Kopete Latex Plugin
Copyright ( c ) 2004 by Duncan Mac - Vicar Prett < duncan @ kde . org >
Copyright ( c ) 2004 - 2005 by Olivier Goffart < ogoffart @ kde . org >
Kopete ( c ) 2001 - 2004 by the Kopete developers < kopete - devel @ kde . org >
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or *
* ( at your option ) any later version . *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
# include <tqregexp.h>
# include <tqimage.h>
# include <tqbuffer.h>
# include <tqcstring.h>
# include <tqstylesheet.h>
# include <kgenericfactory.h>
# include <kdebug.h>
# include <kstandarddirs.h>
# include <kprocess.h>
# include <ktempfile.h>
# include <kmdcodec.h>
# include <kmessagebox.h>
# include "kopetechatsessionmanager.h"
# include "kopeteuiglobal.h"
# include "latexplugin.h"
# include "latexconfig.h"
# include "latexguiclient.h"
typedef KGenericFactory < LatexPlugin > LatexPluginFactory ;
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY ( kopete_latex , LatexPluginFactory ( " kopete_latex " ) )
LatexPlugin : : LatexPlugin ( TQObject * parent , const char * name , const TQStringList & /*args*/ )
: Kopete : : Plugin ( LatexPluginFactory : : instance ( ) , parent , name )
// kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
if ( ! s_pluginStatic )
s_pluginStatic = this ;
mMagickNotFoundShown = false ;
connect ( Kopete : : ChatSessionManager : : self ( ) , TQT_SIGNAL ( aboutToDisplay ( Kopete : : Message & ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotMessageAboutToShow ( Kopete : : Message & ) ) ) ;
connect ( Kopete : : ChatSessionManager : : self ( ) , TQT_SIGNAL ( aboutToSend ( Kopete : : Message & ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotMessageAboutToSend ( Kopete : : Message & ) ) ) ;
connect ( this , TQT_SIGNAL ( settingsChanged ( ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotSettingsChanged ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( Kopete : : ChatSessionManager : : self ( ) , TQT_SIGNAL ( chatSessionCreated ( Kopete : : ChatSession * ) ) ,
this , TQT_SLOT ( slotNewChatSession ( Kopete : : ChatSession * ) ) ) ;
m_convScript = KStandardDirs : : findExe ( " kopete_latexconvert.sh " ) ;
slotSettingsChanged ( ) ;
//Add GUI action to all already existing kmm (if the plugin is launched when kopete already rining)
TQValueList < Kopete : : ChatSession * > sessions = Kopete : : ChatSessionManager : : self ( ) - > sessions ( ) ;
for ( TQValueListIterator < Kopete : : ChatSession * > it = sessions . begin ( ) ; it ! = sessions . end ( ) ; + + it )
slotNewChatSession ( * it ) ;
LatexPlugin : : ~ LatexPlugin ( )
s_pluginStatic = 0L ;
LatexPlugin * LatexPlugin : : plugin ( )
return s_pluginStatic ;
LatexPlugin * LatexPlugin : : s_pluginStatic = 0L ;
void LatexPlugin : : slotNewChatSession ( Kopete : : ChatSession * KMM )
new LatexGUIClient ( KMM ) ;
void LatexPlugin : : slotMessageAboutToShow ( Kopete : : Message & msg )
TQString mMagick = KStandardDirs : : findExe ( " convert " ) ;
if ( mMagick . isEmpty ( ) )
// show just once
if ( ! mMagickNotFoundShown )
KMessageBox : : queuedMessageBox (
Kopete : : UI : : Global : : mainWidget ( ) ,
KMessageBox : : Error , i18n ( " I cannot find the Magick convert program. \n convert is required to render the Latex formulas. \n Please go to www.imagemagick.org or to your distribution site and get the right package. " )
) ;
mMagickNotFoundShown = true ;
// dont try to parse if convert is not installed
return ;
TQString messageText = msg . plainBody ( ) ;
if ( ! messageText . contains ( " $$ " ) )
return ;
//kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " Using converter: " << m_convScript << endl;
// /\[([^]]).*?\[/$1\]/
// \$\$.+?\$\$
// this searches for $$formula$$
TQRegExp rg ( " \\ $ \\ $.+ \\ $ \\ $ " ) ;
rg . setMinimal ( true ) ;
// this searches for [latex]formula[/latex]
//TQRegExp rg("\\[([^]\]).*?\\[/$1\\]");
int pos = 0 ;
TQMap < TQString , TQString > replaceMap ;
while ( pos > = 0 & & ( unsigned int ) pos < messageText . length ( ) )
// kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << " searching pos: " << pos << endl;
pos = rg . search ( messageText , pos ) ;
if ( pos > = 0 )
TQString match = rg . cap ( 0 ) ;
pos + = rg . matchedLength ( ) ;
TQString formul = match ;
if ( ! securityCheck ( formul ) )
continue ;
TQString fileName = handleLatex ( formul . replace ( " $$ " , " " ) ) ;
