/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright ( c ) 2000 Waldo Bastian < bastian @ kde . org >
Copyright ( C ) 2002 - 2004 Christoph Cullmann < cullmann @ kde . org >
This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation .
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library ; see the file COPYING . LIB . If not , write to
the Free Software Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor ,
Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 , USA .
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include "katebuffer.h"
# include "katebuffer.moc"
# include "katedocument.h"
# include "katehighlight.h"
# include "kateconfig.h"
# include "katefactory.h"
# include "kateautoindent.h"
# include <kdebug.h>
# include <kglobal.h>
# include <kcharsets.h>
# include <tqpopupmenu.h>
# include <tqfile.h>
# include <tqtextstream.h>
# include <tqtimer.h>
# include <tqtextcodec.h>
# include <tqcstring.h>
# include <tqdatetime.h>
* loader block size , load 256 kb at once per default
* if file size is smaller , fall back to file size
static const TQ_ULONG KATE_FILE_LOADER_BS = 256 * 1024 ;
* KATE_AVG_BLOCK_SIZE is in characters !
* ( internaly we calc with approx 80 chars per line ! )
* block will max contain around BLOCK_SIZE chars or
* BLOCK_LINES lines ( after load , later that won ' t be tracked )
static const TQ_ULONG KATE_AVG_BLOCK_SIZE = 2048 * 80 ;
static const TQ_ULONG KATE_MAX_BLOCK_LINES = 2048 ;
* hl will look at the next KATE_HL_LOOKAHEAD lines
* or until the current block ends if a line is requested
* will avoid to run doHighlight too often
static const uint KATE_HL_LOOKAHEAD = 64 ;
* KATE_MAX_BLOCKS_LOADED should be at least 4 , as some
* methodes will cause heavy trashing , if not at least the
* latest 2 - 3 used blocks are alive
uint KateBuffer : : m_maxLoadedBlocks = 16 ;
* Initial value for m_maxDynamicContexts
static const uint KATE_MAX_DYNAMIC_CONTEXTS = 512 ;
void KateBuffer : : setMaxLoadedBlocks ( uint count )
m_maxLoadedBlocks = kMax ( 4U , count ) ;
class KateFileLoader
public :
KateFileLoader ( const TQString & filename , TQTextCodec * codec , bool removeTrailingSpaces )
: m_file ( filename )
, m_buffer ( kMin ( ( TQ_ULONG ) m_file . size ( ) , KATE_FILE_LOADER_BS ) )
, m_codec ( codec )
, m_decoder ( m_codec - > makeDecoder ( ) )
, m_position ( 0 )
, m_lastLineStart ( 0 )
, m_eof ( false ) // default to not eof
, lastWasEndOfLine ( true ) // at start of file, we had a virtual newline
, lastWasR ( false ) // we have not found a \r as last char
, m_eol ( - 1 ) // no eol type detected atm
, m_twoByteEncoding ( TQString ( codec - > name ( ) ) = = " ISO-10646-UCS-2 " )
, m_binary ( false )
, m_removeTrailingSpaces ( removeTrailingSpaces )
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " OPEN USES ENCODING: " < < m_codec - > name ( ) < < endl ;
~ KateFileLoader ( )
delete m_decoder ;
* open file , read first chunk of data , detect eol
bool open ( )
if ( m_file . open ( IO_ReadOnly ) )
int c = m_file . readBlock ( m_buffer . data ( ) , m_buffer . size ( ) ) ;
if ( c > 0 )
// fix utf16 LE, stolen from khtml ;)
if ( ( c > = 2 ) & & ( m_codec - > mibEnum ( ) = = 1000 ) & & ( m_buffer [ 1 ] = = 0x00 ) )
// utf16LE, we need to put the decoder in LE mode
char reverseUtf16 [ 3 ] = { ' \xFF ' , ' \xFE ' , ' \x00 ' } ;
m_decoder - > toUnicode ( reverseUtf16 , 2 ) ;
processNull ( c ) ;
m_text = m_decoder - > toUnicode ( m_buffer , c ) ;
m_eof = ( c = = - 1 ) | | ( c = = 0 ) | | ( m_text . length ( ) = = 0 ) | | m_file . atEnd ( ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < m_text . length ( ) ; i + + )
if ( m_text [ i ] = = ' \n ' )
m_eol = KateDocumentConfig : : eolUnix ;
break ;
else if ( ( m_text [ i ] = = ' \r ' ) )
if ( ( ( i + 1 ) < m_text . length ( ) ) & & ( m_text [ i + 1 ] = = ' \n ' ) )
m_eol = KateDocumentConfig : : eolDos ;
break ;
m_eol = KateDocumentConfig : : eolMac ;
break ;
return true ;
return false ;
// no new lines around ?
inline bool eof ( ) const { return m_eof & & ! lastWasEndOfLine & & ( m_lastLineStart = = m_text . length ( ) ) ; }
// eol mode ? autodetected on open(), -1 for no eol found in the first block!
inline int eol ( ) const { return m_eol ; }
// binary ?
inline bool binary ( ) const { return m_binary ; }
// should spaces be ignored at end of line?
inline bool removeTrailingSpaces ( ) const { return m_removeTrailingSpaces ; }
// internal unicode data array
inline const TQChar * unicode ( ) const { return m_text . unicode ( ) ; }
// read a line, return length + offset in unicode data
void readLine ( uint & offset , uint & length )
length = 0 ;
offset = 0 ;
while ( m_position < = m_text . length ( ) )
if ( m_position = = m_text . length ( ) )
// try to load more text if something is around
if ( ! m_eof )
int c = m_file . readBlock ( m_buffer . data ( ) , m_buffer . size ( ) ) ;
uint readString = 0 ;
if ( c > 0 )
processNull ( c ) ;
TQString str ( m_decoder - > toUnicode ( m_buffer , c ) ) ;
readString = str . length ( ) ;
m_text = m_text . mid ( m_lastLineStart , m_position - m_lastLineStart )
+ str ;
m_text = m_text . mid ( m_lastLineStart , m_position - m_lastLineStart ) ;
// is file completly read ?
m_eof = ( c = = - 1 ) | | ( c = = 0 ) | | ( readString = = 0 ) | | m_file . atEnd ( ) ;
// recalc current pos and last pos
m_position - = m_lastLineStart ;
m_lastLineStart = 0 ;
// oh oh, end of file, escape !
