +# AC_PATH_MAGIC +# ------------- +# find a file program which can recognise a shared library +AC_DEFUN([AC_PATH_MAGIC], +[AC_PATH_TOOL_PREFIX(${ac_tool_prefix}file, /usr/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH) +if test -z "$lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD"; then + if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then + AC_PATH_TOOL_PREFIX(file, /usr/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH) + else + MAGIC_CMD=: + fi +fi +])# AC_PATH_MAGIC + + +# AC_PROG_LD +# ---------- +# find the pathname to the GNU or non-GNU linker +AC_DEFUN([AC_PROG_LD], +[AC_ARG_WITH([gnu-ld], + [AC_HELP_STRING([--with-gnu-ld], + [assume the C compiler uses GNU ld @<:@default=no@:>@])], + [test "$withval" = no || with_gnu_ld=yes], + [with_gnu_ld=no]) +AC_REQUIRE([LT_AC_PROG_SED])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_BUILD])dnl +ac_prog=ld +if test "$GCC" = yes; then + # Check if gcc -print-prog-name=ld gives a path. + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ld used by $CC]) + case $host in + *-*-mingw*) + # gcc leaves a trailing carriage return which upsets mingw + ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5 | tr -d '\015'` ;; + *) + ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5` ;; + esac + case $ac_prog in + # Accept absolute paths. + [[\\/]]* | ?:[[\\/]]*) + re_direlt='/[[^/]][[^/]]*/\.\./' + # Canonicalize the pathname of ld + ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| $SED 's%\\\\%/%g'` + while echo $ac_prog | grep "$re_direlt" > /dev/null 2>&1; do + ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| $SED "s%$re_direlt%/%"` + done + test -z "$LD" && LD="$ac_prog" + ;; + "") + # If it fails, then pretend we aren't using GCC. + ac_prog=ld + ;; + *) + # If it is relative, then search for the first ld in PATH. + with_gnu_ld=unknown + ;; + esac +elif test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for GNU ld]) +else + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for non-GNU ld]) +fi +AC_CACHE_VAL(lt_cv_path_LD, +[if test -z "$LD"; then + lt_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR + for ac_dir in $PATH; do + IFS="$lt_save_ifs" + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + if test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog" || test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exeext"; then + lt_cv_path_LD="$ac_dir/$ac_prog" + # Check to see if the program is GNU ld. I'd rather use --version, + # but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v. + # Break only if it was the GNU/non-GNU ld that we prefer. + case `"$lt_cv_path_LD" -v 2>&1 &1 /dev/null; then + case $host_cpu in + i*86 ) + # Not sure whether the presence of OpenBSD here was a mistake. + # Let's accept both of them until this is cleared up. + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic (FreeBSD|OpenBSD)/i[[3-9]]86 (compact )?demand paged shared library' + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=`echo /usr/lib/*` + ;; + esac + else + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + fi + ;; + +gnu*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +hpux10.20* | hpux11*) + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file + case "$host_cpu" in + ia64*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic (s[[0-9]][[0-9]][[0-9]]|ELF-[[0-9]][[0-9]]) shared object file - IA64' + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/usr/lib/hpux32/ + ;; + hppa*64*) + [lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic (s[0-9][0-9][0-9]|ELF-[0-9][0-9]) shared object file - PA-RISC [0-9].[0-9]'] + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/usr/lib/pa20_64/ + ;; + *) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic (s[[0-9]][[0-9]][[0-9]]|PA-RISC[[0-9]].[[0-9]]) shared library' + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/usr/lib/ + ;; + esac + ;; + +irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) + case $host_os in + irix5* | nonstopux*) + # this will be overridden with pass_all, but let us keep it just in case + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method="file_magic ELF 32-bit MSB dynamic lib MIPS - version 1" + ;; + *) + case $LD in + *-32|*"-32 ") libmagic=32-bit;; + *-n32|*"-n32 ") libmagic=N32;; + *-64|*"-64 ") libmagic=64-bit;; + *) libmagic=never-match;; + esac + # this will be overridden with pass_all, but let us keep it just in case + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method="file_magic ELF ${libmagic} MSB mips-[[1234]] dynamic lib MIPS - version 1" + ;; + esac + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=`echo /lib${libsuff}/*` + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +# This must be Linux ELF. +linux*) + case $host_cpu in + alpha* | hppa* | i*86 | ia64* | m68* | mips* | powerpc* | sparc* | s390* | sh* | x86_64* ) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all ;; + # the debian people say, arm and glibc 2.3.1 works for them with pass_all + arm* ) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all ;; + *) + # glibc up to 2.1.1 does not perform some relocations on ARM + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [[0-9]][[0-9]]*-bit [[LM]]SB (shared object|dynamic lib )' ;; + esac + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=`echo /lib/* /lib/libc-*.so` + ;; + +netbsd*) + if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__ > /dev/null; then + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='match_pattern /lib[[^/]]+(\.so\.[[0-9]]+\.[[0-9]]+|_pic\.a)$' + else + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='match_pattern /lib[[^/]]+(\.so|_pic\.a)$' + fi + ;; + +newos6*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [[0-9]][[0-9]]*-bit [[ML]]SB (executable|dynamic lib)' + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/usr/lib/ + ;; + +nto-qnx*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=unknown + ;; + +openbsd*) + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=`echo /usr/lib/*` + if test -z "`echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__`" || test "$host_os-$host_cpu" = "openbsd2.8-powerpc"; then + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [[0-9]][[0-9]]*-bit [[LM]]SB shared object' + else + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic OpenBSD.* shared library' + fi + ;; + +osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) + # this will be overridden with pass_all, but let us keep it just in case + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic COFF format alpha shared library' + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/shlib/ + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +sco3.2v5*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + +solaris*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/lib/ + ;; + +sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3* | sysv5*) + case $host_vendor in + motorola) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [[0-9]][[0-9]]*-bit [[ML]]SB (shared object|dynamic lib) M[[0-9]][[0-9]]* Version [[0-9]]' + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=`echo /usr/lib/*` + ;; + ncr) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + sequent) + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='/bin/file' + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [[0-9]][[0-9]]*-bit [[LM]]SB (shared object|dynamic lib )' + ;; + sni) + lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='/bin/file' + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method="file_magic ELF [[0-9]][[0-9]]*-bit [[LM]]SB dynamic lib" + lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/lib/ + ;; + siemens) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; + esac + ;; + +sysv5OpenUNIX8* | sysv5UnixWare7* | sysv5uw[[78]]* | unixware7* | sysv4*uw2*) + lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all + ;; +esac +]) +file_magic_cmd=$lt_cv_file_magic_cmd +deplibs_check_method=$lt_cv_deplibs_check_method +test -z "$deplibs_check_method" && deplibs_check_method=unknown +])# AC_DEPLIBS_CHECK_METHOD + + +# AC_PROG_NM +# ---------- +# find the pathname to a BSD-compatible name lister +AC_DEFUN([AC_PROG_NM], +[AC_CACHE_CHECK([for BSD-compatible nm], lt_cv_path_NM, +[if test -n "$NM"; then + # Let the user override the test. + lt_cv_path_NM="$NM" +else + lt_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR + for ac_dir in $PATH /usr/ccs/bin /usr/ucb /bin; do + IFS="$lt_save_ifs" + test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. + tmp_nm="$ac_dir/${ac_tool_prefix}nm" + if test -f "$tmp_nm" || test -f "$tmp_nm$ac_exeext" ; then + # Check to see if the nm accepts a BSD-compat flag. + # Adding the `sed 1q' prevents false positives on HP-UX, which says: + # nm: unknown option "B" ignored + # Tru64's nm complains that /dev/null is an invalid object file + case `"$tmp_nm" -B /dev/null 2>&1 | sed '1q'` in + */dev/null* | *'Invalid file or object type'*) + lt_cv_path_NM="$tmp_nm -B" + break + ;; + *) + case `"$tmp_nm" -p /dev/null 2>&1 | sed '1q'` in + */dev/null*) + lt_cv_path_NM="$tmp_nm -p" + break + ;; + *) + lt_cv_path_NM=${lt_cv_path_NM="$tmp_nm"} # keep the first match, but + continue # so that we can try to find one that supports BSD flags + ;; + esac + esac + fi + done + IFS="$lt_save_ifs" + test -z "$lt_cv_path_NM" && lt_cv_path_NM=nm +fi]) +NM="$lt_cv_path_NM" +])# AC_PROG_NM + + +# AC_CHECK_LIBM +# ------------- +# check for math library +AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_LIBM], +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST])dnl +LIBM= +case $host in +*-*-beos* | *-*-cygwin* | *-*-pw32* | *-*-darwin*) + # These system don't have libm, or don't need it + ;; +*-ncr-sysv4.3*) + AC_CHECK_LIB(mw, _mwvalidcheckl, LIBM="-lmw") + AC_CHECK_LIB(m, cos, LIBM="$LIBM -lm") + ;; +*) + AC_CHECK_LIB(m, cos, LIBM="-lm") + ;; +esac +])# AC_CHECK_LIBM + + +# AC_LIBLTDL_CONVENIENCE([DIRECTORY]) +# ----------------------------------- +# sets LIBLTDL to the link flags for the libltdl convenience library and +# LTDLINCL to the include flags for the libltdl header and adds +# --enable-ltdl-convenience to the configure arguments. Note that LIBLTDL +# and LTDLINCL are not AC_SUBSTed, nor is AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS called. If +# DIRECTORY is not provided, it is assumed to be `libltdl'. LIBLTDL will +# be prefixed with '${top_builddir}/' and LTDLINCL will be prefixed with +# '${top_srcdir}/' (note the single quotes!). If your package is not +# flat and you're not using automake, define top_builddir and +# top_srcdir appropriately in the Makefiles. +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBLTDL_CONVENIENCE], +[AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP])dnl + case $enable_ltdl_convenience in + no) AC_MSG_ERROR([this package needs a convenience libltdl]) ;; + "") enable_ltdl_convenience=yes + ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args --enable-ltdl-convenience" ;; + esac + LIBLTDL='${top_builddir}/'ifelse($#,1,[$1],['libltdl'])/ + LTDLINCL='-I${top_srcdir}/'ifelse($#,1,[$1],['libltdl']) + # For backwards non-gettext consistent compatibility... + INCLTDL="$LTDLINCL" +])# AC_LIBLTDL_CONVENIENCE + + +# AC_LIBLTDL_INSTALLABLE([DIRECTORY]) +# ----------------------------------- +# sets LIBLTDL to the link flags for the libltdl installable library and +# LTDLINCL to the include flags for the libltdl header and adds +# --enable-ltdl-install to the configure arguments. Note that LIBLTDL +# and LTDLINCL are not AC_SUBSTed, nor is AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS called. If +# DIRECTORY is not provided and an installed libltdl is not found, it is +# assumed to be `libltdl'. LIBLTDL will be prefixed with '${top_builddir}/' +# and LTDLINCL will be prefixed with '${top_srcdir}/' (note the single +# quotes!). If your package is not flat and you're not using automake, +# define top_builddir and top_srcdir appropriately in the Makefiles. +# In the future, this macro may have to be called after AC_PROG_LIBTOOL. +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBLTDL_INSTALLABLE], +[AC_BEFORE([$0],[AC_LIBTOOL_SETUP])dnl + AC_CHECK_LIB(ltdl, lt_dlinit, + [test x"$enable_ltdl_install" != xyes && enable_ltdl_install=no], + [if test x"$enable_ltdl_install" = xno; then + AC_MSG_WARN([libltdl not installed, but installation disabled]) + else + enable_ltdl_install=yes + fi + ]) + if test x"$enable_ltdl_install" = x"yes"; then + ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args --enable-ltdl-install" + LIBLTDL='${top_builddir}/'ifelse($#,1,[$1],['libltdl'])/ + LTDLINCL='-I${top_srcdir}/'ifelse($#,1,[$1],['libltdl']) + else + ac_configure_args="$ac_configure_args --enable-ltdl-install=no" + LIBLTDL="-lltdl" + LTDLINCL= + fi + # For backwards non-gettext consistent compatibility... + INCLTDL="$LTDLINCL" +])# AC_LIBLTDL_INSTALLABLE + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_CXX +# -------------- +# enable support for C++ libraries +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_CXX], +[AC_REQUIRE([_LT_AC_LANG_CXX]) +])# AC_LIBTOOL_CXX + + +# _LT_AC_LANG_CXX +# --------------- +AC_DEFUN([_LT_AC_LANG_CXX], +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CXX]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CXXCPP]) +_LT_AC_SHELL_INIT([tagnames=${tagnames+${tagnames},}CXX]) +])# _LT_AC_LANG_CXX + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_F77 +# -------------- +# enable support for Fortran 77 libraries +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_F77], +[AC_REQUIRE([_LT_AC_LANG_F77]) +])# AC_LIBTOOL_F77 + + +# _LT_AC_LANG_F77 +# --------------- +AC_DEFUN([_LT_AC_LANG_F77], +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_F77]) +_LT_AC_SHELL_INIT([tagnames=${tagnames+${tagnames},}F77]) +])# _LT_AC_LANG_F77 + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_GCJ +# -------------- +# enable support for GCJ libraries +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_GCJ], +[AC_REQUIRE([_LT_AC_LANG_GCJ]) +])# AC_LIBTOOL_GCJ + + +# _LT_AC_LANG_GCJ +# --------------- +AC_DEFUN([_LT_AC_LANG_GCJ], +[AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_GCJ],[], + [AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([A][M_PROG_GCJ],[], + [AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([LT_AC_PROG_GCJ],[], + [ifdef([AC_PROG_GCJ],[AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_GCJ])], + [ifdef([A][M_PROG_GCJ],[AC_REQUIRE([A][M_PROG_GCJ])], + [AC_REQUIRE([A][C_PROG_GCJ_OR_A][M_PROG_GCJ])])])])])]) +_LT_AC_SHELL_INIT([tagnames=${tagnames+${tagnames},}GCJ]) +])# _LT_AC_LANG_GCJ + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_RC +# -------------- +# enable support for Windows resource files +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_RC], +[AC_REQUIRE([LT_AC_PROG_RC]) +_LT_AC_SHELL_INIT([tagnames=${tagnames+${tagnames},}RC]) +])# AC_LIBTOOL_RC + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_C_CONFIG +# ------------------------ +# Ensure that the configuration vars for the C compiler are +# suitably defined. Those variables are subsequently used by +# AC_LIBTOOL_CONFIG to write the compiler configuration to `libtool'. +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_C_CONFIG], [_LT_AC_LANG_C_CONFIG]) +AC_DEFUN([_LT_AC_LANG_C_CONFIG], +[lt_save_CC="$CC" +AC_LANG_PUSH(C) + +# Source file extension for C test sources. +ac_ext=c + +# Object file extension for compiled C test sources. +objext=o +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(objext, $1)=$objext + +# Code to be used in simple compile tests +lt_simple_compile_test_code="int some_variable = 0;\n" + +# Code to be used in simple link tests +lt_simple_link_test_code='int main(){return(0);}\n' + +_LT_AC_SYS_COMPILER + +# +# Check for any special shared library compilation flags. +# +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_cc_shlib, $1)= +if test "$GCC" = no; then + case $host_os in + sco3.2v5*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_cc_shlib, $1)='-belf' + ;; + esac +fi +if test -n "$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_cc_shlib, $1)"; then + AC_MSG_WARN([`$CC' requires `$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_cc_shlib, $1)' to build shared libraries]) + if echo "$old_CC $old_CFLAGS " | grep "[[ ]]$]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_cc_shlib, $1)[[[ ]]" >/dev/null; then : + else + AC_MSG_WARN([add `$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_cc_shlib, $1)' to the CC or CFLAGS env variable and reconfigure]) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_cc_can_build_shared, $1)=no + fi +fi + + +# +# Check to make sure the static flag actually works. +# +AC_LIBTOOL_LINKER_OPTION([if $compiler static flag $_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1) works], + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static_works, $1), + $_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1), + [], + [_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)=]) + + +## CAVEAT EMPTOR: +## There is no encapsulation within the following macros, do not change +## the running order or otherwise move them around unless you know exactly +## what you are doing... +AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_COMPILER_NO_RTTI($1) +AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_COMPILER_PIC($1) +AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_CC_C_O($1) +AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS($1) +AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_LD_SHLIBS($1) +AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_DYNAMIC_LINKER($1) +AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_LD_HARDCODE_LIBPATH($1) +AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_LIB_STRIP +AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN_SELF($1) + +# Report which librarie types wil actually be built +AC_MSG_CHECKING([if libtool supports shared libraries]) +AC_MSG_RESULT([$can_build_shared]) + +AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build shared libraries]) +test "$can_build_shared" = "no" && enable_shared=no + +# On AIX, shared libraries and static libraries use the same namespace, and +# are all built from PIC. +case "$host_os" in +aix3*) + test "$enable_shared" = yes && enable_static=no + if test -n "$RANLIB"; then + archive_cmds="$archive_cmds~\$RANLIB \$lib" + postinstall_cmds='$RANLIB $lib' + fi + ;; + +aix4*) + if test "$host_cpu" != ia64 && test "$aix_use_runtimelinking" = no ; then + test "$enable_shared" = yes && enable_static=no + fi + ;; + darwin* | rhapsody*) + if test "$GCC" = yes; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)=no + case "$host_os" in + rhapsody* | darwin1.[[012]]) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)='-Wl,-undefined -Wl,suppress' + ;; + *) # Darwin 1.3 on + if test -z ${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET} ; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)='-Wl,-flat_namespace -Wl,-undefined -Wl,suppress' + else + case ${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET} in + 10.[012]) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)='-Wl,-flat_namespace -Wl,-undefined -Wl,suppress' + ;; + 10.*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)='-Wl,-undefined -Wl,dynamic_lookup' + ;; + esac + fi + ;; + esac + output_verbose_link_cmd='echo' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -dynamiclib $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs -install_name $rpath/$soname $verstring' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(module_cmds, $1)='$CC $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib -bundle $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs' + # Don't fix this by using the ld -exported_symbols_list flag, it doesn't exist in older darwin ld's + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='sed -e "s,#.*,," -e "s,^[ ]*,," -e "s,^\(..*\),_&," < $export_symbols > $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym~$CC -dynamiclib $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs -install_name $rpath/$soname $verstring~nmedit -s $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym ${lib}' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(module_expsym_cmds, $1)='sed -e "s,#.*,," -e "s,^[ ]*,," -e "s,^\(..*\),_&," < $export_symbols > $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym~$CC $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib -bundle $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs~nmedit -s $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym ${lib}' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_automatic, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=unsupported + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)='-all_load $convenience' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1)=yes + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + fi + ;; +esac +AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_shared]) + +AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build static libraries]) +# Make sure either enable_shared or enable_static is yes. +test "$enable_shared" = yes || enable_static=yes +AC_MSG_RESULT([$enable_static]) + +AC_LIBTOOL_CONFIG($1) + +AC_LANG_POP +CC="$lt_save_CC" +])# AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_C_CONFIG + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_CXX_CONFIG +# -------------------------- +# Ensure that the configuration vars for the C compiler are +# suitably defined. Those variables are subsequently used by +# AC_LIBTOOL_CONFIG to write the compiler configuration to `libtool'. +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_CXX_CONFIG], [_LT_AC_LANG_CXX_CONFIG(CXX)]) +AC_DEFUN([_LT_AC_LANG_CXX_CONFIG], +[AC_LANG_PUSH(C++) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CXX]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CXXCPP]) + +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)=no +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1)=no +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=no +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec_ld, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=no +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_automatic, $1)=no +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(module_cmds, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(module_expsym_cmds, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1)=unknown +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(old_archive_cmds, $1)=$old_archive_cmds +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(no_undefined_flag, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(enable_shared_with_static_runtimes, $1)=no + +# Dependencies to place before and after the object being linked: +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(predep_objects, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(postdep_objects, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(predeps, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(postdeps, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(compiler_lib_search_path, $1)= + +# Source file extension for C++ test sources. +ac_ext=cc + +# Object file extension for compiled C++ test sources. +objext=o +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(objext, $1)=$objext + +# Code to be used in simple compile tests +lt_simple_compile_test_code="int some_variable = 0;\n" + +# Code to be used in simple link tests +lt_simple_link_test_code='int main(int, char *[]) { return(0); }\n' + +# ltmain only uses $CC for tagged configurations so make sure $CC is set. +_LT_AC_SYS_COMPILER + +# Allow CC to be a program name with arguments. +lt_save_CC=$CC +lt_save_LD=$LD +lt_save_GCC=$GCC +GCC=$GXX +lt_save_with_gnu_ld=$with_gnu_ld +lt_save_path_LD=$lt_cv_path_LD +if test -n "${lt_cv_prog_gnu_ldcxx+set}"; then + lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld=$lt_cv_prog_gnu_ldcxx +else + unset lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld +fi +if test -n "${lt_cv_path_LDCXX+set}"; then + lt_cv_path_LD=$lt_cv_path_LDCXX +else + unset lt_cv_path_LD +fi +test -z "${LDCXX+set}" || LD=$LDCXX +CC=${CXX-"c++"} +compiler=$CC +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(compiler, $1)=$CC +cc_basename=`$echo X"$compiler" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'` + +# We don't want -fno-exception wen compiling C++ code, so set the +# no_builtin_flag separately +if test "$GXX" = yes; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag, $1)=' -fno-builtin' +else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag, $1)= +fi + +if test "$GXX" = yes; then + # Set up default GNU C++ configuration + + AC_PROG_LD + + # Check if GNU C++ uses GNU ld as the underlying linker, since the + # archiving commands below assume that GNU ld is being used. + if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared -nostdlib $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared -nostdlib $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib' + + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--rpath ${wl}$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--export-dynamic' + + # If archive_cmds runs LD, not CC, wlarc should be empty + # XXX I think wlarc can be eliminated in ltcf-cxx, but I need to + # investigate it a little bit more. (MM) + wlarc='${wl}' + + # ancient GNU ld didn't support --whole-archive et. al. + if eval "`$CC -print-prog-name=ld` --help 2>&1" | \ + grep 'no-whole-archive' > /dev/null; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)="$wlarc"'--whole-archive$convenience '"$wlarc"'--no-whole-archive' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)= + fi + else + with_gnu_ld=no + wlarc= + + # A generic and very simple default shared library creation + # command for GNU C++ for the case where it uses the native + # linker, instead of GNU ld. If possible, this setting should + # overridden to take advantage of the native linker features on + # the platform it is being used on. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared -nostdlib $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects -o $lib' + fi + + # Commands to make compiler produce verbose output that lists + # what "hidden" libraries, object files and flags are used when + # linking a shared library. + output_verbose_link_cmd='$CC -shared $CFLAGS -v conftest.$objext 2>&1 | grep "\-L"' + +else + GXX=no + with_gnu_ld=no + wlarc= +fi + +# PORTME: fill in a description of your system's C++ link characteristics +AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether the $compiler linker ($LD) supports shared libraries]) +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=yes +case $host_os in + aix3*) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + aix4* | aix5*) + if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then + # On IA64, the linker does run time linking by default, so we don't + # have to do anything special. + aix_use_runtimelinking=no + exp_sym_flag='-Bexport' + no_entry_flag="" + else + # KDE requires run time linking. Make it the default. + aix_use_runtimelinking=yes + exp_sym_flag='-bexport' + no_entry_flag='-bnoentry' + fi + + # When large executables or shared objects are built, AIX ld can + # have problems creating the table of contents. If linking a library + # or program results in "error TOC overflow" add -mminimal-toc to + # CXXFLAGS/CFLAGS for g++/gcc. In the cases where that is not + # enough to fix the problem, add -Wl,-bbigtoc to LDFLAGS. + + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=':' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1)=yes + + if test "$GXX" = yes; then + case $host_os in aix4.[012]|aix4.[012].*) + # We only want to do this on AIX 4.2 and lower, the check + # below for broken collect2 doesn't work under 4.3+ + collect2name=`${CC} -print-prog-name=collect2` + if test -f "$collect2name" && \ + strings "$collect2name" | grep resolve_lib_name >/dev/null + then + # We have reworked collect2 + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + else + # We have old collect2 + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=unsupported + # It fails to find uninstalled libraries when the uninstalled + # path is not listed in the libpath. Setting hardcode_minus_L + # to unsupported forces relinking + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)= + fi + esac + shared_flag='-shared' + else + # not using gcc + if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then + # VisualAge C++, Version 5.5 for AIX 5L for IA-64, Beta 3 Release + # chokes on -Wl,-G. The following line is correct: + shared_flag='-G' + else + if test "$aix_use_runtimelinking" = yes; then + shared_flag='-qmkshrobj ${wl}-G' + else + shared_flag='-qmkshrobj' + fi + fi + fi + + # Let the compiler handle the export list. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1)=no + if test "$aix_use_runtimelinking" = yes; then + # Warning - without using the other runtime loading flags (-brtl), + # -berok will link without error, but may produce a broken library. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)='-berok' + # Determine the default libpath from the value encoded in an empty executable. + _LT_AC_SYS_LIBPATH_AIX + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-blibpath:$libdir:'"$aix_libpath" + + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)="\$CC"' -o $output_objdir/$soname $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs `if test "x${allow_undefined_flag}" != "x"; then echo "${wl}${allow_undefined_flag}"; else :; fi` '" $shared_flag" + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)="\$CC"' -o $output_objdir/$soname $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs `if test "x${allow_undefined_flag}" != "x"; then echo "${wl}${allow_undefined_flag}"; else :; fi` '"\${wl}$exp_sym_flag:\$export_symbols $shared_flag" + else + if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-R $libdir:/usr/lib:/lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)="-z nodefs" + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)="\$CC $shared_flag"' -o $output_objdir/$soname $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs ${wl}${allow_undefined_flag} '"\${wl}$no_entry_flag \${wl}$exp_sym_flag:\$export_symbols" + else + # Determine the default libpath from the value encoded in an empty executable. + _LT_AC_SYS_LIBPATH_AIX + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-blibpath:$libdir:'"$aix_libpath" + # Warning - without using the other run time loading flags, + # -berok will link without error, but may produce a broken library. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(no_undefined_flag, $1)=' ${wl}-bernotok' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=' ${wl}-berok' + # -bexpall does not export symbols beginning with underscore (_) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1)=yes + # Exported symbols can be pulled into shared objects from archives + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)=' ' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)=yes + # This is similar to how AIX traditionally builds it's shared libraries. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)="\$CC $shared_flag"' -o $output_objdir/$soname $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs ${wl}-bE:$export_symbols ${wl}-bnoentry${allow_undefined_flag}~$AR $AR_FLAGS $output_objdir/$libname$release.a $output_objdir/$soname' + fi + fi + ;; + chorus*) + case $cc_basename in + *) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + esac + ;; + + cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*) + # _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1) is actually meaningless, + # as there is no search path for DLLs. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(enable_shared_with_static_runtimes, $1)=yes + + if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep 'auto-import' > /dev/null; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared -nostdlib $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects -o $output_objdir/$soname ${wl}--image-base=0x10000000 ${wl}--out-implib,$lib' + # If the export-symbols file already is a .def file (1st line + # is EXPORTS), use it as is; otherwise, prepend... + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='if test "x`$SED 1q $export_symbols`" = xEXPORTS; then + cp $export_symbols $output_objdir/$soname.def; + else + echo EXPORTS > $output_objdir/$soname.def; + cat $export_symbols >> $output_objdir/$soname.def; + fi~ + $CC -shared -nostdlib $output_objdir/$soname.def $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects -o $output_objdir/$soname ${wl}--image-base=0x10000000 ${wl}--out-implib,$lib' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + fi + ;; + + darwin* | rhapsody*) + if test "$GXX" = yes; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)=no + case "$host_os" in + rhapsody* | darwin1.