// get the image and encode it with base64
TQImage renderedImage ( fileName ) ;
imagePxWidth = renderedImage . width ( ) ;
imagePxHeight = renderedImage . height ( ) ;
if ( ! renderedImage . isNull ( ) )
TQByteArray ba ;
TQBuffer buffer ( ba ) ;
buffer . open ( IO_WriteOnly ) ;
renderedImage . save ( & buffer , " PNG " ) ;
TQString imageURL = TQString : : fromLatin1 ( " data:image/png;base64,%1 " ) . arg ( KCodecs : : base64Encode ( ba ) ) ;
replaceMap [ match ] = imageURL ;
# else
replaceMap [ match ] = fileName ;
# endif
if ( replaceMap . isEmpty ( ) ) //we haven't found any latex strings
return ;
messageText = msg . escapedBody ( ) ;
int imagePxWidth , imagePxHeight ;
for ( TQMap < TQString , TQString > : : ConstIterator it = replaceMap . begin ( ) ; it ! = replaceMap . end ( ) ; + + it )
TQImage theImage ( * it ) ;
if ( theImage . isNull ( ) )
continue ;
imagePxWidth = theImage . width ( ) ;
imagePxHeight = theImage . height ( ) ;
TQString escapedLATEX = TQStyleSheet : : escape ( it . key ( ) ) . replace ( " \" " , " " " ) ; //we need the escape quotes because that string will be in a title="" argument, but not the \n
messageText . replace ( Kopete : : Message : : escape ( it . key ( ) ) , " <img width= \" " + TQString : : number ( imagePxWidth ) + " \" height= \" " + TQString : : number ( imagePxHeight ) + " \" src= \" " + ( * it ) + " \" alt= \" " + escapedLATEX + " \" title= \" " + escapedLATEX + " \" /> " ) ;
msg . setBody ( messageText , Kopete : : Message : : RichText ) ;
void LatexPlugin : : slotMessageAboutToSend ( Kopete : : Message & msg )
Q_UNUSED ( msg )
//disabled because to work correctly, we need to find what special has the gif we can send over MSN
#if 0
KConfig * config = KGlobal : : config ( ) ;
config - > setGroup ( " Latex Plugin " ) ;
if ( ! config - > readBoolEntry ( " ParseOutgoing " , false ) )
return ;
TQString messageText = msg . plainBody ( ) ;
if ( ! messageText . contains ( " $$ " ) )
return ;
/* if( msg.from()->protocol()->pluginId()!="MSNProtocol" )
return ; */
// this searches for $$formula$$
TQRegExp rg ( " ^ \\ s* \\ $ \\ $([^$]+) \ \ $ \ \ $ \ \ s * $ " ) ;
if ( rg . search ( messageText ) ! = - 1 )
TQString latexFormula = rg . cap ( 1 ) ;
if ( ! securityCheck ( latexFormula ) )
return ;
TQString url = handleLatex ( latexFormula ) ;
if ( ! url . isNull ( ) )
TQString escapedLATEX = TQStyleSheet : : escape ( messageText ) . replace ( " \" " , " " " ) ;
TQString messageText = " <img src= \" " + url + " \" alt= \" " + escapedLATEX + " \" title= \" " + escapedLATEX + " \" /> " ;
msg . setBody ( messageText , Kopete : : Message : : RichText ) ;
# endif
TQString LatexPlugin : : handleLatex ( const TQString & latexFormula )
KTempFile * tempFile = new KTempFile ( locateLocal ( " tmp " , " kopetelatex- " ) , " .png " ) ;
tempFile - > setAutoDelete ( true ) ;
m_tempFiles . append ( tempFile ) ;
m_tempFiles . setAutoDelete ( true ) ;
TQString fileName = tempFile - > name ( ) ;
KProcess p ;
TQString argumentRes = " -r %1x%2 " ;
TQString argumentOut = " -o %1 " ;
//TQString argumentFormat = "-fgif"; //we uses gif format because MSN only handle gif
int hDPI , vDPI ;
hDPI = LatexConfig : : self ( ) - > horizontalDPI ( ) ;
vDPI = LatexConfig : : self ( ) - > verticalDPI ( ) ;
p < < m_convScript < < argumentRes . arg ( TQString : : number ( hDPI ) , TQString : : number ( vDPI ) ) < < argumentOut . arg ( fileName ) /*<< argumentFormat*/ < < latexFormula ;
kdDebug ( ) < < k_funcinfo < < " Rendering " < < m_convScript < < " " < < argumentRes . arg ( TQString : : number ( hDPI ) , TQString : : number ( vDPI ) ) < < " " < < argumentOut . arg ( fileName ) < < endl ;
// FIXME our sucky sync filter API limitations :-)
p . start ( KProcess : : Block ) ;
return fileName ;
bool LatexPlugin : : securityCheck ( const TQString & latexFormula )
return ! latexFormula . contains ( TQRegExp ( " \\ \\ (def|let|futurelet|newcommand|renewcomment|else|fi|write|input|include "
" |chardef|catcode|makeatletter|noexpand|toksdef|every|errhelp|errorstopmode|scrollmode|nonstopmode|batchmode "
" |read|csname|newhelp|relax|afterground|afterassignment|expandafter|noexpand|special|command|loop|repeat|toks "
" |output|line|mathcode|name|item|section|mbox|DeclareRobustCommand)[^a-zA-Z] " ) ) ;
void LatexPlugin : : slotSettingsChanged ( )
LatexConfig : : self ( ) - > readConfig ( ) ;
# include "latexplugin.moc"
// vim: set noet ts=4 sts=4 sw=4: