/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Carsten Pfeiffer This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class KURLComboBox::KURLComboBoxPrivate { public: KURLComboBoxPrivate() { dirpix = SmallIcon(QString::fromLatin1("folder")); } QPixmap dirpix; }; KURLComboBox::KURLComboBox( Mode mode, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : KComboBox( parent, name ) { init( mode ); } KURLComboBox::KURLComboBox( Mode mode, bool rw, QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : KComboBox( rw, parent, name ) { init( mode ); } KURLComboBox::~KURLComboBox() { delete d; } void KURLComboBox::init( Mode mode ) { d = new KURLComboBoxPrivate(); myMode = mode; urlAdded = false; myMaximum = 10; // default itemList.setAutoDelete( true ); defaultList.setAutoDelete( true ); setInsertionPolicy( NoInsertion ); setTrapReturnKey( true ); setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed )); opendirPix = SmallIcon(QString::fromLatin1("folder_open")); connect( this, SIGNAL( activated( int )), SLOT( slotActivated( int ))); } QStringList KURLComboBox::urls() const { kdDebug(250) << "::urls()" << endl; //static const QString &fileProt = KGlobal::staticQString("file:"); QStringList list; QString url; for ( int i = defaultList.count(); i < count(); i++ ) { url = text( i ); if ( !url.isEmpty() ) { //if ( url.at(0) == '/' ) // list.append( url.prepend( fileProt ) ); //else list.append( url ); } } return list; } void KURLComboBox::addDefaultURL( const KURL& url, const QString& text ) { addDefaultURL( url, getPixmap( url ), text ); } void KURLComboBox::addDefaultURL( const KURL& url, const QPixmap& pix, const QString& text ) { KURLComboItem *item = new KURLComboItem; item->url = url; item->pixmap = pix; if ( text.isEmpty() ) if ( url.isLocalFile() ) item->text = url.path( myMode ); else item->text = url.prettyURL( myMode ); else item->text = text; defaultList.append( item ); } void KURLComboBox::setDefaults() { clear(); itemMapper.clear(); KURLComboItem *item; for ( unsigned int id = 0; id < defaultList.count(); id++ ) { item = defaultList.at( id ); insertURLItem( item ); } } void KURLComboBox::setURLs( QStringList urls ) { setURLs( urls, RemoveBottom ); } void KURLComboBox::setURLs( QStringList urls, OverLoadResolving remove ) { setDefaults(); itemList.clear(); if ( urls.isEmpty() ) return; QStringList::Iterator it = urls.begin(); // kill duplicates QString text; while ( it != urls.end() ) { while ( urls.contains( *it ) > 1 ) { it = urls.remove( it ); continue; } ++it; } // limit to myMaximum items /* Note: overload is an (old) C++ keyword, some compilers (KCC) choke on that, so call it Overload (capital 'O'). (matz) */ int Overload = urls.count() - myMaximum + defaultList.count(); while ( Overload > 0 ) { urls.remove((remove == RemoveBottom) ? urls.fromLast() : urls.begin()); Overload--; } it = urls.begin(); KURLComboItem *item = 0L; KURL u; while ( it != urls.end() ) { if ( (*it).isEmpty() ) { ++it; continue; } u = KURL::fromPathOrURL( *it ); // Don't restore if file doesn't exist anymore if (u.isLocalFile() && !QFile::exists(u.path())) { ++it; continue; } item = new KURLComboItem; item->url = u; item->pixmap = getPixmap( u ); if ( u.isLocalFile() ) item->text = u.path( myMode ); // don't show file:/ else item->text = *it; insertURLItem( item ); itemList.append( item ); ++it; } } void KURLComboBox::setURL( const KURL& url ) { if ( url.isEmpty() ) return; blockSignals( true ); // check for duplicates QMap::ConstIterator mit = itemMapper.begin(); QString urlToInsert = url.url(-1); while ( mit != itemMapper.end() ) { if ( urlToInsert == mit.data()->url.url(-1) ) { setCurrentItem( mit.key() ); if ( myMode == Directories ) updateItem( mit.data(), mit.key(), opendirPix ); blockSignals( false ); return; } ++mit; } // not in the combo yet -> create a new item and insert it // first remove the old item if ( urlAdded ) { itemList.removeLast(); urlAdded = false; } setDefaults(); QPtrListIterator it( itemList ); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) insertURLItem( it.current() ); KURLComboItem *item = new KURLComboItem; item->url = url; item->pixmap = getPixmap( url ); if ( url.isLocalFile() ) item->text = url.path( myMode ); else item->text = url.prettyURL( myMode ); kdDebug(250) << "setURL: text=" << item->text << endl; int id = count(); QString text = /*isEditable() ? item->url.prettyURL( myMode ) : */ item->text; if ( myMode == Directories ) KComboBox::insertItem( opendirPix, text, id ); else KComboBox::insertItem( item->pixmap, text, id ); itemMapper.insert( id, item ); itemList.append( item ); setCurrentItem( id ); urlAdded = true; blockSignals( false ); } void KURLComboBox::slotActivated( int index ) { const KURLComboItem *item = itemMapper[ index ]; if ( item ) { setURL( item->url ); emit urlActivated( item->url ); } } void KURLComboBox::insertURLItem( const KURLComboItem *item ) { // kdDebug(250) << "insertURLItem " << item->text << endl; int id = count(); KComboBox::insertItem( item->pixmap, item->text, id ); itemMapper.insert( id, item ); } void KURLComboBox::setMaxItems( int max ) { myMaximum = max; if ( count() > myMaximum ) { int oldCurrent = currentItem(); setDefaults(); QPtrListIterator it( itemList ); int Overload = itemList.count() - myMaximum + defaultList.count(); for ( int i = 0; i <= Overload; i++ ) ++it; for( ; it.current(); ++it ) insertURLItem( it.current() ); if ( count() > 0 ) { // restore the previous currentItem if ( oldCurrent >= count() ) oldCurrent = count() -1; setCurrentItem( oldCurrent ); } } } void KURLComboBox::removeURL( const KURL& url, bool checkDefaultURLs ) { QMap::ConstIterator mit = itemMapper.begin(); while ( mit != itemMapper.end() ) { if ( url.url(-1) == mit.data()->url.url(-1) ) { if ( !itemList.remove( mit.data() ) && checkDefaultURLs ) defaultList.remove( mit.data() ); } ++mit; } blockSignals( true ); setDefaults(); QPtrListIterator it( itemList ); while ( it.current() ) { insertURLItem( *it ); ++it; } blockSignals( false ); } QPixmap KURLComboBox::getPixmap( const KURL& url ) const { if ( myMode == Directories ) return d->dirpix; else return KMimeType::pixmapForURL( url, 0, KIcon::Small ); } // updates "item" with pixmap "pixmap" and sets the URL instead of text // works around a Qt bug. void KURLComboBox::updateItem( const KURLComboItem *item, int index, const QPixmap& pixmap ) { // QComboBox::changeItem() doesn't honor the pixmap when // using an editable combobox, so we just remove and insert if ( editable() ) { removeItem( index ); insertItem( pixmap, item->url.isLocalFile() ? item->url.path( myMode ) : item->url.prettyURL( myMode ), index ); } else changeItem( pixmap, item->text, index ); } #include "kurlcombobox.moc"