/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 1999 Torben Weis Copyright (C) 2000- Waldo Bastain Copyright (C) 2000- Dawit Alemayehu This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kprotocolmanager.h" class KProtocolManagerPrivate { public: KProtocolManagerPrivate(); ~KProtocolManagerPrivate(); KConfig *config; KConfig *http_config; bool init_busy; KURL url; TQString protocol; TQString proxy; TQString modifiers; TQString useragent; }; static KProtocolManagerPrivate* d = 0; static KStaticDeleter kpmpksd; KProtocolManagerPrivate::KProtocolManagerPrivate() :config(0), http_config(0), init_busy(false) { kpmpksd.setObject(d, this); } KProtocolManagerPrivate::~KProtocolManagerPrivate() { delete config; delete http_config; } // DEFAULT USERAGENT STRING #define CFG_DEFAULT_UAGENT(X) \ TQString("Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/%1.%2%3) KHTML/%4.%5.%6 (like Gecko)") \ .arg(TDE_VERSION_MAJOR).arg(TDE_VERSION_MINOR).arg(X).arg(TDE_VERSION_MAJOR).arg(TDE_VERSION_MINOR).arg(TDE_VERSION_RELEASE) void KProtocolManager::reparseConfiguration() { kpmpksd.destructObject(); // Force the slave config to re-read its config... KIO::SlaveConfig::self()->reset (); } KConfig *KProtocolManager::config() { if (!d) d = new KProtocolManagerPrivate; if (!d->config) { d->config = new KConfig("kioslaverc", true, false); } return d->config; } KConfig *KProtocolManager::http_config() { if (!d) d = new KProtocolManagerPrivate; if (!d->http_config) { d->http_config = new KConfig("kio_httprc", false, false); } return d->http_config; } /*=============================== TIMEOUT SETTINGS ==========================*/ int KProtocolManager::readTimeout() { KConfig *cfg = config(); cfg->setGroup( TQString::null ); int val = cfg->readNumEntry( "ReadTimeout", DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT ); return QMAX(MIN_TIMEOUT_VALUE, val); } int KProtocolManager::connectTimeout() { KConfig *cfg = config(); cfg->setGroup( TQString::null ); int val = cfg->readNumEntry( "ConnectTimeout", DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT ); return QMAX(MIN_TIMEOUT_VALUE, val); } int KProtocolManager::proxyConnectTimeout() { KConfig *cfg = config(); cfg->setGroup( TQString::null ); int val = cfg->readNumEntry( "ProxyConnectTimeout", DEFAULT_PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT ); return QMAX(MIN_TIMEOUT_VALUE, val); } int KProtocolManager::responseTimeout() { KConfig *cfg = config(); cfg->setGroup( TQString::null ); int val = cfg->readNumEntry( "ResponseTimeout", DEFAULT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT ); return QMAX(MIN_TIMEOUT_VALUE, val); } /*========================== PROXY SETTINGS =================================*/ bool KProtocolManager::useProxy() { return proxyType() != NoProxy; } bool KProtocolManager::useReverseProxy() { KConfig *cfg = config(); cfg->setGroup( "Proxy Settings" ); return cfg->readBoolEntry("ReversedException", false); } KProtocolManager::ProxyType KProtocolManager::proxyType() { KConfig *cfg = config(); cfg->setGroup( "Proxy Settings" ); return static_cast(cfg->readNumEntry( "ProxyType" )); } KProtocolManager::ProxyAuthMode KProtocolManager::proxyAuthMode() { KConfig *cfg = config(); cfg->setGroup( "Proxy Settings" ); return static_cast(cfg->readNumEntry( "AuthMode" )); } /*========================== CACHING =====================================*/ bool KProtocolManager::useCache() { KConfig *cfg = http_config(); return cfg->readBoolEntry( "UseCache", true ); } KIO::CacheControl KProtocolManager::cacheControl() { KConfig *cfg = http_config(); TQString tmp = cfg->readEntry("cache"); if (tmp.isEmpty()) return DEFAULT_CACHE_CONTROL; return KIO::parseCacheControl(tmp); } TQString KProtocolManager::cacheDir() { KConfig *cfg = http_config(); return cfg->readPathEntry("CacheDir", KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("cache","http")); } int KProtocolManager::maxCacheAge() { KConfig *cfg = http_config(); return cfg->readNumEntry( "MaxCacheAge", DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_AGE ); // 14 days } int KProtocolManager::maxCacheSize() { KConfig *cfg = http_config(); return cfg->readNumEntry( "MaxCacheSize", DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_SIZE ); // 5 MB } TQString KProtocolManager::noProxyForRaw() { KConfig *cfg = config(); cfg->setGroup( "Proxy Settings" ); return cfg->readEntry( "NoProxyFor" ); } TQString KProtocolManager::noProxyFor() { TQString noProxy = noProxyForRaw(); if (proxyType() == EnvVarProxy) noProxy = TQString::fromLocal8Bit(getenv(noProxy.local8Bit())); return noProxy; } TQString KProtocolManager::proxyFor( const TQString& protocol ) { TQString scheme = protocol.lower(); if (scheme == "webdav") scheme = "http"; else if (scheme == "webdavs") scheme = "https"; KConfig *cfg = config(); cfg->setGroup( "Proxy Settings" ); return cfg->readEntry( scheme + "Proxy" ); } TQString KProtocolManager::proxyForURL( const KURL &url ) { TQString proxy; ProxyType pt = proxyType(); switch (pt) { case PACProxy: case WPADProxy: if (!url.host().isEmpty()) { KURL u (url); TQString p = u.protocol().lower(); // webdav is a KDE specific protocol. Look up proxy // information using HTTP instead... if ( p == "webdav" ) { p = "http"; u.setProtocol( p ); } else if ( p == "webdavs" ) { p = "https"; u.setProtocol( p ); } if ( p.startsWith("http") || p == "ftp" || p == "gopher" ) DCOPRef( "kded", "proxyscout" ).call( "proxyForURL", u ).get( proxy ); } break; case EnvVarProxy: proxy = TQString(TQString::fromLocal8Bit(getenv(proxyFor(url.protocol()).local8Bit()))).stripWhiteSpace(); break; case ManualProxy: proxy = proxyFor( url.protocol() ); break; case NoProxy: default: break; } return (proxy.isEmpty() ? TQString::fromLatin1("DIRECT") : proxy); } void KProtocolManager::badProxy( const TQString &proxy ) { DCOPRef( "kded", "proxyscout" ).send( "blackListProxy", proxy ); } /* Domain suffix match. E.g. return true if host is "cuzco.inka.de" and nplist is "inka.de,hadiko.de" or if host is "localhost" and nplist is "localhost". */ static bool revmatch(const char *host, const char *nplist) { if (host == 0) return false; const char *hptr = host + strlen( host ) - 1; const char *nptr = nplist + strlen( nplist ) - 1; const char *shptr = hptr; while ( nptr >= nplist ) { if ( *hptr != *nptr ) { hptr = shptr; // Try to find another domain or host in the list while(--nptr>=nplist && *nptr!=',' && *nptr!=' ') ; // Strip out multiple spaces and commas while(--nptr>=nplist && (*nptr==',' || *nptr==' ')) ; } else { if ( nptr==nplist || nptr[-1]==',' || nptr[-1]==' ') return true; if ( hptr == host ) // e.g. revmatch("bugs.kde.org","mybugs.kde.org") return false; hptr--; nptr--; } } return false; } TQString KProtocolManager::slaveProtocol(const KURL &url, TQString &proxy) { if (url.hasSubURL()) // We don't want the suburl's protocol { KURL::List list = KURL::split(url); KURL::List::Iterator it = list.fromLast(); return slaveProtocol(*it, proxy); } if (!d) d = new KProtocolManagerPrivate; if (d->url == url) { proxy = d->proxy; return d->protocol; } if (useProxy()) { proxy = proxyForURL(url); if ((proxy != "DIRECT") && (!proxy.isEmpty())) { bool isRevMatch = false; KProtocolManager::ProxyType type = proxyType(); bool useRevProxy = ((type == ManualProxy) && useReverseProxy()); TQString noProxy; // Check no proxy information iff the proxy type is either // ManualProxy or EnvVarProxy if ( (type == ManualProxy) || (type == EnvVarProxy) ) noProxy = noProxyFor(); if (!noProxy.isEmpty()) { TQString qhost = url.host().lower(); const char *host = qhost.latin1(); TQString qno_proxy = noProxy.stripWhiteSpace().lower(); const char *no_proxy = qno_proxy.latin1(); isRevMatch = revmatch(host, no_proxy); // If no match is found and the request url has a port // number, try the combination of "host:port". This allows // users to enter host:port in the No-proxy-For list. if (!isRevMatch && url.port() > 0) { qhost += ':' + TQString::number (url.port()); host = qhost.latin1(); isRevMatch = revmatch (host, no_proxy); } // If the hostname does not contain a dot, check if // is part of noProxy. if (!isRevMatch && host && (strchr(host, '.') == NULL)) isRevMatch = revmatch("", no_proxy); } if ( (!useRevProxy && !isRevMatch) || (useRevProxy && isRevMatch) ) { d->url = proxy; if ( d->url.isValid() ) { // The idea behind slave protocols is not applicable to http // and webdav protocols. TQString protocol = url.protocol().lower(); if (protocol.startsWith("http") || protocol.startsWith("webdav")) d->protocol = protocol; else { d->protocol = d->url.protocol(); kdDebug () << "slaveProtocol: " << d->protocol << endl; } d->url = url; d->proxy = proxy; return d->protocol; } } } } d->url = url; d->proxy = proxy = TQString::null; d->protocol = url.protocol(); return d->protocol; } /*================================= USER-AGENT SETTINGS =====================*/ TQString KProtocolManager::userAgentForHost( const TQString& hostname ) { TQString sendUserAgent = KIO::SlaveConfig::self()->configData("http", hostname.lower(), "SendUserAgent").lower(); if (sendUserAgent == "false") return TQString::null; TQString useragent = KIO::SlaveConfig::self()->configData("http", hostname.lower(), "UserAgent"); // Return the default user-agent if none is specified // for the requested host. if (useragent.isEmpty()) return defaultUserAgent(); return useragent; } TQString KProtocolManager::defaultUserAgent( ) { TQString modifiers = KIO::SlaveConfig::self()->configData("http", TQString::null, "UserAgentKeys"); return defaultUserAgent(modifiers); } TQString KProtocolManager::defaultUserAgent( const TQString &_modifiers ) { if (!d) d = new KProtocolManagerPrivate; TQString modifiers = _modifiers.lower(); if (modifiers.isEmpty()) modifiers = DEFAULT_USER_AGENT_KEYS; if (d->modifiers == modifiers) return d->useragent; TQString supp; struct utsname nam; if( uname(&nam) >= 0 ) { if( modifiers.contains('o') ) { supp += TQString("; %1").arg(nam.sysname); if ( modifiers.contains('v') ) supp += TQString(" %1").arg(nam.release); } if( modifiers.contains('p') ) { // TODO: determine this value instead of hardcoding it... supp += TQString::fromLatin1("; X11"); } if( modifiers.contains('m') ) { supp += TQString("; %1").arg(nam.machine); } if( modifiers.contains('l') ) { TQStringList languageList = KGlobal::locale()->languageList(); TQStringList::Iterator it = languageList.find( TQString::fromLatin1("C") ); if( it != languageList.end() ) { if( languageList.contains( TQString::fromLatin1("en") ) > 0 ) languageList.remove( it ); else (*it) = TQString::fromLatin1("en"); } if( languageList.count() ) supp += TQString("; %1").arg(languageList.join(", ")); } } d->modifiers = modifiers; d->useragent = CFG_DEFAULT_UAGENT(supp); return d->useragent; } /*==================================== OTHERS ===============================*/ bool KProtocolManager::markPartial() { KConfig *cfg = config(); cfg->setGroup( TQString::null ); return cfg->readBoolEntry( "MarkPartial", true ); } int KProtocolManager::minimumKeepSize() { KConfig *cfg = config(); cfg->setGroup( TQString::null ); return cfg->readNumEntry( "MinimumKeepSize", DEFAULT_MINIMUM_KEEP_SIZE ); // 5000 byte } bool KProtocolManager::autoResume() { KConfig *cfg = config(); cfg->setGroup( TQString::null ); return cfg->readBoolEntry( "AutoResume", false ); } bool KProtocolManager::persistentConnections() { KConfig *cfg = config(); cfg->setGroup( TQString::null ); return cfg->readBoolEntry( "PersistentConnections", true ); } bool KProtocolManager::persistentProxyConnection() { KConfig *cfg = config(); cfg->setGroup( TQString::null ); return cfg->readBoolEntry( "PersistentProxyConnection", false ); } TQString KProtocolManager::proxyConfigScript() { KConfig *cfg = config(); cfg->setGroup( "Proxy Settings" ); return cfg->readEntry( "Proxy Config Script" ); }