/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Matthias Kretz This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kpluginselector.h" #include "kpluginselector_p.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kcmoduleinfo.h" #include "kcmoduleloader.h" #include #include #include "kplugininfo.h" #include #include #include #include "kcmoduleproxy.h" /* QCheckListViewItem that holds a pointer to the KPluginInfo object. Used in the tooltip code to access additional fields */ class KPluginInfoLVI : public QCheckListItem { public: KPluginInfoLVI( KPluginInfo *pluginInfo, KListView *parent ) : QCheckListItem( parent, pluginInfo->name(), QCheckListItem::CheckBox ), m_pluginInfo( pluginInfo ) { } KPluginInfo * pluginInfo() { return m_pluginInfo; } private: KPluginInfo *m_pluginInfo; }; /* Custom QToolTip for the list view. The decision whether or not to show tooltips is taken in maybeTip(). See also the QListView sources from Qt itself. */ class KPluginListViewToolTip : public QToolTip { public: KPluginListViewToolTip( QWidget *parent, KListView *lv ); void maybeTip( const QPoint &pos ); private: KListView *m_listView; }; KPluginListViewToolTip::KPluginListViewToolTip( QWidget *parent, KListView *lv ) : QToolTip( parent ), m_listView( lv ) { } void KPluginListViewToolTip::maybeTip( const QPoint &pos ) { if ( !parentWidget() || !m_listView ) return; KPluginInfoLVI *item = dynamic_cast( m_listView->itemAt( pos ) ); if ( !item ) return; QString toolTip = i18n( "" "" "" "" "
" ).arg( item->pluginInfo()->comment(), item->pluginInfo()->author(), item->pluginInfo()->version(), item->pluginInfo()->license() ); //kdDebug( 702 ) << k_funcinfo << "Adding tooltip: itemRect: " << itemRect << ", tooltip: " << toolTip << endl; tip( m_listView->itemRect( item ), toolTip ); } struct KPluginSelectionWidget::KPluginSelectionWidgetPrivate { KPluginSelectionWidgetPrivate( KPluginSelector * _kps, const QString & _cat, KConfigGroup * _config ) : widgetstack( 0 ) , kps( _kps ) , config( _config ) , tooltip( 0 ) , catname( _cat ) , currentplugininfo( 0 ) , visible( true ) , currentchecked( false ) , changed( 0 ) { moduleParentComponents.setAutoDelete( true ); } ~KPluginSelectionWidgetPrivate() { delete config; } QMap pluginInfoMap; QWidgetStack * widgetstack; KPluginSelector * kps; KConfigGroup * config; KPluginListViewToolTip *tooltip; QDict pluginconfigmodules; QMap widgetIDs; QMap plugincheckedchanged; QString catname; QValueList modulelist; QPtrDict moduleParentComponents; KPluginInfo * currentplugininfo; bool visible; bool currentchecked; int changed; }; KPluginSelectionWidget::KPluginSelectionWidget( const QValueList & plugininfos, KPluginSelector * kps, QWidget * parent, const QString & catname, const QString & category, KConfigGroup * config, const char * name ) : QWidget( parent, name ) , d( new KPluginSelectionWidgetPrivate( kps, catname, config ) ) { init( plugininfos, category ); } inline QString KPluginSelectionWidget::catName() const { return d->catname; } void KPluginSelectionWidget::init( const QValueList & plugininfos, const QString & category ) { // setup Widgets ( new QVBoxLayout( this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint() ) )->setAutoAdd( true ); KListView * listview = new KListView( this ); d->tooltip = new KPluginListViewToolTip( listview->viewport(), listview ); connect( listview, SIGNAL( pressed( QListViewItem * ) ), this, SLOT( executed( QListViewItem * ) ) ); connect( listview, SIGNAL( spacePressed( QListViewItem * ) ), this, SLOT( executed( QListViewItem * ) ) ); connect( listview, SIGNAL( returnPressed( QListViewItem * ) ), this, SLOT( executed( QListViewItem * ) ) ); connect( listview, SIGNAL( selectionChanged( QListViewItem * ) ), this, SLOT( executed( QListViewItem * ) ) ); listview->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Preferred ); listview->setAcceptDrops( false ); listview->setFullWidth( true ); listview->setSelectionModeExt( KListView::Single ); listview->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true ); listview->addColumn( i18n( "Name" ) ); for( QValueList::ConstIterator it = plugininfos.begin(); it != plugininfos.end(); ++it ) { d->plugincheckedchanged[ *it ] = false; if( !( *it )->isHidden() && ( category.isNull() || ( *it )->category() == category ) ) { QCheckListItem * item = new KPluginInfoLVI( *it, listview ); if( ! ( *it )->icon().isEmpty() ) item->setPixmap( 0, SmallIcon( ( *it )->icon(), IconSize( KIcon::Small ) ) ); item->setOn( ( *it )->isPluginEnabled() ); d->pluginInfoMap.insert( item, *it ); } } // widgetstack d->widgetstack = d->kps->widgetStack(); load(); // select and highlight the first item in the plugin list if( listview->firstChild() ) listview->setSelected( listview->firstChild(), true ); } KPluginSelectionWidget::~KPluginSelectionWidget() { delete d->tooltip; delete d; } bool KPluginSelectionWidget::pluginIsLoaded( const QString & pluginName ) const { for( QMap::ConstIterator it = d->pluginInfoMap.begin(); it != d->pluginInfoMap.end(); ++it ) if( it.data()->pluginName() == pluginName ) return it.data()->isPluginEnabled(); return false; } QWidget * KPluginSelectionWidget::insertKCM( QWidget * parent, const KCModuleInfo & moduleinfo ) { KCModuleProxy * module = new KCModuleProxy( moduleinfo, false, parent ); if( !module->realModule() ) { //FIXME: not very verbose QLabel * label = new QLabel( i18n( "Error" ), parent ); label->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter ); return label; } // add the KCM to the list so that we can call load/save/defaults on it d->modulelist.append( module ); QStringList * parentComponents = new QStringList( moduleinfo.service()->property( "X-KDE-ParentComponents" ).toStringList() ); d->moduleParentComponents.insert( module, parentComponents ); connect( module, SIGNAL( changed( bool ) ), SLOT( clientChanged( bool ) ) ); return module; } void KPluginSelectionWidget::embeddPluginKCMs( KPluginInfo * plugininfo, bool checked ) { //if we have Services for the plugin we should be able to //create KCM(s) QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor ); if( plugininfo->kcmServices().size() > 1 ) { // we need a tabwidget KTabWidget * tabwidget = new KTabWidget( d->widgetstack ); tabwidget->setEnabled( checked ); int id = d->widgetstack->addWidget( tabwidget ); d->kps->configPage( id ); d->widgetIDs[ plugininfo->pluginName() ] = id; for( QValueList::ConstIterator it = plugininfo->kcmServices().begin(); it != plugininfo->kcmServices().end(); ++it ) { if( !( *it )->noDisplay() ) { KCModuleInfo moduleinfo( *it ); QWidget * module = insertKCM( tabwidget, moduleinfo ); tabwidget->addTab( module, moduleinfo.moduleName() ); } } } else { if( !plugininfo->kcmServices().front()->noDisplay() ) { KCModuleInfo moduleinfo( plugininfo->kcmServices().front() ); QWidget * module = insertKCM( d->widgetstack, moduleinfo ); module->setEnabled( checked ); int id = d->widgetstack->addWidget( module ); d->kps->configPage( id ); d->widgetIDs[ plugininfo->pluginName() ] = id; } } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } inline void KPluginSelectionWidget::updateConfigPage() { updateConfigPage( d->currentplugininfo, d->currentchecked ); } void KPluginSelectionWidget::updateConfigPage( KPluginInfo * plugininfo, bool checked ) { //kdDebug( 702 ) << k_funcinfo << endl; d->currentplugininfo = plugininfo; d->currentchecked = checked; // if this widget is not currently visible (meaning that it's in a tabwidget // and another tab is currently opened) it's not allowed to change the // widgetstack if( ! d->visible ) return; if( 0 == plugininfo ) { d->kps->configPage( 1 ); return; } if( plugininfo->kcmServices().empty() ) d->kps->configPage( 1 ); else { if( !d->widgetIDs.contains( plugininfo->pluginName() ) ) // if no widget exists for the plugin create it embeddPluginKCMs( plugininfo, checked ); else { // the page already exists int id = d->widgetIDs[ plugininfo->pluginName() ]; d->kps->configPage( id ); d->widgetstack->widget( id )->setEnabled( checked ); } } } void KPluginSelectionWidget::clientChanged( bool didchange ) { kdDebug( 702 ) << k_funcinfo << endl; d->changed += didchange ? 1 : -1; if( d->changed == 1 ) emit changed( true ); else if( d->changed == 0 ) emit changed( false ); else if( d->changed < 0 ) kdError( 702 ) << "negative changed value: " << d->changed << endl; } void KPluginSelectionWidget::tabWidgetChanged( QWidget * widget ) { if( widget == this ) { d->visible = true; updateConfigPage(); } else d->visible = false; } void KPluginSelectionWidget::executed( QListViewItem * item ) { kdDebug( 702 ) << k_funcinfo << endl; if( item == 0 ) return; // Why not a dynamic_cast? - Martijn // because this is what the Qt API suggests; and since gcc 3.x I don't // trust dynamic_cast anymore - mkretz if( item->rtti() != 1 ) //check for a QCheckListItem return; QCheckListItem * citem = static_cast( item ); bool checked = citem->isOn(); //kdDebug( 702 ) << "it's a " << ( checked ? "checked" : "unchecked" ) // << " QCheckListItem" << endl; KPluginInfo * info = d->pluginInfoMap[ citem ]; Q_ASSERT( !info->isHidden() ); if ( info->isPluginEnabled() != checked ) { kdDebug( 702 ) << "Item changed state, emitting changed()" << endl; if( ! d->plugincheckedchanged[ info ] ) { ++d->changed; if ( d->changed == 1 ) emit changed( true ); } d->plugincheckedchanged[ info ] = true; checkDependencies( info ); } else { if( d->plugincheckedchanged[ info ] ) { --d->changed; if ( d->changed == 0 ) emit changed( false ); } d->plugincheckedchanged[ info ] = false; // FIXME: plugins that depend on this plugin need to be disabled, too } updateConfigPage( info, checked ); } void KPluginSelectionWidget::load() { //kdDebug( 702 ) << k_funcinfo << endl; for( QMap::Iterator it = d->pluginInfoMap.begin(); it != d->pluginInfoMap.end(); ++it ) { KPluginInfo * info = it.data(); info->load( d->config ); it.key()->setOn( info->isPluginEnabled() ); if( d->visible && info == d->currentplugininfo ) d->currentchecked = info->isPluginEnabled(); } for( QValueList::Iterator it = d->modulelist.begin(); it != d->modulelist.end(); ++it ) if( ( *it )->changed() ) ( *it )->load(); updateConfigPage(); // TODO: update changed state } void KPluginSelectionWidget::save() { kdDebug( 702 ) << k_funcinfo << endl; for( QMap::Iterator it = d->pluginInfoMap.begin(); it != d->pluginInfoMap.end(); ++it ) { KPluginInfo * info = it.data(); bool checked = it.key()->isOn(); info->setPluginEnabled( checked ); info->save( d->config ); d->plugincheckedchanged[ info ] = false; } QStringList updatedModules; for( QValueList::Iterator it = d->modulelist.begin(); it != d->modulelist.end(); ++it ) if( ( *it )->changed() ) { ( *it )->save(); QStringList * names = d->moduleParentComponents[ *it ]; if( names->size() == 0 ) names->append( QString::null ); for( QStringList::ConstIterator nameit = names->begin(); nameit != names->end(); ++nameit ) if( updatedModules.find( *nameit ) == updatedModules.end() ) updatedModules.append( *nameit ); } for( QStringList::ConstIterator it = updatedModules.begin(); it != updatedModules.end(); ++it ) emit configCommitted( ( *it ).latin1() ); updateConfigPage(); kdDebug( 702 ) << "syncing config file" << endl; d->config->sync(); d->changed = 0; emit changed( false ); } void KPluginSelectionWidget::checkDependencies( const KPluginInfo * info ) { if( info->dependencies().isEmpty() ) return; for( QStringList::ConstIterator it = info->dependencies().begin(); it != info->dependencies().end(); ++it ) for( QMap::Iterator infoIt = d->pluginInfoMap.begin(); infoIt != d->pluginInfoMap.end(); ++infoIt ) if( infoIt.data()->pluginName() == *it ) { if( !infoIt.key()->isOn() ) { infoIt.key()->setOn( true ); checkDependencies( infoIt.data() ); } continue; } } class KPluginSelector::KPluginSelectorPrivate { public: KPluginSelectorPrivate() : frame( 0 ) , tabwidget( 0 ) , widgetstack( 0 ) , hideconfigpage( false ) { } QFrame * frame; KTabWidget * tabwidget; QWidgetStack * widgetstack; QValueList pswidgets; bool hideconfigpage; }; KPluginSelector::KPluginSelector( QWidget * parent, const char * name ) : QWidget( parent, name ) , d( new KPluginSelectorPrivate ) { QBoxLayout * hbox = new QHBoxLayout( this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint() ); hbox->setAutoAdd( true ); QSplitter* splitter = new QSplitter( QSplitter::Horizontal, this ); d->frame = new QFrame( splitter, "KPluginSelector left frame" ); d->frame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame ); ( new QVBoxLayout( d->frame, 0, KDialog::spacingHint() ) )->setAutoAdd( true ); // widgetstack d->widgetstack = new QWidgetStack( splitter, "KPluginSelector Config Pages" ); d->widgetstack->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Sunken ); d->widgetstack->setMinimumSize( 200, 200 ); QLabel * label = new QLabel( i18n( "(This plugin is not configurable)" ), d->widgetstack ); ( new QVBoxLayout( label, 0, KDialog::spacingHint() ) )->setAutoAdd( true ); label->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter ); label->setMinimumSize( 200, 200 ); d->widgetstack->addWidget( label, 1 ); configPage( 1 ); } KPluginSelector::~KPluginSelector() { delete d; } void KPluginSelector::checkNeedForTabWidget() { kdDebug( 702 ) << k_funcinfo << endl; if( ! d->tabwidget && d->pswidgets.size() == 1 ) { kdDebug( 702 ) << "no TabWidget and one KPluginSelectionWidget" << endl; // there's only one KPluginSelectionWidget yet, we need a TabWidget KPluginSelectionWidget * w = d->pswidgets.first(); if( w ) { kdDebug( 702 ) << "create TabWidget" << endl; d->tabwidget = new KTabWidget( d->frame, "KPluginSelector TabWidget" ); w->reparent( d->tabwidget, QPoint( 0, 0 ) ); d->tabwidget->addTab( w, w->catName() ); connect( d->tabwidget, SIGNAL( currentChanged( QWidget * ) ), w, SLOT( tabWidgetChanged( QWidget * ) ) ); } } } static QValueList kpartsPluginInfos( const QString& instanceName ) { if( instanceName.isNull() ) return QValueList(); //nothing const QStringList desktopfilenames = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources( "data", instanceName + "/kpartplugins/*.desktop", true, false ); return KPluginInfo::fromFiles( desktopfilenames ); } void KPluginSelector::addPlugins( const QString & instanceName, const QString & catname, const QString & category, KConfig * config ) { const QValueList plugininfos = kpartsPluginInfos( instanceName ); if ( plugininfos.isEmpty() ) return; checkNeedForTabWidget(); Q_ASSERT( config ); // please set config, or use addPlugins( instance, ... ) which takes care of it if ( !config ) // KDE4: ensure that config is always set; make it second in the arg list? config = new KSimpleConfig( instanceName ); // memleak! KConfigGroup * cfgGroup = new KConfigGroup( config, "KParts Plugins" ); kdDebug( 702 ) << k_funcinfo << "cfgGroup = " << cfgGroup << endl; addPluginsInternal( plugininfos, catname, category, cfgGroup ); } void KPluginSelector::addPluginsInternal( const QValueList plugininfos, const QString & catname, const QString & category, KConfigGroup* cfgGroup ) { KPluginSelectionWidget * w; if( d->tabwidget ) { w = new KPluginSelectionWidget( plugininfos, this, d->tabwidget, catname, category, cfgGroup ); d->tabwidget->addTab( w, catname ); connect( d->tabwidget, SIGNAL( currentChanged( QWidget * ) ), w, SLOT( tabWidgetChanged( QWidget * ) ) ); } else w = new KPluginSelectionWidget( plugininfos, this, d->frame, catname, category, cfgGroup ); w->setMinimumSize( 200, 200 ); connect( w, SIGNAL( changed( bool ) ), this, SIGNAL( changed( bool ) ) ); connect( w, SIGNAL( configCommitted( const QCString & ) ), this, SIGNAL( configCommitted( const QCString & ) ) ); d->pswidgets += w; } void KPluginSelector::addPlugins( const KInstance * instance, const QString & catname, const QString & category, KConfig * config ) { if ( !config ) config = instance->config(); addPlugins( instance->instanceName(), catname, category, config ); } void KPluginSelector::addPlugins( const QValueList & plugininfos, const QString & catname, const QString & category, KConfig * config ) { checkNeedForTabWidget(); // the KConfigGroup becomes owned by KPluginSelectionWidget KConfigGroup * cfgGroup = new KConfigGroup( config ? config : KGlobal::config(), "Plugins" ); kdDebug( 702 ) << k_funcinfo << "cfgGroup = " << cfgGroup << endl; addPluginsInternal( plugininfos, catname, category, cfgGroup ); } QWidgetStack * KPluginSelector::widgetStack() { return d->widgetstack; } inline void KPluginSelector::configPage( int id ) { if( id == 1 ) { // no config page if( d->hideconfigpage ) { d->widgetstack->hide(); return; } } else d->widgetstack->show(); d->widgetstack->raiseWidget( id ); } void KPluginSelector::setShowEmptyConfigPage( bool show ) { d->hideconfigpage = !show; if( d->hideconfigpage ) if( d->widgetstack->id( d->widgetstack->visibleWidget() ) == 1 ) d->widgetstack->hide(); } void KPluginSelector::load() { for( QValueList::Iterator it = d->pswidgets.begin(); it != d->pswidgets.end(); ++it ) { ( *it )->load(); } } void KPluginSelector::save() { for( QValueList::Iterator it = d->pswidgets.begin(); it != d->pswidgets.end(); ++it ) { ( *it )->save(); } } void KPluginSelector::defaults() { kdDebug( 702 ) << k_funcinfo << endl; // what should defaults do? here's what I think: // Pressing a button in the dialog should not change any widgets that are // not visible for the user. Therefor we may only change the currently // visible plugin's KCM. Restoring the default plugin selections is therefor // not possible. (if the plugin has multiple KCMs they will be shown in a // tabwidget - defaults() will be called for all of them) QWidget * pluginconfig = d->widgetstack->visibleWidget(); KCModuleProxy * kcm = ( KCModuleProxy* )pluginconfig->qt_cast( "KCModuleProxy" ); if( kcm ) { kdDebug( 702 ) << "call KCModule::defaults() for the plugins KCM" << endl; kcm->defaults(); return; } // if we get here the visible Widget must be a tabwidget holding more than // one KCM QObjectList * kcms = pluginconfig->queryList( "KCModuleProxy", 0, false, false ); QObjectListIt it( *kcms ); QObject * obj; while( ( obj = it.current() ) != 0 ) { ++it; ( ( KCModule* )obj )->defaults(); } delete kcms; // FIXME: update changed state } // vim: sw=4 sts=4 et #include "kpluginselector.moc" #include "kpluginselector_p.moc"