if ( m_eof & & ( m_position = = m_text . length ( ) ) )
lastWasEndOfLine = false ;
// line data
offset = m_lastLineStart ;
length = m_position - m_lastLineStart ;
m_lastLineStart = m_position ;
return ;
if ( m_text [ m_position ] = = ' \n ' )
lastWasEndOfLine = true ;
if ( lastWasR )
m_lastLineStart + + ;
lastWasR = false ;
// line data
offset = m_lastLineStart ;
length = m_position - m_lastLineStart ;
m_lastLineStart = m_position + 1 ;
m_position + + ;
return ;
else if ( m_text [ m_position ] = = ' \r ' )
lastWasEndOfLine = true ;
lastWasR = true ;
// line data
offset = m_lastLineStart ;
length = m_position - m_lastLineStart ;
m_lastLineStart = m_position + 1 ;
m_position + + ;
return ;
lastWasEndOfLine = false ;
lastWasR = false ;
m_position + + ;
// this nice methode will kill all 0 bytes (or double bytes)
// and remember if this was a binary or not ;)
void processNull ( uint length )
if ( m_twoByteEncoding )
for ( uint i = 1 ; i < length ; i + = 2 )
if ( ( m_buffer [ i ] = = 0 ) & & ( m_buffer [ i - 1 ] = = 0 ) )
m_binary = true ;
m_buffer [ i ] = ' ' ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < length ; i + + )
if ( m_buffer [ i ] = = 0 )
m_binary = true ;
m_buffer [ i ] = ' ' ;
private :
TQFile m_file ;
TQByteArray m_buffer ;
TQTextCodec * m_codec ;
TQTextDecoder * m_decoder ;
TQString m_text ;
uint m_position ;
uint m_lastLineStart ;
bool m_eof ;
bool lastWasEndOfLine ;
bool lastWasR ;
int m_eol ;
bool m_twoByteEncoding ;
bool m_binary ;
bool m_removeTrailingSpaces ;
} ;
* Create an empty buffer . ( with one block with one empty line )
KateBuffer : : KateBuffer ( KateDocument * doc )
: TQObject ( doc ) ,
editSessionNumber ( 0 ) ,
editIsRunning ( false ) ,
editTagLineStart ( 0xffffffff ) ,
editTagLineEnd ( 0 ) ,
editTagLineFrom ( false ) ,
editChangesDone ( false ) ,
m_doc ( doc ) ,
m_lines ( 0 ) ,
m_lastInSyncBlock ( 0 ) ,
m_lastFoundBlock ( 0 ) ,
m_cacheReadError ( false ) ,
m_cacheWriteError ( false ) ,
m_loadingBorked ( false ) ,
m_binary ( false ) ,
m_highlight ( 0 ) ,
m_regionTree ( this ) ,
m_tabWidth ( 8 ) ,
m_lineHighlightedMax ( 0 ) ,
m_lineHighlighted ( 0 ) ,
m_maxDynamicContexts ( KATE_MAX_DYNAMIC_CONTEXTS )
clear ( ) ;
* Cleanup on destruction
KateBuffer : : ~ KateBuffer ( )
// DELETE ALL BLOCKS, will free mem
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < m_blocks . size ( ) ; i + + )
delete m_blocks [ i ] ;
// release HL
if ( m_highlight )
m_highlight - > release ( ) ;
void KateBuffer : : editStart ( )
editSessionNumber + + ;
if ( editSessionNumber > 1 )
return ;
editIsRunning = true ;
editTagLineStart = 0xffffffff ;
editTagLineEnd = 0 ;
editTagLineFrom = false ;
editChangesDone = false ;
void KateBuffer : : editEnd ( )
if ( editSessionNumber = = 0 )
return ;
editSessionNumber - - ;
if ( editSessionNumber > 0 )
return ;
if ( editChangesDone )
// hl update !!!
if ( m_highlight & & ! m_highlight - > noHighlighting ( )
& & ( editTagLineStart < = editTagLineEnd )
& & ( editTagLineEnd < = m_lineHighlighted ) )
// look one line too far, needed for linecontinue stuff
editTagLineEnd + + ;
// look one line before, needed nearly 100% only for indentation based folding !
if ( editTagLineStart > 0 )
editTagLineStart - - ;
KateBufBlock * buf2 = 0 ;
bool needContinue = false ;
while ( ( buf2 = findBlock ( editTagLineStart ) ) )
needContinue = doHighlight ( buf2 ,
( editTagLineStart > buf2 - > startLine ( ) ) ? editTagLineStart : buf2 - > startLine ( ) ,
( editTagLineEnd > buf2 - > endLine ( ) ) ? buf2 - > endLine ( ) : editTagLineEnd ,
true ) ;
editTagLineStart = ( editTagLineEnd > buf2 - > endLine ( ) ) ? buf2 - > endLine ( ) : editTagLineEnd ;
if ( ( editTagLineStart > = m_lines ) | | ( editTagLineStart > = editTagLineEnd ) )
break ;
if ( needContinue )
m_lineHighlighted = editTagLineStart ;
if ( editTagLineStart > m_lineHighlightedMax )
m_lineHighlightedMax = editTagLineStart ;
else if ( editTagLineStart < m_lineHighlightedMax )
m_lineHighlightedMax = editTagLineStart ;
editIsRunning = false ;
void KateBuffer : : clear ( )
m_regionTree . clear ( ) ;
// cleanup the blocks
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < m_blocks . size ( ) ; i + + )
delete m_blocks [ i ] ;
m_blocks . clear ( ) ;
// create a bufblock with one line, we need that, only in openFile we won't have that
KateBufBlock * block = new KateBufBlock ( this , 0 , 0 ) ;
m_blocks . append ( block ) ;
// reset the state
m_lines = block - > lines ( ) ;
m_lastInSyncBlock = 0 ;
m_lastFoundBlock = 0 ;
m_cacheWriteError = false ;
m_cacheReadError = false ;
m_loadingBorked = false ;
m_binary = false ;
m_lineHighlightedMax = 0 ;
m_lineHighlighted = 0 ;
bool KateBuffer : : openFile ( const TQString & m_file )
KateFileLoader file ( m_file , m_doc - > config ( ) - > codec ( ) , m_doc - > configFlags ( ) & KateDocument : : cfRemoveSpaces ) ;
bool ok = false ;
struct stat sbuf ;
if ( stat ( TQFile : : encodeName ( m_file ) , & sbuf ) = = 0 )
if ( S_ISREG ( sbuf . st_mode ) & & file . open ( ) )
ok = true ;
if ( ! ok )
clear ( ) ;
return false ; // Error
// set eol mode, if a eol char was found in the first 256kb block and we allow this at all!
