/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
Copyright ( C ) 1997 Matthias Kalle Dalheimer ( kalle @ kde . org )
Copyright ( C ) 1998 , 1999 , 2000 KDE Team
This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library ; see the file COPYING . LIB . If not , write to
the Free Software Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor ,
Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 , USA .
# include "config.h"
# define COMPOSITE
# endif
// #error qtranslator.h was already included
// #endif // QTRANSLATOR_H
// #error tqtranslator.h was already included
// #endif // TQTRANSLATOR_H
# include <tqtranslator.h>
# include "kapplication.h"
# include <tqdir.h>
# include <tqptrcollection.h>
# include <tqwidgetlist.h>
# include <tqstrlist.h>
# include <tqfile.h>
# include <tqmessagebox.h>
# include <tqtextstream.h>
# include <tqregexp.h>
# include <tqlineedit.h>
# include <tqtextedit.h>
# include <tqsessionmanager.h>
# include <tqptrlist.h>
# include <tqtimer.h>
# include <tqstylesheet.h>
# include <tqpixmapcache.h>
# include <tqtooltip.h>
# include <tqstylefactory.h>
# include <tqmetaobject.h>
# include <tqimage.h>
# ifndef QT_NO_SQL
# include <tqsqlpropertymap.h>
# endif
# include <kglobal.h>
# include <kstandarddirs.h>
# include <kdebug.h>
# include <klocale.h>
# include <kstyle.h>
# include <kiconloader.h>
# include <kclipboard.h>
# include <kconfig.h>
# include <ksimpleconfig.h>
# include <kcmdlineargs.h>
# include <kaboutdata.h>
# include <kglobalsettings.h>
# include <kcrash.h>
# include <kdatastream.h>
# include <klibloader.h>
# include <kmimesourcefactory.h>
# include <kstdaccel.h>
# include <kaccel.h>
# include "kcheckaccelerators.h"
# include <tqptrdict.h>
# include <kmacroexpander.h>
# include <kshell.h>
# include <kprotocolinfo.h>
# include <kkeynative.h>
# include <kmdcodec.h>
# include <kglobalaccel.h>
# if defined Q_WS_X11
# include <kstartupinfo.h>
# endif
# include <dcopclient.h>
# include <dcopref.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# endif
# include <sys/wait.h>
# include <grp.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# ifndef Q_WS_WIN
# include "kwin.h"
# endif
# include <fcntl.h>
# include <stdlib.h> // getenv(), srand(), rand()
# include <signal.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <time.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <netdb.h>
# if defined Q_WS_X11
//#ifndef Q_WS_QWS //FIXME(E): NetWM should talk to QWS...
# include <netwm.h>
# endif
# include "kprocctrl.h"
# ifdef HAVE_PATHS_H
# include <paths.h>
# endif
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
# include <X11/Xlib.h>
# include <X11/extensions/Xrender.h>
# include <X11/extensions/Xcomposite.h>
# include <dlfcn.h>
# endif
# include <X11/Xutil.h>
# include <X11/Xatom.h>
# include <X11/SM/SMlib.h>
# include <fixx11h.h>
# endif
# include <pwd.h>
# ifndef Q_WS_WIN
# include <KDE-ICE/ICElib.h>
# else
typedef void * IceIOErrorHandler ;
# include <windows.h>
//KDE4: remove
# define Button1Mask (1<<8)
# define Button2Mask (1<<9)
# define Button3Mask (1<<10)
# endif
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
# elif defined(Q_WS_QWS)
# endif
# if defined Q_WS_X11
# include <kipc.h>
# endif
# ifdef Q_WS_MACX
# include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
# include <tqimage.h>
# endif
# include "kappdcopiface.h"
// exported for kdm kfrontend
KDE_EXPORT bool kde_have_kipc = true ; // magic hook to disable kipc in kdm
bool kde_kiosk_exception = false ; // flag to disable kiosk restrictions
bool kde_kiosk_admin = false ;
KApplication * KApplication : : KApp = 0L ;
bool KApplication : : loadedByKdeinit = false ;
DCOPClient * KApplication : : s_DCOPClient = 0L ;
bool KApplication : : s_dcopClientNeedsPostInit = false ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
static Atom atom_DesktopWindow ;
static Atom atom_NetSupported ;
# endif
# if defined(Q_WS_X11) && defined(COMPOSITE)
static int composite_event , composite_error , composite_opcode ;
static bool x11_composite_error_generated ;
static int x11_error ( Display * dpy , XErrorEvent * ev ) {
if ( ev - > request_code = = composite_opcode & & ev - > minor_code = = X_CompositeRedirectSubwindows )
x11_composite_error_generated = true ;
return 0 ;
# endif
// duplicated from patched Qt, so that there won't be unresolved symbols if Qt gets
// replaced by unpatched one
KDECORE_EXPORT bool qt_qclipboard_bailout_hack = false ;
template class TQPtrList < KSessionManaged > ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
extern " C " {
static int kde_xio_errhandler ( Display * dpy )
return kapp - > xioErrhandler ( dpy ) ;
static int kde_x_errhandler ( Display * dpy , XErrorEvent * err )
return kapp - > xErrhandler ( dpy , err ) ;
extern " C " {
static void kde_ice_ioerrorhandler ( IceConn conn )
if ( kapp )
kapp - > iceIOErrorHandler ( conn ) ;
// else ignore the error for now
# endif
# ifdef Q_WS_WIN
void KApplication_init_windows ( bool GUIenabled ) ;
class QAssistantClient ;
# endif
Private data to make keeping binary compatibility easier
class KApplicationPrivate
public :
KApplicationPrivate ( )
: actionRestrictions ( false ) ,
refCount ( 1 ) ,
oldIceIOErrorHandler ( 0 ) ,
checkAccelerators ( 0 ) ,
overrideStyle ( TQString : : null ) ,
startup_id ( " 0 " ) ,
app_started_timer ( NULL ) ,
m_KAppDCOPInterface ( 0L ) ,
session_save ( false )
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
, oldXErrorHandler ( NULL )
, oldXIOErrorHandler ( NULL )
# elif defined Q_WS_WIN
, qassistantclient ( 0 )
# endif
~ KApplicationPrivate ( )
# ifdef Q_WS_WIN
delete qassistantclient ;
# endif
bool actionRestrictions : 1 ;
bool guiEnabled : 1 ;
* This counter indicates when to exit the application .
* It starts at 1 , is decremented in KMainWindow when the last window is closed , but
* is incremented by operations that should outlive the last window closed
* ( e . g . a file copy for a file manager , or ' compacting folders on exit ' for a mail client ) .
int refCount ;
IceIOErrorHandler oldIceIOErrorHandler ;
KCheckAccelerators * checkAccelerators ;
TQString overrideStyle ;
TQString geometry_arg ;
TQCString startup_id ;
TQTimer * app_started_timer ;
KAppDCOPInterface * m_KAppDCOPInterface ;
bool session_save ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
int ( * oldXErrorHandler ) ( Display * , XErrorEvent * ) ;
int ( * oldXIOErrorHandler ) ( Display * ) ;
# elif defined Q_WS_WIN
QAssistantClient * qassistantclient ;
# endif
class URLActionRule
public :
# define checkExactMatch(s, b) \
if ( s . isEmpty ( ) ) b = true ; \
else if ( s [ s . length ( ) - 1 ] = = ' ! ' ) \
{ b = false ; s . truncate ( s . length ( ) - 1 ) ; } \
else b = true ;
# define checkStartWildCard(s, b) \
if ( s . isEmpty ( ) ) b = true ; \
else if ( s [ 0 ] = = ' * ' ) \
{ b = true ; s = s . mid ( 1 ) ; } \
else b = false ;
# define checkEqual(s, b) \
b = ( s = = " = " ) ;
URLActionRule ( const TQString & act ,
const TQString & bProt , const TQString & bHost , const TQString & bPath ,
const TQString & dProt , const TQString & dHost , const TQString & dPath ,
bool perm )
: action ( act ) ,
baseProt ( bProt ) , baseHost ( bHost ) , basePath ( bPath ) ,
destProt ( dProt ) , destHost ( dHost ) , destPath ( dPath ) ,
permission ( perm )
checkExactMatch ( baseProt , baseProtWildCard ) ;
checkStartWildCard ( baseHost , baseHostWildCard ) ;
checkExactMatch ( basePath , basePathWildCard ) ;
checkExactMatch ( destProt , destProtWildCard ) ;
checkStartWildCard ( destHost , destHostWildCard ) ;
checkExactMatch ( destPath , destPathWildCard ) ;
checkEqual ( destProt , destProtEqual ) ;
checkEqual ( destHost , destHostEqual ) ;
bool baseMatch ( const KURL & url , const TQString & protClass )
if ( baseProtWildCard )
if ( ! baseProt . isEmpty ( ) & & ! url . protocol ( ) . startsWith ( baseProt ) & &
( protClass . isEmpty ( ) | | ( protClass ! = baseProt ) ) )
return false ;
if ( ( url . protocol ( ) ! = baseProt ) & &
( protClass . isEmpty ( ) | | ( protClass ! = baseProt ) ) )
return false ;
if ( baseHostWildCard )
if ( ! baseHost . isEmpty ( ) & & ! url . host ( ) . endsWith ( baseHost ) )
return false ;
if ( url . host ( ) ! = baseHost )
return false ;
if ( basePathWildCard )
if ( ! basePath . isEmpty ( ) & & ! url . path ( ) . startsWith ( basePath ) )
return false ;
if ( url . path ( ) ! = basePath )
return false ;
return true ;
bool destMatch ( const KURL & url , const TQString & protClass , const KURL & base , const TQString & baseClass )
if ( destProtEqual )
if ( ( url . protocol ( ) ! = base . protocol ( ) ) & &
( protClass . isEmpty ( ) | | baseClass . isEmpty ( ) | | protClass ! = baseClass ) )
return false ;
else if ( destProtWildCard )
if ( ! destProt . isEmpty ( ) & & ! url . protocol ( ) . startsWith ( destProt ) & &
( protClass . isEmpty ( ) | | ( protClass ! = destProt ) ) )
return false ;
if ( ( url . protocol ( ) ! = destProt ) & &
( protClass . isEmpty ( ) | | ( protClass ! = destProt ) ) )
return false ;
if ( destHostWildCard )
if ( ! destHost . isEmpty ( ) & & ! url . host ( ) . endsWith ( destHost ) )
return false ;
else if ( destHostEqual )
if ( url . host ( ) ! = base . host ( ) )
return false ;
if ( url . host ( ) ! = destHost )
return false ;
if ( destPathWildCard )
if ( ! destPath . isEmpty ( ) & & ! url . path ( ) . startsWith ( destPath ) )
return false ;
if ( url . path ( ) ! = destPath )
return false ;
return true ;
TQString action ;
TQString baseProt ;
TQString baseHost ;
TQString basePath ;
TQString destProt ;
TQString destHost ;
TQString destPath ;
bool baseProtWildCard : 1 ;
bool baseHostWildCard : 1 ;
bool basePathWildCard : 1 ;
bool destProtWildCard : 1 ;
bool destHostWildCard : 1 ;
bool destPathWildCard : 1 ;
bool destProtEqual : 1 ;
bool destHostEqual : 1 ;
bool permission ;
} ;
TQPtrList < URLActionRule > urlActionRestrictions ;
TQString sessionKey ;
TQString pSessionConfigFile ;
} ;
static TQPtrList < TQWidget > * x11Filter = 0 ;
static bool autoDcopRegistration = true ;
void KApplication : : installX11EventFilter ( TQWidget * filter )
if ( ! filter )
return ;
if ( ! x11Filter )
x11Filter = new TQPtrList < TQWidget > ;
connect ( filter , TQT_SIGNAL ( destroyed ( ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( x11FilterDestroyed ( ) ) ) ;
x11Filter - > append ( filter ) ;
void KApplication : : x11FilterDestroyed ( )
removeX11EventFilter ( static_cast < const TQWidget * > ( sender ( ) ) ) ;
void KApplication : : removeX11EventFilter ( const TQWidget * filter )
if ( ! x11Filter | | ! filter )
return ;
x11Filter - > removeRef ( filter ) ;
if ( x11Filter - > isEmpty ( ) ) {
delete x11Filter ;
x11Filter = 0 ;
// FIXME: remove this when we've get a better method of
// customizing accelerator handling -- hopefully in Qt.
// For now, this is set whenever an accelerator is overridden
// in KAccelEventHandler so that the AccelOverride isn't sent twice. -- ellis, 19/10/02
extern bool kde_g_bKillAccelOverride ;
bool KApplication : : notify ( TQObject * receiver , TQEvent * event )
TQEvent : : Type t = event - > type ( ) ;
if ( kde_g_bKillAccelOverride )
kde_g_bKillAccelOverride = false ;
// Indicate that the accelerator has been overridden.
if ( t = = TQEvent : : AccelOverride )
TQT_TQKEYEVENT ( event ) - > accept ( ) ;
return true ;
kdWarning ( 125 ) < < " kde_g_bKillAccelOverride set, but received an event other than AccelOverride. " < < endl ;
if ( ( t = = TQEvent : : AccelOverride ) | | ( t = = TQEvent : : KeyPress ) )
static const KShortcut & _selectAll = KStdAccel : : selectAll ( ) ;
TQLineEdit * edit = : : tqqt_cast < TQLineEdit * > ( receiver ) ;
if ( edit )
// We have a keypress for a lineedit...
TQKeyEvent * kevent = TQT_TQKEYEVENT ( event ) ;
KKey key ( kevent ) ;
if ( _selectAll . contains ( key ) )
if ( t = = TQEvent : : KeyPress )
edit - > selectAll ( ) ;
return true ;
kevent - > accept ( ) ;
// Ctrl-U deletes from start of line.
if ( key = = KKey ( Qt : : CTRL + Qt : : Key_U ) )
if ( t = = TQEvent : : KeyPress )
if ( ! edit - > isReadOnly ( ) )
TQString t ( edit - > text ( ) ) ;
t = t . mid ( edit - > cursorPosition ( ) ) ;
edit - > validateAndSet ( t , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
return true ;
kevent - > accept ( ) ;
TQTextEdit * medit = : : tqqt_cast < TQTextEdit * > ( receiver ) ;
if ( medit )
// We have a keypress for a multilineedit...
TQKeyEvent * kevent = TQT_TQKEYEVENT ( event ) ;
if ( _selectAll . contains ( KKey ( kevent ) ) )
if ( t = = TQEvent : : KeyPress )
medit - > selectAll ( ) ;
return true ;
kevent - > accept ( ) ;
if ( t = = TQEvent : : Show & & receiver - > isWidgetType ( ) )
TQWidget * w = TQT_TQWIDGET ( receiver ) ;
# if defined Q_WS_X11
if ( w - > isTopLevel ( ) & & ! startupId ( ) . isEmpty ( ) & & ! TQT_TQSHOWEVENT ( event ) - > spontaneous ( ) ) // TODO better done using window group leader?
