/* * This file is part of the KDE libraries * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Harri Porten (porten@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2001,2003 Peter Kelly (pmk@post.com) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "kjs_debugwin.h" #include "kjs_proxy.h" #ifdef KJS_DEBUGGER #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kjs_dom.h" #include "kjs_binding.h" #include "khtml_part.h" #include "khtmlview.h" #include "khtml_pagecache.h" #include "khtml_settings.h" #include "khtml_factory.h" #include "misc/decoder.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace KJS; using namespace khtml; SourceDisplay::SourceDisplay(KJSDebugWin *debugWin, TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : TQScrollView(parent,name), m_currentLine(-1), m_sourceFile(0), m_debugWin(debugWin), m_font(KGlobalSettings::fixedFont()) { verticalScrollBar()->setLineStep(TQFontMetrics(m_font).height()); viewport()->setBackgroundMode(TQt::NoBackground); m_breakpointIcon = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("stop",KIcon::Small); } SourceDisplay::~SourceDisplay() { if (m_sourceFile) { m_sourceFile->deref(); m_sourceFile = 0L; } } void SourceDisplay::setSource(SourceFile *sourceFile) { if ( sourceFile ) sourceFile->ref(); if (m_sourceFile) m_sourceFile->deref(); m_sourceFile = sourceFile; if ( m_sourceFile ) m_sourceFile->ref(); if (!m_sourceFile || !m_debugWin->isVisible()) { return; } TQString code = sourceFile->getCode(); const TQChar *chars = code.tqunicode(); uint len = code.length(); TQChar newLine('\n'); TQChar cr('\r'); TQChar tab('\t'); TQString tabstr(" "); TQString line; m_lines.clear(); int width = 0; TQFontMetrics metrics(m_font); for (uint pos = 0; pos < len; pos++) { TQChar c = chars[pos]; if (c == cr) { if (pos < len-1 && chars[pos+1] == newLine) continue; else c = newLine; } if (c == newLine) { m_lines.append(line); int lineWidth = metrics.width(line); if (lineWidth > width) width = lineWidth; line = ""; } else if (c == tab) { line += tabstr; } else { line += c; } } if (line.length()) { m_lines.append(line); int lineWidth = metrics.width(line); if (lineWidth > width) width = lineWidth; } int linenoDisplayWidth = metrics.width("888888"); resizeContents(linenoDisplayWidth+4+width,metrics.height()*m_lines.count()); update(); sourceFile->deref(); } void SourceDisplay::setCurrentLine(int lineno, bool doCenter) { m_currentLine = lineno; if (doCenter && m_currentLine >= 0) { TQFontMetrics metrics(m_font); int height = metrics.height(); center(0,height*m_currentLine+height/2); } updateContents(); } void SourceDisplay::contentsMousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *e) { TQScrollView::mouseDoubleClickEvent(e); TQFontMetrics metrics(m_font); int lineno = e->y()/metrics.height(); emit lineDoubleClicked(lineno+1); // line numbers start from 1 } void SourceDisplay::showEvent(TQShowEvent *) { setSource(m_sourceFile); } void SourceDisplay::drawContents(TQPainter *p, int clipx, int clipy, int clipw, int cliph) { if (!m_sourceFile) { p->fillRect(clipx,clipy,clipw,cliph,tqpalette().active().base()); return; } TQFontMetrics metrics(m_font); int height = metrics.height(); int bottom = clipy + cliph; int right = clipx + clipw; int firstLine = clipy/height-1; if (firstLine < 0) firstLine = 0; int lastLine = bottom/height+2; if (lastLine > (int)m_lines.count()) lastLine = m_lines.count(); p->setFont(m_font); int linenoWidth = metrics.width("888888"); for (int lineno = firstLine; lineno <= lastLine; lineno++) { TQString linenoStr = TQString().sprintf("%d",lineno+1); p->fillRect(0,height*lineno,linenoWidth,height,tqpalette().active().mid()); p->setPen(tqpalette().active().text()); p->drawText(0,height*lineno,linenoWidth,height,Qt::AlignRight,linenoStr); TQColor bgColor; TQColor textColor; if (lineno == m_currentLine) { bgColor = tqpalette().active().highlight(); textColor = tqpalette().active().highlightedText(); } else if (m_debugWin->haveBreakpoint(m_sourceFile,lineno+1,lineno+1)) { bgColor = tqpalette().active().text(); textColor = tqpalette().active().base(); p->drawPixmap(2,height*lineno+height/2-m_breakpointIcon.height()/2,m_breakpointIcon); } else { bgColor = tqpalette().active().base(); textColor = tqpalette().active().text(); } p->fillRect(linenoWidth,height*lineno,right-linenoWidth,height,bgColor); p->setPen(textColor); p->drawText(linenoWidth+4,height*lineno,contentsWidth()-linenoWidth-4,height, Qt::AlignLeft,m_lines[lineno]); } int remainingTop = height*(lastLine+1); p->fillRect(0,remainingTop,linenoWidth,bottom-remainingTop,tqpalette().active().mid()); p->fillRect(linenoWidth,remainingTop, right-linenoWidth,bottom-remainingTop,tqpalette().active().base()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJSDebugWin * KJSDebugWin::kjs_html_debugger = 0; TQString SourceFile::getCode() { if (interpreter) { KHTMLPart *part = ::tqqt_cast(static_cast(interpreter)->part()); if (part && url == part->url().url() && KHTMLPageCache::self()->isValid(part->cacheId())) { Decoder *decoder = part->createDecoder(); TQByteArray data; TQDataStream stream(data,IO_WriteOnly); KHTMLPageCache::self()->saveData(part->cacheId(),&stream); TQString str; if (data.size() == 0) str = ""; else str = decoder->decode(data.data(),data.size()) + decoder->flush(); delete decoder; return str; } } return code; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- SourceFragment::SourceFragment(int sid, int bl, int el, SourceFile *sf) { sourceId = sid; baseLine = bl; errorLine = el; sourceFile = sf; sourceFile->ref(); } SourceFragment::~SourceFragment() { sourceFile->deref(); sourceFile = 0L; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJSErrorDialog::KJSErrorDialog(TQWidget *parent, const TQString& errorMessage, bool showDebug) : KDialogBase(parent,0,true,i18n("JavaScript Error"), showDebug ? KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::User1 : KDialogBase::Ok, KDialogBase::Ok,false,KGuiItem("&Debug","gear")) { TQWidget *page = new TQWidget(this); setMainWidget(page); TQLabel *iconLabel = new TQLabel("",page); iconLabel->setPixmap(KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("messagebox_critical", KIcon::NoGroup,KIcon::SizeMedium, KIcon::DefaultState,0,true)); TQWidget *contents = new TQWidget(page); TQLabel *label = new TQLabel(errorMessage,contents); m_dontShowAgainCb = new TQCheckBox(i18n("&Do not show this message again"),contents); TQVBoxLayout *vl = new TQVBoxLayout(contents,0,spacingHint()); vl->addWidget(label); vl->addWidget(m_dontShowAgainCb); TQHBoxLayout *topLayout = new TQHBoxLayout(page,0,spacingHint()); topLayout->addWidget(iconLabel); topLayout->addWidget(contents); topLayout->addStretch(10); m_debugSelected = false; } KJSErrorDialog::~KJSErrorDialog() { } void KJSErrorDialog::slotUser1() { m_debugSelected = true; close(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- EvalMultiLineEdit::EvalMultiLineEdit(TQWidget *parent) : TQMultiLineEdit(parent) { } void EvalMultiLineEdit::keyPressEvent(TQKeyEvent * e) { if (e->key() == Qt::Key_Return) { if (hasSelectedText()) { m_code = selectedText(); } else { int para, index; getCursorPosition(¶, &index); m_code = text(para); } end(); } TQMultiLineEdit::keyPressEvent(e); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- KJSDebugWin::KJSDebugWin(TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : KMainWindow(parent, name, (WFlags)WType_TopLevel), KInstance("kjs_debugger") { m_breakpoints = 0; m_breakpointCount = 0; m_curSourceFile = 0; m_mode = Continue; m_nextSourceUrl = ""; m_nextSourceBaseLine = 1; m_execs = 0; m_execsCount = 0; m_execsAlloc = 0; m_steppingDepth = 