[[012]]) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)='-Wl,-undefined -Wl,suppress' + ;; + *) # Darwin 1.3 on + if test -z ${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET} ; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)='-Wl,-flat_namespace -Wl,-undefined -Wl,suppress' + else + case ${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET} in + 10.[012]) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)='-Wl,-flat_namespace -Wl,-undefined -Wl,suppress' + ;; + 10.*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)='-Wl,-undefined -Wl,dynamic_lookup' + ;; + esac + fi + ;; + esac + lt_int_apple_cc_single_mod=no + output_verbose_link_cmd='echo' + if $CC -dumpspecs 2>&1 | grep 'single_module' >/dev/null ; then + lt_int_apple_cc_single_mod=yes + fi + if test "X$lt_int_apple_cc_single_mod" = Xyes ; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -dynamiclib -single_module $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs -install_name $rpath/$soname $verstring' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -r ${wl}-bind_at_load -keep_private_externs -nostdlib -o ${lib}-master.o $libobjs~$CC -dynamiclib $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib ${lib}-master.o $compiler_flags $deplibs -install_name $rpath/$soname $verstring' + fi + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(module_cmds, $1)='$CC ${wl}-bind_at_load $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib -bundle $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs' + + # Don't fix this by using the ld -exported_symbols_list flag, it doesn't exist in older darwin ld's + if test "X$lt_int_apple_cc_single_mod" = Xyes ; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='sed -e "s,#.*,," -e "s,^[ ]*,," -e "s,^\(..*\),_&," < $export_symbols > $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym~$CC -dynamiclib -single_module $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs -install_name $rpath/$soname $verstring~nmedit -s $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym ${lib}' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='sed -e "s,#.*,," -e "s,^[ ]*,," -e "s,^\(..*\),_&," < $export_symbols > $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym~$CC -r ${wl}-bind_at_load -keep_private_externs -nostdlib -o ${lib}-master.o $libobjs~$CC -dynamiclib $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib ${lib}-master.o $compiler_flags $deplibs -install_name $rpath/$soname $verstring~nmedit -s $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym ${lib}' + fi + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(module_expsym_cmds, $1)='sed -e "s,#.*,," -e "s,^[ ]*,," -e "s,^\(..*\),_&," < $export_symbols > $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym~$CC $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib -bundle $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs~nmedit -s $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym ${lib}' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_automatic, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=unsupported + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)='-all_load $convenience' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1)=yes + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + fi + ;; + + dgux*) + case $cc_basename in + ec++) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + ghcx) + # Green Hills C++ Compiler + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + *) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + esac + ;; + freebsd[12]*) + # C++ shared libraries reported to be fairly broken before switch to ELF + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + freebsd-elf*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)=no + ;; + freebsd*) + # FreeBSD 3 and later use GNU C++ and GNU ld with standard ELF + # conventions + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=yes + ;; + gnu*) + ;; + hpux9*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-E' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes # Not in the search PATH, + # but as the default + # location of the library. + + case $cc_basename in + CC) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + aCC) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$rm $output_objdir/$soname~$CC -b ${wl}+b ${wl}$install_libdir -o $output_objdir/$soname $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects~test $output_objdir/$soname = $lib || mv $output_objdir/$soname $lib' + # Commands to make compiler produce verbose output that lists + # what "hidden" libraries, object files and flags are used when + # linking a shared library. + # + # There doesn't appear to be a way to prevent this compiler from + # explicitly linking system object files so we need to strip them + # from the output so that they don't get included in the library + # dependencies. + output_verbose_link_cmd='templist=`($CC -b $CFLAGS -v conftest.$objext 2>&1) | egrep "\-L"`; list=""; for z in $templist; do case $z in conftest.$objext) list="$list $z";; *.$objext);; *) list="$list $z";;esac; done; echo $list' + ;; + *) + if test "$GXX" = yes; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$rm $output_objdir/$soname~$CC -shared -nostdlib -fPIC ${wl}+b ${wl}$install_libdir -o $output_objdir/$soname $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects~test $output_objdir/$soname = $lib || mv $output_objdir/$soname $lib' + else + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + fi + ;; + esac + ;; + hpux10*|hpux11*) + if test $with_gnu_ld = no; then + case "$host_cpu" in + hppa*64*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec_ld, $1)='+b $libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + ;; + ia64*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir' + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-E' + ;; + esac + fi + case "$host_cpu" in + hppa*64*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + ;; + ia64*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes # Not in the search PATH, + # but as the default + # location of the library. + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes # Not in the search PATH, + # but as the default + # location of the library. + ;; + esac + + case $cc_basename in + CC) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + aCC) + case "$host_cpu" in + hppa*64*|ia64*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -b +h $soname -o $lib $linker_flags $libobjs $deplibs' + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -b ${wl}+h ${wl}$soname ${wl}+b ${wl}$install_libdir -o $lib $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects' + ;; + esac + # Commands to make compiler produce verbose output that lists + # what "hidden" libraries, object files and flags are used when + # linking a shared library. + # + # There doesn't appear to be a way to prevent this compiler from + # explicitly linking system object files so we need to strip them + # from the output so that they don't get included in the library + # dependencies. + output_verbose_link_cmd='templist=`($CC -b $CFLAGS -v conftest.$objext 2>&1) | grep "\-L"`; list=""; for z in $templist; do case $z in conftest.$objext) list="$list $z";; *.$objext);; *) list="$list $z";;esac; done; echo $list' + ;; + *) + if test "$GXX" = yes; then + if test $with_gnu_ld = no; then + case "$host_cpu" in + ia64*|hppa*64*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -b +h $soname -o $lib $linker_flags $libobjs $deplibs' + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared -nostdlib -fPIC ${wl}+h ${wl}$soname ${wl}+b ${wl}$install_libdir -o $lib $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects' + ;; + esac + fi + else + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + fi + ;; + esac + ;; + irix5* | irix6*) + case $cc_basename in + CC) + # SGI C++ + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared -all -multigot $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects -soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo -set_version $verstring` -update_registry ${objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + + # Archives containing C++ object files must be created using + # "CC -ar", where "CC" is the IRIX C++ compiler. This is + # necessary to make sure instantiated templates are included + # in the archive. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(old_archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -ar -WR,-u -o $oldlib $oldobjs' + ;; + *) + if test "$GXX" = yes; then + if test "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared -nostdlib $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects ${wl}-soname ${wl}$soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo ${wl}-set_version ${wl}$verstring` ${wl}-update_registry ${wl}${objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared -nostdlib $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects ${wl}-soname ${wl}$soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo ${wl}-set_version ${wl}$verstring` -o $lib' + fi + fi + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1)=yes + ;; + esac + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + ;; + linux*) + case $cc_basename in + KCC) + # Kuck and Associates, Inc. (KAI) C++ Compiler + + # KCC will only create a shared library if the output file + # ends with ".so" (or ".sl" for HP-UX), so rename the library + # to its proper name (with version) after linking. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='tempext=`echo $shared_ext | $SED -e '\''s/\([[^()0-9A-Za-z{}]]\)/\\\\\1/g'\''`; templib=`echo $lib | $SED -e "s/\${tempext}\..*/.so/"`; $CC $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects --soname $soname -o \$templib; mv \$templib $lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='tempext=`echo $shared_ext | $SED -e '\''s/\([[^()0-9A-Za-z{}]]\)/\\\\\1/g'\''`; templib=`echo $lib | $SED -e "s/\${tempext}\..*/.so/"`; $CC $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects --soname $soname -o \$templib ${wl}-retain-symbols-file,$export_symbols; mv \$templib $lib' + # Commands to make compiler produce verbose output that lists + # what "hidden" libraries, object files and flags are used when + # linking a shared library. + # + # There doesn't appear to be a way to prevent this compiler from + # explicitly linking system object files so we need to strip them + # from the output so that they don't get included in the library + # dependencies. + output_verbose_link_cmd='templist=`$CC $CFLAGS -v conftest.$objext -o libconftest$shared_ext 2>&1 | grep "ld"`; rm -f libconftest$shared_ext; list=""; for z in $templist; do case $z in conftest.$objext) list="$list $z";; *.$objext);; *) list="$list $z";;esac; done; echo $list' + + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--rpath,$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--export-dynamic' + + # Archives containing C++ object files must be created using + # "CC -Bstatic", where "CC" is the KAI C++ compiler. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(old_archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -Bstatic -o $oldlib $oldobjs' + ;; + icpc) + # Intel C++ + with_gnu_ld=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--export-dynamic' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--whole-archive$convenience ${wl}--no-whole-archive' + ;; + cxx) + # Compaq C++ + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols' + + runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-rpath $libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + + # Commands to make compiler produce verbose output that lists + # what "hidden" libraries, object files and flags are used when + # linking a shared library. + # + # There doesn't appear to be a way to prevent this compiler from + # explicitly linking system object files so we need to strip them + # from the output so that they don't get included in the library + # dependencies. + output_verbose_link_cmd='templist=`$CC -shared $CFLAGS -v conftest.$objext 2>&1 | grep "ld"`; templist=`echo $templist | $SED "s/\(^.*ld.*\)\( .*ld .*$\)/\1/"`; list=""; for z in $templist; do case $z in conftest.$objext) list="$list $z";; *.$objext);; *) list="$list $z";;esac; done; echo $list' + ;; + esac + ;; + lynxos*) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + m88k*) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + mvs*) + case $cc_basename in + cxx) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + *) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + esac + ;; + netbsd*) + if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__ >/dev/null; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects $linker_flags' + wlarc= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-R$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + fi + # Workaround some broken pre-1.5 toolchains + output_verbose_link_cmd='$CC -shared $CFLAGS -v conftest.$objext 2>&1 | grep conftest.$objext | $SED -e "s:-lgcc -lc -lgcc::"' + ;; + osf3*) + case $cc_basename in + KCC) + # Kuck and Associates, Inc. (KAI) C++ Compiler + + # KCC will only create a shared library if the output file + # ends with ".so" (or ".sl" for HP-UX), so rename the library + # to its proper name (with version) after linking. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='tempext=`echo $shared_ext | $SED -e '\''s/\([[^()0-9A-Za-z{}]]\)/\\\\\1/g'\''`; templib=`echo $lib | $SED -e "s/\${tempext}\..*/.so/"`; $CC $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects --soname $soname -o \$templib; mv \$templib $lib' + + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + + # Archives containing C++ object files must be created using + # "CC -Bstatic", where "CC" is the KAI C++ compiler. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(old_archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -Bstatic -o $oldlib $oldobjs' + + ;; + RCC) + # Rational C++ 2.4.1 + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + cxx) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=' ${wl}-expect_unresolved ${wl}\*' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared${allow_undefined_flag} $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects ${wl}-soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo ${wl}-set_version $verstring` -update_registry ${objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + + # Commands to make compiler produce verbose output that lists + # what "hidden" libraries, object files and flags are used when + # linking a shared library. + # + # There doesn't appear to be a way to prevent this compiler from + # explicitly linking system object files so we need to strip them + # from the output so that they don't get included in the library + # dependencies. + output_verbose_link_cmd='templist=`$CC -shared $CFLAGS -v conftest.$objext 2>&1 | grep "ld" | grep -v "ld:"`; templist=`echo $templist | $SED "s/\(^.*ld.*\)\( .*ld.*$\)/\1/"`; list=""; for z in $templist; do case $z in conftest.$objext) list="$list $z";; *.$objext);; *) list="$list $z";;esac; done; echo $list' + ;; + *) + if test "$GXX" = yes && test "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=' ${wl}-expect_unresolved ${wl}\*' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared -nostdlib ${allow_undefined_flag} $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects ${wl}-soname ${wl}$soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo ${wl}-set_version ${wl}$verstring` ${wl}-update_registry ${wl}${objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + + # Commands to make compiler produce verbose output that lists + # what "hidden" libraries, object files and flags are used when + # linking a shared library. + output_verbose_link_cmd='$CC -shared $CFLAGS -v conftest.$objext 2>&1 | grep "\-L"' + + else + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + fi + ;; + esac + ;; + osf4* | osf5*) + case $cc_basename in + KCC) + # Kuck and Associates, Inc. (KAI) C++ Compiler + + # KCC will only create a shared library if the output file + # ends with ".so" (or ".sl" for HP-UX), so rename the library + # to its proper name (with version) after linking. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='tempext=`echo $shared_ext | $SED -e '\''s/\([[^()0-9A-Za-z{}]]\)/\\\\\1/g'\''`; templib=`echo $lib | $SED -e "s/\${tempext}\..*/.so/"`; $CC $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects --soname $soname -o \$templib; mv \$templib $lib' + + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + + # Archives containing C++ object files must be created using + # the KAI C++ compiler. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(old_archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -o $oldlib $oldobjs' + ;; + RCC) + # Rational C++ 2.4.1 + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + cxx) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=' -expect_unresolved \*' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared${allow_undefined_flag} $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects -msym -soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo -set_version $verstring` -update_registry ${objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='for i in `cat $export_symbols`; do printf "%s %s\\n" -exported_symbol "\$i" >> $lib.exp; done~ + echo "-hidden">> $lib.exp~ + $CC -shared$allow_undefined_flag $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects -msym -soname $soname -Wl,-input -Wl,$lib.exp `test -n "$verstring" && echo -set_version $verstring` -update_registry $objdir/so_locations -o $lib~ + $rm $lib.exp' + + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-rpath $libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + + # Commands to make compiler produce verbose output that lists + # what "hidden" libraries, object files and flags are used when + # linking a shared library. + # + # There doesn't appear to be a way to prevent this compiler from + # explicitly linking system object files so we need to strip them + # from the output so that they don't get included in the library + # dependencies. + output_verbose_link_cmd='templist=`$CC -shared $CFLAGS -v conftest.$objext 2>&1 | grep "ld" | grep -v "ld:"`; templist=`echo $templist | $SED "s/\(^.*ld.*\)\( .*ld.*$\)/\1/"`; list=""; for z in $templist; do case $z in conftest.$objext) list="$list $z";; *.$objext);; *) list="$list $z";;esac; done; echo $list' + ;; + *) + if test "$GXX" = yes && test "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=' ${wl}-expect_unresolved ${wl}\*' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared -nostdlib ${allow_undefined_flag} $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects ${wl}-msym ${wl}-soname ${wl}$soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo ${wl}-set_version ${wl}$verstring` ${wl}-update_registry ${wl}${objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + + # Commands to make compiler produce verbose output that lists + # what "hidden" libraries, object files and flags are used when + # linking a shared library. + output_verbose_link_cmd='$CC -shared $CFLAGS -v conftest.$objext 2>&1 | grep "\-L"' + + else + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + fi + ;; + esac + ;; + psos*) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + sco*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)=no + case $cc_basename in + CC) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + *) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + esac + ;; + sunos4*) + case $cc_basename in + CC) + # Sun C++ 4.x + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + lcc) + # Lucid + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + *) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + esac + ;; + solaris*) + case $cc_basename in + CC) + # Sun C++ 4.2, 5.x and Centerline C++ + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(no_undefined_flag, $1)=' -zdefs' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -G${allow_undefined_flag} -nolib -h$soname -o $lib $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$echo "{ global:" > $lib.exp~cat $export_symbols | $SED -e "s/\(.*\)/\1;/" >> $lib.exp~$echo "local: *; };" >> $lib.exp~ + $CC -G${allow_undefined_flag} -nolib ${wl}-M ${wl}$lib.exp -h$soname -o $lib $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects~$rm $lib.exp' + + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-R$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + case $host_os in + solaris2.[0-5] | solaris2.[0-5].*) ;; + *) + # The C++ compiler is used as linker so we must use $wl + # flag to pass the commands to the underlying system + # linker. + # Supported since Solaris 2.6 (maybe 2.5.1?) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-z ${wl}allextract$convenience ${wl}-z ${wl}defaultextract' + ;; + esac + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1)=yes + + # Commands to make compiler produce verbose output that lists + # what "hidden" libraries, object files and flags are used when + # linking a shared library. + # + # There doesn't appear to be a way to prevent this compiler from + # explicitly linking system object files so we need to strip them + # from the output so that they don't get included in the library + # dependencies. + output_verbose_link_cmd='templist=`$CC -G $CFLAGS -v conftest.$objext 2>&1 | grep "\-[[LR]]"`; list=""; for z in $templist; do case $z in conftest.$objext) list="$list $z";; *.$objext);; *) list="$list $z";;esac; done; echo $list' + + # Archives containing C++ object files must be created using + # "CC -xar", where "CC" is the Sun C++ compiler. This is + # necessary to make sure instantiated templates are included + # in the archive. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(old_archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -xar -o $oldlib $oldobjs' + ;; + gcx) + # Green Hills C++ Compiler + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects ${wl}-h $wl$soname -o $lib' + + # The C++ compiler must be used to create the archive. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(old_archive_cmds, $1)='$CC $LDFLAGS -archive -o $oldlib $oldobjs' + ;; + *) + # GNU C++ compiler with Solaris linker + if test "$GXX" = yes && test "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(no_undefined_flag, $1)=' ${wl}-z ${wl}defs' + if $CC --version | grep -v '^2\.7' > /dev/null; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared -nostdlib $LDFLAGS $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects ${wl}-h $wl$soname -o $lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$echo "{ global:" > $lib.exp~cat $export_symbols | $SED -e "s/\(.*\)/\1;/" >> $lib.exp~$echo "local: *; };" >> $lib.exp~ + $CC -shared -nostdlib ${wl}-M $wl$lib.exp -o $lib $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects~$rm $lib.exp' + + # Commands to make compiler produce verbose output that lists + # what "hidden" libraries, object files and flags are used when + # linking a shared library. + output_verbose_link_cmd="$CC -shared $CFLAGS -v conftest.$objext 2>&1 | grep \"\-L\"" + else + # g++ 2.7 appears to require `-G' NOT `-shared' on this + # platform. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -G -nostdlib $LDFLAGS $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects ${wl}-h $wl$soname -o $lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$echo "{ global:" > $lib.exp~cat $export_symbols | $SED -e "s/\(.*\)/\1;/" >> $lib.exp~$echo "local: *; };" >> $lib.exp~ + $CC -G -nostdlib ${wl}-M $wl$lib.exp -o $lib $compiler_flags $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects~$rm $lib.exp' + + # Commands to make compiler produce verbose output that lists + # what "hidden" libraries, object files and flags are used when + # linking a shared library. + output_verbose_link_cmd="$CC -G $CFLAGS -v conftest.$objext 2>&1 | grep \"\-L\"" + fi + + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-R $wl$libdir' + fi + ;; + esac + ;; + sysv5OpenUNIX8* | sysv5UnixWare7* | sysv5uw[[78]]* | unixware7*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)=no + ;; + tandem*) + case $cc_basename in + NCC) + # NonStop-UX NCC 3.20 + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + *) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + esac + ;; + vxworks*) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + *) + # FIXME: insert proper C++ library support + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; +esac +AC_MSG_RESULT([$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)]) +test "$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)" = no && can_build_shared=no + +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(GCC, $1)="$GXX" +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(LD, $1)="$LD" + +## CAVEAT EMPTOR: +## There is no encapsulation within the following macros, do not change +## the running order or otherwise move them around unless you know exactly +## what you are doing... +AC_LIBTOOL_POSTDEP_PREDEP($1) +AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_COMPILER_PIC($1) +AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_CC_C_O($1) +AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_HARD_LINK_LOCKS($1) +AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_LD_SHLIBS($1) +AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_DYNAMIC_LINKER($1) +AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_LD_HARDCODE_LIBPATH($1) +AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_LIB_STRIP +AC_LIBTOOL_DLOPEN_SELF($1) + +AC_LIBTOOL_CONFIG($1) + +AC_LANG_POP +CC=$lt_save_CC +LDCXX=$LD +LD=$lt_save_LD +GCC=$lt_save_GCC +with_gnu_ldcxx=$with_gnu_ld +with_gnu_ld=$lt_save_with_gnu_ld +lt_cv_path_LDCXX=$lt_cv_path_LD +lt_cv_path_LD=$lt_save_path_LD +lt_cv_prog_gnu_ldcxx=$lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld +lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld=$lt_save_with_gnu_ld +])# AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_CXX_CONFIG + +# AC_LIBTOOL_POSTDEP_PREDEP([TAGNAME]) +# ------------------------ +# Figure out "hidden" library dependencies from verbose +# compiler output when linking a shared library. +# Parse the compiler output and extract the necessary +# objects, libraries and library flags. +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_POSTDEP_PREDEP],[ +dnl we can't use the lt_simple_compile_test_code here, +dnl because it contains code intended for an executable, +dnl not a library. It's possible we should let each +dnl tag define a new lt_????_link_test_code variable, +dnl but it's only used here... +ifelse([$1],[],[cat > conftest.$ac_ext < conftest.$ac_ext < conftest.$ac_ext < conftest.$ac_ext <> "$cfgfile" +ifelse([$1], [], +[#! $SHELL + +# `$echo "$cfgfile" | sed 's%^.*/%%'` - Provide generalized library-building support services. +# Generated automatically by $PROGRAM (GNU $PACKAGE $VERSION$TIMESTAMP) +# NOTE: Changes made to this file will be lost: look at +# +# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 +# Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is part of GNU Libtool: +# Originally by Gordon Matzigkeit , 1996 +# +# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or +# (at your option) any later version. +# +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but +# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +# General Public License for more details. +# +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License +# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software +# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. +# +# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you +# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a +# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under +# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. + +# A sed program that does not truncate output. +SED=$lt_SED + +# Sed that helps us avoid accidentally triggering echo(1) options like -n. +Xsed="$SED -e s/^X//" + +# The HP-UX ksh and POSIX shell print the target directory to stdout +# if CDPATH is set. +if test "X\${CDPATH+set}" = Xset; then CDPATH=:; export CDPATH; fi + +# The names of the tagged configurations supported by this script. +available_tags= + +# ### BEGIN LIBTOOL CONFIG], +[# ### BEGIN LIBTOOL TAG CONFIG: $tagname]) + +# Libtool was configured on host `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`: + +# Shell to use when invoking shell scripts. +SHELL=$lt_SHELL + +# Whether or not to build shared libraries. +build_libtool_libs=$enable_shared + +# Whether or not to build static libraries. +build_old_libs=$enable_static + +# Whether or not to add -lc for building shared libraries. +build_libtool_need_lc=$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1) + +# Whether or not to disallow shared libs when runtime libs are static +allow_libtool_libs_with_static_runtimes=$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(enable_shared_with_static_runtimes, $1) + +# Whether or not to optimize for fast installation. +fast_install=$enable_fast_install + +# The host system. +host_alias=$host_alias +host=$host + +# An echo program that does not interpret backslashes. +echo=$lt_echo + +# The archiver. +AR=$lt_AR +AR_FLAGS=$lt_AR_FLAGS + +# A C compiler. +LTCC=$lt_LTCC + +# A language-specific compiler. +CC=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(compiler, $1) + +# Is the compiler the GNU C compiler? +with_gcc=$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(GCC, $1) + +# An ERE matcher. +EGREP=$lt_EGREP + +# The linker used to build libraries. +LD=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(LD, $1) + +# Whether we need hard or soft links. +LN_S=$lt_LN_S + +# A BSD-compatible nm program. +NM=$lt_NM + +# A symbol stripping program +STRIP=$STRIP + +# Used to examine libraries when file_magic_cmd begins "file" +MAGIC_CMD=$MAGIC_CMD + +# Used on cygwin: DLL creation program. +DLLTOOL="$DLLTOOL" + +# Used on cygwin: object dumper. +OBJDUMP="$OBJDUMP" + +# Used on cygwin: assembler. +AS="$AS" + +# The name of the directory that contains temporary libtool files. +objdir=$objdir + +# How to create reloadable object files. +reload_flag=$lt_reload_flag +reload_cmds=$lt_reload_cmds + +# How to pass a linker flag through the compiler. +wl=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1) + +# Object file suffix (normally "o"). +objext="$ac_objext" + +# Old archive suffix (normally "a"). +libext="$libext" + +# Shared library suffix (normally ".so"). +shrext='$shrext' + +# Executable file suffix (normally ""). +exeext="$exeext" + +# Additional compiler flags for building library objects. +pic_flag=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1) +pic_mode=$pic_mode + +# What is the maximum length of a command? +max_cmd_len=$lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len + +# Does compiler simultaneously support -c and -o options? +compiler_c_o=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o, $1) + +# Must we lock files when doing compilation ? +need_locks=$lt_need_locks + +# Do we need the lib prefix for modules? +need_lib_prefix=$need_lib_prefix + +# Do we need a version for libraries? +need_version=$need_version + +# Whether dlopen is supported. +dlopen_support=$enable_dlopen + +# Whether dlopen of programs is supported. +dlopen_self=$enable_dlopen_self + +# Whether dlopen of statically linked programs is supported. +dlopen_self_static=$enable_dlopen_self_static + +# Compiler flag to prevent dynamic linking. +link_static_flag=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1) + +# Compiler flag to turn off builtin functions. +no_builtin_flag=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag, $1) + +# Compiler flag to allow reflexive dlopens. +export_dynamic_flag_spec=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1) + +# Compiler flag to generate shared objects directly from archives. +whole_archive_flag_spec=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1) + +# Compiler flag to generate thread-safe objects. +thread_safe_flag_spec=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(thread_safe_flag_spec, $1) + +# Library versioning type. +version_type=$version_type + +# Format of library name prefix. +libname_spec=$lt_libname_spec + +# List of archive names. First name is the real one, the rest are links. +# The last name is the one that the linker finds with -lNAME. +library_names_spec=$lt_library_names_spec + +# The coded name of the library, if different from the real name. +soname_spec=$lt_soname_spec + +# Commands used to build and install an old-style archive. +RANLIB=$lt_RANLIB +old_archive_cmds=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(old_archive_cmds, $1) +old_postinstall_cmds=$lt_old_postinstall_cmds +old_postuninstall_cmds=$lt_old_postuninstall_cmds + +# Create an old-style archive from a shared archive. +old_archive_from_new_cmds=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(old_archive_from_new_cmds, $1) + +# Create a temporary old-style archive to link instead of a shared archive. +old_archive_from_expsyms_cmds=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(old_archive_from_expsyms_cmds, $1) + +# Commands used to build and install a shared archive. +archive_cmds=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1) +archive_expsym_cmds=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1) +postinstall_cmds=$lt_postinstall_cmds +postuninstall_cmds=$lt_postuninstall_cmds + +# Commands used to build a loadable module (assumed same as above if empty) +module_cmds=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(module_cmds, $1) +module_expsym_cmds=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(module_expsym_cmds, $1) + +# Commands to strip libraries. +old_striplib=$lt_old_striplib +striplib=$lt_striplib + +# Dependencies to place before the objects being linked to create a +# shared library. +predep_objects=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(predep_objects, $1) + +# Dependencies to place after the objects being linked to create a +# shared library. +postdep_objects=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(postdep_objects, $1) + +# Dependencies to place before the objects being linked to create a +# shared library. +predeps=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(predeps, $1) + +# Dependencies to place after the objects being linked to create a +# shared library. +postdeps=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(postdeps, $1) + +# The library search path used internally by the compiler when linking +# a shared library. +compiler_lib_search_path=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(compiler_lib_search_path, $1) + +# Method to check whether dependent libraries are shared objects. +deplibs_check_method=$lt_deplibs_check_method + +# Command to use when deplibs_check_method == file_magic. +file_magic_cmd=$lt_file_magic_cmd + +# Flag that allows shared libraries with undefined symbols to be built. +allow_undefined_flag=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1) + +# Flag that forces no undefined symbols. +no_undefined_flag=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(no_undefined_flag, $1) + +# Commands used to finish a libtool library installation in a directory. +finish_cmds=$lt_finish_cmds + +# Same as above, but a single script fragment to be evaled but not shown. +finish_eval=$lt_finish_eval + +# Take the output of nm and produce a listing of raw symbols and C names. +global_symbol_pipe=$lt_lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe + +# Transform the output of nm in a proper C declaration +global_symbol_to_cdecl=$lt_lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl + +# Transform the output of nm in a C name address pair +global_symbol_to_c_name_address=$lt_lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address + +# This is the shared library runtime path variable. +runpath_var=$runpath_var + +# This is the shared library path variable. +shlibpath_var=$shlibpath_var + +# Is shlibpath searched before the hard-coded library search path? +shlibpath_overrides_runpath=$shlibpath_overrides_runpath + +# How to hardcode a shared library path into an executable. +hardcode_action=$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_action, $1) + +# Whether we should hardcode library paths into libraries. +hardcode_into_libs=$hardcode_into_libs + +# Flag to hardcode \$libdir into a binary during linking. +# This must work even if \$libdir does not exist. +hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1) + +# If ld is used when linking, flag to hardcode \$libdir into +# a binary during linking. This must work even if \$libdir does +# not exist. +hardcode_libdir_flag_spec_ld=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec_ld, $1) + +# Whether we need a single -rpath flag with a separated argument. +hardcode_libdir_separator=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1) + +# Set to yes if using DIR/libNAME${shared_ext} during linking hardcodes DIR into the +# resulting binary. +hardcode_direct=$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1) + +# Set to yes if using the -LDIR flag during linking hardcodes DIR into the +# resulting binary. +hardcode_minus_L=$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1) + +# Set to yes if using SHLIBPATH_VAR=DIR during linking hardcodes DIR into +# the resulting binary. +hardcode_shlibpath_var=$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1) + +# Set to yes if building a shared library automatically hardcodes DIR into the library +# and all subsequent libraries and executables linked against it. +hardcode_automatic=$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_automatic, $1) + +# Variables whose values should be saved in libtool wrapper scripts and +# restored at relink time. +variables_saved_for_relink="$variables_saved_for_relink" + +# Whether libtool must link a program against all its dependency libraries. +link_all_deplibs=$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1) + +# Compile-time system search path for libraries +sys_lib_search_path_spec=$lt_sys_lib_search_path_spec + +# Run-time system search path for libraries +sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec=$lt_sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec + +# Fix the shell variable \$srcfile for the compiler. +fix_srcfile_path="$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(fix_srcfile_path, $1)" + +# Set to yes if exported symbols are required. +always_export_symbols=$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1) + +# The commands to list exported symbols. +export_symbols_cmds=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1) + +# The commands to extract the exported symbol list from a shared archive. +extract_expsyms_cmds=$lt_extract_expsyms_cmds + +# Symbols that should not be listed in the preloaded symbols. +exclude_expsyms=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(exclude_expsyms, $1) + +# Symbols that must always be exported. +include_expsyms=$lt_[]_LT_AC_TAGVAR(include_expsyms, $1) + +ifelse([$1],[], +[# ### END LIBTOOL CONFIG], +[# ### END LIBTOOL TAG CONFIG: $tagname]) + +__EOF__ + +ifelse([$1],[], [ + case $host_os in + aix3*) + cat <<\EOF >> "$cfgfile" + +# AIX sometimes has problems with the GCC collect2 program. For some +# reason, if we set the COLLECT_NAMES environment variable, the problems +# vanish in a puff of smoke. +if test "X${COLLECT_NAMES+set}" != Xset; then + COLLECT_NAMES= + export COLLECT_NAMES +fi +EOF + ;; + esac + + # We use sed instead of cat because bash on DJGPP gets confused if + # if finds mixed CR/LF and LF-only lines. Since sed operates in + # text mode, it properly converts lines to CR/LF. This bash problem + # is reportedly fixed, but why not run on old versions too? + sed '$q' "$ltmain" >> "$cfgfile" || (rm -f "$cfgfile"; exit 1) + + mv -f "$cfgfile" "$ofile" || \ + (rm -f "$ofile" && cp "$cfgfile" "$ofile" && rm -f "$cfgfile") + chmod +x "$ofile" +]) +else + # If there is no Makefile yet, we rely on a make rule to execute + # `config.status --recheck' to rerun these tests and create the + # libtool script then. + test -f Makefile && make "$ltmain" +fi +])# AC_LIBTOOL_CONFIG + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_COMPILER_NO_RTTI([TAGNAME]) +# ------------------------------------------- +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_COMPILER_NO_RTTI], +[AC_REQUIRE([_LT_AC_SYS_COMPILER])dnl + +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag, $1)= + +if test "$GCC" = yes; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag, $1)=' -fno-builtin' + + AC_LIBTOOL_COMPILER_OPTION([if $compiler supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions], + lt_cv_prog_compiler_rtti_exceptions, + [-fno-rtti -fno-exceptions], [], + [_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag, $1)="$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag, $1) -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions"]) +fi +])# AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_COMPILER_NO_RTTI + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_GLOBAL_SYMBOL_PIPE +# --------------------------------- +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_GLOBAL_SYMBOL_PIPE], +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_NM]) +AC_REQUIRE([AC_OBJEXT]) +# Check for command to grab the raw symbol name followed by C symbol from nm. +AC_MSG_CHECKING([command to parse $NM output from $compiler object]) +AC_CACHE_VAL([lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe], +[ +# These are sane defaults that work on at least a few old systems. +# [They come from Ultrix. What could be older than Ultrix?!! ;)] + +# Character class describing NM global symbol codes. +symcode='[[BCDEGRST]]' + +# Regexp to match symbols that can be accessed directly from C. +sympat='\([[_A-Za-z]][[_A-Za-z0-9]]*\)' + +# Transform the above into a raw symbol and a C symbol. +symxfrm='\1 \2\3 \3' + +# Transform an extracted symbol line into a proper C declaration +lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl="sed -n -e 's/^. .* \(.*\)$/extern int \1;/p'" + +# Transform an extracted symbol line into symbol name and symbol address +lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address="sed -n -e 's/^: \([[^ ]]*\) $/ {\\\"\1\\\", (lt_ptr) 0},/p' -e 's/^$symcode \([[^ ]]*\) \([[^ ]]*\)$/ {\"\2\", (lt_ptr) \&\2},/p'" + +# Define system-specific variables. +case $host_os in +aix*) + symcode='[[BCDT]]' + ;; +cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*) + symcode='[[ABCDGISTW]]' + ;; +hpux*) # Its linker distinguishes data from code symbols + if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then + symcode='[[ABCDEGRST]]' + fi + lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl="sed -n -e 's/^T .* \(.*\)$/extern int \1();/p' -e 's/^$symcode* .* \(.*\)$/extern char \1;/p'" + lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address="sed -n -e 's/^: \([[^ ]]*\) $/ {\\\"\1\\\", (lt_ptr) 0},/p' -e 's/^$symcode* \([[^ ]]*\) \([[^ ]]*\)$/ {\"\2\", (lt_ptr) \&\2},/p'" + ;; +irix* | nonstopux*) + symcode='[[BCDEGRST]]' + ;; +osf*) + symcode='[[BCDEGQRST]]' + ;; +solaris* | sysv5*) + symcode='[[BDT]]' + ;; +sysv4) + symcode='[[DFNSTU]]' + ;; +esac + +# Handle CRLF in mingw tool chain +opt_cr= +case $build_os in +mingw*) + opt_cr=`echo 'x\{0,1\}' | tr x '\015'` # option cr in regexp + ;; +esac + +# If we're using GNU nm, then use its standard symbol codes. +case `$NM -V 2>&1` in +*GNU* | *'with BFD'*) + symcode='[[ABCDGISTW]]' ;; +esac + +# Try without a prefix undercore, then with it. +for ac_symprfx in "" "_"; do + + # Write the raw and C identifiers. + lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe="sed -n -e 's/^.*[[ ]]\($symcode$symcode*\)[[ ]][[ ]]*\($ac_symprfx\)$sympat$opt_cr$/$symxfrm/p'" + + # Check to see that the pipe works correctly. + pipe_works=no + + rm -f conftest* + cat > conftest.$ac_ext < $nlist) && test -s "$nlist"; then + # Try sorting and uniquifying the output. + if sort "$nlist" | uniq > "$nlist"T; then + mv -f "$nlist"T "$nlist" + else + rm -f "$nlist"T + fi + + # Make sure that we snagged all the symbols we need. + if grep ' nm_test_var$' "$nlist" >/dev/null; then + if grep ' nm_test_func$' "$nlist" >/dev/null; then + cat < conftest.$ac_ext +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +EOF + # Now generate the symbol file. + eval "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl"' < "$nlist" | grep -v main >> conftest.$ac_ext' + + cat <> conftest.$ac_ext +#if defined (__STDC__) && __STDC__ +# define lt_ptr_t void * +#else +# define lt_ptr_t char * +# define const +#endif + +/* The mapping between symbol names and symbols. */ +const struct { + const char *name; + lt_ptr_t address; +} +lt_preloaded_symbols[[]] = +{ +EOF + $SED "s/^$symcode$symcode* \(.*\) \(.*\)$/ {\"\2\", (lt_ptr_t) \&\2},/" < "$nlist" | grep -v main >> conftest.$ac_ext + cat <<\EOF >> conftest.$ac_ext + {0, (lt_ptr_t) 0} +}; + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +EOF + # Now try linking the two files. + mv conftest.$ac_objext conftstm.$ac_objext + lt_save_LIBS="$LIBS" + lt_save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + LIBS="conftstm.$ac_objext" + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag, $1)" + if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_link) && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then + pipe_works=yes + fi + LIBS="$lt_save_LIBS" + CFLAGS="$lt_save_CFLAGS" + else + echo "cannot find nm_test_func in $nlist" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + fi + else + echo "cannot find nm_test_var in $nlist" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + fi + else + echo "cannot run $lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + fi + else + echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD + cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5 + fi + rm -f conftest* conftst* + + # Do not use the global_symbol_pipe unless it works. + if test "$pipe_works" = yes; then + break + else + lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe= + fi +done +]) +if test -z "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe"; then + lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl= +fi +if test -z "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl"; then + AC_MSG_RESULT(failed) +else + AC_MSG_RESULT(ok) +fi +]) # AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_GLOBAL_SYMBOL_PIPE + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_COMPILER_PIC([TAGNAME]) +# --------------------------------------- +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_COMPILER_PIC], +[_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)= +_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)= + +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $compiler option to produce PIC]) + ifelse([$1],[CXX],[ + # C++ specific cases for pic, static, wl, etc. + if test "$GXX" = yes; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-static' + + case $host_os in + aix*) + # All AIX code is PIC. + if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then + # AIX 5 now supports IA64 processor + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic' + fi + ;; + amigaos*) + # FIXME: we need at least 68020 code to build shared libraries, but + # adding the `-m68020' flag to GCC prevents building anything better, + # like `-m68040'. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-m68020 -resident32 -malways-restore-a4' + ;; + beos* | cygwin* | irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux* | osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) + # PIC is the default for these OSes. + ;; + mingw* | os2* | pw32*) + # This hack is so that the source file can tell whether it is being + # built for inclusion in a dll (and should export symbols for example). + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-DDLL_EXPORT' + ;; + darwin* | rhapsody*) + # PIC is the default on this platform + # Common symbols not allowed in MH_DYLIB files + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fno-common' + ;; + *djgpp*) + # DJGPP does not support shared libraries at all + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)= + ;; + sysv4*MP*) + if test -d /usr/nec; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)=-Kconform_pic + fi + ;; + hpux*) + # PIC is the default for IA64 HP-UX and 64-bit HP-UX, but + # not for PA HP-UX. + case "$host_cpu" in + hppa*64*|ia64*) + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC' + ;; + esac + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC' + ;; + esac + else + case $host_os in + aix4* | aix5*) + # All AIX code is PIC. + if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then + # AIX 5 now supports IA64 processor + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-bnso -bI:/lib/syscalls.exp' + fi + ;; + chorus*) + case $cc_basename in + cxch68) + # Green Hills C++ Compiler + # _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)="--no_auto_instantiation -u __main -u __premain -u _abort -r $COOL_DIR/lib/libOrb.a $MVME_DIR/lib/CC/libC.a $MVME_DIR/lib/classix/libcx.s.a" + ;; + esac + ;; + dgux*) + case $cc_basename in + ec++) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC' + ;; + ghcx) + # Green Hills C++ Compiler + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-pic' + ;; + *) + ;; + esac + ;; + freebsd*) + # FreeBSD uses GNU C++ + ;; + hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) + case $cc_basename in + CC) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)="${ac_cv_prog_cc_wl}-a ${ac_cv_prog_cc_wl}archive" + if test "$host_cpu" != ia64; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='+Z' + fi + ;; + aCC) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)="${ac_cv_prog_cc_wl}-a ${ac_cv_prog_cc_wl}archive" + case "$host_cpu" in + hppa*64*|ia64*) + # +Z the default + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='+Z' + ;; + esac + ;; + *) + ;; + esac + ;; + irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) + case $cc_basename in + CC) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-non_shared' + # CC pic flag -KPIC is the default. + ;; + *) + ;; + esac + ;; + linux*) + case $cc_basename in + KCC) + # KAI C++ Compiler + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='--backend -Wl,' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC' + ;; + icpc) + # Intel C++ + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-static' + ;; + cxx) + # Compaq C++ + # Make sure the PIC flag is empty. It appears that all Alpha + # Linux and Compaq Tru64 Unix objects are PIC. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-non_shared' + ;; + *) + ;; + esac + ;; + lynxos*) + ;; + m88k*) + ;; + mvs*) + case $cc_basename in + cxx) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-W c,exportall' + ;; + *) + ;; + esac + ;; + netbsd*) + ;; + osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) + case $cc_basename in + KCC) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='--backend -Wl,' + ;; + RCC) + # Rational C++ 2.4.1 + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-pic' + ;; + cxx) + # Digital/Compaq C++ + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,' + # Make sure the PIC flag is empty. It appears that all Alpha + # Linux and Compaq Tru64 Unix objects are PIC. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-non_shared' + ;; + *) + ;; + esac + ;; + psos*) + ;; + sco*) + case $cc_basename in + CC) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC' + ;; + *) + ;; + esac + ;; + solaris*) + case $cc_basename in + CC) + # Sun C++ 4.2, 5.x and Centerline C++ + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Qoption ld ' + ;; + gcx) + # Green Hills C++ Compiler + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-PIC' + ;; + *) + ;; + esac + ;; + sunos4*) + case $cc_basename in + CC) + # Sun C++ 4.x + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-pic' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic' + ;; + lcc) + # Lucid + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-pic' + ;; + *) + ;; + esac + ;; + tandem*) + case $cc_basename in + NCC) + # NonStop-UX NCC 3.20 + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC' + ;; + *) + ;; + esac + ;; + unixware*) + ;; + vxworks*) + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_can_build_shared, $1)=no + ;; + esac + fi +], +[ + if test "$GCC" = yes; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-static' + + case $host_os in + aix*) + # All AIX code is PIC. + if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then + # AIX 5 now supports IA64 processor + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic' + fi + ;; + + amigaos*) + # FIXME: we need at least 68020 code to build shared libraries, but + # adding the `-m68020' flag to GCC prevents building anything better, + # like `-m68040'. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-m68020 -resident32 -malways-restore-a4' + ;; + + beos* | cygwin* | irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux* | osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) + # PIC is the default for these OSes. + ;; + + mingw* | pw32* | os2*) + # This hack is so that the source file can tell whether it is being + # built for inclusion in a dll (and should export symbols for example). + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-DDLL_EXPORT' + ;; + + darwin* | rhapsody*) + # PIC is the default on this platform + # Common symbols not allowed in MH_DYLIB files + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fno-common' + ;; + + msdosdjgpp*) + # Just because we use GCC doesn't mean we suddenly get shared libraries + # on systems that don't support them. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_can_build_shared, $1)=no + enable_shared=no + ;; + + sysv4*MP*) + if test -d /usr/nec; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)=-Kconform_pic + fi + ;; + + hpux*) + # PIC is the default for IA64 HP-UX and 64-bit HP-UX, but + # not for PA HP-UX. + case "$host_cpu" in + hppa*64*|ia64*) + # +Z the default + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC' + ;; + esac + ;; + + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC' + ;; + esac + else + # PORTME Check for flag to pass linker flags through the system compiler. + case $host_os in + aix*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,' + if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then + # AIX 5 now supports IA64 processor + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-bnso -bI:/lib/syscalls.exp' + fi + ;; + + mingw* | pw32* | os2*) + # This hack is so that the source file can tell whether it is being + # built for inclusion in a dll (and should export symbols for example). + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-DDLL_EXPORT' + ;; + + hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,' + # PIC is the default for IA64 HP-UX and 64-bit HP-UX, but + # not for PA HP-UX. + case "$host_cpu" in + hppa*64*|ia64*) + # +Z the default + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='+Z' + ;; + esac + # Is there a better lt_prog_compiler_static that works with the bundled CC? + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='${wl}-a ${wl}archive' + ;; + + irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,' + # PIC (with -KPIC) is the default. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-non_shared' + ;; + + newsos6) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic' + ;; + + linux*) + case $CC in + icc* | ecc*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-static' + ;; + ccc*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,' + # All Alpha code is PIC. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-non_shared' + ;; + esac + ;; + + osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,' + # All OSF/1 code is PIC. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-non_shared' + ;; + + sco3.2v5*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-Kpic' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-dn' + ;; + + solaris*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic' + ;; + + sunos4*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Qoption ld ' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-PIC' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic' + ;; + + sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3* | sysv5*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic' + ;; + + sysv4*MP*) + if test -d /usr/nec ;then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-Kconform_pic' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic' + fi + ;; + + uts4*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-pic' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic' + ;; + + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_can_build_shared, $1)=no + ;; + esac + fi +]) +AC_MSG_RESULT([$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)]) + +# +# Check to make sure the PIC flag actually works. +# +if test -n "$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)"; then + AC_LIBTOOL_COMPILER_OPTION([if $compiler PIC flag $_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1) works], + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic_works, $1), + [$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)ifelse([$1],[],[ -DPIC],[ifelse([$1],[CXX],[ -DPIC],[])])], [], + [case $_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1) in + "" | " "*) ;; + *) _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)=" $_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)" ;; + esac], + [_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_can_build_shared, $1)=no]) +fi +case "$host_os" in + # For platforms which do not support PIC, -DPIC is meaningless: + *djgpp*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)= + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)="$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)ifelse([$1],[],[ -DPIC],[ifelse([$1],[CXX],[ -DPIC],[])])" + ;; +esac +]) + + +# AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_LD_SHLIBS([TAGNAME]) +# ------------------------------------ +# See if the linker supports building shared libraries. +AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_LD_SHLIBS], +[AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether the $compiler linker ($LD) supports shared libraries]) +ifelse([$1],[CXX],[ + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | $SED '\''s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols' + case $host_os in + aix4* | aix5*) + # If we're using GNU nm, then we don't want the "-C" option. + # -C means demangle to AIX nm, but means don't demangle with GNU nm + if $NM -V 2>&1 | grep 'GNU' > /dev/null; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM -Bpg $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\[$]2 == "T") || (\[$]2 == "D") || (\[$]2 == "B")) && ([substr](\[$]3,1,1) != ".")) { print \[$]3 } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM -BCpg $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\[$]2 == "T") || (\[$]2 == "D") || (\[$]2 == "B")) && ([substr](\[$]3,1,1) != ".")) { print \[$]3 } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols' + fi + ;; + pw32*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)="$ltdll_cmds" + ;; + cygwin* | mingw*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | $SED -e '\''/^[[BCDGS]] /s/.* \([[^ ]]*\)/\1 DATA/'\'' | $SED -e '\''/^[[AITW]] /s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols' + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | $SED '\''s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols' + ;; + esac +],[ + runpath_var= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(enable_shared_with_static_runtimes, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(old_archive_From_new_cmds, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(old_archive_from_expsyms_cmds, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(thread_safe_flag_spec, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec_ld, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=unsupported + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1)=unknown + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_automatic, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(module_cmds, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(module_expsym_cmds, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | $SED '\''s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols' + # include_expsyms should be a list of space-separated symbols to be *always* + # included in the symbol list + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(include_expsyms, $1)= + # exclude_expsyms can be an extended regexp of symbols to exclude + # it will be wrapped by ` (' and `)$', so one must not match beginning or + # end of line. Example: `a|bc|.*d.*' will exclude the symbols `a' and `bc', + # as well as any symbol that contains `d'. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(exclude_expsyms, $1)="_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_" + # Although _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ is a valid symbol C name, most a.out + # platforms (ab)use it in PIC code, but their linkers get confused if + # the symbol is explicitly referenced. Since portable code cannot + # rely on this symbol name, it's probably fine to never include it in + # preloaded symbol tables. + extract_expsyms_cmds= + + case $host_os in + cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*) + # FIXME: the MSVC++ port hasn't been tested in a loooong time + # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using + # Microsoft Visual C++. + if test "$GCC" != yes; then + with_gnu_ld=no + fi + ;; + openbsd*) + with_gnu_ld=no + ;; + esac + + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=yes + if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then + # If archive_cmds runs LD, not CC, wlarc should be empty + wlarc='${wl}' + + # See if GNU ld supports shared libraries. + case $host_os in + aix3* | aix4* | aix5*) + # On AIX/PPC, the GNU linker is very broken + if test "$host_cpu" != ia64; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + cat <&2 + +*** Warning: the GNU linker, at least up to release 2.9.1, is reported +*** to be unable to reliably create shared libraries on AIX. +*** Therefore, libtool is disabling shared libraries support. If you +*** really care for shared libraries, you may want to modify your PATH +*** so that a non-GNU linker is found, and then restart. + +EOF + fi + ;; + + amigaos*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$rm $output_objdir/$echo "#define NAME $libname" > $output_objdir/$echo "#define LIBRARY_ID 1" >> $output_objdir/$echo "#define VERSION $major" >> $output_objdir/$echo "#define REVISION $revision" >> $output_objdir/$AR $AR_FLAGS $lib $libobjs~$RANLIB $lib~(cd $output_objdir && a2ixlibrary -32)' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes + + # Samuel A. Falvo II reports + # that the semantics of dynamic libraries on AmigaOS, at least up + # to version 4, is to share data among multiple programs linked + # with the same dynamic library. Since this doesn't match the + # behavior of shared libraries on other platforms, we can't use + # them. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + + beos*) + if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=unsupported + # Joseph Beckenbach says some releases of gcc + # support --undefined. This deserves some investigation. FIXME + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -nostart $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + fi + ;; + + cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*) + # _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1) is actually meaningless, + # as there is no search path for DLLs. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(enable_shared_with_static_runtimes, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | $SED -e '\''/^[[BCDGS]] /s/.* \([[^ ]]*\)/\1 DATA/'\'' | $SED -e '\''/^[[AITW]] /s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols' + + if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep 'auto-import' > /dev/null; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs -o $output_objdir/$soname ${wl}--image-base=0x10000000 ${wl}--out-implib,$lib' + # If the export-symbols file already is a .def file (1st line + # is EXPORTS), use it as is; otherwise, prepend... + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='if test "x`$SED 1q $export_symbols`" = xEXPORTS; then + cp $export_symbols $output_objdir/$soname.def; + else + echo EXPORTS > $output_objdir/$soname.def; + cat $export_symbols >> $output_objdir/$soname.def; + fi~ + $CC -shared $output_objdir/$soname.def $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs -o $output_objdir/$soname ${wl}--image-base=0x10000000 ${wl}--out-implib,$lib' + else + ld_shlibs=no + fi + ;; + + netbsd*) + if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__ >/dev/null; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -Bshareable $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags -o $lib' + wlarc= + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib' + fi + ;; + + solaris* | sysv5*) + if $LD -v 2>&1 | grep 'BFD 2\.8' > /dev/null; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + cat <&2 + +*** Warning: The releases 2.8.