INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir) $(all_includes)
lib_LTLIBRARIES = libkgroupwarebase.la libkgroupwaredav.la
libkgroupwarebase_la_SOURCES = folderlister.cpp folderconfig.cpp folderlistview.cpp folderselectdialog.cpp \
groupwaredataadaptor.cpp groupwaredownloadjob.cpp \
calendaradaptor.cpp addressbookadaptor.cpp groupwareresourcejob.cpp \
groupwareuploadjob.cpp kcal_resourcegroupwarebase.cpp tdeabc_resourcegroupwarebase.cpp \
tderesources_groupwareprefs.kcfgc \
kcal_resourcegroupwarebaseconfig.cpp tdeabc_resourcegroupwarebaseconfig.cpp \
libkgroupwarebase_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) -no-undefined
libkgroupwarebase_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/libkcal/libkcal.la \
libkgroupwaredav_la_SOURCES = davcalendaradaptor.cpp davaddressbookadaptor.cpp webdavhandler.cpp \
libkgroupwaredav_la_LDFLAGS = $(all_libraries) -no-undefined
libkgroupwaredav_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/libkcal/libkcal.la \
$(top_builddir)/libtdepim/libtdepim.la libkgroupwarebase.la
### We use three (or more) namespaces here in here - KPIM, KABC and KCal.
### When using multiple "using namespace foo" declarations, namespaced
### definitions cannot be resolved properly; we could use namespace foo { }
### instead, but this breaks on TDEConfigXT generated code, which still uses
### "using namespace" and can't be fixed due to our backwards-compatibility
### requirements. This is only fatal when doing --enable-final, since only
### then do all the namespaces get mixed together.
KDE_OPTIONS = nofinal
messages: rc.cpp
$(XGETTEXT) *.cpp -o $(podir)/tdepimresources.pot