if ( m_doc - > config ( ) - > allowEolDetection ( ) & & ( file . eol ( ) ! = - 1 ) )
m_doc - > config ( ) - > setEol ( file . eol ( ) ) ;
// flush current content
clear ( ) ;
// cleanup the blocks
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < m_blocks . size ( ) ; i + + )
delete m_blocks [ i ] ;
m_blocks . clear ( ) ;
// do the real work
KateBufBlock * block = 0 ;
m_lines = 0 ;
while ( ! file . eof ( ) & & ! m_cacheWriteError )
block = new KateBufBlock ( this , block , 0 , & file ) ;
m_lines = block - > endLine ( ) ;
if ( m_cacheWriteError | | ( block - > lines ( ) = = 0 ) )
delete block ;
break ;
m_blocks . append ( block ) ;
// we had a cache write error, this load is really borked !
if ( m_cacheWriteError )
m_loadingBorked = true ;
if ( m_blocks . isEmpty ( ) | | ( m_lines = = 0 ) )
// file was really empty, clean the buffers + emit the line changed
// loadingBorked will be false for such files, not matter what happened
// before
clear ( ) ;
// fix region tree
m_regionTree . fixRoot ( m_lines ) ;
// if we have no hl or the "None" hl activated, whole file is correct highlighted
// after loading, which wonder ;)
if ( ! m_highlight | | m_highlight - > noHighlighting ( ) )
m_lineHighlighted = m_lines ;
m_lineHighlightedMax = m_lines ;
// binary?
m_binary = file . binary ( ) ;
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " LOADING DONE " < < endl ;
return ! m_loadingBorked ;
bool KateBuffer : : canEncode ( )
TQTextCodec * codec = m_doc - > config ( ) - > codec ( ) ;
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " ENC NAME: " < < codec - > name ( ) < < endl ;
// hardcode some unicode encodings which can encode all chars
if ( ( TQString ( codec - > name ( ) ) = = " UTF-8 " ) | | ( TQString ( codec - > name ( ) ) = = " ISO-10646-UCS-2 " ) )
return true ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < m_lines ; i + + )
if ( ! codec - > canEncode ( plainLine ( i ) - > string ( ) ) )
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " STRING LINE: " < < plainLine ( i ) - > string ( ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " ENC WORKING: FALSE " < < endl ;
return false ;
return true ;
bool KateBuffer : : saveFile ( const TQString & m_file )
TQFile file ( m_file ) ;
TQTextStream stream ( & file ) ;
if ( ! file . open ( IO_WriteOnly ) )
return false ; // Error
TQTextCodec * codec = m_doc - > config ( ) - > codec ( ) ;
// disable Unicode headers
stream . setEncoding ( TQTextStream : : RawUnicode ) ;
// this line sets the mapper to the correct codec
stream . setCodec ( codec ) ;
// our loved eol string ;)
TQString eol = m_doc - > config ( ) - > eolString ( ) ;
// should we strip spaces?
bool removeTrailingSpaces = m_doc - > configFlags ( ) & KateDocument : : cfRemoveSpaces ;
// just dump the lines out ;)
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < m_lines ; i + + )
KateTextLine : : Ptr textline = plainLine ( i ) ;
// strip spaces
if ( removeTrailingSpaces )
int lastChar = textline - > lastChar ( ) ;
if ( lastChar > - 1 )
stream < < TQConstString ( textline - > text ( ) , lastChar + 1 ) . string ( ) ;
else // simple, dump the line
stream < < textline - > string ( ) ;
if ( ( i + 1 ) < m_lines )
stream < < eol ;
file . close ( ) ;
m_loadingBorked = false ;
return ( file . status ( ) = = IO_Ok ) ;
KateTextLine : : Ptr KateBuffer : : line_internal ( KateBufBlock * buf , uint i )
// update hl until this line + max KATE_HL_LOOKAHEAD
KateBufBlock * buf2 = 0 ;
while ( ( i > = m_lineHighlighted ) & & ( buf2 = findBlock ( m_lineHighlighted ) ) )
uint end = kMin ( i + KATE_HL_LOOKAHEAD , buf2 - > endLine ( ) ) ;
doHighlight ( buf2 ,
kMax ( m_lineHighlighted , buf2 - > startLine ( ) ) ,
end ,
false ) ;
m_lineHighlighted = end ;
// update hl max
if ( m_lineHighlighted > m_lineHighlightedMax )
m_lineHighlightedMax = m_lineHighlighted ;
return buf - > line ( i - buf - > startLine ( ) ) ;
KateBufBlock * KateBuffer : : findBlock_internal ( uint i , uint * index )
uint lastLine = m_blocks [ m_lastInSyncBlock ] - > endLine ( ) ;
if ( lastLine > i ) // we are in a allready known area !
while ( true )
KateBufBlock * buf = m_blocks [ m_lastFoundBlock ] ;
if ( ( buf - > startLine ( ) < = i )
& & ( buf - > endLine ( ) > i ) )
if ( index )
( * index ) = m_lastFoundBlock ;
return m_blocks [ m_lastFoundBlock ] ;
if ( i < buf - > startLine ( ) )
m_lastFoundBlock - - ;
m_lastFoundBlock + + ;
else // we need first to resync the startLines !
if ( ( m_lastInSyncBlock + 1 ) < m_blocks . size ( ) )
m_lastInSyncBlock + + ;
return 0 ;
for ( ; m_lastInSyncBlock < m_blocks . size ( ) ; m_lastInSyncBlock + + )
// get next block
KateBufBlock * buf = m_blocks [ m_lastInSyncBlock ] ;
// sync startLine !
buf - > setStartLine ( lastLine ) ;
// is it allready the searched block ?
if ( ( i > = lastLine ) & & ( i < buf - > endLine ( ) ) )
// remember this block as last found !
m_lastFoundBlock = m_lastInSyncBlock ;
if ( index )
( * index ) = m_lastFoundBlock ;
return buf ;
// increase lastLine with blocklinecount
lastLine + = buf - > lines ( ) ;
// no block found !