* of the GNU linker cannot reliably +*** create shared libraries on Solaris systems. Therefore, libtool +*** is disabling shared libraries support. We urge you to upgrade GNU +*** binutils to release 2.9.1 or newer. Another option is to modify +*** your PATH or compiler configuration so that the native linker is +*** used, and then restart. + +EOF + elif $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + fi + ;; + + sunos4*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -assert pure-text -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + wlarc= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + ;; + + *) + if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + fi + ;; + esac + + if test "$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)" = yes; then + runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--rpath ${wl}$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--export-dynamic' + # ancient GNU ld didn't support --whole-archive et. al. + if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep 'no-whole-archive' > /dev/null; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)="$wlarc"'--whole-archive$convenience '"$wlarc"'--no-whole-archive' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)= + fi + fi + else + # PORTME fill in a description of your system's linker (not GNU ld) + case $host_os in + aix3*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=unsupported + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$LD -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags -bE:$export_symbols -T512 -H512 -bM:SRE~$AR $AR_FLAGS $lib $output_objdir/$soname' + # Note: this linker hardcodes the directories in LIBPATH if there + # are no directories specified by -L. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes + if test "$GCC" = yes && test -z "$link_static_flag"; then + # Neither direct hardcoding nor static linking is supported with a + # broken collect2. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=unsupported + fi + ;; + + aix4* | aix5*) + if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then + # On IA64, the linker does run time linking by default, so we don't + # have to do anything special. + aix_use_runtimelinking=no + exp_sym_flag='-Bexport' + no_entry_flag="" + else + # If we're using GNU nm, then we don't want the "-C" option. + # -C means demangle to AIX nm, but means don't demangle with GNU nm + if $NM -V 2>&1 | grep 'GNU' > /dev/null; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM -Bpg $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\[$]2 == "T") || (\[$]2 == "D") || (\[$]2 == "B")) && ([substr](\[$]3,1,1) != ".")) { print \[$]3 } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM -BCpg $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\[$]2 == "T") || (\[$]2 == "D") || (\[$]2 == "B")) && ([substr](\[$]3,1,1) != ".")) { print \[$]3 } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols' + fi + + # KDE requires run time linking. Make it the default. + aix_use_runtimelinking=yes + exp_sym_flag='-bexport' + no_entry_flag='-bnoentry' + fi + + # When large executables or shared objects are built, AIX ld can + # have problems creating the table of contents. If linking a library + # or program results in "error TOC overflow" add -mminimal-toc to + # CXXFLAGS/CFLAGS for g++/gcc. In the cases where that is not + # enough to fix the problem, add -Wl,-bbigtoc to LDFLAGS. + + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=':' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1)=yes + + if test "$GCC" = yes; then + case $host_os in aix4.[012]|aix4.[012].*) + # We only want to do this on AIX 4.2 and lower, the check + # below for broken collect2 doesn't work under 4.3+ + collect2name=`${CC} -print-prog-name=collect2` + if test -f "$collect2name" && \ + strings "$collect2name" | grep resolve_lib_name >/dev/null + then + # We have reworked collect2 + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + else + # We have old collect2 + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=unsupported + # It fails to find uninstalled libraries when the uninstalled + # path is not listed in the libpath. Setting hardcode_minus_L + # to unsupported forces relinking + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)= + fi + esac + shared_flag='-shared' + else + # not using gcc + if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then + # VisualAge C++, Version 5.5 for AIX 5L for IA-64, Beta 3 Release + # chokes on -Wl,-G. The following line is correct: + shared_flag='-G' + else + if test "$aix_use_runtimelinking" = yes; then + shared_flag='-qmkshrobj ${wl}-G' + else + shared_flag='-qmkshrobj' + fi + fi + fi + + # Let the compiler handle the export list. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1)=no + if test "$aix_use_runtimelinking" = yes; then + # Warning - without using the other runtime loading flags (-brtl), + # -berok will link without error, but may produce a broken library. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)='-berok' + # Determine the default libpath from the value encoded in an empty executable. + _LT_AC_SYS_LIBPATH_AIX + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-blibpath:$libdir:'"$aix_libpath" + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)="\$CC"' -o $output_objdir/$soname $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs `if test "x${allow_undefined_flag}" != "x"; then echo "${wl}${allow_undefined_flag}"; else :; fi` '" $shared_flag" + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)="\$CC"' -o $output_objdir/$soname $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs `if test "x${allow_undefined_flag}" != "x"; then echo "${wl}${allow_undefined_flag}"; else :; fi` '"\${wl}$exp_sym_flag:\$export_symbols $shared_flag" + else + if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-R $libdir:/usr/lib:/lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)="-z nodefs" + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)="\$CC $shared_flag"' -o $output_objdir/$soname $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs ${wl}${allow_undefined_flag} '"\${wl}$no_entry_flag \${wl}$exp_sym_flag:\$export_symbols" + else + # Determine the default libpath from the value encoded in an empty executable. + _LT_AC_SYS_LIBPATH_AIX + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-blibpath:$libdir:'"$aix_libpath" + # Warning - without using the other run time loading flags, + # -berok will link without error, but may produce a broken library. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(no_undefined_flag, $1)=' ${wl}-bernotok' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=' ${wl}-berok' + # -bexpall does not export symbols beginning with underscore (_) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1)=yes + # Exported symbols can be pulled into shared objects from archives + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)=' ' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)=yes + # This is similar to how AIX traditionally builds it's shared libraries. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)="\$CC $shared_flag"' -o $output_objdir/$soname $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs ${wl}-bE:$export_symbols ${wl}-bnoentry${allow_undefined_flag}~$AR $AR_FLAGS $output_objdir/$libname$release.a $output_objdir/$soname' + fi + fi + ;; + + amigaos*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$rm $output_objdir/$echo "#define NAME $libname" > $output_objdir/$echo "#define LIBRARY_ID 1" >> $output_objdir/$echo "#define VERSION $major" >> $output_objdir/$echo "#define REVISION $revision" >> $output_objdir/$AR $AR_FLAGS $lib $libobjs~$RANLIB $lib~(cd $output_objdir && a2ixlibrary -32)' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes + # see comment about different semantics on the GNU ld section + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + + bsdi4*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)=-rdynamic + ;; + + cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*) + # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using + # Microsoft Visual C++. + # hardcode_libdir_flag_spec is actually meaningless, as there is + # no search path for DLLs. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)=' ' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=no + # Tell ltmain to make .lib files, not .a files. + libext=lib + # Tell ltmain to make .dll files, not .so files. + shrext=".dll" + # FIXME: Setting linknames here is a bad hack. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs `echo "$deplibs" | $SED -e '\''s/ -lc$//'\''` -link -dll~linknames=' + # The linker will automatically build a .lib file if we build a DLL. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(old_archive_From_new_cmds, $1)='true' + # FIXME: Should let the user specify the lib program. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(old_archive_cmds, $1)='lib /OUT:$oldlib$oldobjs$old_deplibs' + fix_srcfile_path='`cygpath -w "$srcfile"`' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(enable_shared_with_static_runtimes, $1)=yes + ;; + + darwin* | rhapsody*) + if test "$GXX" = yes ; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)=no + case "$host_os" in + rhapsody* | darwin1.[[012]]) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)='-Wl,-undefined -Wl,suppress' + ;; + *) # Darwin 1.3 on + if test -z ${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET} ; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)='-Wl,-flat_namespace -Wl,-undefined -Wl,suppress' + else + case ${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET} in + 10.[012]) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)='-Wl,-flat_namespace -Wl,-undefined -Wl,suppress' + ;; + 10.*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)='-Wl,-undefined -Wl,dynamic_lookup' + ;; + esac + fi + ;; + esac + lt_int_apple_cc_single_mod=no + output_verbose_link_cmd='echo' + if $CC -dumpspecs 2>&1 | grep 'single_module' >/dev/null ; then + lt_int_apple_cc_single_mod=yes + fi + if test "X$lt_int_apple_cc_single_mod" = Xyes ; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -dynamiclib -single_module $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs -install_name $rpath/$soname $verstring' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -r ${wl}-bind_at_load -keep_private_externs -nostdlib -o ${lib}-master.o $libobjs~$CC -dynamiclib $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib ${lib}-master.o $compiler_flags $deplibs -install_name $rpath/$soname $verstring' + fi + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(module_cmds, $1)='$CC ${wl}-bind_at_load $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib -bundle $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs' + # Don't fix this by using the ld -exported_symbols_list flag, it doesn't exist in older darwin ld's + if test "X$lt_int_apple_cc_single_mod" = Xyes ; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='sed -e "s,#.*,," -e "s,^[ ]*,," -e "s,^\(..*\),_&," < $export_symbols > $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym~$CC -dynamiclib -single_module $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs -install_name $rpath/$soname $verstring~nmedit -s $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym ${lib}' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='sed -e "s,#.*,," -e "s,^[ ]*,," -e "s,^\(..*\),_&," < $export_symbols > $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym~$CC -r ${wl}-bind_at_load -keep_private_externs -nostdlib -o ${lib}-master.o $libobjs~$CC -dynamiclib $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib ${lib}-master.o $compiler_flags $deplibs -install_name $rpath/$soname $verstring~nmedit -s $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym ${lib}' + fi + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(module_expsym_cmds, $1)='sed -e "s,#.*,," -e "s,^[ ]*,," -e "s,^\(..*\),_&," < $export_symbols > $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym~$CC $allow_undefined_flag -o $lib -bundle $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs~nmedit -s $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym ${lib}' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_automatic, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=unsupported + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)='-all_load $convenience' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1)=yes + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + fi + ;; + + dgux*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + ;; + + freebsd1*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + + # FreeBSD 2.2.[012] allows us to include c++rt0.o to get C++ constructor + # support. Future versions do this automatically, but an explicit c++rt0.o + # does not break anything, and helps significantly (at the cost of a little + # extra space). + freebsd2.2*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags /usr/lib/c++rt0.o' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-R$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + ;; + + # Unfortunately, older versions of FreeBSD 2 do not have this feature. + freebsd2*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + ;; + + # FreeBSD 3 and greater uses gcc -shared to do shared libraries. + freebsd*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-R$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + ;; + + hpux9*) + if test "$GCC" = yes; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$rm $output_objdir/$soname~$CC -shared -fPIC ${wl}+b ${wl}$install_libdir -o $output_objdir/$soname $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs~test $output_objdir/$soname = $lib || mv $output_objdir/$soname $lib' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$rm $output_objdir/$soname~$LD -b +b $install_libdir -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags~test $output_objdir/$soname = $lib || mv $output_objdir/$soname $lib' + fi + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + + # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH, + # but as the default location of the library. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-E' + ;; + + hpux10* | hpux11*) + if test "$GCC" = yes -a "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then + case "$host_cpu" in + hppa*64*|ia64*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared ${wl}+h ${wl}$soname -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs' + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared -fPIC ${wl}+h ${wl}$soname ${wl}+b ${wl}$install_libdir -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs' + ;; + esac + else + case "$host_cpu" in + hppa*64*|ia64*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -b +h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -b +h $soname +b $install_libdir -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + ;; + esac + fi + if test "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then + case "$host_cpu" in + hppa*64*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec_ld, $1)='+b $libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + ;; + ia64*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + + # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH, + # but as the default location of the library. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-E' + + # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH, + # but as the default location of the library. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes + ;; + esac + fi + ;; + + irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) + if test "$GCC" = yes; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs ${wl}-soname ${wl}$soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo ${wl}-set_version ${wl}$verstring` ${wl}-update_registry ${wl}${output_objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags -soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo -set_version $verstring` -update_registry ${output_objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec_ld, $1)='-rpath $libdir' + fi + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1)=yes + ;; + + netbsd*) + if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__ >/dev/null; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' # a.out + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -shared -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' # ELF + fi + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-R$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + ;; + + newsos6) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + ;; + + openbsd*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + if test -z "`echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__`" || test "$host_os-$host_cpu" = "openbsd2.8-powerpc"; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $pic_flag -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-E' + else + case $host_os in + openbsd[[01]].* | openbsd2.[[0-7]] | openbsd2.[[0-7]].*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-R$libdir' + ;; + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $pic_flag -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' + ;; + esac + fi + ;; + + os2*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=unsupported + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$echo "LIBRARY $libname INITINSTANCE" > $output_objdir/$libname.def~$echo "DESCRIPTION \"$libname\"" >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~$echo DATA >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~$echo " SINGLE NONSHARED" >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~$echo EXPORTS >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~emxexp $libobjs >> $output_objdir/$libname.def~$CC -Zdll -Zcrtdll -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs$output_objdir/$libname.def' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(old_archive_From_new_cmds, $1)='emximp -o $output_objdir/$libname.a $output_objdir/$libname.def' + ;; + + osf3*) + if test "$GCC" = yes; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=' ${wl}-expect_unresolved ${wl}\*' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared${allow_undefined_flag} $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs ${wl}-soname ${wl}$soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo ${wl}-set_version ${wl}$verstring` ${wl}-update_registry ${wl}${output_objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=' -expect_unresolved \*' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -shared${allow_undefined_flag} $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags -soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo -set_version $verstring` -update_registry ${output_objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + fi + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + ;; + + osf4* | osf5*) # as osf3* with the addition of -msym flag + if test "$GCC" = yes; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=' ${wl}-expect_unresolved ${wl}\*' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared${allow_undefined_flag} $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs ${wl}-msym ${wl}-soname ${wl}$soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo ${wl}-set_version ${wl}$verstring` ${wl}-update_registry ${wl}${output_objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=' -expect_unresolved \*' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -shared${allow_undefined_flag} $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags -msym -soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo -set_version $verstring` -update_registry ${output_objdir}/so_locations -o $lib' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='for i in `cat $export_symbols`; do printf "%s %s\\n" -exported_symbol "\$i" >> $lib.exp; done; echo "-hidden">> $lib.exp~ + $LD -shared${allow_undefined_flag} -input $lib.exp $linker_flags $libobjs $deplibs -soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo -set_version $verstring` -update_registry ${objdir}/so_locations -o $lib~$rm $lib.exp' + + # Both c and cxx compiler support -rpath directly + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-rpath $libdir' + fi + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=: + ;; + + sco3.2v5*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-Bexport' + runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH + hardcode_runpath_var=yes + ;; + + solaris*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(no_undefined_flag, $1)=' -z text' + if test "$GCC" = yes; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared ${wl}-h ${wl}$soname -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$echo "{ global:" > $lib.exp~cat $export_symbols | $SED -e "s/\(.*\)/\1;/" >> $lib.exp~$echo "local: *; };" >> $lib.exp~ + $CC -shared ${wl}-M ${wl}$lib.exp ${wl}-h ${wl}$soname -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs~$rm $lib.exp' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -G${allow_undefined_flag} -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$echo "{ global:" > $lib.exp~cat $export_symbols | $SED -e "s/\(.*\)/\1;/" >> $lib.exp~$echo "local: *; };" >> $lib.exp~ + $LD -G${allow_undefined_flag} -M $lib.exp -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags~$rm $lib.exp' + fi + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-R$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + case $host_os in + solaris2.[[0-5]] | solaris2.[[0-5]].*) ;; + *) # Supported since Solaris 2.6 (maybe 2.5.1?) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)='-z allextract$convenience -z defaultextract' ;; + esac + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1)=yes + ;; + + sunos4*) + if test "x$host_vendor" = xsequent; then + # Use $CC to link under sequent, because it throws in some extra .o + # files that make .init and .fini sections work. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -G ${wl}-h $soname -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -assert pure-text -Bstatic -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + fi + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + ;; + + sysv4) + case $host_vendor in + sni) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes # is this really true??? + ;; + siemens) + ## LD is ld it makes a PLAMLIB + ## CC just makes a GrossModule. + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -G -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(reload_cmds, $1)='$CC -r -o $output$reload_objs' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=no + ;; + motorola) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=no #Motorola manual says yes, but my tests say they lie + ;; + esac + runpath_var='LD_RUN_PATH' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + ;; + + sysv4.3*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='-Bexport' + ;; + + sysv4*MP*) + if test -d /usr/nec; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH + hardcode_runpath_var=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=yes + fi + ;; + + sysv4.2uw2*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -G -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=no + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + hardcode_runpath_var=yes + runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH + ;; + + sysv5OpenUNIX8* | sysv5UnixWare7* | sysv5uw[[78]]* | unixware7*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(no_undefined_flag, $1)='${wl}-z ${wl}text' + if test "$GCC" = yes; then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared ${wl}-h ${wl}$soname -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs' + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -G ${wl}-h ${wl}$soname -o $lib $compiler_flags $libobjs $deplibs' + fi + runpath_var='LD_RUN_PATH' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + ;; + + sysv5*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(no_undefined_flag, $1)=' -z text' + # $CC -shared without GNU ld will not create a library from C++ + # object files and a static libstdc++, better avoid it by now + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -G${allow_undefined_flag} -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$echo "{ global:" > $lib.exp~cat $export_symbols | $SED -e "s/\(.*\)/\1;/" >> $lib.exp~$echo "local: *; };" >> $lib.exp~ + $LD -G${allow_undefined_flag} -M $lib.exp -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags~$rm $lib.exp' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)= + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + runpath_var='LD_RUN_PATH' + ;; + + uts4*) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir' + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no + ;; + + *) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no + ;; + esac + fi +]) +AC_MSG_RESULT([$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)]) +test "$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)" = no && can_build_shared=no + +variables_saved_for_relink="PATH $shlibpath_var $runpath_var" +if test "$GCC" = yes; then + variables_saved_for_relink="$variables_saved_for_relink GCC_EXEC_PREFIX COMPILER_PATH LIBRARY_PATH" +fi + +# +# Do we need to explicitly link libc? +# +case "x$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)" in +x|xyes) + # Assume -lc should be added + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)=yes + + if test "$enable_shared" = yes && test "$GCC" = yes; then + case $_LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1) in + *'~'*) + # FIXME: we may have to deal with multi-command sequences. + ;; + '$CC '*) + # Test whether the compiler implicitly links with -lc since on some + # systems, -lgcc has to come before -lc. If gcc already passes -lc + # to ld, don't add -lc before -lgcc. + AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether -lc should be explicitly linked in]) + $rm conftest* + printf "$lt_simple_compile_test_code" > conftest.$ac_ext + + if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_compile) 2>conftest.err; then + soname=conftest + lib=conftest + libobjs=conftest.$ac_objext + deplibs= + wl=$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1) + compiler_flags=-v + linker_flags=-v + verstring= + output_objdir=. + libname=conftest + lt_save_allow_undefined_flag=$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1) + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)= + if AC_TRY_EVAL(_LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1) 2\>\&1 \| grep \" -lc \" \>/dev/null 2\>\&1) + then + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)=no + else + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)=yes + fi + _LT_AC_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=$lt_save_allow_undefined_flag + else + cat conftest.err 1>&5 + fi + $rm conftest* + AC_MSG_RESULT([$_LT_AC_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)]) + ;; + esac + fi + ;; +esac +])# AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_LD_SHLIBS + + +# _LT_AC_FILE_LTDLL_C +# ------------------- +# Be careful that the start marker always follows a newline. +AC_DEFUN([_LT_AC_FILE_LTDLL_C], [ +# /* ltdll.c starts here */ +# #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# #include +# #undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN +# #include +# +# #ifndef __CYGWIN__ +# # ifdef __CYGWIN32__ +# # define __CYGWIN__ __CYGWIN32__ +# # endif +# #endif +# +# #ifdef __cplusplus +# extern "C" { +# #endif +# BOOL APIENTRY DllMain (HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved); +# #ifdef __cplusplus +# } +# #endif +# +# #ifdef __CYGWIN__ +# #include +# DECLARE_CYGWIN_DLL( DllMain ); +# #endif +# HINSTANCE __hDllInstance_base; +# +# BOOL APIENTRY +# DllMain (HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved) +# { +# __hDllInstance_base = hInst; +# return TRUE; +# } +# /* ltdll.c ends here */ +])# _LT_AC_FILE_LTDLL_C + + +# _LT_AC_TAGVAR(VARNAME, [TAGNAME]) +# --------------------------------- +AC_DEFUN([_LT_AC_TAGVAR], [ifelse([$2], [], [$1], [$1_$2])]) + + +# old names +AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_LIBTOOL], [AC_PROG_LIBTOOL]) +AC_DEFUN([AM_ENABLE_SHARED], [AC_ENABLE_SHARED($@)]) +AC_DEFUN([AM_ENABLE_STATIC], [AC_ENABLE_STATIC($@)]) +AC_DEFUN([AM_DISABLE_SHARED], [AC_DISABLE_SHARED($@)]) +AC_DEFUN([AM_DISABLE_STATIC], [AC_DISABLE_STATIC($@)]) +AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_LD], [AC_PROG_LD]) +AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_NM], [AC_PROG_NM]) + +# This is just to silence aclocal about the macro not being used +ifelse([AC_DISABLE_FAST_INSTALL]) + +AC_DEFUN([LT_AC_PROG_GCJ], +[AC_CHECK_TOOL(GCJ, gcj, no) + test "x${GCJFLAGS+set}" = xset || GCJFLAGS="-g -O2" + AC_SUBST(GCJFLAGS) +]) + +AC_DEFUN([LT_AC_PROG_RC], +[AC_CHECK_TOOL(RC, windres, no) +]) + +############################################################ +# NOTE: This macro has been submitted for inclusion into # +# GNU Autoconf as AC_PROG_SED. When it is available in # +# a released version of Autoconf we should remove this # +# macro and use it instead. # +############################################################ +# LT_AC_PROG_SED +# -------------- +# Check for a fully-functional sed program, that truncates +# as few characters as possible. Prefer GNU sed if found. +AC_DEFUN([LT_AC_PROG_SED], +[AC_MSG_CHECKING([for a sed that does not truncate output]) +AC_CACHE_VAL(lt_cv_path_SED, +[# Loop through the user's path and test for sed and gsed. +# Then use that list of sed's as ones to test for truncation. +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for lt_ac_prog in sed gsed; do + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if $as_executable_p "$as_dir/$lt_ac_prog$ac_exec_ext"; then + lt_ac_sed_list="$lt_ac_sed_list $as_dir/$lt_ac_prog$ac_exec_ext" + fi + done + done +done +lt_ac_max=0 +lt_ac_count=0 +# Add /usr/xpg4/bin/sed as it is typically found on Solaris +# along with /bin/sed that truncates output. +for lt_ac_sed in $lt_ac_sed_list /usr/xpg4/bin/sed; do + test ! -f $lt_ac_sed && break + cat /dev/null > + lt_ac_count=0 + echo $ECHO_N "0123456789$ECHO_C" > + # Check for GNU sed and select it if it is found. + if "$lt_ac_sed" --version 2>&1 < /dev/null | grep 'GNU' > /dev/null; then + lt_cv_path_SED=$lt_ac_sed + break + fi + while true; do + cat >conftest.tmp + mv conftest.tmp + cp + echo >> + $lt_ac_sed -e 's/a$//' < >conftest.out || break + cmp -s conftest.out || break + # 10000 chars as input seems more than enough + test $lt_ac_count -gt 10 && break + lt_ac_count=`expr $lt_ac_count + 1` + if test $lt_ac_count -gt $lt_ac_max; then + lt_ac_max=$lt_ac_count + lt_cv_path_SED=$lt_ac_sed + fi + done +done +]) +SED=$lt_cv_path_SED +AC_MSG_RESULT([$SED]) +]) diff --git a/aclocal.m4 b/aclocal.m4 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6d88897 --- /dev/null +++ b/aclocal.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,863 @@ +# generated automatically by aclocal 1.9.5 -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, +# 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without +# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A +# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + +# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION(VERSION) +# ---------------------------- +# Automake X.Y traces this macro to ensure aclocal.m4 has been +# generated from the m4 files accompanying Automake X.Y. +AC_DEFUN([AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION], [am__api_version="1.9"]) + +# AM_SET_CURRENT_AUTOMAKE_VERSION +# ------------------------------- +# Call AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION so it can be traced. +# This function is AC_REQUIREd by AC_INIT_AUTOMAKE. +AC_DEFUN([AM_SET_CURRENT_AUTOMAKE_VERSION], + [AM_AUTOMAKE_VERSION([1.9.5])]) + +# AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# For projects using AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR([foo]), Autoconf sets +# $ac_aux_dir to `$srcdir/foo'. In other projects, it is set to +# `$srcdir', `$srcdir/..', or `$srcdir/../..'. +# +# Of course, Automake must honor this variable whenever it calls a +# tool from the auxiliary directory. The problem is that $srcdir (and +# therefore $ac_aux_dir as well) can be either absolute or relative, +# depending on how configure is run. This is pretty annoying, since +# it makes $ac_aux_dir quite unusable in subdirectories: in the top +# source directory, any form will work fine, but in subdirectories a +# relative path needs to be adjusted first. +# +# $ac_aux_dir/missing +# fails when called from a subdirectory if $ac_aux_dir is relative +# $top_srcdir/$ac_aux_dir/missing +# fails if $ac_aux_dir is absolute, +# fails when called from a subdirectory in a VPATH build with +# a relative $ac_aux_dir +# +# The reason of the latter failure is that $top_srcdir and $ac_aux_dir +# are both prefixed by $srcdir. In an in-source build this is usually +# harmless because $srcdir is `.', but things will broke when you +# start a VPATH build or use an absolute $srcdir. +# +# So we could use something similar to $top_srcdir/$ac_aux_dir/missing, +# iff we strip the leading $srcdir from $ac_aux_dir. That would be: +# am_aux_dir='\$(top_srcdir)/'`expr "$ac_aux_dir" : "$srcdir//*\(.