#include "artsbuilder.h" #include "weakreference.h" #include "moduleinfo.h" #include "compatibility.h" #include "sequenceutils.h" #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Arts; typedef WeakReference PortDesc_wref; typedef WeakReference ModuleDesc_wref; typedef WeakReference StructureDesc_wref; class PortDesc_impl :virtual public Arts::PortDesc_skel { protected: string _name; PortType _type; vector _connections; ModuleDesc_wref _parent; bool _isConnected; bool _hasValue; Any _value; long _ID; long _oldID; list oldConnections; void removeNullConnections(); public: ~PortDesc_impl(); inline PortDesc self() { return PortDesc::_from_base(_copy()); } void constructor(ModuleDesc tqparent, const string& name, const PortType& type); void disconnectAll(); long ID(); ModuleDesc tqparent(); string name(); PortType type(); bool isConnected(); bool hasValue(); void hasValue(bool newvalue); vector *connections(); float floatValue(); void floatValue( float _new_value ); string stringValue(); void stringValue( const string& _new_value ); Any value(); void value( const Any& _new_value ); bool connectTo( PortDesc port ); void internalConnectInput( PortDesc port ); void disconnectFrom( PortDesc port ); void loadFromList(const vector& list); vector *saveToList(); void internalReConnect( const vector& allports ); long internalOldID(); }; class ModuleDesc_impl : virtual public ModuleDesc_skel { private: long _ID; StructureDesc_wref _parent; string _name; long _x, _y; vector _ports; long collectPorts( const Arts::ModuleInfo& info ); bool _isInterface, _isStructure; inline ModuleDesc self() { return ModuleDesc::_from_base(_copy()); } public: long ID(); StructureDesc tqparent(); string name(); vector *ports(); long height(); long width(); long x(); long y(); bool moveTo( long x, long y ); void constructor( StructureDesc tqparent, const ModuleInfo& info ); void loadFromList(const vector& list); vector *saveToList(); ~ModuleDesc_impl(); bool isInterface(); bool isStructure(); Arts::PortDesc findPort(const string& name); }; class StructureDesc_impl : virtual public Arts::StructureDesc_skel { protected: bool _valid; vector _modules; vector _ports; /* only structure ports which are part of the interface */ vector _inheritedInterfaces; long nextID; ModuleInfo _externalInterface; inline StructureDesc self() { return StructureDesc::_from_base(_copy()); } public: string name(); void name(const string& newName); vector *saveToList(); void loadFromList(const vector& list); vector *modules(); vector *ports(); vector *inheritedInterfaces(); void clear(); long obtainID(); long width(); long height(); bool valid(); ModuleDesc createModuleDesc( const ModuleInfo& info ); ModuleDesc createModuleDesc( const string& name ); void freeModuleDesc(ModuleDesc moduledesc); // external interface StructurePortDesc createStructurePortDesc(const PortType& type, const string& name); void freeStructurePortDesc(StructurePortDesc portdesc); void moveStructurePortDesc(StructurePortDesc portdesc, long newposition); ModuleInfo externalInterface(); void addInheritedInterface(const string& iface); void removeInheritedInterface(const string& iface); StructureDesc_impl(); ~StructureDesc_impl(); }; class StructurePortDesc_impl : virtual public PortDesc_impl, virtual public StructurePortDesc_skel { protected: StructureDesc_wref _parentStructure; long _x, _y, _position; string _inheritedInterface; inline StructurePortDesc self() { return StructurePortDesc::_from_base(_copy()); } public: void constructor(StructureDesc tqparent, const string& name, const PortType& type); ~StructurePortDesc_impl(); long x(); long y(); long position(); void lowerPosition(); void raisePosition(); void rename(const string& newname); string inheritedInterface(); void inheritedInterface(const string& iface); void internalSetPosition(long position); StructureDesc tqparentStructure(); bool moveTo( long X, long Y ); void loadFromList(const vector& list); vector *saveToList(); }; REGISTER_IMPLEMENTATION(PortDesc_impl); REGISTER_IMPLEMENTATION(ModuleDesc_impl); REGISTER_IMPLEMENTATION(StructureDesc_impl); REGISTER_IMPLEMENTATION(StructurePortDesc_impl); /* #include "structures.h" */ #include "debug.h" #include #include #define dname(dir) ((dir)==Arts::input?"input":"output") #define pstat \ printf("port name %s, direction %s, id %d\n",_Name.c_str(),dname(_Type.direction),_ID); void PortDesc_impl::constructor(ModuleDesc tqparent, const string& name, const PortType& type) { #if 0 if(tqparent) { char * pname = tqparent->Name(); describe("PortDesc."+string(pname)+string(".")+name); } else { describe("PortDesc.Structure."+name); } #endif _name = name; _type = type; _parent = tqparent; _isConnected = false; _hasValue = false; _value.type = _type.dataType; if(!tqparent.isNull()) { StructureDesc sd = tqparent.tqparent(); _ID = sd.obtainID(); } // else: assume that some smart object which derives from us will set the ID accordingly // -> for instance StructurePortDesc_impl does so } #if 0 /* PORT */ void PortDesc_impl::cleanUp() { disconnectAll(); delete _Connections; } #endif /* * This is new and related to weak references, it purges all null references from _connections */ void PortDesc_impl::removeNullConnections() { vector::iterator i = _connections.begin(); while(i != _connections.end()) { PortDesc pd = *i; if(pd.isNull()) { _connections.erase(i); i = _connections.begin(); printf("removeNullConnections() removed something (shouldn't happen)\n"); } else i++; } _isConnected = !_connections.empty(); } void PortDesc_impl::disconnectAll() { // disconnect all connected ports while(!_connections.empty()) { PortDesc pd = _connections.front(); if(pd.isNull()) // weak references can automatically disappear _connections.erase(_connections.begin()); else pd.disconnectFrom(self()); } } PortDesc_impl::~PortDesc_impl() { } // Implementation for interface PortDesc long PortDesc_impl::ID() { return _ID; } ModuleDesc PortDesc_impl::tqparent() { return _parent; } string PortDesc_impl::name() { return _name; } PortType PortDesc_impl::type() { return _type; } bool PortDesc_impl::isConnected() { if(_isConnected) removeNullConnections(); return _isConnected; } bool PortDesc_impl::hasValue() { return _hasValue; } void PortDesc_impl::hasValue(bool newvalue) { if(_hasValue != newvalue) { assert(newvalue == false); _hasValue = newvalue; } } vector *PortDesc_impl::connections() { vector::iterator i; vector *result = new vector; for(i = _connections.begin(); i != _connections.end(); i++) { PortDesc pd = *i; if(!pd.isNull()) result->push_back(pd); } return result; } float PortDesc_impl::floatValue() { assert(_hasValue); assert(_type.dataType == "float"); Buffer b; b.write(_value.value); return b.readFloat(); } void PortDesc_impl::floatValue( float _new_value ) { assert(!_isConnected); assert(_type.direction == Arts::input); assert(_type.dataType == "float"); assert(_value.type == "float"); Buffer b; b.writeFloat(_new_value); b.read(_value.value, b.size()); _hasValue = true; } string PortDesc_impl::stringValue() { assert(_hasValue); assert(_type.dataType == "string"); assert(_value.type == "string"); string result; Buffer b; b.write(_value.value); b.readString(result); return result; } void PortDesc_impl::stringValue( const string& _new_value ) { assert(!