// index will not be set to any useful value in this case !
return 0 ;
void KateBuffer : : changeLine ( uint i )
KateBufBlock * buf = findBlock ( i ) ;
if ( ! buf )
return ;
// mark this block dirty
buf - > markDirty ( ) ;
// mark buffer changed
editChangesDone = true ;
// tag this line as changed
if ( i < editTagLineStart )
editTagLineStart = i ;
if ( i > editTagLineEnd )
editTagLineEnd = i ;
void KateBuffer : : insertLine ( uint i , KateTextLine : : Ptr line )
uint index = 0 ;
KateBufBlock * buf ;
if ( i = = m_lines )
buf = findBlock ( i - 1 , & index ) ;
buf = findBlock ( i , & index ) ;
if ( ! buf )
return ;
buf - > insertLine ( i - buf - > startLine ( ) , line ) ;
if ( m_lineHighlightedMax > i )
m_lineHighlightedMax + + ;
if ( m_lineHighlighted > i )
m_lineHighlighted + + ;
m_lines + + ;
// last sync block adjust
if ( m_lastInSyncBlock > index )
m_lastInSyncBlock = index ;
// last found
if ( m_lastInSyncBlock < m_lastFoundBlock )
m_lastFoundBlock = m_lastInSyncBlock ;
// mark buffer changed
editChangesDone = true ;
// tag this line as inserted
if ( i < editTagLineStart )
editTagLineStart = i ;
if ( i < = editTagLineEnd )
editTagLineEnd + + ;
if ( i > editTagLineEnd )
editTagLineEnd = i ;
// line inserted
editTagLineFrom = true ;
m_regionTree . lineHasBeenInserted ( i ) ;
void KateBuffer : : removeLine ( uint i )
uint index = 0 ;
KateBufBlock * buf = findBlock ( i , & index ) ;
if ( ! buf )
return ;
buf - > removeLine ( i - buf - > startLine ( ) ) ;
if ( m_lineHighlightedMax > i )
m_lineHighlightedMax - - ;
if ( m_lineHighlighted > i )
m_lineHighlighted - - ;
m_lines - - ;
// trash away a empty block
if ( buf - > lines ( ) = = 0 )
// we need to change which block is last in sync
if ( m_lastInSyncBlock > = index )
m_lastInSyncBlock = index ;
if ( buf - > next ( ) )
if ( buf - > prev ( ) )
buf - > next ( ) - > setStartLine ( buf - > prev ( ) - > endLine ( ) ) ;
buf - > next ( ) - > setStartLine ( 0 ) ;
// cu block !
delete buf ;
m_blocks . erase ( m_blocks . begin ( ) + index ) ;
// make sure we don't keep a pointer to the deleted block
if ( m_lastInSyncBlock > = index )
m_lastInSyncBlock = index - 1 ;
// last sync block adjust
if ( m_lastInSyncBlock > index )
m_lastInSyncBlock = index ;
// last found
if ( m_lastInSyncBlock < m_lastFoundBlock )
m_lastFoundBlock = m_lastInSyncBlock ;
// mark buffer changed
editChangesDone = true ;
// tag this line as removed
if ( i < editTagLineStart )
editTagLineStart = i ;
if ( i < editTagLineEnd )
editTagLineEnd - - ;
if ( i > editTagLineEnd )
editTagLineEnd = i ;
// line removed
editTagLineFrom = true ;
m_regionTree . lineHasBeenRemoved ( i ) ;
void KateBuffer : : setTabWidth ( uint w )
if ( ( m_tabWidth ! = w ) & & ( m_tabWidth > 0 ) )
m_tabWidth = w ;
if ( m_highlight & & m_highlight - > foldingIndentationSensitive ( ) )
invalidateHighlighting ( ) ;
void KateBuffer : : setHighlight ( uint hlMode )
KateHighlighting * h = KateHlManager : : self ( ) - > getHl ( hlMode ) ;
// aha, hl will change
if ( h ! = m_highlight )
bool invalidate = ! h - > noHighlighting ( ) ;
if ( m_highlight )
m_highlight - > release ( ) ;
invalidate = true ;
h - > use ( ) ;
// Clear code folding tree (see bug #124102)
m_regionTree . clear ( ) ;
m_regionTree . fixRoot ( m_lines ) ;
// try to set indentation
if ( ! h - > indentation ( ) . isEmpty ( ) )
m_doc - > config ( ) - > setIndentationMode ( KateAutoIndent : : modeNumber ( h - > indentation ( ) ) ) ;
m_highlight = h ;
if ( invalidate )
invalidateHighlighting ( ) ;
// inform the document that the hl was really changed
// needed to update attributes and more ;)
m_doc - > bufferHlChanged ( ) ;
void KateBuffer : : invalidateHighlighting ( )
m_lineHighlightedMax = 0 ;
m_lineHighlighted = 0 ;
void KateBuffer : : updatePreviousNotEmptyLine ( KateBufBlock * blk , uint current_line , bool addindent , uint deindent )
KateTextLine : : Ptr textLine ;
do {
if ( current_line > 0 ) current_line - - ;
uint line = blk - > startLine ( ) + current_line ;
if ( line = = 0 ) return ;
line - - ;
blk = findBlock ( line ) ;
if ( ! blk ) {
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " updatePreviousNotEmptyLine: block not found, this must not happen " < < endl ;
return ;
current_line = line - blk - > startLine ( ) ;
textLine = blk - > line ( current_line ) ;
} while ( textLine - > firstChar ( ) = = - 1 ) ;
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " updatePreviousNotEmptyLine: updating line: " < < ( blk - > startLine ( ) + current_line ) < < endl ;
TQMemArray < uint > foldingList = textLine - > foldingListArray ( ) ;
while ( ( foldingList . size ( ) > 0 ) & & ( labs ( foldingList [ foldingList . size ( ) - 2 ] ) = = 1 ) ) {
foldingList . resize ( foldingList . size ( ) - 2 , TQGArray : : SpeedOptim ) ;
addIndentBasedFoldingInformation ( foldingList , addindent , deindent ) ;
textLine - > setFoldingList ( foldingList ) ;
bool retVal_folding = false ;
m_regionTree . updateLine ( current_line + blk - > startLine ( ) , & foldingList , & retVal_folding , true , false ) ;
emit tagLines ( blk - > startLine ( ) + current_line , blk - > startLine ( ) + current_line ) ;
void KateBuffer : : addIndentBasedFoldingInformation ( TQMemArray < uint > & foldingList , bool addindent , uint deindent )
if ( addindent ) {
//kdDebug(13020)<<"adding indent for line :"<<current_line + buf->startLine()<<" textLine->noIndentBasedFoldingAtStart"<<textLine->noIndentBasedFoldingAtStart()<<endl;
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " adding ident " < < endl ;
foldingList . resize ( foldingList . size ( ) + 2 , TQGArray : : SpeedOptim ) ;
foldingList [ foldingList . size ( ) - 2 ] = 1 ;
foldingList [ foldingList . size ( ) - 1 ] = 0 ;
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " DEINDENT: " < < deindent < < endl ;
if ( deindent > 0 )
foldingList . resize ( foldingList . size ( ) + ( deindent * 2 ) , TQGArray : : SpeedOptim ) ;
for ( uint z = foldingList . size ( ) - ( deindent * 2 ) ; z < foldingList . size ( ) ; z = z + 2 )
foldingList [ z ] = - 1 ;
foldingList [ z + 1 ] = 0 ;
bool KateBuffer : : doHighlight ( KateBufBlock * buf , uint startLine , uint endLine , bool invalidate )
// no hl around, no stuff to do
if ( ! m_highlight )
return false ;
/*if (m_highlight->foldingIndentationSensitive())
startLine = 0 ;
endLine = 50 ;
} */
// we tried to start in a line behind this buf block !