0; m_stopIcon = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("stop",KIcon::Small); m_emptyIcon = TQPixmap(m_stopIcon.width(),m_stopIcon.height()); TQBitmap emptyMask(m_stopIcon.width(),m_stopIcon.height(),true); m_emptyIcon.setMask(emptyMask); setCaption(i18n("JavaScript Debugger")); TQWidget *mainWidget = new TQWidget(this); setCentralWidget(mainWidget); TQVBoxLayout *vl = new TQVBoxLayout(mainWidget,5); // frame list & code TQSplitter *hsplitter = new TQSplitter(Qt::Vertical,mainWidget); TQSplitter *vsplitter = new TQSplitter(hsplitter); TQFont font(KGlobalSettings::fixedFont()); TQWidget *contextContainer = new TQWidget(vsplitter); TQLabel *contextLabel = new TQLabel(i18n("Call stack"),contextContainer); TQWidget *contextListContainer = new TQWidget(contextContainer); m_contextList = new TQListBox(contextListContainer); m_contextList->setMinimumSize(100,200); connect(m_contextList,TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(int)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotShowFrame(int))); TQHBoxLayout *clistLayout = new TQHBoxLayout(contextListContainer); clistLayout->addWidget(m_contextList); clistLayout->addSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); TQVBoxLayout *contextLayout = new TQVBoxLayout(contextContainer); contextLayout->addWidget(contextLabel); contextLayout->addSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); contextLayout->addWidget(contextListContainer); // source selection & display TQWidget *sourceSelDisplay = new TQWidget(vsplitter); TQVBoxLayout *ssdvl = new TQVBoxLayout(sourceSelDisplay); m_sourceSel = new TQComboBox(toolBar()); connect(m_sourceSel,TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotSourceSelected(int))); m_sourceDisplay = new SourceDisplay(this,sourceSelDisplay); ssdvl->addWidget(m_sourceDisplay); connect(m_sourceDisplay,TQT_SIGNAL(lineDoubleClicked(int)),TQT_SLOT(slotToggleBreakpoint(int))); TQValueList vsplitSizes; vsplitSizes.insert(vsplitSizes.end(),120); vsplitSizes.insert(vsplitSizes.end(),480); vsplitter->setSizes(vsplitSizes); // evaluate TQWidget *evalContainer = new TQWidget(hsplitter); TQLabel *evalLabel = new TQLabel(i18n("JavaScript console"),evalContainer); m_evalEdit = new EvalMultiLineEdit(evalContainer); m_evalEdit->setWordWrap(TQMultiLineEdit::NoWrap); m_evalEdit->setFont(font); connect(m_evalEdit,TQT_SIGNAL(returnPressed()),TQT_SLOT(slotEval())); m_evalDepth = 0; TQVBoxLayout *evalLayout = new TQVBoxLayout(evalContainer); evalLayout->addSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); evalLayout->addWidget(evalLabel); evalLayout->addSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); evalLayout->addWidget(m_evalEdit); TQValueList hsplitSizes; hsplitSizes.insert(hsplitSizes.end(),400); hsplitSizes.insert(hsplitSizes.end(),200); hsplitter->setSizes(hsplitSizes); vl->addWidget(hsplitter); // actions KPopupMenu *debugMenu = new KPopupMenu(this); menuBar()->insertItem("&Debug",debugMenu); m_actionCollection = new KActionCollection(this); m_actionCollection->setInstance(this); // Venkman use F12, KDevelop F10 KShortcut scNext = KShortcut(KKeySequence(KKey(Qt::Key_F12))); scNext.append(KKeySequence(KKey(Qt::Key_F10))); m_nextAction = new KAction(i18n("Next breakpoint","&Next"),"dbgnext",scNext,TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotNext()), m_actionCollection,"next"); m_stepAction = new KAction(i18n("&Step"),"dbgstep",KShortcut(Qt::Key_F11),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotStep()), m_actionCollection,"step"); // Venkman use F5, Kdevelop F9 KShortcut scCont = KShortcut(KKeySequence(KKey(Qt::Key_F5))); scCont.append(KKeySequence(KKey(Qt::Key_F9))); m_continueAction = new KAction(i18n("&Continue"),"dbgrun",scCont,TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotContinue()), m_actionCollection,"cont"); m_stopAction = new KAction(i18n("St&op"),"stop",KShortcut(Qt::Key_F4),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotStop()), m_actionCollection,"stop"); m_breakAction = new KAction(i18n("&Break at Next Statement"),"dbgrunto",KShortcut(Qt::Key_F8),TQT_TQOBJECT(this),TQT_SLOT(slotBreakNext()), m_actionCollection,"breaknext"); m_nextAction->setToolTip(i18n("Next breakpoint","Next")); m_stepAction->setToolTip(i18n("Step")); m_continueAction->setToolTip(i18n("Continue")); m_stopAction->setToolTip(i18n("Stop")); m_breakAction->setToolTip("Break at next Statement"); m_nextAction->setEnabled(false); m_stepAction->setEnabled(false); m_continueAction->setEnabled(false); m_stopAction->setEnabled(false); m_breakAction->setEnabled(true); m_nextAction->plug(debugMenu); m_stepAction->plug(debugMenu); m_continueAction->plug(debugMenu); // m_stopAction->plug(debugMenu); ### disabled until DebuggerImp::stop() works reliably m_breakAction->plug(debugMenu); m_nextAction->plug(toolBar()); m_stepAction->plug(toolBar()); m_continueAction->plug(toolBar()); // m_stopAction->plug(toolBar()); ### m_breakAction->plug(toolBar()); toolBar()->insertWidget(1,300,m_sourceSel); toolBar()->setItemAutoSized(1); updateContextList(); setMinimumSize(300,200); resize(600,450); } KJSDebugWin::~KJSDebugWin() { free(m_breakpoints); free(m_execs); } KJSDebugWin *KJSDebugWin::createInstance() { assert(!kjs_html_debugger); kjs_html_debugger = new KJSDebugWin(); return kjs_html_debugger; } void KJSDebugWin::destroyInstance() { assert(kjs_html_debugger); kjs_html_debugger->hide(); delete kjs_html_debugger; } void KJSDebugWin::slotNext() { m_mode = Next; leaveSession(); } void KJSDebugWin::slotStep() { m_mode = Step; leaveSession(); } void KJSDebugWin::slotContinue() { m_mode = Continue; leaveSession(); } void KJSDebugWin::slotStop() { m_mode = Stop; while (!m_execStates.isEmpty()) leaveSession(); } void KJSDebugWin::slotBreakNext() { m_mode = Step; } void KJSDebugWin::slotToggleBreakpoint(int lineno) { if (m_sourceSel->currentItem() < 0) return; SourceFile *sourceFile = m_sourceSelFiles.at(m_sourceSel->currentItem()); // Find the source fragment containing the selected line (if any) int sourceId = -1; int highestBaseLine = -1; TQMap::Iterator it; for (it = m_sourceFragments.begin(); it != m_sourceFragments.end(); ++it) { SourceFragment *sourceFragment = it.data(); if (sourceFragment && sourceFragment->sourceFile == sourceFile && sourceFragment->baseLine <= lineno && sourceFragment->baseLine > highestBaseLine) { sourceId = sourceFragment->sourceId; highestBaseLine = sourceFragment->baseLine; } } if (sourceId < 0) return; // Update the source code display with the appropriate icon int fragmentLineno = lineno-highestBaseLine+1; if (!setBreakpoint(sourceId,fragmentLineno)) // was already set deleteBreakpoint(sourceId,fragmentLineno); m_sourceDisplay->updateContents(); } void KJSDebugWin::slotShowFrame(int frameno) { if (frameno < 0 || frameno >= m_execsCount) return; Context ctx = m_execs[frameno]->context(); setSourceLine(ctx.sourceId(),ctx.curStmtFirstLine()); } void KJSDebugWin::slotSourceSelected(int sourceSelIndex) { // A source file has been selected from the drop-down list - display the file if (sourceSelIndex < 0 || sourceSelIndex >= (int)m_sourceSel->count()) return; SourceFile *sourceFile = m_sourceSelFiles.at(sourceSelIndex); displaySourceFile(sourceFile,true); // If the currently selected context is in the current source file, then hilight // the line it's on. if (m_contextList->currentItem() >= 0) { Context ctx = m_execs[m_contextList->currentItem()]->context(); if (m_sourceFragments[ctx.sourceId()]->sourceFile == m_sourceSelFiles.at(sourceSelIndex)) setSourceLine(ctx.sourceId(),ctx.curStmtFirstLine()); } } void KJSDebugWin::slotEval() { // Work out which execution state