/* * This file is part of the KDE libraries * Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Michael Goffioul * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #define USE_QSOCKET #include "networkscanner.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class NetworkScanner::NetworkScannerPrivate { public: int port; TQString prefixaddress; int currentaddress; int timeout; bool scanning; TQPtrList printers; TQProgressBar *bar; KPushButton *scan, *settings; TQLabel *subnetlab; TQTimer *timer; #ifdef USE_QSOCKET TQSocket *socket; #else KExtendedSocket *socket; #endif NetworkScannerPrivate( int portvalue ) : port( portvalue ) { prefixaddress = localPrefix(); currentaddress = 1; timeout = 50; scanning = false; printers.setAutoDelete( true ); } TQString localPrefix(); TQString scanString(); }; TQString NetworkScanner::NetworkScannerPrivate::localPrefix() { char buf[256]; buf[0] = '\0'; if (!gethostname(buf, sizeof(buf))) buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = '\0'; TQPtrList infos = KExtendedSocket::lookup(buf, TQString::null); infos.setAutoDelete(true); if (infos.count() > 0) { TQString IPstr = infos.first()->address()->nodeName(); int p = IPstr.tqfindRev('.'); IPstr.truncate(p); return IPstr; } return TQString::null; } TQString NetworkScanner::NetworkScannerPrivate::scanString() { TQString s = prefixaddress + ".*"; if ( port != -1 ) s.append( ":" ).append( TQString::number( port ) ); return s; } NetworkScanner::NetworkScanner( int port, TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQWidget( parent, name ) { d = new NetworkScannerPrivate( port ); d->bar = new TQProgressBar( 256, this ); d->settings = new KPushButton( KGuiItem( i18n( "&Settings" ), "configure" ), this ); d->scan = new KPushButton( KGuiItem( i18n( "Sc&an" ), "viewmag" ), this ); d->timer = new TQTimer( this ); #ifdef USE_QSOCKET d->socket = new TQSocket( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) ); #else d->socket = new KExtendedSocket(); #endif TQLabel *label = new TQLabel( i18n( "Network scan:" ), this ); d->subnetlab = new TQLabel( i18n( "Subnet: %1" ).arg( d->scanString() ), this ); TQGridLayout *l0 = new TQGridLayout( this, 4, 2, 0, 10 ); l0->addMultiCellWidget( label, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); l0->addMultiCellWidget( d->bar, 1, 1, 0, 1 ); l0->addMultiCellWidget( d->subnetlab, 2, 2, 0, 1 ); l0->addWidget( d->settings, 3, 0 ); l0->addWidget( d->scan, 3, 1 ); connect( d->timer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), TQT_SLOT( slotTimeout() ) ); connect( d->settings, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), TQT_SLOT( slotSettingsClicked() ) ); connect( d->scan, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), TQT_SLOT( slotScanClicked() ) ); #ifdef USE_QSOCKET connect( d->socket, TQT_SIGNAL( connected() ), TQT_SLOT( slotConnectionSuccess() ) ); connect( d->socket, TQT_SIGNAL( error( int ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotConnectionFailed( int ) ) ); #else connect( d->socket, TQT_SIGNAL( connectionSuccess() ), TQT_SLOT( slotConnectionSuccess() ) ); connect( d->socket, TQT_SIGNAL( connectionFailed( int ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotConnectionFailed( int ) ) ); #endif } NetworkScanner::~NetworkScanner() { #ifndef USE_QSOCKET delete d->socket; #endif delete d; } void NetworkScanner::start() { if ( d->scanning ) return; d->printers.clear(); emit scanStarted(); d->settings->setEnabled( false ); d->scan->setGuiItem( KGuiItem( i18n( "&Abort" ), "stop" ) ); d->currentaddress = -1; d->scanning = true; next(); } void NetworkScanner::slotScanClicked() { if ( !d->scanning ) { if ( d->localPrefix() == d->prefixaddress || KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this->tqparentWidget(), i18n( "You are about to scan a subnet (%1.*) that does not " "correspond to the current subnet of this computer (%2.*). Do you want " "to scan the specified subnet anyway?" ).arg( d->prefixaddress ).arg( d->localPrefix() ), TQString::null, KGuiItem( i18n( "&Scan" ), "viewmag" ), "askForScan" ) == KMessageBox::Continue ) start(); } else { #ifdef USE_QSOCKET d->socket->close(); #else d->socket->cancelAsyncConnect(); #endif finish(); } } void NetworkScanner::finish() { if ( !d->scanning ) return; d->settings->setEnabled( true ); d->scan->setGuiItem( KGuiItem( i18n( "Sc&an" ), "viewmag" ) ); d->bar->reset(); d->scanning = false; emit scanFinished(); } void NetworkScanner::slotSettingsClicked() { NetworkScannerConfig dlg( this ); dlg.exec(); } void NetworkScanner::slotNext() { if ( !d->scanning ) return; d->timer->stop(); #ifdef USE_QSOCKET d->socket->connectToHost( d->prefixaddress + "." + TQString::number( d->currentaddress ), d->port ); kdDebug() << "Address: " << d->socket->peerName() << ", Port: " << d->socket->peerPort() << endl; #else d->socket->setAddress( d->prefixaddress + "." + TQString::number( d->currentaddress ), d->port ); d->socket->startAsyncLookup(); kdDebug() << "Address: " << d->socket->host() << ", Port: " << d->socket->port() << endl; #endif d->timer->start( d->timeout, true ); } void NetworkScanner::next() { //kdDebug() << "Next" << endl; d->currentaddress++; if ( d->currentaddress >= 256 ) finish(); else { d->bar->setProgress( d->currentaddress ); TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotNext() ) ); } } void NetworkScanner::slotTimeout() { kdDebug() << "Timeout" << endl; if ( !d->scanning ) return; #ifdef USE_QSOCKET d->socket->close(); #else d->socket->cancelAsyncConnect(); #endif next(); } void NetworkScanner::slotConnectionSuccess() { kdDebug() << "Success" << endl; #ifdef USE_QSOCKET KSocketAddress *addr = KExtendedSocket::peerAddress( d->socket->socket() ); #else KSocketAddress *addr = const_cast( d->socket->peerAddress() ); #endif kdDebug() << "Connection success: " << ( addr ? addr->pretty() : TQString( "ERROR" ) ) << endl; kdDebug() << "Socket: " << d->socket->socket() << endl; if ( addr ) { SocketInfo *info = new SocketInfo; #ifdef USE_QSOCKET info->IP = d->socket->peerName(); #else info->IP = d->socket->host(); #endif info->Port = d->port; TQString portname; KExtendedSocket::resolve( addr, info->Name, portname ); d->printers.append( info ); d->socket->close(); delete addr; } else kdDebug() << "Unconnected socket, skipping" << endl; next(); } void NetworkScanner::slotConnectionFailed( int ) { kdDebug() << "Failure" << endl; next(); } const TQPtrList* NetworkScanner::printerList() { return &( d->printers ); } int NetworkScanner::timeout() const { return d->timeout; } void NetworkScanner::setTimeout( int to ) { d->timeout = to; } TQString NetworkScanner::subnet() const { return d->prefixaddress; } void NetworkScanner::setSubnet( const TQString& sn ) { d->prefixaddress = sn; d->subnetlab->setText( i18n( "Subnet: %1" ).arg( d->scanString() ) ); } int NetworkScanner::port() const { return d->port; } void NetworkScanner::setPort( int p ) { d->port = p; d->subnetlab->setText( i18n( "Subnet: %1" ).arg( d->scanString() ) ); } bool NetworkScanner::checkPrinter( const TQString& host, int port ) { // try first to find it in the SocketInfo list TQPtrListIterator it( d->printers ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( port == it.current()->Port && ( host == it.current()->IP || host == it.current()->Name ) ) return true; } // not found in SocketInfo list, try to establish connection KExtendedSocket extsock( host, port ); extsock.setBlockingMode( false ); extsock.setTimeout( 0, d->timeout * 1000 ); return ( extsock.connect() == 0 ); } NetworkScannerConfig::NetworkScannerConfig(NetworkScanner *scanner, const char *name) : KDialogBase(scanner, name, true, TQString::null, Ok|Cancel, Ok, true) { scanner_ = scanner; TQWidget *dummy = new TQWidget(this); setMainWidget(dummy); KIntValidator *val = new KIntValidator( this ); TQLabel *masklabel = new TQLabel(i18n("&Subnetwork:"),dummy); TQLabel *portlabel = new TQLabel(i18n("&Port:"),dummy); TQLabel *toutlabel = new TQLabel(i18n("&Timeout (ms):"),dummy); TQLineEdit *mm = new TQLineEdit(dummy); mm->setText(TQString::tqfromLatin1(".[0-255]")); mm->setReadOnly(true); mm->setFixedWidth(fontMetrics().width(mm->text())+10); mask_ = new TQLineEdit(dummy); mask_->tqsetAlignment(Qt::AlignRight); port_ = new TQComboBox(true,dummy); if ( port_->lineEdit() ) port_->lineEdit()->setValidator( val ); tout_ = new TQLineEdit(dummy); tout_->setValidator( val ); masklabel->setBuddy(mask_); portlabel->setBuddy(port_); toutlabel->setBuddy(tout_); mask_->setText(scanner_->subnet()); port_->insertItem("631"); port_->insertItem("9100"); port_->insertItem("9101"); port_->insertItem("9102"); port_->setEditText(TQString::number(scanner_->port())); tout_->setText(TQString::number(scanner_->timeout())); TQGridLayout *main_ = new TQGridLayout(dummy, 3, 2, 0, 10); TQHBoxLayout *lay1 = new TQHBoxLayout(0, 0, 5); main_->addWidget(masklabel, 0, 0); main_->addWidget(portlabel, 1, 0); main_->addWidget(toutlabel, 2, 0); main_->addLayout(lay1, 0, 1); main_->addWidget(port_, 1, 1); main_->addWidget(tout_, 2, 1); lay1->addWidget(mask_,1); lay1->addWidget(mm,0); resize(250,130); setCaption(i18n("Scan Configuration")); } NetworkScannerConfig::~NetworkScannerConfig() { } void NetworkScannerConfig::slotOk() { TQString msg; TQRegExp re("(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})"); if (!re.exactMatch(mask_->text())) msg = i18n("Wrong subnetwork specification."); else { for (int i=1; i<=3; i++) if (re.cap(i).toInt() >= 255) { msg = i18n("Wrong subnetwork specification."); break; } } bool ok(false); int v = tout_->text().toInt(&ok); if (!ok || v <= 0) msg = i18n("Wrong timeout specification."); v = port_->currentText().toInt(&ok); if (!ok || v <= 0) msg = i18n("Wrong port specification."); if (!msg.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::error(this,msg); return; } scanner_->setTimeout( tout_->text().toInt() ); scanner_->setSubnet( mask_->text() ); scanner_->setPort( port_->currentText().toInt() ); KDialogBase::slotOk(); } #include "networkscanner.moc"