if ( startLine > = ( buf - > startLine ( ) + buf - > lines ( ) ) )
return false ;
//TQTime t;
//kdDebug (13020) << "HIGHLIGHTED START --- NEED HL, LINESTART: " << startLine << " LINEEND: " << endLine << endl;
//kdDebug (13020) << "HL UNTIL LINE: " << m_lineHighlighted << " MAX: " << m_lineHighlightedMax << endl;
//kdDebug (13020) << "HL DYN COUNT: " << KateHlManager::self()->countDynamicCtxs() << " MAX: " << m_maxDynamicContexts << endl;
// see if there are too many dynamic contexts; if yes, invalidate HL of all documents
if ( KateHlManager : : self ( ) - > countDynamicCtxs ( ) > = m_maxDynamicContexts )
if ( KateHlManager : : self ( ) - > resetDynamicCtxs ( ) )
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " HL invalidated - too many dynamic contexts ( >= " < < m_maxDynamicContexts < < " ) " < < endl ;
// avoid recursive invalidation
KateHlManager : : self ( ) - > setForceNoDCReset ( true ) ;
for ( KateDocument * doc = KateFactory : : self ( ) - > documents ( ) - > first ( ) ; doc ; doc = KateFactory : : self ( ) - > documents ( ) - > next ( ) )
doc - > makeAttribs ( ) ;
// doHighlight *shall* do his work. After invalidation, some highlight has
// been recalculated, but *maybe not* until endLine ! So we shall force it manually...
KateBufBlock * buf = 0 ;
while ( ( endLine > m_lineHighlighted ) & & ( buf = findBlock ( m_lineHighlighted ) ) )
uint end = kMin ( endLine , buf - > endLine ( ) ) ;
doHighlight ( buf ,
kMax ( m_lineHighlighted , buf - > startLine ( ) ) ,
end ,
false ) ;
m_lineHighlighted = end ;
KateHlManager : : self ( ) - > setForceNoDCReset ( false ) ;
return false ;
m_maxDynamicContexts * = 2 ;
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " New dynamic contexts limit: " < < m_maxDynamicContexts < < endl ;
// get the previous line, if we start at the beginning of this block
// take the last line of the previous block
KateTextLine : : Ptr prevLine = 0 ;
if ( ( startLine = = buf - > startLine ( ) ) & & buf - > prev ( ) & & ( buf - > prev ( ) - > lines ( ) > 0 ) )
prevLine = buf - > prev ( ) - > line ( buf - > prev ( ) - > lines ( ) - 1 ) ;
else if ( ( startLine > buf - > startLine ( ) ) & & ( startLine < = buf - > endLine ( ) ) )
prevLine = buf - > line ( startLine - buf - > startLine ( ) - 1 ) ;
prevLine = new KateTextLine ( ) ;
// does we need to emit a signal for the folding changes ?
bool codeFoldingUpdate = false ;
// here we are atm, start at start line in the block
uint current_line = startLine - buf - > startLine ( ) ;
// do we need to continue
bool stillcontinue = false ;
bool indentContinueWhitespace = false ;
bool indentContinueNextWhitespace = false ;
// loop over the lines of the block, from startline to endline or end of block
// if stillcontinue forces us to do so
while ( ( current_line < buf - > lines ( ) )
& & ( stillcontinue | | ( ( current_line + buf - > startLine ( ) ) < = endLine ) ) )
// current line
KateTextLine : : Ptr textLine = buf - > line ( current_line ) ;
TQMemArray < uint > foldingList ;
bool ctxChanged = false ;
m_highlight - > doHighlight ( prevLine , textLine , & foldingList , & ctxChanged ) ;
// indentation sensitive folding
bool indentChanged = false ;
if ( m_highlight - > foldingIndentationSensitive ( ) )
// get the indentation array of the previous line to start with !
TQMemArray < unsigned short > indentDepth ;
indentDepth . duplicate ( prevLine - > indentationDepthArray ( ) ) ;
// current indentation of this line
uint iDepth = textLine - > indentDepth ( m_tabWidth ) ;
if ( ( current_line + buf - > startLine ( ) ) = = 0 )
indentDepth . resize ( 1 , TQGArray : : SpeedOptim ) ;
indentDepth [ 0 ] = iDepth ;
textLine - > setNoIndentBasedFoldingAtStart ( prevLine - > noIndentBasedFolding ( ) ) ;
// this line is empty, beside spaces, or has indentaion based folding disabled, use indentation depth of the previous line !