KStartupInfo : : setWindowStartupId ( w - > winId ( ) , startupId ( ) ) ;
# endif
if ( w - > isTopLevel ( ) & & ! w - > testWFlags ( WX11BypassWM ) & & ! w - > isPopup ( ) & & ! event - > spontaneous ( ) )
if ( d - > app_started_timer = = NULL )
d - > app_started_timer = new TQTimer ( this , " app_started_timer " ) ;
connect ( d - > app_started_timer , TQT_SIGNAL ( timeout ( ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( checkAppStartedSlot ( ) ) ) ;
if ( ! d - > app_started_timer - > isActive ( ) )
d - > app_started_timer - > start ( 0 , true ) ;
if ( w - > isTopLevel ( ) & & ( w - > icon ( ) = = NULL | | w - > icon ( ) - > isNull ( ) ) )
// icon() cannot be null pixmap, it'll be the "unknown" icon - so check if there is this application icon
static TQPixmap * ic = NULL ;
if ( ic = = NULL )
ic = new TQPixmap ( KGlobal : : iconLoader ( ) - > loadIcon ( iconName ( ) ,
KIcon : : NoGroup , 0 , KIcon : : DefaultState , NULL , true ) ) ;
if ( ! ic - > isNull ( ) )
w - > setIcon ( * ic ) ;
# if defined Q_WS_X11
KWin : : setIcons ( w - > winId ( ) , * ic , miniIcon ( ) ) ;
# endif
return TQApplication : : notify ( receiver , event ) ;
void KApplication : : checkAppStartedSlot ( )
# if defined Q_WS_X11
KStartupInfo : : handleAutoAppStartedSending ( ) ;
# endif
// the help class for session management communication
static TQPtrList < KSessionManaged > * sessionClients ( )
static TQPtrList < KSessionManaged > * session_clients = 0L ;
if ( ! session_clients )
session_clients = new TQPtrList < KSessionManaged > ;
return session_clients ;
Auxiliary function to calculate a a session config name used for the
instance specific config object .
Syntax : " session/<appname>_<sessionId> "
TQString KApplication : : sessionConfigName ( ) const
TQString sessKey = sessionKey ( ) ;
if ( sessKey . isEmpty ( ) & & ! d - > sessionKey . isEmpty ( ) )
sessKey = d - > sessionKey ;
return TQString ( " session/%1_%2_%3 " ) . arg ( name ( ) ) . arg ( sessionId ( ) ) . arg ( sessKey ) ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
static SmcConn mySmcConnection = 0 ;
static SmcConn tmpSmcConnection = 0 ;
# else
// FIXME(E): Implement for Qt Embedded
// Possibly "steal" XFree86's libSM?
# endif
static TQTime * smModificationTime = 0 ;
KApplication : : KApplication ( int & argc , char * * argv , const TQCString & rAppName ,
bool allowStyles , bool GUIenabled ) :
TQApplication ( argc , argv , GUIenabled ) , KInstance ( rAppName ) ,
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
display ( 0L ) ,
argb_visual ( false ) ,
# endif
d ( new KApplicationPrivate ( ) )
aIconPixmap . pm . icon = 0L ;
aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon = 0L ;
read_app_startup_id ( ) ;
if ( ! GUIenabled )
allowStyles = false ;
useStyles = allowStyles ;
Q_ASSERT ( ! rAppName . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
setName ( rAppName ) ;
installSigpipeHandler ( ) ;
KCmdLineArgs : : initIgnore ( argc , argv , rAppName . data ( ) ) ;
parseCommandLine ( ) ;
init ( GUIenabled ) ;
d - > m_KAppDCOPInterface = new KAppDCOPInterface ( this ) ;
KApplication : : KApplication ( bool allowStyles , bool GUIenabled ) :
TQApplication ( * KCmdLineArgs : : qt_argc ( ) , * KCmdLineArgs : : qt_argv ( ) , TRUE ) , // Qt4 requires that there always be a GUI
KInstance ( KCmdLineArgs : : about ) ,
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
display ( 0L ) ,
argb_visual ( false ) ,
# endif
d ( new KApplicationPrivate )
aIconPixmap . pm . icon = 0L ;
aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon = 0L ;
read_app_startup_id ( ) ;
if ( ! GUIenabled )
allowStyles = false ;
useStyles = allowStyles ;
setName ( instanceName ( ) ) ;
installSigpipeHandler ( ) ;
parseCommandLine ( ) ;
init ( GUIenabled ) ;
d - > m_KAppDCOPInterface = new KAppDCOPInterface ( this ) ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
KApplication : : KApplication ( Display * dpy , bool allowStyles ) :
TQApplication ( dpy , * KCmdLineArgs : : qt_argc ( ) , * KCmdLineArgs : : qt_argv ( ) ,
getX11RGBAVisual ( dpy ) , getX11RGBAColormap ( dpy ) ) ,
KInstance ( KCmdLineArgs : : about ) , display ( 0L ) , d ( new KApplicationPrivate )
aIconPixmap . pm . icon = 0L ;
aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon = 0L ;
read_app_startup_id ( ) ;
useStyles = allowStyles ;
setName ( instanceName ( ) ) ;
installSigpipeHandler ( ) ;
parseCommandLine ( ) ;
init ( true ) ;
d - > m_KAppDCOPInterface = new KAppDCOPInterface ( this ) ;
KApplication : : KApplication ( Display * dpy , bool disable_argb , Qt : : HANDLE visual , Qt : : HANDLE colormap , bool allowStyles ) :
TQApplication ( dpy , * KCmdLineArgs : : qt_argc ( ) , * KCmdLineArgs : : qt_argv ( ) ,
disable_argb ? visual : getX11RGBAVisual ( dpy ) , disable_argb ? colormap : getX11RGBAColormap ( dpy ) ) ,
KInstance ( KCmdLineArgs : : about ) , display ( 0L ) , d ( new KApplicationPrivate )
aIconPixmap . pm . icon = 0L ;
aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon = 0L ;
read_app_startup_id ( ) ;
useStyles = allowStyles ;
if ( disable_argb ) argb_visual = false ;
setName ( instanceName ( ) ) ;
installSigpipeHandler ( ) ;
parseCommandLine ( ) ;
init ( true ) ;
d - > m_KAppDCOPInterface = new KAppDCOPInterface ( this ) ;
KApplication : : KApplication ( Display * dpy , Qt : : HANDLE visual , Qt : : HANDLE colormap ,
bool allowStyles ) :
TQApplication ( dpy , * KCmdLineArgs : : qt_argc ( ) , * KCmdLineArgs : : qt_argv ( ) ,
visual ? visual : getX11RGBAVisual ( dpy ) , colormap ? colormap : getX11RGBAColormap ( dpy ) ) ,
KInstance ( KCmdLineArgs : : about ) , display ( 0L ) , d ( new KApplicationPrivate )
if ( ( visual ) & & ( colormap ) )
getX11RGBAInformation ( dpy ) ;
aIconPixmap . pm . icon = 0L ;
aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon = 0L ;
read_app_startup_id ( ) ;
useStyles = allowStyles ;
setName ( instanceName ( ) ) ;
installSigpipeHandler ( ) ;
parseCommandLine ( ) ;
init ( true ) ;
d - > m_KAppDCOPInterface = new KAppDCOPInterface ( this ) ;
KApplication : : KApplication ( Display * dpy , Qt : : HANDLE visual , Qt : : HANDLE colormap ,
bool allowStyles , KInstance * _instance ) :
TQApplication ( dpy , * KCmdLineArgs : : qt_argc ( ) , * KCmdLineArgs : : qt_argv ( ) ,
visual ? visual : getX11RGBAVisual ( dpy ) , colormap ? colormap : getX11RGBAColormap ( dpy ) ) ,
KInstance ( _instance ) , display ( 0L ) , d ( new KApplicationPrivate )
if ( ( visual ) & & ( colormap ) )
getX11RGBAInformation ( dpy ) ;
aIconPixmap . pm . icon = 0L ;
aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon = 0L ;
read_app_startup_id ( ) ;
useStyles = allowStyles ;
setName ( instanceName ( ) ) ;
installSigpipeHandler ( ) ;
parseCommandLine ( ) ;
init ( true ) ;
d - > m_KAppDCOPInterface = new KAppDCOPInterface ( this ) ;
# endif
KApplication : : KApplication ( bool allowStyles , bool GUIenabled , KInstance * _instance ) :
TQApplication ( * KCmdLineArgs : : qt_argc ( ) , * KCmdLineArgs : : qt_argv ( ) ,
GUIenabled ) ,
KInstance ( _instance ) ,
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
display ( 0L ) ,
# endif
argb_visual ( false ) ,
d ( new KApplicationPrivate )
aIconPixmap . pm . icon = 0L ;
aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon = 0L ;
read_app_startup_id ( ) ;
if ( ! GUIenabled )
allowStyles = false ;
useStyles = allowStyles ;
setName ( instanceName ( ) ) ;
installSigpipeHandler ( ) ;
parseCommandLine ( ) ;
init ( GUIenabled ) ;
d - > m_KAppDCOPInterface = new KAppDCOPInterface ( this ) ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
KApplication : : KApplication ( Display * display , int & argc , char * * argv , const TQCString & rAppName ,
bool allowStyles , bool GUIenabled ) :
TQApplication ( display ) , KInstance ( rAppName ) ,
display ( 0L ) ,
argb_visual ( false ) ,
d ( new KApplicationPrivate ( ) )
aIconPixmap . pm . icon = 0L ;
aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon = 0L ;
read_app_startup_id ( ) ;
if ( ! GUIenabled )
allowStyles = false ;
useStyles = allowStyles ;
Q_ASSERT ( ! rAppName . isEmpty ( ) ) ;
setName ( rAppName ) ;
installSigpipeHandler ( ) ;
KCmdLineArgs : : initIgnore ( argc , argv , rAppName . data ( ) ) ;
parseCommandLine ( ) ;
init ( GUIenabled ) ;
d - > m_KAppDCOPInterface = new KAppDCOPInterface ( this ) ;
# endif
int KApplication : : xioErrhandler ( Display * dpy )
if ( kapp )
emit shutDown ( ) ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
d - > oldXIOErrorHandler ( dpy ) ;
# else
Q_UNUSED ( dpy ) ;
# endif
exit ( 1 ) ;
return 0 ;
int KApplication : : xErrhandler ( Display * dpy , void * err_ )
{ // no idea how to make forward decl. for XErrorEvent
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
XErrorEvent * err = static_cast < XErrorEvent * > ( err_ ) ;
if ( kapp )
// add KDE specific stuff here
d - > oldXErrorHandler ( dpy , err ) ;
# endif
return 0 ;
void KApplication : : iceIOErrorHandler ( _IceConn * conn )
emit shutDown ( ) ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
if ( d - > oldIceIOErrorHandler ! = NULL )
( * d - > oldIceIOErrorHandler ) ( conn ) ;
# endif
exit ( 1 ) ;
class KDETranslator : public TQTranslator
public :
KDETranslator ( TQObject * parent ) : TQTranslator ( parent , " kdetranslator " ) { }
virtual TQTranslatorMessage findMessage ( const char * context ,
const char * sourceText ,
const char * message ) const
TQTranslatorMessage res ;
res . setTranslation ( KGlobal : : locale ( ) - > translateQt ( context , sourceText , message ) ) ;
return res ;
} ;
void KApplication : : init ( bool GUIenabled )
d - > guiEnabled = GUIenabled ;
if ( ( getuid ( ) ! = geteuid ( ) ) | |
( getgid ( ) ! = getegid ( ) ) )
// man permissions are not exploitable and better than
// world writable directories
struct group * man = getgrnam ( " man " ) ;
if ( ! man | | man - > gr_gid ! = getegid ( ) ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " The KDE libraries are not designed to run with suid privileges. \n " ) ;
: : exit ( 127 ) ;
KProcessController : : ref ( ) ;
( void ) KClipboardSynchronizer : : self ( ) ;
TQApplication : : setDesktopSettingsAware ( false ) ;
KApp = this ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11 //FIXME(E)
// create all required atoms in _one_ roundtrip to the X server
if ( GUIenabled ) {
const int max = 20 ;
Atom * atoms [ max ] ;
char * names [ max ] ;
Atom atoms_return [ max ] ;
int n = 0 ;
atoms [ n ] = & kipcCommAtom ;
names [ n + + ] = ( char * ) " KIPC_COMM_ATOM " ;
atoms [ n ] = & atom_DesktopWindow ;
names [ n + + ] = ( char * ) " KDE_DESKTOP_WINDOW " ;
atoms [ n ] = & atom_NetSupported ;
names [ n + + ] = ( char * ) " _NET_SUPPORTED " ;
XInternAtoms ( qt_xdisplay ( ) , names , n , false , atoms_return ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i + + )
* atoms [ i ] = atoms_return [ i ] ;
# endif
dcopAutoRegistration ( ) ;
dcopClientPostInit ( ) ;
smw = 0 ;
// Initial KIPC event mask.
# if defined Q_WS_X11
kipcEventMask = ( 1 < < KIPC : : StyleChanged ) | ( 1 < < KIPC : : PaletteChanged ) |
( 1 < < KIPC : : FontChanged ) | ( 1 < < KIPC : : BackgroundChanged ) |
( 1 < < KIPC : : ToolbarStyleChanged ) | ( 1 < < KIPC : : SettingsChanged ) |
( 1 < < KIPC : : ClipboardConfigChanged ) | ( 1 < < KIPC : : BlockShortcuts ) ;
# endif
// Trigger creation of locale.
( void ) KGlobal : : locale ( ) ;
KConfig * config = KGlobal : : config ( ) ;
d - > actionRestrictions = config - > hasGroup ( " KDE Action Restrictions " ) & & ! kde_kiosk_exception ;
// For brain-dead configurations where the user's local config file is not writable.
// * We use kdialog to warn the user, so we better not generate warnings from
// kdialog itself.
// * Don't warn if we run with a read-only $HOME
TQCString readOnly = getenv ( " KDE_HOME_READONLY " ) ;
if ( readOnly . isEmpty ( ) & & ( tqstrcmp ( name ( ) , " kdialog " ) ! = 0 ) )
KConfigGroupSaver saver ( config , " KDE Action Restrictions " ) ;
if ( config - > readBoolEntry ( " warn_unwritable_config " , true ) )
config - > checkConfigFilesWritable ( true ) ;
if ( GUIenabled )
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
// this is important since we fork() to launch the help (Matthias)
fcntl ( ConnectionNumber ( qt_xdisplay ( ) ) , F_SETFD , FD_CLOEXEC ) ;
// set up the fancy (=robust and error ignoring ) KDE xio error handlers (Matthias)
d - > oldXErrorHandler = XSetErrorHandler ( kde_x_errhandler ) ;
d - > oldXIOErrorHandler = XSetIOErrorHandler ( kde_xio_errhandler ) ;
# endif
connect ( this , TQT_SIGNAL ( aboutToQuit ( ) ) , this , TQT_SIGNAL ( shutDown ( ) ) ) ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11 //FIXME(E)
display = desktop ( ) - > x11Display ( ) ;
# endif
TQStringList plugins = KGlobal : : dirs ( ) - > resourceDirs ( " qtplugins " ) ;
TQStringList : : Iterator it = plugins . begin ( ) ;
while ( it ! = plugins . end ( ) ) {
addLibraryPath ( * it ) ;
+ + it ;
kdisplaySetStyle ( ) ;
kdisplaySetFont ( ) ;
// kdisplaySetPalette(); done by kdisplaySetStyle
propagateSettings ( SETTINGS_QT ) ;
// Set default mime-source factory
// XXX: This is a hack. Make our factory the default factory, but add the
// previous default factory to the list of factories. Why? When the default
// factory can't resolve something, it iterates in the list of factories.
// But it TQWhatsThis only uses the default factory. So if there was already
// a default factory (which happens when using an image library using uic),
// we prefer KDE's factory and so we put that old default factory in the
// list and use KDE as the default. This may speed up things as well.
