/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2004 Jaroslaw Staniek This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "kcheckaccelerators.h" #include "tdeappdcopinterface.h" #include #include #include "windows.h" #include "shellapi.h" /** * MS Windows-related actions for TDEApplication startup. * * - Use Qt translation which will be usable for TQFileDialog * and other Qt-only GUIs. The "qt_.qm" file should be stored * in the same place as .po files for a given language. * * @internal */ void TDEApplication_init_windows(bool /*GUIenabled*/) { TQString qt_transl_file = ::locate( "locale", TDEGlobal::locale()->language() + "/LC_MESSAGES/qt_" + TDEGlobal::locale()->language() + ".qm" ); QTranslator *qt_transl = new QTranslator(); if (qt_transl->load( qt_transl_file, "")) tdeApp->installTranslator( qt_transl ); else delete qt_transl; } //unsafe; create tdeapplication_p.h instead! typedef void* IceIOErrorHandler; class TDEApplicationPrivate { public: TDEApplicationPrivate(); ~TDEApplicationPrivate(); bool actionRestrictions : 1; bool guiEnabled : 1; int refCount; IceIOErrorHandler oldIceIOErrorHandler; KCheckAccelerators* checkAccelerators; TQString overrideStyle; TQString geometry_arg; TQCString startup_id; TQTimer* app_started_timer; TDEAppDCOPInterface *m_TDEAppDCOPInterface; bool session_save; QAssistantClient* qassistantclient; }; void TDEApplication::invokeHelp( const TQString& anchor, const TQString& _appname, const TQCString& startup_id ) const { if (!d->qassistantclient) { d->qassistantclient = new QAssistantClient( TDEStandardDirs::findExe( "assistant" ), 0); TQStringList args; args << "-profile"; args << TQDir::convertSeparators( locate("html", TQString(name())+"/"+TQString(name())+".adp") ); d->qassistantclient->setArguments(args); } d->qassistantclient->openAssistant(); } // on win32, for invoking browser we're using win32 API // see kapplication_win.cpp void TDEApplication::invokeBrowser( const TQString &url, const TQCString& startup_id ) { TQCString s = url.latin1(); const unsigned short *l = (const unsigned short *)s.data(); ShellExecuteA(0, "open", s.data(), 0, 0, SW_NORMAL); } void TDEApplication::invokeMailer(const TQString &to, const TQString &cc, const TQString &bcc, const TQString &subject, const TQString &body, const TQString & /*messageFile TODO*/, const TQStringList &attachURLs, const TQCString& startup_id ) { KURL url("mailto:"+to); url.setQuery("?subject="+subject); url.addQueryItem("cc", cc); url.addQueryItem("bcc", bcc); url.addQueryItem("body", body); for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = attachURLs.constBegin(); it != attachURLs.constEnd(); ++it) url.addQueryItem("attach", KURL::encode_string(*it)); TQCString s = url.url().latin1(); const unsigned short *l = (const unsigned short *)s.data(); ShellExecuteA(0, "open", s.data(), 0, 0, SW_NORMAL); }