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " current_line: " < < current_line + buf - > startLine ( ) < < " textLine->noIndentBasedFoldingAtStart " < < textLine - > noIndentBasedFoldingAtStart ( ) < < endl ;
if ( ( textLine - > firstChar ( ) = = - 1 ) | | textLine - > noIndentBasedFoldingAtStart ( ) )
// do this to get skipped empty lines indent right, which was given in the indenation array
if ( ! prevLine - > indentationDepthArray ( ) . isEmpty ( ) )
iDepth = ( prevLine - > indentationDepthArray ( ) ) [ prevLine - > indentationDepthArray ( ) . size ( ) - 1 ] ;
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " reusing old depth as current " < < endl ;
iDepth = prevLine - > indentDepth ( m_tabWidth ) ;
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " creating indentdepth for previous line " < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " iDepth: " < < iDepth < < endl ;
// query the next line indentation, if we are at the end of the block
// use the first line of the next buf block
uint nextLineIndentation = 0 ;
bool nextLineIndentationValid = true ;
indentContinueNextWhitespace = false ;
if ( ( current_line + 1 ) < buf - > lines ( ) )
if ( buf - > line ( current_line + 1 ) - > firstChar ( ) = = - 1 )
nextLineIndentation = iDepth ;
indentContinueNextWhitespace = true ;
nextLineIndentation = buf - > line ( current_line + 1 ) - > indentDepth ( m_tabWidth ) ;
KateBufBlock * blk = buf - > next ( ) ;
if ( blk & & ( blk - > lines ( ) > 0 ) )
if ( blk - > line ( 0 ) - > firstChar ( ) = = - 1 )
nextLineIndentation = iDepth ;
indentContinueNextWhitespace = true ;
nextLineIndentation = blk - > line ( 0 ) - > indentDepth ( m_tabWidth ) ;
else nextLineIndentationValid = false ;
if ( ! textLine - > noIndentBasedFoldingAtStart ( ) ) {
if ( ( iDepth > 0 ) & & ( indentDepth . isEmpty ( ) | | ( indentDepth [ indentDepth . size ( ) - 1 ] < iDepth ) ) )
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " adding depth to \" stack \" : " < < iDepth < < endl ;
indentDepth . resize ( indentDepth . size ( ) + 1 , TQGArray : : SpeedOptim ) ;
indentDepth [ indentDepth . size ( ) - 1 ] = iDepth ;
} else {
if ( ! indentDepth . isEmpty ( ) )
for ( int z = indentDepth . size ( ) - 1 ; z > - 1 ; z - - )
if ( indentDepth [ z ] > iDepth )
indentDepth . resize ( z , TQGArray : : SpeedOptim ) ;
if ( ( iDepth > 0 ) & & ( indentDepth . isEmpty ( ) | | ( indentDepth [ indentDepth . size ( ) - 1 ] < iDepth ) ) )
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " adding depth to \" stack \" : " < < iDepth < < endl ;
indentDepth . resize ( indentDepth . size ( ) + 1 , TQGArray : : SpeedOptim ) ;
indentDepth [ indentDepth . size ( ) - 1 ] = iDepth ;
if ( prevLine - > firstChar ( ) = = - 1 ) {
if ( ! textLine - > noIndentBasedFolding ( ) )
if ( nextLineIndentationValid )
//if (textLine->firstChar()!=-1)
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " nextLineIndentation: " < < nextLineIndentation < < endl ;
bool addindent = false ;
uint deindent = 0 ;
if ( ! indentDepth . isEmpty ( ) )
kdDebug ( ) < < " indentDepth[indentDepth.size()-1]: " < < indentDepth [ indentDepth . size ( ) - 1 ] < < endl ;
if ( ( nextLineIndentation > 0 ) & & ( indentDepth . isEmpty ( ) | | ( indentDepth [ indentDepth . size ( ) - 1 ] < nextLineIndentation ) ) )
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " addindent==true " < < endl ;
addindent = true ;
} else {
if ( ( ! indentDepth . isEmpty ( ) ) & & ( indentDepth [ indentDepth . size ( ) - 1 ] > nextLineIndentation ) )
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " .... " < < endl ;
for ( int z = indentDepth . size ( ) - 1 ; z > - 1 ; z - - )
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < indentDepth [ z ] < < " " < < nextLineIndentation < < endl ;
if ( indentDepth [ z ] > nextLineIndentation )
deindent + + ;
/* }
if ( textLine - > noIndentBasedFolding ( ) ) kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " =============================indentation based folding disabled====================== " < < endl ;
if ( ! textLine - > noIndentBasedFolding ( ) ) { */
if ( ( textLine - > firstChar ( ) = = - 1 ) ) {
updatePreviousNotEmptyLine ( buf , current_line , addindent , deindent ) ;
codeFoldingUpdate = true ;
addIndentBasedFoldingInformation ( foldingList , addindent , deindent ) ;
indentChanged = ! ( indentDepth = = textLine - > indentationDepthArray ( ) ) ;
// assign the new array to the textline !
if ( indentChanged )
textLine - > setIndentationDepth ( indentDepth ) ;
indentContinueWhitespace = textLine - > firstChar ( ) = = - 1 ;
bool foldingColChanged = false ;
bool foldingChanged = false ; //!(foldingList == textLine->foldingListArray());
if ( foldingList . size ( ) ! = textLine - > foldingListArray ( ) . size ( ) ) {
foldingChanged = true ;
} else {
TQMemArray < uint > : : ConstIterator it = foldingList . begin ( ) ;
TQMemArray < uint > : : ConstIterator it1 = textLine - > foldingListArray ( ) ;
bool markerType = true ;
for ( ; it ! = foldingList . end ( ) ; + + it , + + it1 ) {
if ( markerType ) {
if ( ( ( * it ) ! = ( * it1 ) ) ) {
foldingChanged = true ;
foldingColChanged = false ;
break ;
} else {
if ( ( * it ) ! = ( * it1 ) ) {
foldingColChanged = true ;
markerType = ! markerType ;
if ( foldingChanged | | foldingColChanged ) {
textLine - > setFoldingList ( foldingList ) ;
if ( foldingChanged = = false ) {
textLine - > setFoldingColumnsOutdated ( textLine - > foldingColumnsOutdated ( ) | foldingColChanged ) ;
} else textLine - > setFoldingColumnsOutdated ( false ) ;
bool retVal_folding = false ;
//perhaps make en enums out of the change flags
m_regionTree . updateLine ( current_line + buf - > startLine ( ) , & foldingList , & retVal_folding , foldingChanged , foldingColChanged ) ;
codeFoldingUpdate = codeFoldingUpdate | retVal_folding ;
// need we to continue ?