to use. If we're currently in a debugging session, // use the current context - otherwise, use the global execution state from the interpreter // corresponding to the currently displayed source file. ExecState *exec; Object thisobj; if (m_execStates.isEmpty()) { if (m_sourceSel->currentItem() < 0) return; SourceFile *sourceFile = m_sourceSelFiles.at(m_sourceSel->currentItem()); if (!sourceFile->interpreter) return; exec = sourceFile->interpreter->globalExec(); thisobj = exec->interpreter()->globalObject(); } else { exec = m_execStates.top(); thisobj = exec->context().thisValue(); } // Evaluate the js code from m_evalEdit UString code(m_evalEdit->code()); TQString msg; KJSCPUGuard guard; guard.start(); Interpreter *interp = exec->interpreter(); Object obj = Object::dynamicCast(interp->globalObject().get(exec, "eval")); List args; args.append(String(code)); m_evalDepth++; Value retval = obj.call(exec, thisobj, args); m_evalDepth--; guard.stop(); // Print the return value or exception message to the console if (exec->hadException()) { Value exc = exec->exception(); exec->clearException(); msg = "Exception: " + exc.toString(interp->globalExec()).qstring(); } else { msg = retval.toString(interp->globalExec()).qstring(); } m_evalEdit->insert(msg+"\n"); updateContextList(); } void KJSDebugWin::closeEvent(TQCloseEvent *e) { while (!m_execStates.isEmpty()) // ### not sure if this will work leaveSession(); return TQWidget::closeEvent(e); } bool KJSDebugWin::eventFilter(TQObject *o, TQEvent *e) { switch (e->type()) { case TQEvent::MouseButtonPress: case TQEvent::MouseButtonRelease: case TQEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: case TQEvent::MouseMove: case TQEvent::KeyPress: case TQEvent::KeyRelease: case TQEvent::Destroy: case TQEvent::Close: case TQEvent::Quit: while (o->parent()) o = TQT_TQOBJECT(o->parent()); if (TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(this)) return TQWidget::eventFilter(o,e); else return true; break; default: return TQWidget::eventFilter(o,e); } } void KJSDebugWin::disableOtherWindows() { TQWidgetList *widgets = TQApplication::allWidgets(); TQWidgetListIt it(*widgets); for (; it.current(); ++it) it.current()->installEventFilter(this); } void KJSDebugWin::enableOtherWindows() { TQWidgetList *widgets = TQApplication::allWidgets(); TQWidgetListIt it(*widgets); for (; it.current(); ++it) it.current()->removeEventFilter(this); } bool KJSDebugWin::sourceParsed(KJS::ExecState *exec, int sourceId, const KJS::UString &source, int errorLine) { // Work out which source file this fragment is in SourceFile *sourceFile = 0; if (!m_nextSourceUrl.isEmpty()) sourceFile = getSourceFile(exec->interpreter(),m_nextSourceUrl); int index; if (!sourceFile) { index = m_sourceSel->count(); if (!m_nextSourceUrl.isEmpty()) { TQString code = source.qstring(); KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part = static_cast(exec->interpreter())->part(); if (m_nextSourceUrl == part->url().url()) { // Only store the code here if it's not from the part's html page... in that // case we can get it from KHTMLPageCache code = TQString::null; } sourceFile = new SourceFile(m_nextSourceUrl,code,exec->interpreter()); setSourceFile(exec->interpreter(),m_nextSourceUrl,sourceFile); m_sourceSelFiles.append(sourceFile); m_sourceSel->insertItem(m_nextSourceUrl); } else { // Sourced passed from somewhere else (possibly an eval call)... we don't know the url, // but we still know the interpreter sourceFile = new SourceFile("(unknown)",source.qstring(),exec->interpreter()); m_sourceSelFiles.append(sourceFile); m_sourceSel->insertItem(TQString::number(index) += "-???"); } } else { // Ensure that each source file to be displayed is associated with // an appropriate interpreter if (!sourceFile->interpreter) sourceFile->interpreter = exec->interpreter(); for (index = 0; index < m_sourceSel->count(); index++) { if (m_sourceSelFiles.at(index) == sourceFile) break; } assert(index < m_sourceSel->count()); } SourceFragment *sf = new SourceFragment(sourceId,m_nextSourceBaseLine,errorLine,sourceFile); m_sourceFragments[sourceId] = sf; if (m_sourceSel->currentItem() < 0) m_sourceSel->setCurrentItem(index); if (m_sourceSel->currentItem() == index) { displaySourceFile(sourceFile,true); } m_nextSourceBaseLine = 1; m_nextSourceUrl = ""; return (m_mode != Stop); } bool KJSDebugWin::sourceUnused(KJS::ExecState *exec, int sourceId) { // Verify that there aren't any contexts on the stack using the given sourceId // This should never be the case because this function is only called when // the interpreter has deleted all Node objects for the source. for (int e = 0; e < m_execsCount; e++) assert(m_execs[e]->context().sourceId() != sourceId); // Now remove the fragment (and the SourceFile, if it was the last fragment in that file) SourceFragment *fragment = m_sourceFragments[sourceId]; if (fragment) { m_sourceFragments.erase(sourceId); SourceFile *sourceFile = fragment->sourceFile; if (sourceFile->hasOneRef()) { for (int i = 0; i < m_sourceSel->count(); i++) { if (m_sourceSelFiles.at(i) == sourceFile) { m_sourceSel->removeItem(i); m_sourceSelFiles.remove(i); break; } } removeSourceFile(exec->interpreter(),sourceFile->url); } delete fragment; } return (m_mode != Stop); } bool KJSDebugWin::exception(ExecState *exec, const Value &value, bool inTryCatch) { assert(value.isValid()); // Ignore exceptions that will be caught by the script if (inTryCatch) return true; KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part = static_cast(exec->interpreter())->part(); KHTMLPart *khtmlpart = ::tqqt_cast(part); if (khtmlpart && !khtmlpart->settings()->isJavaScriptErrorReportingEnabled()) return true; TQWidget *dlgParent = (m_evalDepth == 0) ? (TQWidget*)part->widget() : (TQWidget*)this; TQString exceptionMsg = value.toString(exec).qstring(); // Syntax errors are a special case. For these we want to display the url & lineno, // which isn't included in the exception messeage. So we work it out from the values // passed to sourceParsed() Object valueObj = Object::dynamicCast(value); Object syntaxError = exec->interpreter()->builtinSyntaxError(); if (valueObj.isValid() && valueObj.get(exec,"constructor").imp() == syntaxError.imp()) { Value sidValue = valueObj.get(exec,"sid"); if (sidValue.isA(NumberType)) { // sid is not set for Function() constructor int sourceId = (int)sidValue.toNumber(exec); assert(m_sourceFragments[sourceId]); exceptionMsg = i18n("Parse error at %1 line %2") .arg(m_sourceFragments[sourceId]->sourceFile->url) .arg(m_sourceFragments[sourceId]->baseLine+m_sourceFragments[sourceId]->errorLine-1); } } bool dontShowAgain = false; if (m_execsCount == 0) { // An exception occurred and we're not currently executing any code... this can // happen in some cases e.g. a parse error, or native code accessing funcitons like // Object::put() TQString msg = i18n("An error occurred while attempting to run a script on this page.\n\n%1") .arg(exceptionMsg); KJSErrorDialog dlg(dlgParent,msg,false); dlg.exec(); dontShowAgain = dlg.dontShowAgain(); } else { Context ctx = m_execs[m_execsCount-1]->context(); SourceFragment *sourceFragment = m_sourceFragments[ctx.sourceId()]; TQString msg = i18n("An error occurred while attempting to run a script on this page.