_isConnected); // shouldn't happen, but check anyway assert(_type.direction == Arts::input); assert(_type.dataType == "string"); Buffer b; b.writeString(_new_value); b.read(_value.value, b.size()); _hasValue = true; } Any PortDesc_impl::value() { assert(_hasValue); return _value; } void PortDesc_impl::value( const Any& _new_value ) { _value = _new_value; _hasValue = true; } bool PortDesc_impl::connectTo( PortDesc port ) { removeNullConnections(); // check if we are already connected to that port: unsigned long i; for(i=0;i<_connections.size();i++) { PortDesc pd = _connections[i]; if(pd.ID() == port.ID()) return true; } const PortType& rType = port.type(); // only stream or event channels may be connected if( _type.connType != rType.connType ) return false; // TODO: eventually check conditions when it is legal to connect property // ports, and when it is insane (_Type.connType == Arts::property) // // for incoming structure ports, for instance, it is perfectly allright // only same data type connections allowed if( _type.dataType != rType.dataType ) return false; // only opposite directions if( _type.direction == rType.direction ) return false; // always first connect the input port to the output port and // then the other direction if( _type.direction == Arts::input ) { if(!_isConnected || _type.isMultiPort) { assert(_connections.empty() || _type.isMultiPort); _connections.push_back(port); port.internalConnectInput(self()); _isConnected = true; _hasValue = false; return true; } } if( _type.direction == Arts::output ) return port.connectTo(self()); return false; } void PortDesc_impl::internalConnectInput( PortDesc port ) { _connections.push_back(port); _isConnected = true; } void PortDesc_impl::disconnectFrom( PortDesc port ) { removeNullConnections(); unsigned long found = 0; artsdebug("port %ld disconnecting from port %ld\n",ID(),port.ID()); vector::iterator i = _connections.begin(); while(!found && i != _connections.end()) { Arts::PortDesc other = *i; if(!other.isNull() && other.ID() == port.ID()) { _connections.erase(i); i = _connections.begin(); found++; } else i++; } _isConnected = !_connections.empty(); ModuleDesc tqparent = _parent; if(tqparent.isNull()) artsdebug("_Parent = , isConnected = %d\n",_isConnected); else artsdebug("_Parent = %s, isConnected = %d\n",tqparent.name().c_str(),_isConnected); if(found) port.disconnectFrom(self()); } // Implementation for interface ModuleDesc long ModuleDesc_impl::ID() { return _ID; } StructureDesc ModuleDesc_impl::tqparent() { return _parent; } string ModuleDesc_impl::name() { return _name; } vector *ModuleDesc_impl::ports() { return new vector(_ports); } long ModuleDesc_impl::x() { return _x; } long ModuleDesc_impl::y() { return _y; } long ModuleDesc_impl::width() { assert(false); return 0; } long ModuleDesc_impl::height() { assert(false); return 0; } bool ModuleDesc_impl::moveTo( long x, long y ) { // FIXME: collision checking! _x = x; _y = y; return(true); } // Implementation for interface StructureDesc long StructureDesc_impl::width() { assert(false); return 0; } long StructureDesc_impl::height() { assert(false); return 0; } /* * Query the module for it's paramenters */ void ModuleDesc_impl::constructor( StructureDesc tqparent, const Arts::ModuleInfo& info ) { _name = info.name; _x = -1; // no position assigned _y = -1; _ID = tqparent.obtainID(); _parent = tqparent; _isInterface = info.isInterface; _isStructure = info.isStructure; collectPorts(info); } ModuleDesc_impl::~ModuleDesc_impl() { } bool ModuleDesc_impl::isInterface() { return _isInterface; } bool ModuleDesc_impl::isStructure() { return _isStructure; } PortDesc ModuleDesc_impl::findPort(const string& name) { vector::iterator p; for(p = _ports.begin(); p != _ports.end(); p++) { if(name == p->name()) return *p; } return PortDesc::null(); } long ModuleDesc_impl::collectPorts( const Arts::ModuleInfo& info ) { vector::const_iterator i; vector::const_iterator ni = info.portnames.begin(); long portcount = 0; for(i=info.ports.begin(); i != info.ports.end(); i++) { const PortType& porttype = *i; const string& portname = *ni++; artsdebug("#%d: %s\n",portcount,portname.c_str()); PortDesc pd(self(),portname,porttype); _ports.push_back(pd); portcount++; } return(portcount); } ModuleDesc