*\)"` +# and then we would define $MISSING as +# MISSING="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/missing" +# This will work as long as MISSING is not called from configure, because +# unfortunately $(top_srcdir) has no meaning in configure. +# However there are other variables, like CC, which are often used in +# configure, and could therefore not use this "fixed" $ac_aux_dir. +# +# Another solution, used here, is to always expand $ac_aux_dir to an +# absolute PATH. The drawback is that using absolute paths prevent a +# configured tree to be moved without reconfiguration. + +AC_DEFUN([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND], +[dnl Rely on autoconf to set up CDPATH properly. +AC_PREREQ([2.50])dnl +# expand $ac_aux_dir to an absolute path +am_aux_dir=`cd $ac_aux_dir && pwd` +]) + +# AM_CONDITIONAL -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005 +# Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# serial 7 + +# AM_CONDITIONAL(NAME, SHELL-CONDITION) +# ------------------------------------- +# Define a conditional. +AC_DEFUN([AM_CONDITIONAL], +[AC_PREREQ(2.52)dnl + ifelse([$1], [TRUE], [AC_FATAL([$0: invalid condition: $1])], + [$1], [FALSE], [AC_FATAL([$0: invalid condition: $1])])dnl +AC_SUBST([$1_TRUE]) +AC_SUBST([$1_FALSE]) +if $2; then + $1_TRUE= + $1_FALSE='#' +else + $1_TRUE='#' + $1_FALSE= +fi +AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS_PRE( +[if test -z "${$1_TRUE}" && test -z "${$1_FALSE}"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([[conditional "$1" was never defined. +Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally.]]) +fi])]) + + +# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 +# Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# serial 8 + +# There are a few dirty hacks below to avoid letting `AC_PROG_CC' be +# written in clear, in which case automake, when reading aclocal.m4, +# will think it sees a *use*, and therefore will trigger all it's +# C support machinery. Also note that it means that autoscan, seeing +# CC etc. in the Makefile, will ask for an AC_PROG_CC use... + + +# _AM_DEPENDENCIES(NAME) +# ---------------------- +# See how the compiler implements dependency checking. +# NAME is "CC", "CXX", "GCJ", or "OBJC". +# We try a few techniques and use that to set a single cache variable. +# +# We don't AC_REQUIRE the corresponding AC_PROG_CC since the latter was +# modified to invoke _AM_DEPENDENCIES(CC); we would have a circular +# dependency, and given that the user is not expected to run this macro, +# just rely on AC_PROG_CC. +AC_DEFUN([_AM_DEPENDENCIES], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_SET_DEPDIR])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AM_MAKE_INCLUDE])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AM_DEP_TRACK])dnl + +ifelse([$1], CC, [depcc="$CC" am_compiler_list=], + [$1], CXX, [depcc="$CXX" am_compiler_list=], + [$1], OBJC, [depcc="$OBJC" am_compiler_list='gcc3 gcc'], + [$1], GCJ, [depcc="$GCJ" am_compiler_list='gcc3 gcc'], + [depcc="$$1" am_compiler_list=]) + +AC_CACHE_CHECK([dependency style of $depcc], + [am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type], +[if test -z "$AMDEP_TRUE" && test -f "$am_depcomp"; then + # We make a subdir and do the tests there. Otherwise we can end up + # making bogus files that we don't know about and never remove. For + # instance it was reported that on HP-UX the gcc test will end up + # making a dummy file named `D' -- because `-MD' means `put the output + # in D'. + mkdir conftest.dir + # Copy depcomp to subdir because otherwise we won't find it if we're + # using a relative directory. + cp "$am_depcomp" conftest.dir + cd conftest.dir + # We will build objects and dependencies in a subdirectory because + # it helps to detect inapplicable dependency modes. For instance + # both Tru64's cc and ICC support -MD to output dependencies as a + # side effect of compilation, but ICC will put the dependencies in + # the current directory while Tru64 will put them in the object + # directory. + mkdir sub + + am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type=none + if test "$am_compiler_list" = ""; then + am_compiler_list=`sed -n ['s/^#*\([a-zA-Z0-9]*\))$/\1/p'] < ./depcomp` + fi + for depmode in $am_compiler_list; do + # Setup a source with many dependencies, because some compilers + # like to wrap large dependency lists on column 80 (with \), and + # we should not choose a depcomp mode which is confused by this. + # + # We need to recreate these files for each test, as the compiler may + # overwrite some of them when testing with obscure command lines. + # This happens at least with the AIX C compiler. + : > sub/conftest.c + for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do + echo '#include "conftst'$i'.h"' >> sub/conftest.c + # Using `: > sub/conftst$i.h' creates only sub/conftst1.h with + # Solaris 8's {/usr,}/bin/sh. + touch sub/conftst$i.h + done + echo "${am__include} ${am__quote}sub/conftest.Po${am__quote}" > confmf + + case $depmode in + nosideeffect) + # after this tag, mechanisms are not by side-effect, so they'll + # only be used when explicitly requested + if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" = xyes; then + continue + else + break + fi + ;; + none) break ;; + esac + # We check with `-c' and `-o' for the sake of the "dashmstdout" + # mode. It turns out that the SunPro C++ compiler does not properly + # handle `-M -o', and we need to detect this. + if depmode=$depmode \ + source=sub/conftest.c object=sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} \ + depfile=sub/conftest.Po tmpdepfile=sub/conftest.TPo \ + $SHELL ./depcomp $depcc -c -o sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} sub/conftest.c \ + >/dev/null 2>conftest.err && + grep sub/conftst6.h sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 && + grep sub/conftest.${OBJEXT-o} sub/conftest.Po > /dev/null 2>&1 && + ${MAKE-make} -s -f confmf > /dev/null 2>&1; then + # icc doesn't choke on unknown options, it will just issue warnings + # or remarks (even with -Werror). So we grep stderr for any message + # that says an option was ignored or not supported. + # When given -MP, icc 7.0 and 7.1 complain thusly: + # icc: Command line warning: ignoring option '-M'; no argument required + # The diagnosis changed in icc 8.0: + # icc: Command line remark: option '-MP' not supported + if (grep 'ignoring option' conftest.err || + grep 'not supported' conftest.err) >/dev/null 2>&1; then :; else + am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type=$depmode + break + fi + fi + done + + cd .. + rm -rf conftest.dir +else + am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type=none +fi +]) +AC_SUBST([$1DEPMODE], [depmode=$am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type]) +AM_CONDITIONAL([am__fastdep$1], [ + test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno \ + && test "$am_cv_$1_dependencies_compiler_type" = gcc3]) +]) + + +# AM_SET_DEPDIR +# ------------- +# Choose a directory name for dependency files. +# This macro is AC_REQUIREd in _AM_DEPENDENCIES +AC_DEFUN([AM_SET_DEPDIR], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_SET_LEADING_DOT])dnl +AC_SUBST([DEPDIR], ["${am__leading_dot}deps"])dnl +]) + + +# AM_DEP_TRACK +# ------------ +AC_DEFUN([AM_DEP_TRACK], +[AC_ARG_ENABLE(dependency-tracking, +[ --disable-dependency-tracking speeds up one-time build + --enable-dependency-tracking do not reject slow dependency extractors]) +if test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno; then + am_depcomp="$ac_aux_dir/depcomp" + AMDEPBACKSLASH='\' +fi +AM_CONDITIONAL([AMDEP], [test "x$enable_dependency_tracking" != xno]) +AC_SUBST([AMDEPBACKSLASH]) +]) + +# Generate code to set up dependency tracking. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 +# Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +#serial 3 + +# _AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS +# ------------------------------ +AC_DEFUN([_AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS], +[for mf in $CONFIG_FILES; do + # Strip MF so we end up with the name of the file. + mf=`echo "$mf" | sed -e 's/:.*$//'` + # Check whether this is an Automake generated Makefile or not. + # We used to match only the files named `', but + # some people rename them; so instead we look at the file content. + # Grep'ing the first line is not enough: some people post-process + # each and add a new line on top of each file to say so. + # So let's grep whole file. + if grep '^#.*generated by automake' $mf > /dev/null 2>&1; then + dirpart=`AS_DIRNAME("$mf")` + else + continue + fi + # Extract the definition of DEPDIR, am__include, and am__quote + # from the Makefile without running `make'. + DEPDIR=`sed -n 's/^DEPDIR = //p' < "$mf"` + test -z "$DEPDIR" && continue + am__include=`sed -n 's/^am__include = //p' < "$mf"` + test -z "am__include" && continue + am__quote=`sed -n 's/^am__quote = //p' < "$mf"` + # When using ansi2knr, U may be empty or an underscore; expand it + U=`sed -n 's/^U = //p' < "$mf"` + # Find all dependency output files, they are included files with + # $(DEPDIR) in their names. We invoke sed twice because it is the + # simplest approach to changing $(DEPDIR) to its actual value in the + # expansion. + for file in `sed -n " + s/^$am__include $am__quote\(.*(DEPDIR).*\)$am__quote"'$/\1/p' <"$mf" | \ + sed -e 's/\$(DEPDIR)/'"$DEPDIR"'/g' -e 's/\$U/'"$U"'/g'`; do + # Make sure the directory exists. + test -f "$dirpart/$file" && continue + fdir=`AS_DIRNAME(["$file"])` + AS_MKDIR_P([$dirpart/$fdir]) + # echo "creating $dirpart/$file" + echo '# dummy' > "$dirpart/$file" + done +done +])# _AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS + + +# AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS +# ----------------------------- +# This macro should only be invoked once -- use via AC_REQUIRE. +# +# This code is only required when automatic dependency tracking +# is enabled. FIXME. This creates each `.P' file that we will +# need in order to bootstrap the dependency handling code. +AC_DEFUN([AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS], +[AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([depfiles], + [test x"$AMDEP_TRUE" != x"" || _AM_OUTPUT_DEPENDENCY_COMMANDS], + [AMDEP_TRUE="$AMDEP_TRUE" ac_aux_dir="$ac_aux_dir"]) +]) + +# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005 +# Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# serial 8 + +# AM_CONFIG_HEADER is obsolete. It has been replaced by AC_CONFIG_HEADERS. +AU_DEFUN([AM_CONFIG_HEADER], [AC_CONFIG_HEADERS($@)]) + +# Do all the work for Automake. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 +# Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# serial 12 + +# This macro actually does too much. Some checks are only needed if +# your package does certain things. But this isn't really a big deal. + +# AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(PACKAGE, VERSION, [NO-DEFINE]) +# AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([OPTIONS]) +# ----------------------------------------------- +# The call with PACKAGE and VERSION arguments is the old style +# call (pre autoconf-2.50), which is being phased out. PACKAGE +# and VERSION should now be passed to AC_INIT and removed from +# the call to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE. +# We support both call styles for the transition. After +# the next Automake release, Autoconf can make the AC_INIT +# arguments mandatory, and then we can depend on a new Autoconf +# release and drop the old call support. +AC_DEFUN([AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE], +[AC_PREREQ([2.58])dnl +dnl Autoconf wants to disallow AM_ names. We explicitly allow +dnl the ones we care about. +m4_pattern_allow([^AM_[A-Z]+FLAGS$])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AM_SET_CURRENT_AUTOMAKE_VERSION])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_INSTALL])dnl +# test to see if srcdir already configured +if test "`cd $srcdir && pwd`" != "`pwd`" && + test -f $srcdir/config.status; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([source directory already configured; run "make distclean" there first]) +fi + +# test whether we have cygpath +if test -z "$CYGPATH_W"; then + if (cygpath --version) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then + CYGPATH_W='cygpath -w' + else + CYGPATH_W=echo + fi +fi +AC_SUBST([CYGPATH_W]) + +# Define the identity of the package. +dnl Distinguish between old-style and new-style calls. +m4_ifval([$2], +[m4_ifval([$3], [_AM_SET_OPTION([no-define])])dnl + AC_SUBST([PACKAGE], [$1])dnl + AC_SUBST([VERSION], [$2])], +[_AM_SET_OPTIONS([$1])dnl + AC_SUBST([PACKAGE], ['AC_PACKAGE_TARNAME'])dnl + AC_SUBST([VERSION], ['AC_PACKAGE_VERSION'])])dnl + +_AM_IF_OPTION([no-define],, +[AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE, "$PACKAGE", [Name of package]) + AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(VERSION, "$VERSION", [Version number of package])])dnl + +# Some tools Automake needs. +AC_REQUIRE([AM_SANITY_CHECK])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_ARG_PROGRAM])dnl +AM_MISSING_PROG(ACLOCAL, aclocal-${am__api_version}) +AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOCONF, autoconf) +AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOMAKE, automake-${am__api_version}) +AM_MISSING_PROG(AUTOHEADER, autoheader) +AM_MISSING_PROG(MAKEINFO, makeinfo) +AM_PROG_INSTALL_SH +AM_PROG_INSTALL_STRIP +AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_MKDIR_P])dnl +# We need awk for the "check" target. The system "awk" is bad on +# some platforms. +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_AWK])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_MAKE_SET])dnl +AC_REQUIRE([AM_SET_LEADING_DOT])dnl +_AM_IF_OPTION([tar-ustar], [_AM_PROG_TAR([ustar])], + [_AM_IF_OPTION([tar-pax], [_AM_PROG_TAR([pax])], + [_AM_PROG_TAR([v7])])]) +_AM_IF_OPTION([no-dependencies],, +[AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_CC], + [_AM_DEPENDENCIES(CC)], + [define([AC_PROG_CC], + defn([AC_PROG_CC])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES(CC)])])dnl +AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE([AC_PROG_CXX], + [_AM_DEPENDENCIES(CXX)], + [define([AC_PROG_CXX], + defn([AC_PROG_CXX])[_AM_DEPENDENCIES(CXX)])])dnl +]) +]) + + +# When config.status generates a header, we must update the stamp-h file. +# This file resides in the same directory as the config header +# that is generated. The stamp files are numbered to have different names. + +# Autoconf calls _AC_AM_CONFIG_HEADER_HOOK (when defined) in the +# loop where config.status creates the headers, so we can generate +# our stamp files there. +AC_DEFUN([_AC_AM_CONFIG_HEADER_HOOK], +[# Compute $1's index in $config_headers. +_am_stamp_count=1 +for _am_header in $config_headers :; do + case $_am_header in + $1 | $1:* ) + break ;; + * ) + _am_stamp_count=`expr $_am_stamp_count + 1` ;; + esac +done +echo "timestamp for $1" >`AS_DIRNAME([$1])`/stamp-h[]$_am_stamp_count]) + +# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_PROG_INSTALL_SH +# ------------------ +# Define $install_sh. +AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_INSTALL_SH], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND])dnl +install_sh=${install_sh-"$am_aux_dir/install-sh"} +AC_SUBST(install_sh)]) + +# Copyright (C) 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# serial 2 + +# Check whether the underlying file-system supports filenames +# with a leading dot. For instance MS-DOS doesn't. +AC_DEFUN([AM_SET_LEADING_DOT], +[rm -rf .tst 2>/dev/null +mkdir .tst 2>/dev/null +if test -d .tst; then + am__leading_dot=. +else + am__leading_dot=_ +fi +rmdir .tst 2>/dev/null +AC_SUBST([am__leading_dot])]) + +# Check to see how 'make' treats includes. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# serial 3 + +# AM_MAKE_INCLUDE() +# ----------------- +# Check to see how make treats includes. +AC_DEFUN([AM_MAKE_INCLUDE], +[am_make=${MAKE-make} +cat > confinc << 'END' +am__doit: + @echo done +.PHONY: am__doit +END +# If we don't find an include directive, just comment out the code. +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for style of include used by $am_make]) +am__include="#" +am__quote= +_am_result=none +# First try GNU make style include. +echo "include confinc" > confmf +# We grep out `Entering directory' and `Leaving directory' +# messages which can occur if `w' ends up in MAKEFLAGS. +# In particular we don't look at `^make:' because GNU make might +# be invoked under some other name (usually "gmake"), in which +# case it prints its new name instead of `make'. +if test "`$am_make -s -f confmf 2> /dev/null | grep -v 'ing directory'`" = "done"; then + am__include=include + am__quote= + _am_result=GNU +fi +# Now try BSD make style include. +if test "$am__include" = "#"; then + echo '.include "confinc"' > confmf + if test "`$am_make -s -f confmf 2> /dev/null`" = "done"; then + am__include=.include + am__quote="\"" + _am_result=BSD + fi +fi +AC_SUBST([am__include]) +AC_SUBST([am__quote]) +AC_MSG_RESULT([$_am_result]) +rm -f confinc confmf +]) + +# Fake the existence of programs that GNU maintainers use. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005 +# Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# serial 4 + +# AM_MISSING_PROG(NAME, PROGRAM) +# ------------------------------ +AC_DEFUN([AM_MISSING_PROG], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_MISSING_HAS_RUN]) +$1=${$1-"${am_missing_run}$2"} +AC_SUBST($1)]) + + +# AM_MISSING_HAS_RUN +# ------------------ +# Define MISSING if not defined so far and test if it supports --run. +# If it does, set am_missing_run to use it, otherwise, to nothing. +AC_DEFUN([AM_MISSING_HAS_RUN], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_AUX_DIR_EXPAND])dnl +test x"${MISSING+set}" = xset || MISSING="\${SHELL} $am_aux_dir/missing" +# Use eval to expand $SHELL +if eval "$MISSING --run true"; then + am_missing_run="$MISSING --run " +else + am_missing_run= + AC_MSG_WARN([`missing' script is too old or missing]) +fi +]) + +# Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_PROG_MKDIR_P +# --------------- +# Check whether `mkdir -p' is supported, fallback to mkinstalldirs otherwise. +# +# Automake 1.8 used `mkdir -m 0755 -p --' to ensure that directories +# created by `make install' are always world readable, even if the +# installer happens to have an overly restrictive umask (e.g. 077). +# This was a mistake. There are at least two reasons why we must not +# use `-m 0755': +# - it causes special bits like SGID to be ignored, +# - it may be too restrictive (some setups expect 775 directories). +# +# Do not use -m 0755 and let people choose whatever they expect by +# setting umask. +# +# We cannot accept any implementation of `mkdir' that recognizes `-p'. +# Some implementations (such as Solaris 8's) are not thread-safe: if a +# parallel make tries to run `mkdir -p a/b' and `mkdir -p a/c' +# concurrently, both version can detect that a/ is missing, but only +# one can create it and the other will error out. Consequently we +# restrict ourselves to GNU make (using the --version option ensures +# this.) +AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_MKDIR_P], +[if mkdir -p --version . >/dev/null 2>&1 && test ! -d ./--version; then + # We used to keeping the `.' as first argument, in order to + # allow $(mkdir_p) to be used without argument. As in + # $(mkdir_p) $(somedir) + # where $(somedir) is conditionally defined. However this is wrong + # for two reasons: + # 1. if the package is installed by a user who cannot write `.' + # make install will fail, + # 2. the above comment should most certainly read + # $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(somedir) + # so it does not work when $(somedir) is undefined and + # $(DESTDIR) is not. + # To support the latter case, we have to write + # test -z "$(somedir)" || $(mkdir_p) $(DESTDIR)$(somedir), + # so the `.' trick is pointless. + mkdir_p='mkdir -p --' +else + # On NextStep and OpenStep, the `mkdir' command does not + # recognize any option. It will interpret all options as + # directories to create, and then abort because `.' already + # exists. + for d in ./-p ./--version; + do + test -d $d && rmdir $d + done + # $(mkinstalldirs) is defined by Automake if mkinstalldirs exists. + if test -f "$ac_aux_dir/mkinstalldirs"; then + mkdir_p='$(mkinstalldirs)' + else + mkdir_p='$(install_sh) -d' + fi +fi +AC_SUBST([mkdir_p])]) + +# Helper functions for option handling. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# serial 3 + +# _AM_MANGLE_OPTION(NAME) +# ----------------------- +AC_DEFUN([_AM_MANGLE_OPTION], +[[_AM_OPTION_]m4_bpatsubst($1, [[^a-zA-Z0-9_]], [_])]) + +# _AM_SET_OPTION(NAME) +# ------------------------------ +# Set option NAME. Presently that only means defining a flag for this option. +AC_DEFUN([_AM_SET_OPTION], +[m4_define(_AM_MANGLE_OPTION([$1]), 1)]) + +# _AM_SET_OPTIONS(OPTIONS) +# ---------------------------------- +# OPTIONS is a space-separated list of Automake options. +AC_DEFUN([_AM_SET_OPTIONS], +[AC_FOREACH([_AM_Option], [$1], [_AM_SET_OPTION(_AM_Option)])]) + +# _AM_IF_OPTION(OPTION, IF-SET, [IF-NOT-SET]) +# ------------------------------------------- +# Execute IF-SET if OPTION is set, IF-NOT-SET otherwise. +AC_DEFUN([_AM_IF_OPTION], +[m4_ifset(_AM_MANGLE_OPTION([$1]), [$2], [$3])]) + +# Check to make sure that the build environment is sane. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005 +# Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# serial 4 + +# AM_SANITY_CHECK +# --------------- +AC_DEFUN([AM_SANITY_CHECK], +[AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether build environment is sane]) +# Just in case +sleep 1 +echo timestamp > conftest.file +# Do `set' in a subshell so we don't clobber the current shell's +# arguments. Must try -L first in case configure is actually a +# symlink; some systems play weird games with the mod time of symlinks +# (eg FreeBSD returns the mod time of the symlink's containing +# directory). +if ( + set X `ls -Lt $srcdir/configure conftest.file 2> /dev/null` + if test "$[*]" = "X"; then + # -L didn't work. + set X `ls -t $srcdir/configure conftest.file` + fi + rm -f conftest.file + if test "$[*]" != "X $srcdir/configure conftest.file" \ + && test "$[*]" != "X conftest.file $srcdir/configure"; then + + # If neither matched, then we have a broken ls. This can happen + # if, for instance, CONFIG_SHELL is bash and it inherits a + # broken ls alias from the environment. This has actually + # happened. Such a system could not be considered "sane". + AC_MSG_ERROR([ls -t appears to fail. Make sure there is not a broken +alias in your environment]) + fi + + test "$[2]" = conftest.file + ) +then + # Ok. + : +else + AC_MSG_ERROR([newly created file is older than distributed files! +Check your system clock]) +fi +AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)]) + +# Copyright (C) 2001, 2003, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# AM_PROG_INSTALL_STRIP +# --------------------- +# One issue with vendor `install' (even GNU) is that you can't +# specify the program used to strip binaries. This is especially +# annoying in cross-compiling environments, where the build's strip +# is unlikely to handle the host's binaries. +# Fortunately install-sh will honor a STRIPPROG variable, so we +# always use install-sh in `make install-strip', and initialize +# STRIPPROG with the value of the STRIP variable (set by the user). +AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_INSTALL_STRIP], +[AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_INSTALL_SH])dnl +# Installed binaries are usually stripped using `strip' when the user +# run `make install-strip'. However `strip' might not be the right +# tool to use in cross-compilation environments, therefore Automake +# will honor the `STRIP' environment variable to overrule this program. +dnl Don't test for $cross_compiling = yes, because it might be `maybe'. +if test "$cross_compiling" != no; then + AC_CHECK_TOOL([STRIP], [strip], :) +fi +INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM="\${SHELL} \$(install_sh) -c -s" +AC_SUBST([INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM])]) + +# Check how to create a tarball. -*- Autoconf -*- + +# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# +# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. + +# serial 2 + +# _AM_PROG_TAR(FORMAT) +# -------------------- +# Check how to create a tarball in format FORMAT. +# FORMAT should be one of `v7', `ustar', or `pax'. +# +# Substitute a variable $(am__tar) that is a command +# writing to stdout a FORMAT-tarball containing the directory +# $tardir. +# tardir=directory && $(am__tar) > result.tar +# +# Substitute a variable $(am__untar) that extract such +# a tarball read from stdin. +# $(am__untar) < result.tar +AC_DEFUN([_AM_PROG_TAR], +[# Always define AMTAR for backward compatibility. +AM_MISSING_PROG([AMTAR], [tar]) +m4_if([$1], [v7], + [am__tar='${AMTAR} chof - "$$tardir"'; am__untar='${AMTAR} xf -'], + [m4_case([$1], [ustar],, [pax],, + [m4_fatal([Unknown tar format])]) +AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to create a $1 tar archive]) +# Loop over all known methods to create a tar archive until one works. +_am_tools='gnutar m4_if([$1], [ustar], [plaintar]) pax cpio none' +_am_tools=${am_cv_prog_tar_$1-$_am_tools} +# Do not fold the above two line into one, because Tru64 sh and +# Solaris sh will not grok spaces in the rhs of `-'. +for _am_tool in $_am_tools +do + case $_am_tool in + gnutar) + for _am_tar in tar gnutar gtar; + do + AM_RUN_LOG([$_am_tar --version]) && break + done + am__tar="$_am_tar --format=m4_if([$1], [pax], [posix], [$1]) -chf - "'"$$tardir"' + am__tar_="$_am_tar --format=m4_if([$1], [pax], [posix], [$1]) -chf - "'"$tardir"' + am__untar="$_am_tar -xf -" + ;; + plaintar) + # Must skip GNU tar: if it does not support --format= it doesn't create + # ustar tarball either. + (tar --version) >/dev/null 2>&1 && continue + am__tar='tar chf - "$$tardir"' + am__tar_='tar chf - "$tardir"' + am__untar='tar xf -' + ;; + pax) + am__tar='pax -L -x $1 -w "$$tardir"' + am__tar_='pax -L -x $1 -w "$tardir"' + am__untar='pax -r' + ;; + cpio) + am__tar='find "$$tardir" -print | cpio -o -H $1 -L' + am__tar_='find "$tardir" -print | cpio -o -H $1 -L' + am__untar='cpio -i -H $1 -d' + ;; + none) + am__tar=false + am__tar_=false + am__untar=false + ;; + esac + + # If the value was cached, stop now. We just wanted to have am__tar + # and am__untar set. + test -n "${am_cv_prog_tar_$1}" && break + + # tar/untar a dummy directory, and stop if the command works + rm -rf conftest.dir + mkdir conftest.dir + echo GrepMe > conftest.dir/file + AM_RUN_LOG([tardir=conftest.dir && eval $am__tar_ >conftest.tar]) + rm -rf conftest.dir + if test -s conftest.tar; then + AM_RUN_LOG([$am__untar /dev/null 2>&1 && break + fi +done +rm -rf conftest.dir + +AC_CACHE_VAL([am_cv_prog_tar_$1], [am_cv_prog_tar_$1=$_am_tool]) +AC_MSG_RESULT([$am_cv_prog_tar_$1])]) +AC_SUBST([am__tar]) +AC_SUBST([am__untar]) +]) # _AM_PROG_TAR + +m4_include([acinclude.m4]) diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..14f277a --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +/* Generated from by autoheader. */ + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_CARBON_CARBON_H + +/* Define if you have the CoreAudio API */ +#undef HAVE_COREAUDIO + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_CRT_EXTERNS_H + +/* Defines if your system has the crypt function */ +#undef HAVE_CRYPT + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_DLFCN_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_INTTYPES_H + +/* Define if you have libjpeg */ +#undef HAVE_LIBJPEG + +/* Define if you have libpng */ +#undef HAVE_LIBPNG + +/* Define if you have a working libpthread (will enable threaded code) */ +#undef HAVE_LIBPTHREAD + +/* Define if you have libz */ +#undef HAVE_LIBZ + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_MEMORY_H + +/* Define if your system needs _NSGetEnviron to set up the environment */ +#undef HAVE_NSGETENVIRON + +/* Define if you have res_init */ +#undef HAVE_RES_INIT + +/* Define if you have the res_init prototype */ +#undef HAVE_RES_INIT_PROTO + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `setfsent' function. */ +#undef HAVE_SETFSENT + +/* Define if you have a STL implementation by SGI */ +#undef HAVE_SGI_STL + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `snprintf' function. */ +#undef HAVE_SNPRINTF + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_STDINT_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_STDLIB_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_STRINGS_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_STRING_H + +/* Define if you have strlcat */ +#undef HAVE_STRLCAT + +/* Define if you have the strlcat prototype */ +#undef HAVE_STRLCAT_PROTO + +/* Define if you have strlcpy */ +#undef HAVE_STRLCPY + +/* Define if you have the strlcpy prototype */ +#undef HAVE_STRLCPY_PROTO + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_BITYPES_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ +#undef HAVE_UNISTD_H + +/* Define to 1 if you have the `vsnprintf' function. */ +#undef HAVE_VSNPRINTF + +/* Suffix for lib directories */ +#undef KDELIBSUFF + +/* Name of package */ +#undef PACKAGE + +/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */ +#undef PACKAGE_BUGREPORT + +/* Define to the full name of this package. */ +#undef PACKAGE_NAME + +/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */ +#undef PACKAGE_STRING + +/* Define to the one symbol short name of this package. */ +#undef PACKAGE_TARNAME + +/* Define to the version of this package. */ +#undef PACKAGE_VERSION + +/* The size of a `char *', as computed by sizeof. */ +#undef SIZEOF_CHAR_P + +/* The size of a `int', as computed by sizeof. */ +#undef SIZEOF_INT + +/* The size of a `long', as computed by sizeof. */ +#undef SIZEOF_LONG + +/* The size of a `short', as computed by sizeof. */ +#undef SIZEOF_SHORT + +/* The size of a `size_t', as computed by sizeof. */ +#undef SIZEOF_SIZE_T + +/* The size of a `unsigned long', as computed by sizeof. */ +#undef SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG + +/* Define to 1 if you have the ANSI C header files. */ +#undef STDC_HEADERS + +/* Version number of package */ +#undef VERSION + +/* Defined if compiling without arts */ +#undef WITHOUT_ARTS + +/* + * jpeg.h needs HAVE_BOOLEAN, when the system uses boolean in system + * headers and I'm too lazy to write a configure test as long as only + * unixware is related + */ +#ifdef _UNIXWARE +#define HAVE_BOOLEAN +#endif + + + +/* + * AIX defines FD_SET in terms of bzero, but fails to include + * that defines bzero. + */ + +#if defined(_AIX) +#include +#endif + + + +#if defined(HAVE_NSGETENVIRON) && defined(HAVE_CRT_EXTERNS_H) +# include +# include +# define environ (*_NSGetEnviron()) +#endif + + + +#if !defined(HAVE_RES_INIT_PROTO) +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +int res_init(void); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif + + + +#if !defined(HAVE_STRLCAT_PROTO) +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +unsigned long strlcat(char*, const char*, unsigned long); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif + + + +#if !defined(HAVE_STRLCPY_PROTO) +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif +unsigned long strlcpy(char*, const char*, unsigned long); +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif +#endif + + + +/* + * On HP-UX, the declaration of vsnprintf() is needed every time ! + */ + +#if !defined(HAVE_VSNPRINTF) || defined(hpux) +#if __STDC__ +#include +#include +#else +#include +#endif +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" +#endif +int vsnprintf(char *str, size_t n, char const *fmt, va_list ap); +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" +#endif +int snprintf(char *str, size_t n, char const *fmt, ...); +#endif + + + +#if defined(__SVR4) && !defined(__svr4__) +#define __svr4__ 1 +#endif + + +/* type to use in place of socklen_t if not defined */ +#undef kde_socklen_t + +/* type to use in place of socklen_t if not defined (deprecated, use + kde_socklen_t) */ +#undef ksize_t diff --git a/configure.files b/configure.files new file mode 100644 index 0000000..002b8ca --- /dev/null +++ b/configure.files @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +./admin/ +./kio_ftps/ diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb0121f --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +dnl ======================================================= +dnl FILE: ./admin/ +dnl ======================================================= + +dnl This file is part of the KDE libraries/packages +dnl Copyright (C) 2001 Stephan Kulow ( + +dnl This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +dnl modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public +dnl License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either +dnl version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +dnl This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +dnl but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +dnl MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +dnl Library General Public License for more details. + +dnl You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License +dnl along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to +dnl the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Steet, Fifth Floor, +dnl Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + +# Original Author was +# I lifted it in some mater. (Stephan Kulow) +# I used much code from Janos Farkas + +dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. + +AC_INIT(acinclude.m4) dnl a source file from your sub dir + +dnl This is so we can use kde-common +AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(admin) + +dnl This ksh/zsh feature conflicts with `cd blah ; pwd` +unset CDPATH + +dnl Checking host/target/build systems, for make, install etc. +AC_CANONICAL_SYSTEM +dnl Perform program name transformation +AC_ARG_PROGRAM + +dnl Automake doc recommends to do this only here. (Janos) +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(kio-ftps, 0.1) dnl searches for some needed programs + +KDE_SET_PREFIX + +dnl generate the config header +AM_CONFIG_HEADER(config.h) dnl at the distribution this done + +dnl Checks for programs. +AC_CHECK_COMPILERS +AC_ENABLE_SHARED(yes) +AC_ENABLE_STATIC(no) +KDE_PROG_LIBTOOL + +dnl for NLS support. Call them in this order! +dnl WITH_NLS is for the po files +AM_KDE_WITH_NLS + +dnl KDE_USE_QT +AC_PATH_KDE +dnl ======================================================= +dnl FILE: +dnl ======================================================= + +#MIN_CONFIG + +dnl PACKAGE set before + +dnl ======================================================= +dnl FILE: ./kio_ftps/ +dnl ======================================================= + +dnl For kio_ftps +AC_LANG_SAVE +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS +AC_CHECK_FUNCS( setfsent ) +AC_LANG_RESTORE +KDE_CREATE_SUBDIRSLIST +AC_CONFIG_FILES([ Makefile ]) +AC_CONFIG_FILES([ kio_ftps/Makefile ]) +AC_OUTPUT +# Check if KDE_SET_PREFIX was called, and --prefix was passed to configure +if test -n "$kde_libs_prefix" -a -n "$given_prefix"; then + # And if so, warn when they don't match + if test "$kde_libs_prefix" != "$given_prefix"; then + # And if kde doesn't know about the prefix yet + echo ":"`kde-config --path exe`":" | grep ":$given_prefix/bin/:" 2>&1 >/dev/null + if test $? -ne 0; then + echo "" + echo "Warning: you chose to install this package in $given_prefix," + echo "but KDE was found in $kde_libs_prefix." + echo "For this to work, you will need to tell KDE about the new prefix, by ensuring" + echo "that KDEDIRS contains it, e.g. export KDEDIRS=$given_prefix:$kde_libs_prefix" + echo "Then restart KDE." + echo "" + fi + fi +fi + +if test x$GXX = "xyes" -a x$kde_have_gcc_visibility = "xyes" -a x$kde_cv_val_qt_gcc_visibility_patched = "xno"; then + echo "" + echo "Your GCC supports symbol visibility, but the patch for Qt supporting visibility" + echo "was not included. Therefore, GCC symbol visibility support remains disabled." + echo "" + echo "For better performance, consider including the Qt visibility supporting patch" + echo "located at:" + echo "" + echo "" + echo "" + echo "and recompile all of Qt and KDE. Note, this is entirely optional and" + echo "everything will continue to work just fine without it." + echo "" +fi + +if test "$all_tests" = "bad"; then + if test ! "$cache_file" = "/dev/null"; then + echo "" + echo "Please remove the file $cache_file after changing your setup" + echo "so that configure will find the changes next time." + echo "" + fi +else + echo "" + echo "Good - your configure finished. Start make now" + echo "" +fi diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b52057 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +#MIN_CONFIG + +AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(kio-ftps, 0.1) + diff --git a/kio_ftps/ b/kio_ftps/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c9ad1de --- /dev/null +++ b/kio_ftps/ @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ + +# all_includes definiert alle Verzeichnisnamen fr ben�igte Headerdateien +# INCLUDES wird zum Kompilieren benutzt. +INCLUDES= $(all_includes) + +# lib_ bedeutet, dass das folgende in libdir installiert werden soll +# _LTLIBRARIES bedeutet, dass es sich hierbei um libtool (also shared) +# Bibliotheken handelt +lib_LTLIBRARIES = + +# Die Quellen fr (Punkt durch _ ersetzt) +kio_ftps_la_SOURCES = ftp.h + +# Die Bibliothek libksycoca wird fr Slaves ben�igt +kio_ftps_la_LIBADD = $(LIB_KSYCOCA) + +# Die Link-Pfade inklusive all_libraries (siehe oben) +# -module gibt an, dass es von anderen Programmen geladen wird und +# nicht wirklich als Bibliothek benutzt wird. $(KDE_PLUGIN) enth�t +# Standardflags fr KDE Module, z.B. um die Versionsnummern zu unter- +# drcken +kio_ftps_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) -module $(KDE_PLUGIN) + +# kde_services_ installiert in kde_servicesdir ($KDEDIR/share/services) +# _DATA sind einfache Dateien +kde_services_DATA = ftps.protocol diff --git a/kio_ftps/ b/kio_ftps/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2361ee7 --- /dev/null +++ b/kio_ftps/ @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +dnl For kio_ftps +AC_LANG_SAVE +AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS +AC_CHECK_FUNCS( setfsent ) +AC_LANG_RESTORE diff --git a/kio_ftps/ b/kio_ftps/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1a0d65 --- /dev/null +++ b/kio_ftps/ @@ -0,0 +1,2685 @@ +// -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; -*- +/* This file is part of the KDE libraries + Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License + along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to + the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, + Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. + + Recommended reading explaining FTP details and quirks: + (by D.J. Bernstein) +*/ + + +#define KIO_FTP_PRIVATE_INCLUDE +#include "ftp.h" + +#include +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H +#include +#endif +#ifdef HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H +#include +#endif + +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#if TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME +#include +#endif + +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#ifdef HAVE_STRTOLL + #define charToLongLong(a) strtoll(a, 0, 10) +#else + #define charToLongLong(a) strtol(a, 0, 10) +#endif + +// JPF: a remark on coding style (2004-03-06): +// Some calls to QString::fromLatin1() were removed from the code. In most places +// the KDE code relies on implicit creation of QStrings. Also Qt has a lot of +// const char* overloads, so that using QString::fromLatin1() can be ineffectient! + +#define FTP_LOGIN "anonymous" +#define FTP_PASSWD "anonymous@" + +//#undef kdDebug +#define ENABLE_CAN_RESUME + +// JPF: somebody should find a better solution for this or move this to KIO +// JPF: anyhow, in KDE 3.2.0 I found diffent MAX_IPC_SIZE definitions! +namespace KIO { + enum buffersizes + { /** + * largest buffer size that should be used to transfer data between + * KIO slaves using the data() function + */ + maximumIpcSize = 32 * 1024, + /** + * this is a reasonable value for an initial read() that a KIO slave + * can do to obtain data via a slow network connection. + */ + initialIpcSize = 2 * 1024, + /** + * recommended size of a data block passed to findBufferFileType() + */ + mimimumMimeSize = 1024 + }; + + // JPF: this helper was derived from write_all in (FileProtocol). + static // JPF: in we make it static + /** + * This helper handles some special issues (blocking and interrupted + * system call) when writing to a file handle. + * + * @return 0 on success or an error code on failure (ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE, + * ERR_DISK_FULL, ERR_CONNECTION_BROKEN). + */ + int WriteToFile(int fd, const char *buf, size_t len) + { + while (len > 0) + { // JPF: shouldn't there be a KDE_write? + ssize_t written = write(fd, buf, len); + if (written >= 0) + { buf += written; + len -= written; + continue; + } + switch(errno) + { case EINTR: continue; + case EPIPE: return ERR_CONNECTION_BROKEN; + case ENOSPC: return ERR_DISK_FULL; + default: return ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE; + } + } + return 0; + } +} + +KIO::filesize_t Ftp::UnknownSize = (KIO::filesize_t)-1; + +using namespace KIO; + +extern "C" { KDE_EXPORT int kdemain(int argc, char **argv); } + +int kdemain( int argc, char **argv ) +{ + KLocale::setMainCatalogue("kdelibs"); + KInstance instance( "kio_ftp" ); + ( void ) KGlobal::locale(); + + kdDebug(7102) << "Starting " << getpid() << endl; + + if (argc != 4) + { + fprintf(stderr, "Usage: kio_ftp protocol domain-socket1 domain-socket2\n"); + exit(-1); + } + + Ftp slave(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]); + slave.dispatchLoop(); + + kdDebug(7102) << "Done" << endl; + return 0; +} + +//=============================================================================== +// FtpTextReader Read Text lines from a file (or socket) +//=============================================================================== + +void FtpTextReader::textClear() +{ m_iTextLine = m_iTextBuff = 0; + m_szText[0] = 0; + m_bTextEOF = m_bTextTruncated = false; +} + +int FtpTextReader::textRead(FtpSocket *pSock) +{ + // if we have still buffered data then move it to the left + char* pEOL; + if(m_iTextLine < m_iTextBuff) + { m_iTextBuff -= m_iTextLine; + memmove(m_szText, m_szText+m_iTextLine, m_iTextBuff); + pEOL = (char*)memchr(m_szText, '\n', m_iTextBuff); // have a complete line? + } + else + { m_iTextBuff = 0; + pEOL = NULL; + } + m_bTextEOF = m_bTextTruncated = false; + + // read data from the control socket until a complete line is read + int nBytes; + while(pEOL == NULL) + { + if(m_iTextBuff > textReadLimit) + { m_bTextTruncated = true; + m_iTextBuff = textReadLimit; + } + nBytes = pSock->read(m_szText+m_iTextBuff, sizeof(m_szText)-m_iTextBuff); + if(nBytes <= 0) + { + // This error can occur after the server closed the connection (after a timeout) + if(nBytes < 0) + pSock->debugMessage("textRead failed"); + m_bTextEOF = true; + pEOL = m_szText + m_iTextBuff; + } + else + { + m_iTextBuff += nBytes; + pEOL = (char*)memchr(m_szText, '\n', m_iTextBuff); + } + } + + nBytes = pEOL - m_szText; + m_iTextLine = nBytes + 1; + + if(nBytes > textReadLimit) + { m_bTextTruncated = true; + nBytes = textReadLimit; + } + if(nBytes && m_szText[nBytes-1] == '\r') + nBytes--; + m_szText[nBytes] = 0; + return nBytes; +} + +//=============================================================================== +// FtpSocket Helper Class for Data or Control Connections +//=============================================================================== +void FtpSocket::debugMessage(const char* pszMsg) const +{ + kdDebug(7102) << m_pszName << ": " << pszMsg << endl; +} + +int FtpSocket::errorMessage(int iErrorCode, const char* pszMsg) const +{ + kdError(7102) << m_pszName << ": " << pszMsg << endl; + return iErrorCode; +} + +int FtpSocket::connectSocket(int iTimeOutSec, bool bControl) +{ + closeSocket(); + + int iOpt = bControl ? KExtendedSocket::inetSocket + : KExtendedSocket::noResolve; + setSocketFlags(iOpt | socketFlags()); + setTimeout(iTimeOutSec); + + int iCon = KExtendedSocket::connect(); + if(iCon < 0) + { int iErrorCode = (status() == IO_LookupError) + ? ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST : ERR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT; + QString strMsg = KExtendedSocket::strError(status(), systemError()); + strMsg.prepend("connect failed (code %1): "); + return errorMessage(iErrorCode, strMsg.arg(iCon).latin1()); + } + if( !setAddressReusable(true) ) + return errorMessage(ERR_COULD_NOT_CREATE_SOCKET, "setAddressReusable failed"); + + if(!bControl) + { int on=1; + if( !setSocketOption(SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *)&on, sizeof(on)) ) + errorMessage(0, "Keepalive not allowed"); + + struct linger lng = { 1, 120 }; + if( !setSocketOption(SO_LINGER, (char *)&lng, sizeof (lng)) ) + errorMessage(0, "Linger mode was not allowed."); + } + + debugMessage("connected"); + return 0; +} + +void FtpSocket::closeSocket() +{ + if(m_server != -1 || fd() != -1) + debugMessage("disconnected"); + + if(m_server != -1) + { + ::shutdown(m_server, SHUT_RDWR); + ::close(m_server); + m_server = -1; + } + if(socketStatus() > nothing) + reset(); + textClear(); +} + +bool FtpSocket::setSocketOption(int opt, char*arg, socklen_t len) const +{ + return (setsockopt(sock(), SOL_SOCKET, opt, arg, len) != -1); +} + +bool FtpSocket::sslConnect() +{ + int connSucc = m_ssl.connect(sock()); + if (connSucc != 1) return false; + m_sslUsed = true; + return true; +} + +//=============================================================================== +// Ftp +//=============================================================================== + +Ftp::Ftp( const QCString &prot, const QCString &pool, const QCString &app ) + : SlaveBase( prot, pool, app ) +{ + // init the socket data + m_data = m_control = NULL; + ftpCloseControlConnection(); + + // set the protocol + m_prot = prot; + + // init other members + m_port = 0; + kdDebug(7102) << "Ftp::Ftp()" << endl; +} + + +Ftp::~Ftp() +{ + kdDebug(7102) << "Ftp::~Ftp()" << endl; + closeConnection(); +} + +/** + * This closes a data connection opened by ftpOpenDataConnection(). + */ +void Ftp::ftpCloseDataConnection() +{ + if(m_data != NULL) + { delete m_data; + m_data = NULL; + } +} + +/** + * This closes a control connection opened by ftpOpenControlConnection() and reinits the + * related states. This method gets called from the constructor with m_control = NULL. + */ +void Ftp::ftpCloseControlConnection() +{ + m_extControl = 0; + if(m_control) + delete m_control; + m_control = NULL; + m_cDataMode = 0; + m_bLoggedOn = false; // logon needs control connction + m_bTextMode = false; + m_bBusy = false; +} + +/** + * Returns the last response from the server (iOffset >= 0) -or- reads a new response + * (iOffset < 0). The result is returned (with iOffset chars skipped for iOffset > 0). + */ +const char* Ftp::ftpResponse(int iOffset) +{ + assert(m_control != NULL); // must have control connection socket + const char *pTxt = m_control->textLine(); + + // read the next line ... + if(iOffset < 0) + { + int iMore = 0; + m_iRespCode = 0; + + // If the server sends multiline responses "nnn-text" we loop here until + // a final "nnn text" line is reached. Only data from the final line will + // be stored. Some servers (OpenBSD) send a single "nnn-" followed by + // optional lines that start with a space and a final "nnn text" line. + do { + int nBytes = m_control->textRead(); + int iCode = atoi(pTxt); + if(iCode > 0) m_iRespCode = iCode; + + // ignore lines starting with a space in multiline response + if(iMore != 0 && pTxt[0] == 32) + ; + // otherwise the line should start with "nnn-" or "nnn " + else if(nBytes < 4 || iCode < 100) + iMore = 0; + // we got a valid line, now check for multiline responses ... + else if(iMore == 0 && pTxt[3] == '-') + iMore = iCode; + // "nnn " ends multiline mode ... + else if(iMore != 0 && (iMore != iCode || pTxt[3] != '-')) + iMore = 0; + + if(iMore != 0) + kdDebug(7102) << " > " << pTxt << endl; + } while(iMore != 0); + kdDebug(7102) << "resp> " << pTxt << endl; + + m_iRespType = (m_iRespCode > 0) ? m_iRespCode / 100 : 0; + } + + // return text with offset ... + while(iOffset-- > 0 && pTxt[0]) + pTxt++; + return pTxt; +} + + +void Ftp::closeConnection() +{ + if(m_control != NULL || m_data != NULL) + kdDebug(7102) << "Ftp::closeConnection m_bLoggedOn=" << m_bLoggedOn << " m_bBusy=" << m_bBusy << endl; + + if(m_bBusy) // ftpCloseCommand not called + { + kdWarning(7102) << "Ftp::closeConnection Abandoned data stream" << endl; + ftpCloseDataConnection(); + } + + if(m_bLoggedOn) // send quit + { + if( !ftpSendCmd( "quit", 0 ) || (m_iRespType != 2) ) + kdWarning(7102) << "Ftp::closeConnection QUIT returned error: " << m_iRespCode << endl; + } + + // close the data and control connections ... + ftpCloseDataConnection(); + ftpCloseControlConnection(); +} + +void Ftp::setHost( const QString& _host, int _port, const QString& _user, + const QString& _pass ) +{ + kdDebug(7102) << "Ftp::setHost (" << getpid() << "): " << _host << endl; + + m_proxyURL = metaData("UseProxy"); + m_bUseProxy = (m_proxyURL.isValid() && m_proxyURL.protocol() == m_prot); + + if ( m_host != _host || m_port != _port || + m_user != _user || m_pass != _pass ) + closeConnection(); + + m_host = _host; + m_port = _port; + m_user = _user; + m_pass = _pass; +} + +void Ftp::openConnection() +{ + ftpOpenConnection(loginExplicit); +} + +bool Ftp::ftpOpenConnection (LoginMode loginMode) +{ + // check for implicit login if we are already logged on ... + if(loginMode == loginImplicit && m_bLoggedOn) + { + assert(m_control != NULL); // must have control connection socket + return true; + } + + kdDebug(7102) << "ftpOpenConnection " << m_host << ":" << m_port << " " + << m_user << " [password hidden]" << endl; + + infoMessage( i18n("Opening connection to host %1").arg(m_host) ); + + if ( m_host.isEmpty() ) + { + error( ERR_UNKNOWN_HOST, QString::null ); + return false; + } + + assert( !m_bLoggedOn ); + + m_initialPath = QString::null; + m_currentPath = QString::null; + + QString host = m_bUseProxy ? : m_host; + unsigned short int port = m_bUseProxy ? m_proxyURL.port() : m_port; + + if (!ftpOpenControlConnection(host, port) ) + return false; // error emitted by ftpOpenControlConnection + infoMessage( i18n("Connected to host %1").arg(m_host) ); + + if(loginMode != loginDefered) + { + m_bLoggedOn = ftpLogin(); + if( !m_bLoggedOn ) + return false; // error emitted by ftpLogin + } + + m_bTextMode = config()->readBoolEntry("textmode", false); + connected(); + return true; +} + + +/** + * Called by @ref openConnection. It opens the control connection to the ftp server. + * + * @return true on success. + */ +bool Ftp::ftpOpenControlConnection( const QString &host, unsigned short int port ) +{ + if ( port == 0 ) { + struct servent *pse; + if ( ( pse = getservbyname( "ftp", "tcp" ) ) == NULL ) + port = 21; + else + port = ntohs(pse->s_port); + } + + // implicitly close, then try to open a new connection ... + closeConnection(); + int iErrorCode = ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; + QString sErrorMsg; + m_control = new FtpSocket("CNTL"); + if(m_control != NULL) + { + // now connect to the server and read the login message ... + m_control->setAddress(host, port); + iErrorCode = m_control->connectSocket(connectTimeout(), true); + sErrorMsg = host; + + // on connect success try to read the server message... + if(iErrorCode == 0) + { + const char* psz = ftpResponse(-1); + if(m_iRespType != 2) + { // login not successful, do we have an message text? + if(psz[0]) + sErrorMsg = i18n("%1.\n\nReason: %2").arg(host).arg(psz); + iErrorCode = ERR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT; + } + } + + if( (iErrorCode == 0) && (m_prot == "ftps") ) + { + // ask whether ftps encryption is supported... + bool authSucc = ( ftpSendCmd("AUTH TLS") && (m_iRespCode == 234) ); + + if (!authSucc) + { + sErrorMsg = i18n("The FTP-server does not seem to support ftps-encryption."); + iErrorCode = ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED; + } + } + + if( (iErrorCode == 0) && (m_prot == "ftps") ) + { + iErrorCode = sslConnect(m_control); + sErrorMsg = i18n("SSL-connecting error occured"); + } + } + + // if there was a problem - report it ... + if(iErrorCode == 0) // OK, return success + return true; + closeConnection(); // clean-up on error + error(iErrorCode, sErrorMsg); + return false; +} + +/** + * SSL connect + */ +int Ftp::sslConnect(FtpSocket* socket) +{ + bool sslSucc = socket->sslConnect(); + if (!sslSucc) return ERR_SLAVE_DEFINED; + else return 0; +} + +/** + * Called by @ref openConnection. It logs us in. + * @ref m_initialPath is set to the current working directory + * if logging on was successful. + * + * @return true on success. + */ +bool Ftp::ftpLogin() +{ + infoMessage( i18n("Sending login information") ); + + assert( !m_bLoggedOn ); + + QString user = m_user; + QString pass = m_pass; + + if ( config()->readBoolEntry("EnableAutoLogin") ) + { + QString au = config()->readEntry("autoLoginUser"); + if ( !au.isEmpty() ) + { + user = au; + pass = config()->readEntry("autoLoginPass"); + } + } + + // Try anonymous login if both username/password + // information is blank. + if (user.isEmpty() && pass.isEmpty()) + { + user = FTP_LOGIN; + pass = FTP_PASSWD; + } + + AuthInfo info; + info.url.setProtocol( m_prot ); + info.url.setHost( m_host ); + info.url.setPort( m_port ); + info.url.setUser( user ); + + QCString tempbuf; + int failedAuth = 0; + + do + { + // Check the cache and/or prompt user for password if 1st + // login attempt failed OR the user supplied a login name, + // but no password. + if ( failedAuth > 0 || (!user.isEmpty() && pass.isEmpty()) ) + { + QString errorMsg; + kdDebug(7102) << "Prompting user for login info..." << endl; + + // Ask user if we should retry after when login fails! + if( failedAuth > 0 ) + { + errorMsg = i18n("Message sent:\nLogin using username=%1 and " + "password=[hidden]\n\nServer replied:\n%2\n\n" + ).arg(user).arg(ftpResponse(0)); + } + + if ( user != FTP_LOGIN ) + info.username = user; + + info.prompt = i18n("You need to supply a username and a password " + "to access this site."); + info.commentLabel = i18n( "Site:" ); + info.comment = i18n("%1").arg( m_host ); + info.keepPassword = true; // Prompt the user for persistence as well. + info.readOnly = (!m_user.isEmpty() && m_user != FTP_LOGIN); + + bool disablePassDlg = config()->readBoolEntry( "DisablePassDlg", false ); + if ( disablePassDlg || !openPassDlg( info, errorMsg ) ) + { + error( ERR_USER_CANCELED, m_host ); + return false; + } + else + { + user = info.username; + pass = info.password; + } + } + + tempbuf = "user "; + tempbuf += user.latin1(); + if ( m_bUseProxy ) + { + tempbuf += '@'; + tempbuf += m_host.latin1(); + if ( m_port > 0 && m_port != DEFAULT_FTP_PORT ) + { + tempbuf += ':'; + tempbuf += QString::number(m_port).latin1(); + } + } + + kdDebug(7102) << "Sending Login name: " << tempbuf << endl; + + bool loggedIn = ( ftpSendCmd(tempbuf) && (m_iRespCode == 230) ); + bool needPass = (m_iRespCode == 331); + // Prompt user for login info if we do not + // get back a "230" or "331". + if ( !loggedIn && !needPass ) + { + kdDebug(7102) << "Login failed: " << ftpResponse(0) << endl; + ++failedAuth; + continue; // Well we failed, prompt the user please!! + } + + if( needPass ) + { + tempbuf = "pass "; + tempbuf += pass.latin1(); + kdDebug(7102) << "Sending Login password: " << "[protected]" << endl; + loggedIn = ( ftpSendCmd(tempbuf) && (m_iRespCode == 230) ); + } + + if ( loggedIn ) + { + // Do not cache the default login!! + if( user != FTP_LOGIN && pass != FTP_PASSWD ) + cacheAuthentication( info ); + failedAuth = -1; + } + + } while( ++failedAuth ); + + + kdDebug(7102) << "Login OK" << endl; + infoMessage( i18n("Login OK") ); + + // Okay, we're logged in. If this is IIS 4, switch dir listing style to Unix: + // Thanks to (Jens Kristian Sgaard) for this hint + if( ftpSendCmd("syst") && (m_iRespType == 2) ) + { + if( !strncmp( ftpResponse(0), "215 Windows_NT", 14 ) ) // should do for any version + { + ftpSendCmd( "site dirstyle" ); + // Check if it was already in Unix style + // Patch from Keith Refson + if( !strncmp( ftpResponse(0), "200 MSDOS-like directory output is on", 37 )) + //It was in Unix style already! + ftpSendCmd( "site dirstyle" ); + // windows won't support chmod before KDE konquers their desktop... + m_extControl |= chmodUnknown; + } + } + else + kdWarning(7102) << "syst failed" << endl; + + if ( config()->readBoolEntry ("EnableAutoLoginMacro") ) + ftpAutoLoginMacro (); + + // Get the current working directory + kdDebug(7102) << "Searching for pwd" << endl; + if( !ftpSendCmd("pwd") || (m_iRespType != 2) ) + { + kdDebug(7102) << "Couldn't issue pwd command" << endl; + error( ERR_COULD_NOT_LOGIN, i18n("Could not login to %1.").arg(m_host) ); // or anything better ? + return false; + } + + QString sTmp = remoteEncoding()->decode( ftpResponse(3) ); + int iBeg = sTmp.find('"'); + int iEnd = sTmp.findRev('"'); + if(iBeg > 0 && iBeg < iEnd) + { + m_initialPath = sTmp.mid(iBeg+1, iEnd-iBeg-1); + if(m_initialPath[0] != '/') m_initialPath.prepend('/'); + kdDebug(7102) << "Initial path set to: " << m_initialPath << endl; + m_currentPath = m_initialPath; + } + return true; +} + +void Ftp::ftpAutoLoginMacro () +{ + QString macro = metaData( "autoLoginMacro" ); + + if ( macro.isEmpty() ) + return; + + QStringList list = QStringList::split('\n', macro); + + for(QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin() ; it != list.end() ; ++it ) + { + if ( (*it).startsWith("init") ) + { + list = QStringList::split( '\\', macro); + it = list.begin(); + ++it; // ignore the macro name + + for( ; it != list.end() ; ++it ) + { + // TODO: Add support for arbitrary commands + // besides simply changing directory!! + if ( (*it).startsWith( "cwd" ) ) + ftpFolder( (*it).mid(4).stripWhiteSpace(), false ); + } + + break; + } + } +} + + +/** + * ftpSendCmd - send a command (@p cmd) and read response + * + * @param maxretries number of time it should retry. Since it recursively + * calls itself if it can't read the answer (this happens especially after + * timeouts), we need to limit the recursiveness ;-) + * + * return true if any response received, false on error + */ +bool Ftp::ftpSendCmd( const QCString& cmd, int maxretries ) +{ + assert(m_control != NULL); // must have control connection socket + + if ( cmd.find( '\r' ) != -1 || cmd.find( '\n' ) != -1) + { + kdWarning(7102) << "Invalid command received (contains CR or LF):" + << << endl; + error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, m_host ); + return false; + } + + // Don't print out the password... + bool isPassCmd = (cmd.left(4).lower() == "pass"); + if ( !isPassCmd ) + kdDebug(7102) << "send> " << << endl; + else + kdDebug(7102) << "send> pass [protected]" << endl; + + // Send the message... + QCString buf = cmd; + buf += "\r\n"; // Yes, must use CR/LF - see + int num = m_control->write(, buf.length()); + + // If we were able to successfully send the command, then we will + // attempt to read the response. Otherwise, take action to re-attempt + // the login based on the maximum number of retires specified... + if( num > 0 ) + ftpResponse(-1); + else + { m_iRespType = m_iRespCode = 0; + m_control->textClear(); + } + + // If respCh is NULL or the response is 421 (Timed-out), we try to re-send + // the command based on the value of maxretries. + if( (m_iRespType <= 0) || (m_iRespCode == 421) ) + { + // We have not yet logged on... + if (!m_bLoggedOn) + { + // The command was sent from the ftpLogin function, i.e. we are actually + // attempting to login in. NOTE: If we already sent the username, we + // return false and let the user decide whether (s)he wants to start from + // the beginning... + if (maxretries > 0 && !isPassCmd) + { + closeConnection (); + if( ftpOpenConnection(loginDefered) ) + ftpSendCmd ( cmd, maxretries - 1 ); + } + + return false; + } + else + { + if ( maxretries < 1 ) + return false; + else + { + kdDebug(7102) << "Was not able to communicate with " << m_host << endl + << "Attempting to re-establish connection." << endl; + + closeConnection(); // Close the old connection... + openConnection(); // Attempt to re-establish a new connection... + + if (!m_bLoggedOn) + { + if (m_control != NULL) // if openConnection succeeded ... + { + kdDebug(7102) << "Login failure, aborting" << endl; + error (ERR_COULD_NOT_LOGIN, m_host); + closeConnection (); + } + return false; + } + + kdDebug(7102) << "Logged back in, re-issuing command" << endl; + + // If we were able to login, resend the command... + if (maxretries) + maxretries--; + + return ftpSendCmd( cmd, maxretries ); + } + } + } + + return true; +} + + +/* + * ftpOpenPASVDataConnection - set up data connection, using PASV mode + * + * return 1 if successful, 0 otherwise + * doesn't set error message, since non-pasv mode will always be tried if + * this one fails + */ +int Ftp::ftpOpenPASVDataConnection() +{ + assert(m_control != NULL); // must have control connection socket + assert(m_data == NULL); // ... but no data connection + + // Check that we can do PASV + const KSocketAddress *sa = m_control->peerAddress(); + if (sa != NULL && sa->family() != PF_INET) + return ERR_INTERNAL; // no PASV for non-PF_INET connections + + if (m_extControl & pasvUnknown) + return ERR_INTERNAL; // already tried and got "unknown command" + + m_bPasv = true; + + /* Let's PASsiVe*/ + if( !ftpSendCmd("PASV") || (m_iRespType != 2) ) + { + kdDebug(7102) << "PASV attempt failed" << endl; + // unknown command? + if( m_iRespType == 5 ) + { + kdDebug(7102) << "disabling use of PASV" << endl; + m_extControl |= pasvUnknown; + } + return ERR_INTERNAL; + } + + // The usual answer is '227 Entering Passive Mode. (160,39,200,55,6,245)' + // but anonftpd gives '227 =160,39,200,55,6,245' + int i[6]; + char *start = strchr(ftpResponse(3), '('); + if ( !start ) + start = strchr(ftpResponse(3), '='); + if ( !start || + ( sscanf(start, "(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)",&i[0], &i[1], &i[2], &i[3], &i[4], &i[5]) != 6 && + sscanf(start, "=%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", &i[0], &i[1], &i[2], &i[3], &i[4], &i[5]) != 6 ) ) + { + kdError(7102) << "parsing IP and port numbers failed. String parsed: " << start << endl; + return ERR_INTERNAL; + } + + // Make hostname and port number ... + QString host; + host.sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]); + int port = i[4] << 8 | i[5]; + + // now connect the data socket ... + m_data = new FtpSocket("PASV"); + m_data->setAddress(host, port); + kdDebug(7102) << "Connecting to " << host << " on port " << port << endl; + return m_data->connectSocket(connectTimeout(), false); +} + +/* + * ftpOpenEPSVDataConnection - opens a data connection via EPSV + */ +int Ftp::ftpOpenEPSVDataConnection() +{ + assert(m_control != NULL); // must have control connection socket + assert(m_data == NULL); // ... but no data connection + + const KSocketAddress *sa = m_control->peerAddress(); + int portnum; + // we are sure sa is a KInetSocketAddress, because we asked for KExtendedSocket::inetSocket + // when we connected + const KInetSocketAddress *sin = static_cast(sa); + + if (m_extControl & epsvUnknown || sa == NULL) + return ERR_INTERNAL; + + m_bPasv = true; + if( !ftpSendCmd("EPSV") || (m_iRespType != 2) ) + { + // unknown command? + if( m_iRespType == 5 ) + { + kdDebug(7102) << "disabling use of EPSV" << endl; + m_extControl |= epsvUnknown; + } + return ERR_INTERNAL; + } + + char *start = strchr(ftpResponse(3), '|'); + if ( !start || sscanf(start, "|||%d|", &portnum) != 1) + return ERR_INTERNAL; + + m_data = new FtpSocket("EPSV"); + m_data->setAddress(sin->nodeName(), portnum); + return m_data->connectSocket(connectTimeout(), false) != 0; +} + +/* + * ftpOpenEPRTDataConnection + * @return 0 on success, ERR_INTERNAL if mode not acceptable -or- a fatal error code + */ +int Ftp::ftpOpenEPRTDataConnection() +{ + assert(m_control != NULL); // must have control connection socket + assert(m_data == NULL); // ... but no data connection + + // yes, we are sure this is a KInetSocketAddress + const KInetSocketAddress *sin = static_cast(m_control->localAddress()); + m_bPasv = false; + if (m_extControl & eprtUnknown || sin == NULL) + return ERR_INTERNAL; + + m_data = new FtpSocket("EPRT"); + m_data->setHost(sin->nodeName()); + m_data->setPort(0); // setting port to 0 will