\n\n%1 line %2:\n%3") .arg(KStringHandler::rsqueeze( sourceFragment->sourceFile->url,80), TQString::number( sourceFragment->baseLine+ctx.curStmtFirstLine()-1), exceptionMsg); KJSErrorDialog dlg(dlgParent,msg,true); dlg.exec(); dontShowAgain = dlg.dontShowAgain(); if (dlg.debugSelected()) { m_mode = Next; m_steppingDepth = m_execsCount-1; enterSession(exec); } } if (dontShowAgain) { KConfig *config = kapp->config(); KConfigGroupSaver saver(config,TQString::fromLatin1("Java/JavaScript Settings")); config->writeEntry("ReportJavaScriptErrors",TQVariant(false,0)); config->sync(); TQByteArray data; kapp->dcopClient()->send( "konqueror*", "KonquerorIface", "reparseConfiguration()", data ); } return (m_mode != Stop); } bool KJSDebugWin::atStatement(KJS::ExecState *exec) { assert(m_execsCount > 0); assert(m_execs[m_execsCount-1] == exec); checkBreak(exec); return (m_mode != Stop); } bool KJSDebugWin::enterContext(ExecState *exec) { if (m_execsCount >= m_execsAlloc) { m_execsAlloc += 10; m_execs = (ExecState**)realloc(m_execs,m_execsAlloc*sizeof(ExecState*)); } m_execs[m_execsCount++] = exec; if (m_mode == Step) m_steppingDepth = m_execsCount-1; checkBreak(exec); return (m_mode != Stop); } bool KJSDebugWin::exitContext(ExecState *exec, const Completion &/*completion*/) { assert(m_execsCount > 0); assert(m_execs[m_execsCount-1] == exec); checkBreak(exec); m_execsCount--; if (m_steppingDepth > m_execsCount-1) m_steppingDepth = m_execsCount-1; if (m_execsCount == 0) updateContextList(); return (m_mode != Stop); } void KJSDebugWin::displaySourceFile(SourceFile *sourceFile, bool forceRefresh) { if (m_curSourceFile == sourceFile && !forceRefresh) return; sourceFile->ref(); m_sourceDisplay->setSource(sourceFile); if (m_curSourceFile) m_curSourceFile->deref(); m_curSourceFile = sourceFile; } void KJSDebugWin::setSourceLine(int sourceId, int lineno) { SourceFragment *source = m_sourceFragments[sourceId]; if (!source) return; SourceFile *sourceFile = source->sourceFile; if (m_curSourceFile != source->sourceFile) { for (int i = 0; i < m_sourceSel->count(); i++) if (m_sourceSelFiles.at(i) == sourceFile) m_sourceSel->setCurrentItem(i); displaySourceFile(sourceFile,false); } m_sourceDisplay->setCurrentLine(source->baseLine+lineno-2); } void KJSDebugWin::setNextSourceInfo(TQString url, int baseLine) { m_nextSourceUrl = url; m_nextSourceBaseLine = baseLine; } void KJSDebugWin::sourceChanged(Interpreter *interpreter, TQString url) { SourceFile *sourceFile = getSourceFile(interpreter,url); if (sourceFile && m_curSourceFile == sourceFile) displaySourceFile(sourceFile,true); } void KJSDebugWin::clearInterpreter(Interpreter *interpreter) { TQMap::Iterator it; for (it = m_sourceFragments.begin(); it != m_sourceFragments.end(); ++it) if (it.data() && it.data()->sourceFile->interpreter == interpreter) it.data()->sourceFile->interpreter = 0; } SourceFile *KJSDebugWin::getSourceFile(Interpreter *interpreter, TQString url) { TQString key = TQString("%1|%2").arg((long)interpreter).arg(url); return m_sourceFiles[key]; } void KJSDebugWin::setSourceFile(Interpreter *interpreter, TQString url, SourceFile *sourceFile) { TQString key = TQString("%1|%2").arg((long)interpreter).arg(url); sourceFile->ref(); if (SourceFile* oldFile = m_sourceFiles[key]) oldFile->deref(); m_sourceFiles[key] = sourceFile; } void KJSDebugWin::removeSourceFile(Interpreter *interpreter, TQString url) { TQString key = TQString("%1|%2").arg((long)interpreter).arg(url); if (SourceFile* oldFile = m_sourceFiles[key]) oldFile->deref(); m_sourceFiles.remove(key); } void KJSDebugWin::checkBreak(ExecState *exec) { if (m_breakpointCount > 0) { Context ctx = m_execs[m_execsCount-1]->context(); if (haveBreakpoint(ctx.sourceId(),ctx.curStmtFirstLine(),ctx.curStmtLastLine())) { m_mode = Next; m_steppingDepth = m_execsCount-1; } } if ((m_mode == Step || m_mode == Next) && m_steppingDepth == m_execsCount-1) enterSession(exec); } void KJSDebugWin::enterSession(ExecState *exec) { // This "enters" a new debugging session, i.e. enables usage of the debugging window // It re-enters the qt event loop here, allowing execution of other parts of the // program to continue while the script is stopped. We have to be