StructureDesc_impl::createModuleDesc( const ModuleInfo& info ) { Arts::ModuleDesc result = createModuleDesc(info.name); assert(!result.isNull()); return result; } ModuleDesc StructureDesc_impl::createModuleDesc( const string& name ) { /* FIXME: need new comment * to create a representation of a specified synth module, we * * - create an instance of this synth module by contacting the * module server and telling him to do so (result is a C++ class) * * - create an instance of a ModuleDesc, and tell it to query the * module for it's parameters (result is a CORBA object) * * - destroy the synth module (C++ class) again and return a reference * to the CORBA object */ /* ModuleServer *MS_SynthModule; MS_SynthModule = (ModuleServer *)SynthModule::get_MS(); SynthModule *m = (SynthModule *)MS_SynthModule->getModule(name); */ #if 0 Arts::ModuleInfo_var info = ModuleBroker->lookupModule(name); if(!info) return 0; #endif const Arts::ModuleInfo& info = makeModuleInfo(name); Arts::ModuleDesc moduledesc = ModuleDesc(self(),info); _modules.push_back(moduledesc); return moduledesc; } void StructureDesc_impl::freeModuleDesc(ModuleDesc moduledesc) { vector::iterator i; for(i=_modules.begin();i != _modules.end(); i++) { Arts::ModuleDesc current = *i; if(current.ID() == moduledesc.ID()) { _modules.erase(i); // will get freed automagically return; } } } vector *StructureDesc_impl::modules() { vector *retval = new vector(_modules); return(retval); } void StructureDesc_impl::addInheritedInterface(const string& iface) { _inheritedInterfaces.push_back(iface); } void StructureDesc_impl::removeInheritedInterface(const string& iface) { vector newII; vector::iterator ii; for(ii = _inheritedInterfaces.begin(); ii != _inheritedInterfaces.end(); ii++) if(*ii != iface) newII.push_back(*ii); _inheritedInterfaces = newII; } vector *StructureDesc_impl::inheritedInterfaces() { return new vector(_inheritedInterfaces); } StructureDesc_impl::StructureDesc_impl() { arts_debug("PORT: created structuredesc_impl"); nextID = 0; _valid = true; _externalInterface.name = "unknown"; // FIXME _externalInterface.isStructure = true; _externalInterface.isInterface = false; } StructureDesc_impl::~StructureDesc_impl() { artsdebug("StructureDesc released...\n"); } long StructureDesc_impl::obtainID() { return(nextID++); } bool StructureDesc_impl::valid() { return(_valid); } void StructureDesc_impl::clear() { _modules.clear(); _ports.clear(); _inheritedInterfaces.clear(); _valid = true; } // "file" management vector *PortDesc_impl::saveToList() { vector *list = new vector; sqprintf(list,"id=%ld",_ID); if(_hasValue) { if(_type.dataType == "string") { sqprintf(list,"string_data=%s",stringValue().c_str()); } else if(_type.dataType == "float") { sqprintf(list,"audio_data=%2.5f",floatValue()); } else { Buffer b; _value.writeType(b); sqprintf(list,"any_data=%s",b.toString("value").c_str()); } } if(_isConnected) { vector::iterator i; for(i=_connections.begin();i != _connections.end(); i++) { Arts::PortDesc port = *i; if(!port.isNull()) sqprintf(list,"connect_to=%ld",port.ID()); } } return list; } vector *ModuleDesc_impl::saveToList() { vector *list = new vector; vector::iterator i; sqprintf(list,"id=%ld",_ID); sqprintf(list,"x=%ld",_x); sqprintf(list,"y=%ld",_y); for(i=_ports.begin();i != _ports.end();i++) { PortDesc pd = *i; sqprintf(list,"port=%s",pd.name().c_str()); vector *portlist = pd.saveToList(); addSubStringSeq(list,portlist); delete portlist; } return list; } vector *StructureDesc_impl::saveToList() { vector *list = new vector; vector::iterator mi; vector::iterator pi; vector::iterator ii; sqprintf(list,"name=%s",_externalInterface.name.c_str()); for(mi=_modules.begin();mi != _modules.end();mi++) { ModuleDesc md = *mi; sqprintf(list,"module=%s",md.name().c_str()); vector *modulelist = md.saveToList(); addSubStringSeq(list,modulelist); delete modulelist; } for(pi=_ports.begin(); pi!