dirservconfigpage . cpp
This file is part of kleopatra
Copyright ( c ) 2004 Klar <EFBFBD> lvdalens Datakonsult AB
Libkleopatra is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ,
version 2 , as published by the Free Software Foundation .
Libkleopatra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 USA
In addition , as a special exception , the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
the TQt library by Trolltech AS , Norway ( or with modified versions
of TQt that use the same license as TQt ) , and distribute linked
combinations including the two . You must obey the GNU General
Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
TQt . If you modify this file , you may extend this exception to
your version of the file , but you are not obligated to do so . If
you do not wish to do so , delete this exception statement from
your version .
# include "dirservconfigpage.h"
# include "directoryserviceswidget.h"
# include <kleo/cryptobackendfactory.h>
# include <tdemessagebox.h>
# include <tdelocale.h>
# include <kdebug.h>
# include <tdeconfig.h>
# include <knuminput.h>
# include <kdialog.h>
# include <tqhbox.h>
# include <tqlabel.h>
# include <tqdatetimeedit.h>
# include <tqcheckbox.h>
# include <tqlayout.h>
# include <tdemacros.h>
#if 0 // disabled, since it is apparently confusing
// For sync'ing kabldaprc
class KABSynchronizer
public :
KABSynchronizer ( )
: mConfig ( " kabldaprc " ) {
mConfig . setGroup ( " LDAP " ) ;
KURL : : List readCurrentList ( ) const {
KURL : : List lst ;
// stolen from tdeabc/ldapclient.cpp
const uint numHosts = mConfig . readUnsignedNumEntry ( " NumSelectedHosts " ) ;
for ( uint j = 0 ; j < numHosts ; j + + ) {
const TQString num = TQString : : number ( j ) ;
KURL url ;
url . setProtocol ( " ldap " ) ;
url . setPath ( " / " ) ; // workaround KURL parsing bug
const TQString host = mConfig . readEntry ( TQString ( " SelectedHost " ) + num ) . stripWhiteSpace ( ) ;
url . setHost ( host ) ;
const int port = mConfig . readUnsignedNumEntry ( TQString ( " SelectedPort " ) + num ) ;
if ( port ! = 0 )
url . setPort ( port ) ;
const TQString base = mConfig . readEntry ( TQString ( " SelectedBase " ) + num ) . stripWhiteSpace ( ) ;
url . setQuery ( base ) ;
const TQString bindDN = mConfig . readEntry ( TQString ( " SelectedBind " ) + num ) . stripWhiteSpace ( ) ;
url . setUser ( bindDN ) ;
const TQString pwdBindDN = mConfig . readEntry ( TQString ( " SelectedPwdBind " ) + num ) . stripWhiteSpace ( ) ;
url . setPass ( pwdBindDN ) ;
lst . append ( url ) ;
return lst ;
void writeList ( const KURL : : List & lst ) {
mConfig . writeEntry ( " NumSelectedHosts " , lst . count ( ) ) ;
KURL : : List : : const_iterator it = lst . begin ( ) ;
KURL : : List : : const_iterator end = lst . end ( ) ;
unsigned j = 0 ;
for ( ; it ! = end ; + + it , + + j ) {
const TQString num = TQString : : number ( j ) ;
KURL url = * it ;
Q_ASSERT ( url . protocol ( ) = = " ldap " ) ;
mConfig . writeEntry ( TQString ( " SelectedHost " ) + num , url . host ( ) ) ;
mConfig . writeEntry ( TQString ( " SelectedPort " ) + num , url . port ( ) ) ;
// KURL automatically encoded the query (e.g. for spaces inside it),
// so decode it before writing it out
const TQString base = KURL : : decode_string ( url . query ( ) . mid ( 1 ) ) ;
mConfig . writeEntry ( TQString ( " SelectedBase " ) + num , base ) ;
mConfig . writeEntry ( TQString ( " SelectedBind " ) + num , url . user ( ) ) ;
mConfig . writeEntry ( TQString ( " SelectedPwdBind " ) + num , url . pass ( ) ) ;
mConfig . sync ( ) ;
private :
TDEConfig mConfig ;
} ;
# endif
static const char s_dirserv_componentName [ ] = " dirmngr " ;
static const char s_dirserv_groupName [ ] = " LDAP " ;
static const char s_dirserv_entryName [ ] = " LDAP Server " ;
static const char s_timeout_componentName [ ] = " dirmngr " ;
static const char s_timeout_groupName [ ] = " LDAP " ;
static const char s_timeout_entryName [ ] = " ldaptimeout " ;
static const char s_maxitems_componentName [ ] = " dirmngr " ;
static const char s_maxitems_groupName [ ] = " LDAP " ;
static const char s_maxitems_entryName [ ] = " max-replies " ;
static const char s_addnewservers_componentName [ ] = " dirmngr " ;
static const char s_addnewservers_groupName [ ] = " LDAP " ;
static const char s_addnewservers_entryName [ ] = " add-servers " ;
DirectoryServicesConfigurationPage : : DirectoryServicesConfigurationPage ( TQWidget * parent , const char * name )
: TDECModule ( parent , name )
mConfig = Kleo : : CryptoBackendFactory : : instance ( ) - > config ( ) ;
TQVBoxLayout * lay = new TQVBoxLayout ( this , 0 , KDialog : : spacingHint ( ) ) ;
Kleo : : CryptoConfigEntry * entry = configEntry ( s_dirserv_componentName , s_dirserv_groupName , s_dirserv_entryName ,
Kleo : : CryptoConfigEntry : : ArgType_LDAPURL , true ) ;
mWidget = new Kleo : : DirectoryServicesWidget ( entry , this ) ;
lay - > addWidget ( mWidget ) ;
connect ( mWidget , TQ_SIGNAL ( changed ( ) ) , this , TQ_SLOT ( slotChanged ( ) ) ) ;
// LDAP timeout
TQHBox * box = new TQHBox ( this ) ;
box - > setSpacing ( KDialog : : spacingHint ( ) ) ;
lay - > addWidget ( box ) ;
TQLabel * label = new TQLabel ( i18n ( " LDAP &timeout (minutes:seconds) " ) , box ) ;
mTimeout = new TQTimeEdit ( box ) ;
mTimeout - > setDisplay ( TQTimeEdit : : Minutes | TQTimeEdit : : Seconds ) ;
connect ( mTimeout , TQ_SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( const TQTime & ) ) , this , TQ_SLOT ( slotChanged ( ) ) ) ;
label - > setBuddy ( mTimeout ) ;
TQWidget * stretch = new TQWidget ( box ) ;
box - > setStretchFactor ( stretch , 2 ) ;
// Max number of items returned by queries
box = new TQHBox ( this ) ;
box - > setSpacing ( KDialog : : spacingHint ( ) ) ;
lay - > addWidget ( box ) ;
mMaxItems = new KIntNumInput ( box ) ;
mMaxItems - > setLabel ( i18n ( " &Maximum number of items returned by query " ) , TQt : : AlignLeft | TQt : : AlignVCenter ) ;
mMaxItems - > setMinValue ( 0 ) ;
connect ( mMaxItems , TQ_SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ) , this , TQ_SLOT ( slotChanged ( ) ) ) ;
stretch = new TQWidget ( box ) ;
box - > setStretchFactor ( stretch , 2 ) ;
mAddNewServersCB = new TQCheckBox ( i18n ( " Automatically add &new servers discovered in CRL distribution points " ) , this ) ;
connect ( mAddNewServersCB , TQ_SIGNAL ( clicked ( ) ) , this , TQ_SLOT ( slotChanged ( ) ) ) ;
lay - > addWidget ( mAddNewServersCB ) ;
# endif
load ( ) ;
# endif
void DirectoryServicesConfigurationPage : : load ( )
mWidget - > load ( ) ;
mTimeoutConfigEntry = configEntry ( s_timeout_componentName , s_timeout_groupName , s_timeout_entryName , Kleo : : CryptoConfigEntry : : ArgType_UInt , false ) ;
if ( mTimeoutConfigEntry ) {
TQTime time = TQTime ( ) . addSecs ( mTimeoutConfigEntry - > uintValue ( ) ) ;
//kdDebug() << "timeout:" << mTimeoutConfigEntry->uintValue() << " -> " << time << endl;
mTimeout - > setTime ( time ) ;
mMaxItemsConfigEntry = configEntry ( s_maxitems_componentName , s_maxitems_groupName , s_maxitems_entryName , Kleo : : CryptoConfigEntry : : ArgType_UInt , false ) ;
if ( mMaxItemsConfigEntry ) {
mMaxItems - > blockSignals ( true ) ; // KNumInput emits valueChanged from setValue!