TQMimeSourceFactory * oldDefaultFactory = TQMimeSourceFactory : : takeDefaultFactory ( ) ;
TQMimeSourceFactory : : setDefaultFactory ( mimeSourceFactory ( ) ) ;
if ( oldDefaultFactory ) {
TQMimeSourceFactory : : addFactory ( oldDefaultFactory ) ;
d - > checkAccelerators = new KCheckAccelerators ( TQT_TQOBJECT ( this ) ) ;
# ifdef Q_WS_MACX
if ( GUIenabled ) {
TQPixmap pixmap = KGlobal : : iconLoader ( ) - > loadIcon ( KCmdLineArgs : : appName ( ) ,
KIcon : : NoGroup , KIcon : : SizeLarge , KIcon : : DefaultState , 0L , false ) ;
if ( ! pixmap . isNull ( ) ) {
TQImage i = pixmap . convertToImage ( ) . convertDepth ( 32 ) . smoothScale ( 40 , 40 ) ;
for ( int y = 0 ; y < i . height ( ) ; y + + ) {
uchar * l = i . scanLine ( y ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < i . width ( ) ; x + = 4 )
* ( l + x ) = 255 ;
CGColorSpaceRef cs = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB ( ) ;
CGDataProviderRef dp = CGDataProviderCreateWithData ( NULL ,
i . bits ( ) , i . numBytes ( ) , NULL ) ;
CGImageRef ir = CGImageCreate ( i . width ( ) , i . height ( ) , 8 , 32 , i . bytesPerLine ( ) ,
cs , kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst , dp ,
0 , 0 , kCGRenderingIntentDefault ) ;
SetApplicationDockTileImage ( ir ) ;
CGImageRelease ( ir ) ;
CGColorSpaceRelease ( cs ) ;
CGDataProviderRelease ( dp ) ;
# endif
// save and restore the RTL setting, as installTranslator calls qt_detectRTLLanguage,
// which makes it impossible to use the -reverse cmdline switch with KDE apps
bool rtl = reverseLayout ( ) ;
installTranslator ( new KDETranslator ( TQT_TQOBJECT ( this ) ) ) ;
setReverseLayout ( rtl ) ;
if ( i18n ( " _: Dear Translator! Translate this string to the string 'LTR' in "
" left-to-right languages (as english) or to 'RTL' in right-to-left "
" languages (such as Hebrew and Arabic) to get proper widget layout. " ) = = " RTL " )
setReverseLayout ( ! rtl ) ;
// install appdata resource type
KGlobal : : dirs ( ) - > addResourceType ( " appdata " , KStandardDirs : : kde_default ( " data " )
+ TQString : : fromLatin1 ( name ( ) ) + ' / ' ) ;
pSessionConfig = 0L ;
bSessionManagement = true ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
// register a communication window for desktop changes (Matthias)
if ( GUIenabled & & kde_have_kipc )
smw = new TQWidget ( 0 , 0 ) ;
long data = 1 ;
XChangeProperty ( qt_xdisplay ( ) , smw - > winId ( ) ,
atom_DesktopWindow , atom_DesktopWindow ,
32 , PropModeReplace , ( unsigned char * ) & data , 1 ) ;
d - > oldIceIOErrorHandler = IceSetIOErrorHandler ( kde_ice_ioerrorhandler ) ;
# elif defined(Q_WS_WIN)
KApplication_init_windows ( GUIenabled ) ;
# else
// FIXME(E): Implement for Qt Embedded
# endif
static int my_system ( const char * command ) {
int pid , status ;
pid = fork ( ) ;
if ( pid = = - 1 )
return - 1 ;
if ( pid = = 0 ) {
const char * shell = " /bin/sh " ;
execl ( shell , shell , " -c " , command , ( void * ) 0 ) ;
: : _exit ( 127 ) ;
do {
if ( waitpid ( pid , & status , 0 ) = = - 1 ) {
if ( errno ! = EINTR )
return - 1 ;
} else
return status ;
} while ( 1 ) ;
DCOPClient * KApplication : : dcopClient ( )
if ( s_DCOPClient )
return s_DCOPClient ;
s_DCOPClient = new DCOPClient ( ) ;
KCmdLineArgs * args = KCmdLineArgs : : parsedArgs ( " kde " ) ;
if ( args & & args - > isSet ( " dcopserver " ) )
s_DCOPClient - > setServerAddress ( args - > getOption ( " dcopserver " ) ) ;
if ( kapp ) {
connect ( s_DCOPClient , TQT_SIGNAL ( attachFailed ( const TQString & ) ) ,
kapp , TQT_SLOT ( dcopFailure ( const TQString & ) ) ) ;
connect ( s_DCOPClient , TQT_SIGNAL ( blockUserInput ( bool ) ) ,
kapp , TQT_SLOT ( dcopBlockUserInput ( bool ) ) ) ;
s_dcopClientNeedsPostInit = true ;
DCOPClient : : setMainClient ( s_DCOPClient ) ;
return s_DCOPClient ;
void KApplication : : dcopClientPostInit ( )
if ( s_dcopClientNeedsPostInit )
s_dcopClientNeedsPostInit = false ;
connect ( s_DCOPClient , TQT_SIGNAL ( blockUserInput ( bool ) ) ,
TQT_SLOT ( dcopBlockUserInput ( bool ) ) ) ;
s_DCOPClient - > bindToApp ( ) ; // Make sure we get events from the DCOPClient.
void KApplication : : dcopAutoRegistration ( )
if ( autoDcopRegistration )
( void ) dcopClient ( ) ;
if ( dcopClient ( ) - > appId ( ) . isEmpty ( ) )
dcopClient ( ) - > registerAs ( name ( ) ) ;
void KApplication : : disableAutoDcopRegistration ( )
autoDcopRegistration = false ;
KConfig * KApplication : : sessionConfig ( )
if ( pSessionConfig )
return pSessionConfig ;
// create an instance specific config object
pSessionConfig = new KConfig ( sessionConfigName ( ) , false , false ) ;
return pSessionConfig ;
void KApplication : : ref ( )
d - > refCount + + ;
//kdDebug() << "[kdecore-kapplication] KApplication::ref() : refCount = " << d->refCount << endl;
void KApplication : : deref ( )
d - > refCount - - ;
//kdDebug() << "[kdecore-kapplication] KApplication::deref() : refCount = " << d->refCount << endl;
if ( d - > refCount < = 0 )
quit ( ) ;
KSessionManaged : : KSessionManaged ( )
sessionClients ( ) - > remove ( this ) ;
sessionClients ( ) - > append ( this ) ;
KSessionManaged : : ~ KSessionManaged ( )
sessionClients ( ) - > remove ( this ) ;
bool KSessionManaged : : saveState ( TQSessionManager & )
return true ;
bool KSessionManaged : : commitData ( TQSessionManager & )
return true ;
void KApplication : : disableSessionManagement ( ) {
bSessionManagement = false ;
void KApplication : : enableSessionManagement ( ) {
bSessionManagement = true ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
// Session management support in Qt/KDE is awfully broken.
// If konqueror disables session management right after its startup,
// and enables it later (preloading stuff), it won't be properly
// saved on session shutdown.
// I'm not actually sure why it doesn't work, but saveState()
// doesn't seem to be called on session shutdown, possibly
// because disabling session management after konqueror startup
// disabled it somehow. Forcing saveState() here for this application
// seems to fix it.
if ( mySmcConnection ) {
SmcRequestSaveYourself ( mySmcConnection , SmSaveLocal , False ,
SmInteractStyleAny ,
False , False ) ;
// flush the request
IceFlush ( SmcGetIceConnection ( mySmcConnection ) ) ;
# endif
bool KApplication : : requestShutDown (
ShutdownConfirm confirm , ShutdownType sdtype , ShutdownMode sdmode )
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
TQApplication : : syncX ( ) ;
/* use ksmserver's dcop interface if necessary */
if ( confirm = = ShutdownConfirmYes | |
sdtype ! = ShutdownTypeDefault | |
sdmode ! = ShutdownModeDefault )
TQByteArray data ;
TQDataStream arg ( data , IO_WriteOnly ) ;
arg < < ( int ) confirm < < ( int ) sdtype < < ( int ) sdmode ;
return dcopClient ( ) - > send ( " ksmserver " , " ksmserver " ,
" logout(int,int,int) " , data ) ;
if ( mySmcConnection ) {
// we already have a connection to the session manager, use it.
SmcRequestSaveYourself ( mySmcConnection , SmSaveBoth , True ,
SmInteractStyleAny ,
confirm = = ShutdownConfirmNo , True ) ;
// flush the request
IceFlush ( SmcGetIceConnection ( mySmcConnection ) ) ;
return true ;
// open a temporary connection, if possible
propagateSessionManager ( ) ;
TQCString smEnv = : : getenv ( " SESSION_MANAGER " ) ;
if ( smEnv . isEmpty ( ) )
return false ;
if ( ! tmpSmcConnection ) {
char cerror [ 256 ] ;
char * myId = 0 ;
char * prevId = 0 ;
SmcCallbacks cb ;
tmpSmcConnection = SmcOpenConnection ( 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 ,
0 , & cb ,
prevId ,
& myId ,
255 ,
cerror ) ;
: : free ( myId ) ; // it was allocated by C
if ( ! tmpSmcConnection )
return false ;
SmcRequestSaveYourself ( tmpSmcConnection , SmSaveBoth , True ,
SmInteractStyleAny , False , True ) ;
// flush the request
IceFlush ( SmcGetIceConnection ( tmpSmcConnection ) ) ;
return true ;
# else
// FIXME(E): Implement for Qt Embedded
return false ;
# endif
void KApplication : : propagateSessionManager ( )
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
TQCString fName = TQFile : : encodeName ( locateLocal ( " socket " , " KSMserver " ) ) ;
TQCString display = : : getenv ( DISPLAY ) ;
// strip the screen number from the display
display . replace ( TQRegExp ( " \\ .[0-9]+$ " ) , " " ) ;
int i ;
while ( ( i = display . find ( ' : ' ) ) > = 0 )
display [ i ] = ' _ ' ;
fName + = " _ " + display ;
TQCString smEnv = : : getenv ( " SESSION_MANAGER " ) ;
bool check = smEnv . isEmpty ( ) ;
if ( ! check & & smModificationTime ) {
TQFileInfo info ( fName ) ;
TQTime current = TQT_TQTIME_OBJECT ( info . lastModified ( ) . time ( ) ) ;
check = current > * smModificationTime ;
if ( check ) {
delete smModificationTime ;
TQFile f ( fName ) ;
if ( ! f . open ( IO_ReadOnly ) )
return ;
TQFileInfo info ( f ) ;
smModificationTime = new TQTime ( TQT_TQTIME_OBJECT ( info . lastModified ( ) . time ( ) ) ) ;
TQTextStream t ( & f ) ;
t . setEncoding ( TQTextStream : : Latin1 ) ;
TQString s = t . readLine ( ) ;
f . close ( ) ;
: : setenv ( " SESSION_MANAGER " , s . latin1 ( ) , true ) ;
# endif
void KApplication : : commitData ( TQSessionManager & sm )
d - > session_save = true ;
bool canceled = false ;
for ( KSessionManaged * it = sessionClients ( ) - > first ( ) ;
it & & ! canceled ;
it = sessionClients ( ) - > next ( ) ) {
canceled = ! it - > commitData ( sm ) ;
if ( canceled )
sm . cancel ( ) ;
if ( sm . allowsInteraction ( ) ) {
TQWidgetList done ;
TQWidgetList * list = TQApplication : : topLevelWidgets ( ) ;
bool canceled = false ;
TQWidget * w = list - > first ( ) ;
while ( ! canceled & & w ) {
if ( ! w - > testWState ( WState_ForceHide ) & & ! w - > inherits ( " KMainWindow " ) ) {
TQCloseEvent e ;
sendEvent ( w , & e ) ;
canceled = ! e . isAccepted ( ) ;
if ( ! canceled )
done . append ( w ) ;
delete list ; // one never knows...
list = TQApplication : : topLevelWidgets ( ) ;
w = list - > first ( ) ;
} else {
w = list - > next ( ) ;
while ( w & & done . containsRef ( w ) )
w = list - > next ( ) ;
delete list ;
if ( ! bSessionManagement )
sm . setRestartHint ( TQSessionManager : : RestartNever ) ;
sm . setRestartHint ( TQSessionManager : : RestartIfRunning ) ;
d - > session_save = false ;
static void checkRestartVersion ( TQSessionManager & sm )
Display * dpy = qt_xdisplay ( ) ;
Atom type ;
int format ;
unsigned long nitems , after ;
unsigned char * data ;
if ( XGetWindowProperty ( dpy , RootWindow ( dpy , 0 ) , XInternAtom ( dpy , " TDE_FULL_SESSION " , False ) ,
0 , 1 , False , AnyPropertyType , & type , & format , & nitems , & after , & data ) = = Success ) {
if ( data ! = NULL )
XFree ( data ) ;
if ( type = = XA_STRING & & format = = 8 ) { // session set, check if KDE_SESSION_VERSION is not set (meaning KDE3)
if ( XGetWindowProperty ( dpy , RootWindow ( dpy , 0 ) , XInternAtom ( dpy , " KDE_SESSION_VERSION " , False ) ,
0 , 1 , False , AnyPropertyType , & type , & format , & nitems , & after , & data ) = = Success ) {
if ( data ! = NULL )
XFree ( data ) ; // KDE4 or newer
if ( type = = None )
return ; // we run in our native session, no need to wrap
} else {
return ; // we run in our native session, no need to wrap
TQString wrapper = KStandardDirs : : findExe ( " trinity " ) ;
TQStringList restartCommand = sm . restartCommand ( ) ;
restartCommand . prepend ( wrapper ) ;
sm . setRestartCommand ( restartCommand ) ;
void KApplication : : saveState ( TQSessionManager & sm )
d - > session_save = true ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
static bool firstTime = true ;
mySmcConnection = ( SmcConn ) sm . handle ( ) ;
if ( ! bSessionManagement ) {
sm . setRestartHint ( TQSessionManager : : RestartNever ) ;
d - > session_save = false ;
return ;
sm . setRestartHint ( TQSessionManager : : RestartIfRunning ) ;
if ( firstTime ) {
firstTime = false ;
d - > session_save = false ;
return ; // no need to save the state.
// remove former session config if still existing, we want a new
// and fresh one. Note that we do not delete the config file here,
// this is done by the session manager when it executes the
// discard commands. In fact it would be harmful to remove the
// file here, as the session might be stored under a different
// name, meaning the user still might need it eventually.
if ( pSessionConfig ) {
delete pSessionConfig ;
pSessionConfig = 0 ;
// tell the session manager about our new lifecycle
TQStringList restartCommand = sm . restartCommand ( ) ;
TQCString multiHead = getenv ( " KDE_MULTIHEAD " ) ;
if ( multiHead . lower ( ) = = " true " ) {
// if multihead is enabled, we save our -display argument so that
// we are restored onto the correct head... one problem with this
// is that the display is hard coded, which means we cannot restore
// to a different display (ie. if we are in a university lab and try,
// try to restore a multihead session, our apps could be started on
// someone else's display instead of our own)
TQCString displayname = getenv ( DISPLAY ) ;
if ( ! displayname . isNull ( ) ) {
// only store the command if we actually have a DISPLAY
// environment variable
restartCommand . append ( " -display " ) ;
restartCommand . append ( displayname ) ;
sm . setRestartCommand ( restartCommand ) ;
checkRestartVersion ( sm ) ;
// finally: do session management
emit saveYourself ( ) ; // for compatibility
bool canceled = false ;
for ( KSessionManaged * it = sessionClients ( ) - > first ( ) ;
it & & ! canceled ;
it = sessionClients ( ) - > next ( ) ) {
canceled = ! it - > saveState ( sm ) ;
// if we created a new session config object, register a proper discard command
if ( pSessionConfig ) {
pSessionConfig - > sync ( ) ;
TQStringList discard ;
discard < < " rm " < < locateLocal ( " config " , sessionConfigName ( ) ) ;
sm . setDiscardCommand ( discard ) ;
} else {
sm . setDiscardCommand ( TQStringList ( " " ) ) ;
if ( canceled )
sm . cancel ( ) ;
# else
// FIXME(E): Implement for Qt Embedded
# endif
d - > session_save = false ;
bool KApplication : : sessionSaving ( ) const
return d - > session_save ;
void KApplication : : startKdeinit ( )
# ifndef Q_WS_WIN //TODO
KInstance inst ( " startkdeinitlock " ) ;
KLockFile lock ( locateLocal ( " tmp " , " startkdeinitlock " , & inst ) ) ;
if ( lock . lock ( KLockFile : : LockNoBlock ) ! = KLockFile : : LockOK ) {
lock . lock ( ) ;
DCOPClient cl ;
if ( cl . attach ( ) )
return ; // whoever held the lock has already started dcopserver
// Try to launch kdeinit.
TQString srv = KStandardDirs : : findExe ( TQString : : fromLatin1 ( " kdeinit " ) ) ;
if ( srv . isEmpty ( ) )
srv = KStandardDirs : : findExe ( TQString : : fromLatin1 ( " kdeinit " ) , KGlobal : : dirs ( ) - > kfsstnd_defaultbindir ( ) ) ;
if ( srv . isEmpty ( ) )
return ;
if ( kapp & & ( Tty ! = kapp - > type ( ) ) )
setOverrideCursor ( tqwaitCursor ) ;
my_system ( TQFile : : encodeName ( srv ) + " --suicide " + " --new-startup " ) ;
if ( kapp & & ( Tty ! = kapp - > type ( ) ) )
restoreOverrideCursor ( ) ;
# endif
void KApplication : : dcopFailure ( const TQString & msg )
static int failureCount = 0 ;
failureCount + + ;
if ( failureCount = = 1 )
startKdeinit ( ) ;
return ;
if ( failureCount = = 2 )
# ifdef Q_WS_WIN
KGlobal : : config ( ) - > setGroup ( " General " ) ;
if ( KGlobal : : config ( ) - > readBoolEntry ( " ignoreDCOPFailures " , false ) )
return ;
# endif
TQString msgStr ( i18n ( " There was an error setting up inter-process "
" communications for KDE. The message returned "
" by the system was: \n \n " ) ) ;
msgStr + = msg ;
msgStr + = i18n ( " \n \n Please check that the \" dcopserver \" program is running! " ) ;
if ( Tty ! = kapp - > type ( ) )
TQMessageBox : : critical
kapp - > mainWidget ( ) ,
i18n ( " DCOP communications error (%1) " ) . arg ( kapp - > caption ( ) ) ,
msgStr ,
i18n ( " &OK " )
) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " %s \n " , msgStr . local8Bit ( ) . data ( ) ) ;
return ;
static const KCmdLineOptions qt_options [ ] =
//FIXME: Check if other options are specific to Qt/X11
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
{ " display <displayname> " , I18N_NOOP ( " Use the X-server display 'displayname' " ) , 0 } ,
# else
{ " display <displayname> " , I18N_NOOP ( " Use the QWS display 'displayname' " ) , 0 } ,
# endif
{ " session <sessionId> " , I18N_NOOP ( " Restore the application for the given 'sessionId' " ) , 0 } ,
{ " cmap " , I18N_NOOP ( " Causes the application to install a private color \n map on an 8-bit display " ) , 0 } ,
{ " ncols <count> " , I18N_NOOP ( " Limits the number of colors allocated in the color \n cube on an 8-bit display, if the application is \n using the TQApplication::ManyColor color \n specification " ) , 0 } ,
{ " nograb " , I18N_NOOP ( " tells Qt to never grab the mouse or the keyboard " ) , 0 } ,
{ " dograb " , I18N_NOOP ( " running under a debugger can cause an implicit \n -nograb, use -dograb to override " ) , 0 } ,
{ " sync " , I18N_NOOP ( " switches to synchronous mode for debugging " ) , 0 } ,
{ " fn " , 0 , 0 } ,
{ " font <fontname> " , I18N_NOOP ( " defines the application font " ) , 0 } ,
{ " bg " , 0 , 0 } ,
{ " background <color> " , I18N_NOOP ( " sets the default background color and an \n application palette (light and dark shades are \n calculated) " ) , 0 } ,
{ " fg " , 0 , 0 } ,
{ " foreground <color> " , I18N_NOOP ( " sets the default foreground color " ) , 0 } ,
{ " btn " , 0 , 0 } ,
{ " button <color> " , I18N_NOOP ( " sets the default button color " ) , 0 } ,
{ " name <name> " , I18N_NOOP ( " sets the application name " ) , 0 } ,
{ " title <title> " , I18N_NOOP ( " sets the application title (caption) " ) , 0 } ,
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
{ " visual TrueColor " , I18N_NOOP ( " forces the application to use a TrueColor visual on \n an 8-bit display " ) , 0 } ,
{ " inputstyle <inputstyle> " , I18N_NOOP ( " sets XIM (X Input Method) input style. Possible \n values are onthespot, overthespot, offthespot and \n root " ) , 0 } ,
{ " im <XIM server> " , I18N_NOOP ( " set XIM server " ) , 0 } ,
{ " noxim " , I18N_NOOP ( " disable XIM " ) , 0 } ,
# endif
# ifdef Q_WS_QWS
{ " qws " , I18N_NOOP ( " forces the application to run as QWS Server " ) , 0 } ,
# endif
{ " reverse " , I18N_NOOP ( " mirrors the whole layout of widgets " ) , 0 } ,
} ;
static const KCmdLineOptions kde_options [ ] =
{ " caption <caption> " , I18N_NOOP ( " Use 'caption' as name in the titlebar " ) , 0 } ,
{ " icon <icon> " , I18N_NOOP ( " Use 'icon' as the application icon " ) , 0 } ,
{ " miniicon <icon> " , I18N_NOOP ( " Use 'icon' as the icon in the titlebar " ) , 0 } ,
{ " config <filename> " , I18N_NOOP ( " Use alternative configuration file " ) , 0 } ,
{ " dcopserver <server> " , I18N_NOOP ( " Use the DCOP Server specified by 'server' " ) , 0 } ,
{ " nocrashhandler " , I18N_NOOP ( " Disable crash handler, to get core dumps " ) , 0 } ,
{ " waitforwm " , I18N_NOOP ( " Waits for a WM_NET compatible windowmanager " ) , 0 } ,
{ " style <style> " , I18N_NOOP ( " sets the application GUI style " ) , 0 } ,
{ " geometry <geometry> " , I18N_NOOP ( " sets the client geometry of the main widget - see man X for the argument format " ) , 0 } ,
{ " smkey <sessionKey> " , 0 , 0 } , // this option is obsolete and exists only to allow smooth upgrades from sessions
// saved under Qt 3.0.x -- Qt 3.1.x includes the session key now automatically in
// the session id (Simon)
} ;
KApplication : : addCmdLineOptions ( )
KCmdLineArgs : : addCmdLineOptions ( qt_options , " Qt " , " qt " ) ;
KCmdLineArgs : : addCmdLineOptions ( kde_options , " KDE " , " kde " ) ;
void KApplication : : parseCommandLine ( )
KCmdLineArgs * args = KCmdLineArgs : : parsedArgs ( " kde " ) ;
if ( ! args ) return ;
if ( args - > isSet ( " config " ) )
TQString config = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( args - > getOption ( " config " ) ) ;
setConfigName ( config ) ;
if ( args - > isSet ( " style " ) )
TQStringList plugins = KGlobal : : dirs ( ) - > resourceDirs ( " qtplugins " ) ;
TQStringList : : Iterator itp = plugins . begin ( ) ;
while ( itp ! = plugins . end ( ) ) {
addLibraryPath ( * itp ) ;
+ + itp ;
TQStringList styles = TQStyleFactory : : keys ( ) ;
TQString reqStyle ( args - > getOption ( " style " ) . lower ( ) ) ;
TQStringList list = libraryPaths ( ) ;
TQStringList : : Iterator it = list . begin ( ) ;
while ( it ! = list . end ( ) ) {
+ + it ;
for ( TQStringList : : ConstIterator it = styles . begin ( ) ; it ! = styles . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
if ( ( * it ) . lower ( ) = = reqStyle )
d - > overrideStyle = * it ;
break ;
if ( d - > overrideStyle . isEmpty ( ) )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s " , TQString ( i18n ( " The style %1 was not found \n " ) . arg ( reqStyle ) ) . local8Bit ( ) . data ( ) ) ;
if ( args - > isSet ( " caption " ) )
aCaption = TQString : : fromLocal8Bit ( args - > getOption ( " caption " ) ) ;
if ( args - > isSet ( " miniicon " ) )
const char * tmp = args - > getOption ( " miniicon " ) ;
if ( ! aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon ) {
aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon = new TQPixmap ;
* aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon = SmallIcon ( tmp ) ;
aMiniIconName = tmp ;
if ( args - > isSet ( " icon " ) )
const char * tmp = args - > getOption ( " icon " ) ;
if ( ! aIconPixmap . pm . icon ) {
aIconPixmap . pm . icon = new TQPixmap ;
* aIconPixmap . pm . icon = DesktopIcon ( tmp ) ;
aIconName = tmp ;
if ( ! aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon ) {
aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon = new TQPixmap ;
if ( aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon - > isNull ( ) )
* aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon = SmallIcon ( tmp ) ;
aMiniIconName = tmp ;
bool nocrashhandler = ( getenv ( " KDE_DEBUG " ) ! = NULL ) ;
if ( ! nocrashhandler & & args - > isSet ( " crashhandler " ) )
// set default crash handler / set emergency save function to nothing
KCrash : : setCrashHandler ( KCrash : : defaultCrashHandler ) ;
KCrash : : setEmergencySaveFunction ( NULL ) ;
KCrash : : setApplicationName ( TQString ( args - > appName ( ) ) ) ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
if ( args - > isSet ( " waitforwm " ) ) {
Atom type ;
( void ) desktop ( ) ; // trigger desktop creation, we need PropertyNotify events for the root window
int format ;
unsigned long length , after ;
unsigned char * data ;
while ( XGetWindowProperty ( qt_xdisplay ( ) , qt_xrootwin ( ) , atom_NetSupported ,
0 , 1 , false , AnyPropertyType , & type , & format ,
& length , & after , & data ) ! = Success | | ! length ) {
if ( data )
XFree ( data ) ;
XEvent event ;
XWindowEvent ( qt_xdisplay ( ) , qt_xrootwin ( ) , PropertyChangeMask , & event ) ;
if ( data )
XFree ( data ) ;
# else
// FIXME(E): Implement for Qt Embedded
# endif
if ( args - > isSet ( " geometry " ) )
d - > geometry_arg = args - > getOption ( " geometry " ) ;
if ( args - > isSet ( " smkey " ) )
d - > sessionKey = args - > getOption ( " smkey " ) ;
TQString KApplication : : geometryArgument ( ) const
return d - > geometry_arg ;
TQPixmap KApplication : : icon ( ) const
if ( ! aIconPixmap . pm . icon ) {
aIconPixmap . pm . icon = new TQPixmap ;
if ( aIconPixmap . pm . icon - > isNull ( ) ) {
* aIconPixmap . pm . icon = DesktopIcon ( instanceName ( ) ) ;
return * aIconPixmap . pm . icon ;
TQString KApplication : : iconName ( ) const
return aIconName . isNull ( ) ? ( TQString ) instanceName ( ) : aIconName ;
TQPixmap KApplication : : miniIcon ( ) const
if ( ! aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon ) {
aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon = new TQPixmap ;
if ( aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon - > isNull ( ) ) {
* aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon = SmallIcon ( instanceName ( ) ) ;
return * aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon ;
TQString KApplication : : miniIconName ( ) const
return aMiniIconName . isNull ( ) ? ( TQString ) instanceName ( ) : aMiniIconName ;
extern void kDebugCleanup ( ) ;
KApplication : : ~ KApplication ( )
delete aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon ;
aIconPixmap . pm . miniIcon = 0L ;
delete aIconPixmap . pm . icon ;
aIconPixmap . pm . icon = 0L ;
delete d - > m_KAppDCOPInterface ;
// First call the static deleters and then call KLibLoader::cleanup()
// The static deleters may delete libraries for which they need KLibLoader.
// KLibLoader will take care of the remaining ones.
KGlobal : : deleteStaticDeleters ( ) ;
KLibLoader : : cleanUp ( ) ;
delete smw ;
// close down IPC
delete s_DCOPClient ;
s_DCOPClient = 0L ;
KProcessController : : deref ( ) ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
if ( d - > oldXErrorHandler ! = NULL )
XSetErrorHandler ( d - > oldXErrorHandler ) ;
if ( d - > oldXIOErrorHandler ! = NULL )
XSetIOErrorHandler ( d - > oldXIOErrorHandler ) ;
if ( d - > oldIceIOErrorHandler ! = NULL )
IceSetIOErrorHandler ( d - > oldIceIOErrorHandler ) ;
# endif
delete d ;
KApp = 0 ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
mySmcConnection = 0 ;
delete smModificationTime ;
smModificationTime = 0 ;
// close the temporary smc connection
if ( tmpSmcConnection ) {
SmcCloseConnection ( tmpSmcConnection , 0 , 0 ) ;
tmpSmcConnection = 0 ;
# else
// FIXME(E): Implement for Qt Embedded
# endif
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
class KAppX11HackWidget : public QWidget
public :
bool publicx11Event ( XEvent * e ) { return x11Event ( e ) ; }
} ;
# endif
# if defined(Q_WS_X11) && defined(COMPOSITE)
bool KApplication : : isCompositionManagerAvailable ( ) {
bool have_manager = false ;
const char * home ;
struct passwd * p ;
p = getpwuid ( getuid ( ) ) ;
if ( p )
home = p - > pw_dir ;
home = getenv ( " HOME " ) ;
char * filename ;
const char * configfile = " /.kompmgr.available " ;
int n = strlen ( home ) + strlen ( configfile ) + 1 ;
filename = ( char * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
memset ( filename , 0 , n ) ;
strcat ( filename , home ) ;
strcat ( filename , configfile ) ;
// Now that we did all that by way of introduction...read the file!