a bit careful here, // i.e. make sure the user can't quit the app, and disable other event handlers which // could interfere with the debugging session. if (!isVisible()) show(); m_mode = Continue; if (m_execStates.isEmpty()) { disableOtherWindows(); m_nextAction->setEnabled(true); m_stepAction->setEnabled(true); m_continueAction->setEnabled(true); m_stopAction->setEnabled(true); m_breakAction->setEnabled(false); } m_execStates.push(exec); updateContextList(); tqApp->enter_loop(); // won't return until leaveSession() is called } void KJSDebugWin::leaveSession() { // Disables debugging for this window and returns to execute the rest of the script // (or aborts execution, if the user pressed stop). When this returns, the program // will exit the qt event loop, i.e. return to whatever processing was being done // before the debugger was stopped. assert(!m_execStates.isEmpty()); m_execStates.pop(); if (m_execStates.isEmpty()) { m_nextAction->setEnabled(false); m_stepAction->setEnabled(false); m_continueAction->setEnabled(false); m_stopAction->setEnabled(false); m_breakAction->setEnabled(true); m_sourceDisplay->setCurrentLine(-1); enableOtherWindows(); } tqApp->exit_loop(); } void KJSDebugWin::updateContextList() { disconnect(m_contextList,TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(int)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotShowFrame(int))); m_contextList->clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_execsCount; i++) m_contextList->insertItem(contextStr(m_execs[i]->context())); if (m_execsCount > 0) { m_contextList->setSelected(m_execsCount-1, true); Context ctx = m_execs[m_execsCount-1]->context(); setSourceLine(ctx.sourceId(),ctx.curStmtFirstLine()); } connect(m_contextList,TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted(int)),this,TQT_SLOT(slotShowFrame(int))); } TQString KJSDebugWin::contextStr(const Context &ctx) { TQString str = ""; SourceFragment *sourceFragment = m_sourceFragments[ctx.sourceId()]; TQString url = sourceFragment->sourceFile->url; int fileLineno = sourceFragment->baseLine+ctx.curStmtFirstLine()-1; switch (ctx.codeType()) { case GlobalCode: str = TQString("Global code at %1:%2").arg(url).arg(fileLineno); break; case EvalCode: str = TQString("Eval code at %1:%2").arg(url).arg(fileLineno); break; case FunctionCode: if (!ctx.functionName().isNull()) str = TQString("%1() at %2:%3").arg(ctx.functionName().qstring()).arg(url).arg(fileLineno); else str = TQString("Anonymous function at %1:%2").arg(url).arg(fileLineno); break; } return str; } bool KJSDebugWin::setBreakpoint(int sourceId, int lineno) { if (haveBreakpoint(sourceId,lineno,lineno)) return false; m_breakpointCount++; m_breakpoints = static_cast(realloc(m_breakpoints, m_breakpointCount*sizeof(Breakpoint))); m_breakpoints[m_breakpointCount-1].sourceId = sourceId; m_breakpoints[m_breakpointCount-1].lineno = lineno; return true; } bool KJSDebugWin::deleteBreakpoint(int sourceId, int lineno) { for (int i = 0; i < m_breakpointCount; i++) { if (m_breakpoints[i].sourceId == sourceId && m_breakpoints[i].lineno == lineno) { memmove(m_breakpoints+i,m_breakpoints+i+1,(m_breakpointCount-i-1)*sizeof(Breakpoint)); m_breakpointCount--; m_breakpoints = static_cast(realloc(m_breakpoints, m_breakpointCount*sizeof(Breakpoint))); return true; } } return false; } bool KJSDebugWin::haveBreakpoint(SourceFile *sourceFile, int line0, int line1) { for (int i = 0; i < m_breakpointCount; i++) { int sourceId = m_breakpoints[i].sourceId; int lineno = m_breakpoints[i].lineno; if (m_sourceFragments.contains(sourceId) && m_sourceFragments[sourceId]->sourceFile == sourceFile) { int absLineno = m_sourceFragments[sourceId]->baseLine+lineno-1; if (absLineno >= line0 && absLineno <= line1) return true; } } return false; } #include "kjs_debugwin.moc" #endif // KJS_DEBUGGER