HostProfiles HostProfiles 0 0 451 222 unnamed 0 Host true true Type true true Settings true true hostListView Multi true true false This list shows all hosts that you have visited and a summary of your settings for them. If you want to reset the setting for a host, you can delete it using the buttons below. When you connect again you can then re-configure them. spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 117 21 removeHostButton &Remove Selected Host Deletes the hosts that you have selected in the list above. removeAllButton Remove &All Hosts Removes all hosts from the list. removeHostButton clicked() HostProfiles removeHost() removeAllButton clicked() HostProfiles removeAllHosts() hostListView selectionChanged() HostProfiles selectionChanged() hostListView doubleClicked(QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) HostProfiles slotHostDoubleClicked(QListViewItem*) kdialog.h hostpreferences.h hostprofiles.ui.h HostPrefPtrList deletedHosts; hostDoubleClicked(HostPrefPtr) removeHost() removeAllHosts() selectionChanged() slotHostDoubleClicked( QListViewItem * ) load() save() klistview.h