This library is the xmpp backend also used in Psi. ( The main author is Justin Karneges ( and other Psi developers, see the Psi homepage for details. Please DO NOT change the source unless really necessary. This is a third-party library and any change will make synching very hard in the future. It is best to send patches upstream so they'll end up in the main tree. We will benefit from them at the next synch point. If you really really need to make a change to one of the source files, please make sure to commit a diff to the original file in this directory in the form of 001_your_fix_name.patch. Always pick the next free number for your patch, the version found in this directory is meant to have all patches applied in order. When committing, CCMAIL Changes to the files are fine and require no diffs, since Psi uses qmake. This library depends on: libidn (compile time), qca-tls (runtime) 27.02.2004, Till Gerken (