=_ports.end(); pi++) { Arts::StructurePortDesc spd = *pi; sqprintf(list,"structureport"); vector *portlist= spd.saveToList(); addSubStringSeq(list,portlist); delete portlist; } for(ii=_inheritedInterfaces.begin(); ii != _inheritedInterfaces.end(); ii++) sqprintf(list,"interface=%s",ii->c_str()); return list; } void PortDesc_impl::internalReConnect( const vector& allports ) { vector::const_iterator i; for(i=allports.begin(); i != allports.end(); i++) { PortDesc pd = (*i); long oid = pd.internalOldID(); if(find(oldConnections.begin(),oldConnections.end(),oid) != oldConnections.end()) { connectTo(pd); } } } long PortDesc_impl::internalOldID() { return _oldID; } void PortDesc_impl::loadFromList(const vector& list) { unsigned long i; string cmd,param; for(i=0;i& list) { artsdebug("mlist-----------\n"); unsigned long i; string cmd, param; for(i=0;i cmd was %s\n",cmd.c_str()); if(cmd == "port") { string portName = OldFormatTranslator::newPortName(_name,param); PortDesc pd = PortDesc::null(); vector::iterator pi; for(pi=_ports.begin(); pi != _ports.end(); pi++) { artsdebug("pdi = %s, portName = %s\n",pi->name().c_str(), portName.c_str()); if(pi->name() == portName) pd = *pi; } assert(!pd.isNull()); vector *plist = getSubStringSeq(&list,i); pd.loadFromList(*plist); delete plist; } else if(cmd == "x") { _x = atol(param.c_str()); artsdebug("X set to %ld (param was %s)\n",_x,param.c_str()); } else if(cmd == "y") { _y = atol(param.c_str()); artsdebug("Y set to %ld (param was %s)\n",_y,param.c_str()); } } } artsdebug("-----------mlist\n"); } void StructureDesc_impl::loadFromList(const vector& list) { string cmd,param; unsigned long i; vector allports; clear(); _externalInterface.name = (const char *)"unknown"; artsdebug("loadFromList; listlen = %ld\n",list.size()); for(i=0;i cmd was %s\n",cmd.c_str()); if(cmd == "module") { string newName = OldFormatTranslator::newModuleName(param); ModuleDesc md = createModuleDesc(newName); vector *mlist = getSubStringSeq(&list,i); if(!md.isNull()) { md.loadFromList(*mlist); // PORT: order changed vector *pd = md.ports(); vector::iterator pi; for(pi = pd->begin(); pi != pd->end();pi++) allports.push_back(*pi); delete pd; } else { // module couldn't be found _valid = false; } delete mlist; } else if(cmd == "name") { _externalInterface.name = param; } else if(cmd == "interface") { _inheritedInterfaces.push_back(param); } else if(cmd == "structureport") { // just to have valid values to pass to the new (to be loaded) // port: PortType type; type.direction = Arts::input; type.dataType = "float"; type.connType = Arts::conn_stream; type.isMultiPort = false; StructurePortDesc spd = createStructurePortDesc(type,"unknown"); vector *splist = getSubStringSeq(&list,i); spd.loadFromList(*splist); delete splist; // yes; this is a port as well allports.push_back(spd); } } } for(i=0;iX()*1000+p->Y(); if(p.type().direction == Arts::input) result += 5000000; return result; } bool extint_port_compare(StructurePortDesc p1, StructurePortDesc p2) { long p1s = extint_pscore(p1); long p2s = extint_pscore(p2); artsdebug("compare; [%s] = %d ; [%s] = %d\n", p1.name().c_str(),p1s, p2.name().c_str(),p2s); return (p1s < p2s); // return -1; //if(p1s == p2s) return 0; //return 1; } ModuleInfo StructureDesc_impl::externalInterface() { ModuleInfo result = _externalInterface; vector sorted_ports = _ports; vector::iterator p; unsigned long l; /* PORT: for(l=0;l<_Ports->length();l++) sorted_ports.push_back((*_Ports)[l]); */ sort(sorted_ports.begin(),sorted_ports.end(),extint_port_compare); l = 0; for(p=sorted_ports.begin();p != sorted_ports.end();p++) { string pname = p->name(); PortType ptype = p->type(); if(ptype.direction == Arts::input) ptype.direction = Arts::output; else ptype.direction = Arts::input; artsdebug("externalInterface; sorted ports: %d => %s\n",l,pname.c_str()); result.ports.push_back(ptype); result.portnames.push_back(pname); l++; } return result; } vector *StructureDesc_impl::ports() { return new vector(_ports); } StructurePortDesc StructureDesc_impl::createStructurePortDesc( const Arts::PortType& type, const string& name) { artsdebug("creating new port %s\n",name.c_str()); StructurePortDesc port(self(), name, type); _ports.push_back(port); // set the Position (put it at the end of the ports) unsigned long i, count = 0; for(i=0;i<_ports.size();i++) { if(_ports[i].type().direction == type.direction) count++; } assert(count > 0); // we just inserted one ;) port.internalSetPosition(count-1); return port; } void StructureDesc_impl::freeStructurePortDesc(StructurePortDesc portdesc) { vector::iterator i; for(i=_ports.begin(); i != _ports.end(); i++) { if(i->ID() == portdesc.ID()) { _ports.erase(i); return; } } } void StructureDesc_impl::moveStructurePortDesc(StructurePortDesc portdesc, long newposition) { const Arts::PortType& type = portdesc.type(); unsigned long i; long count = 0; for(i=0;i<_ports.size();i++) { if(_ports[i].type().direction == type.direction) count++; } if(newposition < 0) newposition = 0; if(newposition > count-1) newposition = count-1; if(newposition == portdesc.position()) return; int delta, lower, upper; if(newposition > portdesc.position()) { // if the port gets a higher position, move all ports that // are between it's current position and its new position down one lower = portdesc.position(); upper = newposition; delta = -1; } else { // if the port gets a lower position, move all ports that // are between it's current position and its new position up one lower = newposition; upper = portdesc.position(); delta = 1; } for(i=0;i<_ports.size();i++) { StructurePortDesc pd = _ports[i]; if(pd.type().direction == type.direction) { if(pd.ID() != portdesc.ID() && pd.position() >= lower && pd.position() <= upper) { pd.internalSetPosition(pd.position()+delta); } } } portdesc.internalSetPosition(newposition); } void StructurePortDesc_impl::constructor(StructureDesc tqparent, const string& name, const PortType& type) { PortDesc_impl::constructor(ModuleDesc::null(),name,type); _parentStructure = tqparent; _ID = tqparent.obtainID(); _x = 0; _y = 0; _position = 0; } StructurePortDesc_impl::~StructurePortDesc_impl() { // this destructor is required to make some compilers (egcs-1.1.2) compile } long StructurePortDesc_impl::x() { return _x; } long StructurePortDesc_impl::y() { return _y; } long StructurePortDesc_impl::position() { return _position; } void StructurePortDesc_impl::lowerPosition() { StructureDesc tqparent = _parentStructure; // weak reference if(!tqparent.isNull()) tqparent.moveStructurePortDesc(self(), _position-1); } void StructurePortDesc_impl::raisePosition() { StructureDesc tqparent = _parentStructure; // weak reference if(!tqparent.isNull()) tqparent.moveStructurePortDesc(self(), _position+1); } void StructurePortDesc_impl::rename(const string& newname) { _name = newname; } void StructurePortDesc_impl::inheritedInterface(const string& iface) { _inheritedInterface = iface; } string StructurePortDesc_impl::inheritedInterface() { return _inheritedInterface; } // only used by the structure to reorder the ports void StructurePortDesc_impl::internalSetPosition(long position) { _position = position; } StructureDesc StructurePortDesc_impl::tqparentStructure() { return _parentStructure; } bool StructurePortDesc_impl::moveTo( long X, long Y ) { // FIXME: check space _x = X; _y = Y; return true; } /* override load & save behaviour this kind of port requires that we save the type of the port as well, that means all of the porttype: enum PortDirection {input, output}; enum PortDataType {audio_data, string_data}; enum PortConnType {stream, event, property}; struct PortType { PortDirection direction; PortDataType