stillcontinue = ctxChanged | | indentChanged | | indentContinueWhitespace | | indentContinueNextWhitespace ;
// move around the lines
prevLine = textLine ;
// increment line
current_line + + ;
buf - > markDirty ( ) ;
// tag the changed lines !
if ( invalidate )
emit tagLines ( startLine , current_line + buf - > startLine ( ) ) ;
// emit that we have changed the folding
if ( codeFoldingUpdate )
emit codeFoldingUpdated ( ) ;
//kdDebug (13020) << "HIGHLIGHTED END --- NEED HL, LINESTART: " << startLine << " LINEEND: " << endLine << endl;
//kdDebug (13020) << "HL UNTIL LINE: " << m_lineHighlighted << " MAX: " << m_lineHighlightedMax << endl;
//kdDebug (13020) << "HL DYN COUNT: " << KateHlManager::self()->countDynamicCtxs() << " MAX: " << m_maxDynamicContexts << endl;
//kdDebug (13020) << "TIME TAKEN: " << t.elapsed() << endl;
// if we are at the last line of the block + we still need to continue
// return the need of that !
return stillcontinue & & ( ( current_line + 1 ) = = buf - > lines ( ) ) ;
void KateBuffer : : codeFoldingColumnUpdate ( unsigned int lineNr ) {
KateTextLine : : Ptr line = plainLine ( lineNr ) ;
if ( ! line ) return ;
if ( line - > foldingColumnsOutdated ( ) ) {
line - > setFoldingColumnsOutdated ( false ) ;
bool tmp ;
TQMemArray < uint > folding = line - > foldingListArray ( ) ;
m_regionTree . updateLine ( lineNr , & folding , & tmp , true , false ) ;
//BEGIN KateBufBlock
KateBufBlock : : KateBufBlock ( KateBuffer * parent , KateBufBlock * prev , KateBufBlock * next ,
KateFileLoader * stream )
: m_state ( KateBufBlock : : stateDirty ) ,
m_startLine ( 0 ) ,
m_lines ( 0 ) ,
m_vmblock ( 0 ) ,
m_vmblockSize ( 0 ) ,
m_parent ( parent ) ,
m_prev ( prev ) ,
m_next ( next ) ,
list ( 0 ) ,
listPrev ( 0 ) ,
listNext ( 0 )
// init startline + the next pointers of the neighbour blocks
if ( m_prev )
m_startLine = m_prev - > endLine ( ) ;
m_prev - > m_next = this ;
if ( m_next )
m_next - > m_prev = this ;
// we have a stream, use it to fill the block !
// this can lead to 0 line blocks which are invalid !
if ( stream )
// this we lead to either dirty or swapped state
fillBlock ( stream ) ;
else // init the block if no stream given !
// fill in one empty line !
KateTextLine : : Ptr textLine = new KateTextLine ( ) ;
m_stringList . push_back ( textLine ) ;
m_lines + + ;
// if we have allready enough blocks around, swap one
if ( m_parent - > m_loadedBlocks . count ( ) > = KateBuffer : : maxLoadedBlocks ( ) )
m_parent - > m_loadedBlocks . first ( ) - > swapOut ( ) ;
// we are a new nearly empty dirty block
m_state = KateBufBlock : : stateDirty ;
m_parent - > m_loadedBlocks . append ( this ) ;
KateBufBlock : : ~ KateBufBlock ( )
// sync prev/next pointers
if ( m_prev )
m_prev - > m_next = m_next ;
if ( m_next )
m_next - > m_prev = m_prev ;
// if we have some swapped data allocated, free it now or never
if ( m_vmblock )
KateFactory : : self ( ) - > vm ( ) - > free ( m_vmblock ) ;
// remove me from the list I belong
KateBufBlockList : : remove ( this ) ;
void KateBufBlock : : fillBlock ( KateFileLoader * stream )
// is allready too much stuff around in mem ?
bool swap = m_parent - > m_loadedBlocks . count ( ) > = KateBuffer : : maxLoadedBlocks ( ) ;
TQByteArray rawData ;
// calcs the approx size for KATE_AVG_BLOCK_SIZE chars !
if ( swap )
rawData . resize ( ( KATE_AVG_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof ( TQChar ) ) + ( ( KATE_AVG_BLOCK_SIZE / 80 ) * 8 ) ) ;
char * buf = rawData . data ( ) ;
uint size = 0 ;
uint blockSize = 0 ;
while ( ! stream - > eof ( ) & & ( blockSize < KATE_AVG_BLOCK_SIZE ) & & ( m_lines < KATE_MAX_BLOCK_LINES ) )
uint offset = 0 , length = 0 ;
stream - > readLine ( offset , length ) ;
const TQChar * unicodeData = stream - > unicode ( ) + offset ;
// strip spaces at end of line
if ( stream - > removeTrailingSpaces ( ) )
while ( length > 0 )
if ( unicodeData [ length - 1 ] . isSpace ( ) )
- - length ;
break ;
blockSize + = length ;
if ( swap )
// create the swapped data on the fly, no need to waste time
// via going over the textline classes and dump them !
char attr = KateTextLine : : flagNoOtherData ;
uint pos = size ;
// calc new size
size = size + 1 + sizeof ( uint ) + ( sizeof ( TQChar ) * length ) ;
if ( size > rawData . size ( ) )
rawData . resize ( size ) ;
buf = rawData . data ( ) ;
memcpy ( buf + pos , ( char * ) & attr , 1 ) ;
pos + = 1 ;
memcpy ( buf + pos , ( char * ) & length , sizeof ( uint ) ) ;
pos + = sizeof ( uint ) ;
memcpy ( buf + pos , ( char * ) unicodeData , sizeof ( TQChar ) * length ) ;
pos + = sizeof ( TQChar ) * length ;
KateTextLine : : Ptr textLine = new KateTextLine ( ) ;
textLine - > insertText ( 0 , length , unicodeData ) ;
m_stringList . push_back ( textLine ) ;
m_lines + + ;
if ( swap )
m_vmblock = KateFactory : : self ( ) - > vm ( ) - > allocate ( size ) ;
m_vmblockSize = size ;
if ( ! rawData . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( ! KateFactory : : self ( ) - > vm ( ) - > copyBlock ( m_vmblock , rawData . data ( ) , 0 , size ) )
if ( m_vmblock )
KateFactory : : self ( ) - > vm ( ) - > free ( m_vmblock ) ;
m_vmblock = 0 ;
m_vmblockSize = 0 ;
m_parent - > m_cacheWriteError = true ;
// fine, we are swapped !