make us bind to a random, free port + m_data->setSocketFlags(KExtendedSocket::noResolve | KExtendedSocket::passiveSocket | + KExtendedSocket::inetSocket); + + if (m_data->listen(1) < 0) + return ERR_COULD_NOT_LISTEN; + + sin = static_cast(m_data->localAddress()); + if (sin == NULL) + return ERR_INTERNAL; + + // QString command = QString::fromLatin1("eprt |%1|%2|%3|").arg(sin->ianaFamily()) + // .arg(sin->nodeName()) + // .arg(sin->port()); + QCString command; + command.sprintf("eprt |%d|%s|%d|", sin->ianaFamily(), + sin->nodeName().latin1(), sin->port()); + + // FIXME! Encoding for hostnames? + if( ftpSendCmd(command) && (m_iRespType == 2) ) + return 0; + + // unknown command? + if( m_iRespType == 5 ) + { + kdDebug(7102) << "disabling use of EPRT" << endl; + m_extControl |= eprtUnknown; + } + return ERR_INTERNAL; +} + +/* + * ftpOpenDataConnection - set up data connection + * + * The routine calls several ftpOpenXxxxConnection() helpers to find + * the best connection mode. If a helper cannot connect if returns + * ERR_INTERNAL - so this is not really an error! All other error + * codes are treated as fatal, e.g. they are passed back to the caller + * who is responsible for calling error(). ftpOpenPortDataConnection + * can be called as last try and it does never return ERR_INTERNAL. + * + * @return 0 if successful, err code otherwise + */ +int Ftp::ftpOpenDataConnection() +{ + // make sure that we are logged on and have no data connection... + assert( m_bLoggedOn ); + ftpCloseDataConnection(); + + int iErrCode = 0; + int iErrCodePASV = 0; // Remember error code from PASV + + // First try passive (EPSV & PASV) modes + if( !config()->readBoolEntry("DisablePassiveMode", false) ) + { + iErrCode = ftpOpenPASVDataConnection(); + if(iErrCode == 0) + return 0; // success + iErrCodePASV = iErrCode; + ftpCloseDataConnection(); + + if( !config()->readBoolEntry("DisableEPSV", false) ) + { + iErrCode = ftpOpenEPSVDataConnection(); + if(iErrCode == 0) + return 0; // success + ftpCloseDataConnection(); + } + + // if we sent EPSV ALL already and it was accepted, then we can't + // use active connections any more + if (m_extControl & epsvAllSent) + return iErrCodePASV ? iErrCodePASV : iErrCode; + } + + if( !config()->readBoolEntry("DisableEPRT", false) ) + { + iErrCode = ftpOpenEPRTDataConnection(); + if(iErrCode == 0) + return 0; // success + ftpCloseDataConnection(); + } + + // fall back to port mode + iErrCode = ftpOpenPortDataConnection(); + if(iErrCode == 0) + return 0; // success + + ftpCloseDataConnection(); + // prefer to return the error code from PASV if any, since that's what should have worked in the first place + return iErrCodePASV ? iErrCodePASV : iErrCode; +} + +/* + * ftpOpenPortDataConnection - set up data connection + * + * @return 0 if successfull, err code otherwise (but never ERR_INTERNAL + * because this is the last connection mode that is tried) + */ +int Ftp::ftpOpenPortDataConnection() +{ + assert(m_control != NULL); // must have control connection socket + assert(m_data == NULL); // ... but no data connection + + m_bPasv = false; + + // create a socket, bind it and let it listen ... + m_data = new FtpSocket("PORT"); + m_data->setSocketFlags(KExtendedSocket::noResolve | KExtendedSocket::passiveSocket | + KExtendedSocket::inetSocket); + + // yes, we are sure this is a KInetSocketAddress + const KInetSocketAddress* pAddr = static_cast(m_control->localAddress()); + m_data->setAddress(pAddr->nodeName(), "0"); + m_data->setAddressReusable(true); + + if(m_data->listen(1) < 0) + return ERR_COULD_NOT_LISTEN; + struct linger lng = { 0, 0 }; + if ( !m_data->setSocketOption(SO_LINGER, (char*)&lng, sizeof(lng)) ) + return ERR_COULD_NOT_CREATE_SOCKET; + + // send the PORT command ... + pAddr = static_cast(m_data->localAddress()); + struct sockaddr* psa = (struct sockaddr*)pAddr->addressV4(); + unsigned char* pData = (unsigned char*)(psa->sa_data); + QCString portCmd; + portCmd.sprintf("port %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", + pData[2], pData[3], pData[4], pData[5], pData[0], pData[1]); + if( ftpSendCmd(portCmd) && (m_iRespType == 2) ) + return 0; + return ERR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT; +} + +/* + * ftpAcceptConnect - wait for incoming connection + * Used by @ref ftpOpenCommand + * + * return false on error or timeout + */ +int Ftp::ftpAcceptConnect() +{ + assert(m_data != NULL); + + if ( m_bPasv ) + { + m_data->setServer(-1); + return true; + } + + int sSock = m_data->fd(); + struct sockaddr addr; + for(;;) + { + fd_set mask; + FD_ZERO(&mask); + FD_SET(sSock,&mask); + int r = KSocks::self()->select(sSock + 1, &mask, NULL, NULL, 0L); + if( r < 0 && errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN ) + continue; + if( r > 0 ) + break; + } + + ksocklen_t l = sizeof(addr); + m_data->setServer( KSocks::self()->accept(sSock, &addr, &l) ); + return (m_data->server() != -1); +} + +bool Ftp::ftpOpenCommand( const char *_command, const QString & _path, char _mode, + int errorcode, KIO::fileoffset_t _offset ) +{ + bool encSucc = false; + if (m_prot == "ftps") + { + // Check if data-encryption is supported. If the server doesn't know PBSZ 0 the whole + // thing is skipped, otherwise we check for a successful answer to PROT P. if there is + // none, we issue the PROT C command. + encSucc = ( ftpSendCmd("PBSZ 0") && (m_iRespCode == 200) ); + if (encSucc) + { + encSucc = ( ftpSendCmd("PROT P") && (m_iRespCode == 200) ); + if (!encSucc) + { + ftpSendCmd("PBSZ 0"); + ftpSendCmd("PROT C"); + } + } + } + + int errCode = 0; + if( !ftpDataMode(_mode) ) + errCode = ERR_COULD_NOT_CONNECT; + else + errCode = ftpOpenDataConnection(); + + if(errCode != 0) + { + error(errCode, m_host); + return false; + } + + if ( _offset > 0 ) { + // send rest command if offset > 0, this applies to retr and stor commands + char buf[100]; + sprintf(buf, "rest %lld", _offset); + if ( !ftpSendCmd( buf ) ) + return false; + if( m_iRespType != 3 ) + { + error( ERR_CANNOT_RESUME, _path ); // should never happen + return false; + } + } + + QCString tmp = _command; + QString errormessage; + + if ( !_path.isEmpty() ) { + tmp += " "; + tmp += remoteEncoding()->encode(_path); + } + + if( !ftpSendCmd( tmp ) || (m_iRespType != 1) ) + { + if( _offset > 0 && strcmp(_command, "retr") == 0 && (m_iRespType == 4) ) + errorcode = ERR_CANNOT_RESUME; + // The error here depends on the command + errormessage = _path; + } + + else + { + // Only now we know for sure that we can resume + if ( _offset > 0 && strcmp(_command, "retr") == 0 ) + canResume(); + + if( ftpAcceptConnect() ) + { + m_bBusy = true; // cleared in ftpCloseCommand + if ((encSucc) && (m_prot == "ftps") ) + { + errorcode = sslConnect(m_data); + if (errorcode == 0) return true; + errormessage = i18n("SSL connection failed on data channel."); + } + else return true; + } + errorcode = ERR_COULD_NOT_ACCEPT; + } + + error(errorcode, errormessage); + return false; +} + + +bool Ftp::ftpCloseCommand() +{ + // first close data sockets (if opened), then read response that + // we got for whatever was used in ftpOpenCommand ( should be 226 ) + if(m_data) + { + delete m_data; + m_data = NULL; + } + if(!m_bBusy) + return true; + + kdDebug(7102) << "ftpCloseCommand: reading command result" << endl; + m_bBusy = false; + + if(ftpResponse(-1) <= 0 || (m_iRespType != 2) ) + { + kdDebug(7102) << "ftpCloseCommand: no transfer complete message" << endl; + return false; + } + return true; +} + +void Ftp::mkdir( const KURL & url, int permissions ) +{ + if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) ) + return; + + QString path = remoteEncoding()->encode(url); + QCString buf = "mkd "; + buf += remoteEncoding()->encode(path); + + if( !ftpSendCmd( buf ) || (m_iRespType != 2) ) + { + QString currentPath( m_currentPath ); + + // Check whether or not mkdir failed because + // the directory already exists... + if( ftpFolder( path, false ) ) + { + error( ERR_DIR_ALREADY_EXIST, path ); + // Change the directory back to what it was... + (void) ftpFolder( currentPath, false ); + return; + } + + error( ERR_COULD_NOT_MKDIR, path ); + return; + } + + if ( permissions != -1 ) + { + // chmod the dir we just created, ignoring errors. + (void) ftpChmod( path, permissions ); + } + + finished(); +} + +void Ftp::rename( const KURL& src, const KURL& dst, bool overwrite ) +{ + if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) ) + return; + + // The actual functionality is in ftpRename because put needs it + if ( ftpRename( src.path(), dst.path(), overwrite ) ) + finished(); + else + error( ERR_CANNOT_RENAME, src.path() ); +} + +bool Ftp::ftpRename( const QString & src, const QString & dst, bool /* overwrite */ ) +{ + // TODO honor overwrite + assert( m_bLoggedOn ); + + int pos = src.findRev("/"); + if( !ftpFolder(src.left(pos+1), false) ) + return false; + + QCString from_cmd = "RNFR "; + from_cmd += remoteEncoding()->encode(src.mid(pos+1)); + if( !ftpSendCmd( from_cmd ) || (m_iRespType != 3) ) + return false; + + QCString to_cmd = "RNTO "; + to_cmd += remoteEncoding()->encode(dst); + if( !ftpSendCmd( to_cmd ) || (m_iRespType != 2) ) + return false; + + return true; +} + +void Ftp::del( const KURL& url, bool isfile ) +{ + if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) ) + return; + + // When deleting a directory, we must exit from it first + // The last command probably went into it (to stat it) + if ( !isfile ) + ftpFolder(remoteEncoding()->directory(url), false); // ignore errors + + QCString cmd = isfile ? "DELE " : "RMD "; + cmd += remoteEncoding()->encode(url); + + if( !ftpSendCmd( cmd ) || (m_iRespType != 2) ) + error( ERR_CANNOT_DELETE, url.path() ); + else + finished(); +} + +bool Ftp::ftpChmod( const QString & path, int permissions ) +{ + assert( m_bLoggedOn ); + + if(m_extControl & chmodUnknown) // previous errors? + return false; + + // we need to do bit AND 777 to get permissions, in case + // we were sent a full mode (unlikely) + QCString cmd; + cmd.sprintf("SITE CHMOD %o ", permissions & 511 ); + cmd += remoteEncoding()->encode(path); + + ftpSendCmd(cmd); + if(m_iRespType == 2) + return true; + + if(m_iRespCode == 500) + { + m_extControl |= chmodUnknown; + kdDebug(7102) << "ftpChmod: CHMOD not supported - disabling"; + } + return false; +} + +void Ftp::chmod( const KURL & url, int permissions ) +{ + if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) ) + return; + + if ( !ftpChmod( url.path(), permissions ) ) + error( ERR_CANNOT_CHMOD, url.path() ); + else + finished(); +} + +void Ftp::ftpCreateUDSEntry( const QString & filename, FtpEntry& ftpEnt, UDSEntry& entry, bool isDir ) +{ + assert(entry.count() == 0); // by contract :-) + UDSAtom atom; + atom.m_uds = UDS_NAME; + atom.m_str = filename; + entry.append( atom ); + + atom.m_uds = UDS_SIZE; + atom.m_long = ftpEnt.size; + entry.append( atom ); + + atom.m_uds = UDS_MODIFICATION_TIME; + atom.m_long =; + entry.append( atom ); + + atom.m_uds = UDS_ACCESS; + atom.m_long = ftpEnt.access; + entry.append( atom ); + + atom.m_uds = UDS_USER; + atom.m_str = ftpEnt.owner; + entry.append( atom ); + + if ( ! ) + { + atom.m_uds = UDS_GROUP; + atom.m_str =; + entry.append( atom ); + } + + if ( ! ) + { + atom.m_uds = UDS_LINK_DEST; + atom.m_str =; + entry.append( atom ); + + KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByURL( KURL(m_prot + "://host/" + filename ) ); + // Links on ftp sites are often links to dirs, and we have no way to check + // that. Let's do like Netscape : assume dirs generally. + // But we do this only when the mimetype can't be known from the filename. + // --> we do better than Netscape :-) + if ( mime->name() == KMimeType::defaultMimeType() ) + { + kdDebug(7102) << "Setting guessed mime type to inode/directory for " << filename << endl; + atom.m_uds = UDS_GUESSED_MIME_TYPE; + atom.m_str = "inode/directory"; + entry.append( atom ); + isDir = true; + } + } + + atom.m_uds = UDS_FILE_TYPE; + atom.m_long = isDir ? S_IFDIR : ftpEnt.type; + entry.append( atom ); + + /* atom.m_uds = UDS_ACCESS_TIME; + atom.m_long = buff.st_atime; + entry.append( atom ); + + atom.m_uds = UDS_CREATION_TIME; + atom.m_long = buff.st_ctime; + entry.append( atom ); */ +} + + +void Ftp::ftpShortStatAnswer( const QString& filename, bool isDir ) +{ + UDSEntry entry; + UDSAtom atom; + + atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_NAME; + atom.m_str = filename; + entry.append( atom ); + + atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE; + atom.m_long = isDir ? S_IFDIR : S_IFREG; + entry.append( atom ); + + atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_ACCESS; + atom.m_long = S_IRUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH; + entry.append( atom ); + + // No details about size, ownership, group, etc. + + statEntry(entry); + finished(); +} + +void Ftp::ftpStatAnswerNotFound( const QString & path, const QString & filename ) +{ + // Only do the 'hack' below if we want to download an existing file (i.e. when looking at the "source") + // When e.g. uploading a file, we still need stat() to return "not found" + // when the file doesn't exist. + QString statSide = metaData("statSide"); + kdDebug(7102) << "Ftp::stat statSide=" << statSide << endl; + if ( statSide == "source" ) + { + kdDebug(7102) << "Not found, but assuming found, because some servers don't allow listing" << endl; + // MS Server is incapable of handling "list " in a case insensitive way + // But "retr " works. So lie in stat(), to get going... + // + // There's also the case of + // where listing permissions are denied, but downloading is still possible. + ftpShortStatAnswer( filename, false /*file, not dir*/ ); + + return; + } + + error( ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, path ); +} + +void Ftp::stat( const KURL &url) +{ + kdDebug(7102) << "Ftp::stat : path='" << url.path() << "'" << endl; + if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) ) + return; + + QString path = QDir::cleanDirPath( url.path() ); + kdDebug(7102) << "Ftp::stat : cleaned path='" << path << "'" << endl; + + // We can't stat root, but we know it's a dir. + if( path.isEmpty() || path == "/" ) + { + UDSEntry entry; + UDSAtom atom; + + atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_NAME; + atom.m_str = QString::null; + entry.append( atom ); + + atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE; + atom.m_long = S_IFDIR; + entry.append( atom ); + + atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_ACCESS; + atom.m_long = S_IRUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH; + entry.append( atom ); + + atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_USER; + atom.m_str = "root"; + entry.append( atom ); + atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_GROUP; + entry.append( atom ); + + // no size + + statEntry( entry ); + finished(); + return; + } + + KURL tempurl( url ); + tempurl.setPath( path ); // take the clean one + QString listarg; // = /*keep trailing slash*/); + QString parentDir; + QString filename = tempurl.fileName(); + Q_ASSERT(!filename.isEmpty()); + QString search = filename; + + // Try cwd into it, if it works it's a dir (and then we'll list the parent directory to get more info) + // if it doesn't work, it's a file (and then we'll use dir filename) + bool isDir = ftpFolder(path, false); + + // if we're only interested in "file or directory", we should stop here + QString sDetails = metaData("details"); + int details = sDetails.isEmpty() ? 2 : sDetails.toInt(); + kdDebug(7102) << "Ftp::stat details=" << details << endl; + if ( details == 0 ) + { + if ( !isDir && !ftpSize( path, 'I' ) ) // ok, not a dir -> is it a file ? + { // no -> it doesn't exist at all + ftpStatAnswerNotFound( path, filename ); + return; + } + ftpShortStatAnswer( filename, isDir ); // successfully found a dir or a file -> done + return; + } + + if (!isDir) + { + // It is a file or it doesn't exist, try going to parent directory + parentDir = /*keep trailing slash*/); + // With files we can do "LIST " to avoid listing the whole dir + listarg = filename; + } + else + { + // --- New implementation: + // Don't list the parent dir. Too slow, might not show it, etc. + // Just return that it's a dir. + UDSEntry entry; + UDSAtom atom; + + atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_NAME; + atom.m_str = filename; + entry.append( atom ); + + atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_FILE_TYPE; + atom.m_long = S_IFDIR; + entry.append( atom ); + + atom.m_uds = KIO::UDS_ACCESS; + atom.m_long = S_IRUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH; + entry.append( atom ); + + // No clue about size, ownership, group, etc. + + statEntry(entry); + finished(); + return; + + // --- Old implementation: +#if 0 + // It's a dir, remember that + // Reason: it could be a symlink to a dir, in which case ftpReadDir + // in the parent dir will have no idea about that. But we know better. + isDir = true; + // If the dir starts with '.', we'll need '-a' to see it in the listing. + if ( search[0] == '.' ) + listarg = "-a"; + parentDir = ".."; +#endif + } + + // Now cwd the parent dir, to prepare for listing + if( !ftpFolder(parentDir, true) ) + return; + + if( !ftpOpenCommand( "list", listarg, 'I', ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST ) ) + { + kdError(7102) << "COULD NOT LIST" << endl; + return; + } + kdDebug(7102) << "Starting of list was ok" << endl; + + Q_ASSERT( !search.isEmpty() && search != "/" ); + + bool bFound = false; + KURL linkURL; + FtpEntry ftpEnt; + while( ftpReadDir(ftpEnt) ) + { + // We look for search or filename, since some servers (e.g. + // return only the filename when doing "dir /full/path/to/file" + if ( !bFound ) + { + if ( ( search == || filename == ) ) { + if ( !filename.isEmpty() ) { + bFound = true; + UDSEntry entry; + ftpCreateUDSEntry( filename, ftpEnt, entry, isDir ); + statEntry( entry ); + } + } else if ( isDir && ( == listarg ||'/' == listarg ) ) { + // Damn, the dir we're trying to list is in fact a symlink + // Follow it and try again + if ( ) + kdWarning(7102) << "Got " << listarg << " as answer, but empty link!" << endl; + else + { + linkURL = url; + kdDebug(7102) << "" << << endl; + if ([0] == '/' ) + linkURL.setPath( ); // Absolute link + else + { + // Relative link (stat will take care of cleaning ../.. etc.) + linkURL.setPath( listarg ); // this is what we were listing (the link) + linkURL.setPath( ); // go up one dir + linkURL.addPath( ); // replace link by its destination + kdDebug(7102) << "linkURL now " << linkURL.prettyURL() << endl; + } + // Re-add the filename we're looking for + linkURL.addPath( filename ); + } + bFound = true; + } + } + + // kdDebug(7102) << << endl; + } + + ftpCloseCommand(); // closes the data connection only + + if ( !bFound ) + { + ftpStatAnswerNotFound( path, filename ); + return; + } + + if ( !linkURL.isEmpty() ) + { + if ( linkURL == url || linkURL == tempurl ) + { + error( ERR_CYCLIC_LINK, linkURL.prettyURL() ); + return; + } + stat( linkURL ); + return; + } + + kdDebug(7102) << "stat : finished successfully" << endl; + finished(); +} + + +void Ftp::listDir( const KURL &url ) +{ + kdDebug(7102) << "Ftp::listDir " << url.prettyURL() << endl; + if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) ) + return; + + // No path specified ? + QString path = url.path(); + if ( path.isEmpty() ) + { + KURL realURL; + realURL.setProtocol( m_prot ); + if ( m_user != FTP_LOGIN ) + realURL.setUser( m_user ); + // We set the password, so that we don't ask for it if it was given + if ( m_pass != FTP_PASSWD ) + realURL.setPass( m_pass ); + realURL.setHost( m_host ); + realURL.setPort( m_port ); + if ( m_initialPath.isEmpty() ) + m_initialPath = "/"; + realURL.setPath( m_initialPath ); + kdDebug(7102) << "REDIRECTION to " << realURL.prettyURL() << endl; + redirection( realURL ); + finished(); + return; + } + + kdDebug(7102) << "hunting for path '" << path << "'" << endl; + + if (!ftpOpenDir( path ) ) + { + if ( ftpSize( path, 'I' ) ) // is it a file ? + { + error( ERR_IS_FILE, path ); + return; + } + // not sure which to emit + //error( ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST, path ); + error( ERR_CANNOT_ENTER_DIRECTORY, path ); + return; + } + + UDSEntry entry; + FtpEntry ftpEnt; + while( ftpReadDir(ftpEnt) ) + { + //kdDebug(7102) << << endl; + //Q_ASSERT( ! ); + if ( ! ) + { + //if ( S_ISDIR( (mode_t)ftpEnt.type ) ) + // kdDebug(7102) << "is a dir" << endl; + //if ( ! ) + // kdDebug(7102) << "is a link to " << << endl; + entry.clear(); + ftpCreateUDSEntry(, ftpEnt, entry, false ); + listEntry( entry, false ); + } + } + listEntry( entry, true ); // ready + ftpCloseCommand(); // closes the data connection only + finished(); +} + +void Ftp::slave_status() +{ + kdDebug(7102) << "Got slave_status host = " << (m_host.ascii() ? m_host.ascii() : "[None]") << " [" << (m_bLoggedOn ? "Connected" : "Not connected") << "]" << endl; + slaveStatus( m_host, m_bLoggedOn ); +} + +bool Ftp::ftpOpenDir( const QString & path ) +{ + //QString path( _url.path(-1) ); + + // We try to change to this directory first to see whether it really is a directory. + // (And also to follow symlinks) + QString tmp = path.isEmpty() ? QString("/") : path; + + // We get '550', whether it's a file or doesn't exist... + if( !ftpFolder(tmp, false) ) + return false; + + // Don't use the path in the list command: + // We changed into this directory anyway - so it's enough just to send "list". + // We use '-a' because the application MAY be interested in dot files. + // The only way to really know would be to have a metadata flag for this... + // Since some windows ftp server seems not to support the -a argument, we use a fallback here. + // In fact we have to use -la otherwise -a removes the default -l (e.g. + if( !ftpOpenCommand( "list -la", QString::null, 'I', ERR_CANNOT_ENTER_DIRECTORY ) ) + { + if ( !ftpOpenCommand( "list", QString::null, 'I', ERR_CANNOT_ENTER_DIRECTORY ) ) + { + kdWarning(7102) << "Can't open for listing" << endl; + return false; + } + } + kdDebug(7102) << "Starting of list was ok" << endl; + return true; +} + +bool Ftp::ftpReadDir(FtpEntry& de) +{ + assert(m_data != NULL); + + // get a line from the data connecetion ... + while( !m_data->textEOF() ) + { + if(m_data->textRead() <= 0) + continue; + if(m_data->textTooLong()) + kdWarning(7102) << "ftpReadDir line too long - truncated" << endl; + + const char* buffer = m_data->textLine(); + kdDebug(7102) << "dir > " << buffer << endl; + + //Normally the listing looks like + // -rw-r--r-- 1 dfaure dfaure 102 Nov 9 12:30 log + // but on Netware servers like it looks like (#76442) + // d [RWCEAFMS] Admin 512 Oct 13 2004 PSI + + // we should always get the following 5 fields ... + const char *p_access, *p_junk, *p_owner, *p_group, *p_size; + if( (p_access = strtok((char*)buffer," ")) == 0) continue; + if( (p_junk = strtok(NULL," ")) == 0) continue; + if( (p_owner = strtok(NULL," ")) == 0) continue; + if( (p_group = strtok(NULL," ")) == 0) continue; + if( (p_size = strtok(NULL," ")) == 0) continue; + + //kdDebug(7102) << "p_access=" << p_access << " p_junk=" << p_junk << " p_owner=" << p_owner << " p_group=" << p_group << " p_size=" << p_size << endl; + + de.access = 0; + if ( strlen( p_access ) == 1 && p_junk[0] == '[' ) { // Netware + de.access = S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO; // unknown -> give all permissions + } + + const char *p_date_1, *p_date_2, *p_date_3, *p_name; + + // A special hack for "/dev". A listing may look like this: + // crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 5 Jun 29 1997 zero + // So we just ignore the number in front of the ",". Ok, its a hack :-) + if ( strchr( p_size, ',' ) != 0L ) + { + //kdDebug(7102) << "Size contains a ',' -> reading size again (/dev hack)" << endl; + if ((p_size = strtok(NULL," ")) == 0) + continue; + } + + // Check whether the size we just read was really the size + // or a month (this happens when the server lists no group) + // Used to be the case on, but not anymore + // This is needed for the Netware case, too. + if ( !isdigit( *p_size ) ) + { + p_date_1 = p_size; + p_size = p_group; + p_group = 0; + //kdDebug(7102) << "Size didn't have a digit -> size=" << p_size << " date_1=" << p_date_1 << endl; + } + else + { + p_date_1 = strtok(NULL," "); + //kdDebug(7102) << "Size has a digit -> ok. p_date_1=" << p_date_1 << endl; + } + + if ( p_date_1 != 0 && + (p_date_2 = strtok(NULL," ")) != 0 && + (p_date_3 = strtok(NULL," ")) != 0 && + (p_name = strtok(NULL,"\r\n")) != 0 ) + { + { + QCString tmp( p_name ); + if ( p_access[0] == 'l' ) + { + int i = tmp.findRev( " -> " ); + if ( i != -1 ) { + = remoteEncoding()->decode(p_name + i + 4); + tmp.truncate( i ); + } + else + = QString::null; + } + else + = QString::null; + + if ( tmp[0] == '/' ) // listing on starts with '/' + tmp.remove( 0, 1 ); + + if (tmp.find('/') != -1) + continue; // Don't trick us! + // Some sites put more than one space between the date and the name + // e.g. + = remoteEncoding()->decode(tmp.stripWhiteSpace()); + } + + de.type = S_IFREG; + switch ( p_access[0] ) { + case 'd': + de.type = S_IFDIR; + break; + case 's': + de.type = S_IFSOCK; + break; + case 'b': + de.type = S_IFBLK; + break; + case 'c': + de.type = S_IFCHR; + break; + case 'l': + de.type = S_IFREG; + // we don't set S_IFLNK here. says it. + break; + default: + break; + } + + if ( p_access[1] == 'r' ) + de.access |= S_IRUSR; + if ( p_access[2] == 'w' ) + de.access |= S_IWUSR; + if ( p_access[3] == 'x' || p_access[3] == 's' ) + de.access |= S_IXUSR; + if ( p_access[4] == 'r' ) + de.access |= S_IRGRP; + if ( p_access[5] == 'w' ) + de.access |= S_IWGRP; + if ( p_access[6] == 'x' || p_access[6] == 's' ) + de.access |= S_IXGRP; + if ( p_access[7] == 'r' ) + de.access |= S_IROTH; + if ( p_access[8] == 'w' ) + de.access |= S_IWOTH; + if ( p_access[9] == 'x' || p_access[9] == 't' ) + de.access |= S_IXOTH; + if ( p_access[3] == 's' || p_access[3] == 'S' ) + de.access |= S_ISUID; + if ( p_access[6] == 's' || p_access[6] == 'S' ) + de.access |= S_ISGID; + if ( p_access[9] == 't' || p_access[9] == 'T' ) + de.access |= S_ISVTX; + + de.owner = remoteEncoding()->decode(p_owner); + = remoteEncoding()->decode(p_group); + de.size = charToLongLong(p_size); + + // Parsing the date is somewhat tricky + // Examples : "Oct 6 22:49", "May 13 1999" + + // First get current time - we need the current month and year + time_t currentTime = time( 0L ); + struct tm * tmptr = gmtime( ¤tTime ); + int currentMonth = tmptr->tm_mon; + //kdDebug(7102) << "Current time :" << asctime( tmptr ) << endl; + // Reset time fields + tmptr->tm_isdst = -1; // We do not know anything about day saving time (of any random day of the year) + tmptr->tm_sec = 0; + tmptr->tm_min = 0; + tmptr->tm_hour = 0; + // Get day number (always second field) + tmptr->tm_mday = atoi( p_date_2 ); + // Get month from first field + // NOTE : no, we don't want to use KLocale here + // It seems all FTP servers use the English way + //kdDebug(7102) << "Looking for month " << p_date_1 << endl; + static const char * s_months[12] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", + "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; + for ( int c = 0 ; c < 12 ; c ++ ) + if ( !strcmp( p_date_1, s_months[c]) ) + { + //kdDebug(7102) << "Found month " << c << " for " << p_date_1 << endl; + tmptr->tm_mon = c; + break; + } + + // Parse third field + if ( strlen( p_date_3 ) == 4 ) // 4 digits, looks like a year + tmptr->tm_year = atoi( p_date_3 ) - 1900; + else + { + // otherwise, the year is implicit + // according to man ls, this happens when it is between than 6 months + // old and 1 hour in the future. + // So the year is : current year if tm_mon <= currentMonth+1 + // otherwise current year minus one + // (The +1 is a security for the "+1 hour" at the end of the month issue) + if ( tmptr->tm_mon > currentMonth + 1 ) + tmptr->tm_year--; + + // and p_date_3 contains probably a time + char * semicolon; + if ( ( semicolon = (char*)strchr( p_date_3, ':' ) ) ) + { + *semicolon = '\0'; + tmptr->tm_min = atoi( semicolon + 1 ); + tmptr->tm_hour = atoi( p_date_3 ); + } + else + kdWarning(7102) << "Can't parse third field " << p_date_3 << endl; + } + + //kdDebug(7102) << asctime( tmptr ) << endl; + = mktime( tmptr ); + return true; + } + } // line invalid, loop to get another line + return false; +} + +//=============================================================================== +// public: get download file from server +// helper: ftpGet called from get() and copy() +//=============================================================================== +void Ftp::get( const KURL & url ) +{ + kdDebug(7102) << "Ftp::get " << url.url() << endl; + int iError = 0; + ftpGet(iError, -1, url, 0); // iError gets status + if(iError) // can have only server side errs + error(iError, url.path()); + ftpCloseCommand(); // must close command! +} + +Ftp::StatusCode Ftp::ftpGet(int& iError, int iCopyFile, const KURL& url, KIO::fileoffset_t llOffset) +{ + // Calls error() by itself! + if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) ) + return statusServerError; + + // Try to find the size of the file (and check that it exists at + // the same time). If we get back a 550, "File does not exist" + // or "not a plain file", check if it is a directory. If it is a + // directory, return an error; otherwise simply try to retrieve + // the request... + if ( !ftpSize( url.path(), '?' ) && (m_iRespCode == 550) && + ftpFolder(url.path(), false) ) + { + // Ok it's a dir in fact + kdDebug(7102) << "ftpGet: it is a directory in fact" << endl; + iError = ERR_IS_DIRECTORY; + return statusServerError; + } + + QString resumeOffset = metaData("resume"); + if ( !resumeOffset.isEmpty() ) + { + llOffset = resumeOffset.toLongLong(); + kdDebug(7102) << "ftpGet: got offset from metadata : " << llOffset << endl; + } + + if( !ftpOpenCommand("retr", url.path(), '?', ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_READING, llOffset) ) + { + kdWarning(7102) << "ftpGet: Can't open for reading" << endl; + return statusServerError; + } + + // Read the size from the response string + if(m_size == UnknownSize) + { + const char* psz = strrchr( ftpResponse(4), '(' ); + if(psz) m_size = charToLongLong(psz+1); + } + + KIO::filesize_t bytesLeft = 0; + if ( m_size != UnknownSize ) + bytesLeft = m_size - llOffset; + + kdDebug(7102) << "ftpGet: starting with offset=" << llOffset << endl; + KIO::fileoffset_t processed_size = llOffset; + + QByteArray array; + bool mimetypeEmitted = false; + char buffer[maximumIpcSize]; + // start whith small data chunks in case of a slow data source (modem) + // - unfortunately this has a negative impact on performance for large + // - files - so we will increase the block size after a while ... + int iBlockSize = initialIpcSize; + int iBufferCur = 0; + + while(m_size == UnknownSize || bytesLeft > 0) + { // let the buffer size grow if the file is larger 64kByte ... + if(processed_size-llOffset > 1024 * 64) + iBlockSize = maximumIpcSize; + + // read the data and detect EOF or error ... + if(iBlockSize+iBufferCur > (int)sizeof(buffer)) + iBlockSize = sizeof(buffer) - iBufferCur; + int n = m_data->read( buffer+iBufferCur, iBlockSize ); + if(n <= 0) + { // this is how we detect EOF in case of unknown size + if( m_size == UnknownSize && n == 0 ) + break; + // unexpected eof. Happens when the daemon gets killed. + iError = ERR_COULD_NOT_READ; + return statusServerError; + } + processed_size += n; + + // collect very small data chunks in buffer before processing ... + if(m_size != UnknownSize) + { + bytesLeft -= n; + iBufferCur += n; + if(iBufferCur < mimimumMimeSize && bytesLeft > 0) + { + processedSize( processed_size ); + continue; + } + n = iBufferCur; + iBufferCur = 0; + } + + // get the mime type and set the total size ... + if(!mimetypeEmitted) + { + mimetypeEmitted = true; + array.setRawData(buffer, n); + KMimeMagicResult * result = KMimeMagic::self()->findBufferFileType(array, url.fileName()); + array.resetRawData(buffer, n); + kdDebug(7102) << "ftpGet: Emitting mimetype " << result->mimeType() << endl; + mimeType( result->mimeType() ); + if( m_size != UnknownSize ) // Emit total size AFTER mimetype + totalSize( m_size ); + } + + // write output file or pass to data pump ... + if(iCopyFile == -1) + { + array.setRawData(buffer, n); + data( array ); + array.resetRawData(buffer, n); + } + else if( (iError = WriteToFile(iCopyFile, buffer, n)) != 0) + return statusClientError; // client side error + processedSize( processed_size ); + } + + kdDebug(7102) << "ftpGet: done" << endl; + if(iCopyFile == -1) // must signal EOF to data pump ... + data(array); // array is empty and must be empty! + + processedSize( m_size == UnknownSize ? processed_size : m_size ); + kdDebug(7102) << "ftpGet: emitting finished()" << endl; + finished(); + return statusSuccess; +} + +/* +void