dataType; PortConnType connType; }; so when saved, it will look like that: { name=fasel x=4 y=2 type { direction=input/output datatype=audio/string conntype=stream/event/property } data { [original port saves here] } } */ PortType loadTypeFromList(const vector& list) { unsigned long i,loadstate = 0; string cmd,param; Arts::PortType result; for(i=0;i cmd was %s\n",cmd.c_str()); if(cmd == "direction") { if(param == "input") { result.direction = Arts::input; } else if(param == "output") { result.direction = Arts::output; } else assert(false); loadstate += 1; } else if(cmd == "datatype") { if(param == "audio") { result.dataType = "float"; } else if(param == "string") { result.dataType = "string"; } else assert(false); loadstate += 100; } else if(cmd == "conntype") { if(param == "stream") { result.connType = Arts::conn_stream; } else if(param == "event") { result.connType = Arts::conn_event; } else if(param == "property") { result.connType = Arts::conn_property; artsdebug("got property stuff\n"); } else assert(false); loadstate += 10000; } } } assert(loadstate == 10101); // should see every member exactly once result.isMultiPort = false; return result; } void StructurePortDesc_impl::loadFromList(const vector& list) { artsdebug("structureportlist-----------\n"); unsigned long i; string cmd,param; vector *typelist = 0, *datalist = 0; bool haveType = false, haveData = false; // need both to do restore, type first for(i=0;i cmd was %s\n",cmd.c_str()); if(cmd == "type") { assert(!haveType); // only allowed once haveType = true; typelist = getSubStringSeq(&list,i); } else if(cmd == "data") { assert(!haveData); // only allowed once haveData = true; datalist = getSubStringSeq(&list,i); } else if(cmd == "x") { _x = atol(param.c_str()); artsdebug("X set to %ld (param was %s)\n",_x,param.c_str()); } else if(cmd == "y") { _y = atol(param.c_str()); artsdebug("Y set to %ld (param was %s)\n",_y,param.c_str()); } else if(cmd == "position") { _position = atol(param.c_str()); artsdebug("Position set to %ld (param was %s)\n",_position, param.c_str()); } else if(cmd == "name") { _name = param; artsdebug("Name set to %s\n",_name.c_str()); } else if(cmd == "interface") { _inheritedInterface = param; artsdebug("Interface set to %s\n",_inheritedInterface.c_str()); } } } assert(haveType && haveData); _type = loadTypeFromList(*typelist); if(_type.connType == Arts::conn_property) artsdebug("have property here\n"); PortDesc_impl::loadFromList(*datalist); delete typelist; delete datalist; artsdebug("-----------structureportlist\n"); } vector *saveTypeToList(const PortType& type) { vector *list = new vector; switch(type.direction) { case Arts::input: sqprintf(list,"direction=input"); break; case Arts::output: sqprintf(list,"direction=output"); break; default: assert(false); // should never happen! } if(type.dataType == "float") { sqprintf(list,"datatype=audio"); } else if(type.dataType == "string") { sqprintf(list,"datatype=string"); } else { assert(false); // should never happen! } switch(type.connType) { case Arts::conn_stream: sqprintf(list,"conntype=stream"); break; case Arts::conn_event: sqprintf(list,"conntype=event"); break; case Arts::conn_property: sqprintf(list,"conntype=property"); break; default: assert(false); // should never happen! } return list; } vector *StructurePortDesc_impl::saveToList() { vector *list = new vector; sqprintf(list,"name=%s",_name.c_str()); sqprintf(list,"x=%ld",_x); sqprintf(list,"y=%ld",_y); sqprintf(list,"position=%ld",_position); if(!_inheritedInterface.empty()) sqprintf(list, "interface=%s",_inheritedInterface.c_str()); sqprintf(list,"type"); vector *typelist = saveTypeToList(_type); addSubStringSeq(list,typelist); delete typelist; sqprintf(list,"data"); vector *portlist = PortDesc_impl::saveToList(); addSubStringSeq(list,portlist); delete portlist; return list; }