m_state = KateBufBlock : : stateSwapped ;
// we are a new dirty block without any swap data
m_state = KateBufBlock : : stateDirty ;
m_parent - > m_loadedBlocks . append ( this ) ;
kdDebug ( 13020 ) < < " A BLOCK LOADED WITH LINES: " < < m_lines < < endl ;
KateTextLine : : Ptr KateBufBlock : : line ( uint i )
// take care that the string list is around !!!
if ( m_state = = KateBufBlock : : stateSwapped )
swapIn ( ) ;
// LRU
if ( ! m_parent - > m_loadedBlocks . isLast ( this ) )
m_parent - > m_loadedBlocks . append ( this ) ;
return m_stringList [ i ] ;
void KateBufBlock : : insertLine ( uint i , KateTextLine : : Ptr line )
// take care that the string list is around !!!
if ( m_state = = KateBufBlock : : stateSwapped )
swapIn ( ) ;
m_stringList . insert ( m_stringList . begin ( ) + i , line ) ;
m_lines + + ;
markDirty ( ) ;
void KateBufBlock : : removeLine ( uint i )
// take care that the string list is around !!!
if ( m_state = = KateBufBlock : : stateSwapped )
swapIn ( ) ;
m_stringList . erase ( m_stringList . begin ( ) + i ) ;
m_lines - - ;
markDirty ( ) ;
void KateBufBlock : : markDirty ( )
if ( m_state ! = KateBufBlock : : stateSwapped )
// LRU
if ( ! m_parent - > m_loadedBlocks . isLast ( this ) )
m_parent - > m_loadedBlocks . append ( this ) ;
if ( m_state = = KateBufBlock : : stateClean )
// if we have some swapped data allocated which is dirty, free it now
if ( m_vmblock )
KateFactory : : self ( ) - > vm ( ) - > free ( m_vmblock ) ;
m_vmblock = 0 ;
m_vmblockSize = 0 ;
// we are dirty
m_state = KateBufBlock : : stateDirty ;
void KateBufBlock : : swapIn ( )
if ( m_state ! = KateBufBlock : : stateSwapped )
return ;
TQByteArray rawData ( m_vmblockSize ) ;
// what to do if that fails ?
if ( ! KateFactory : : self ( ) - > vm ( ) - > copyBlock ( rawData . data ( ) , m_vmblock , 0 , rawData . size ( ) ) )
m_parent - > m_cacheReadError = true ;
// reserve mem, keep realloc away on push_back
m_stringList . reserve ( m_lines ) ;
char * buf = rawData . data ( ) ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < m_lines ; i + + )
KateTextLine : : Ptr textLine = new KateTextLine ( ) ;
buf = textLine - > restore ( buf ) ;
m_stringList . push_back ( textLine ) ;
// if we have allready enough blocks around, swap one
if ( m_parent - > m_loadedBlocks . count ( ) > = KateBuffer : : maxLoadedBlocks ( ) )
m_parent - > m_loadedBlocks . first ( ) - > swapOut ( ) ;
// fine, we are now clean again, save state + append to clean list
m_state = KateBufBlock : : stateClean ;
m_parent - > m_loadedBlocks . append ( this ) ;
void KateBufBlock : : swapOut ( )
if ( m_state = = KateBufBlock : : stateSwapped )
return ;
if ( m_state = = KateBufBlock : : stateDirty )
bool haveHl = m_parent - > m_highlight & & ! m_parent - > m_highlight - > noHighlighting ( ) ;
// Calculate size.
uint size = 0 ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < m_lines ; i + + )
size + = m_stringList [ i ] - > dumpSize ( haveHl ) ;
TQByteArray rawData ( size ) ;
char * buf = rawData . data ( ) ;
// Dump textlines
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < m_lines ; i + + )
buf = m_stringList [ i ] - > dump ( buf , haveHl ) ;
m_vmblock = KateFactory : : self ( ) - > vm ( ) - > allocate ( rawData . size ( ) ) ;
m_vmblockSize = rawData . size ( ) ;
if ( ! rawData . isEmpty ( ) )
if ( ! KateFactory : : self ( ) - > vm ( ) - > copyBlock ( m_vmblock , rawData . data ( ) , 0 , rawData . size ( ) ) )
if ( m_vmblock )
KateFactory : : self ( ) - > vm ( ) - > free ( m_vmblock ) ;
m_vmblock = 0 ;
m_vmblockSize = 0 ;
m_parent - > m_cacheWriteError = true ;
return ;
m_stringList . clear ( ) ;
// we are now swapped out, set state + remove us out of the lists !
m_state = KateBufBlock : : stateSwapped ;
KateBufBlockList : : remove ( this ) ;
//END KateBufBlock
//BEGIN KateBufBlockList
KateBufBlockList : : KateBufBlockList ( )
: m_count ( 0 ) ,
m_first ( 0 ) ,
m_last ( 0 )
void KateBufBlockList : : append ( KateBufBlock * buf )
if ( buf - > list )
buf - > list - > removeInternal ( buf ) ;
m_count + + ;
// append a element
if ( m_last )
m_last - > listNext = buf ;
buf - > listPrev = m_last ;
buf - > listNext = 0 ;
m_last = buf ;
buf - > list = this ;
return ;
// insert the first element
m_last = buf ;
m_first = buf ;
buf - > listPrev = 0 ;
buf - > listNext = 0 ;
buf - > list = this ;
void KateBufBlockList : : removeInternal ( KateBufBlock * buf )
if ( buf - > list ! = this )
return ;
m_count - - ;
if ( ( buf = = m_first ) & & ( buf = = m_last ) )
// last element removed !
m_first = 0 ;
m_last = 0 ;
else if ( buf = = m_first )
// first element removed
m_first = buf - > listNext ;
m_first - > listPrev = 0 ;
else if ( buf = = m_last )
// last element removed
m_last = buf - > listPrev ;
m_last - > listNext = 0 ;
buf - > listPrev - > listNext = buf - > listNext ;
buf - > listNext - > listPrev = buf - > listPrev ;
buf - > listPrev = 0 ;
buf - > listNext = 0 ;
buf - > list = 0 ;
//END KateBufBlockList
// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;