mMaxItems - > setValue ( mMaxItemsConfigEntry - > uintValue ( ) ) ;
mMaxItems - > blockSignals ( false ) ;
mAddNewServersConfigEntry = configEntry ( s_addnewservers_componentName , s_addnewservers_groupName , s_addnewservers_entryName , Kleo : : CryptoConfigEntry : : ArgType_None , false ) ;
if ( mAddNewServersConfigEntry ) {
mAddNewServersCB - > setChecked ( mAddNewServersConfigEntry - > boolValue ( ) ) ;
# endif
void DirectoryServicesConfigurationPage : : save ( )
mWidget - > save ( ) ;
TQTime time ( mTimeout - > time ( ) ) ;
unsigned int timeout = time . minute ( ) * 60 + time . second ( ) ;
if ( mTimeoutConfigEntry & & mTimeoutConfigEntry - > uintValue ( ) ! = timeout )
mTimeoutConfigEntry - > setUIntValue ( timeout ) ;
if ( mMaxItemsConfigEntry & & mMaxItemsConfigEntry - > uintValue ( ) ! = ( uint ) mMaxItems - > value ( ) )
mMaxItemsConfigEntry - > setUIntValue ( mMaxItems - > value ( ) ) ;
if ( mAddNewServersConfigEntry & & mAddNewServersConfigEntry - > boolValue ( ) ! = mAddNewServersCB - > isChecked ( ) )
mAddNewServersConfigEntry - > setBoolValue ( mAddNewServersCB - > isChecked ( ) ) ;
# endif
mConfig - > sync ( true ) ;
#if 0
// Also write the LDAP URLs to kabldaprc so that they are used by kaddressbook
KABSynchronizer sync ;
const KURL : : List toAdd = mWidget - > urlList ( ) ;
KURL : : List currentList = sync . readCurrentList ( ) ;
KURL : : List : : const_iterator it = toAdd . begin ( ) ;
KURL : : List : : const_iterator end = toAdd . end ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = end ; + + it ) {
// check if the URL is already in currentList
if ( currentList . find ( * it ) = = currentList . end ( ) )
// if not, add it
currentList . append ( * it ) ;
sync . writeList ( currentList ) ;
# endif
void DirectoryServicesConfigurationPage : : defaults ( )
mWidget - > defaults ( ) ;
if ( mTimeoutConfigEntry )
mTimeoutConfigEntry - > resetToDefault ( ) ;
if ( mMaxItemsConfigEntry )
mMaxItemsConfigEntry - > resetToDefault ( ) ;
if ( mAddNewServersConfigEntry )
mAddNewServersConfigEntry - > resetToDefault ( ) ;
# endif
load ( ) ;
extern " C "
TDE_EXPORT TDECModule * create_kleopatra_config_dirserv ( TQWidget * parent , const char * )
DirectoryServicesConfigurationPage * page =
new DirectoryServicesConfigurationPage ( parent , " kleopatra_config_dirserv " ) ;
return page ;
// tdelibs-3.2 didn't have the changed signal in TDECModule...
void DirectoryServicesConfigurationPage : : slotChanged ( )
emit changed ( true ) ;
// Find config entry for ldap servers. Implements runtime checks on the configuration option.
Kleo : : CryptoConfigEntry * DirectoryServicesConfigurationPage : : configEntry ( const char * componentName ,
const char * groupName ,
const char * entryName ,
Kleo : : CryptoConfigEntry : : ArgType argType ,
bool isList )
Kleo : : CryptoConfigEntry * entry = mConfig - > entry ( componentName , groupName , entryName ) ;
if ( ! entry ) {
KMessageBox : : error ( this , i18n ( " Backend error: gpgconf does not seem to know the entry for %1/%2/%3 " ) . arg ( componentName , groupName , entryName ) ) ;
return 0 ;
if ( entry - > argType ( ) ! = argType | | entry - > isList ( ) ! = isList ) {
KMessageBox : : error ( this , i18n ( " Backend error: gpgconf has wrong type for %1/%2/%3: %4 %5 " ) . arg ( componentName , groupName , entryName ) . arg ( entry - > argType ( ) ) . arg ( entry - > isList ( ) ) ) ;
return 0 ;
return entry ;
# include "dirservconfigpage.moc"