Ftp::mimetype( const KURL& url ) +{ + if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) ) + return; + + if ( !ftpOpenCommand( "retr", url.path(), 'I', ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_READING, 0 ) ) { + kdWarning(7102) << "Can't open for reading" << endl; + return; + } + char buffer[ 2048 ]; + QByteArray array; + // Get one chunk of data only and send it, KIO::Job will determine the + // mimetype from it using KMimeMagic + int n = m_data->read( buffer, 2048 ); + array.setRawData(buffer, n); + data( array ); + array.resetRawData(buffer, n); + + kdDebug(7102) << "aborting" << endl; + ftpAbortTransfer(); + + kdDebug(7102) << "finished" << endl; + finished(); + kdDebug(7102) << "after finished" << endl; +} + +void Ftp::ftpAbortTransfer() +{ + // RFC 959, page 34-35 + // IAC (interpret as command) = 255 ; IP (interrupt process) = 254 + // DM = 242 (data mark) + char msg[4]; + // 1. User system inserts the Telnet "Interrupt Process" (IP) signal + // in the Telnet stream. + msg[0] = (char) 255; //IAC + msg[1] = (char) 254; //IP + (void) send(sControl, msg, 2, 0); + // 2. User system sends the Telnet "Sync" signal. + msg[0] = (char) 255; //IAC + msg[1] = (char) 242; //DM + if (send(sControl, msg, 2, MSG_OOB) != 2) + ; // error... + + // Send ABOR + kdDebug(7102) << "send ABOR" << endl; + QCString buf = "ABOR\r\n"; + if ( KSocks::self()->write( sControl,, buf.length() ) <= 0 ) { + error( ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE, QString::null ); + return; + } + + // + kdDebug(7102) << "read resp" << endl; + if ( readresp() != '2' ) + { + error( ERR_COULD_NOT_READ, QString::null ); + return; + } + + kdDebug(7102) << "close sockets" << endl; + closeSockets(); +} +*/ + +//=============================================================================== +// public: put upload file to server +// helper: ftpPut called from put() and copy() +//=============================================================================== +void Ftp::put(const KURL& url, int permissions, bool overwrite, bool resume) +{ + kdDebug(7102) << "Ftp::put " << url.url() << endl; + int iError = 0; // iError gets status + ftpPut(iError, -1, url, permissions, overwrite, resume); + if(iError) // can have only server side errs + error(iError, url.path()); + ftpCloseCommand(); // must close command! +} + +Ftp::StatusCode Ftp::ftpPut(int& iError, int iCopyFile, const KURL& dest_url, + int permissions, bool overwrite, bool resume) +{ + if( !ftpOpenConnection(loginImplicit) ) + return statusServerError; + + // Don't use mark partial over anonymous FTP. + // My incoming dir allows put but not rename... + bool bMarkPartial; + if (m_user.isEmpty () || m_user == FTP_LOGIN) + bMarkPartial = false; + else + bMarkPartial = config()->readBoolEntry("MarkPartial", true); + + QString dest_orig = dest_url.path(); + QString dest_part( dest_orig ); + dest_part += ".part"; + + if ( ftpSize( dest_orig, 'I' ) ) + { + if ( m_size == 0 ) + { // delete files with zero size + QCString cmd = "DELE "; + cmd += remoteEncoding()->encode(dest_orig); + if( !ftpSendCmd( cmd ) || (m_iRespType != 2) ) + { + iError = ERR_CANNOT_DELETE_PARTIAL; + return statusServerError; + } + } + else if ( !overwrite && !resume ) + { + iError = ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST; + return statusServerError; + } + else if ( bMarkPartial ) + { // when using mark partial, append .part extension + if ( !ftpRename( dest_orig, dest_part, true ) ) + { + iError = ERR_CANNOT_RENAME_PARTIAL; + return statusServerError; + } + } + // Don't chmod an existing file + permissions = -1; + } + else if ( bMarkPartial && ftpSize( dest_part, 'I' ) ) + { // file with extension .part exists + if ( m_size == 0 ) + { // delete files with zero size + QCString cmd = "DELE "; + cmd += remoteEncoding()->encode(dest_part); + if ( !ftpSendCmd( cmd ) || (m_iRespType != 2) ) + { + iError = ERR_CANNOT_DELETE_PARTIAL; + return statusServerError; + } + } + else if ( !overwrite && !resume ) + { + resume = canResume (m_size); + if (!resume) + { + iError = ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST; + return statusServerError; + } + } + } + else + m_size = 0; + + QString dest; + + // if we are using marking of partial downloads -> add .part extension + if ( bMarkPartial ) { + kdDebug(7102) << "Adding .part extension to " << dest_orig << endl; + dest = dest_part; + } else + dest = dest_orig; + + KIO::fileoffset_t offset = 0; + + // set the mode according to offset + if( resume && m_size > 0 ) + { + offset = m_size; + if(iCopyFile != -1) + { + if( KDE_lseek(iCopyFile, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0 ) + { + iError = ERR_CANNOT_RESUME; + return statusClientError; + } + } + } + + if (! ftpOpenCommand( "stor", dest, '?', ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE, offset ) ) + return statusServerError; + + kdDebug(7102) << "ftpPut: starting with offset=" << offset << endl; + KIO::fileoffset_t processed_size = offset; + + QByteArray buffer; + int result; + int iBlockSize = initialIpcSize; + // Loop until we got 'dataEnd' + do + { + if(iCopyFile == -1) + { + dataReq(); // Request for data + result = readData( buffer ); + } + else + { // let the buffer size grow if the file is larger 64kByte ... + if(processed_size-offset > 1024 * 64) + iBlockSize = maximumIpcSize; + buffer.resize(iBlockSize); + result = ::read(iCopyFile,, buffer.size()); + if(result < 0) + iError = ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE; + else + buffer.resize(result); + } + + if (result > 0) + { + m_data->write(, buffer.size() ); + processed_size += result; + processedSize (processed_size); + } + } + while ( result > 0 ); + + if (result != 0) // error + { + ftpCloseCommand(); // don't care about errors + kdDebug(7102) << "Error during 'put'. Aborting." << endl; + if (bMarkPartial) + { + // Remove if smaller than minimum size + if ( ftpSize( dest, 'I' ) && + ( processed_size < (unsigned long) config()->readNumEntry("MinimumKeepSize", DEFAULT_MINIMUM_KEEP_SIZE) ) ) + { + QCString cmd = "DELE "; + cmd += remoteEncoding()->encode(dest); + (void) ftpSendCmd( cmd ); + } + } + return statusServerError; + } + + if ( !ftpCloseCommand() ) + { + iError = ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE; + return statusServerError; + } + + // after full download rename the file back to original name + if ( bMarkPartial ) + { + kdDebug(7102) << "renaming dest (" << dest << ") back to dest_orig (" << dest_orig << ")" << endl; + if ( !ftpRename( dest, dest_orig, true ) ) + { + iError = ERR_CANNOT_RENAME_PARTIAL; + return statusServerError; + } + } + + // set final permissions + if ( permissions != -1 ) + { + if ( m_user == FTP_LOGIN ) + kdDebug(7102) << "Trying to chmod over anonymous FTP ???" << endl; + // chmod the file we just put + if ( ! ftpChmod( dest_orig, permissions ) ) + { + // To be tested + //if ( m_user != FTP_LOGIN ) + // warning( i18n( "Could not change permissions for\n%1" ).arg( dest_orig ) ); + } + } + + // We have done our job => finish + finished(); + return statusSuccess; +} + + +/** Use the SIZE command to get the file size. + Warning : the size depends on the transfer mode, hence the second arg. */ +bool Ftp::ftpSize( const QString & path, char mode ) +{ + m_size = UnknownSize; + if( !ftpDataMode(mode) ) + return false; + + QCString buf; + buf = "SIZE "; + buf += remoteEncoding()->encode(path); + if( !ftpSendCmd( buf ) || (m_iRespType != 2) ) + return false; + + // skip leading "213 " (response code) + const char* psz = ftpResponse(4); + if(!psz) + return false; + m_size = charToLongLong(psz); + return true; +} + +// Today the differences between ASCII and BINARY are limited to +// CR or CR/LF line terminators. Many servers ignore ASCII (like +// win2003 -or- vsftp with default config). In the early days of +// computing, when even text-files had structure, this stuff was +// more important. +// Theoretically "list" could return different results in ASCII +// and BINARY mode. But again, most servers ignore ASCII here. +bool Ftp::ftpDataMode(char cMode) +{ + if(cMode == '?') cMode = m_bTextMode ? 'A' : 'I'; + else if(cMode == 'a') cMode = 'A'; + else if(cMode != 'A') cMode = 'I'; + + kdDebug(7102) << "ftpDataMode: want '" << cMode << "' has '" << m_cDataMode << "'" << endl; + if(m_cDataMode == cMode) + return true; + + QCString buf; + buf.sprintf("TYPE %c", cMode); + if( !ftpSendCmd(buf) || (m_iRespType != 2) ) + return false; + m_cDataMode = cMode; + return true; +} + + +bool Ftp::ftpFolder(const QString& path, bool bReportError) +{ + QString newPath = path; + int iLen = newPath.length(); + if(iLen > 1 && newPath[iLen-1] == '/') newPath.truncate(iLen-1); + + //kdDebug(7102) << "ftpFolder: want '" << newPath << "' has '" << m_currentPath << "'" << endl; + if(m_currentPath == newPath) + return true; + + QCString tmp = "cwd "; + tmp += remoteEncoding()->encode(newPath); + if( !ftpSendCmd(tmp) ) + return false; // connection failure + if(m_iRespType != 2) + { + if(bReportError) + error(ERR_CANNOT_ENTER_DIRECTORY, path); + return false; // not a folder + } + m_currentPath = newPath; + return true; +} + + +//=============================================================================== +// public: copy don't use kio data pump if one side is a local file +// helper: ftpCopyPut called from copy() on upload +// helper: ftpCopyGet called from copy() on download +//=============================================================================== +void Ftp::copy( const KURL &src, const KURL &dest, int permissions, bool overwrite ) +{ + int iError = 0; + int iCopyFile = -1; + StatusCode cs = statusSuccess; + bool bSrcLocal = src.isLocalFile(); + bool bDestLocal = dest.isLocalFile(); + QString sCopyFile; + + if(bSrcLocal && !bDestLocal) // File -> Ftp + { + sCopyFile = src.path(); + kdDebug(7102) << "Ftp::copy local file '" << sCopyFile << "' -> ftp '" << dest.path() << "'" << endl; + cs = ftpCopyPut(iError, iCopyFile, sCopyFile, dest, permissions, overwrite); + if( cs == statusServerError) sCopyFile = dest.url(); + } + else if(!bSrcLocal && bDestLocal) // Ftp -> File + { + sCopyFile = dest.path(); + kdDebug(7102) << "Ftp::copy ftp '" << src.path() << "' -> local file '" << sCopyFile << "'" << endl; + cs = ftpCopyGet(iError, iCopyFile, sCopyFile, src, permissions, overwrite); + if( cs == statusServerError ) sCopyFile = src.url(); + } + else { + error( ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ACTION, QString::null ); + return; + } + + // perform clean-ups and report error (if any) + if(iCopyFile != -1) + ::close(iCopyFile); + if(iError) + error(iError, sCopyFile); + ftpCloseCommand(); // must close command! +} + + +Ftp::StatusCode Ftp::ftpCopyPut(int& iError, int& iCopyFile, QString sCopyFile, + const KURL& url, int permissions, bool overwrite) +{ + // check if source is ok ... + KDE_struct_stat buff; + QCString sSrc( QFile::encodeName(sCopyFile) ); + bool bSrcExists = (KDE_stat(, &buff ) != -1); + if(bSrcExists) + { if(S_ISDIR(buff.st_mode)) + { + iError = ERR_IS_DIRECTORY; + return statusClientError; + } + } + else + { + iError = ERR_DOES_NOT_EXIST; + return statusClientError; + } + + iCopyFile = KDE_open(, O_RDONLY ); + if(iCopyFile == -1) + { + iError = ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_READING; + return statusClientError; + } + + // delegate the real work (iError gets status) ... + totalSize(buff.st_size); +#ifdef ENABLE_CAN_RESUME + return ftpPut(iError, iCopyFile, url, permissions, overwrite, false); +#else + return ftpPut(iError, iCopyFile, url, permissions, overwrite, true); +#endif +} + + +Ftp::StatusCode Ftp::ftpCopyGet(int& iError, int& iCopyFile, const QString sCopyFile, + const KURL& url, int permissions, bool overwrite) +{ + // check if destination is ok ... + KDE_struct_stat buff; + QCString sDest( QFile::encodeName(sCopyFile) ); + bool bDestExists = (KDE_stat(, &buff ) != -1); + if(bDestExists) + { if(S_ISDIR(buff.st_mode)) + { + iError = ERR_IS_DIRECTORY; + return statusClientError; + } + if(!overwrite) + { + iError = ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST; + return statusClientError; + } + } + + // do we have a ".part" file? + QCString sPart = QFile::encodeName(sCopyFile + ".part"); + bool bResume = false; + bool bPartExists = (KDE_stat(, &buff ) != -1); + const bool bMarkPartial = config()->readBoolEntry("MarkPartial", true); + + if(!bMarkPartial) + { + sPart = QFile::encodeName(sCopyFile); + } + else if(bPartExists && buff.st_size > 0) + { // must not be a folder! please fix a similar bug in kio_file!! + if(S_ISDIR(buff.st_mode)) + { + iError = ERR_DIR_ALREADY_EXIST; + return statusClientError; // client side error + } + //doesn't work for copy? -> design flaw? +#ifdef ENABLE_CAN_RESUME + bResume = canResume( buff.st_size ); +#else + bResume = true; +#endif + } + + if(bPartExists && !bResume) // get rid of an unwanted ".part" file + remove(; + + // JPF: in kio_file overwrite disables ".part" operations. I do not believe + // JPF: that this is a good behaviour! + if(bDestExists) // must delete for overwrite + remove(; + + // WABA: Make sure that we keep writing permissions ourselves, + // otherwise we can be in for a surprise on NFS. + mode_t initialMode; + if (permissions != -1) + initialMode = permissions | S_IWUSR; + else + initialMode = 0666; + + // open the output file ... + KIO::fileoffset_t hCopyOffset = 0; + if(bResume) + { + iCopyFile = KDE_open(, O_RDWR ); // append if resuming + hCopyOffset = KDE_lseek(iCopyFile, 0, SEEK_END); + if(hCopyOffset < 0) + { + iError = ERR_CANNOT_RESUME; + return statusClientError; // client side error + } + kdDebug(7102) << "copy: resuming at " << hCopyOffset << endl; + } + else + iCopyFile = KDE_open(, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, initialMode); + + if(iCopyFile == -1) + { + kdDebug(7102) << "copy: ### COULD NOT WRITE " << sCopyFile << endl; + iError = (errno == EACCES) ? ERR_WRITE_ACCESS_DENIED + : ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FOR_WRITING; + return statusClientError; + } + + // delegate the real work (iError gets status) ... + StatusCode iRes = ftpGet(iError, iCopyFile, url, hCopyOffset); + if( ::close(iCopyFile) && iRes == statusSuccess ) + { + iError = ERR_COULD_NOT_WRITE; + iRes = statusClientError; + } + + // handle renaming or deletion of a partial file ... + if(bMarkPartial) + { + if(iRes == statusSuccess) + { // rename ".part" on success + if ( ::rename(, ) ) + { + kdDebug(7102) << "copy: cannot rename " << sPart << " to " << sDest << endl; + iError = ERR_CANNOT_RENAME_PARTIAL; + iRes = statusClientError; + } + } + else if(KDE_stat(, &buff ) == 0) + { // should a very small ".part" be deleted? + int size = config()->readNumEntry("MinimumKeepSize", DEFAULT_MINIMUM_KEEP_SIZE); + if (buff.st_size < size) + remove(; + } + } + return iRes; +} diff --git a/kio_ftps/ftp.h b/kio_ftps/ftp.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ce98ec --- /dev/null +++ b/kio_ftps/ftp.h @@ -0,0 +1,626 @@ +// -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 2; -*- +/* This file is part of the KDE libraries + Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure + + ftps-support has been added by Magnus Kulke , + based upon rfc4217 ( it should work + yet with most server implementations. it issues an "AUTH TLS" command after + connecting and refuses to continue, when it's not supported. in prior to + every data channel io command ("STOR", "RETR", etc) it tries to secure the + data channel via "PBSZ" and "PROT" commands. if that fails it will transfer + data unencrypted. there is currently no support for ssl-certificates. this + might be added on demand. + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Library General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License + along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to + the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, + Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. +*/ + +// $Id$ + +#ifndef __ftp_h__ +#define __ftp_h__ + +#include + +#include +#include + +#include +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +struct FtpEntry +{ + QString name; + QString owner; + QString group; + QString link; + + KIO::filesize_t size; + mode_t type; + mode_t access; + time_t date; +}; + +//=============================================================================== +// FtpTextReader A helper class to read text lines from a socket +//=============================================================================== + +#ifdef KIO_FTP_PRIVATE_INCLUDE +class FtpSocket; + +class FtpTextReader +{ +public: + FtpTextReader() { textClear(); } + +/** + * Resets the status of the object, also called from xtor + */ + void textClear(); + +/** + * Read a line from the socket into m_szText. Only the first RESP_READ_LIMIT + * characters are copied. If the server response is longer all extra data up to + * the new-line gets discarded. An ending CR gets stripped. The number of chars + * in the buffer is returned. Use textToLong() to check for truncation! + */ + int textRead(FtpSocket *pSock); + +/** + * An accessor to the data read by textRead() + */ + const char* textLine() const { return m_szText; } + +/** + * Returns true if the last textRead() resulted in a truncated line + */ + bool textTooLong() const { return m_bTextTruncated; } + +/** + * Returns true if the last textRead() got an EOF or an error + */ + bool textEOF() const { return m_bTextEOF; } + + enum { + + /** + * This is the physical size of m_szText. Only up to textReadLimit + * characters are used to store a server reply. If the server reply + * is longer, the stored line gets truncated - see textTooLong()! + */ + textReadBuffer = 2048, + +/** + * Max number of chars returned from textLine(). If the server + * sends more all chars until the next new-line are discarded. + */ + textReadLimit = 1024 + }; + +private: + /** + * textRead() sets this true on trucation (e.g. line too long) + */ + bool m_bTextTruncated; + + /** + * textRead() sets this true if the read returns 0 bytes or error + */ + bool m_bTextEOF; + + /** + * textRead() fills this buffer with data + */ + char m_szText[textReadBuffer]; + + /** + * the number of bytes in the current response line + */ + int m_iTextLine; + + /** + * the number of bytes in the response buffer (includes m_iRespLine) + */ + int m_iTextBuff; +}; +#endif // KIO_FTP_PRIVATE_INCLUDE + +//=============================================================================== +// FtpSocket Helper Class for Data or Control Connections +//=============================================================================== +#ifdef KIO_FTP_PRIVATE_INCLUDE +class FtpSocket : public FtpTextReader, public KExtendedSocket +{ +private: + // hide the default xtor + FtpSocket() {} +public: +/** + * The one and only public xtor. The string data passed to the + * xtor must remain valid during the object's lifetime - it is + * used in debug messages to identify the socket instance. + */ + FtpSocket(const char* pszName) + { + m_pszName = pszName; + m_server = -1; + m_sslUsed = false; + } + + ~FtpSocket() { closeSocket(); } + +/** + * Resets the status of the object, also called from xtor + */ + void closeSocket(); + +/** + * We may have a server connection socket if not in passive mode. This + * routine returns the server socket set by setServer. The sock() + * function will return the server socket - if it is set. + */ + int server() const { return m_server; } + +/** + * Set the server socket if arg >= 0, otherwise clear it. + */ + void setServer(int i) { m_server = (i >= 0) ? i : -1; } + +/** + * returns the effective socket that user used for read/write. See server() + */ + int sock() const { return (m_server != -1) ? m_server : fd(); } + +/** + * output an debug message via kdDebug + */ + void debugMessage(const char* pszMsg) const; + +/** + * output an error message via kdError, returns iErrorCode + */ + int errorMessage(int iErrorCode, const char* pszMsg) const; + +/** + * connect socket and set some options (reuse, keepalive, linger) + */ + int connectSocket(int iTimeOutSec, bool bControl); + +/** + * utility to simplify calls to ::setsockopt(). Uses sock(). + */ + bool setSocketOption(int opt, char*arg, socklen_t len) const; + +/** + * utility to read data from the effective socket, see sock() + */ + long read(void* pData, long iMaxlen) + { + return (m_sslUsed) ?, iMaxlen) : KSocks::self()->read(sock(), pData, iMaxlen); + } + +/** + * utility to write data to the effective socket, see sock() + */ + long write(void* pData, long iMaxlen) + { + return (m_sslUsed) ? m_ssl.write(pData, iMaxlen) : KSocks::self()->write(sock(), pData, iMaxlen); + } + +/** + * Use the inherited FtpTextReader to read a line from the socket + */ + int textRead() + { + return FtpTextReader::textRead(this); + } + +/** + * negotiates TLS encryption + */ + bool sslConnect(); + +private: + const char* m_pszName; // set by the xtor, used for debug output + int m_server; // socket override, see setSock() + KSSL m_ssl; // ssl context + bool m_sslUsed; +}; +#else + class FtpSocket; +#endif // KIO_FTP_PRIVATE_INCLUDE + +//=============================================================================== +// Ftp +//=============================================================================== +class Ftp : public KIO::SlaveBase +{ + // Ftp() {} + +public: + Ftp( const QCString &prot, const QCString &pool, const QCString &app ); + virtual ~Ftp(); + + virtual void setHost( const QString& host, int port, const QString& user, const QString& pass ); + + /** + * Connects to a ftp server and logs us in + * m_bLoggedOn is set to true if logging on was successful. + * It is set to false if the connection becomes closed. + * + */ + virtual void openConnection(); + + /** + * Closes the connection + */ + virtual void closeConnection(); + + virtual void stat( const KURL &url ); + + virtual void listDir( const KURL & url ); + virtual void mkdir( const KURL & url, int permissions ); + virtual void rename( const KURL & src, const KURL & dst, bool overwrite ); + virtual void del( const KURL & url, bool isfile ); + virtual void chmod( const KURL & url, int permissions ); + + virtual void get( const KURL& url ); + virtual void put( const KURL& url, int permissions, bool overwrite, bool resume); + //virtual void mimetype( const KURL& url ); + + virtual void slave_status(); + + /** + * Handles the case that one side of the job is a local file + */ + virtual void copy( const KURL &src, const KURL &dest, int permissions, bool overwrite ); + +private: + // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ + // All the methods named ftpXyz are lowlevel methods that are not exported. + // The implement functionality used by the public high-level methods. Some + // low-level methods still use error() to emit errors. This behaviour is not + // recommended - please return a boolean status or an error code instead! + // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ + + /** + * Status Code returned from ftpPut() and ftpGet(), used to select + * source or destination url for error messages + */ + typedef enum { + statusSuccess, + statusClientError, + statusServerError + } StatusCode; + + /** + * Login Mode for ftpOpenConnection + */ + typedef enum { + loginDefered, + loginExplicit, + loginImplicit + } LoginMode; + + /** + * Connect and login to the FTP server. + * + * @param loginMode controls if login info should be sent
+ * loginDefered - must not be logged on, no login info is sent
+ * loginExplicit - must not be logged on, login info is sent
+ * loginImplicit - login info is sent if not logged on + * + * @return true on success (a login failure would return false). + */ + bool ftpOpenConnection (LoginMode loginMode); + + /** + * Executes any auto login macro's as specified in a .netrc file. + */ + void ftpAutoLoginMacro (); + + /** + * Called by openConnection. It logs us in. + * m_initialPath is set to the current working directory + * if logging on was successful. + * + * @return true on success. + */ + bool ftpLogin(); + + /** + * ftpSendCmd - send a command (@p cmd) and read response + * + * @param maxretries number of time it should retry. Since it recursively + * calls itself if it can't read the answer (this happens especially after + * timeouts), we need to limit the recursiveness ;-) + * + * return true if any response received, false on error + */ + bool ftpSendCmd( const QCString& cmd, int maxretries = 1 ); + + /** + * Use the SIZE command to get the file size. + * @param mode the size depends on the transfer mode, hence this arg. + * @return true on success + * Gets the size into m_size. + */ + bool ftpSize( const QString & path, char mode ); + + /** + * Set the current working directory, but only if not yet current + */ + bool ftpFolder(const QString& path, bool bReportError); + + /** + * Runs a command on the ftp server like "list" or "retr". In contrast to + * ftpSendCmd a data connection is opened. The corresponding socket + * sData is available for reading/writing on success. + * The connection must be closed afterwards with ftpCloseCommand. + * + * @param mode is 'A' or 'I'. 'A' means ASCII transfer, 'I' means binary transfer. + * @param errorcode the command-dependent error code to emit on error + * + * @return true if the command was accepted by the server. + */ + bool ftpOpenCommand( const char *command, const QString & path, char mode, + int errorcode, KIO::fileoffset_t offset = 0 ); + + /** + * The counterpart to openCommand. + * Closes data sockets and then reads line sent by server at + * end of command. + * @return false on error (line doesn't start with '2') + */ + bool ftpCloseCommand(); + + /** + * Send "TYPE I" or "TYPE A" only if required, see m_cDataMode. + * + * Use 'A' to select ASCII and 'I' to select BINARY mode. If + * cMode is '?' the m_bTextMode flag is used to choose a mode. + */ + bool ftpDataMode(char cMode); + + //void ftpAbortTransfer(); + + /** + * Used by ftpOpenCommand, return 0 on success or an error code + */ + int ftpOpenDataConnection(); + + /** + * closes a data connection, see ftpOpenDataConnection() + */ + void ftpCloseDataConnection(); + + /** + * Helper for ftpOpenDataConnection + */ + int ftpOpenPASVDataConnection(); + /** + * Helper for ftpOpenDataConnection + */ + int ftpOpenEPSVDataConnection(); + /** + * Helper for ftpOpenDataConnection + */ + int ftpOpenEPRTDataConnection(); + /** + * Helper for ftpOpenDataConnection + */ + int ftpOpenPortDataConnection(); + + /** + * ftpAcceptConnect - wait for incoming connection + * + * return -2 on error or timeout + * otherwise returns socket descriptor + */ + int ftpAcceptConnect(); + + bool ftpChmod( const QString & path, int permissions ); + + // used by listDir + bool ftpOpenDir( const QString & path ); + /** + * Called to parse directory listings, call this until it returns false + */ + bool ftpReadDir(FtpEntry& ftpEnt); + + /** + * Helper to fill an UDSEntry + */ + void ftpCreateUDSEntry( const QString & filename, FtpEntry& ftpEnt, KIO::UDSEntry& entry, bool isDir ); + + void ftpShortStatAnswer( const QString& filename, bool isDir ); + + void ftpStatAnswerNotFound( const QString & path, const QString & filename ); + + /** + * This is the internal implementation of rename() - set put(). + * + * @return true on success. + */ + bool ftpRename( const QString & src, const QString & dst, bool overwrite ); + + /** + * Called by openConnection. It opens the control connection to the ftp server. + * + * @return true on success. + */ + bool ftpOpenControlConnection( const QString & host, unsigned short int port ); + + /** + * closes the socket holding the control connection (see ftpOpenControlConnection) + */ + void ftpCloseControlConnection(); + + /** + * read a response from the server (a trailing CR gets stripped) + * @param iOffset -1 to read a new line from the server
+ * 0 to return the whole response string + * >0 to return the response with iOffset chars skipped + * @return the reponse message with iOffset chars skipped (or "" if iOffset points + * behind the available data) + */ + const char* ftpResponse(int iOffset); + + /** + * This is the internal implementation of get() - see copy(). + * + * IMPORTANT: the caller should call ftpCloseCommand() on return. + * The function does not call error(), the caller should do this. + * + * @param iError set to an ERR_xxxx code on error + * @param iCopyFile -1 -or- handle of a local destination file + * @param hCopyOffset local file only: non-zero for resume + * @return 0 for success, -1 for server error, -2 for client error + */ + StatusCode ftpGet(int& iError, int iCopyFile, const KURL& url, KIO::fileoffset_t hCopyOffset); + + /** + * This is the internal implementation of put() - see copy(). + * + * IMPORTANT: the caller should call ftpCloseCommand() on return. + * The function does not call error(), the caller should do this. + * + * @param iError set to an ERR_xxxx code on error + * @param iCopyFile -1 -or- handle of a local source file + * @return 0 for success, -1 for server error, -2 for client error + */ + StatusCode ftpPut(int& iError, int iCopyFile, const KURL& url, int permissions, bool overwrite, bool resume); + + /** + * helper called from copy() to implement FILE -> FTP transfers + * + * @param iError set to an ERR_xxxx code on error + * @param iCopyFile [out] handle of a local source file + * @param sCopyFile path of the local source file + * @return 0 for success, -1 for server error, -2 for client error + */ + StatusCode ftpCopyPut(int& iError, int& iCopyFile, QString sCopyFile, const KURL& url, int permissions, bool overwrite); + + /** + * helper called from copy() to implement FTP -> FILE transfers + * + * @param iError set to an ERR_xxxx code on error + * @param iCopyFile [out] handle of a local source file + * @param sCopyFile path of the local destination file + * @return 0 for success, -1 for server error, -2 for client error + */ + StatusCode ftpCopyGet(int& iError, int& iCopyFile, QString sCopyFile, const KURL& url, int permissions, bool overwrite); + + /** + * ssl connect method + */ + int sslConnect(FtpSocket* socket); + +private: // data members + + QString m_host; + unsigned short int m_port; + QString m_user; + QString m_pass; + /** + * Where we end up after connecting + */ + QString m_initialPath; + KURL m_proxyURL; + + /** + * the current working directory - see ftpFolder + */ + QString m_currentPath; + + /** + * the status returned by the FTP protocol, set in ftpResponse() + */ + int m_iRespCode; + + /** + * the status/100 returned by the FTP protocol, set in ftpResponse() + */ + int m_iRespType; + + /** + * This flag is maintained by ftpDataMode() and contains I or A after + * ftpDataMode() has successfully set the mode. + */ + char m_cDataMode; + + /** + * true if logged on (m_control should also be non-NULL) + */ + bool m_bLoggedOn; + + /** + * true if a "textmode" metadata key was found by ftpLogin(). This + * switches the ftp data transfer mode from binary to ASCII. + */ + bool m_bTextMode; + + /** + * true if a data stream is open, used in closeConnection(). + * + * When the user cancels a get or put command the Ftp dtor will be called, + * which in turn calls closeConnection(). The later would try to send QUIT + * which won't work until timeout. ftpOpenCommand sets the m_bBusy flag so + * that the sockets will be closed immedeately - the server should be + * capable of handling this and return an error code on thru the control + * connection. The m_bBusy gets cleared by the ftpCloseCommand() routine. + */ + bool m_bBusy; + + bool m_bPasv; + bool m_bUseProxy; + + KIO::filesize_t m_size; + static KIO::filesize_t UnknownSize; + + enum + { + epsvUnknown = 0x01, + epsvAllUnknown = 0x02, + eprtUnknown = 0x04, + epsvAllSent = 0x10, + pasvUnknown = 0x20, + chmodUnknown = 0x100 + }; + int m_extControl; + + /** + * control connection socket, only set if openControl() succeeded + */ + FtpSocket *m_control; + + /** + * data connection socket + */ + FtpSocket *m_data; + + /** + * protocol used currently (ftp or ftps) + */ + QString m_prot; +}; + +#endif diff --git a/kio_ftps/ftps.protocol b/kio_ftps/ftps.protocol new file mode 100644 index 0000000..989354b --- /dev/null +++ b/kio_ftps/ftps.protocol @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +[Protocol] +exec=kio_ftps +protocol=ftps +input=none +output=filesystem +copyToFile=true +copyFromFile=true +listing=Name,Type,Size,Date,Access,Owner,Group,Link, +reading=true +writing=true +makedir=true +deleting=true +moving=true +ProxiedBy=http +Icon=ftps +maxInstances=2 +DocPath=kioslave/ftps.html +Class=:internet diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 diff --git a/subdirs b/subdirs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f5df4d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/subdirs @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +kio_ftps