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# .talkdrc Config file for ktalkd when used without X/KDE.
# If your E-Mail inbox is not <logid@localhost> (where logid is the
# name you use to log in), uncomment the next line and place the
# E-Mail address of your inbox there.
# Set to 1 to activate answering machine.
# Will work only if your administrator has enabled it.
Answmach: 1
# Change this to customize the message displayed by the answering machine
# when you receive a request while you're away. You may have up to 9 lines.
Msg1: Hello. You're connected with the talk program answering machine.
Msg2: I'm away from the computer at the moment.
Msg3: Please leave a message and quit normally at the end of it.
Msg4: - -
Msg5: There's no way to delete across lines. Even if your talk program
Msg6: allows you to cursor-around. Please use only normal keys and
Msg7: backspace. Otherwise your note may be unreadable.
# Subject of the mail you'll receive. '%s' will be replaced by the name of
# the caller, qualified with their hostname.dom, presuming that they have
# valid DNS.
Subj: %s tried to "talk" you.
# First line of the mail you'll receive. '%s' will be replaced by the
# complete address of the caller.
Head: Message left in the answering machine, by %s:
# Do you wish to receive an empty mail if the caller didn't leave any message ?
# (If "1", you'll only know who called you)
EmptyMail: 1
# Set this to 'off' if all you want is a beep to notify you of talk
# requests, to 'on' if you want to play an audio file instead.
Sound: on
# Define this to the full path of the sound file you wish to
# have played when you receive talk requests. It may be of
# any format, as long as the player defined below is capable
# of playing it.
SoundFile: /usr/lib/talkd/talk.wav
# Set this to the command you will be using to play audio
# files. This can be any .wav, .au, .snd or whatever player,
# just so long as it will play the format that your chosen
# audio file is in.
SoundPlayer: /usr/local/bin/wavplay
SoundPlayerOpt: -q
# ==> SoundPlayer + SoundPlayerOpt = /usr/local/bin/wavplay -q
########### Edit below to set up a forward ###########
# Enable forward by uncommenting and editing this line
#Forward: user@host
# Choose forward method :
# None is perfect, they all have pros (+) and cons (-).
# FWA : Forward announcement only. Direct connection. Not recommended.
# (+) You know who is the caller, but
# (-) Caller will have to respond to an announcement from you. Annoying.
# (-) Don't use if you have an answering machine on your 'away' location
# (The answering machine can't popup an announcement, it would be confusing!)
# FWR : Forward all requests, changing info when necessary. Direct connection.
# (+) Caller won't know that you're away, but
# (-) You won't really know who's the caller - only his username,
# (so you might see "talk from Wintalk@my_host")
# FWT : Forward all requests and take the talk. No direct connection.
# (+) Same as above, but works also if you and caller can't be in direct
# contact one with the other (e.g. firewall).
# (+) You'll be told who's really talking to you when you accept the talk
# (-) But as in FWR, you won't know his machine name in the announcement
#ForwardMethod: FWR