FILE * pFile ;
pFile = fopen ( filename , " r " ) ;
if ( pFile ) {
have_manager = true ;
fclose ( pFile ) ;
free ( filename ) ;
filename = NULL ;
return have_manager ;
bool KApplication : : detectCompositionManagerAvailable ( bool force_available , bool available ) {
bool compositing_manager_available ;
if ( force_available ) {
compositing_manager_available = available ;
else {
// See if compositing has been enabled
KCmdLineArgs * qtargs = KCmdLineArgs : : parsedArgs ( " qt " ) ;
char * displayname = 0 ;
if ( qtargs - > isSet ( " display " ) )
displayname = qtargs - > getOption ( " display " ) . data ( ) ;
Display * dpy = XOpenDisplay ( displayname ) ;
x11_composite_error_generated = false ;
compositing_manager_available = false ;
XSetErrorHandler ( x11_error ) ;
if ( ! XQueryExtension ( dpy , COMPOSITE_NAME , & composite_opcode , & composite_event , & composite_error ) ) {
XSetErrorHandler ( NULL ) ;
compositing_manager_available = false ;
else {
if ( available ) { // FIXME This variable does double duty to avoid breaking the ABI for R14.0. In reality it should be called perform_deep_check
Window root_window = XDefaultRootWindow ( dpy ) ;
XCompositeRedirectSubwindows ( dpy , root_window , CompositeRedirectManual ) ;
XSync ( dpy , false ) ;
if ( x11_composite_error_generated = = true ) {
compositing_manager_available = true ;
else {
XCompositeUnredirectSubwindows ( dpy , root_window , CompositeRedirectManual ) ;
compositing_manager_available = false ;
XSetErrorHandler ( NULL ) ;
XCloseDisplay ( dpy ) ;
else {
compositing_manager_available = true ;
const char * home ;
struct passwd * p ;
p = getpwuid ( getuid ( ) ) ;
if ( p )
home = p - > pw_dir ;
home = getenv ( " HOME " ) ;
char * filename ;
const char * configfile = " /.kompmgr.available " ;
int n = strlen ( home ) + strlen ( configfile ) + 1 ;
filename = ( char * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
memset ( filename , 0 , n ) ;
strcat ( filename , home ) ;
strcat ( filename , configfile ) ;
/* now that we did all that by way of introduction...create or remove the file! */
if ( compositing_manager_available ) {
FILE * pFile ;
char buffer [ 255 ] ;
sprintf ( buffer , " available " ) ;
pFile = fopen ( filename , " w " ) ;
if ( pFile ) {
fwrite ( buffer , 1 , strlen ( buffer ) , pFile ) ;
fclose ( pFile ) ;
else {
unlink ( filename ) ;
free ( filename ) ;
filename = NULL ;
return compositing_manager_available ;
Display * KApplication : : openX11RGBADisplay ( ) {
KCmdLineArgs * qtargs = KCmdLineArgs : : parsedArgs ( " qt " ) ;
char * display = 0 ;
if ( qtargs - > isSet ( " display " ) )
display = qtargs - > getOption ( " display " ) . data ( ) ;
Display * dpy = XOpenDisplay ( display ) ;
if ( ! dpy ) {
kdError ( ) < < " cannot connect to X server " < < display < < endl ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
return dpy ;
Qt : : HANDLE KApplication : : getX11RGBAVisual ( Display * dpy ) {
getX11RGBAInformation ( dpy ) ;
if ( KApplication : : isCompositionManagerAvailable ( ) = = true ) {
return argb_x11_visual ;
else {
return ( Qt : : HANDLE ) NULL ;
Qt : : HANDLE KApplication : : getX11RGBAColormap ( Display * dpy ) {
getX11RGBAInformation ( dpy ) ;
if ( KApplication : : isCompositionManagerAvailable ( ) = = true ) {
return argb_x11_colormap ;
else {
return ( Qt : : HANDLE ) NULL ;
bool KApplication : : isX11CompositionAvailable ( ) {
return ( argb_visual & isCompositionManagerAvailable ( ) ) ;
void KApplication : : getX11RGBAInformation ( Display * dpy ) {
if ( ! dpy ) {
argb_visual = false ;
return ;
int screen = DefaultScreen ( dpy ) ;
Colormap colormap = 0 ;
Visual * visual = 0 ;
int event_base , error_base ;
if ( XRenderQueryExtension ( dpy , & event_base , & error_base ) ) {
int nvi ;
XVisualInfo templ ;
templ . screen = screen ;
templ . depth = 32 ;
templ . c_class = TrueColor ;
XVisualInfo * xvi = XGetVisualInfo ( dpy , VisualScreenMask | VisualDepthMask
| VisualClassMask , & templ , & nvi ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nvi ; i + + ) {
XRenderPictFormat * format = XRenderFindVisualFormat ( dpy , xvi [ i ] . visual ) ;
if ( format - > type = = PictTypeDirect & & format - > direct . alphaMask ) {
visual = xvi [ i ] . visual ;
colormap = XCreateColormap ( dpy , RootWindow ( dpy , screen ) , visual , AllocNone ) ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " [kdecore-kapplication] Found visual with alpha support " < < endl ;
argb_visual = true ;
break ;
if ( argb_visual ) {
argb_x11_visual = Qt : : HANDLE ( visual ) ;
argb_x11_colormap = Qt : : HANDLE ( colormap ) ;
argb_visual = true ;
return ;
argb_visual = false ;
return ;
# else
void KApplication : : getX11RGBAInformation ( Display * dpy ) {
bool KApplication : : isCompositionManagerAvailable ( ) {
return false ;
bool KApplication : : detectCompositionManagerAvailable ( bool force_available , bool available ) {
const char * home ;
struct passwd * p ;
p = getpwuid ( getuid ( ) ) ;
if ( p )
home = p - > pw_dir ;
home = getenv ( " HOME " ) ;
char * filename ;
const char * configfile = " /.kompmgr.available " ;
int n = strlen ( home ) + strlen ( configfile ) + 1 ;
filename = ( char * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( char ) ) ;
memset ( filename , 0 , n ) ;
strcat ( filename , home ) ;
strcat ( filename , configfile ) ;
/* now that we did all that by way of introduction...create or remove the file! */
if ( force_available ) {
FILE * pFile ;
char buffer [ 255 ] ;
sprintf ( buffer , " available " ) ;
pFile = fopen ( filename , " w " ) ;
if ( pFile ) {
fwrite ( buffer , 1 , strlen ( buffer ) , pFile ) ;
fclose ( pFile ) ;
else {
unlink ( filename ) ;
free ( filename ) ;
filename = NULL ;
return false ;
Display * KApplication : : openX11RGBADisplay ( ) {
return 0 ;
Qt : : HANDLE KApplication : : getX11RGBAVisual ( Display * dpy ) {
return 0 ;
Qt : : HANDLE KApplication : : getX11RGBAColormap ( Display * dpy ) {
return 0 ;
bool KApplication : : isX11CompositionAvailable ( ) {
return false ;
# endif
static bool kapp_block_user_input = false ;
void KApplication : : dcopBlockUserInput ( bool b )
kapp_block_user_input = b ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
bool KApplication : : x11EventFilter ( XEvent * _event )
if ( kapp_block_user_input ) {
switch ( _event - > type ) {
case ButtonPress :
case ButtonRelease :
case XKeyPress :
case XKeyRelease :
case MotionNotify :
case EnterNotify :
case LeaveNotify :
return true ;
default :
break ;
if ( x11Filter ) {
for ( TQWidget * w = x11Filter - > first ( ) ; w ; w = x11Filter - > next ( ) ) {
if ( ( ( KAppX11HackWidget * ) w ) - > publicx11Event ( _event ) )
return true ;
if ( ( _event - > type = = ClientMessage ) & &
( _event - > xclient . message_type = = kipcCommAtom ) )
XClientMessageEvent * cme = ( XClientMessageEvent * ) _event ;
int id = cme - > data . l [ 0 ] ;
int arg = cme - > data . l [ 1 ] ;
if ( ( id < 32 ) & & ( kipcEventMask & ( 1 < < id ) ) )
switch ( id )
case KIPC : : StyleChanged :
KGlobal : : config ( ) - > reparseConfiguration ( ) ;
kdisplaySetStyle ( ) ;
break ;
case KIPC : : ToolbarStyleChanged :
KGlobal : : config ( ) - > reparseConfiguration ( ) ;
if ( useStyles )
emit toolbarAppearanceChanged ( arg ) ;
break ;
case KIPC : : PaletteChanged :
KGlobal : : config ( ) - > reparseConfiguration ( ) ;
kdisplaySetPalette ( ) ;
break ;
case KIPC : : FontChanged :
KGlobal : : config ( ) - > reparseConfiguration ( ) ;
KGlobalSettings : : rereadFontSettings ( ) ;
kdisplaySetFont ( ) ;
break ;
case KIPC : : BackgroundChanged :
emit backgroundChanged ( arg ) ;
break ;
case KIPC : : SettingsChanged :
KGlobal : : config ( ) - > reparseConfiguration ( ) ;
if ( arg = = SETTINGS_PATHS )
KGlobalSettings : : rereadPathSettings ( ) ;
else if ( arg = = SETTINGS_MOUSE )
KGlobalSettings : : rereadMouseSettings ( ) ;
propagateSettings ( ( SettingsCategory ) arg ) ;
break ;
case KIPC : : IconChanged :
TQPixmapCache : : clear ( ) ;
KGlobal : : config ( ) - > reparseConfiguration ( ) ;
KGlobal : : instance ( ) - > newIconLoader ( ) ;
emit updateIconLoaders ( ) ;
emit iconChanged ( arg ) ;
break ;
case KIPC : : ClipboardConfigChanged :
KClipboardSynchronizer : : newConfiguration ( arg ) ;
break ;
case KIPC : : BlockShortcuts :
KGlobalAccel : : blockShortcuts ( arg ) ;
emit kipcMessage ( id , arg ) ; // some apps may do additional things
break ;
else if ( id > = 32 )
emit kipcMessage ( id , arg ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
# endif // Q_WS_X11
void KApplication : : updateUserTimestamp ( unsigned long time )
# if defined Q_WS_X11
if ( time = = 0 )
{ // get current X timestamp
Window w = XCreateSimpleWindow ( qt_xdisplay ( ) , qt_xrootwin ( ) , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
XSelectInput ( qt_xdisplay ( ) , w , PropertyChangeMask ) ;
unsigned char data [ 1 ] ;
XChangeProperty ( qt_xdisplay ( ) , w , XA_ATOM , XA_ATOM , 8 , PropModeAppend , data , 1 ) ;
XEvent ev ;
XWindowEvent ( qt_xdisplay ( ) , w , PropertyChangeMask , & ev ) ;
time = ev . xproperty . time ;
XDestroyWindow ( qt_xdisplay ( ) , w ) ;
if ( GET_QT_X_USER_TIME ( ) = = 0
| | NET : : timestampCompare ( time , GET_QT_X_USER_TIME ( ) ) > 0 ) // check time > qt_x_user_time
SET_QT_X_USER_TIME ( time ) ;
# endif
unsigned long KApplication : : userTimestamp ( ) const
# if defined Q_WS_X11
return GET_QT_X_USER_TIME ( ) ;
# else
return 0 ;
# endif
void KApplication : : updateRemoteUserTimestamp ( const TQCString & dcopId , unsigned long time )
# if defined Q_WS_X11
if ( time = = 0 )
time = GET_QT_X_USER_TIME ( ) ;
DCOPRef ( dcopId , " MainApplication-Interface " ) . call ( " updateUserTimestamp " , time ) ;
# endif
void KApplication : : invokeEditSlot ( const char * slot )
TQObject * object = TQT_TQOBJECT ( focusWidget ( ) ) ;
if ( ! object )
return ;
TQMetaObject * meta = object - > metaObject ( ) ;
int idx = meta - > findSlot ( slot + 1 , true ) ;
if ( idx < 0 )
return ;
object - > qt_invoke ( idx , 0 ) ;
void KApplication : : addKipcEventMask ( int id )
if ( id > = 32 )
kdDebug ( 101 ) < < " [kdecore-kapplication] Cannot use KIPC event mask for message IDs >= 32 \n " ;
return ;
kipcEventMask | = ( 1 < < id ) ;
void KApplication : : removeKipcEventMask ( int id )
if ( id > = 32 )
kdDebug ( 101 ) < < " [kdecore-kapplication] Cannot use KIPC event mask for message IDs >= 32 \n " ;
return ;
kipcEventMask & = ~ ( 1 < < id ) ;
void KApplication : : enableStyles ( )
if ( ! useStyles )
useStyles = true ;
applyGUIStyle ( ) ;
void KApplication : : disableStyles ( )
useStyles = false ;
void KApplication : : applyGUIStyle ( )
if ( ! useStyles ) return ;
KConfigGroup pConfig ( KGlobal : : config ( ) , " General " ) ;
TQString defaultStyle = KStyle : : defaultStyle ( ) ;
TQString styleStr = pConfig . readEntry ( " widgetStyle " , defaultStyle ) ;
if ( d - > overrideStyle . isEmpty ( ) ) {
// ### add check whether we already use the correct style to return then
// (workaround for Qt misbehavior to avoid double style initialization)
TQStyle * sp = TQStyleFactory : : create ( styleStr ) ;
// If there is no default style available, try falling back any available style
if ( ! sp & & styleStr ! = defaultStyle )
sp = TQStyleFactory : : create ( defaultStyle ) ;
if ( ! sp )
sp = TQStyleFactory : : create ( * ( TQStyleFactory : : keys ( ) . begin ( ) ) ) ;
setStyle ( sp ) ;
setStyle ( d - > overrideStyle ) ;
// Reread palette from config file.
kdisplaySetPalette ( ) ;
TQString KApplication : : caption ( ) const
// Caption set from command line ?
if ( ! aCaption . isNull ( ) )
return aCaption ;
// We have some about data ?
if ( KGlobal : : instance ( ) - > aboutData ( ) )
return KGlobal : : instance ( ) - > aboutData ( ) - > programName ( ) ;
// Last resort : application name
return name ( ) ;
// 1999-09-20: Espen Sand
// An attempt to simplify consistent captions.
TQString KApplication : : makeStdCaption ( const TQString & userCaption ,
bool withAppName , bool modified ) const
TQString s = userCaption . isEmpty ( ) ? caption ( ) : userCaption ;
// If the document is modified, add '[modified]'.
if ( modified )
s + = TQString : : fromUtf8 ( " [ " ) + i18n ( " modified " ) + TQString : : fromUtf8 ( " ] " ) ;
if ( ! userCaption . isEmpty ( ) ) {
// Add the application name if:
// User asked for it, it's not a duplication and the app name (caption()) is not empty
if ( withAppName & & ! caption ( ) . isNull ( ) & & ! userCaption . endsWith ( caption ( ) ) )
s + = TQString : : fromUtf8 ( " - " ) + caption ( ) ;
return s ;
TQPalette KApplication : : createApplicationPalette ( )
KConfig * config = KGlobal : : config ( ) ;
KConfigGroupSaver saver ( config , " General " ) ;
return createApplicationPalette ( config , KGlobalSettings : : contrast ( ) ) ;
TQPalette KApplication : : createApplicationPalette ( KConfig * config , int contrast_ )
TQColor trinity4Background ( 239 , 239 , 239 ) ;
TQColor trinity4Blue ( 103 , 141 , 178 ) ;
TQColor trinity4Button ;
if ( TQPixmap : : defaultDepth ( ) > 8 )
trinity4Button . setRgb ( 221 , 223 , 228 ) ;
trinity4Button . setRgb ( 220 , 220 , 220 ) ;
TQColor trinity4Link ( 0 , 0 , 238 ) ;
TQColor trinity4VisitedLink ( 82 , 24 , 139 ) ;
TQColor background = config - > readColorEntry ( " background " , & trinity4Background ) ;
TQColor foreground = config - > readColorEntry ( " foreground " , tqblackptr ) ;
TQColor button = config - > readColorEntry ( " buttonBackground " , & trinity4Button ) ;
TQColor buttonText = config - > readColorEntry ( " buttonForeground " , tqblackptr ) ;
TQColor highlight = config - > readColorEntry ( " selectBackground " , & trinity4Blue ) ;
TQColor highlightedText = config - > readColorEntry ( " selectForeground " , tqwhiteptr ) ;
TQColor base = config - > readColorEntry ( " windowBackground " , tqwhiteptr ) ;
TQColor baseText = config - > readColorEntry ( " windowForeground " , tqblackptr ) ;
TQColor link = config - > readColorEntry ( " linkColor " , & trinity4Link ) ;
TQColor visitedLink = config - > readColorEntry ( " visitedLinkColor " , & trinity4VisitedLink ) ;
int highlightVal , lowlightVal ;
highlightVal = 100 + ( 2 * contrast_ + 4 ) * 16 / 10 ;
lowlightVal = 100 + ( 2 * contrast_ + 4 ) * 10 ;
TQColor disfg = foreground ;
int h , s , v ;
disfg . hsv ( & h , & s , & v ) ;
if ( v > 128 )
// dark bg, light fg - need a darker disabled fg
disfg = disfg . dark ( lowlightVal ) ;
else if ( disfg ! = Qt : : black )
// light bg, dark fg - need a lighter disabled fg - but only if !black
disfg = disfg . light ( highlightVal ) ;
// black fg - use darkgray disabled fg
disfg = Qt : : darkGray ;
TQColorGroup disabledgrp ( disfg , background ,
background . light ( highlightVal ) ,
background . dark ( lowlightVal ) ,
background . dark ( 120 ) ,
background . dark ( 120 ) , base ) ;
TQColorGroup colgrp ( foreground , background , background . light ( highlightVal ) ,
background . dark ( lowlightVal ) ,
background . dark ( 120 ) ,
baseText , base ) ;
int inlowlightVal = lowlightVal - 25 ;
if ( inlowlightVal < 120 )
inlowlightVal = 120 ;
colgrp . setColor ( TQColorGroup : : Highlight , highlight ) ;
colgrp . setColor ( TQColorGroup : : HighlightedText , highlightedText ) ;
colgrp . setColor ( TQColorGroup : : Button , button ) ;
colgrp . setColor ( TQColorGroup : : ButtonText , buttonText ) ;
colgrp . setColor ( TQColorGroup : : Midlight , background . light ( 110 ) ) ;
colgrp . setColor ( TQColorGroup : : Link , link ) ;
colgrp . setColor ( TQColorGroup : : LinkVisited , visitedLink ) ;
disabledgrp . setColor ( TQColorGroup : : Button , button ) ;
TQColor disbtntext = buttonText ;
disbtntext . hsv ( & h , & s , & v ) ;
if ( v > 128 )
// dark button, light buttonText - need a darker disabled buttonText
disbtntext = disbtntext . dark ( lowlightVal ) ;
else if ( disbtntext ! = Qt : : black )
// light buttonText, dark button - need a lighter disabled buttonText - but only if !black
disbtntext = disbtntext . light ( highlightVal ) ;
// black button - use darkgray disabled buttonText
disbtntext = Qt : : darkGray ;
disabledgrp . setColor ( TQColorGroup : : ButtonText , disbtntext ) ;
disabledgrp . setColor ( TQColorGroup : : Midlight , background . light ( 110 ) ) ;
disabledgrp . setColor ( TQColorGroup : : Highlight , highlight . dark ( 120 ) ) ;
disabledgrp . setColor ( TQColorGroup : : Link , link ) ;
disabledgrp . setColor ( TQColorGroup : : LinkVisited , visitedLink ) ;
return TQPalette ( colgrp , disabledgrp , colgrp ) ;
void KApplication : : kdisplaySetPalette ( )
# ifdef Q_WS_MACX
//Can I have this on other platforms, please!? --Sam
KConfig * config = KGlobal : : config ( ) ;
KConfigGroupSaver saver ( config , " General " ) ;
bool do_not_set_palette = FALSE ;
if ( config - > readBoolEntry ( " nopaletteChange " , & do_not_set_palette ) )
return ;
# endif
TQApplication : : setPalette ( createApplicationPalette ( ) , true ) ;
emit kdisplayPaletteChanged ( ) ;
emit appearanceChanged ( ) ;
void KApplication : : kdisplaySetFont ( )
TQApplication : : setFont ( KGlobalSettings : : generalFont ( ) , true ) ;
TQApplication : : setFont ( KGlobalSettings : : menuFont ( ) , true , TQMENUBAR_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ;
TQApplication : : setFont ( KGlobalSettings : : menuFont ( ) , true , TQPOPUPMENU_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ;
TQApplication : : setFont ( KGlobalSettings : : menuFont ( ) , true , " KPopupTitle " ) ;
// "patch" standard TQStyleSheet to follow our fonts
TQStyleSheet * sheet = TQStyleSheet : : defaultSheet ( ) ;
sheet - > item ( " pre " ) - > setFontFamily ( KGlobalSettings : : fixedFont ( ) . family ( ) ) ;
sheet - > item ( " code " ) - > setFontFamily ( KGlobalSettings : : fixedFont ( ) . family ( ) ) ;
sheet - > item ( " tt " ) - > setFontFamily ( KGlobalSettings : : fixedFont ( ) . family ( ) ) ;
emit kdisplayFontChanged ( ) ;
emit appearanceChanged ( ) ;
void KApplication : : kdisplaySetStyle ( )
if ( useStyles )
applyGUIStyle ( ) ;
emit kdisplayStyleChanged ( ) ;
emit appearanceChanged ( ) ;
void KApplication : : propagateSettings ( SettingsCategory arg )
KConfigBase * config = KGlobal : : config ( ) ;
KConfigGroupSaver saver ( config , " KDE " ) ;
TQSize maxImageSize ( 4096 , 4096 ) ;
maxImageSize = config - > readSizeEntry ( " MaxImageSize " , & maxImageSize ) ;
TQImage : : setMaxImageSize ( maxImageSize ) ;
# endif
int num = config - > readNumEntry ( " CursorBlinkRate " , TQApplication : : cursorFlashTime ( ) ) ;
if ( ( num ! = 0 ) & & ( num < 200 ) )
num = 200 ;
if ( num > 2000 )
num = 2000 ;
TQApplication : : setCursorFlashTime ( num ) ;
num = config - > readNumEntry ( " DoubleClickInterval " , TQApplication : : doubleClickInterval ( ) ) ;
TQApplication : : setDoubleClickInterval ( num ) ;
num = config - > readNumEntry ( " StartDragTime " , TQApplication : : startDragTime ( ) ) ;
TQApplication : : setStartDragTime ( num ) ;
num = config - > readNumEntry ( " StartDragDist " , TQApplication : : startDragDistance ( ) ) ;
TQApplication : : setStartDragDistance ( num ) ;
num = config - > readNumEntry ( " WheelScrollLines " , TQApplication : : wheelScrollLines ( ) ) ;
TQApplication : : setWheelScrollLines ( num ) ;
bool b = config - > readBoolEntry ( " EffectAnimateMenu " , false ) ;
TQApplication : : setEffectEnabled ( Qt : : UI_AnimateMenu , b ) ;
b = config - > readBoolEntry ( " EffectFadeMenu " , false ) ;
TQApplication : : setEffectEnabled ( Qt : : UI_FadeMenu , b ) ;
b = config - > readBoolEntry ( " EffectAnimateCombo " , false ) ;
TQApplication : : setEffectEnabled ( Qt : : UI_AnimateCombo , b ) ;
b = config - > readBoolEntry ( " EffectAnimateTooltip " , false ) ;
TQApplication : : setEffectEnabled ( Qt : : UI_AnimateTooltip , b ) ;
b = config - > readBoolEntry ( " EffectFadeTooltip " , false ) ;
TQApplication : : setEffectEnabled ( Qt : : UI_FadeTooltip , b ) ;
b = ! config - > readBoolEntry ( " EffectNoTooltip " , false ) ;
TQToolTip : : setGloballyEnabled ( b ) ;
emit settingsChanged ( arg ) ;
void KApplication : : installKDEPropertyMap ( )
# ifndef QT_NO_SQL
static bool installed = false ;
if ( installed ) return ;
installed = true ;
* If you are adding a widget that was missing please
* make sure to also add it to KConfigDialogManager ' s retrieveSettings ( )
* function .
* Thanks .
// TQSqlPropertyMap takes ownership of the new default map.
TQSqlPropertyMap * kdeMap = new TQSqlPropertyMap ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KColorButton " , " color " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KComboBox " , " currentItem " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KDatePicker " , " date " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KDateWidget " , " date " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KDateTimeWidget " , " dateTime " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KEditListBox " , " items " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KFontCombo " , " family " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KFontRequester " , " font " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KFontChooser " , " font " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KHistoryCombo " , " currentItem " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KListBox " , " currentItem " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KLineEdit " , " text " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KRestrictedLine " , " text " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KSqueezedTextLabel " , " text " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KTextBrowser " , " source " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KTextEdit " , " text " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KURLRequester " , " url " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KPasswordEdit " , " password " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KIntNumInput " , " value " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KIntSpinBox " , " value " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( " KDoubleNumInput " , " value " ) ;
// Temp til fixed in QT then enable ifdef with the correct version num
kdeMap - > insert ( TQGROUPBOX_OBJECT_NAME_STRING , " checked " ) ;
kdeMap - > insert ( TQTABWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING , " currentPage " ) ;
TQSqlPropertyMap : : installDefaultMap ( kdeMap ) ;
# endif
void KApplication : : invokeHelp ( const TQString & anchor ,
const TQString & _appname ) const
return invokeHelp ( anchor , _appname , " " ) ;
# ifndef Q_WS_WIN
// for win32 we're using simple help tools like Qt Assistant,
// see kapplication_win.cpp
void KApplication : : invokeHelp ( const TQString & anchor ,
const TQString & _appname ,
const TQCString & startup_id ) const
TQString url ;
TQString appname ;
if ( _appname . isEmpty ( ) )
appname = name ( ) ;
appname = _appname ;
if ( ! anchor . isEmpty ( ) )
url = TQString ( " help:/%1?anchor=%2 " ) . arg ( appname ) . arg ( anchor ) ;
url = TQString ( " help:/%1/index.html " ) . arg ( appname ) ;
TQString error ;
if ( ! dcopClient ( ) - > isApplicationRegistered ( " khelpcenter " ) )
if ( startServiceByDesktopName ( " khelpcenter " , url , & error , 0 , 0 , startup_id , false ) )
if ( Tty ! = kapp - > type ( ) )
TQMessageBox : : critical ( kapp - > mainWidget ( ) , i18n ( " Could not Launch Help Center " ) ,
i18n ( " Could not launch the KDE Help Center: \n \n %1 " ) . arg ( error ) , i18n ( " &OK " ) ) ;
kdWarning ( ) < < " Could not launch help: \n " < < error < < endl ;
return ;
DCOPRef ( " khelpcenter " , " KHelpCenterIface " ) . send ( " openUrl " , url , startup_id ) ;
# endif
void KApplication : : invokeHTMLHelp ( const TQString & _filename , const TQString & topic ) const
kdWarning ( ) < < " invoking HTML help is deprecated! use docbook and invokeHelp! \n " ;
TQString filename ;
if ( _filename . isEmpty ( ) )
filename = TQString ( name ( ) ) + " /index.html " ;
filename = _filename ;
TQString url ;
if ( ! topic . isEmpty ( ) )
url = TQString ( " help:/%1#%2 " ) . arg ( filename ) . arg ( topic ) ;
url = TQString ( " help:/%1 " ) . arg ( filename ) ;
TQString error ;
if ( ! dcopClient ( ) - > isApplicationRegistered ( " khelpcenter " ) )
if ( startServiceByDesktopName ( " khelpcenter " , url , & error , 0 , 0 , " " , false ) )
if ( Tty ! = kapp - > type ( ) )
TQMessageBox : : critical ( kapp - > mainWidget ( ) , i18n ( " Could not Launch Help Center " ) ,
i18n ( " Could not launch the KDE Help Center: \n \n %1 " ) . arg ( error ) , i18n ( " &OK " ) ) ;
kdWarning ( ) < < " Could not launch help: \n " < < error < < endl ;
return ;
DCOPRef ( " khelpcenter " , " KHelpCenterIface " ) . send ( " openUrl " , url ) ;
void KApplication : : invokeMailer ( const TQString & address , const TQString & subject )
return invokeMailer ( address , subject , " " ) ;
void KApplication : : invokeMailer ( const TQString & address , const TQString & subject , const TQCString & startup_id )
invokeMailer ( address , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , subject , TQString : : null , TQString : : null ,
TQStringList ( ) , startup_id ) ;
void KApplication : : invokeMailer ( const KURL & mailtoURL )
return invokeMailer ( mailtoURL , " " ) ;
void KApplication : : invokeMailer ( const KURL & mailtoURL , const TQCString & startup_id )
return invokeMailer ( mailtoURL , startup_id , false ) ;
void KApplication : : invokeMailer ( const KURL & mailtoURL , const TQCString & startup_id , bool allowAttachments )
TQString address = KURL : : decode_string ( mailtoURL . path ( ) ) , subject , cc , bcc , body ;
TQStringList queries = TQStringList : : split ( ' & ' , mailtoURL . query ( ) . mid ( 1 ) ) ;
TQStringList attachURLs ;
for ( TQStringList : : Iterator it = queries . begin ( ) ; it ! = queries . end ( ) ; + + it )
TQString q = ( * it ) . lower ( ) ;
if ( q . startsWith ( " subject= " ) )
subject = KURL : : decode_string ( ( * it ) . mid ( 8 ) ) ;
if ( q . startsWith ( " cc= " ) )
cc = cc . isEmpty ( ) ? KURL : : decode_string ( ( * it ) . mid ( 3 ) ) : cc + ' , ' + KURL : : decode_string ( ( * it ) . mid ( 3 ) ) ;
if ( q . startsWith ( " bcc= " ) )
bcc = bcc . isEmpty ( ) ? KURL : : decode_string ( ( * it ) . mid ( 4 ) ) : bcc + ' , ' + KURL : : decode_string ( ( * it ) . mid ( 4 ) ) ;
if ( q . startsWith ( " body= " ) )
body = KURL : : decode_string ( ( * it ) . mid ( 5 ) ) ;
if ( allowAttachments & & q . startsWith ( " attach= " ) )
attachURLs . push_back ( KURL : : decode_string ( ( * it ) . mid ( 7 ) ) ) ;
if ( allowAttachments & & q . startsWith ( " attachment= " ) )
attachURLs . push_back ( KURL : : decode_string ( ( * it ) . mid ( 11 ) ) ) ;
if ( q . startsWith ( " to= " ) )
address = address . isEmpty ( ) ? KURL : : decode_string ( ( * it ) . mid ( 3 ) ) : address + ' , ' + KURL : : decode_string ( ( * it ) . mid ( 3 ) ) ;
invokeMailer ( address , cc , bcc , subject , body , TQString : : null , attachURLs , startup_id ) ;
void KApplication : : invokeMailer ( const TQString & to , const TQString & cc , const TQString & bcc ,
const TQString & subject , const TQString & body ,
const TQString & messageFile , const TQStringList & attachURLs )
return invokeMailer ( to , cc , bcc , subject , body , messageFile , attachURLs , " " ) ;
# ifndef Q_WS_WIN
// on win32, for invoking browser we're using win32 API
// see kapplication_win.cpp
static TQStringList splitEmailAddressList ( const TQString & aStr )
// This is a copy of KPIM::splitEmailAddrList().
