/*************************************************************************** File: swordoptions.cpp Project: Kio-Sword -- An ioslave for SWORD and KDE Copyright: Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Luke Plant ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ // Internal #include "swordoptions.h" #include "option.h" // Std C/C++ #include #include using std::vector; namespace KioSword { SwordOptions::SwordOptions() { init(); } void SwordOptions::init() { // Setup all the options propagate.setup (true, "PropagateOptions", "p", "propagate", true); verseNumbers.setup (true, "VerseNumbers", "vn", "versenumbers", true); verseLineBreaks.setup (true, "VerseLineBreaks", "lb", "linebreaks", true); redWords.setup (true, "RedWords", "rw", "redwords", true); footnotes.setup (false, "Footnotes", "fn", "footnotes", true); headings.setup (true, "Headings", "hd", "headings", true); strongs.setup (false, "StrongsNumbers", "st", "strongs", true); morph.setup (false, "MorphologicalTags", "mt", "morph", true); cantillation.setup (true, "Cantillation", "hc", "cantillation", true); hebrewVowelPoints.setup (true, "HebrewVowelPoints", "hvp", "vowelpoints", true); greekAccents.setup (true, "GreekAccents", "ga", "accents", true); styleSheet.setup ("default.css", "StyleSheet", "ss", "stylesheet", true); variants.setup (0, "Variants", "vr", "variants", true); wholeBook.setup (false, "WholeBook", "wb", "wholebook", false); doBibleIndex.setup (true, "BibleIndex", "bi", "bibleindex", false); doDictIndex.setup (false, TQString::null, "di", "dictindex", false); doFullTreeIndex.setup (false, "FullTreeIndex", "fi", "fullindex", false); doOtherIndex.setup (false, TQString::null, "oi", "otherindex", false); defaultBible.setup ("", "DefaultBible", "dfb", "defaultbible", true); defaultGreekStrongs.setup ("", "DefaultGreekStrongs", "dfgs", "defaultgreekstrongs", true); defaultHebrewStrongs.setup ("", "DefaultHebrewStrongs", "dfhs", "defaulthebrewstrongs", true); defaultGreekMorph.setup ("", "DefaultGreekMorph", "dfgm", "defaultgreekmorph", true); defaultHebrewMorph.setup ("", "DefaultHebrewMorph", "dfhm", "defaulthebrewmorph", true); locale.setup ("", "Locale", "l", "locale", true); m_optionList.push_back(&propagate); m_optionList.push_back(&verseNumbers); m_optionList.push_back(&verseLineBreaks); m_optionList.push_back(&redWords); m_optionList.push_back(&footnotes); m_optionList.push_back(&headings); m_optionList.push_back(&strongs); m_optionList.push_back(&morph); m_optionList.push_back(&cantillation); m_optionList.push_back(&hebrewVowelPoints); m_optionList.push_back(&greekAccents); m_optionList.push_back(&styleSheet); m_optionList.push_back(&variants); m_optionList.push_back(&wholeBook); m_optionList.push_back(&doBibleIndex); m_optionList.push_back(&doDictIndex); m_optionList.push_back(&doFullTreeIndex); m_optionList.push_back(&doOtherIndex); m_optionList.push_back(&defaultBible); m_optionList.push_back(&defaultGreekStrongs); m_optionList.push_back(&defaultHebrewStrongs); m_optionList.push_back(&defaultGreekMorph); m_optionList.push_back(&defaultHebrewMorph); m_optionList.push_back(&locale); } /** Copy constuctor */ SwordOptions::SwordOptions(const SwordOptions& other) { init(); vector::const_iterator it_other; vector::const_iterator it_end = other.m_optionList.end(); vector::const_iterator it_this = m_optionList.begin(); for(it_other = other.m_optionList.begin(); it_other != it_end; ) { (*it_this)->copy((*it_other)); ++it_this; ++it_other; } } SwordOptions::~SwordOptions() { } /** Set all (appropriate) options from the query string */ void SwordOptions::readFromQueryString(TQMap items) { vector::const_iterator it; vector::const_iterator it_end = m_optionList.end(); for(it = m_optionList.begin(); it != it_end; ++it) { (*it)->readFromQueryString(items, propagate()); } } /** Read all options in from the config file/defaults */ void SwordOptions::readFromConfig(const KConfig* config) { vector::const_iterator it; vector::const_iterator it_end = m_optionList.end(); for(it = m_optionList.begin(); it != it_end; ++it) { (*it)->readFromConfig(config); } } /** Save all options to the config file */ void SwordOptions::saveToConfig(KConfig* config) { vector::const_iterator it; vector::const_iterator it_end = m_optionList.end(); for(it = m_optionList.begin(); it != it_end; ++it) { (*it)->saveToConfig(config); } } /** Get the values that should be used for building a query string */ TQMap SwordOptions::getQueryStringParams() const { TQMap result; vector::const_iterator it; vector::const_iterator it_end = m_optionList.end(); for(it = m_optionList.begin(); it != it_end; ++it) { TQString name = TQString::null; TQString value = TQString::null; (*it)->getQueryStringPair(name, value); if (!name.isNull() && !name.isEmpty()) { result[name] = value; } } return result; } }