// Features:
// - always ignores quoted characters
// - ignores everything (including parentheses and commas)
// inside quoted strings
// - supports nested comments
// - ignores everything (including double quotes and commas)
// inside comments
TQStringList list ;
if ( aStr . isEmpty ( ) )
return list ;
TQString addr ;
uint addrstart = 0 ;
int commentlevel = 0 ;
bool insidequote = false ;
for ( uint index = 0 ; index < aStr . length ( ) ; index + + ) {
// the following conversion to latin1 is o.k. because
// we can safely ignore all non-latin1 characters
switch ( aStr [ index ] . latin1 ( ) ) {
case ' " ' : // start or end of quoted string
if ( commentlevel = = 0 )
insidequote = ! insidequote ;
break ;
case ' ( ' : // start of comment
if ( ! insidequote )
commentlevel + + ;
break ;
case ' ) ' : // end of comment
if ( ! insidequote ) {
if ( commentlevel > 0 )
commentlevel - - ;
else {
//kdDebug() << "[kdecore-kapplication] Error in address splitting: Unmatched ')'"
// << endl;
return list ;
break ;
case ' \\ ' : // quoted character
index + + ; // ignore the quoted character
break ;
case ' , ' :
if ( ! insidequote & & ( commentlevel = = 0 ) ) {
addr = aStr . mid ( addrstart , index - addrstart ) ;
if ( ! addr . isEmpty ( ) )
list + = addr . simplifyWhiteSpace ( ) ;
addrstart = index + 1 ;
break ;
// append the last address to the list
if ( ! insidequote & & ( commentlevel = = 0 ) ) {
addr = aStr . mid ( addrstart , aStr . length ( ) - addrstart ) ;
if ( ! addr . isEmpty ( ) )
list + = addr . simplifyWhiteSpace ( ) ;
// kdDebug() << "[kdecore-kapplication] Error in address splitting: "
// << "Unexpected end of address list"
// << endl;
return list ;
void KApplication : : invokeMailer ( const TQString & _to , const TQString & _cc , const TQString & _bcc ,
const TQString & subject , const TQString & body ,
const TQString & /*messageFile TODO*/ , const TQStringList & attachURLs ,
const TQCString & startup_id )
KConfig config ( " emaildefaults " ) ;
config . setGroup ( " Defaults " ) ;
TQString group = config . readEntry ( " Profile " , " Default " ) ;
config . setGroup ( TQString ( " PROFILE_%1 " ) . arg ( group ) ) ;
TQString command = config . readPathEntry ( " EmailClient " ) ;
TQString to , cc , bcc ;
if ( command . isEmpty ( ) | | command = = TQString : : fromLatin1 ( " kmail " )
| | command . endsWith ( " /kmail " ) )
command = TQString : : fromLatin1 ( " kmail --composer -s %s -c %c -b %b --body %B --attach %A -- %t " ) ;
if ( ! _to . isEmpty ( ) )
// put the whole address lists into RFC2047 encoded blobs; technically
// this isn't correct, but KMail understands it nonetheless
to = TQString ( " =?utf8?b?%1?= " )
. arg ( QString ( KCodecs : : base64Encode ( _to . utf8 ( ) , false ) ) ) ;
if ( ! _cc . isEmpty ( ) )
cc = TQString ( " =?utf8?b?%1?= " )
. arg ( QString ( KCodecs : : base64Encode ( _cc . utf8 ( ) , false ) ) ) ;
if ( ! _bcc . isEmpty ( ) )
bcc = TQString ( " =?utf8?b?%1?= " )
. arg ( QString ( KCodecs : : base64Encode ( _bcc . utf8 ( ) , false ) ) ) ;
} else {
to = _to ;
cc = _cc ;
bcc = _bcc ;
if ( ! command . contains ( ' % ' ) )
command + = " %u " ;
if ( config . readBoolEntry ( " TerminalClient " , false ) )
KConfigGroup confGroup ( KGlobal : : config ( ) , " General " ) ;
TQString preferredTerminal = confGroup . readPathEntry ( " TerminalApplication " , " konsole " ) ;
command = preferredTerminal + " -e " + command ;
TQStringList cmdTokens = KShell : : splitArgs ( command ) ;
TQString cmd = cmdTokens [ 0 ] ;
cmdTokens . remove ( cmdTokens . begin ( ) ) ;
KURL url ;
TQStringList qry ;
if ( ! to . isEmpty ( ) )
TQStringList tos = splitEmailAddressList ( to ) ;
url . setPath ( tos . first ( ) ) ;
tos . remove ( tos . begin ( ) ) ;
for ( TQStringList : : ConstIterator it = tos . begin ( ) ; it ! = tos . end ( ) ; + + it )
qry . append ( " to= " + KURL : : encode_string ( * it ) ) ;
const TQStringList ccs = splitEmailAddressList ( cc ) ;
for ( TQStringList : : ConstIterator it = ccs . begin ( ) ; it ! = ccs . end ( ) ; + + it )
qry . append ( " cc= " + KURL : : encode_string ( * it ) ) ;
const TQStringList bccs = splitEmailAddressList ( bcc ) ;
for ( TQStringList : : ConstIterator it = bccs . begin ( ) ; it ! = bccs . end ( ) ; + + it )
qry . append ( " bcc= " + KURL : : encode_string ( * it ) ) ;
for ( TQStringList : : ConstIterator it = attachURLs . begin ( ) ; it ! = attachURLs . end ( ) ; + + it )
qry . append ( " attach= " + KURL : : encode_string ( * it ) ) ;
if ( ! subject . isEmpty ( ) )
qry . append ( " subject= " + KURL : : encode_string ( subject ) ) ;
if ( ! body . isEmpty ( ) )
qry . append ( " body= " + KURL : : encode_string ( body ) ) ;
url . setQuery ( qry . join ( " & " ) ) ;
if ( ! ( to . isEmpty ( ) & & qry . isEmpty ( ) ) )
url . setProtocol ( " mailto " ) ;
TQMap < TQChar , TQString > keyMap ;
keyMap . insert ( ' t ' , to ) ;
keyMap . insert ( ' s ' , subject ) ;
keyMap . insert ( ' c ' , cc ) ;
keyMap . insert ( ' b ' , bcc ) ;
keyMap . insert ( ' B ' , body ) ;
keyMap . insert ( ' u ' , url . url ( ) ) ;
TQString attachlist = attachURLs . join ( " , " ) ;
attachlist . prepend ( ' \' ' ) ;
attachlist . append ( ' \' ' ) ;
keyMap . insert ( ' A ' , attachlist ) ;
for ( TQStringList : : Iterator it = cmdTokens . begin ( ) ; it ! = cmdTokens . end ( ) ; )
if ( * it = = " %A " )
if ( it = = cmdTokens . begin ( ) ) // better safe than sorry ...
continue ;
TQStringList : : ConstIterator urlit = attachURLs . begin ( ) ;
TQStringList : : ConstIterator urlend = attachURLs . end ( ) ;
if ( urlit ! = urlend )
TQStringList : : Iterator previt = it ;
- - previt ;
* it = * urlit ;
+ + it ;
while ( + + urlit ! = urlend )
cmdTokens . insert ( it , * previt ) ;
cmdTokens . insert ( it , * urlit ) ;
} else {
- - it ;
it = cmdTokens . remove ( cmdTokens . remove ( it ) ) ;
} else {
* it = KMacroExpander : : expandMacros ( * it , keyMap ) ;
+ + it ;
TQString error ;
// TODO this should check if cmd has a .desktop file, and use data from it, together
// with sending more ASN data
if ( kdeinitExec ( cmd , cmdTokens , & error , NULL , startup_id ) ) {
if ( Tty ! = kapp - > type ( ) ) {
TQMessageBox : : critical ( kapp - > mainWidget ( ) , i18n ( " Could not Launch Mail Client " ) ,
i18n ( " Could not launch the mail client: \n \n %1 " ) . arg ( error ) , i18n ( " &OK " ) ) ;
else {
kdWarning ( ) < < " Could not launch mail client: \n " < < error < < endl ;
# endif
void KApplication : : invokeBrowser ( const TQString & url )
return invokeBrowser ( url , " " ) ;
# ifndef Q_WS_WIN
// on win32, for invoking browser we're using win32 API
// see kapplication_win.cpp
void KApplication : : invokeBrowser ( const TQString & url , const TQCString & startup_id )
TQString error ;
if ( startServiceByDesktopName ( " kfmclient " , url , & error , 0 , 0 , startup_id , false ) )
if ( Tty ! = kapp - > type ( ) )
TQMessageBox : : critical ( kapp - > mainWidget ( ) , i18n ( " Could not Launch Browser " ) ,
i18n ( " Could not launch the browser: \n \n %1 " ) . arg ( error ) , i18n ( " &OK " ) ) ;
kdWarning ( ) < < " Could not launch browser: \n " < < error < < endl ;
return ;
# endif
void KApplication : : cut ( )
invokeEditSlot ( TQT_SLOT ( cut ( ) ) ) ;
void KApplication : : copy ( )
invokeEditSlot ( TQT_SLOT ( copy ( ) ) ) ;
void KApplication : : paste ( )
invokeEditSlot ( TQT_SLOT ( paste ( ) ) ) ;
void KApplication : : clear ( )
invokeEditSlot ( TQT_SLOT ( clear ( ) ) ) ;
void KApplication : : selectAll ( )
invokeEditSlot ( TQT_SLOT ( selectAll ( ) ) ) ;
void KApplication : : broadcastKeyCode ( unsigned int keyCode )
emit coreFakeKeyPress ( keyCode ) ;
KApplication : : launcher ( )
return " klauncher " ;
static int
startServiceInternal ( const TQCString & function ,
const TQString & _name , const TQStringList & URLs ,
TQString * error , TQCString * dcopService , int * pid , const TQCString & startup_id , bool noWait )
struct serviceResult
int result ;
TQCString dcopName ;
TQString error ;
pid_t pid ;
} ;
// Register app as able to send DCOP messages
DCOPClient * dcopClient ;
if ( kapp )
dcopClient = kapp - > dcopClient ( ) ;
dcopClient = new DCOPClient ;
if ( ! dcopClient - > isAttached ( ) )
if ( ! dcopClient - > attach ( ) )
if ( error )
* error = i18n ( " Could not register with DCOP. \n " ) ;
if ( ! kapp )
delete dcopClient ;
return - 1 ;
TQByteArray params ;
TQDataStream stream ( params , IO_WriteOnly ) ;
stream < < _name < < URLs ;
TQCString replyType ;
TQByteArray replyData ;
TQCString _launcher = KApplication : : launcher ( ) ;
TQValueList < TQCString > envs ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
if ( qt_xdisplay ( ) ) {
TQCString dpystring ( XDisplayString ( qt_xdisplay ( ) ) ) ;
envs . append ( TQCString ( " DISPLAY= " ) + dpystring ) ;
} else if ( getenv ( " DISPLAY " ) ) {
TQCString dpystring ( getenv ( " DISPLAY " ) ) ;
envs . append ( TQCString ( " DISPLAY= " ) + dpystring ) ;
# endif
stream < < envs ;
# if defined Q_WS_X11
// make sure there is id, so that user timestamp exists
stream < < ( startup_id . isEmpty ( ) ? KStartupInfo : : createNewStartupId ( ) : startup_id ) ;
# endif
if ( function . left ( 12 ) ! = " kdeinit_exec " )
stream < < noWait ;
if ( ! dcopClient - > call ( _launcher , _launcher ,
function , params , replyType , replyData ) )
if ( error )
* error = i18n ( " KLauncher could not be reached via DCOP. \n " ) ;
if ( ! kapp )
delete dcopClient ;
return - 1 ;
if ( ! kapp )
delete dcopClient ;
if ( noWait )
return 0 ;
TQDataStream stream2 ( replyData , IO_ReadOnly ) ;
serviceResult result ;
stream2 > > result . result > > result . dcopName > > result . error > > result . pid ;
if ( dcopService )
* dcopService = result . dcopName ;
if ( error )
* error = result . error ;
if ( pid )
* pid = result . pid ;
return result . result ;
KApplication : : startServiceByName ( const TQString & _name , const TQString & URL ,
TQString * error , TQCString * dcopService , int * pid , const TQCString & startup_id , bool noWait )
TQStringList URLs ;
if ( ! URL . isEmpty ( ) )
URLs . append ( URL ) ;
return startServiceInternal (
" start_service_by_name(TQString,TQStringList,TQValueList<TQCString>,TQCString,bool) " ,
_name , URLs , error , dcopService , pid , startup_id , noWait ) ;
KApplication : : startServiceByName ( const TQString & _name , const TQStringList & URLs ,
TQString * error , TQCString * dcopService , int * pid , const TQCString & startup_id , bool noWait )
return startServiceInternal (
" start_service_by_name(TQString,TQStringList,TQValueList<TQCString>,TQCString,bool) " ,
_name , URLs , error , dcopService , pid , startup_id , noWait ) ;
KApplication : : startServiceByDesktopPath ( const TQString & _name , const TQString & URL ,
TQString * error , TQCString * dcopService , int * pid , const TQCString & startup_id , bool noWait )
TQStringList URLs ;
if ( ! URL . isEmpty ( ) )
URLs . append ( URL ) ;
return startServiceInternal (
" start_service_by_desktop_path(TQString,TQStringList,TQValueList<TQCString>,TQCString,bool) " ,
_name , URLs , error , dcopService , pid , startup_id , noWait ) ;
KApplication : : startServiceByDesktopPath ( const TQString & _name , const TQStringList & URLs ,
TQString * error , TQCString * dcopService , int * pid , const TQCString & startup_id , bool noWait )
return startServiceInternal (
" start_service_by_desktop_path(TQString,TQStringList,TQValueList<TQCString>,TQCString,bool) " ,
_name , URLs , error , dcopService , pid , startup_id , noWait ) ;
KApplication : : startServiceByDesktopName ( const TQString & _name , const TQString & URL ,
TQString * error , TQCString * dcopService , int * pid , const TQCString & startup_id , bool noWait )
TQStringList URLs ;
if ( ! URL . isEmpty ( ) )
URLs . append ( URL ) ;
return startServiceInternal (
" start_service_by_desktop_name(TQString,TQStringList,TQValueList<TQCString>,TQCString,bool) " ,
_name , URLs , error , dcopService , pid , startup_id , noWait ) ;
KApplication : : startServiceByDesktopName ( const TQString & _name , const TQStringList & URLs ,
TQString * error , TQCString * dcopService , int * pid , const TQCString & startup_id , bool noWait )
return startServiceInternal (
" start_service_by_desktop_name(TQString,TQStringList,TQValueList<TQCString>,TQCString,bool) " ,
_name , URLs , error , dcopService , pid , startup_id , noWait ) ;
KApplication : : kdeinitExec ( const TQString & name , const TQStringList & args ,
TQString * error , int * pid )
return kdeinitExec ( name , args , error , pid , " " ) ;
KApplication : : kdeinitExec ( const TQString & name , const TQStringList & args ,
TQString * error , int * pid , const TQCString & startup_id )
return startServiceInternal ( " kdeinit_exec(TQString,TQStringList,TQValueList<TQCString>,TQCString) " ,
name , args , error , 0 , pid , startup_id , false ) ;
KApplication : : kdeinitExecWait ( const TQString & name , const TQStringList & args ,
TQString * error , int * pid )
return kdeinitExecWait ( name , args , error , pid , " " ) ;
KApplication : : kdeinitExecWait ( const TQString & name , const TQStringList & args ,
TQString * error , int * pid , const TQCString & startup_id )
return startServiceInternal ( " kdeinit_exec_wait(TQString,TQStringList,TQValueList<TQCString>,TQCString) " ,
name , args , error , 0 , pid , startup_id , false ) ;
TQString KApplication : : tempSaveName ( const TQString & pFilename ) const
TQString aFilename ;
if ( TQDir : : isRelativePath ( pFilename ) )
kdWarning ( 101 ) < < " Relative filename passed to KApplication::tempSaveName " < < endl ;
aFilename = TQFileInfo ( TQDir ( " . " ) , pFilename ) . absFilePath ( ) ;
aFilename = pFilename ;
TQDir aAutosaveDir ( TQDir : : homeDirPath ( ) + " /autosave/ " ) ;
if ( ! aAutosaveDir . exists ( ) )
if ( ! aAutosaveDir . mkdir ( aAutosaveDir . absPath ( ) ) )
// Last chance: use temp dir
aAutosaveDir . setPath ( KGlobal : : dirs ( ) - > saveLocation ( " tmp " ) ) ;
aFilename . replace ( " / " , " \\ ! " ) . prepend ( " # " ) . append ( " # " ) . prepend ( " / " ) . prepend ( aAutosaveDir . absPath ( ) ) ;
return aFilename ;
TQString KApplication : : checkRecoverFile ( const TQString & pFilename ,
bool & bRecover ) const
TQString aFilename ;
if ( TQDir : : isRelativePath ( pFilename ) )
kdWarning ( 101 ) < < " Relative filename passed to KApplication::tempSaveName " < < endl ;
aFilename = TQFileInfo ( TQDir ( " . " ) , pFilename ) . absFilePath ( ) ;
aFilename = pFilename ;
TQDir aAutosaveDir ( TQDir : : homeDirPath ( ) + " /autosave/ " ) ;
if ( ! aAutosaveDir . exists ( ) )
if ( ! aAutosaveDir . mkdir ( aAutosaveDir . absPath ( ) ) )
// Last chance: use temp dir
aAutosaveDir . setPath ( KGlobal : : dirs ( ) - > saveLocation ( " tmp " ) ) ;
aFilename . replace ( " / " , " \\ ! " ) . prepend ( " # " ) . append ( " # " ) . prepend ( " / " ) . prepend ( aAutosaveDir . absPath ( ) ) ;
if ( TQFile ( aFilename ) . exists ( ) )
bRecover = true ;
return aFilename ;
bRecover = false ;
return pFilename ;
bool checkAccess ( const TQString & pathname , int mode )
int accessOK = access ( TQFile : : encodeName ( pathname ) , mode ) ;
if ( accessOK = = 0 )
return true ; // OK, I can really access the file
// else
// if we want to write the file would be created. Check, if the
// user may write to the directory to create the file.
if ( ( mode & W_OK ) = = 0 )
return false ; // Check for write access is not part of mode => bail out
if ( ! access ( TQFile : : encodeName ( pathname ) , F_OK ) ) // if it already exists
return false ;
//strip the filename (everything until '/' from the end
TQString dirName ( pathname ) ;
int pos = dirName . findRev ( ' / ' ) ;
if ( pos = = - 1 )
return false ; // No path in argument. This is evil, we won't allow this
else if ( pos = = 0 ) // don't turn e.g. /root into an empty string
pos = 1 ;
dirName . truncate ( pos ) ; // strip everything starting from the last '/'
accessOK = access ( TQFile : : encodeName ( dirName ) , W_OK ) ;
// -?- Can I write to the accessed diretory
if ( accessOK = = 0 )
return true ; // Yes
return false ; // No
void KApplication : : setTopWidget ( TQWidget * topWidget )
if ( ! topWidget )
return ;
// set the specified caption
if ( ! topWidget - > inherits ( " KMainWindow " ) ) { // KMainWindow does this already for us
topWidget - > setCaption ( caption ( ) ) ;
// set the specified icons
topWidget - > setIcon ( icon ( ) ) ; //standard X11
# if defined Q_WS_X11
//#ifdef Q_WS_X11 // FIXME(E): Implement for Qt/Embedded
KWin : : setIcons ( topWidget - > winId ( ) , icon ( ) , miniIcon ( ) ) ; // NET_WM hints for KWin
// set the app startup notification window property
KStartupInfo : : setWindowStartupId ( topWidget - > winId ( ) , startupId ( ) ) ;
# endif
TQCString KApplication : : startupId ( ) const
return d - > startup_id ;
void KApplication : : setStartupId ( const TQCString & startup_id )
if ( startup_id = = d - > startup_id )
return ;
# if defined Q_WS_X11
KStartupInfo : : handleAutoAppStartedSending ( ) ; // finish old startup notification if needed
# endif
if ( startup_id . isEmpty ( ) )
d - > startup_id = " 0 " ;
d - > startup_id = startup_id ;
# if defined Q_WS_X11
KStartupInfoId id ;
id . initId ( startup_id ) ;
long timestamp = id . timestamp ( ) ;
if ( timestamp ! = 0 )
updateUserTimestamp ( timestamp ) ;
# endif
// read the startup notification env variable, save it and unset it in order
// not to propagate it to processes started from this app
void KApplication : : read_app_startup_id ( )
# if defined Q_WS_X11
KStartupInfoId id = KStartupInfo : : currentStartupIdEnv ( ) ;
KStartupInfo : : resetStartupEnv ( ) ;
d - > startup_id = id . id ( ) ;
# endif
int KApplication : : random ( )
static bool init = false ;
if ( ! init )
unsigned int seed ;
init = true ;
int fd = open ( " /dev/urandom " , O_RDONLY ) ;
if ( fd < 0 | | : : read ( fd , & seed , sizeof ( seed ) ) ! = sizeof ( seed ) )
// No /dev/urandom... try something else.
srand ( getpid ( ) ) ;
seed = rand ( ) + time ( 0 ) ;
if ( fd > = 0 ) close ( fd ) ;
srand ( seed ) ;
return rand ( ) ;
TQString KApplication : : randomString ( int length )
if ( length < = 0 ) return TQString : : null ;
TQString str ; str . setLength ( length ) ;
int i = 0 ;
while ( length - - )
int r = random ( ) % 62 ;
r + = 48 ;
if ( r > 57 ) r + = 7 ;
if ( r > 90 ) r + = 6 ;
str [ i + + ] = char ( r ) ;
// so what if I work backwards?
return str ;
bool KApplication : : authorize ( const TQString & genericAction )
if ( ! d - > actionRestrictions )
return true ;
KConfig * config = KGlobal : : config ( ) ;
KConfigGroupSaver saver ( config , " KDE Action Restrictions " ) ;
return config - > readBoolEntry ( genericAction , true ) ;
bool KApplication : : authorizeKAction ( const char * action )
if ( ! d - > actionRestrictions | | ! action )
return true ;
static const TQString & action_prefix = KGlobal : : staticQString ( " action/ " ) ;
return authorize ( action_prefix + action ) ;
bool KApplication : : authorizeControlModule ( const TQString & menuId )
if ( menuId . isEmpty ( ) | | kde_kiosk_exception )
return true ;
KConfig * config = KGlobal : : config ( ) ;
KConfigGroupSaver saver ( config , " KDE Control Module Restrictions " ) ;
return config - > readBoolEntry ( menuId , true ) ;
TQStringList KApplication : : authorizeControlModules ( const TQStringList & menuIds )
KConfig * config = KGlobal : : config ( ) ;
KConfigGroupSaver saver ( config , " KDE Control Module Restrictions " ) ;
TQStringList result ;
for ( TQStringList : : ConstIterator it = menuIds . begin ( ) ;
it ! = menuIds . end ( ) ; + + it )
if ( config - > readBoolEntry ( * it , true ) )
result . append ( * it ) ;
return result ;
void KApplication : : initUrlActionRestrictions ( )
d - > urlActionRestrictions . setAutoDelete ( true ) ;
d - > urlActionRestrictions . clear ( ) ;
d - > urlActionRestrictions . append ( new KApplicationPrivate : : URLActionRule
( " open " , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , true ) ) ;
d - > urlActionRestrictions . append ( new KApplicationPrivate : : URLActionRule
( " list " , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , true ) ) ;
// TEST:
// d->urlActionRestrictions.append( new KApplicationPrivate::URLActionRule
// ("list", TQString::null, TQString::null, TQString::null, TQString::null, TQString::null, TQString::null, false));
// d->urlActionRestrictions.append( new KApplicationPrivate::URLActionRule
// ("list", TQString::null, TQString::null, TQString::null, "file", TQString::null, TQDir::homeDirPath(), true));
d - > urlActionRestrictions . append ( new KApplicationPrivate : : URLActionRule
( " link " , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , " :internet " , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , true ) ) ;
d - > urlActionRestrictions . append ( new KApplicationPrivate : : URLActionRule
( " redirect " , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , " :internet " , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , true ) ) ;
// We allow redirections to file: but not from internet protocols, redirecting to file:
// is very popular among io-slaves and we don't want to break them
d - > urlActionRestrictions . append ( new KApplicationPrivate : : URLActionRule
( " redirect " , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , " file " , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , true ) ) ;
d - > urlActionRestrictions . append ( new KApplicationPrivate : : URLActionRule
( " redirect " , " :internet " , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , " file " , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , false ) ) ;
// local protocols may redirect everywhere
d - > urlActionRestrictions . append ( new KApplicationPrivate : : URLActionRule
( " redirect " , " :local " , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , true ) ) ;
// Anyone may redirect to about:
d - > urlActionRestrictions . append ( new KApplicationPrivate : : URLActionRule
( " redirect " , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , " about " , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , true ) ) ;
// Anyone may redirect to itself, cq. within it's own group
d - > urlActionRestrictions . append ( new KApplicationPrivate : : URLActionRule
( " redirect " , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , " = " , TQString : : null , TQString : : null , true ) ) ;
KConfig * config = KGlobal : : config ( ) ;
KConfigGroupSaver saver ( config , " KDE URL Restrictions " ) ;
int count = config - > readNumEntry ( " rule_count " ) ;
TQString keyFormat = TQString ( " rule_%1 " ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = count ; i + + )
TQString key = keyFormat . arg ( i ) ;
TQStringList rule = config - > readListEntry ( key ) ;
if ( rule . count ( ) ! = 8 )
continue ;
TQString action = rule [ 0 ] ;
TQString refProt = rule [ 1 ] ;
TQString refHost = rule [ 2 ] ;
TQString refPath = rule [ 3 ] ;
TQString urlProt = rule [ 4 ] ;
TQString urlHost = rule [ 5 ] ;
TQString urlPath = rule [ 6 ] ;
TQString strEnabled = rule [ 7 ] . lower ( ) ;
bool bEnabled = ( strEnabled = = " true " ) ;
if ( refPath . startsWith ( " $HOME " ) )
refPath . replace ( 0 , 5 , TQDir : : homeDirPath ( ) ) ;
else if ( refPath . startsWith ( " ~ " ) )
refPath . replace ( 0 , 1 , TQDir : : homeDirPath ( ) ) ;
if ( urlPath . startsWith ( " $HOME " ) )
urlPath . replace ( 0 , 5 , TQDir : : homeDirPath ( ) ) ;
else if ( urlPath . startsWith ( " ~ " ) )
urlPath . replace ( 0 , 1 , TQDir : : homeDirPath ( ) ) ;
if ( refPath . startsWith ( " $TMP " ) )
refPath . replace ( 0 , 4 , KGlobal : : dirs ( ) - > saveLocation ( " tmp " ) ) ;
if ( urlPath . startsWith ( " $TMP " ) )
urlPath . replace ( 0 , 4 , KGlobal : : dirs ( ) - > saveLocation ( " tmp " ) ) ;
d - > urlActionRestrictions . append ( new KApplicationPrivate : : URLActionRule
( action , refProt , refHost , refPath , urlProt , urlHost , urlPath , bEnabled ) ) ;
void KApplication : : allowURLAction ( const TQString & action , const KURL & _baseURL , const KURL & _destURL )
if ( authorizeURLAction ( action , _baseURL , _destURL ) )
return ;
d - > urlActionRestrictions . append ( new KApplicationPrivate : : URLActionRule
( action , _baseURL . protocol ( ) , _baseURL . host ( ) , _baseURL . path ( - 1 ) ,
_destURL . protocol ( ) , _destURL . host ( ) , _destURL . path ( - 1 ) , true ) ) ;
bool KApplication : : authorizeURLAction ( const TQString & action , const KURL & _baseURL , const KURL & _destURL )
if ( _destURL . isEmpty ( ) )
return true ;
bool result = false ;
if ( d - > urlActionRestrictions . isEmpty ( ) )
initUrlActionRestrictions ( ) ;
KURL baseURL ( _baseURL ) ;
baseURL . setPath ( TQDir : : cleanDirPath ( baseURL . path ( ) ) ) ;
TQString baseClass = KProtocolInfo : : protocolClass ( baseURL . protocol ( ) ) ;
KURL destURL ( _destURL ) ;
destURL . setPath ( TQDir : : cleanDirPath ( destURL . path ( ) ) ) ;
TQString destClass = KProtocolInfo : : protocolClass ( destURL . protocol ( ) ) ;
for ( KApplicationPrivate : : URLActionRule * rule = d - > urlActionRestrictions . first ( ) ;
rule ; rule = d - > urlActionRestrictions . next ( ) )
if ( ( result ! = rule - > permission ) & & // No need to check if it doesn't make a difference
( action = = rule - > action ) & &
rule - > baseMatch ( baseURL , baseClass ) & &
rule - > destMatch ( destURL , destClass , baseURL , baseClass ) )
result = rule - > permission ;
return result ;
uint KApplication : : keyboardModifiers ( )
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
Window root ;
Window child ;
int root_x , root_y , win_x , win_y ;
uint keybstate ;
XQueryPointer ( qt_xdisplay ( ) , qt_xrootwin ( ) , & root , & child ,
& root_x , & root_y , & win_x , & win_y , & keybstate ) ;
return keybstate & 0x00ff ;
# elif defined W_WS_MACX
return GetCurrentEventKeyModifiers ( ) & 0x00ff ;
# else
//TODO for win32
return 0 ;
# endif
uint KApplication : : mouseState ( )
uint mousestate ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
Window root ;
Window child ;
int root_x , root_y , win_x , win_y ;
XQueryPointer ( qt_xdisplay ( ) , qt_xrootwin ( ) , & root , & child ,
& root_x , & root_y , & win_x , & win_y , & mousestate ) ;
# elif defined(Q_WS_WIN)
const bool mousebtn_swapped = GetSystemMetrics ( SM_SWAPBUTTON ) ;
if ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) )
mousestate | = ( mousebtn_swapped ? Button3Mask : Button1Mask ) ;
if ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_MBUTTON ) )
mousestate | = Button2Mask ;
if ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_RBUTTON ) )
mousestate | = ( mousebtn_swapped ? Button1Mask : Button3Mask ) ;
# elif defined(Q_WS_MACX)
mousestate = GetCurrentEventButtonState ( ) ;
# else
//TODO: other platforms
# endif
return mousestate & 0xff00 ;
TQ_ButtonState KApplication : : keyboardMouseState ( )
int ret = 0 ;
# ifdef Q_WS_X11
Window root ;
Window child ;
int root_x , root_y , win_x , win_y ;
uint state ;
XQueryPointer ( qt_xdisplay ( ) , qt_xrootwin ( ) , & root , & child ,
& root_x , & root_y , & win_x , & win_y , & state ) ;
// transform the same way like Qt's qt_x11_translateButtonState()
if ( state & Button1Mask )
ret | = TQ_LeftButton ;
if ( state & Button2Mask )
ret | = TQ_MidButton ;
if ( state & Button3Mask )
ret | = TQ_RightButton ;
if ( state & ShiftMask )
ret | = TQ_ShiftButton ;
if ( state & ControlMask )
ret | = TQ_ControlButton ;
if ( state & KKeyNative : : modX ( KKey : : ALT ) )
ret | = TQ_AltButton ;
if ( state & KKeyNative : : modX ( KKey : : WIN ) )
ret | = TQ_MetaButton ;
# elif defined(Q_WS_WIN)
const bool mousebtn_swapped = GetSystemMetrics ( SM_SWAPBUTTON ) ;
if ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LBUTTON ) )
ret | = ( mousebtn_swapped ? RightButton : LeftButton ) ;
if ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_MBUTTON ) )
ret | = TQ_MidButton ;
if ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_RBUTTON ) )
ret | = ( mousebtn_swapped ? TQ_LeftButton : TQ_RightButton ) ;
if ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_SHIFT ) )
ret | = TQ_ShiftButton ;
if ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_CONTROL ) )
ret | = TQ_ControlButton ;
if ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_MENU ) )
ret | = TQ_AltButton ;
if ( GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_LWIN ) | | GetAsyncKeyState ( VK_RWIN ) )
ret | = TQ_MetaButton ;
# else
//TODO: other platforms
# endif
return static_cast < ButtonState > ( ret ) ;
void KApplication : : installSigpipeHandler ( )
# ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
struct sigaction act ;
act . sa_handler = SIG_IGN ;
sigemptyset ( & act . sa_mask ) ;
act . sa_flags = 0 ;
sigaction ( SIGPIPE , & act , 0 ) ;
# endif
void KApplication : : sigpipeHandler ( int )
int saved_errno = errno ;
// Using kdDebug from a signal handler is not a good idea.
# ifndef NDEBUG
char msg [ 1000 ] ;
sprintf ( msg , " *** SIGPIPE *** (ignored, pid = %ld) \n " , ( long ) getpid ( ) ) ;
if ( write ( 2 , msg , strlen ( msg ) ) < 0 ) {
# endif
// Do nothing.
errno = saved_errno ;
bool KApplication : : guiEnabled ( )
return kapp & & kapp - > d - > guiEnabled ;
void KApplication : : virtual_hook ( int id , void * data )
{ KInstance : : virtual_hook ( id , data ) ; }
void KSessionManaged : : virtual_hook ( int , void * )
{ /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ }
# include "kapplication.moc"